Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 8625

FAQs and review strategies for 2008 Posted by aure\_enteluva April 09, 2008 - 10:37:16 Topic ID# 8625
Hey guys,

I'm working on updating the FAQs for the 2008 awards, and would
appreciate your help. I want to make sure there is an FAQ on every
topic that I've agreed to write, or that you guys think would be
helpful. To that end, it would be helpful if you tell me any FAQs
you'd like to make sure are included this year, that weren't there in

If you've requested an FAQ in the past, I probably already have it
included - but please remind me to be on the safe side, okay?

The 2007 FAQs are available at:

(you don't even need to be logged in to see this.)

Just so everyone is clear, this is the 2007 FAQs, and changes decided
on in the post-mortem aren't reflected. But even if you requested an
FAQ in the post-mortem, please remind me so I can be double-sure it's

Also, if you have participated in the MEFAs in the past and would
like to offer your suggestions about how to make the best use of the
time you have to review (or if you want to edit one you wrote in a
previous year), email mefasupport-at-gmail-dot-com. I can add it to
the suggestions currently at

Thanks for your help, everyone!


(PS- I also posted this at mefa-discussion. You can reply either

Msg# 8626

MEFAs at Fan History Wiki Posted by Barbara Rich April 11, 2008 - 20:44:35 Topic ID# 8626
I just thought everyone might like to know that the MEFAs got a mention on
the Lord of the Rings Fandom page:


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8627

Re: MEFAs at Fan History Wiki Posted by Ainaechoiriel April 16, 2008 - 13:49:16 Topic ID# 8626
Yep. I added it's founding there. It's all ready for someone to add a whole
page about it. I don't have the time as I'm working 2 jobs outside the
home, working a part-time home business, trying to raise funds and go
paperwork for an adoption, supposed to be studying for the Travel Agent
Proficiency exam, and hoping to get out of writer's block on Chapter 13 of
my St:ENT story.



From: [] On Behalf
Of Barbara Rich
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 8:45 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] MEFAs at Fan History Wiki

I just thought everyone might like to know that the MEFAs got a mention on
the Lord of the Rings Fandom page:
http://www.fanhisto <>


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8628

MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by aure\_enteluva April 21, 2008 - 15:05:17 Topic ID# 8628
Hey gang,

I'm working with Tanaqui and Aranel Took to get ready for the 2008
MEFAs. We had hope to be ready to start on May 1, which is fast
approaching. If everything's ready by then nominations will run May
1-June 15, and the awards will proceed from there. (We may have to
push the start date back to May 15 if the website isn't quite ready -
if so I will make another announcement.)


In the meantime, I want to make sure everyone will be able to log in.
Can everyone try to log in to

If you can log in here, you should be able to log in to the 2008
website as well. So go ahead and try to log in to the above address,
to make sure you remember your password and everything. I sent one
member her password earlier this week, so you'll be in good company if
you can't log in.

If you *do* have troubles, either now or once the 2008 awards start,
please email mefasupport-at-gmail-dot-com.

Remember, to nominate stories you need to be a member of the MEFAwards
Yahoo group. If you're not a member and would like to nominate
stories, please go ahead and join now so that we can get you set up now.


If you want to get involved, you can become a nominator. Or let your
story participate. Or (perhaps most importantly!) review some stories.
These are the three most common types of participants. It's not
glamorous work, but it is crucial - we wouldn't have a MEFAs without you.

We do need some more specialized volunteers, though. If you're
interested in doing any of these things, please email

1. PROMOTER. If you're a member of a group, you can make MEFA
announcements there, and either answer peoples' questions or pass them
along to me for an official answer. I will send out announcements to
promoters, which you can personalize if you like or just forward them on.

*** Time Commitment: You'd need to be available fairly regularly from
now until the end of the awards (either the end of October or November
15, depending on when we start). But it's not a major problem if
you're unavailable for one or two announcements, so if you go away on
vacation for a few weeks that's generally okay. Making the
announcements doesn't take much time - you just have to send an email
or make a forum post, at most once every week or two. (Usually not
even that often.)

*** MEFA Experience Needed: None needed. It's good if you know a
little about the awards, in case people ask questions at your group,
but you can always pass those questions along to me and I'll write up
an answer that you can give to your group.

2. BANNER CREATORS. It's just what it sounds like - you would create
banners for nominated authors, reviewers who reach their reviewing
goal, and for authors whose stories win a prize. You can do as much or
as little as you'd like, and create on whatever topics you like.
Fiondil (who is managing banners this year) may approach you to create
a certain type of banner if it looks like we don't have enough of a
certain type. However, you can always say no.

*** Time Commitment: As much as you'd like. This really depends on how
many banners you'd like to create.

*** MEFA Experience Needed: None. If you can follow basic instructions
(as in: include these phrases, make the banner around this size), you
don't need to know anything else about the awards.

3. LIAISON. Author liaisons work with authors to get stories ready to
compete. You will email authors when they are first nominated, answer
any questions they have, and look over their story forms when they're

*** Time Commitment: Liaisons need to be available pretty consistently
from May 1-June 21 (or May 15-July 7, if we start later). How much
work depends a lot on how many authors are nominated, how much help
they need, and how many liaisons volunteer. The good news is that if
you find yourself short on time, we can often stop giving you new
authors - but it is pretty critical that you be able to check email
every few days during this period.

It's particularly important that you be around the last week, (June
16-June 21, or July 1-7 if we start later) because that's when your
authors will be under the most time pressure to finish their nominations.

*** MEFA Experience Necessary: It's good if you've participated at
least once, as an author or an author liaison, so you have a general
feel for the process. But if you can follow instructions and are
willing to ask questions when you don't understand, that's not really
*necessary* - just might make things easier.

4. WELCOME MANGER. This is a new volunteer position. Your job would be
to email every new participant within a few days of their joining the
website, welcoming them and offering to answer any questions they
might have. If you don't know the answers I can help (as can other
volunteers). The point is that you'd be a first point of contact for
new members.

*** Time Commitment: The WM needs to be pretty much available
throughout the awards. If you know you'll be away for a few weeks
another volunteer could step in short-term, though.

This is a new position, but I don't imagine it would require much time
once the awards get started. Things may be more busy at the beginning
of nominations, when most members will be joining for the first time.

*** MEFA Experience Necessary: It would be good if the Welcome Manager
has some experience with the MEFAs so he or she can affectively answer
questions. However, it's more important that you're friendly and
patient. If you're asked a question you don't know the answer to, you
can ask the other volunteers. (In fact, I recommend that you do that.)

5. RATINGS PANEL. Sometimes authors will be unsure what rating to give
their story. The ratings panel is a group of three volunteers who will
read scenes or chapters and give their opinion on how the story
containing that scene or chapter should be rated. I would then tell
the author that the story should be rated whatever the majority of the
panel chose.

Not every story nominated goes through the rating panel. An author can
request the RP's recommendation, and this happened maybe a half-dozen
times last year.

*** Time Commitment: You would need to be available fairly regularly
during nominations, especially toward the end of nomination season
(June 7-21, or June 21-July 7 if we start later). In theory you might
also be called upon to review a story later, if a member questions
whether the rating of a story is appropriate, though this has never
happened. How much time would be required depends on how quickly you
read, but the scenes you'd have to read shouldn't be that long.

*** MEFA Experience Necessary: The Ratings Panel members should have
some experience reading MEFA stories, so they have a feel for what
types of stories are usually given what kind of ratings. You also
should be able to follow the guidelines given in the Ratings Guide (in
the FAQ section of the website).

That's it! Let me know if you'd like to help out in any of these

(MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 8629

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by Beverly Pagani April 21, 2008 - 15:37:34 Topic ID# 8628
Hi Marta,

Could not get the other address to work.

Would love to be involved. I have a group, Elrond Lord of Imladris at Yahoo so I guess I would be a promoter there. Also could do something else like reviewer, or liaison if needed. No experience with MEFA but was nominated in another award program and worked on some other award type programs for my organization before I retired..

aure_enteluva <> wrote: Hey gang,

I'm working with Tanaqui and Aranel Took to get ready for the 2008
MEFAs. We had hope to be ready to start on May 1, which is fast
approaching. If everything's ready by then nominations will run May
1-June 15, and the awards will proceed from there. (We may have to
push the start date back to May 15 if the website isn't quite ready -
if so I will make another announcement.)


In the meantime, I want to make sure everyone will be able to log in.
Can everyone try to log in to

If you can log in here, you should be able to log in to the 2008
website as well. So go ahead and try to log in to the above address,
to make sure you remember your password and everything. I sent one
member her password earlier this week, so you'll be in good company if
you can't log in.

If you *do* have troubles, either now or once the 2008 awards start,
please email mefasupport-at-gmail-dot-com.

