2005 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Genres: Movie-verse
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Genres: Movie-verse Valid Characters: 821 Score: 8
Last year, I said that Rachel knows how to make virtues of vices, by taking what seems like contradictory or at least very inconsistent character interactions and characterizations and rendering them sensible, well nigh *logical*. It's a gift we need to see more of when it comes to writing movieverse fics, particularly when it comes to later films, where the scriptwriters have had a chance to thoroughly screw up what seemed like such a promising beginning in some cases.
But even within FoTR, there are problematic interactions, particularly with the EE DVD inserts. Rachel shows consummate skill in making sense of the bordering-on-senseless, and a relationship with a lot of notable ups and downs that can feel overdone or inconsistent or just plain nonsensical. I'm really grateful for that as it has definitely let me enjoy the EE DVD of FOTR more. If ever she should turn her eye towards a certain interpersonal blow up in the armory of Helm's Deep, I'd be there with bells on to see what she made of it... *hint hint.*