Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 8679

ADMIN - Remenders and Policy Changes Posted by May 02, 2008 - 2:36:24 Topic ID# 8679
Hey guys,

As I mentioned in an email a few days ago, the 2008 MEFAs will begin
accepting nominations this Sunday, May 4. Nominations will be open until
June 15. So right now seems like a good time to make some announcements
about what will change about that part of the awards.

First, I want to explain about this email I'm writing right now. The
MEFAs are a complicated awards system and take some getting used to. So
to help educate members, every week I'll be making a post at MEFAwards
and at the LJ community mefas. These won't be sent out as special
notices but they will have a subject starting with "ADMIN." So watch out
for these; I hope everyone will take the time to read them. I'll try to
be quick, though this post will be longer than most, as there's a lot to
talk about.

Second, I want to remind everyone: keep an eye on your spam filters. All
MEFA-related emails should be coming from addresses ending in
"" after the @. But we're emailing you to let you know
you've been nominated for an award, and many spam filters are sensitive
to emails like that - so please, before you delete your spam box, check
that there aren't any emails from an email address.

Now, on to the changes about this year's awards.

1. New FAQs and Rules

I've added several new items to the FAQ section of the website, prompted
by questions people had in 2007 and also by changes we made in the
post-mortem after the 2007 awards. Some new FAQs:

--- "Are series and anthologies of stories eligible?" in the Eligibility FAQ
--- "What are main categories?" in the Categorization FAQ
--- "Can I include spoilers in my reviews?" and "What do I do if a
review contains spoilers but isn't labeled as such?" in the Voting FAQ
--- "Common Acronyms and Terms" - a totally new FAQ

In addition, there will be lists of the most useful FAQ items for new
nominators, voters, and authors. So if you're new to the awards, that
will give you some places to start. (Or even if you just need a refresher!)


2. Changes to the Website

The overall structure of the website is basically the same, so if you
participated in the past there will be a lot that is similar. But there
are some important changes that I think people will enjoy discovering.
For instance, there is now a timer on the review form that tells you how
long until you are automatically logged out. Hopefully this will help
people from losing their review because they logged out while entering it.

Another thing about entering the reviews that has changed is that
there's a check-box at the bottom of the review form that allows you to
tell the website that the review contains spoilers. This will allow us
to warn people reading your review that the review might give away part
of the story. Use the golden rule: if you hadn't read the story and were
looking at the review, would you like to be warned that the review might
include spoilers? If so, check the box.

The page where you go to look at the nominated stories now is a little
simpler. There's a neat new feature that lets you see how many stories
involve any of the available places, characters, events/time periods,
subgenres, lengths, or source materials; and with a single click you can
pull up the listings for all of the stories that involve those things.

Also, on the home page (what you see when first logging in), there will
be a randomly-selected story displayed. There will also be a
randomly-selected review, from those that are visible at that point of
the awards (i.e., final while the awards are going on, final or hidden
after voting closes). The point of this is to make it easier for you to
vote. If you don't have time to look at the whole story list, maybe this
randomly-selected story will spark your interest.


3. Characters, Settings, Canonical Events, and Subgenres

One of the most common frustrations I've heard about in past years is
that it's hard to use the lists of characters, settings, time periods,
and subgenres. And those lists often can get long and unwieldly, I
agree. So we've put a lot of work into making them easier to use.

On the nomination form, the list of characters will be grouped by races,
so you'll be able to see all of the Gondorians together, and all of the
Elves together, and all of the Hobbits together. There are also lots of
"other" character listings - like "Other Kings of Gondor" or "Other
Brandybucks" or "Other Elves of Aman," where you can select a general
group if a character you like isn't listed. If a character changed
races, she'll be listed with the race of her birth (like, Arwen is
listed with Half-elves, not with Gondorians; Eowyn with Rohirrim, not
with Gondorians).

Settings are listed by regions, too. So the Houses of Healing will be
listed as "Gondor - Minas Tirith - Houses of Healing," and will be
displayed with all the other settings in Gondor. Canonical events will
be listed in chronological order, and subgenres and poetic forms will be
listed separately.

All of this will hopefully make it easier for authors to find
appropriate settings, characters, and so on, because it will display
similar items near each other.


4. The Archive

One of the most useful (IMO) additions to the site is the archive. This
will list all of the stories nominated in previous years, by author.
Which we had in 2007, but the archive does much more. For one thing,
it's searchable, which some people had requested in the past. It stores
basic nomination info, like what category the story competed in and what
prize (if anything) it won; who nominated it; and the summary. Plus --
and here's what I'm really excited about -- it displays the votes.

So as an author I can see all of my stories that have competed, and all
of their reviews, in one place. And as a reviewer, I can now search for
a specific title or author and find whether it's been nominated in the

This is a majorly cool part of the site that I'm really excited about.
It will replace the old list of previously-nominated stories.

You'll still need to look both here and at the list of stories that have
already been nominated in 2008, but I think having the archive will make
it a lot easier to tell what's eligible and what's not.

Speaking of eligibility....


5. Changes to Eligibility Rules

There are two major changes to eligibility rules. They have to do with
works-in-progress and poetry that is posted in larger stories.

In previous years, works-in-progress had to have been updated within a
year of when that year's nominations began. For instance: in 2007
nominations opened on June 1, so all WIPs had to be updated since June
1, 2006. That's no longer the case; we won't be checking when WIPs were
last updated.

That doesn't mean that every WIP is suddenly eligible. Remember, WIPs
are only eligible if they've never been nominated before, and finished
stories are only eligible if they've never been nominated as finished
stories. So if your WIP competed back in 2005, even if you're still
plugging away at it, it's not eligible again until it's finished.

Another thing we looked at in the post-mortem is how to deal with poems
that also appeared in longer stories, like a song that some of the
characters sang. This causes a problem because of that same rule that I
mentioned above, that finished stories can only compete once. If a poem
competed, and then a story containing that poem competed in a later
year, you could argue that the poem competed twice. This is why we don't
allow drabble series to compete, and then for drabbles that are part of
that series to compete in a later year. (Or vice versa, for the drabble
to compete first and the series to compete later.)

However, there's often an added factor with poems: a lot of times the
poems and stories are by different authors. And unless both are listed
as co-authors, maybe in the past the poem competed without the poem
author's permission, if a story containing it competed. Or, in the
reverse situation: maybe a poem competed that would make a story
ineligible, without the story author giving the go-ahead.

So: if a poem and story are by different authors, and both authors
aren't listed as co-authors when a piece is nominated for the MEFAs, the
nomination of one won't affect the eligibility of the other. If the poem
and story are by the same author, or if both authors are listed as
co-authors, the nomination of one *will* affect the eligibility of the

Oh, and there's a grandfather clause - if a piece was nominated in 2007
or earlier, we won't count it against you (because this issue was
vague); but if you accept a nomination in 2008 or beyond, you need to be
aware that you could be affecting the eligibility of a poem that appears
as part of the story, or of a story that is published including that poem.

One last thing I need to talk about. I know this email is a bit long.


6. The Two-Weeks Rule

One big change for the 2008 awards. Is the two-weeks rule. Here's the
idea: the liaisons will try for two weeks to contact an author, through
email and anything else we can think of like LJs or archives where the
author hangs out.

If, after two weeks of trying, we've failed to make any contact with the
author, then the liaison will approach the person who nominated the
story. The nominator will be given the option to withdraw the story and
nominate another one in its place; or to leave the story in competition
in case the author *does* make contact. (The nominator can try his- or
herself for a little while, and then later have it withdrawn if they'd
like.) The point is, if it looks like we won't be able to get in touch
with an author we may let the nominator replace it. This is why it's
important to enter your nominations early so you can replace them if the
author is hard to reach.

This doesn't mean the author has to finish everything to do with a
nomination within two weeks. All an author has to do is let us know
they've received emails about the MEFAs; just a two-line email along the
lines of "I got your emails, I'd love to compete, and I'll work on the
stuff you told me to do this weekend" will do the trick. Or even "I got
your emails, I need to think about whether I want to compete." In either
case, the liaison now knows that she's being read.

Also, this doesn't mean that stories will be automatically withdrawn two
weeks after they're nominated. This will only happen at the liaison's
and the nominator's discretion, when they're run out of ways to try to
reach the author.

Btw - when you nominate an author it's really helpful if you drop them a
line to let them know they've been nominated (if you know them, of
course). That way they can be on the lookout for an email.


I'll end this email with a brief note on time zones. And then I really
will be done.

I said that the MEFAs would start on Sunday May 4, but for many of us in
America it will actually start Saturday May 3. This is because the MEFAs
are based on Greenwich Mean Time. All MEFA days begin at 12:00:01 AM,
GMT; and they end at 11:59:59 PM, GMT. I have no head for time zones and
so I won't try to explain when exactly that is in various local times.
Instead, go to, the 2007 website. At
the bottom of the page there will be a line like:

Page Served at: 2008-05-02 07:33:20 GMT

This is the official time according to the site clock, at the time you
loaded the page. Compare that to your current time, and you'll see when
the MEFA day begins and ends. (For reference, when I loaded that page,
it was 3:34 AM on May 2, here in the U.S. Eastern time zone.)

Thanks for reading this far! If you have any questions, please reply and
I'll do my best to answer them. Otherwise, happy nominating in a few days!

(MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 8680

Re: ADMIN - Remenders and Policy Changes Posted by rabidsamfan May 02, 2008 - 6:07:28 Topic ID# 8679
Number four has me excited too.