Remember, to nominate stories you need to be a member of the MEFAwards
Yahoo group. If you're not a member and would like to nominate
stories, please go ahead and join now so that we can get you set up now.


If you want to get involved, you can become a nominator. Or let your
story participate. Or (perhaps most importantly!) review some stories.
These are the three most common types of participants. It's not
glamorous work, but it is crucial - we wouldn't have a MEFAs without you.

We do need some more specialized volunteers, though. If you're
interested in doing any of these things, please email

1. PROMOTER. If you're a member of a group, you can make MEFA
announcements there, and either answer peoples' questions or pass them
along to me for an official answer. I will send out announcements to
promoters, which you can personalize if you like or just forward them on.

*** Time Commitment: You'd need to be available fairly regularly from
now until the end of the awards (either the end of October or November
15, depending on when we start). But it's not a major problem if
you're unavailable for one or two announcements, so if you go away on
vacation for a few weeks that's generally okay. Making the
announcements doesn't take much time - you just have to send an email
or make a forum post, at most once every week or two. (Usually not
even that often.)

*** MEFA Experience Needed: None needed. It's good if you know a
little about the awards, in case people ask questions at your group,
but you can always pass those questions along to me and I'll write up
an answer that you can give to your group.

2. BANNER CREATORS. It's just what it sounds like - you would create
banners for nominated authors, reviewers who reach their reviewing
goal, and for authors whose stories win a prize. You can do as much or
as little as you'd like, and create on whatever topics you like.
Fiondil (who is managing banners this year) may approach you to create
a certain type of banner if it looks like we don't have enough of a
certain type. However, you can always say no.

*** Time Commitment: As much as you'd like. This really depends on how
many banners you'd like to create.

*** MEFA Experience Needed: None. If you can follow basic instructions
(as in: include these phrases, make the banner around this size), you
don't need to know anything else about the awards.

3. LIAISON. Author liaisons work with authors to get stories ready to
compete. You will email authors when they are first nominated, answer
any questions they have, and look over their story forms when they're

*** Time Commitment: Liaisons need to be available pretty consistently
from May 1-June 21 (or May 15-July 7, if we start later). How much
work depends a lot on how many authors are nominated, how much help
they need, and how many liaisons volunteer. The good news is that if
you find yourself short on time, we can often stop giving you new
authors - but it is pretty critical that you be able to check email
every few days during this period.

It's particularly important that you be around the last week, (June
16-June 21, or July 1-7 if we start later) because that's when your
authors will be under the most time pressure to finish their nominations.

*** MEFA Experience Necessary: It's good if you've participated at
least once, as an author or an author liaison, so you have a general
feel for the process. But if you can follow instructions and are
willing to ask questions when you don't understand, that's not really
*necessary* - just might make things easier.

4. WELCOME MANGER. This is a new volunteer position. Your job would be
to email every new participant within a few days of their joining the
website, welcoming them and offering to answer any questions they
might have. If you don't know the answers I can help (as can other
volunteers). The point is that you'd be a first point of contact for
new members.

*** Time Commitment: The WM needs to be pretty much available
throughout the awards. If you know you'll be away for a few weeks
another volunteer could step in short-term, though.

This is a new position, but I don't imagine it would require much time
once the awards get started. Things may be more busy at the beginning
of nominations, when most members will be joining for the first time.

*** MEFA Experience Necessary: It would be good if the Welcome Manager
has some experience with the MEFAs so he or she can affectively answer
questions. However, it's more important that you're friendly and
patient. If you're asked a question you don't know the answer to, you
can ask the other volunteers. (In fact, I recommend that you do that.)

5. RATINGS PANEL. Sometimes authors will be unsure what rating to give
their story. The ratings panel is a group of three volunteers who will
read scenes or chapters and give their opinion on how the story
containing that scene or chapter should be rated. I would then tell
the author that the story should be rated whatever the majority of the
panel chose.

Not every story nominated goes through the rating panel. An author can
request the RP's recommendation, and this happened maybe a half-dozen
times last year.

*** Time Commitment: You would need to be available fairly regularly
during nominations, especially toward the end of nomination season
(June 7-21, or June 21-July 7 if we start later). In theory you might
also be called upon to review a story later, if a member questions
whether the rating of a story is appropriate, though this has never
happened. How much time would be required depends on how quickly you
read, but the scenes you'd have to read shouldn't be that long.

*** MEFA Experience Necessary: The Ratings Panel members should have
some experience reading MEFA stories, so they have a feel for what
types of stories are usually given what kind of ratings. You also
should be able to follow the guidelines given in the Ratings Guide (in
the FAQ section of the website).

That's it! Let me know if you'd like to help out in any of these

(MEFA Admin.)


Visit our website:! Groups Links

Elrond, Lord of Imladris

Stories Archived as Brindlemom2 at

Also Archived as Gilnaur at

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8630

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by Cathleen April 21, 2008 - 15:52:57 Topic ID# 8628
Hey Marta, count me in once again as an author liaison and a
promoter! My log-in works fine, I just double checked it. Looking
forward to it, this will be my third time!

--- In, "aure_enteluva" <melayton@...>
> Hey gang,
> I'm working with Tanaqui and Aranel Took to get ready for the 2008
> MEFAs. We had hope to be ready to start on May 1, which is fast
> approaching. If everything's ready by then nominations will run May
> 1-June 15, and the awards will proceed from there. (We may have to
> push the start date back to May 15 if the website isn't quite
ready -
> if so I will make another announcement.)
> --- PASSWORDS ---
> In the meantime, I want to make sure everyone will be able to log
> Can everyone try to log in to
> If you can log in here, you should be able to log in to the 2008
> website as well. So go ahead and try to log in to the above address,
> to make sure you remember your password and everything. I sent one
> member her password earlier this week, so you'll be in good company
> you can't log in.
> If you *do* have troubles, either now or once the 2008 awards start,
> please email mefasupport-at-gmail-dot-com.
> Remember, to nominate stories you need to be a member of the
> Yahoo group. If you're not a member and would like to nominate
> stories, please go ahead and join now so that we can get you set up
> --- VOLUNTEERS ---
> If you want to get involved, you can become a nominator. Or let your
> story participate. Or (perhaps most importantly!) review some
> These are the three most common types of participants. It's not
> glamorous work, but it is crucial - we wouldn't have a MEFAs
without you.
> We do need some more specialized volunteers, though. If you're
> interested in doing any of these things, please email
> mefasupport-at-gmail-dot-com.
> 1. PROMOTER. If you're a member of a group, you can make MEFA
> announcements there, and either answer peoples' questions or pass
> along to me for an official answer. I will send out announcements to
> promoters, which you can personalize if you like or just forward
them on.
> *** Time Commitment: You'd need to be available fairly regularly
> now until the end of the awards (either the end of October or
> 15, depending on when we start). But it's not a major problem if
> you're unavailable for one or two announcements, so if you go away
> vacation for a few weeks that's generally okay. Making the
> announcements doesn't take much time - you just have to send an
> or make a forum post, at most once every week or two. (Usually not
> even that often.)
> *** MEFA Experience Needed: None needed. It's good if you know a
> little about the awards, in case people ask questions at your group,
> but you can always pass those questions along to me and I'll write
> an answer that you can give to your group.
> 2. BANNER CREATORS. It's just what it sounds like - you would create
> banners for nominated authors, reviewers who reach their reviewing
> goal, and for authors whose stories win a prize. You can do as much
> as little as you'd like, and create on whatever topics you like.
> Fiondil (who is managing banners this year) may approach you to
> a certain type of banner if it looks like we don't have enough of a
> certain type. However, you can always say no.
> *** Time Commitment: As much as you'd like. This really depends on
> many banners you'd like to create.
> *** MEFA Experience Needed: None. If you can follow basic
> (as in: include these phrases, make the banner around this size),
> don't need to know anything else about the awards.
> 3. LIAISON. Author liaisons work with authors to get stories ready
> compete. You will email authors when they are first nominated,
> any questions they have, and look over their story forms when
> completed.
> *** Time Commitment: Liaisons need to be available pretty
> from May 1-June 21 (or May 15-July 7, if we start later). How much
> work depends a lot on how many authors are nominated, how much help
> they need, and how many liaisons volunteer. The good news is that if
> you find yourself short on time, we can often stop giving you new
> authors - but it is pretty critical that you be able to check email
> every few days during this period.
> It's particularly important that you be around the last week, (June
> 16-June 21, or July 1-7 if we start later) because that's when your
> authors will be under the most time pressure to finish their
> *** MEFA Experience Necessary: It's good if you've participated at
> least once, as an author or an author liaison, so you have a general
> feel for the process. But if you can follow instructions and are
> willing to ask questions when you don't understand, that's not
> *necessary* - just might make things easier.
> 4. WELCOME MANGER. This is a new volunteer position. Your job would
> to email every new participant within a few days of their joining
> website, welcoming them and offering to answer any questions they
> might have. If you don't know the answers I can help (as can other
> volunteers). The point is that you'd be a first point of contact for
> new members.
> *** Time Commitment: The WM needs to be pretty much available
> throughout the awards. If you know you'll be away for a few weeks
> another volunteer could step in short-term, though.
> This is a new position, but I don't imagine it would require much
> once the awards get started. Things may be more busy at the
> of nominations, when most members will be joining for the first
> *** MEFA Experience Necessary: It would be good if the Welcome
> has some experience with the MEFAs so he or she can affectively
> questions. However, it's more important that you're friendly and
> patient. If you're asked a question you don't know the answer to,
> can ask the other volunteers. (In fact, I recommend that you do
> 5. RATINGS PANEL. Sometimes authors will be unsure what rating to
> their story. The ratings panel is a group of three volunteers who
> read scenes or chapters and give their opinion on how the story
> containing that scene or chapter should be rated. I would then tell
> the author that the story should be rated whatever the majority of
> panel chose.
> Not every story nominated goes through the rating panel. An author
> request the RP's recommendation, and this happened maybe a half-
> times last year.
> *** Time Commitment: You would need to be available fairly regularly
> during nominations, especially toward the end of nomination season
> (June 7-21, or June 21-July 7 if we start later). In theory you
> also be called upon to review a story later, if a member questions
> whether the rating of a story is appropriate, though this has never
> happened. How much time would be required depends on how quickly you
> read, but the scenes you'd have to read shouldn't be that long.
> *** MEFA Experience Necessary: The Ratings Panel members should have
> some experience reading MEFA stories, so they have a feel for what
> types of stories are usually given what kind of ratings. You also
> should be able to follow the guidelines given in the Ratings Guide
> the FAQ section of the website).
> That's it! Let me know if you'd like to help out in any of these
> capacities.
> Marta
> (MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 8631

MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by Súlriel of Menegroth April 21, 2008 - 17:16:56 Topic ID# 8628

Hey Marta, I'd be happy to serve on the ratings panel again if you still
need people for that.

I guess I'm going to have to pass on being a liasion. I miss it already :(
I've always enjoyed that part a lot, but I have several pressing RL issues
right now and I have to be honest with myself about how much I can take on.

As always, if there are any little odd jobs that come up from time to time,
keep me in mind and I'll do it if I can.


On 4/21/08, aure_enteluva <> wrote:
> Hey gang,
> I'm working with Tanaqui and Aranel Took to get ready for the 2008
> MEFAs. We had hope to be ready to start on May 1, which is fast
> approaching. If everything's ready by then nominations will run May
> 1-June 15, and the awards will proceed from there. (We may have to
> push the start date back to May 15 if the website isn't quite ready -
> if so I will make another announcement.)
> .

Sue L

~ Horses for your Heroes

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8632

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by Arthur Boccaccio April 21, 2008 - 18:02:17 Topic ID# 8628
Hi Marta,

Just letting you know that I was able to get into MEFA (once I remembered my
password) *grin*

Thanks for forwarding Baranduin's message. I hope we can get others on board
with Banners as soon as possible so we can get a nice selection going for
all the winners. If anyone reading this wants to help out they can contact
me directly at:


"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nımo to an
Unidentified Elven Fıa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lımı! Utılie'n aurı! ı Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurı entuluva! ı Battle Cry of Hırin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utılie'n Estel ı Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8633

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by April 21, 2008 - 18:12:10 Topic ID# 8628
Hiya Beverly,

I'd love your help as a promoter. Can you give me the web address of
your group, for my records?

What will happen is when I have an announcement I will send an email to
everyone who has agreed to be a promoter. You can post at your group
exactly what I send you, or rewrite it in your own words if you prefer.
And if I ever send you too many announcements too soon together, you're
welcome to only post what you think would be helpful to your group.

For being a liaison, I'd be glad to have your help with that, too. When
we get closer to starting, I'll send an email to everyone who's
expressed an interest, with instructions for how that works.

As for being a reviewer, anyone who's a member of this group can do
that. (As can any author who has a story nominated.) Once the awards get
started, you'll be able to see the nominated stories on our webpage, and
beside the listing for each story there will be a link to enter a vote.
You vote by entering a review for the story; the longer the review the
more points it gives the story, up to ten points for 1,000 characters.

The FAQs for the 2008 website will be up soon (they're written, they
just need to be coded for the new site), but if you'd like to you can
read the 2007 FAQs to get a feel for the site. (They'll be really
similar to the 2008 ones, especially when it comes to voting.)

Btw, I'm sending you your password by private email as soon as I finish


Beverly Pagani wrote:
> Hi Marta,
> Could not get the other address to work.
> Would love to be involved. I have a group, Elrond Lord of Imladris at
> Yahoo so I guess I would be a promoter there. Also could do something
> else like reviewer, or liaison if needed. No experience with MEFA but
> was nominated in another award program and worked on some other award
> type programs for my organization before I retired..
> Beverly

Msg# 8634

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by April 21, 2008 - 18:17:07 Topic ID# 8628
Hi Sulriel,

I'm sorry to hear you won't be a liaison, but I understand completely. I
hope things will be more sane next year, and of course you'd be welcome
again then.

I'll put you down for the ratings panel, and if I have odd jobs come up,
I'll come to you.


Súlriel of Menegroth wrote:
> .
> Hey Marta, I'd be happy to serve on the ratings panel again if you still
> need people for that.
> I guess I'm going to have to pass on being a liasion. I miss it already :(
> I've always enjoyed that part a lot, but I have several pressing RL issues
> right now and I have to be honest with myself about how much I can take on.
> As always, if there are any little odd jobs that come up from time to time,
> keep me in mind and I'll do it if I can.
> Sulriel

Msg# 8635

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by Beverly Pagani April 21, 2008 - 18:17:45 Topic ID# 8628
The address is
I am looking forward to the awards process and any assistance I can provide.

"" <> wrote: Hiya Beverly,

I'd love your help as a promoter. Can you give me the web address of
your group, for my records?

What will happen is when I have an announcement I will send an email to
everyone who has agreed to be a promoter. You can post at your group
exactly what I send you, or rewrite it in your own words if you prefer.
And if I ever send you too many announcements too soon together, you're
welcome to only post what you think would be helpful to your group.

For being a liaison, I'd be glad to have your help with that, too. When
we get closer to starting, I'll send an email to everyone who's
expressed an interest, with instructions for how that works.

As for being a reviewer, anyone who's a member of this group can do
that. (As can any author who has a story nominated.) Once the awards get
started, you'll be able to see the nominated stories on our webpage, and
beside the listing for each story there will be a link to enter a vote.
You vote by entering a review for the story; the longer the review the
more points it gives the story, up to ten points for 1,000 characters.

The FAQs for the 2008 website will be up soon (they're written, they
just need to be coded for the new site), but if you'd like to you can
read the 2007 FAQs to get a feel for the site. (They'll be really
similar to the 2008 ones, especially when it comes to voting.)

Btw, I'm sending you your password by private email as soon as I finish


Beverly Pagani wrote:
> Hi Marta,
> Could not get the other address to work.
> Would love to be involved. I have a group, Elrond Lord of Imladris at
> Yahoo so I guess I would be a promoter there. Also could do something
> else like reviewer, or liaison if needed. No experience with MEFA but
> was nominated in another award program and worked on some other award
> type programs for my organization before I retired..
> Beverly


Visit our website:! Groups Links

Elrond, Lord of Imladris

Stories Archived as Brindlemom2 at

Also Archived as Gilnaur at

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8636

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by April 21, 2008 - 18:26:47 Topic ID# 8628
Hiya Arthur,

Excellent, thanks for letting me know you can log in.

I hope that people will create banners. I may make a few more myself,
though I prefer to spend my time doing stuff I find more interesting.
But banners are important! By all means, if you're artistic, get
involved with that.


Arthur Boccaccio wrote:
> Hi Marta,
> Just letting you know that I was able to get into MEFA (once I remembered my
> password) *grin*
> Thanks for forwarding Baranduin's message. I hope we can get others on board
> with Banners as soon as possible so we can get a nice selection going for
> all the winners. If anyone reading this wants to help out they can contact
> me directly at:
> Thanks.
> Fiondil

Msg# 8637

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by April 21, 2008 - 18:27:39 Topic ID# 8628
Hiya Beverly,

> The address is
> <>
> I am looking forward to the awards process and any assistance I can provide.
> Beverly

Thanks for the web address - I've made a note of it. I'm looking forward
to the awards, too.


Msg# 8638

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by April 21, 2008 - 18:30:49 Topic ID# 8628
Hi Cathleen,

Excellent! I'm glad to have you on board again as a liaison.


