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Msg# 5382

23 Reviews Today 9/16/2005 Posted by Ainaechoiriel September 16, 2005 - 23:29:56 Topic ID# 5382
Title: Ad Sum . Author: Dwimordene . Races/Places: Gondor: Original
Characters . ID: 693
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-16 01:58:55
A story that deals with the kind of aftermath to battle that is usually
overlooked. Eerie, in a way. I like the central character - her profession
has rules and she is an honourable representative of a role that is
essential - but uncomfortable to think of. I enjoyed this.
Title: In Dreams . Author: Celandine Brandybuck . Races/Places: Elves:
Lothlorien . ID: 679
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-16 02:01:26
Oh, how sad for Haldir! I cannot pretend to know Haldir's torment; as every
fresh-out-of-college single, I face my family's questions of "when are you
going to settle down", but for me the discomfort is only discomfort at not
being ready to do just that. It is not the torment I imagine Haldir would
have felt. Good job on capturing the gravity of his situation, not excusing
it but creating a realistic treatment of the problem.

In a few places the language did feel a tad modern -- but that was more than
outweighed by the parts I loved, such as the philosophical discussion. I
caught glimpses of our own world's philosophers, such as Kant's assertion
that homosexuality is not moral because it reduces one's partner to an end
in him- or herself. Very thought-provoking! All in all, this was a nice
Title: Blackberries in Lossarnach . Author: jen_loves_elves . Races/Places:
Gondor: Vignette . ID: 1276
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-16 02:05:11
I liked young Ioreth - naturally curious and exuberant. And with an insight
into the worth of Aragorn son of Arathorn that none would suspect. I wonder
if she tells him?
Title: 'Peering in the water as the dark eve fell, I caught him, Gollum.' .
Author: Avon . Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Drabble . ID: 19
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-16 02:07:43
Oh, very well done. You have some very nice turns of phrase here such as
"Through darkness and mire I drive him; through forest and briar he drives
me". In the end who is exactly whose prisoner is a mute point, for they are
both in bondage to Mordor because they cannot dow hat they would like.
Aragorn would rather be in Rivendell, I am sure, never battling against the
dark. Alas, fate is never truly kind. ;-)
Title: Kings of Men . Author: Cirdan . Races/Places: Elves: Imladris . ID:
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-16 02:10:57
Interesting exploration of the Twins' ultimate choice, and what might have
led thedm to choose it.
Title: Heirs of Isildur . Author: Dwimordene . Races/Places: Men: Eriador .
ID: 243
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-16 10:11:12
It is surprising that Aragorn was allowed to go so long without marrying to
produce that next generation heir. Despite Elrond's prophesying. I daresay
that is what kept the future king wading through the wilderness with such
dedication. Nothing to do with Sauron and the war against the encroaching
Shadow. All about avoiding matchmaking mamas and their darling daughters.
Very entertaining.
Title: How It All Got Started . Author: Dreamflower . Races/Places: Hobbits:
Pre-War of the Ring . ID: 1169
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-16 10:30:28
A simple start - planned out of love. And look how it turned out! I'm glad
that Sam and Merry were able to overcome Gafferishness to work together on
Title: In Umbar, at the docks . Author: Werecat . Genres: Mystery . ID: 117
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-16 13:46:21
There are some beautifully poetic moments here - some lovely use of language
and images - and it is a fascinating twist on a legend that is not one of
Gondor's finest moments.
Title: Binding . Author: Forodwaith . Races/Places: Cross-Cultural . ID: 353
Reviewer: Azalais . 2005-09-16 13:54:36
The first part is sweet, the second bittersweet; Forodwaith can write depths
of emotion with a very light touch. The customs relating to hair and binding
make perfect sense for Elves; I like the idea of Arwen making him almost one
of her people with his first Elven-style braiding! - and the double meanings
of "binding" are put to good use. As ever from this author, excellent
characterisation of Arwen with her gentleness, humour and inner strength.
Title: Thread of Fate . Author: Forodwaith . Genres: Romance: Rivendell .
ID: 15
Reviewer: Azalais . 2005-09-16 14:03:34
There's something particularly Elvish about this fic - its sense of time,
how it deals with the work of creation and the learning of new skills, the
craft of magic and the magic of craft. We don't know how long, except "long
was the making" it took Arwen to weave Aragorn's standard; but this is
certainly possible, and it's a great portrayal of Arwen's love, loyalty and
faith being put forth to sustain her beloved just as effectively as her
brothers do by steed and sword.
Title: Spirit Reforged . Author: Erin's Daughter . Races/Places: Elves:
Imladris . ID: 725
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-16 15:02:45
There are lots of things to praise about this short piece, but I think my
favourite is how you handle the relationship between dwarf and elf. How
touching, that the unnamed elven smith here feels more kindred to a dwarf
(Telchar) because of a shard trade, than he would to one of his own race --
that is a beautiful image of what might be possible in the peace of the
Fourth Age. Both have their own strengths and spirits to contribute, and
it's touching to think that both helped free the West.
Title: Hands of a Healer . Author: Azalais . Books/Time: The Lord of The
Rings: Drabble . ID: 142
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-16 15:07:16
The thing I really like about this drabble is the amount of characterisation
you give Bilbo, and in just five words: "The normally cheerful voice
quavers." That to me is the very heart of his personality. Well done all
around on this one.
Title: Sapphire Aurae . Author: Bejai . Races/Places: Elves: Imladris . ID:
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-16 15:19:21
What can I say about "Sapphire Aurae"? Not enough to give this piece all the
points it deserves, that's for sure. this is above and beyond the best piece
I have read this year, probably in the fandom all-told. I remember when
Marnie first recommended the piece to me, I was skeptical to start a longer
piece, but I'm very glad I did.