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 3:35 AM, <>

> Hey guys,
> As I mentioned in an email a few days ago, the 2008 MEFAs will begin
> accepting nominations this Sunday, May 4. Nominations will be open until
> June 15. So right now seems like a good time to make some announcements
> about what will change about that part of the awards.
> First, I want to explain about this email I'm writing right now. The
> MEFAs are a complicated awards system and take some getting used to. So
> to help educate members, every week I'll be making a post at MEFAwards
> and at the LJ community mefas. These won't be sent out as special
> notices but they will have a subject starting with "ADMIN." So watch out
> for these; I hope everyone will take the time to read them. I'll try to
> be quick, though this post will be longer than most, as there's a lot to
> talk about.
> Second, I want to remind everyone: keep an eye on your spam filters. All
> MEFA-related emails should be coming from addresses ending in
> "" after the @. But we're emailing you to let you know
> you've been nominated for an award, and many spam filters are sensitive
> to emails like that - so please, before you delete your spam box, check
> that there aren't any emails from an email address.
> Now, on to the changes about this year's awards.
> 1. New FAQs and Rules
> I've added several new items to the FAQ section of the website, prompted
> by questions people had in 2007 and also by changes we made in the
> post-mortem after the 2007 awards. Some new FAQs:
> --- "Are series and anthologies of stories eligible?" in the Eligibility
> --- "What are main categories?" in the Categorization FAQ
> --- "Can I include spoilers in my reviews?" and "What do I do if a
> review contains spoilers but isn't labeled as such?" in the Voting FAQ
> --- "Common Acronyms and Terms" - a totally new FAQ
> In addition, there will be lists of the most useful FAQ items for new
> nominators, voters, and authors. So if you're new to the awards, that
> will give you some places to start. (Or even if you just need a
> refresher!)
> *******
> 2. Changes to the Website
> The overall structure of the website is basically the same, so if you
> participated in the past there will be a lot that is similar. But there
> are some important changes that I think people will enjoy discovering.
> For instance, there is now a timer on the review form that tells you how
> long until you are automatically logged out. Hopefully this will help
> people from losing their review because they logged out while entering it.
> Another thing about entering the reviews that has changed is that
> there's a check-box at the bottom of the review form that allows you to
> tell the website that the review contains spoilers. This will allow us
> to warn people reading your review that the review might give away part
> of the story. Use the golden rule: if you hadn't read the story and were
> looking at the review, would you like to be warned that the review might
> include spoilers? If so, check the box.
> The page where you go to look at the nominated stories now is a little
> simpler. There's a neat new feature that lets you see how many stories
> involve any of the available places, characters, events/time periods,
> subgenres, lengths, or source materials; and with a single click you can
> pull up the listings for all of the stories that involve those things.
> Also, on the home page (what you see when first logging in), there will
> be a randomly-selected story displayed. There will also be a
> randomly-selected review, from those that are visible at that point of
> the awards (i.e., final while the awards are going on, final or hidden
> after voting closes). The point of this is to make it easier for you to
> vote. If you don't have time to look at the whole story list, maybe this
> randomly-selected story will spark your interest.
> *******
> 3. Characters, Settings, Canonical Events, and Subgenres
> One of the most common frustrations I've heard about in past years is
> that it's hard to use the lists of characters, settings, time periods,
> and subgenres. And those lists often can get long and unwieldly, I
> agree. So we've put a lot of work into making them easier to use.
> On the nomination form, the list of characters will be grouped by races,
> so you'll be able to see all of the Gondorians together, and all of the
> Elves together, and all of the Hobbits together. There are also lots of
> "other" character listings - like "Other Kings of Gondor" or "Other
> Brandybucks" or "Other Elves of Aman," where you can select a general
> group if a character you like isn't listed. If a character changed
> races, she'll be listed with the race of her birth (like, Arwen is
> listed with Half-elves, not with Gondorians; Eowyn with Rohirrim, not
> with Gondorians).
> Settings are listed by regions, too. So the Houses of Healing will be
> listed as "Gondor - Minas Tirith - Houses of Healing," and will be
> displayed with all the other settings in Gondor. Canonical events will
> be listed in chronological order, and subgenres and poetic forms will be
> listed separately.
> All of this will hopefully make it easier for authors to find
> appropriate settings, characters, and so on, because it will display
> similar items near each other.
> ******
> 4. The Archive
> One of the most useful (IMO) additions to the site is the archive. This
> will list all of the stories nominated in previous years, by author.
> Which we had in 2007, but the archive does much more. For one thing,
> it's searchable, which some people had requested in the past. It stores
> basic nomination info, like what category the story competed in and what
> prize (if anything) it won; who nominated it; and the summary. Plus --
> and here's what I'm really excited about -- it displays the votes.
> So as an author I can see all of my stories that have competed, and all
> of their reviews, in one place. And as a reviewer, I can now search for
> a specific title or author and find whether it's been nominated in the
> past.
> This is a majorly cool part of the site that I'm really excited about.
> It will replace the old list of previously-nominated stories.
> You'll still need to look both here and at the list of stories that have
> already been nominated in 2008, but I think having the archive will make
> it a lot easier to tell what's eligible and what's not.
> Speaking of eligibility....
> *******
> 5. Changes to Eligibility Rules
> There are two major changes to eligibility rules. They have to do with
> works-in-progress and poetry that is posted in larger stories.
> In previous years, works-in-progress had to have been updated within a
> year of when that year's nominations began. For instance: in 2007
> nominations opened on June 1, so all WIPs had to be updated since June
> 1, 2006. That's no longer the case; we won't be checking when WIPs were
> last updated.
> That doesn't mean that every WIP is suddenly eligible. Remember, WIPs
> are only eligible if they've never been nominated before, and finished
> stories are only eligible if they've never been nominated as finished
> stories. So if your WIP competed back in 2005, even if you're still
> plugging away at it, it's not eligible again until it's finished.
> Another thing we looked at in the post-mortem is how to deal with poems
> that also appeared in longer stories, like a song that some of the
> characters sang. This causes a problem because of that same rule that I
> mentioned above, that finished stories can only compete once. If a poem
> competed, and then a story containing that poem competed in a later
> year, you could argue that the poem competed twice. This is why we don't
> allow drabble series to compete, and then for drabbles that are part of
> that series to compete in a later year. (Or vice versa, for the drabble
> to compete first and the series to compete later.)
> However, there's often an added factor with poems: a lot of times the
> poems and stories are by different authors. And unless both are listed
> as co-authors, maybe in the past the poem competed without the poem
> author's permission, if a story containing it competed. Or, in the
> reverse situation: maybe a poem competed that would make a story
> ineligible, without the story author giving the go-ahead.
> So: if a poem and story are by different authors, and both authors
> aren't listed as co-authors when a piece is nominated for the MEFAs, the
> nomination of one won't affect the eligibility of the other. If the poem
> and story are by the same author, or if both authors are listed as
> co-authors, the nomination of one *will* affect the eligibility of the
> other.
> Oh, and there's a grandfather clause - if a piece was nominated in 2007
> or earlier, we won't count it against you (because this issue was
> vague); but if you accept a nomination in 2008 or beyond, you need to be
> aware that you could be affecting the eligibility of a poem that appears
> as part of the story, or of a story that is published including that poem.
> One last thing I need to talk about. I know this email is a bit long.
> ******
> 6. The Two-Weeks Rule
> One big change for the 2008 awards. Is the two-weeks rule. Here's the
> idea: the liaisons will try for two weeks to contact an author, through
> email and anything else we can think of like LJs or archives where the
> author hangs out.
> If, after two weeks of trying, we've failed to make any contact with the
> author, then the liaison will approach the person who nominated the
> story. The nominator will be given the option to withdraw the story and
> nominate another one in its place; or to leave the story in competition
> in case the author *does* make contact. (The nominator can try his- or
> herself for a little while, and then later have it withdrawn if they'd
> like.) The point is, if it looks like we won't be able to get in touch
> with an author we may let the nominator replace it. This is why it's
> important to enter your nominations early so you can replace them if the
> author is hard to reach.
> This doesn't mean the author has to finish everything to do with a
> nomination within two weeks. All an author has to do is let us know
> they've received emails about the MEFAs; just a two-line email along the
> lines of "I got your emails, I'd love to compete, and I'll work on the
> stuff you told me to do this weekend" will do the trick. Or even "I got
> your emails, I need to think about whether I want to compete." In either
> case, the liaison now knows that she's being read.
> Also, this doesn't mean that stories will be automatically withdrawn two
> weeks after they're nominated. This will only happen at the liaison's
> and the nominator's discretion, when they're run out of ways to try to
> reach the author.
> Btw - when you nominate an author it's really helpful if you drop them a
> line to let them know they've been nominated (if you know them, of
> course). That way they can be on the lookout for an email.
> ********
> I'll end this email with a brief note on time zones. And then I really
> will be done.
> I said that the MEFAs would start on Sunday May 4, but for many of us in
> America it will actually start Saturday May 3. This is because the MEFAs
> are based on Greenwich Mean Time. All MEFA days begin at 12:00:01 AM,
> GMT; and they end at 11:59:59 PM, GMT. I have no head for time zones and
> so I won't try to explain when exactly that is in various local times.
> Instead, go to, the 2007 website. At
> the bottom of the page there will be a line like:
> Page Served at: 2008-05-02 07:33:20 GMT
> This is the official time according to the site clock, at the time you
> loaded the page. Compare that to your current time, and you'll see when
> the MEFA day begins and ends. (For reference, when I loaded that page,
> it was 3:34 AM on May 2, here in the U.S. Eastern time zone.)
> Thanks for reading this far! If you have any questions, please reply and
> I'll do my best to answer them. Otherwise, happy nominating in a few days!
> Marta
> (MEFA Admin.)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8681

Re: ADMIN - Remenders and Policy Changes Posted by May 02, 2008 - 7:04:25 Topic ID# 8679
rabidsamfan wrote:
> Number four has me excited too.

Good! The archive is really Aranel's brainchild - she's the one who's
programmed it and even done the footwork to get the 2004 reviews entered
- and I really think it will be very helpful.


Msg# 8682

Re: ADMIN - Remenders and Policy Changes Posted by Súlriel of Menegroth May 02, 2008 - 8:26:04 Topic ID# 8679
Amazing job guys!!


On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 2:35 AM, <>

> Hey guys,
> As I mentioned in an email a few days ago, the 2008 MEFAs will begin
> accepting nominations this Sunday, May 4. Nominations will be open until
> June 15. So right now seems like a good time to make some announcements
> about what will change about that part of the awards.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8683

The MEFA Archive Posted by Ann May 03, 2008 - 14:38:06 Topic ID# 8683
Wow. Wow. Wow! This is gorgeous! Thanks and kudos to all involved in
this labor of love - it's amazing.

Msg# 8684

Re: The MEFA Archive Posted by May 03, 2008 - 15:07:34 Topic ID# 8683
Ann wrote:
> Wow. Wow. Wow! This is gorgeous! Thanks and kudos to all involved in
> this labor of love - it's amazing.

It really is, isn't it? I really like it, too.


Msg# 8685

Re: The MEFA Archive Posted by Beverly Pagani May 03, 2008 - 16:34:10 Topic ID# 8683
I must be doing something wrong, I get "Site not found" when I click on the link.

Ann <> wrote: Wow. Wow. Wow! This is gorgeous! Thanks and kudos to all involved in
this labor of love - it's amazing.


Visit our website:! Groups Links

Elrond, Lord of Imladris

Stories Archived as Brindlemom2 at

Also Archived as Gilnaur at

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8686

Re: The MEFA Archive Posted by elea241 May 03, 2008 - 16:38:05 Topic ID# 8683
I had the same thing too at first. You just have to make sure
that "MEFA2007/" is at the end with nothing else after.


--- In, Beverly Pagani <brindlemom2@...>
> I must be doing something wrong, I get "Site not found" when I
click on the link.
> Ann <ann@...> wrote: Wow. Wow. Wow! This is gorgeous! Thanks and
kudos to all involved in
> this labor of love - it's amazing.
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups
> Elrond, Lord of Imladris
> Stories Archived as Brindlemom2 at
> Also Archived as Gilnaur at
> ---------------------------------
> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.
Try it now.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8687

MEFA 2008 Site Posted by araneltook May 03, 2008 - 17:02:30 Topic ID# 8687
Hey all,

We're working on getting the 2008 site up and running, so links aren't going to work for a
while. The 2007 site will also no longer be available.

Once the new site is up, keep in mind that Nominations do not start until May 4 (midnight
GMT). I am clearing out the database before we start, so any nominations or reviews entered
before the official start time will be deleted.

There is a new Archive this year for looking up Previously Nominated Stories
( This also has reviews for stories. 2004 stories
and reviews were entered by hand, so let me know if you see any errors. Also, I have not yet
entered the 2004 & 2005 Author Awards and Reviews.

And...I think that's it. Happy Nominating! :-)


Msg# 8688

Re: The MEFA Archive Posted by Ann May 03, 2008 - 17:10:25 Topic ID# 8683
The MEFA Archive is here:

Msg# 8689

Re: MEFA 2008 Site Posted by Súlriel of Menegroth May 03, 2008 - 19:00:44 Topic ID# 8687
This is fantastic! What a wonderful job you all have done!


>>>>On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 5:02 PM, araneltook <>
wrote:There is a new Archive this year for looking up Previously Nominated
( This also has reviews for stories.
2004 stories
and reviews were entered by hand, so let me know if you see any errors.
Also, I have not yet
entered the 2004 & 2005 Author Awards and Reviews.

And...I think that's it. Happy Nominating! :-)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8690

And we're off! Posted by aure\_enteluva May 03, 2008 - 19:12:57 Topic ID# 8690
The 2008 Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards have officially started. You
can nominate any (eligible!) story, poem, fixed-length ficlet, essay,
or whatever else you like. You can do it at:

To nominate something, you need to be a member of the MEFAwards Yahoo
group. If you aren't already, join at

If you have password troubles or need help of any kind, send up a
flare and we'll figure out the problem. You can contact me at
mefasupport-at-mefawards-dot-net. (The old gmail address will forward
there too, btw.)

Happy nominating, folks!

(MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 8691

Nomination Goof Posted by helmsdaughter May 03, 2008 - 19:53:13 Topic ID# 8691
Um, silly me was nominating tonight and I got distracted by my kids
and inadvertently posted wording from my draft review in the block
intended for giving the author's contact info... I was nominating
three stories by Fiondil.

Can one of the admin types help fix this goof? I DID put the review
text into the correct box, when I realized what I'd done...

*Feeling absolutely foolish*


(AKA Helmsdaughter and Berni)

Msg# 8692

Re: Nomination Goof Posted by May 03, 2008 - 20:31:05 Topic ID# 8691
Hi Rhyselle,

We should be able to fix this, no problem. I just want to make sure I
understand the error, because once it's deleted, what I delete will be
gone for good.

As I understand it, you accidentally pasted your review of a story into
the "Nomination Notes" (the text field at the very bottom of the
nomination form). You also entered the review in the actual review form.
Is this correct?

If my understanding is correct, just let me know what story was affected
(if you remember) and I will delete what you entered into the Nomination
Notes part of the form.

If you also will need to enter this into the review form (i.e., if you
haven't already entered your review), let me know and I will email you
what you pasted into the Nomination Notes textbox, so you can enter it
as a review for that story.



helmsdaughter wrote:
> Um, silly me was nominating tonight and I got distracted by my kids
> and inadvertently posted wording from my draft review in the block
> intended for giving the author's contact info... I was nominating
> three stories by Fiondil.
> Can one of the admin types help fix this goof? I DID put the review
> text into the correct box, when I realized what I'd done...
> *Feeling absolutely foolish*
> Rhyselle
> (AKA Helmsdaughter and Berni)

Msg# 8693

Re: The MEFA Archive Posted by nau\_tika May 03, 2008 - 20:33:25 Topic ID# 8683
This is awesome!