Cathleen wrote:
> Hey Marta, count me in once again as an author liaison and a
> promoter! My log-in works fine, I just double checked it. Looking
> forward to it, this will be my third time!
> Cathleen

Msg# 8639

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by Súlriel of Menegroth April 21, 2008 - 19:06:42 Topic ID# 8628


On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 6:16 PM, <>

> Hi Sulriel,
> I'm sorry to hear you won't be a liaison, but I understand completely. I
> hope things will be more sane next year, and of course you'd be welcome
> again then.
> I'll put you down for the ratings panel, and if I have odd jobs come up,
> I'll come to you.
> Marta
> Súlriel of Menegroth wrote:
> >
> >
> > .
> >
> > Hey Marta, I'd be happy to serve on the ratings panel again if you still
> > need people for that.
> >
> > I guess I'm going to have to pass on being a liasion. I miss it already
> :(
> > I've always enjoyed that part a lot, but I have several pressing RL
> issues
> > right now and I have to be honest with myself about how much I can take
> on.
> >
> > As always, if there are any little odd jobs that come up from time to
> time,
> > keep me in mind and I'll do it if I can.
> >
> > Sulriel
> >
> .


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8640

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell April 22, 2008 - 1:44:35 Topic ID# 8628
I'll be glad to be a promoter again. I have a number of websites I
promote on.
Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 8641

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by Ainaechoiriel April 22, 2008 - 10:34:40 Topic ID# 8628
Marta, I have a lot more time during the day (M-F) as there's a lot of
downtime in my job. I might be able then to be a Welcome Manager. My
weekend job does not have internet access so I'll be out there. I don't
often get online in the evenings. I'm just rather beat by then. Got all
this adoption stuff keeping me busy.

But if you think you can use me, I'll be glad to get involved again on
whatever level I can.



From: [] On Behalf
Of aure_enteluva
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 3:05 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers

Hey gang,

I'm working with Tanaqui and Aranel Took to get ready for the 2008
MEFAs. We had hope to be ready to start on May 1, which is fast
approaching. If everything's ready by then nominations will run May
1-June 15, and the awards will proceed from there. (We may have to
push the start date back to May 15 if the website isn't quite ready -
if so I will make another announcement.)


In the meantime, I want to make sure everyone will be able to log in.
Can everyone try to log in to

http://www.mefaward <>

If you can log in here, you should be able to log in to the 2008
website as well. So go ahead and try to log in to the above address,
to make sure you remember your password and everything. I sent one
member her password earlier this week, so you'll be in good company if
you can't log in.

If you *do* have troubles, either now or once the 2008 awards start,
please email mefasupport-at-gmail-dot-com.

Remember, to nominate stories you need to be a member of the MEFAwards
Yahoo group. If you're not a member and would like to nominate
stories, please go ahead and join now so that we can get you set up now.


If you want to get involved, you can become a nominator. Or let your
story participate. Or (perhaps most importantly!) review some stories.
These are the three most common types of participants. It's not
glamorous work, but it is crucial - we wouldn't have a MEFAs without you.

We do need some more specialized volunteers, though. If you're
interested in doing any of these things, please email

1. PROMOTER. If you're a member of a group, you can make MEFA
announcements there, and either answer peoples' questions or pass them
along to me for an official answer. I will send out announcements to
promoters, which you can personalize if you like or just forward them on.

*** Time Commitment: You'd need to be available fairly regularly from
now until the end of the awards (either the end of October or November
15, depending on when we start). But it's not a major problem if
you're unavailable for one or two announcements, so if you go away on
vacation for a few weeks that's generally okay. Making the
announcements doesn't take much time - you just have to send an email
or make a forum post, at most once every week or two. (Usually not
even that often.)

*** MEFA Experience Needed: None needed. It's good if you know a
little about the awards, in case people ask questions at your group,
but you can always pass those questions along to me and I'll write up
an answer that you can give to your group.

2. BANNER CREATORS. It's just what it sounds like - you would create
banners for nominated authors, reviewers who reach their reviewing
goal, and for authors whose stories win a prize. You can do as much or
as little as you'd like, and create on whatever topics you like.
Fiondil (who is managing banners this year) may approach you to create
a certain type of banner if it looks like we don't have enough of a
certain type. However, you can always say no.

*** Time Commitment: As much as you'd like. This really depends on how
many banners you'd like to create.

*** MEFA Experience Needed: None. If you can follow basic instructions
(as in: include these phrases, make the banner around this size), you
don't need to know anything else about the awards.

3. LIAISON. Author liaisons work with authors to get stories ready to
compete. You will email authors when they are first nominated, answer
any questions they have, and look over their story forms when they're

*** Time Commitment: Liaisons need to be available pretty consistently
from May 1-June 21 (or May 15-July 7, if we start later). How much
work depends a lot on how many authors are nominated, how much help
they need, and how many liaisons volunteer. The good news is that if
you find yourself short on time, we can often stop giving you new
authors - but it is pretty critical that you be able to check email
every few days during this period.

It's particularly important that you be around the last week, (June
16-June 21, or July 1-7 if we start later) because that's when your
authors will be under the most time pressure to finish their nominations.

*** MEFA Experience Necessary: It's good if you've participated at
least once, as an author or an author liaison, so you have a general
feel for the process. But if you can follow instructions and are
willing to ask questions when you don't understand, that's not really
*necessary* - just might make things easier.

4. WELCOME MANGER. This is a new volunteer position. Your job would be
to email every new participant within a few days of their joining the
website, welcoming them and offering to answer any questions they
might have. If you don't know the answers I can help (as can other
volunteers). The point is that you'd be a first point of contact for
new members.

*** Time Commitment: The WM needs to be pretty much available
throughout the awards. If you know you'll be away for a few weeks
another volunteer could step in short-term, though.

This is a new position, but I don't imagine it would require much time
once the awards get started. Things may be more busy at the beginning
of nominations, when most members will be joining for the first time.

*** MEFA Experience Necessary: It would be good if the Welcome Manager
has some experience with the MEFAs so he or she can affectively answer
questions. However, it's more important that you're friendly and
patient. If you're asked a question you don't know the answer to, you
can ask the other volunteers. (In fact, I recommend that you do that.)

5. RATINGS PANEL. Sometimes authors will be unsure what rating to give
their story. The ratings panel is a group of three volunteers who will
read scenes or chapters and give their opinion on how the story
containing that scene or chapter should be rated. I would then tell
the author that the story should be rated whatever the majority of the
panel chose.

Not every story nominated goes through the rating panel. An author can
request the RP's recommendation, and this happened maybe a half-dozen
times last year.

*** Time Commitment: You would need to be available fairly regularly
during nominations, especially toward the end of nomination season
(June 7-21, or June 21-July 7 if we start later). In theory you might
also be called upon to review a story later, if a member questions
whether the rating of a story is appropriate, though this has never
happened. How much time would be required depends on how quickly you
read, but the scenes you'd have to read shouldn't be that long.

*** MEFA Experience Necessary: The Ratings Panel members should have
some experience reading MEFA stories, so they have a feel for what
types of stories are usually given what kind of ratings. You also
should be able to follow the guidelines given in the Ratings Guide (in
the FAQ section of the website).

That's it! Let me know if you'd like to help out in any of these

(MEFA Admin.)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8642

MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by April 22, 2008 - 10:45:52 Topic ID# 8628
If there is still space available I would love to participate in the ratings
committee again this year. It was a pleasure working with you and the other
members last year.


**************Need a new ride? Check out the largest site for U.S. used car
listings at AOL Autos.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8643

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by PGF April 22, 2008 - 12:22:16 Topic ID# 8628
Hi, Marta:

I have no trouble logging into the '07 site. I'd be happy to help
out on the Ratings Panel...

Will the MEFA '07 reviews still be available after May 1, if someone
wants to look at them? Forgive me if I've asked the question before.