One of my favourite parts is the way she handles Elrond's temptation by the
Ring. She gives us a truly dark glimpse of what might have come if Elrond
had accepted it, but we know that the Ring really works by magnifying our
already-existing character faults. So to make a truly compelling possibility
you have to identify some parts of everyone's favourite half-elf that are,
um, "less savoury" than what we typically try to ascribe to him. But this is
nothing but not compelling.

And Celebrian... poor Celebrian, I felt for her so much when she senses the
sapphire aurae about Elrond's ring and pulls back from him, running home to
talk to her father. That conversation was truly perceptive, and it felt so
elven. Celeborn really does understand what she's going through, and that
was a nice nod, but I particularly liked the discussion of wedding bands and
the "magic" that might be in them.

But the thing that absolutely blew me away was the way you progressed
Elrond's and Celebrian's relationship. Now I'm no romantic, but I was very,
VERY pleased by how you moved from Celebrian needing to see Elrond on the
day of her wedding, that urgency (and may I say I still laugh out loud at
Galadriel's revelation to her daughter), to the relaxed love where she calms
him in council meetings while she works in the garden, or the comfortable
way they cuddle by the fire when Gandalf arrives. And that ending was
simply... perfect.

If you are interested in Rings, read it. The Imladris Elves? Definitely. Or
even if you just want a good tell.
Title: L for Love . Author: Tehta . Races/Places: Elves: First Age . ID:
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-16 16:06:51
*snork* Oh, this was great fun! It's nice seeing Celeborn being a little
less-than-wise every now and then, and Daeron's motives for inviting writing
were also very well-conceived. Funny!
Title: First Meeting . Author: Forodwaith . Books/Time: The Lord of The
Rings: Drabble . ID: 364
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-16 16:12:42
A lot of pieces deal with Elrond's feelings on hearing about Arwen's
betrothal, but not enough about Celeborn's and Galadriel's. And those two
woould have seen Luthien fade... very nicely done. You captured the perilous
nature of the lord and lady of Lorien well here.
Title: One Word . Author: Joan Milligan . Races/Places: Elves: First Age .
ID: 1081
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-16 17:07:41
Like all of Joan Milligan's stories, this one wasn't exactly enjoyable in
the proper sense, but it was definitely worth the read. "Thought-provoking
edging on disturbign" might be a good description of her own stories (and my
own, come to it). I liked this story, and it certainly accomplished what I
think Joan intended to do, but the material at hand simply keeps it from
being enjoyable.