--- In, "Ann" <ann@...> wrote:
> The MEFA Archive is here:

Msg# 8694

Are we off? Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell May 03, 2008 - 20:49:03 Topic ID# 8691
I thought things started on the fourth! I somehow am behind the
eight-ball, apparently. I was just testing!
Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 8695

Re: The MEFA Archive Posted by araneltook May 03, 2008 - 20:50:08 Topic ID# 8683
Thanks! I'm glad you're all liking the Archive. :-)


--- In, "nau_tika" <nau_tika@...> wrote:
> This is awesome!
> nautika
> --- In, "Ann" <ann@> wrote:
> >
> > The MEFA Archive is here:
> >

Msg# 8696

Re: Are we off? Posted by Aranel Took May 03, 2008 - 20:52:47 Topic ID# 8691
Hi Bonnie,
We start at midnight GMT (or a bit later, when daylight savings dorks things
up). It's already May 4th elsewhere in the world. ;-)


On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 8:49 PM, Bonnie L. Sherrell <>

> I thought things started on the fourth! I somehow am behind the
> eight-ball, apparently. I was just testing!
> Bonnie L. Sherrell
> Teacher at Large
> "Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the
> very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR
> "Don't go where I can't follow."
> I mourn for this nation.
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8697

Re: Nomination Goof Posted by Berni Crumb May 03, 2008 - 21:07:41 Topic ID# 8691
Thank you, Marta.

That is correct. I accidentally pasted my review of THE LAST MESSENGER: A
Tale of Numenor into the Nomination Notes area of the nomination form. I
did enter the review in the actual review form. I did this also for
PROPHECY: Changing the Future.

So if you can delete the review bits in the Nomination Notes, I would really
appreciate it. :) Thank you!

Vorondavë ar linalmië,

Fantasy remains a human right: we make in our measure and in our derivative
mode, because we are made: and not only made, but made in the image and
likeness of a Maker. -- J.R.R. Tolkien, On Fairy-Stories, 1939

On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 9:30 PM, <>

> Hi Rhyselle,
> We should be able to fix this, no problem. I just want to make sure I
> understand the error, because once it's deleted, what I delete will be
> gone for good.
> As I understand it, you accidentally pasted your review of a story into
> the "Nomination Notes" (the text field at the very bottom of the
> nomination form). You also entered the review in the actual review form.
> Is this correct?
> If my understanding is correct, just let me know what story was affected
> (if you remember) and I will delete what you entered into the Nomination
> Notes part of the form.
> If you also will need to enter this into the review form (i.e., if you
> haven't already entered your review), let me know and I will email you
> what you pasted into the Nomination Notes textbox, so you can enter it
> as a review for that story.
> Thanks,
> Marta
> helmsdaughter wrote:
> >
> >
> > Um, silly me was nominating tonight and I got distracted by my kids
> > and inadvertently posted wording from my draft review in the block
> > intended for giving the author's contact info... I was nominating
> > three stories by Fiondil.
> >
> > Can one of the admin types help fix this goof? I DID put the review
> > text into the correct box, when I realized what I'd done...
> >
> > *Feeling absolutely foolish*
> >
> > Rhyselle
> >
> > (AKA Helmsdaughter and Berni)
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8698

Re: Are we off? Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell May 03, 2008 - 21:08:33 Topic ID# 8691
Well, don't mind me--a day late and several braincells short. I've had
a LOOONNNNGGGG week, and will have a longer one next week! Please
forgive me! Marta, can you remove my nomination of Fiondil's "The Wars
of the Valar," as it has already been nominated, and I thought I was
just testing the system! Will it count against me?

(/me makes big puppydog eyes at Marta and Aranel!)
Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 8699

Re: The MEFA Archive Posted by surgeon\_ruth May 03, 2008 - 21:12:30 Topic ID# 8683

Hey, so I think the archive's gorgeous, but I have a question. I've got
fic that was nominated in 2006 and 2007 which no longer resides at its
previous home. Is there any way to update those links? I can provide
the new addresses if there is.

Thanks so much!
--- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> Ann wrote:
> >
> >
> > Wow. Wow. Wow! This is gorgeous! Thanks and kudos to all involved in
> > this labor of love - it's amazing.
> >
> It really is, isn't it? I really like it, too.
> Marta

Msg# 8700

Re: Are we off? Posted by May 03, 2008 - 21:13:39 Topic ID# 8691
Hiya Bonnie,

MEFA days begin and end at midnight GMT. I live in the U.S. Eastern time
zone, and that happens to fall at 8 PM my time right now. When we're out
of Daylight Savings Time, I think it occurs at a different time (7 PM my
local time?)

If you want to figure out how this compares to your local time, go to (or any other page of the MEFA2008
website) and look in the bottom-left corner. You'll find a line that
starts with "Page Served at," which tells you the official time when you
loaded that web page. Right now, for me that line reads

Page Served at: 2008-05-04 02:10:24 GMT

And it is currently 10:10 PM local time - which tells me that I am four
hours behind the site time, so midnight for the site is 8 PM for me on
the night before. Your own time difference will vary based on where you
live. It will also change based on whether we're in daylight savings
time or not.

This becomes important for the end of seasons. For instance, nominations
close on June 15. That means that on the midnight between June 15 & 16,
the site will stop accepting nominations. And that midnight as based on
GMT - so I won't be able to enter a nomination after 8 PM on June 15, my
local time. When that time ends for you depends on where you live.

Hope that helps!

PS - If you entered a review or nomination that you thought was just for
testing, let me know and I'll remove it for you.


"Bonnie L. Sherrell wrote:
> I thought things started on the fourth! I somehow am behind the
> eight-ball, apparently. I was just testing!
> Bonnie L. Sherrell
> Teacher at Large
> "Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the
> very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR
> "Don't go where I can't follow."
> I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 8701

Oops! A typo! Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell May 03, 2008 - 21:22:22 Topic ID# 8683
In character names, under Valar and Maiar, Ganadlf appears. This is
amusing! I think he'd laugh about it!

Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 8702

Author Names Posted by May 03, 2008 - 21:27:16 Topic ID# 8702
Hey guys,

I've been discussing an issue with a member, and it's worth mentioning
the issue to the whole group.

This member was trying to nominate a story by an author who already had
an account at the website, but the author was listed under their Yahoo
ID rather than the name they used at the website where the story was
posted. This meant that when the nominator tried to add the author so
she could nominate the story, the website gave an error. As it should,
because we don't want the same person to have more than one account.

If you are trying to add an author so you can nominate them, there's a
good chance that they are already listed but under a different name. To
check, click on the "Users" link at the top of the page and search for
the part of their email address before the "@" sign. For instance, my
personal email address (which is what I gave as my contact email) is
melayton-at-gmail-dot-com. Searching for "melayton" would bring up me.

If searching for an email address brings up an account, go ahead and
make your nomination with that person as the author. But email the
support address:


And we will change how the author's name is displayed on the site so
it's more clear to other participants who it is.

Btw, if you have trouble adding an author but searching for them like I
described above doesn't turn them up, please contact me at the same
email address. I'll try to track down what's going on and fix it.

Also btw, in this case, the author was Foxrafer, who at our website had
the name "csevans8" (her Yahoo ID). I changed the name to "foxrafer


Msg# 8703

Re: Nomination Goof Posted by May 03, 2008 - 21:28:18 Topic ID# 8691
Hiya Rhyselle,

Okay, thanks for clearing it up! I've deleted the review bit.


Berni Crumb wrote:
> Thank you, Marta.
> That is correct. I accidentally pasted my review of THE LAST MESSENGER: A
> Tale of Numenor into the Nomination Notes area of the nomination form. I
> did enter the review in the actual review form. I did this also for
> PROPHECY: Changing the Future.
> So if you can delete the review bits in the Nomination Notes, I would really
> appreciate it. :) Thank you!
> Vorondavë ar linalmië,
> Rhyselle

Msg# 8704

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by May 03, 2008 - 21:29:05 Topic ID# 8683
Hiya Larner,

Well, technically Gandalf *is* a maia. Sort of. But yes, he probably
would have a good chuckle at it.

Would it make more sense to list him under "Other," do you think? Or
where would you suggest?


Bonnie L. Sherrell wrote:
> In character names, under Valar and Maiar, Ganadlf appears. This is
> amusing! I think he'd laugh about it!
> Bonnie L. Sherrell
> Teacher at Large
> "Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the
> very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR
> "Don't go where I can't follow."
> I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 8705

Re: Are we off? Posted by May 03, 2008 - 21:36:51 Topic ID# 8691
Hiya Bonnie,

Since you were just trying to test the website, I think that story can
be withdrawn, no problem. I will withdraw it without you losing a

You didn't enter a vote by any chance, did you? If so, I need to know to
withdraw that as well.


Bonnie L. Sherrell wrote:
> Well, don't mind me--a day late and several braincells short. I've had
> a LOOONNNNGGGG week, and will have a longer one next week! Please
> forgive me! Marta, can you remove my nomination of Fiondil's "The Wars
> of the Valar," as it has already been nominated, and I thought I was
> just testing the system! Will it count against me?
> (/me makes big puppydog eyes at Marta and Aranel!)
> Bonnie L. Sherrell
> Teacher at Large
> "Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the
> very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR
> "Don't go where I can't follow."
> I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 8706

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by May 03, 2008 - 21:36:54 Topic ID# 8683
In a message dated 5/3/2008 9:29:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Well, technically Gandalf *is* a maia. Sort of. But yes, he probably
would have a good chuckle at it.

Would it make more sense to list him under "Other," do you think? Or
where would you suggest?

Butting in here with my own strong opinion. He is a Maia and should be
listed there, not other. But I think she was trying to say he is listed as a
Valar? Or are those the same category?

**************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family
favorites at AOL Food.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8707

Re: The MEFA Archive Posted by Aranel Took May 03, 2008 - 21:38:30 Topic ID# 8683
Yes, we can update those links. Just send me a list of the stories and their
new URLs (you can either post it here or email it to and we'll get them updated.


On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 9:12 PM, surgeon_ruth <> wrote:

> *de-lurks*
> Hey, so I think the archive's gorgeous, but I have a question. I've got
> fic that was nominated in 2006 and 2007 which no longer resides at its
> previous home. Is there any way to update those links? I can provide
> the new addresses if there is.
> Thanks so much!
> --- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> >
> > Ann wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Wow. Wow. Wow! This is gorgeous! Thanks and kudos to all involved in
> > > this labor of love - it's amazing.
> > >
> >
> > It really is, isn't it? I really like it, too.
> >
> > Marta
> >
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8708

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell May 03, 2008 - 21:41:46 Topic ID# 8683
Er, check the SPELLING, dear! Heh!

Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 8709

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by Berni Crumb May 03, 2008 - 21:42:20 Topic ID# 8683
It is not the category that is in question, but the spelling of Gandalf's
name... In the character list, it is spelled "Ganadlf" and not "Gandalf" and
it needs to be fixed.


On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 10:28 PM, <>

> Hiya Larner,
> Well, technically Gandalf *is* a maia. Sort of. But yes, he probably
> would have a good chuckle at it.
> Would it make more sense to list him under "Other," do you think? Or
> where would you suggest?
> Marta
> Bonnie L. Sherrell wrote:
> >
> >
> > In character names, under Valar and Maiar, Ganadlf appears. This is
> > amusing! I think he'd laugh about it!
> >
> > Bonnie L. Sherrell
> > Teacher at Large
> >
> > "Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the
> > very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR
> >
> > "Don't go where I can't follow."
> >
> > I mourn for this nation.
> >
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

Vorondavë ar linalmië,

Fantasy remains a human right: we make in our measure and in our derivative
mode, because we are made: and not only made, but made in the image and
likeness of a Maker. -- J.R.R. Tolkien, On Fairy-Stories, 1939

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8710

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by Arthur Boccaccio May 03, 2008 - 21:43:47 Topic ID# 8683
I think you're all missing the point unless Bonnie misspelled his name
because she has him listed as Ganadlf. If that is the typo to which she
refers, then yes, it should be corrected.

BTW, Marta, perhaps Gandalf could be listed as "Gandalf/Olýrin" since his
name as a Maia was originally Olýrin and there are fics out there (some of
mine for example) where he is pre-Gandalf. Just a suggestion.

On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 10:36 AM, <> wrote:

> In a message dated 5/3/2008 9:29:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> <> writes:
> Well, technically Gandalf *is* a maia. Sort of. But yes, he probably
> would have a good chuckle at it.
> Would it make more sense to list him under "Other," do you think? Or
> where would you suggest?
> Butting in here with my own strong opinion. He is a Maia and should be
> listed there, not other. But I think she was trying to say he is listed as
> a
> Valar? Or are those the same category?
> **************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on
> family
> favorites at AOL Food.
> (
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8711

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by May 03, 2008 - 21:48:36 Topic ID# 8683
In a message dated 5/3/2008 9:43:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

BTW, Marta, perhaps Gandalf could be listed as "Gandalf/Olórin" since his
name as a Maia was originally Olórin and there are fics out there (some of
mine for example) where he is pre-Gandalf. Just a suggestion.

I second that. I was thinking the same thing myself. I know of others as
well that feature Gandalf as Olórin.