<<<<<<<<<<<--- In, "aure_enteluva"
<melayton@...> wrote:
> Hey gang,
> I'm working with Tanaqui and Aranel Took to get ready for the 2008
> MEFAs. We had hope to be ready to start on May 1, which is fast
> approaching. If everything's ready by then nominations will run May
> 1-June 15, and the awards will proceed from there. (We may have to
> push the start date back to May 15 if the website isn't quite
ready -
> if so I will make another announcement.)
> --- PASSWORDS ---
> In the meantime, I want to make sure everyone will be able to log
> Can everyone try to log in to
> If you can log in here, you should be able to log in to the 2008
> website as well. So go ahead and try to log in to the above address,
> to make sure you remember your password and everything. I sent one
> member her password earlier this week, so you'll be in good company
> you can't log in.
> If you *do* have troubles, either now or once the 2008 awards start,
> please email mefasupport-at-gmail-dot-com.
> Remember, to nominate stories you need to be a member of the
> Yahoo group. If you're not a member and would like to nominate
> stories, please go ahead and join now so that we can get you set up
> --- VOLUNTEERS ---
> If you want to get involved, you can become a nominator. Or let your
> story participate. Or (perhaps most importantly!) review some
> These are the three most common types of participants. It's not
> glamorous work, but it is crucial - we wouldn't have a MEFAs
without you.
> We do need some more specialized volunteers, though. If you're
> interested in doing any of these things, please email
> mefasupport-at-gmail-dot-com.
> 1. PROMOTER. If you're a member of a group, you can make MEFA
> announcements there, and either answer peoples' questions or pass
> along to me for an official answer. I will send out announcements to
> promoters, which you can personalize if you like or just forward
them on.
> *** Time Commitment: You'd need to be available fairly regularly
> now until the end of the awards (either the end of October or
> 15, depending on when we start). But it's not a major problem if
> you're unavailable for one or two announcements, so if you go away
> vacation for a few weeks that's generally okay. Making the
> announcements doesn't take much time - you just have to send an
> or make a forum post, at most once every week or two. (Usually not
> even that often.)
> *** MEFA Experience Needed: None needed. It's good if you know a
> little about the awards, in case people ask questions at your group,
> but you can always pass those questions along to me and I'll write
> an answer that you can give to your group.
> 2. BANNER CREATORS. It's just what it sounds like - you would create
> banners for nominated authors, reviewers who reach their reviewing
> goal, and for authors whose stories win a prize. You can do as much
> as little as you'd like, and create on whatever topics you like.
> Fiondil (who is managing banners this year) may approach you to
> a certain type of banner if it looks like we don't have enough of a
> certain type. However, you can always say no.
> *** Time Commitment: As much as you'd like. This really depends on
> many banners you'd like to create.
> *** MEFA Experience Needed: None. If you can follow basic
> (as in: include these phrases, make the banner around this size),
> don't need to know anything else about the awards.
> 3. LIAISON. Author liaisons work with authors to get stories ready
> compete. You will email authors when they are first nominated,
> any questions they have, and look over their story forms when
> completed.
> *** Time Commitment: Liaisons need to be available pretty
> from May 1-June 21 (or May 15-July 7, if we start later). How much
> work depends a lot on how many authors are nominated, how much help
> they need, and how many liaisons volunteer. The good news is that if
> you find yourself short on time, we can often stop giving you new
> authors - but it is pretty critical that you be able to check email
> every few days during this period.
> It's particularly important that you be around the last week, (June
> 16-June 21, or July 1-7 if we start later) because that's when your
> authors will be under the most time pressure to finish their
> *** MEFA Experience Necessary: It's good if you've participated at
> least once, as an author or an author liaison, so you have a general
> feel for the process. But if you can follow instructions and are
> willing to ask questions when you don't understand, that's not
> *necessary* - just might make things easier.
> 4. WELCOME MANGER. This is a new volunteer position. Your job would
> to email every new participant within a few days of their joining
> website, welcoming them and offering to answer any questions they
> might have. If you don't know the answers I can help (as can other
> volunteers). The point is that you'd be a first point of contact for
> new members.
> *** Time Commitment: The WM needs to be pretty much available
> throughout the awards. If you know you'll be away for a few weeks
> another volunteer could step in short-term, though.
> This is a new position, but I don't imagine it would require much
> once the awards get started. Things may be more busy at the
> of nominations, when most members will be joining for the first
> *** MEFA Experience Necessary: It would be good if the Welcome
> has some experience with the MEFAs so he or she can affectively
> questions. However, it's more important that you're friendly and
> patient. If you're asked a question you don't know the answer to,
> can ask the other volunteers. (In fact, I recommend that you do
> 5. RATINGS PANEL. Sometimes authors will be unsure what rating to
> their story. The ratings panel is a group of three volunteers who
> read scenes or chapters and give their opinion on how the story
> containing that scene or chapter should be rated. I would then tell
> the author that the story should be rated whatever the majority of
> panel chose.
> Not every story nominated goes through the rating panel. An author
> request the RP's recommendation, and this happened maybe a half-
> times last year.
> *** Time Commitment: You would need to be available fairly regularly
> during nominations, especially toward the end of nomination season
> (June 7-21, or June 21-July 7 if we start later). In theory you
> also be called upon to review a story later, if a member questions
> whether the rating of a story is appropriate, though this has never
> happened. How much time would be required depends on how quickly you
> read, but the scenes you'd have to read shouldn't be that long.
> *** MEFA Experience Necessary: The Ratings Panel members should have
> some experience reading MEFA stories, so they have a feel for what
> types of stories are usually given what kind of ratings. You also
> should be able to follow the guidelines given in the Ratings Guide
> the FAQ section of the website).
> That's it! Let me know if you'd like to help out in any of these
> capacities.
> Marta
> (MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 8644

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by April 22, 2008 - 19:36:48 Topic ID# 8628
Hi Oshun,

Excellent! There is still room, and we actually need one more beside
you, so I'm happy to have you on board.

Marta wrote:
> If there is still space available I would love to participate in the
> ratings
> committee again this year. It was a pleasure working with you and the other
> members last year.
> Oshun

Msg# 8645

Thank you and a request Posted by GW April 22, 2008 - 19:38:40 Topic ID# 8645
GW <> wrote: Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 02:49:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: GW <>
Subject: the email that I mentioned

I sent this information to Marta but she may not have had time to pass it on and I really wasn't certain if I should be sending it to her or to this email address.

Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I don't want any of my stories nominated for MEFAs this year. I LOVE the MEFA awards and have enjoyed participating in them every year that I've been nominated, including last year. My request has nothing to do with the awards themselves.

Unfortunately, due to RL and work I know that I will not have much time to review or nominate other stories and I don't think it is fair to be a part of something if you can't be fully involved. I may not have proper time to read the nominated stories and vote. This way, if I get a chance to do a bit of voting then that will be excellent but if I don't then I won't have to feel guilty because other folks took the time to nominate and vote for my stories but I was unable to do the same.

The MEFAs are so very well run and are such lovely awards. Everyone involved with them does an excellent job of providing the nominees with fair consideration. I hope to be able to vote and perhaps nominate a thing or two but I just can't say for certain if that will be possible.

For this year at least, can you put me on the list of folks that don't want to be nominated? I hope this won't affect my ability to nominate and vote for others by the way. (If time allows.)

Please extend my appreciation to everyone at the MEFAs for the wonderful experiences that I've had in the past with the awards and do let them know that my withdraw is strictly due to a lack of time. My time for on line fun and fan fiction has been sadly restricted lately and I see no end in sight. The MEFA awards have been very kind to my little hobbit fictions in the past and I hate to bow out but I think part of what makes the MEFAs such excellent awards is the fact that people take the time to vote for what they consider to be outstanding work. You may list my reason for not being involved if you need to do so. I really don't want people to think that it is anything else.

Thank you,


The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from
some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends, if they're okay, then
It's you. _Dave Barry

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from
some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends, if they're okay, then
It's you. _Dave Barry

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8646

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by April 22, 2008 - 19:48:49 Topic ID# 8628
Great, Marta. Thanks

Hi Oshun,

Excellent! There is still room, and we actually need one more beside
you, so I'm happy to have you on board.


-----Original Message-----
From: <>
Sent: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 8:36 pm
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers

Hi Oshun,

Excellent! There is still room, and we actually need one more beside
you, so I'm happy to have you on board.

Marta wrote:
> If there is still space available I would love to participate in the
> ratings
> committee again this year. It was a pleasure working with you and the other
> members last year.
> Oshun

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8647

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by April 22, 2008 - 20:04:22 Topic ID# 8628
Thanks, Bonnie! I'll put you down.


Bonnie L. Sherrell wrote:
> I'll be glad to be a promoter again. I have a number of websites I
> promote on.
> Bonnie L. Sherrell
> Teacher at Large

Msg# 8648

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by April 22, 2008 - 20:16:17 Topic ID# 8628
Hi Raksha,

> I have no trouble logging into the '07 site.


> I'd be happy to help
> out on the Ratings Panel...

And again, excellent. I'll put you down for that, and will be in contact
in a few days about it.

> Will the MEFA '07 reviews still be available after May 1, if someone
> wants to look at them? Forgive me if I've asked the question before.

I *think* they will be, but let me double-check on that? I'll get back
to you.


Msg# 8649

Re: Thank you and a request Posted by April 22, 2008 - 20:53:19 Topic ID# 8645
Hi GW,

You're right, I hadn't had time to reply to your email. Sorry about
that. :-)

Anyway - I am sorry that you won't be participating this year, but I'm
glad to know it's "just" a time issue. I can put you on the list of
people who have asked not to be nominated. This won't keep you from
being nominated - it's not like that list is tied in to the website so a
user *couldn't* nominate you - but you will be listed on the list of
previously-nominated stories so nominators will be told not to nominate
your stories. Would that work?

