2006 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Genres: Humor
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 726 Score: 6
Steff has a very pleasing sense of the down-to-earth amidst the magical elements of Middle-earth, how things sound and feel and smell. She does not neglect the magical and grand, and her description of the fallout of the eruption of Mt. Doom is excellent; and her treatment of Faramir\'s visionary capacity is interesting, fitting the brisk tone of her story \"Avoidance\" perfectly.
Steff mingles the elements of movie-LOTR and the book with her own considerable imagination; and comes up with a stronger and more believable Faramir than Peter Jackson did.
But it is her short story, {17 Cunning Corsairs} , that really caught my eye. There, she takes the reader into the mind of a young girl, in a Middle-earth moment never scripted by Tolkien or filmed by PJ, and illuminates it with great charm.
I look forward to seeing more stories of varying lengths from her in the future.
Reviews for Genres: Romance
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 726 Score: 6
Steff has a very pleasing sense of the down-to-earth amidst the magical elements of Middle-earth, how things sound and feel and smell. She does not neglect the magical and grand, and her description of the fallout of the eruption of Mt. Doom is excellent; and her treatment of Faramir\'s visionary capacity is interesting, fitting the brisk tone of her story \"Avoidance\" perfectly.
Steff mingles the elements of movie-LOTR and the book with her own considerable imagination; and comes up with a stronger and more believable Faramir than Peter Jackson did.
But it is her short story, [17 Cunning Corsairs], that really caught my eye. There, she takes the reader into the mind of a young girl, in a Middle-earth moment never scripted by Tolkien or filmed by PJ, and illuminates it with great charm.
I look forward to seeing more stories of varying lengths from her in the future.