**************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family
favorites at AOL Food.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8712

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by May 03, 2008 - 21:48:57 Topic ID# 8683
Hi Oshun,

Characters are sorted by groups, and Gandalf is listed under the group
"Valar and Maiar" - so one group for both sets. I think it makes the
most sense to list him there, personally, though I admit that Gandalf of
the Ring War doesn't always seem very Ainur-y.

Marta wrote:
> In a message dated 5/3/2008 9:29:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> <> writes:
> Well, technically Gandalf *is* a maia. Sort of. But yes, he probably
> would have a good chuckle at it.
> Would it make more sense to list him under "Other," do you think? Or
> where would you suggest?
> Butting in here with my own strong opinion. He is a Maia and should be
> listed there, not other. But I think she was trying to say he is listed
> as a
> Valar? Or are those the same category?

Msg# 8713

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by May 03, 2008 - 21:49:40 Topic ID# 8683
Berni Crumb wrote:
> It is not the category that is in question, but the spelling of Gandalf's
> name... In the character list, it is spelled "Ganadlf" and not "Gandalf" and
> it needs to be fixed.
> Rhyselle

Oh! *chuckles* Sorry about that, I misunderstood.

I'll gladly change the spelling. *runs off to do that now*


Msg# 8714

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by May 03, 2008 - 21:54:39 Topic ID# 8683
Hi Fiondil,

I did indeed miss the point - I am in a bit of a rush tonight, and so
assumed (incorrectly) that Bonnie was questioning the placement of
Gandalf under Valar and Ainur. I didn't realize that it was a spelling

Gandalf will now be displayed as

Valar and Maiar - Gandalf (Olórin)

Hope that works,


Arthur Boccaccio wrote:
> I think you're all missing the point unless Bonnie misspelled his name
> because she has him listed as Ganadlf. If that is the typo to which she
> refers, then yes, it should be corrected.
> BTW, Marta, perhaps Gandalf could be listed as "Gandalf/Olórin" since his
> name as a Maia was originally Olórin and there are fics out there (some of
> mine for example) where he is pre-Gandalf. Just a suggestion.
> Fiondil
> On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 10:36 AM, <> wrote:
>> In a message dated 5/3/2008 9:29:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>> <> writes:
>> Well, technically Gandalf *is* a maia. Sort of. But yes, he probably
>> would have a good chuckle at it.
>> Would it make more sense to list him under "Other," do you think? Or
>> where would you suggest?
>> Butting in here with my own strong opinion. He is a Maia and should be
>> listed there, not other. But I think she was trying to say he is listed as
>> a
>> Valar? Or are those the same category?
>> **************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on
>> family
>> favorites at AOL Food.
>> (
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8715

Re: The MEFA Archive Posted by surgeon\_ruth May 03, 2008 - 21:58:34 Topic ID# 8683
E-mail sent, and thanks!

--- In, "Aranel Took" <araneltook@...>
> Yes, we can update those links. Just send me a list of the stories
and their
> new URLs (you can either post it here or email it to
> techsupport@...) and we'll get them updated.
> Aranel
> On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 9:12 PM, surgeon_ruth <surgsteel@...> wrote:
> > *de-lurks*
> >
> > Hey, so I think the archive's gorgeous, but I have a question.
I've got
> > fic that was nominated in 2006 and 2007 which no longer resides
at its
> > previous home. Is there any way to update those links? I can
> > the new addresses if there is.
> >
> > Thanks so much!
> > --- In, "melayton@" <melayton@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Ann wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Wow. Wow. Wow! This is gorgeous! Thanks and kudos to all
involved in
> > > > this labor of love - it's amazing.
> > > >
> > >
> > > It really is, isn't it? I really like it, too.
> > >
> > > Marta
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > Visit our website:!
Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8716

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by Berni Crumb May 03, 2008 - 22:00:07 Topic ID# 8683
Speaking of misspelled names in the character list on

there's also: "Ereknbrand" which should be "Erkenbrand".

Also, is there a particular reason that some of the Valar are listed by name
but others are not? You've got Manwe, Namo/Mandos, Nienna, Yavanna, Varda,
Aule and Orome, and even Orome's horse, Nahar (LOL!) but not Irmo/Lorien or
Tulkas, or the rest of the Valie.

Just wondering!


On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 10:42 PM, Berni Crumb <> wrote:

> It is not the category that is in question, but the spelling of Gandalf's
> name... In the character list, it is spelled "Ganadlf" and not "Gandalf" and
> it needs to be fixed.
> Rhyselle
> On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 10:28 PM, <>
> wrote:
>> Hiya Larner,
>> Well, technically Gandalf *is* a maia. Sort of. But yes, he probably
>> would have a good chuckle at it.
>> Would it make more sense to list him under "Other," do you think? Or
>> where would you suggest?
>> Marta
>> Bonnie L. Sherrell wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > In character names, under Valar and Maiar, Ganadlf appears. This is
>> > amusing! I think he'd laugh about it!
>> >
>> > Bonnie L. Sherrell
>> > Teacher at Large
>> >
>> > "Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the
>> > very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR
>> >
>> > "Don't go where I can't follow."
>> >
>> > I mourn for this nation.
>> >
>> ------------------------------------
>> Visit our website:! Groups Links
> --
> Vorondavë ar linalmië,
> Rhyselle
> Fantasy remains a human right: we make in our measure and in our derivative
> mode, because we are made: and not only made, but made in the image and
> likeness of a Maker. -- J.R.R. Tolkien, On Fairy-Stories, 1939

Vorondavë ar linalmië,

Fantasy remains a human right: we make in our measure and in our derivative
mode, because we are made: and not only made, but made in the image and
likeness of a Maker. -- J.R.R. Tolkien, On Fairy-Stories, 1939

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8717

MEFA Archive Corrections and Updates Posted by araneltook May 03, 2008 - 22:00:25 Topic ID# 8717
Hello everyone,

If you have any corrections or updates for the archive, please let us know. This includes
broken URL links that need to be updated if you've moved a story or the archive changed its
URLs (I've already updated the Open Scrolls domain name change).

You can either post those here, or email



Msg# 8718

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by Arthur Boccaccio May 03, 2008 - 22:04:18 Topic ID# 8683
Hi Marta,

That's okay. I've not looked at the character list myself but Rhyselle and I
are chatting right now and she sees that you have Mandos (Nýmo). I think you
should reverse that. Nýmo is the Vala's proper name while Mandos is where he
resides. I don't care if some people think of him as Mandos the Silmarillion
clearly states that his proper name is Nýmo and I think that should be
listed first. I always believe in educating people through my writing even
while they are having fun reading my stories. *grin*

Also, and this is just a pet peeve, I really think ALL 14 of the Valar's
names should be listed separately. Rhyselle and I are getting a kick out of
the fact that Oromý's HORSE gets top billing over some of the Valar! LOL

Anyway, hope you're not readly to run to the nearest bar and drown yourself
in spirits yet with all the first night madness going on. *grin*


On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 10:54 AM, <>

> Hi Fiondil,
> I did indeed miss the point - I am in a bit of a rush tonight, and so
> assumed (incorrectly) that Bonnie was questioning the placement of
> Gandalf under Valar and Ainur. I didn't realize that it was a spelling
> error.
> Gandalf will now be displayed as
> Valar and Maiar - Gandalf (Olýrin)
> Hope that works,
> Marta
> Arthur Boccaccio wrote:
> > I think you're all missing the point unless Bonnie misspelled his name
> > because she has him listed as Ganadlf. If that is the typo to which she
> > refers, then yes, it should be corrected.
> >
> > BTW, Marta, perhaps Gandalf could be listed as "Gandalf/Olýrin" since
> his
> > name as a Maia was originally Olýrin and there are fics out there (some
> of
> > mine for example) where he is pre-Gandalf. Just a suggestion.
> >
> > Fiondil
> > On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 10:36 AM, <<>>
> wrote:
> >
> >> In a message dated 5/3/2008 9:29:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> >> <> <>
> writes:
> >>
> >> Well, technically Gandalf *is* a maia. Sort of. But yes, he probably
> >> would have a good chuckle at it.
> >>
> >> Would it make more sense to list him under "Other," do you think? Or
> >> where would you suggest?
> >>
> >> Butting in here with my own strong opinion. He is a Maia and should be
> >> listed there, not other. But I think she was trying to say he is listed
> as
> >> a
> >> Valar? Or are those the same category?
> >>
> >> **************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on
> >> family
> >> favorites at AOL Food.
> >> (
> >>
> >> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8719

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by May 03, 2008 - 22:16:09 Topic ID# 8683
In a message dated 5/3/2008 10:04:40 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Rhyselle and I are getting a kick out of
the fact that Oromë's HORSE gets top billing over some of the Valar! LOL

You're cracking me up tonight! It least it wasn't his horn; a horse is at
least sentient. (Or maybe I should check the "Other" category. The horn may be

**************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family
favorites at AOL Food.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8720

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by May 03, 2008 - 22:38:47 Topic ID# 8683
Hiya Rhyselle,

> Speaking of misspelled names in the character list on
> <>
> there's also: "Ereknbrand" which should be "Erkenbrand".

Okay, I will gladly change the spelling. If you guys catch any other
typos or missing alternate names, let me know and I'll fix them. They
were all typed in by yours truly, often rather late at night, so I may
have made a few typing mistakes.

> Also, is there a particular reason that some of the Valar are listed by name
> but others are not? You've got Manwe, Namo/Mandos, Nienna, Yavanna, Varda,
> Aule and Orome, and even Orome's horse, Nahar (LOL!) but not Irmo/Lorien or
> Tulkas, or the rest of the Valie.

It's not an intentional slight, I promise! I tried to strike a balance
between being as comprehensive as possible, while at the same time only
listing those characters that had a reasonable chance of having stories
written about them. I didn't want the list to get so long that it was
overwhelming to authors or readers.

The fact that Manwe's horse is listed and not some of the Valar isn't a
judgment that one is more important than the other. Rather, I had
various volunteers (in this case Fiondil IIRC) come up with lists of
characters in different races. Then I pared it down to what I thought
was manageable. So when I was looking at the Valar, if I thought it was
longer than what I felt was appropriate for the Valar, I might have not
listed all of the Valar. But odds are there weren't as many
animals/"others" listed by name, so it didn't occur to me to shorten it.

I'd rather not add to the list at this point, though. Not that you're
asking, but I want to explain this. Every race has a listing for "Other
Canon [race]" and "Other [race] - Original Characters". So if there is a
story about Irmo or Tulkas, then you could select "Valar and Maiar -
Other Canon Ainur." I'm happy to consider adding those characters for
next year, but it is problematic to add characters once the awards have

Thanks for catching the Erkenbrand typo, btw! I appreciate it.


Msg# 8721

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by May 03, 2008 - 22:45:10 Topic ID# 8683
Hi Fiondil,

> That's okay. I've not looked at the character list myself but Rhyselle and I
> are chatting right now and she sees that you have Mandos (Námo). I think you
> should reverse that. Námo is the Vala's proper name while Mandos is where he
> resides. I don't care if some people think of him as Mandos the Silmarillion
> clearly states that his proper name is Námo and I think that should be
> listed first. I always believe in educating people through my writing even
> while they are having fun reading my stories. *grin*

Okay, I have changed the order there. I am not picky which is mentioned
first or last - I want these lists to be as useful as possible, and as
correct as possible.

> Also, and this is just a pet peeve, I really think ALL 14 of the Valar's
> names should be listed separately. Rhyselle and I are getting a kick out of
> the fact that Oromë's HORSE gets top billing over some of the Valar! LOL

I explained this in my message to Rhyselle, but I'd really rather not
add characters unless we absolutely have to. I'm happy to fix typos and
add alternate names, but it's problematic to add characters after the
awards have started. If you'd like to know more about my reasons for
this I'm happy to explain in more depth privately; it's a bit technical
and I don't want to go into it too much here.

I will try to add a character or setting if there's really nothing
appropriate, and deal with those problems I mentioned above for such a
case, but in this case there is the "Valar and Maiar - Other Canon
Ainur." Which may not be ideal, but I think it will work fairly well.

> Anyway, hope you're not readly to run to the nearest bar and drown yourself
> in spirits yet with all the first night madness going on. *grin*

Nope, not quite! I knew there would be a lot of questions this weekend,
and I'm happy to answer them as best I can.


Msg# 8722

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by Berni Crumb May 03, 2008 - 22:59:37 Topic ID# 8683
No problem! Thanks for explaining. I still am giggling though over a mental
image of Tulkas sulking and muttering, "Orome's *horse* gets a specific
mention!" and Nessa and the other Valie are all snickering about it. If it
persists maybe I'll write a silly ficlet to get it out of my head. *grin*

Thanks for all the excellent work that you and the MEFA team have put into
preparing for this year's awards!