The thing is, we'd need to take you off manually when you are ready to
participate again. That's not a problem, but you would need to let me
know next year if you're ready to participate again. Would that be a

And I'm genuinely sorry to hear about the RL situation. I'll be sending
good thoughts your way.


> GW < <>> wrote:
> Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 02:49:44 -0700 (PDT)
> From: GW < <>>
> Subject: the email that I mentioned
> To: <>
> Hi,
> I sent this information to Marta but she may not have had time to pass
> it on and I really wasn't certain if I should be sending it to her or to
> this email address.
> Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I don't want any of my stories
> nominated for MEFAs this year. I LOVE the MEFA awards and have enjoyed
> participating in them every year that I've been nominated, including
> last year. My request has nothing to do with the awards themselves.
> Unfortunately, due to RL and work I know that I will not have much time
> to review or nominate other stories and I don't think it is fair to be a
> part of something if you can't be fully involved. I may not have proper
> time to read the nominated stories and vote. This way, if I get a chance
> to do a bit of voting then that will be excellent but if I don't then I
> won't have to feel guilty because other folks took the time to nominate
> and vote for my stories but I was unable to do the same.
> The MEFAs are so very well run and are such lovely awards. Everyone
> involved with them does an excellent job of providing the nominees with
> fair consideration. I hope to be able to vote and perhaps nominate a
> thing or two but I just can't say for certain if that will be possible.
> For this year at least, can you put me on the list of folks that don't
> want to be nominated? I hope this won't affect my ability to nominate
> and vote for others by the way. (If time allows.)
> Please extend my appreciation to everyone at the MEFAs for the wonderful
> experiences that I've had in the past with the awards and do let them
> know that my withdraw is strictly due to a lack of time. My time for on
> line fun and fan fiction has been sadly restricted lately and I see no
> end in sight. The MEFA awards have been very kind to my little hobbit
> fictions in the past and I hate to bow out but I think part of what
> makes the MEFAs such excellent awards is the fact that people take the
> time to vote for what they consider to be outstanding work. You may list
> my reason for not being involved if you need to do so. I really don't
> want people to think that it is anything else.
> Thank you,
> GW

Msg# 8650

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by aure\_enteluva April 23, 2008 - 6:30:28 Topic ID# 8628
Hi Raksha,

Following up on this question:

> Will the MEFA '07 reviews still be available after May 1, if someone
> wants to look at them? Forgive me if I've asked the question before.

Aranel gave me the following answer:

"Hi Marta,

Yes, they will be available. The 2007 site will be "turned off" but
all the results and reviews will be available in the archive site.


The archive site will be a section of the site that displays all the
previously-nominated stories, and at least for more recent years, the
reviews that have been entered for them. So while you won't be able to
log in to the 2007 website, you will be able to access your 2007
reviews through that portion of the site.


Msg# 8651

Re: Thank you and a request Posted by Barbara Rich April 23, 2008 - 7:48:51 Topic ID# 8645
I'm sorry to hear you won't have much time for the MEFAs this year, GW! I
do hope that your RL situation improves soon!

That just means I will have to wait till next year, hopefully, to nominate
anything of yours on my "list"! *grin*



On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 7:38 PM, GW <> wrote:

> GW < <>> wrote: Date: Mon,
> 21 Apr 2008 02:49:44 -0700 (PDT)
> From: GW < <>>
> Subject: the email that I mentioned
> To: <>
> Hi,
> I sent this information to Marta but she may not have had time to pass it
> on and I really wasn't certain if I should be sending it to her or to this
> email address.
> Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I don't want any of my stories
> nominated for MEFAs this year. I LOVE the MEFA awards and have enjoyed
> participating in them every year that I've been nominated, including last
> year. My request has nothing to do with the awards themselves.
> Unfortunately, due to RL and work I know that I will not have much time to
> review or nominate other stories and I don't think it is fair to be a part
> of something if you can't be fully involved. I may not have proper time to
> read the nominated stories and vote. This way, if I get a chance to do a bit
> of voting then that will be excellent but if I don't then I won't have to
> feel guilty because other folks took the time to nominate and vote for my
> stories but I was unable to do the same.
> The MEFAs are so very well run and are such lovely awards. Everyone
> involved with them does an excellent job of providing the nominees with fair
> consideration. I hope to be able to vote and perhaps nominate a thing or two
> but I just can't say for certain if that will be possible.
> For this year at least, can you put me on the list of folks that don't
> want to be nominated? I hope this won't affect my ability to nominate and
> vote for others by the way. (If time allows.)
> Please extend my appreciation to everyone at the MEFAs for the wonderful
> experiences that I've had in the past with the awards and do let them know
> that my withdraw is strictly due to a lack of time. My time for on line fun
> and fan fiction has been sadly restricted lately and I see no end in sight.
> The MEFA awards have been very kind to my little hobbit fictions in the past
> and I hate to bow out but I think part of what makes the MEFAs such
> excellent awards is the fact that people take the time to vote for what they
> consider to be outstanding work. You may list my reason for not being
> involved if you need to do so. I really don't want people to think that it
> is anything else.
> Thank you,
> GW
> The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is
> suffering from
> some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends, if they're
> okay, then
> It's you. _Dave Barry
> ---------------------------------
> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it
> now.
> The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is
> suffering from
> some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends, if they're
> okay, then
> It's you. _Dave Barry
> ---------------------------------
> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it
> now.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8652

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by dwimmer\_laik April 23, 2008 - 10:49:44 Topic ID# 8628
> --- VOLUNTEERS ---
> If you want to get involved, you can become a nominator. Or let your
> story participate. Or (perhaps most importantly!) review some
> These are the three most common types of participants. It's not
> glamorous work, but it is crucial - we wouldn't have a MEFAs
without you.
> We do need some more specialized volunteers, though. If you're
> interested in doing any of these things, please email
> mefasupport-at-gmail-dot-com.
> 1. PROMOTER. If you're a member of a group, you can make MEFA
> announcements there, and either answer peoples' questions or pass
> along to me for an official answer. I will send out announcements to
> promoters, which you can personalize if you like or just forward
them on.
> *** Time Commitment: You'd need to be available fairly regularly
> now until the end of the awards (either the end of October or
> 15, depending on when we start). But it's not a major problem if
> you're unavailable for one or two announcements, so if you go away
> vacation for a few weeks that's generally okay. Making the
> announcements doesn't take much time - you just have to send an
> or make a forum post, at most once every week or two. (Usually not
> even that often.)

I can post at HA and HASA, if you still need someone to do that.


Msg# 8653

Re: MEFA Login + Call for Volunteers Posted by April 23, 2008 - 12:36:04 Topic ID# 8628
Hi Dwim,

> I can post at HA and HASA, if you still need someone to do that.

Excellent. Thanks for letting me know.


Msg# 8654

Re: Thank you and a request Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell April 25, 2008 - 2:32:49 Topic ID# 8645
Me, too, Dreamflower. I always enjoy finding something of GW's that
makes me laugh so I want to nominate it.
Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 8655

Re: Thank you and a request Posted by aure\_enteluva April 25, 2008 - 6:39:50 Topic ID# 8645
--- In, "Bonnie L. Sherrell" <blslarner@...>
> Me, too, Dreamflower. I always enjoy finding something of GW's that
> makes me laugh so I want to nominate it.
> Bonnie L. Sherrell
> Teacher at Large

That is one of the things I like most about the MEFAs - it's not just
the last year that's eligible, so whatever hasn't been nominated in
the past by GW (or anyone) will still be eligible when she has more
time to participate. In the meantime, if you're looking for an extra
story or two to nominate, I just may have a few suggestions. ;-) *eyes
her own long wants-to-nominate list*

I'm glad both of you are thinking about what you want to nominate,
btw. Keep up the good work!


Msg# 8656

MEFA Volunteers Posted by April 26, 2008 - 18:16:56 Topic ID# 8656
Hey guys,

Here are the people who I have recorded as volunteers. If you have
volunteered and I don't mention you, please let me know.

Also, we could use 2-3 more liaisons. The more who volunteer, the less
work there is to go around. If you'll be around fairly regularly through
June 21, please let me know.


The following people have signed up to be liaisons.

--- Beverly
--- Candice
--- Cathleen
--- elliska
--- Inkling
--- Nancy Brooke

This is a few less liaisons than we had in previous years, so if you are
available during the nomination season and are interested in being a
liaison, please let me know so we can talk about what you'd be doing.
I'm glad to talk to you about any concerns you have, if you're reluctant
but think you might want to help out in this way.

I had hoped not to be a liaison (I want to focus on giving all the
nominations a final check-over, and doing other admin-type things), but
I may also step in as liaison if things get too busy.


--- Radbooks


The main ratings panel will be:

--- Oshun
--- Sulriel
--- Raksha

Annmarwalk will serve as an alternate if needed.