What really fascinated me was how this story dealt with the concept of what
was incomprehensible and what was comprehensible. Of course most things are,
when you're in a culture where the words and even the very language are
different. But by the end I was wondering about the things the Noldorin elf
thought he might be allowed to justify if he was allowed to. What possible
justification did he feel there was for murdering people? the Noldor's own
suffering did not justify the Kinslaying, but of course I doubt that would
keep one of the maligned realise that. The need to justify is in some sense
more important, more definitive, than the justification could ever be.

So, yeah, you have me thinking now. ;-) Always the sign of a good story.
Title: Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes .
Author: Forodwaith . Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Drabble . ID: 371
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-16 17:12:33
Wise Arwen! In many ways wiser than her Arwen, to choose not based on
whisperings of what the future might bring but instead on what she desired
no matter what the practical outcome.
Title: Circle of Hands . Author: Ghettoelleth . Genres: Romance: Incomplete
. ID: 165
Reviewer: Space Weavil . 2005-09-16 18:10:05
'Circle of Hands' opens with such an evocative and colourful description of
the beginning of the world; Ghettoelleth brings her own unique and
wonderfully flowing voice to the narrative, and I feel I can relate to the
events in the Silmarillion a little better, having had her 'explain' it to
me in her words. The style of prose, however, simply gets better from there
on in. Each character's thoughts are fabulously described, so that I feel I
have seen these events from Glorfindel, Cirdan and Anaiel's perspective, and
even the minor characters are written in fantastic detail. Ghettoelleth's
central character is cleverly drawn, with enough intrigue and mystery to
keep the reader interested in her tale and enough realism and true sentiment
to make sure we sympathise with her plight.
Title: The Trees Remember . Author: VanatheEverYoung . Books/Time: Post-Ring
War: Incomplete . ID: 525
Reviewer: Space Weavil . 2005-09-16 18:17:03
I really admire the way Vanatheeveryoung has managed to weave Middle-earth
and the Second World War together, and still keep everyone true to their
canon character. The historical detail is phenomenal and rather than being
overwhelming, creates an atmosphere of tension and drama that compliments
Vana's characterisation very nicely. The cliff-hanger endings, moreover, are
very skillfully done and ensure the reader wishes to read on.
Title: For Love of Creation . Author: Andreth . Races/Places: Villains . ID:
Reviewer: Space Weavil . 2005-09-16 18:21:12
Andreth's story very much echos the Professor's style, but does not come
across as dry or stilted at all. This is a wonderful insight into the
motivations in The Silmarillion, and displays a highly intellectual style of
writing, which is very enjoyable to read.
Title: Cursed Queen of Angmar . Author: khazar_khum . Races/Places:
Villains: Nazgul . ID: 450
Reviewer: Space Weavil . 2005-09-16 18:23:41
The story opens very atmospherically and the attention to canon details is
remarkable. As the tale progresses, it is astounding just how well the
Nazgul are portrayed and how the author builds sympathy for them, as well as
creating a believable romance for a character who would not seem the first
choice as a romantic lead.
Title: Nimloth's Grace . Author: Rhapsody . Books/Time: The Silmarillion:
Second Age . ID: 434
Reviewer: Space Weavil . 2005-09-16 18:28:42
I adore this story, not only because the Faithful and the Fall of Numenor is
one of my favourite subjects in Middle-earth history, but also because
Rhapsody portrays everything so beautifully. Her prose is outstanding, with
wonderful description, and her characters are finely crafted and very
Title: Price of Delay . Author: viv . Genres: Drama (includes Angst):
Drabble . ID: 782
Reviewer: Space Weavil . 2005-09-16 18:32:03
The final line of this drabble gave me shivers. In fact the whole thing was
so heartfelt and poignant that I found myself almost teary for Thingol. It's
impossible to imagine the distress of never having seen the beauty of
Valinor, and the despair those who knew the continent must have felt when
the Trees were poisoned, but Viv manages to encompass all of this in the
space of one hundred words. That, to me, is utterly remarkable.

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