On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 11:38 PM, <>

> Hiya Rhyselle,
> > Speaking of misspelled names in the character list on
> >
> > <
> >
> >
> > there's also: "Ereknbrand" which should be "Erkenbrand".
> >
> Okay, I will gladly change the spelling. If you guys catch any other
> typos or missing alternate names, let me know and I'll fix them. They
> were all typed in by yours truly, often rather late at night, so I may
> have made a few typing mistakes.
> > Also, is there a particular reason that some of the Valar are listed by
> name
> > but others are not? You've got Manwe, Namo/Mandos, Nienna, Yavanna,
> Varda,
> > Aule and Orome, and even Orome's horse, Nahar (LOL!) but not Irmo/Lorien
> or
> > Tulkas, or the rest of the Valie.
> >
> It's not an intentional slight, I promise! I tried to strike a balance
> between being as comprehensive as possible, while at the same time only
> listing those characters that had a reasonable chance of having stories
> written about them. I didn't want the list to get so long that it was
> overwhelming to authors or readers.
> The fact that Manwe's horse is listed and not some of the Valar isn't a
> judgment that one is more important than the other. Rather, I had
> various volunteers (in this case Fiondil IIRC) come up with lists of
> characters in different races. Then I pared it down to what I thought
> was manageable. So when I was looking at the Valar, if I thought it was
> longer than what I felt was appropriate for the Valar, I might have not
> listed all of the Valar. But odds are there weren't as many
> animals/"others" listed by name, so it didn't occur to me to shorten it.
> I'd rather not add to the list at this point, though. Not that you're
> asking, but I want to explain this. Every race has a listing for "Other
> Canon [race]" and "Other [race] - Original Characters". So if there is a
> story about Irmo or Tulkas, then you could select "Valar and Maiar -
> Other Canon Ainur." I'm happy to consider adding those characters for
> next year, but it is problematic to add characters once the awards have
> started.
> Thanks for catching the Erkenbrand typo, btw! I appreciate it.
> Marta
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

Vorondavë ar linalmië,

Fantasy remains a human right: we make in our measure and in our derivative
mode, because we are made: and not only made, but made in the image and
likeness of a Maker. -- J.R.R. Tolkien, On Fairy-Stories, 1939

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8723

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by Arthur Boccaccio May 03, 2008 - 23:05:04 Topic ID# 8683
Ditto for me, Marta. I'm not going to quibble, but I was curious about the
Horse. LOL Anyway, great job.


On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 11:59 AM, Berni Crumb <> wrote:

> No problem! Thanks for explaining. I still am giggling though over a
> mental
> image of Tulkas sulking and muttering, "Orome's *horse* gets a specific
> mention!" and Nessa and the other Valie are all snickering about it. If it
> persists maybe I'll write a silly ficlet to get it out of my head. *grin*
> Thanks for all the excellent work that you and the MEFA team have put into
> preparing for this year's awards!
> Rhyselle
> On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 11:38 PM, <><
> <>>
> wrote:
> > Hiya Rhyselle,
> >
> > > Speaking of misspelled names in the character list on
> > >
> >
> > > <
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > there's also: "Ereknbrand" which should be "Erkenbrand".
> > >
> >
> > Okay, I will gladly change the spelling. If you guys catch any other
> > typos or missing alternate names, let me know and I'll fix them. They
> > were all typed in by yours truly, often rather late at night, so I may
> > have made a few typing mistakes.
> >
> > > Also, is there a particular reason that some of the Valar are listed
> by
> > name
> > > but others are not? You've got Manwe, Namo/Mandos, Nienna, Yavanna,
> > Varda,
> > > Aule and Orome, and even Orome's horse, Nahar (LOL!) but not
> Irmo/Lorien
> > or
> > > Tulkas, or the rest of the Valie.
> > >
> >
> > It's not an intentional slight, I promise! I tried to strike a balance
> > between being as comprehensive as possible, while at the same time only
> > listing those characters that had a reasonable chance of having stories
> > written about them. I didn't want the list to get so long that it was
> > overwhelming to authors or readers.
> >
> > The fact that Manwe's horse is listed and not some of the Valar isn't a
> > judgment that one is more important than the other. Rather, I had
> > various volunteers (in this case Fiondil IIRC) come up with lists of
> > characters in different races. Then I pared it down to what I thought
> > was manageable. So when I was looking at the Valar, if I thought it was
> > longer than what I felt was appropriate for the Valar, I might have not
> > listed all of the Valar. But odds are there weren't as many
> > animals/"others" listed by name, so it didn't occur to me to shorten it.
> >
> > I'd rather not add to the list at this point, though. Not that you're
> > asking, but I want to explain this. Every race has a listing for "Other
> > Canon [race]" and "Other [race] - Original Characters". So if there is a
> > story about Irmo or Tulkas, then you could select "Valar and Maiar -
> > Other Canon Ainur." I'm happy to consider adding those characters for
> > next year, but it is problematic to add characters once the awards have
> > started.
> >
> > Thanks for catching the Erkenbrand typo, btw! I appreciate it.
> >
> > Marta
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > Visit our website:! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Vorondavý ar linalmiý,
> Rhyselle
> Fantasy remains a human right: we make in our measure and in our
> derivative
> mode, because we are made: and not only made, but made in the image and
> likeness of a Maker. -- J.R.R. Tolkien, On Fairy-Stories, 1939
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8724

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by May 03, 2008 - 23:33:31 Topic ID# 8683
Thank you, both of you for being so understanding. Poor Irmo, thinking
even a horse got more fangurls than he did. *grins*


Arthur Boccaccio wrote:
> Ditto for me, Marta. I'm not going to quibble, but I was curious about the
> Horse. LOL Anyway, great job.
> Fiondil/Arthur
> On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 11:59 AM, Berni Crumb <> wrote:
>> No problem! Thanks for explaining. I still am giggling though over a
>> mental
>> image of Tulkas sulking and muttering, "Orome's *horse* gets a specific
>> mention!" and Nessa and the other Valie are all snickering about it. If it
>> persists maybe I'll write a silly ficlet to get it out of my head. *grin*
>> Thanks for all the excellent work that you and the MEFA team have put into
>> preparing for this year's awards!
>> Rhyselle

Msg# 8725

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by May 03, 2008 - 23:36:21 Topic ID# 8683
Maybe I'll nominate my character bio for the SWG on Irmo. Maybe if people
knew who he was, he could have a place next year after people get all excited
write a bunch of stories about him (sure, right! LOL).

**************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family
favorites at AOL Food.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8726

Re: Are we off? Posted by Lily Hawker-Yates May 04, 2008 - 10:23:29 Topic ID# 8691
4th in england, but I believe you would have still been in the 3rd when it started!

"Bonnie L. Sherrell" <> wrote: I thought things started on the fourth! I somehow am behind the
eight-ball, apparently. I was just testing!
Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends."

William Butler Yeats

'For every evil that rises, we are given ways to fight it. Or... in the absence of a fight, we are given each other to weather it. We're a bunch of survivors here, that's what we are. Not quite victorious, but then again, there hadn't really been a war. And yet we were fighting something... maybe ourselves, and the alone-ness that permeated each of us before we somehow found each other, ultimately found ourselves.' - Elrohir, For Every Evil

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8727

Re: Oops! A typo! Posted by May 04, 2008 - 18:08:22 Topic ID# 8683
I agree.  This has been a lot of fun to read.  And yes Fiondil, your stories are not only great reading but very informative.  For instance, I never thought each gem stone had its own meaning.  You, like other authors, do a lot of research before you write.  I am not that dedicated.

TariElfLady (Tari on SOA)

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, 3 May 2008 11:16 pm
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Oops! A typo!

In a message dated 5/3/2008 10:04:40 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Rhyselle and I are getting a kick out of
the fact that Oromë's HORSE gets top billing over some of the Valar! LOL

You're cracking me up tonight! It least it wasn't his horn; a horse is at
least sentient. (Or maybe I should check the "Other" category. The horn may be

**************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family
favorites at AOL Food.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8728

question about nomination Posted by PipMer May 04, 2008 - 18:12:25 Topic ID# 8728
Is there any way I can nominate someone when I don't know their email
address? They're not already on the list.

Msg# 8729

Re: question about nomination Posted by May 04, 2008 - 18:31:15 Topic ID# 8728
PipMer wrote:
> Is there any way I can nominate someone when I don't know their email
> address? They're not already on the list.

Hi PipMer,

Unfortunately, we do need to know their email address to contact them.
However, have they published a story fairly recently? Maybe you could
leave them a review and say you'd like to nominate them, but need their
email address to do so. If a reader approached me that way I would be
glad to give them my address.

Who is the author? Maybe someone on this list knows how to get in touch.


Msg# 8730

Re: question about nomination Posted by May 04, 2008 - 18:54:39 Topic ID# 8728
Thank you, Marta. I could leave a message on their LJ.

The author is Sue Denimme.

-------------- Original message --------------
From: "" <>
PipMer wrote:
> Is there any way I can nominate someone when I don't know their email
> address? They're not already on the list.

Hi PipMer,

Unfortunately, we do need to know their email address to contact them.
However, have they published a story fairly recently? Maybe you could
leave them a review and say you'd like to nominate them, but need their
email address to do so. If a reader approached me that way I would be
glad to give them my address.

Who is the author? Maybe someone on this list knows how to get in touch.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8731

Re: question about nomination Posted by Connie B. May 04, 2008 - 19:20:33 Topic ID# 8728
She changed her e-mail about six weeks ago, but her old e-mail address should still be good. At least I think it is.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8732

Two New Main Categories Added! Posted by May 04, 2008 - 20:08:38 Topic ID# 8732
Hey guys,

I wanted to let you know that Aranel has added two new main categories
to the list of category choices on the story forms. They are

For stories about characters that don't fit into one of the mentioned
races, like Ents, animals, Valar, and so on.

For stories where Tolkien!verse meets our "real" history, like Thranduil
at the birth of Christ or Maglor meeting JRRT in the trenches of WWI.
Crossovers into fandoms set in modern or future times (e.g. Gandalf
teaches at Hogwarts, Elrond ends up on the Enterprise) might select this
as well.

These additions were decided on during last year's post-mortem, but I
forgot to ask Aranel and Tanaqui to change the form on the website.

If you have already submitted a story form and would like to choose one
of these two categories, please contact your liaison or
mefasupport(at)mefawards(dot)net and I (or they) will help you make the


Msg# 8733

List of declining authors? Posted by May 04, 2008 - 20:29:27 Topic ID# 8733
I know when I was on the MEFA site (yesterday? quick glance, interrupted) I saw a list of authors who had declined participation in the MEFAs, but today when I went to start nominating I couldn't find that list. Can you tell me how to find it so I don't accidentally waste a nomination?

The site looks beautiful, by the way. Kudos to all who worked so hard. It was really easy to enter my first nomination. I'll have to come back later to write that review, though, as I am (inevitably) interrupted.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8734

Age limit? Posted by May 04, 2008 - 20:31:56 Topic ID# 8734
DD (pen name Dinossiel) is interested in joining MEFAs and reviewing. Is there a lower age limit for members? Also, DD uses my email address. Will that be a problem? (We can get her a yahoo address, I think, if we have to. It's not hard to get a yahoo address, is it?)

Please advise, and thanks.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8735

Re: List of declining authors? Posted by Aranel Took May 04, 2008 - 20:32:18 Topic ID# 8733
Hi Lin,
You can find that list of authors here:


On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 8:29 PM, <> wrote:

> I know when I was on the MEFA site (yesterday? quick glance, interrupted)
> I saw a list of authors who had declined participation in the MEFAs, but
> today when I went to start nominating I couldn't find that list. Can you
> tell me how to find it so I don't accidentally waste a nomination?
> The site looks beautiful, by the way. Kudos to all who worked so hard. It
> was really easy to enter my first nomination. I'll have to come back later
> to write that review, though, as I am (inevitably) interrupted.
> Thanks,
> Lin
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8736

Re: Age limit? Posted by May 04, 2008 - 20:50:20 Topic ID# 8734
Hi Lin,

We do not have a formal age limit, so Dinossiel can participate if she'd
like to. However, we would need a unique email address for her,
something not used by any other MEFAwards member.

The one thing that gives me pause is that we do not provide a way of
filtering the site so it only shows stories of a certain rating. Our
stories are rated General, Teen, or Mature, and as you can see at our
ratings guide*, the general stories usually don't contain any
objectionable content - but it would be up to you to make sure that she
only read general-rated stories, or whatever you think is
age-appropriate. The site just isn't set up to do that.

But I guess that's a parenting thing rather than a site policy thing. If
you trust Dinossiel to use the site, then I have no objections.