I have the following people down as promoters for the listed group. If
you would like to promote the MEFAs at a group not listed, now's the
time to let me know! I will send you announcements that you can make at
your group.






Dawn Felagund






I think that's it. Thanks to everyone who has offered to volunteer.

(MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 8657

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by Arthur Boccaccio April 26, 2008 - 18:37:44 Topic ID# 8656
Hi Marta,

You forgot to mention BANNERS.

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nımo to an
Unidentified Elven Fıa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lımı! Utılie'n aurı! ı Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurı entuluva! ı Battle Cry of Hırin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utılie'n Estel ı Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8658

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by Barbara Rich April 26, 2008 - 18:39:24 Topic ID# 8656
I'll give it a try!


On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 6:16 PM, <>

> Hey guys,
> Here are the people who I have recorded as volunteers. If you have
> volunteered and I don't mention you, please let me know.
> Also, we could use 2-3 more liaisons. The more who volunteer, the less
> work there is to go around. If you'll be around fairly regularly through
> June 21, please let me know.
> The following people have signed up to be liaisons.
> --- Beverly
> --- Candice
> --- Cathleen
> --- elliska
> --- Inkling
> --- Nancy Brooke
> This is a few less liaisons than we had in previous years, so if you are
> available during the nomination season and are interested in being a
> liaison, please let me know so we can talk about what you'd be doing.
> I'm glad to talk to you about any concerns you have, if you're reluctant
> but think you might want to help out in this way.
> I had hoped not to be a liaison (I want to focus on giving all the
> nominations a final check-over, and doing other admin-type things), but
> I may also step in as liaison if things get too busy.
> --- Radbooks
> The main ratings panel will be:
> --- Oshun
> --- Sulriel
> --- Raksha
> Annmarwalk will serve as an alternate if needed.
> I have the following people down as promoters for the listed group. If
> you would like to promote the MEFAs at a group not listed, now's the
> time to let me know! I will send you announcements that you can make at
> your group.
> Annmarwalk
> ---
> Beverly
> ---
> Branwyn
> ---
> Cathleen
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> Chris
> ---
> Dawn Felagund
> ---
> ---
> ---
> Dwimordene
> ---
> ---
> Ellie
> ---
> ---
> Inkling
> ---
> Larner
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> Tari
> ---
> I think that's it. Thanks to everyone who has offered to volunteer.
> Marta
> (MEFA Admin.)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8659

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by Cathleen April 26, 2008 - 19:11:01 Topic ID# 8656
Marta, I can bring it up on our groups and see if anyone is
interested in being a liaison - is that ok?

--- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Here are the people who I have recorded as volunteers. If you have
> volunteered and I don't mention you, please let me know.
> Also, we could use 2-3 more liaisons. The more who volunteer, the
> work there is to go around. If you'll be around fairly regularly
> June 21, please let me know.
> The following people have signed up to be liaisons.
> --- Beverly
> --- Candice
> --- Cathleen
> --- elliska
> --- Inkling
> --- Nancy Brooke
> This is a few less liaisons than we had in previous years, so if
you are
> available during the nomination season and are interested in being
> liaison, please let me know so we can talk about what you'd be
> I'm glad to talk to you about any concerns you have, if you're
> but think you might want to help out in this way.
> I had hoped not to be a liaison (I want to focus on giving all the
> nominations a final check-over, and doing other admin-type things),
> I may also step in as liaison if things get too busy.
> --- Radbooks
> The main ratings panel will be:
> --- Oshun
> --- Sulriel
> --- Raksha
> Annmarwalk will serve as an alternate if needed.
> I have the following people down as promoters for the listed group.
> you would like to promote the MEFAs at a group not listed, now's
> time to let me know! I will send you announcements that you can
make at
> your group.
> Annmarwalk
> ---
> Beverly
> ---
> Branwyn
> ---
> Cathleen
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> Chris
> ---
> Dawn Felagund
> ---
> ---
> ---
> Dwimordene
> ---
> ---
> Ellie
> ---
> ---
> Inkling
> ---
> Larner
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> Tari
> ---
> I think that's it. Thanks to everyone who has offered to volunteer.
> Marta
> (MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 8660

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by April 26, 2008 - 19:20:42 Topic ID# 8656
Hi Cathleen,

Yeah, that would be great - ask away.


Cathleen wrote:
> Marta, I can bring it up on our groups and see if anyone is
> interested in being a liaison - is that ok?
> Cathleen

Msg# 8661

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by Cathleen April 26, 2008 - 19:22:26 Topic ID# 8656
Ok, in the process now!

"" <> wrote: Hi Cathleen,

Yeah, that would be great - ask away.


Cathleen wrote:
> Marta, I can bring it up on our groups and see if anyone is
> interested in being a liaison - is that ok?
> Cathleen

"Beautiful, glorious Scotland, has spoilt me for every other country!"

Mary Todd Lincoln

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8662

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by April 26, 2008 - 20:53:55 Topic ID# 8656
Arthur Boccaccio wrote:
> Hi Marta,
> You forgot to mention BANNERS.
> Fiondil

Hi Fiondil,

You're right, I should have mentioned them. I guess since I have been
sending banner artists your way and keeping track of other volunteers
myself, I didn't think to mention them. Has anyone other than Baranduin
actually committed to making banners? If you'd like, I could make
another email listing who had volunteered, and asking for more banner

I had planned on mentioning it in an announcement once we were into
nominations (I just want to focus on actually getting the awards started
right now), and again when we announce what categories and subcategories
will be available, and again *again* a few weeks before the end of voting.


Msg# 8663

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by April 26, 2008 - 21:06:37 Topic ID# 8656
Barbara Rich wrote:
> I'll give it a try!
> Dreamflower

Hi Dreamflower,

Do you mean you'd like to be a liaison? That sounds great. Thanks!


Msg# 8664

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by Barbara Rich April 26, 2008 - 21:25:19 Topic ID# 8656
Yes! I should have specified! Sorry about that!

On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 9:06 PM, <>

> Barbara Rich wrote:
> >
> >
> > I'll give it a try!
> >
> > Dreamflower
> >
> Hi Dreamflower,
> Do you mean you'd like to be a liaison? That sounds great. Thanks!
> Marta

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8665

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by Arthur Boccaccio April 26, 2008 - 22:37:09 Topic ID# 8656
Hi Marta,

So far the only two people who have said they can do it are Baranduin and
Nautika. Rhapsody said RL will prevent her from helping initially although
maybe later in the summer she can do something and NiRi has yet to respond.
I haven't seen her online lately anyway and I know she's been busy with
moving into her new house and all. It would be nice if we can get a few more
people involved. I just don't know anyone I can contact directly and ask.
Any suggestions would be helpful.


On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 9:53 AM, <>

> Arthur Boccaccio wrote:
> > Hi Marta,
> >
> > You forgot to mention BANNERS.
> >
> > Fiondil
> Hi Fiondil,
> You're right, I should have mentioned them. I guess since I have been
> sending banner artists your way and keeping track of other volunteers
> myself, I didn't think to mention them. Has anyone other than Baranduin
> actually committed to making banners? If you'd like, I could make
> another email listing who had volunteered, and asking for more banner
> makers.
> I had planned on mentioning it in an announcement once we were into
> nominations (I just want to focus on actually getting the awards started
> right now), and again when we announce what categories and subcategories
> will be available, and again *again* a few weeks before the end of voting.
> Marta

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nımo to an
Unidentified Elven Fıa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lımı! Utılie'n aurı! ı Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurı entuluva! ı Battle Cry of Hırin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utılie'n Estel ı Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8666

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by Agape 4Rivendell April 27, 2008 - 23:47:23 Topic ID# 8656
I'd like to help - if you need a liaison - I think I could manage that

BUT only for Boromir stories.......



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8667

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by April 28, 2008 - 7:20:59 Topic ID# 8656
Hi Arthur,

Hmm, I really don't have much connection with artists because I'm not
one. Does anyone reading this know where artists hang out? If so, would
you be willing to ask if any would like to create some MEFA banners?


Arthur Boccaccio wrote:
> Hi Marta,
> So far the only two people who have said they can do it are Baranduin and
> Nautika. Rhapsody said RL will prevent her from helping initially although
> maybe later in the summer she can do something and NiRi has yet to respond.
> I haven't seen her online lately anyway and I know she's been busy with
> moving into her new house and all. It would be nice if we can get a few more
> people involved. I just don't know anyone I can contact directly and ask.
> Any suggestions would be helpful.
> Fiondil

Msg# 8668

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by April 28, 2008 - 7:22:15 Topic ID# 8656
Hi Agape,

*grins* Well, I can't promise Boromir stories, or even Gondor stories -
you'd get authors assigned at random like everyone else (no special
treatment here! :-D)

But in all seriousness, I'd love to have you as a liaison. I'll mark you
down and be in touch in a few days.


