2006 Author Reviews for

Reviews for Genres: Alternate Universe

Reviewer: Marigold Category: Genres: Alternate Universe Valid Characters: 335 Score: 4
Pipkin Sweetgrass has a deep and abiding love for Merry, Pippin, and Boromir, and this love is reflected in each and every story that she writes no matter what the subject matter. Her plots are engaging, and always hold some surprises for the reader. No matter what the story, there are always several layers of meaning, some truth or lesson that may not immediately be apparent, and I like that very much.

Reviews for Genres: Romance

Reviewer: pippinfan88 Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 567 Score: 5
Poetry is yet another brilliant facet of the wonderfully talented Pipkinsweetgrass. In all of her tales, she has a lovely way of making Boromir come to life for me. Before I met this author, Boromir was just another character who bit the dust, to me. Not any more. Pipkin has done a remarkable job with bringing him to life, allowing me to see inside his heart and soul--and whom better to write about his heart and soul than someone who revels in his persona? Her love for the character Boromir is displayed in all of her tales. Her stories contain just the right measure of humour, drama, and angst. Nothing is over the top or out of place. I always enjoy reading stories written by Pipkin!

Reviews for Races: Cross-Cultural

Reviewer: Pearl Took Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 219 Score: 3
I deeply enjoy PipkinSweetgrass\' insights into Boromir and Pippin, both as individuals and in the relationship between the two of them. She has a strong love of Tolkien\'s writings and respect for his characters. She has a fun, wicked, and hobbity sense of humor.
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 213 Score: 3
It is obvious that Pipkin Sweetgrass has a deep and abiding love for Pippin and Boromir, and that she has an excellent understanding of Pippin\'s relationship with Faramir as well. Her stories always have several layers of meaning and I like that very much.

Reviews for Races: Hobbits

Reviewer: Lindelea Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 224 Score: 3
Pipkinsweetgrass obviously has a great deal of respect for JRRT\'s world and characters, especially Boromir. I love the details she weaves into her writing, the character interactions, the touches of humour. Always looking forward to reading more from this author.
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 208 Score: 3
Pipkin has a wonderful grasp of Merry and Pippin, and of LoTR in general. I always enjoy her stories; they are usually about *people* and how they interact, moreso than adventure or drama or what-have-you being the focal point, and I like that very much!
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