2005 Author Reviews for

Reviews for Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings

Reviewer: Lindelea Category: Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings Valid Characters: 650 Score: 7
It is funny, but for a long time PearlTook and I could not read each other's stories! Our visions of the Shire were so similar, and if we were writing in the same time period there was a real danger of spillover or accidental plagiarism. I remember the first "PearlTook" story I ever read, with engaging characters, wonderful inter-relationships, and a nightmare for formatting... but Pearl has come a very long way since then. Her stories are polished now, though the characters remain as engaging as ever. Her descriptions draw one into the story; her dialogue rings true; she throws in, seemingly in a casual manner, those little details that bring a story to life. Her love of the characters and Tolkien's world shines from the page. I am always looking forward to more from this author. (Hint, hint?)

Reviews for Genres: Drama (includes Angst)

Reviewer: grey_wonderer Category: Genres: Drama (includes Angst) Valid Characters: 364 Score: 4
This author writes epics. Her writing takes you along for the ride and you are never disappointed. I like her use of the major character's families in her stories. She writes excellent angst but she doesn't over-do the suffering. Her hobbits may be in danger but you never feel as if they are without hope. I think this holds true to Tolkien's discription of the hobbits and their outlook on things. Very, very talented and very entertaining writer.
Reviewer: pippinfan88 Category: Genres: Drama (includes Angst) Valid Characters: 1465 Score: 10
This author, Pearl Took, and this story, is what drew me into LOTR fanfiction. Her encouragement, and her own tales kept me spellbound for the past (nearly) three years. This author dots her i's and crosses her t's when she writes a tale, bringing the reader to laughter, joy, and tears all within the same story because everything in the story is placed just so, making the adventure a pleasurable one for the reader. Her Pippin and Merry--and the charaters of both sets of parents are very plausible and well thought-out. Her Merry and Pippin would make Professor Tolkien proud. I am proud to call Pearl Took my mentor and dearest of friends, whose encouragement has enabled me to broaden and improve my own writing skills. With all that said, I must add that Pearl has been what I call, aTrailblazer, or the Queen of Plots and Twists. She makes the reader think that she's writing the obvious...NOT. Her tales will take a sudden turn, the plot taking on a life of its own and ending with something totally different than what we initially envisioned. Pearl likes to take the reader into unknown realms, such as the Occupation of ruffians while our four lovable lads were away south destroying the RIng. Her best "unknown realm" as been what she calls the Took Sight, involving her original character cullassisul, who first appears in While We Dwealt in Fear, as one who watches over her Tooklings...special Tooks who have this gift of foresight. Pearl took JRRT's comment that it was said that a Took married a faery long ago...and Cullassisul is that faery. Wonderful--a lot of authors have dabbled with that special sight, but Pearl is the one to have used it inconjunction with the Took's faery blood. Thank you, Pearl, for sharing your amazing world of hobbits. :-)

Reviews for Races/Places: Hobbits

Reviewer: grey_wonderer Category: Races/Places: Hobbits Valid Characters: 372 Score: 4
I am constantly surprised by this author. She makes me see things from new angles that I had failed to consider. Even the most traditional subject becomes an adventure in one of her stories. I have several of her saved as favorites that I have read many times over. I think that one of the things that makes this author's stories so entertaining is her characterizations. She brings new insight into minor characters and she isn't afraid to tackle a long story.
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