Agape 4Rivendell wrote:
> I'd like to help - if you need a liaison - I think I could manage that
> BUT only for Boromir stories.......
> Blessings,
> Agape

Msg# 8669

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by nau\_tika April 28, 2008 - 7:28:53 Topic ID# 8656
Agape, I like your style! Grin!


--- In, "Agape 4Rivendell"
<agape4rivendell@...> wrote:
> I'd like to help - if you need a liaison - I think I could manage that
> BUT only for Boromir stories.......
> Blessings,
> Agape
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8670

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by nau\_tika April 28, 2008 - 7:34:41 Topic ID# 8656
If you're looking for artists, I'm in the wrong place. LOL.


-- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> Hi Arthur,
> Hmm, I really don't have much connection with artists because I'm
> one. Does anyone reading this know where artists hang out? If so,
> you be willing to ask if any would like to create some MEFA banners?
> Marta
> Arthur Boccaccio wrote:
> > Hi Marta,
> >
> > So far the only two people who have said they can do it are
Baranduin and
> > Nautika. I just don't know anyone I can contact directly and ask.
> > Any suggestions would be helpful.
> >
> > Fiondil
> >

Msg# 8671

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by Dawn Felagund April 28, 2008 - 7:43:57 Topic ID# 8656
On 4/28/08, <> wrote:
> Does anyone reading this know where artists hang out? If so, would
> you be willing to ask if any would like to create some MEFA banners?

I have several friends within the Tolkien fandom who are excellent artists.
I'd be happy to pass the message along!

Is there a particular link that I could send them where they could find out
the information that they need? (Sorry, I'm an utter n00b where the banners
are concerned ...) And, Fiondil, are you okay with me giving out your
contact information?



Dawn Felagund

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8672

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by April 28, 2008 - 8:54:33 Topic ID# 8656
Hiya Dawn,

Excellent, thanks for passing it along.

If the 2008 FAQs were up I would have you point people to them for basic
information about MEFA banner-making. You can still direct them to the
2007 FAQs (,
because I don't think this particular FAQ will be chaning much for the
2008 awards, but do let people know that this is last year's FAQs.

If you get volunteers before Fiondil has a chance to reply (or if he'd
rather not share his email), send them to mefasupport-at-gmail-dot-com
and I'll talk to them.


Dawn Felagund wrote:
> On 4/28/08, <>
> < <>> wrote:
> > Does anyone reading this know where artists hang out? If so, would
> > you be willing to ask if any would like to create some MEFA banners?
> I have several friends within the Tolkien fandom who are excellent artists.
> I'd be happy to pass the message along!
> Is there a particular link that I could send them where they could find out
> the information that they need? (Sorry, I'm an utter n00b where the banners
> are concerned ...) And, Fiondil, are you okay with me giving out your
> contact information?
> Thanks,
> Dawn

Msg# 8673

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by Lily Hawker-Yates April 28, 2008 - 14:07:41 Topic ID# 8656

I can liason too (if you need me to!) as I checked the dates and I'm finished with school and exams by then. HURRAH!


nau_tika <> wrote:
Agape, I like your style! Grin!


--- In, "Agape 4Rivendell"
<agape4rivendell@...> wrote:
> I'd like to help - if you need a liaison - I think I could manage that
> BUT only for Boromir stories.......
> Blessings,
> Agape
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends."

William Butler Yeats

'For every evil that rises, we are given ways to fight it. Or... in the absence of a fight, we are given each other to weather it. We're a bunch of survivors here, that's what we are. Not quite victorious, but then again, there hadn't really been a war. And yet we were fighting something... maybe ourselves, and the alone-ness that permeated each of us before we somehow found each other, ultimately found ourselves.' - Elrohir, For Every Evil

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8674

date for start of nominations Posted by aure\_enteluva April 28, 2008 - 14:55:21 Topic ID# 8674
Hey guys,

I've been talking with Tanaqui and Aranel Took about the state of our
website and how ready we are for the 2008 awards. Some of the changes
suggested in the post-mortem turned out to be a little tricky to code,
which means they took longer to expected. The website is very nearly
ready to go. However, if we start nominations on May 1 (as we had
intennded) we won't have time to test the changes.

And testing is important. I'd hate for a part of the website not to
work properly when we actually need it; we could lose information
people had entered, or just have to fix it while trying to run the
awards. Not fun. So I'd like to give them a few more days to really
get everything in order and have it properly tested.

This means that we won't start nominations until May 4, rather than
May 1 like we were aiming for. We'll still plan to close nominations
on June 15. The delay is only three days, and it really helps people
to have later seasons end on nice round numbers (like the 15th or last
day of a month). So do start thinking about what you'd like to
nominate, so you can enter your nominations when they do open.

I will make a post (not an announcement but a regularly post) on May 1
about some changes decided on in the post-mortem and some ways the
website will be improved. I'm really excited about some of these
changes, and think you will be.

One of those changes is that I'll be making weekly posts about
important policies, how-to's, commonly misunderstood things, and the
like. Also, once voting starts, I'll be posting lists of special types
of stories, e.g., all the FLFs or all the First Age stories, to help
you decide what to vote for. These won't be special announcements - I
want to save those for making major announcements, like the close of
nominations approaching - but you do want to check these out. They'll
be posted here and at the LJ every Thursday through the end of the awards.

Thanks for your patience - can't wait to start 2008!

(MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 8675

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by April 28, 2008 - 19:19:12 Topic ID# 8656
Lily Hawker-Yates wrote:
> Hi!
> I can liason too (if you need me to!) as I checked the dates and I'm
> finished with school and exams by then. HURRAH!
> Lily

Hi Lily,

I'd love your help. The more liaisons we have, the less work there is
for any one, so I say the more the merrier.

Can you join the group (I can
send you an invite if you prefer.) That's where we handle the
behind-the-scenes stuff, and I've been posting a series of emails
educating liaisons about what they'll need to know to do their jobs.
I've posted two emails today that you should read to get caught up, and
will continue to make them over the next few days to get the new
liaisons up to speed.



Msg# 8676

Re: MEFA Volunteers Posted by Lily Hawker-Yates April 29, 2008 - 7:30:29 Topic ID# 8656
Just joining now!


"" <> wrote:
Lily Hawker-Yates wrote:
> Hi!
> I can liason too (if you need me to!) as I checked the dates and I'm
> finished with school and exams by then. HURRAH!
> Lily

Hi Lily,

I'd love your help. The more liaisons we have, the less work there is
for any one, so I say the more the merrier.

Can you join the group (I can
send you an invite if you prefer.) That's where we handle the
behind-the-scenes stuff, and I've been posting a series of emails
educating liaisons about what they'll need to know to do their jobs.
I've posted two emails today that you should read to get caught up, and
will continue to make them over the next few days to get the new
liaisons up to speed.



"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends."

William Butler Yeats

'For every evil that rises, we are given ways to fight it. Or... in the absence of a fight, we are given each other to weather it. We're a bunch of survivors here, that's what we are. Not quite victorious, but then again, there hadn't really been a war. And yet we were fighting something... maybe ourselves, and the alone-ness that permeated each of us before we somehow found each other, ultimately found ourselves.' - Elrohir, For Every Evil

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8677

Re: MEFAs at Fan History Wiki Posted by Dawn Felagund April 29, 2008 - 16:15:36 Topic ID# 8626
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <ainae@...> wrote:
> Yep. I added it's founding there. It's all ready for someone to add
a whole
> page about it.

I started a page for it on FanHistory yesterday and then wiled away a
good part of my afternoon adding the Story winners for 2004. (Eru,
there are a lot of them!)

It obviously needs a lot of work, but it's a start. :) In the
meantime, anyone with a bit of time on your hands, please feel free to
add to it and edit it! I'll keep working on adding past winners as I
have time to do so.

All the best,

Dawn Felagund

Msg# 8678

Re: MEFAs at Fan History Wiki Posted by April 29, 2008 - 19:27:56 Topic ID# 8626
Hi Dawn,

Thank you for doing this. I don't have the time to devote to it, but
anything people want to do to get the MEFA name out there (in a good
way, of course) is fine by me. I appreciate your effort!


Dawn Felagund wrote:
> --- In <>,
> "Ainaechoiriel" <ainae@...> wrote:
> >
> > Yep. I added it's founding there. It's all ready for someone to add
> a whole
> > page about it.
> I started a page for it on FanHistory yesterday and then wiled away a
> good part of my afternoon adding the Story winners for 2004. (Eru,
> there are a lot of them!)
> <>
> It obviously needs a lot of work, but it's a start. :) In the
> meantime, anyone with a bit of time on your hands, please feel free to
> add to it and edit it! I'll keep working on adding past winners as I
> have time to do so.
> All the best,
> Dawn Felagund