*Note- The ratings guideline is available at: wrote:
> DD (pen name Dinossiel) is interested in joining MEFAs and reviewing. Is
> there a lower age limit for members? Also, DD uses my email address.
> Will that be a problem? (We can get her a yahoo address, I think, if we
> have to. It's not hard to get a yahoo address, is it?)
> Please advise, and thanks.
> Lin
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8737

Re: Age limit? Posted by shippingindustry May 04, 2008 - 20:57:27 Topic ID# 8734
Dinossiel reads only G-rated stories, so hopefully we can filter for
that, eventually? In any event, I am always there reading over her
shoulder when she is on the Internet.

Msg# 8738

Re: question about nomination Posted by May 04, 2008 - 20:59:19 Topic ID# 8728
Hi PipMer,

Leaving a LJ comment sounds like a good idea.

I don't know this author, unfortunately. If anyone else does, please
help her get in touch.

Marta wrote:
> Thank you, Marta. I could leave a message on their LJ.
> The author is Sue Denimme.

Msg# 8739

Question about withdrawn nomination Posted by May 04, 2008 - 21:01:30 Topic ID# 8739
I was browsing the database
(stolen moments, really, already been interrupted once and soon will be
again) and noticed something odd.

For this story:


Hope Remains  (Story details) 

Baggins Babe 


Skip · Wish

Enter New Review

Invalid URL - requires log-in to view story or does not link to later chapters (submitter loses nomination)

on the link, and yes, the title at the top of the page doesn't seem
right, but then I brought up the "Chapter List" for the whole
collection of short stories, and the name of this story in the chapter
list *is* "Hope Remains". It's only when you click on the chapter title
in the chapter list to bring up the chapter that you see the title "The
Mathom House" at the top of the page (But you have to click on "Hope
Remains" to get into the chapter). I don't know if that's the author's
error, or an alternative title, or what. Anyhow, I do believe that this
link is to the story "Hope Remains".

Good story, by the way. Hate to see it thrown out on a technicality.

Of course, if the author has withdrawn it, please disregard this comment.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8740

Re: question about nomination Posted by Barbara Rich May 04, 2008 - 21:18:52 Topic ID# 8728
Sue Denimme is also known as Rowan at Stories of Arda. Could she be listed
by that name?
(I don't know if that will help or not.)


On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 8:58 PM, <>

> Hi PipMer,
> Leaving a LJ comment sounds like a good idea.
> I don't know this author, unfortunately. If anyone else does, please
> help her get in touch.
> Marta
> <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Thank you, Marta. I could leave a message on their LJ.
> >
> > The author is Sue Denimme.
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8741

Re: Age limit? Posted by May 04, 2008 - 22:26:12 Topic ID# 8734
Hi Lin,

You're a good mum. :-) I trust you to do that, but wanted to mention it
because I didn't want to expose your daughter to adult material for lack
of warning you.

Anyway - as soon as she gets an email address, subscribe that email
address to this group, and our volunteers will set her up at the voting


shippingindustry wrote:
> Dinossiel reads only G-rated stories, so hopefully we can filter for
> that, eventually? In any event, I am always there reading over her
> shoulder when she is on the Internet.

Msg# 8742

Re: question about nomination Posted by May 05, 2008 - 0:02:14 Topic ID# 8728
Barbara Rich wrote:
> Sue Denimme is also known as Rowan at Stories of Arda. Could she be listed
> by that name?
> (I don't know if that will help or not.)
> Dreamflower

Hi Dreamflower (and PipMer),

*cheers* Rowan IS on the list of members, so you should be able to
nominate her under that name without entering an email.

You should probably mention in the nomination notes that she also goes
by the name Sue Denimme, and give her LJ.


> On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 8:58 PM,
> <> <
> <>>
> wrote:
> > Hi PipMer,
> >
> > Leaving a LJ comment sounds like a good idea.
> >
> > I don't know this author, unfortunately. If anyone else does, please
> > help her get in touch.
> >
> > Marta
> >
> > <>
> <> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Thank you, Marta. I could leave a message on their LJ.
> > >
> > > The author is Sue Denimme.
> > >
> >
> >
> >

Msg# 8743

Re: Question about withdrawn nomination Posted by May 05, 2008 - 0:02:49 Topic ID# 8739
Hi Jean,

Just wanted to let you know that I replied to this privately, as you
also sent this email to my email. I'm not ignoring it here.

Marta wrote:
> I was browsing the database
> (stolen moments, really, already been interrupted once and soon will be
> again) and noticed something odd.
> For this story:
> 118
> Hope Remains (Story details)
> Baggins Babe
> N/A
> Skip · Wish
> Enter New Review
> Invalid URL - requires log-in to view story or does not link to later
> chapters (submitter loses nomination)
> Clicked
> on the link, and yes, the title at the top of the page doesn't seem
> right, but then I brought up the "Chapter List" for the whole
> collection of short stories, and the name of this story in the chapter
> list *is* "Hope Remains". It's only when you click on the chapter title
> in the chapter list to bring up the chapter that you see the title "The
> Mathom House" at the top of the page (But you have to click on "Hope
> Remains" to get into the chapter). I don't know if that's the author's
> error, or an alternative title, or what. Anyhow, I do believe that this
> link is to the story "Hope Remains".
> Good story, by the way. Hate to see it thrown out on a technicality.
> Of course, if the author has withdrawn it, please disregard this comment.
> Thanks,
> Lin
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8744

Re: Age limit? Posted by Kathy May 05, 2008 - 2:56:50 Topic ID# 8734
Hi Lin,

--- In, BLJean@... wrote:
> DD (pen name Dinossiel) is interested in joining MEFAs and reviewing.
Is there a lower age limit for members? Also, DD uses my email address.
Will that be a problem? (We can get her a yahoo address, I think, if we
have to. It's not hard to get a yahoo address, is it?)
> Please advise, and thanks.

If you have a Yahoo email account, it's easy to set one up for your
child...I just did this for my own two kids. The only requirement is
that they be subaccounts under your main account, so that you are
responsible for them.

Drop me a line if you need more info about this.


Msg# 8745

the archive Posted by aranelgoldenflower May 05, 2008 - 4:13:50 Topic ID# 8745
ummm...guys I just had about 10 minutes of trying to access the achive,
and it not letting kept going onto a page saying it was
unaccessible. It seems alright now though, so was it just my computer
being evil (again), or has anyone else had this?


Msg# 8746

Re: question about nomination Posted by May 05, 2008 - 7:46:36 Topic ID# 8728
Yay! Thank you, Dreamflower and Marta :)

-------------- Original message --------------
From: "" <>
Barbara Rich wrote:
> Sue Denimme is also known as Rowan at Stories of Arda. Could she be listed
> by that name?
> (I don't know if that will help or not.)
> Dreamflower

Hi Dreamflower (and PipMer),

*cheers* Rowan IS on the list of members, so you should be able to
nominate her under that name without entering an email.

You should probably mention in the nomination notes that she also goes
by the name Sue Denimme, and give her LJ.


> On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 8:58 PM,
> <> <
> <>>
> wrote:
> > Hi PipMer,
> >
> > Leaving a LJ comment sounds like a good idea.
> >
> > I don't know this author, unfortunately. If anyone else does, please
> > help her get in touch.
> >
> > Marta
> >
> > <>
> <> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Thank you, Marta. I could leave a message on their LJ.
> > >
> > > The author is Sue Denimme.
> > >
> >
> >
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8747

Re: the archive Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell May 05, 2008 - 9:06:48 Topic ID# 8745
I had that problem of not being able to get on the page briefly last
night, although within about ten minutes I could get on, too, Aranel.
I don't think it was just you.
Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 8748

Re: the archive Posted by Aranel Took May 05, 2008 - 9:16:06 Topic ID# 8745
Hi Lily and Bonnie,
That sounds like the server was having problems. Whenever you get a "site
unaccessible" error it's probably 1) the server having problems (which is
beyond our control) or 2) Tanaqui or me doing an upload of changes, which
will take the site down for a minute or so. Just try again a few minutes
later. If the problem persists for more than, say, 15 minutes, then let us


On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 9:04 AM, Bonnie L. Sherrell <>

> I had that problem of not being able to get on the page briefly last
> night, although within about ten minutes I could get on, too, Aranel.
> I don't think it was just you.
> Bonnie L. Sherrell
> Teacher at Large
> "Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the
> very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR
> "Don't go where I can't follow."
> I mourn for this nation.
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8749

One More New Main Category Posted by May 05, 2008 - 9:38:30 Topic ID# 8749
Hey guys,

We've added one more new main category. Hopefully this will be the last
one! You may now select

Genres: Longer Works

This category is intended for stories 40,000 words or longer; if your
story is slightly shorter but you would like it to compete against
novels you may select this category option as well. If you are placed in
this category you will compete against longer stories but may not
compete exclusively against stories set in the same time period, or
involving the same race. Longer stories are still eligible for all of
the other categories, if for instance you would prefer your Boromir
novel to compete against other stories about Men rather than other novels.

A word to the wise: we try to honor your first category choice wherever
possible, but sometimes have to place stories in their second- or
third-choice category. You can increase your chances of ending up in
Longer Works by selecting it as your first choice and selecting a
traditionally larger category for your second-choice (we sometimes move
stories into their second choice if the category is too small). But in
any case you still need to select three category choices that you're
happy with.

If you would like to select this category choice but have already
submitted your form, contact your liaison or
mefasupport(at)mefawards(dot)net, and they (or I) will help you.


Msg# 8750

New Feature - Jump to Page Posted by araneltook May 05, 2008 - 17:34:48 Topic ID# 8750
Hey all,

I've added a new feature to the navigation bar on the Browse Stories and Users pages. It's a
"Jump to Page" feature, which allows you to go to a specific page of the listings.

Along with that, a reminder that on the Browse Stories page, you can order the stories
alphabetically by title or author, or by Story ID, by clicking on the "ID", "Title" and "Author"
links at the top of the listing table.


Msg# 8751

Re: New Feature - Jump to Page Posted by Chris May 05, 2008 - 18:29:18 Topic ID# 8750
Great! I was alreadz trying to remember how to switch between different
pages with the least amount of headache. The site looks realy great. Now I
just need enough time to read!


> Hey all,
> I've added a new feature to the navigation bar on the Browse
> Stories and Users pages. It's a
> "Jump to Page" feature, which allows you to go to a specific page
> of the listings.
> Along with that, a reminder that on the Browse Stories page, you
> can order the stories
> alphabetically by title or author, or by Story ID, by clicking on
> the "ID", "Title" and "Author"
> links at the top of the listing table.
> Aranel

Msg# 8752

MEFA Unsung Heroes Posted by May 05, 2008 - 19:54:17 Topic ID# 8752
Hey guys,

Earlier today I was thinking about the MEFAs (not a rare occurrence
these days!). Specifically, I was thinking about the members who help
out. See, I know a lot of people associate the MEFAs with my name
because I am the one whose name is at the bottom of the announcements,
and I am often the one who answers questions. However, I am far from the
only one who is involved. If anything, the MEFAs are like an iceberg:
10% visible, 90% below the surface.

I talk sometimes about some of these volunteers, but I usually talk
about the ones I actually have regular contact with. There are lots of
other people who do jobs just because they need to be done. I can call
on them and tell them what needs to be done, and then they just run with
it. Usually these people do such a good job that it is easy for me to
forget they are even there. Which I know I really shouldn't, because
they are invaluable to the whole process. For me the MEFAs can be a real
juggling act; I try to give my attention to as much as I can, and areas
that are working well, I tend to forget about because I *can.*

That's no excuse, though. So I want to take a moment to thank just some
of the people who don't get NEARLY as much credit as they deserve, and
without whom these awards would not be happening.

First and foremost of this list is Elliska. She has been a very
dependable volunteer since she first got involved (I think in 2005?),
and has always been willing to pitch a helping hand wherever needed. I'm
not sure there's been a part of the awards (nominations, categorizing,
voting, or "clean-up") where she hasn't been doing something behind the
scene. She is a liaison and has already signed up to be a categorizer.
More importantly, it is Elliska who looks at everyone who tries to join
the MEFAwards list, checks out for spammers, and sets up membership
accounts for the legitimate ones. After the post-mortem I at least get
to take a few weeks off and recuperate; Elliska does not get a day off.
She is also one of the most reliable volunteers I've worked with. I
seriously doubt that these awards would be happening if I didn't have
her help. Because she does her job so well, it is all too easy for me to
forget her effort. But that's only because it doesn't require any effort
on my part. Thank you, Elliska. I mean that.

