Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 8622

Gearing Up for 2008 Posted by aure\_enteluva March 15, 2008 - 14:19:23 Topic ID# 8622
Hey guys,

I know some of you are wondering when the 2008 Middle-earth Fanfiction
Awards will start. A few weeks ago we finished the post-mortem about
the 2007 awards and decided on some ways to make them better. Several
volunteers (myself included) are working hard to get the website ready
for these changes. As we get closer to the awards, I'll write more
about some of these changes. Some of them are quite exciting and I
think will make the awards run a lot smoother, but I'd rather they be
fresh in peoples' minds when the awards start. So enough on that for
now. :-)

We are aiming to start the 2008 awards on May 1.

Some of you have asked what you can do to help. I'll ask for
volunteers next month. Right now, you can start to think about what
you'd like to nominate.

If you are a member of the MEFAwards Yahoo group, you can nominate up
to twenty stories, poems, drabbles, essays, or any other form of
writing you can think of. Self-nominations are welcome, so you can
nominate your own things, or you can nominate stories by other people.

Each person "only" gets to nominate twenty pieces, which can be a lot
or painfully little, depending on your reading habits. You could sit
down and think about what you'd like to nominate. Also, over the next
six weeks, pay attention to stories you particularly like; you may
want to nominate them.

If you decide to nominate pieces by other people (which is great! and
highly encouraged), we'll need an email address that they check
regularly. It also helps if they know a story will be nominated so
they can be on the look-out for emails from us. So if you know someone
who you'd like to nominate, it's a good idea to check what email
address they'd like to use. Also, you can tell them that all
MEFA-related emails will be coming from an "" email
address, so they can tell their email program not to treat such emails
as spam.

If you're not already a member of the MEFAwards Yahoo group, go ahead
and join so we can get your account set up. That way you can begin
nominating on May 1.

I think that's it! If you have any questions, please post them here.
RL is keeping me busy, but some of our other volunteers will watch
this group for questions.

Marta (MEFA Admin.)

PS - If you've forgotten what stories are eligible and what aren't,
here's a quick checklist. Eligible completed stories:

- are about Middle-earth, Valinor, or some other creation of Tolkien
- fit the General, Teen, or Mature rating described at
- are posted where everyone can read them without logging in
- if posted on more than one page, have a way to get from one page to
the next
- have not competed in the past as completed fics
- (for series) do not have parts that have competed in the past

Eligible WIPs have mostly the same requirements, but they must not
have competed in the past at all.

Msg# 8623

Re: Gearing Up for 2008 Posted by Sandy R. March 15, 2008 - 16:39:50 Topic ID# 8622
Hi Marta,

I'm glad you sent this. I've been meaning to write and kept forgetting. I've stalled out with the "MEFAs for Dummies" for a few reasons.

1 Dawn and I haven't seemed to work out staying in touch about it.
2 I suddenly have my son's wedding coming up. The wedding has been known about for over a year, but the date has kept changing as the bride's father was diagnosed with leukemia last September. On the 6th of March they decided the wedding will be the 30th of March. Her Dad is stable right now but has surgery and a bone marrow transplant coming up soon, so this was "the" time.
3 I realized that it will be hard to write without being able to see the windows/pages we need to be describing - and those aren't available yet; so I suddenly wasn't sure how to proceed.
Let me know what our time frame is and if there will be a way for us to view the windows/pages ahead of time.

I won't be able to do much with this until after the wedding, but that's soon so I should still be able to work on this the beginning of April.

Look forward to hearing from you


aure_enteluva <> wrote: Hey guys,

I know some of you are wondering when the 2008 Middle-earth Fanfiction
Awards will start. A few weeks ago we finished the post-mortem about
the 2007 awards and decided on some ways to make them better. Several
volunteers (myself included) are working hard to get the website ready
for these changes. As we get closer to the awards, I'll write more
about some of these changes. Some of them are quite exciting and I
think will make the awards run a lot smoother, but I'd rather they be
fresh in peoples' minds when the awards start. So enough on that for
now. :-)

We are aiming to start the 2008 awards on May 1.

Some of you have asked what you can do to help. I'll ask for
volunteers next month. Right now, you can start to think about what
you'd like to nominate.

If you are a member of the MEFAwards Yahoo group, you can nominate up
to twenty stories, poems, drabbles, essays, or any other form of
writing you can think of. Self-nominations are welcome, so you can
nominate your own things, or you can nominate stories by other people.

Each person "only" gets to nominate twenty pieces, which can be a lot
or painfully little, depending on your reading habits. You could sit
down and think about what you'd like to nominate. Also, over the next
six weeks, pay attention to stories you particularly like; you may
want to nominate them.

If you decide to nominate pieces by other people (which is great! and
highly encouraged), we'll need an email address that they check
regularly. It also helps if they know a story will be nominated so
they can be on the look-out for emails from us. So if you know someone
who you'd like to nominate, it's a good idea to check what email
address they'd like to use. Also, you can tell them that all
MEFA-related emails will be coming from an "" email
address, so they can tell their email program not to treat such emails
as spam.

If you're not already a member of the MEFAwards Yahoo group, go ahead
and join so we can get your account set up. That way you can begin
nominating on May 1.

I think that's it! If you have any questions, please post them here.
RL is keeping me busy, but some of our other volunteers will watch
this group for questions.

Marta (MEFA Admin.)

PS - If you've forgotten what stories are eligible and what aren't,
here's a quick checklist. Eligible completed stories:

- are about Middle-earth, Valinor, or some other creation of Tolkien
- fit the General, Teen, or Mature rating described at
- are posted where everyone can read them without logging in
- if posted on more than one page, have a way to get from one page to
the next
- have not competed in the past as completed fics
- (for series) do not have parts that have competed in the past

Eligible WIPs have mostly the same requirements, but they must not
have competed in the past at all.

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8624

Re: Gearing Up for 2008 Posted by Tanaqui March 16, 2008 - 11:13:49 Topic ID# 8622
Hi Pearl

Thanks for letting us know what's going on with the "MEFAs for Dummies"
text - don't worry about the lack of progress so far: Aranel and I still
have plenty of coding to do!

Last year's site is still available at but we also should have some of the
test version of the 2008 site (with new features) available by 1 April,
and we can make sure you have the link for that.

If you've still not been able to make much progress by 15 April at the
latest, we'd appreciate it if you could let us know, so we have time to
ask someone else.

Otherwise, thanks for volunteering and I hope your son's wedding goes well!


Sandy R. wrote:
> Hi Marta,
> I'm glad you sent this. I've been meaning to write and kept forgetting.
> I've stalled out with the "MEFAs for Dummies" for a few reasons.
> 1 Dawn and I haven't seemed to work out staying in touch about it.
> 2 I suddenly have my son's wedding coming up. The wedding has been known
> about for over a year, but the date has kept changing as the bride's
> father was diagnosed with leukemia last September. On the 6th of March
> they decided the wedding will be the 30th of March. Her Dad is stable
> right now but has surgery and a bone marrow transplant coming up soon,
> so this was "the" time.
> 3 I realized that it will be hard to write without being able to see the
> windows/pages we need to be describing - and those aren't available yet;
> so I suddenly wasn't sure how to proceed.
> Let me know what our time frame is and if there will be a way for us to
> view the windows/pages ahead of time.
> I won't be able to do much with this until after the wedding, but that's
> soon so I should still be able to work on this the beginning of April.
> Look forward to hearing from you
> Pearl