Author Awards
Author Awards were given in 2004, 2005, and 2006. Like stories, the authors received reviews as votes.
2006 - Genres
Genres: Adventure
First Place - The Battle of the Black Gate Award
Branwyn (Reviews)
Second Place - The Battle of the Pelennor Field Award
Nilmandra (Reviews)
Third Place - The Battle of Helm's Deep Award
Dreamflower (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
daw the minstrel (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
SlightlyTookish (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Katzilla (Reviews)
Genres: Alternate Universe
First Place - The Boromor Lives Award
EdorasLass (Reviews)
Second Place - The Tenth Walker Award
Dana (Reviews)
Third Place - The Faramir Goes to Rivendell Award
AmandaK (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Alassante (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Ottis413 (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
juno_magic (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
digdigil (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Katzilla (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Ribby (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
pipkinsweetgrass (Reviews)
Genres: Cross-Cultural
First Place - The Legolas and Gimli Award
Marigold (Reviews)
Second Place - The Gandalf and Bilbo Award
Dawn Felagund (Reviews)
Third Place - The Merry and Eowyn Award
Bodkin (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Thevina Finduilas (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Raksha the Demon (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
meckinock (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Indigo Bunting (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Gandalfs apprentice (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Marta (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Lindelea (Reviews)
Genres: Cross-Cultural: Fixed-Length Ficlet
First Place - The Legolas and Gimli Award
Gandalfs apprentice (Reviews)
Second Place - The Gandalf and Bilbo Award
Isabeau of Greenlea (Reviews)
Third Place - The Merry and Eowyn Award
Raksha the Demon (Reviews)
Genres: Drama
First Place - The Turin Turambar Award
annmarwalk (Reviews)
Second Place - The Frodo Baggins Award
Dwimordene (Reviews)
Third Place - The Faramir, Son of Denethor Award
EdorasLass (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Marigold (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Isabeau of Greenlea (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Branwyn (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Alawa (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Inkling (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Nilmandra (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Rhapsody (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Dawn Felagund (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
DrummerWench (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Marta (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Larner (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Elanor (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Rabidsamfan (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
NeumeIndil (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Budgielover (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Acacea (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
GamgeeFest (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Lady Aranel (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Isil Elensar (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
elliska (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Space Weavil (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Gandalfs apprentice (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Katzilla (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
pippinfan88 (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
digdigil (Reviews)
Genres: Drama: Fixed-Length Ficlet
First Place - The Turin Turambar Award
Branwyn (Reviews)
Second Place - The Frodo Baggins Award
Altariel (Reviews)
Third Place - The Faramir, Son of Denethor Award
Gandalfs apprentice (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Tanaqui (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Werecat (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Rabidsamfan (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Minuialeth (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Ghettoelleth (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Dreamflower (Reviews)
Genres: Drama: Poetry
First Place - The Turin Turambar Award
Dwimordene (Reviews)
Second Place - The Frodo Baggins Award
Alassante (Reviews)
Third Place - The Faramir, Son of Denethor Award
Vana Tuivana (Reviews)
Genres: Humor
First Place - The Merry and Pippin Award
Gandalfs apprentice (Reviews)
Second Place - The Barliman Butterbur Award
EdorasLass (Reviews)
Third Place - The Gaffer Gamgee Award
Raksha the Demon (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Gwynnyd (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Bodkin (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Marigold (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
annmarwalk (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
grey_wonderer (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Rhapsody (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Llinos (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Alassante (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Oshun (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Thundera Tiger (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
pippinfan88 (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Werecat (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Linda Hoyland (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
NeumeIndil (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Space Weavil (Reviews)
Genres: Non-Fiction
First Place - The Library of Imladris Award
Súlriel (Reviews)
Second Place - The Archives of Minas Tirith Award
Dreamflower (Reviews)
Third Place - ThThe Scrolls of Orthanc Award
Rabidsamfan (Reviews)
Genres: Romance
First Place - The Aragorn and Arwen Award
annmarwalk (Reviews)
Second Place - The Lúthien and Beren Award
Madeleine (Reviews)
Third Place - The Sam and Rosie Award
Branwyn (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Gwynnyd (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Raksha the Demon (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Oshun (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Bodkin (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
pippinfan88 (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
annmarwalk/EdorasLass CoAuthors (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Lady Aranel (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Trekqueen (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
SilverMoonLady (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Lady Bluejay (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Raihon (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
stefaniab (Reviews)
Honorable Mention
Thevina Finduilas (Reviews)
Genres: Romance: Fixed-Length Ficlet
First Place - The Aragorn and Arwen Award
Marta (Reviews)
Second Place - The Lúthien and Beren Award
Gandalfs apprentice (Reviews)
Third Place - The Sam and Rosie Award
Raksha the Demon (Reviews)