Tanaqui and Aranel are two names that you probably hear fairly often,
but you may not realize the full extent of their work. Go and check out
the FAQ sometime, even if you think you understand the awards. Look at
all the ways those FAQs link to each other. All the special formatting.
And realize that someone had to take the Word documents in which I wrote
the FAQs and convert them into computer files. Now look at the way it
fits into a complicated website pretty seamlessly. And consider that
these FAQs are available both when you're logged in and when you're not
 and that the same computer documents work for both people who can
access the rest of the website, and who can't. It's complicated,
sophisticated code, and someone has to write and update it. And that
takes a lot of tedious work. That someone is Tanaqui. She does this on
*top* of her other volunteer hours coding this website, which are

Aranel does a tremendous amount of work as well. One of the biggest
time-consuming parts of this year's coding was the archive. The list of
stories itself is very useful, and took a lot of technical work. But
Aranel also took the 2004 reviews and formatted them by hand. This was
not a matter of simply pulling data from a website database, because in
2004 the votes were posted to the MEFAwards Yahoo group as emails, not
entered into a website. Aranel also went through all the names and
grouped stories together where the author was nominated under different

Most importantly, these two put up with me. The MEFAs are the first time
I have ever tried to coordinate a project of anything like this
magnitude  which of course means I make mistakes. Vague coding
requirements. Lots of forgetfulness on my part. (I can't tell you how
many times I've said "Oh, did I forget to mention..."!) They listen to
my suggestions and those of others, and make them work. Or explain why
it can't work. They deserve a lot more recognition than I give them for

Another person who deserves a lot more recognition than she gets is
Inkling. If I told you one thing that Inkling has done I'd have to tell
you a hundred. Suffice it to say that there has never been a time that
I've come to her with a special project that she has said no to. And,
like Elliska, she is a perpetual and continuous volunteer: liaison,
categorizer, and just general jack-of-all-trades during the voting
season.) Most importantly, Inkling is my release valve. When I need
someone to kvetch to, she is there to listen, to reassure me, and to
help me see the problems more clearly. I think I would have quit my
involvement a half-dozen times in the last few years if not for her
support, both emotionally and practically. (Elliska has been great about
this as well.)

Banner makers are another group that don't get nearly enough credit. Go
and check out, and you will see some
really nice artwork. What you won't see is the name of the artists who
created them, unless you click on an image. And when a member selects a
banner, they just display the banner  not who created it. I hesitate to
mention names because I know I'll forget someone, but I know that
nau_tika and elea24 have both created banners. Rhapsody and Llinos also
created a lot last year. And I am certain that there are others! But all
of these artists who share their work with us deserve our appreciation.

As does Fiondil. Fiondil is a new volunteer who has taken on the job of
making sure we have a good assortment of banners. Think how diverse
fandom is, how diverse the contributions to the MEFA are every year, and
imagine trying to make sure that every little niche has an appopriate
banner to select if they win. Now multiply that by three because you
also need a good selection of banners for nominees and people who reach
their reviewing goal. Fiondil also has taken on the dreary work of
uploading peoples' submissions, something I am very glad to delegate.
Thank you, Fiondil!

And I don't want to forget AmandaK, Baranduin, and nau_tika, who
personalized the winners' banners so quickly to display what place was
won. They all did a really top-notch job, and I don't think they were
recognized even once. (Rhapsody, AlexCat, Ainaechoiriel, and other
people did similar jobs in previous years.)

I see that I've gone on for quite some time already, and the more and
more I think about the MEFAs, the more "unsung heroes" I think of.
Annmarwalk posted all of the reviews made last year, to both here and
the mefas LJ. Imhiriel has read many, many reviews looking for
formatting errors, like incorrectly-marked quotes. Sulriel has helped on
many, many projects, such as preparing lists of previously-nominated
pieces and adding accounts to the MEFA website when people joined
MEFAwards  another person I can turn to when I need help. I can't even
begin to name all of the people who have participated in the post-mortem
every year  and that's a time commitment of at least an hour a night,
for over a month in most cases.

You get the idea. There are so many people to thank, I can't even name
them all.

But I do want to recognize three people who, though they don't volunteer
in the same capacities anymore, really helped give the MEFAs their
start. Those three people are Ainaechoiriel, Anthony, and Rhapsody.
Rhapsody created the banner website, including the software that allows
us to vote for banners (when we still did that). She also adminned this
section of the awards, uploading all of the banners submitted and
communicating with artists. Anthony actually built the site we saw in
2005  all by himself, building on code from H. Weinreich but donating
so much time I'm kind of scared to know the actual tally. And Ainae
brought these awards to the Tolkien fandom and got them started. Without
them, we wouldn't be here.

I know full well that there are people I am failing to mention, mostly
because I have run out of room but also because you do such a damned
good job that I never have to give your part of the awards a second
thought. Thank you.

And thank you, again, to everyone I did mention. I am sorry I don't draw
attention to you more often, because you really are invaluable.

(MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 8753

Re: New Feature - Jump to Page Posted by May 05, 2008 - 22:56:20 Topic ID# 8750
Hi Aranel-

If you've already been told this, I apologize.? But when I clicked on the?Strategies from Veteran Reviewers?link, I got the Archive instead.? Tried several times.


-----Original Message-----
From: araneltook <>
Sent: Mon, 5 May 2008 6:34 pm
Subject: [MEFAwards] New Feature - Jump to Page

Hey all,

I've added a new feature to the navigation bar on the Browse Stories and Users pages. It's a
"Jump to Page" feature, which allows you to go to a specific page of the listings.

Along with that, a reminder that on the Browse Stories page, you can order the stories
alphabetically by title or author, or by Story ID, by clicking on the "ID", "Title" and "Author"
links at the top of the listing table.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8754

Re: New Feature - Jump to Page Posted by Tanaqui May 06, 2008 - 4:13:24 Topic ID# 8750
Hi Isabeau

> If you've already been told this, I apologize.? But when I clicked on
> the?Strategies from Veteran Reviewers?link, I got the Archive instead.?
> Tried several times.

I can't find the link where this is happening - all the links for
Strategies from Veteran Reviewers that I can find go to the right page.
Could you give me the URL of the page it's happening on (or describe the
page) and I'll look into it.

Thanks, Tanaqui

Msg# 8755

Re: New Feature - Jump to Page Posted by May 06, 2008 - 5:14:09 Topic ID# 8750
Hi Tanaqui!

It's on the Support Documents Page:

under Other Helpful Information.?


-----Original Message-----
From: Tanaqui <>
Sent: Tue, 6 May 2008 5:08 am
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] New Feature - Jump to Page

Hi Isabeau

> If you've already been told this, I apologize.? But when I clicked on
> the?Strategies from Veteran Reviewers?link, I got the Archive instead.?
> Tried several times.

I can't find the link where this is happening - all the links for
Strategies from Veteran Reviewers that I can find go to the right page.
Could you give me the URL of the page it's happening on (or describe the
page) and I'll look into it.

Thanks, Tanaqui

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8756

Re: New Feature - Jump to Page Posted by Tanaqui May 06, 2008 - 5:47:17 Topic ID# 8750
Hi Isabeau

Thanks for the link.

*scratched head because it's working for me*

*switches from Firefox to IE and sees exactly what you mean*

*inserts standard developer rant about the evils of Microsoft and IE*

*works out, with Elena Tiriel's help, where I missed a " out of the code*

*fixes code (in all the places where I copy-pasted the same piece of
code!) and updates*

Should be all working now! Thanks for pointing it out - let me know if
you spot any other weirdness working in IE.

Tanaqui wrote:
> Hi Tanaqui!
> It's on the Support Documents Page:
> <>
> under Other Helpful Information.?
> Isabeau
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tanaqui < <>>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tue, 6 May 2008 5:08 am
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] New Feature - Jump to Page
> Hi Isabeau
> > If you've already been told this, I apologize.? But when I clicked on
> > the?Strategies from Veteran Reviewers?link, I got the Archive instead.?
> > Tried several times.
> I can't find the link where this is happening - all the links for
> Strategies from Veteran Reviewers that I can find go to the right page.
> Could you give me the URL of the page it's happening on (or describe the
> page) and I'll look into it.
> Thanks, Tanaqui

Msg# 8757

Re: New Feature - Jump to Page Posted by May 06, 2008 - 8:38:00 Topic ID# 8750
Ah!? Should have known it would be an IE problem.? I only found it because I came in the back door, as it were-did a search for MEFAs and clicked on the link that took me to that page instead of the home page.? I'll keep my eyes open, but everything else I've tried on the site has worked just fine.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tanaqui <>
Sent: Tue, 6 May 2008 6:42 am
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] New Feature - Jump to Page

Hi Isabeau

Thanks for the link.

*scratched head because it's working for me*

*switches from Firefox to IE and sees exactly what you mean*

*inserts standard developer rant about the evils of Microsoft and IE*

*works out, with Elena Tiriel's help, where I missed a " out of the code*

*fixes code (in all the places where I copy-pasted the same piece of
code!) and updates*

Should be all working now! Thanks for pointing it out - let me know if
you spot any other weirdness working in IE.

Tanaqui wrote:
> Hi Tanaqui!
> It's on the Support Documents Page:
> <>
> under Other Helpful Information.?
> Isabeau
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tanaqui < <>>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tue, 6 May 2008 5:08 am
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] New Feature - Jump to Page
> Hi Isabeau
> > If you've already been told this, I apologize.? But when I clicked on
> > the?Strategies from Veteran Reviewers?link, I got the Archive instead.?
> > Tried several times.
> I can't find the link where this is happening - all the links for
> Strategies from Veteran Reviewers that I can find go to the right page.
> Could you give me the URL of the page it's happening on (or describe the
> page) and I'll look into it.
> Thanks, Tanaqui

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8758

Re: The MEFA Archive Posted by May 06, 2008 - 12:18:14 Topic ID# 8683
I just logged on. Congratulations to those who created it. It is AWESOME.
I no longer fee the need to keep a list of stories to read from previous

Thanks for all the hard work.


**************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family
favorites at AOL Food.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8759

Re: the archive Posted by May 06, 2008 - 14:08:26 Topic ID# 8745

The Archive is just spectacular and must have been a massive amount of work for all those invloved - thank you very much!

I don't know if this has been addressed yet as I am on a computer for the first time in well over a week and can't get through all of my several hundred waiting e-mails, but what I am wondering is about stories on the Archive that have bad links. Who should we report these to and supply any current links?



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8760

Re: the archive Posted by Aranel Took May 06, 2008 - 14:14:02 Topic ID# 8745
Hi Marigold,
Just send a list of the story names with their new URLs to, and I'll get them updated ASAP.


On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 2:07 PM, <> wrote:

> Hullo!
> The Archive is just spectacular and must have been a massive amount of
> work for all those invloved - thank you very much!
> I don't know if this has been addressed yet as I am on a computer for the
> first time in well over a week and can't get through all of my several
> hundred waiting e-mails, but what I am wondering is about stories on the
> Archive that have bad links. Who should we report these to and supply any
> current links?
> Cheers
> Marigold
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8761

Re: the archive Posted by May 06, 2008 - 15:51:27 Topic ID# 8745
Thanks so much Aranel!


-----Original Message-----
From: Aranel Took <>
Sent: Tue, 6 May 2008 8:13 pm
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] the archive

Hi Marigold,
Just send a list of the story names with their new URLs to, and I'll get them updated ASAP.


On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 2:07 PM, <> wrote:

> Hullo!
> The Archive is just spectacular and must have been a massive amount of
> work for all those invloved - thank you very much!
> I don't know if this has been addressed yet as I am on a computer for the
> first time in well over a week and can't get through all of my several
> hundred waiting e-mails, but what I am wondering is about stories on the
> Archive that have bad links. Who should we report these to and supply any
> current links?
> Cheers
> Marigold
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8762

Re: MEFA Unsung Heroes Posted by alassante7 May 06, 2008 - 17:55:30 Topic ID# 8752
You forgot one person Marta. YOU! lol

Thanks to everyone behind the scenes. :)

--- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Earlier today I was thinking about the MEFAs (not a rare occurrence
> these days!). Specifically, I was thinking about the members who help
> out. See, I know a lot of people associate the MEFAs with my name
> because I am the one whose name is at the bottom of the announcements,
> and I am often the one who answers questions. However, I am far from
> only one who is involved. If anything, the MEFAs are like an iceberg:
> 10% visible, 90% below the surface.
> I talk sometimes about some of these volunteers, but I usually talk
> about the ones I actually have regular contact with. There are lots of
> other people who do jobs just because they need to be done. I can call
> on them and tell them what needs to be done, and then they just run
> it. Usually these people do such a good job that it is easy for me to
> forget they are even there. Which I know I really shouldn't, because
> they are invaluable to the whole process. For me the MEFAs can be a
> juggling act; I try to give my attention to as much as I can, and areas
> that are working well, I tend to forget about because I *can.*
> That's no excuse, though. So I want to take a moment to thank just some
> of the people who don't get NEARLY as much credit as they deserve, and
> without whom these awards would not be happening.
> First and foremost of this list is Elliska. She has been a very
> dependable volunteer since she first got involved (I think in 2005?),
> and has always been willing to pitch a helping hand wherever needed.
> not sure there's been a part of the awards (nominations, categorizing,
> voting, or "clean-up") where she hasn't been doing something behind the
> scene. She is a liaison and has already signed up to be a categorizer.
> More importantly, it is Elliska who looks at everyone who tries to join
> the MEFAwards list, checks out for spammers, and sets up membership
> accounts for the legitimate ones. After the post-mortem I at least get
> to take a few weeks off and recuperate; Elliska does not get a day off.
> She is also one of the most reliable volunteers I've worked with. I
> seriously doubt that these awards would be happening if I didn't have
> her help. Because she does her job so well, it is all too easy for
me to
> forget her effort. But that's only because it doesn't require any
> on my part. Thank you, Elliska. I mean that.
> Tanaqui and Aranel are two names that you probably hear fairly often,
> but you may not realize the full extent of their work. Go and check out
> the FAQ sometime, even if you think you understand the awards. Look at
> all the ways those FAQs link to each other. All the special formatting.
> And realize that someone had to take the Word documents in which I
> the FAQs and convert them into computer files. Now look at the way it
> fits into a complicated website pretty seamlessly. And consider that
> these FAQs are available both when you're logged in and when you're not
> – and that the same computer documents work for both people who can
> access the rest of the website, and who can't. It's complicated,
> sophisticated code, and someone has to write and update it. And that
> takes a lot of tedious work. That someone is Tanaqui. She does this on
> *top* of her other volunteer hours coding this website, which are
> substantial.
> Aranel does a tremendous amount of work as well. One of the biggest
> time-consuming parts of this year's coding was the archive. The list of
> stories itself is very useful, and took a lot of technical work. But
> Aranel also took the 2004 reviews and formatted them by hand. This was
> not a matter of simply pulling data from a website database, because in
> 2004 the votes were posted to the MEFAwards Yahoo group as emails, not
> entered into a website. Aranel also went through all the names and
> grouped stories together where the author was nominated under different
> pseudonyms.
> Most importantly, these two put up with me. The MEFAs are the first
> I have ever tried to coordinate a project of anything like this
> magnitude – which of course means I make mistakes. Vague coding
> requirements. Lots of forgetfulness on my part. (I can't tell you how
> many times I've said "Oh, did I forget to mention..."!) They listen to
> my suggestions and those of others, and make them work. Or explain why
> it can't work. They deserve a lot more recognition than I give them for
> that.
> Another person who deserves a lot more recognition than she gets is
> Inkling. If I told you one thing that Inkling has done I'd have to tell
> you a hundred. Suffice it to say that there has never been a time that
> I've come to her with a special project that she has said no to. And,
> like Elliska, she is a perpetual and continuous volunteer: liaison,
> categorizer, and just general jack-of-all-trades during the voting
> season.) Most importantly, Inkling is my release valve. When I need
> someone to kvetch to, she is there to listen, to reassure me, and to
> help me see the problems more clearly. I think I would have quit my
> involvement a half-dozen times in the last few years if not for her
> support, both emotionally and practically. (Elliska has been great
> this as well.)
> Banner makers are another group that don't get nearly enough credit. Go
> and check out, and you will see some
> really nice artwork. What you won't see is the name of the artists who
> created them, unless you click on an image. And when a member selects a
> banner, they just display the banner – not who created it. I
hesitate to
> mention names because I know I'll forget someone, but I know that
> nau_tika and elea24 have both created banners. Rhapsody and Llinos also
> created a lot last year. And I am certain that there are others! But
> of these artists who share their work with us deserve our appreciation.
> As does Fiondil. Fiondil is a new volunteer who has taken on the job of
> making sure we have a good assortment of banners. Think how diverse
> fandom is, how diverse the contributions to the MEFA are every year,
> imagine trying to make sure that every little niche has an appopriate
> banner to select if they win. Now multiply that by three because you
> also need a good selection of banners for nominees and people who reach
> their reviewing goal. Fiondil also has taken on the dreary work of
> uploading peoples' submissions, something I am very glad to delegate.
> Thank you, Fiondil!
> And I don't want to forget AmandaK, Baranduin, and nau_tika, who
> personalized the winners' banners so quickly to display what place was
> won. They all did a really top-notch job, and I don't think they were
> recognized even once. (Rhapsody, AlexCat, Ainaechoiriel, and other
> people did similar jobs in previous years.)
> I see that I've gone on for quite some time already, and the more and
> more I think about the MEFAs, the more "unsung heroes" I think of.
> Annmarwalk posted all of the reviews made last year, to both here and
> the mefas LJ. Imhiriel has read many, many reviews looking for
> formatting errors, like incorrectly-marked quotes. Sulriel has
helped on
> many, many projects, such as preparing lists of previously-nominated
> pieces and adding accounts to the MEFA website when people joined
> MEFAwards – another person I can turn to when I need help. I can't even
> begin to name all of the people who have participated in the
> every year – and that's a time commitment of at least an hour a night,
> for over a month in most cases.
> You get the idea. There are so many people to thank, I can't even name
> them all.
> But I do want to recognize three people who, though they don't
> in the same capacities anymore, really helped give the MEFAs their
> start. Those three people are Ainaechoiriel, Anthony, and Rhapsody.
> Rhapsody created the banner website, including the software that allows
> us to vote for banners (when we still did that). She also adminned this
> section of the awards, uploading all of the banners submitted and
> communicating with artists. Anthony actually built the site we saw in
> 2005 – all by himself, building on code from H. Weinreich but donating
> so much time I'm kind of scared to know the actual tally. And Ainae
> brought these awards to the Tolkien fandom and got them started.
> them, we wouldn't be here.
> I know full well that there are people I am failing to mention, mostly
> because I have run out of room but also because you do such a damned
> good job that I never have to give your part of the awards a second
> thought. Thank you.
> And thank you, again, to everyone I did mention. I am sorry I don't
> attention to you more often, because you really are invaluable.
> Marta
> (MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 8763

Fwd: Nomination acknowledged Posted by Beverly Pagani May 06, 2008 - 18:05:56 Topic ID# 8763
Note: forwarded message attached.

Elrond, Lord of Imladris

Stories Archived as Brindlemom2 at

Also Archived as Gilnaur at

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8764

Re: MEFA Unsung Heroes Posted by May 06, 2008 - 20:56:02 Topic ID# 8752
alassante7 wrote:
> You forgot one person Marta. YOU! lol

Thanks, Alassante! I didn't mention myself because I am most definitely
"sung" - I get thanked by people much more than most. Doesn't mean that
I don't appreciate hearing it again, though. *grins*


Msg# 8765

Re: New Feature - Jump to Page Posted by May 07, 2008 - 7:32:12 Topic ID# 8750
Is there a way to find stories about a specific character?


In a message dated 5/5/2008 6:35:20 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hey all,

I've added a new feature to the navigation bar on the Browse Stories and
Users pages. It's a
"Jump to Page" feature, which allows you to go to a specific page of the

Along with that, a reminder that on the Browse Stories page, you can order
the stories
alphabetically by title or author, or by Story ID, by clicking on the "ID",
"Title" and "Author"
links at the top of the listing table.


**************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family
favorites at AOL Food.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8766

Re: New Feature - Jump to Page Posted by May 07, 2008 - 7:42:00 Topic ID# 8750 wrote:
> Is there a way to find stories about a specific character?
> TariElfLady

Hi Tari,

There is.

Go to and log in (or click "log in as
guest" if you're not a member and just want to read.) Click "Browse All
Nominated Stories."

Now, see the list of links "Quick links to lists of stories by:"? Click
on "Characters." Find the character you are interested in and see if
there are any stories with that character that are nominated yet. (The
number of stories is on the right side of the screen.)

If the character has any stories nominated involving it (i.e. if the
number is anything but 0), click on the character's name. This will
bring up a listing of all the stories about that character. Clicking on
the title will take you to the website where you can read that story.

HTH! As more stories are nominated and their authors' complete forms
(and so select what characters the story is about), more stories will
appear on this page. Happy reading.


Msg# 8767

Re: New Feature - Jump to Page Posted by May 07, 2008 - 8:21:26 Topic ID# 8750
Thanks Marta. I got on with no trouble (as a guest). Wish I could remember
my user name.


In a message dated 5/7/2008 8:42:38 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

_KAT702H@aol.KAT_ ( wrote:
> Is there a way to find stories about a specific character?
> TariElfLady

Hi Tari,

There is.

Go to _http://www.mefawardhttp://www.mefa_
( and log in (or click "log in as
guest" if you're not a member and just want to read.) Click "Browse All
Nominated Stories."

Now, see the list of links "Quick links to lists of stories by:"? Click
on "Characters.on "Characters.<WBR>" Find the character you are inter
there are any stories with that character that are nominated yet. (The
number of stories is on the right side of the screen.)

If the character has any stories nominated involving it (i.e. if the
number is anything but 0), click on the character's name. This will
bring up a listing of all the stories about that character. Clicking on
the title will take you to the website where you can read that story.

HTH! As more stories are nominated and their authors' complete forms
(and so select what characters the story is about), more stories will
appear on this page. Happy reading.


**************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family
favorites at AOL Food.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8768

Word count tool Posted by Elena Tiriel May 07, 2008 - 9:20:28 Topic ID# 8768
Hi Marta,

This is just a heads-up, something that the liaisons probably should be
aware of:

On the Nomination form, in the Length field, there's a link for the
question: "Does my wordcount need to be precise?" which leads to a very,
very nicely-written blurb saying, basically "Yes, if it's an FLF." Which is
great, but it also says "You can also calculate your story length by copying
and pasting your story into the form here."

And it links to a word-count tool. Which, unfortunately is even
*more*inaccurate than the word counts in MS Word or any other tool
I've ever
tried, which are frequently off by 1 or 2 percent.

I tried counting the words in each of my 3 nominated drabbles by hand (not
directly: I copy the drabble, break it up into groups of 5 words, and then
count the groups), and they are all precisely 100, which is not surprising,
since I tend to be a bit... er... well... *cough* obsessive *cough* about
that sort of thing....

But the MEFA word-count tool gives counts of *98*, *95*, and *92!*


So, if an author of a true drabble is confused about whether to trust their
own count (by hand), or the count with any software, including the tool
provided by the MEFAs, you might want to tell them that a hand count is
still the only one guaranteed to be accurate.

The tool is perfectly fine for estimating approximate word counts (like, to
see if a story qualifies as a novel...), but it is *far* too inaccurate to
use for FLFs. I will squirrel away a reminder to myself to bring this up at
the post-mortem... it probably should not be linked to the blurb about FLF
lengths, where precision is needed.

- Barbara

*Note to self: I am not paranoid if word-count tools are really out to get

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8769

Question Posted by Ellen Bonacarti May 07, 2008 - 10:05:15 Topic ID# 451
How do I add my name to the list of authors who don't want to be
nominated? I intend to do some nominating, but would rather not have
any of my fics nominated. I'm not sure who to contact about this.



Msg# 8770

Re: Question Posted by Aranel Took May 07, 2008 - 10:24:17 Topic ID# 451
Hi Ellen,
I'll add you to the list. If you would like to be nominated again in the
future, just email and let us know.


On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 10:05 AM, Ellen Bonacarti <>

> How do I add my name to the list of authors who don't want to be
> nominated? I intend to do some nominating, but would rather not have
> any of my fics nominated. I'm not sure who to contact about this.
> Thanks.
> Ellen
> Lbilover
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8771

Re: Question Posted by Ellen Bonacarti May 07, 2008 - 10:30:49 Topic ID# 451
Hi Aranel,
> I'll add you to the list. If you would like to be nominated again
> in the
> future, just email and let us know.
Thank you very much! I'll make a note of the email address so I'll
have the right contact info if I do change my mind in the future.


Msg# 8772

Re: Word count tool Posted by Tanaqui May 07, 2008 - 12:54:33 Topic ID# 8768
Hi Barbara

I've goggled and found what seems to be a more accurate online word
count tool at So we'll be changing that link
to point to this new one shortly (maybe this evening - it depends when I
do my next upload of bug fixes).


Elena Tiriel wrote:
> Hi Marta,
> This is just a heads-up, something that the liaisons probably should be
> aware of:
> On the Nomination form, in the Length field, there's a link for the
> question: "Does my wordcount need to be precise?" which leads to a very,
> very nicely-written blurb saying, basically "Yes, if it's an FLF." Which is
> great, but it also says "You can also calculate your story length by copying
> and pasting your story into the form here."
> And it links to a word-count tool. Which, unfortunately is even
> *more*inaccurate than the word counts in MS Word or any other tool
> I've ever
> tried, which are frequently off by 1 or 2 percent.
> I tried counting the words in each of my 3 nominated drabbles by hand (not
> directly: I copy the drabble, break it up into groups of 5 words, and then
> count the groups), and they are all precisely 100, which is not surprising,
> since I tend to be a bit... er... well... *cough* obsessive *cough* about
> that sort of thing....
> But the MEFA word-count tool gives counts of *98*, *95*, and *92!*
> *Sigh*
> So, if an author of a true drabble is confused about whether to trust their
> own count (by hand), or the count with any software, including the tool
> provided by the MEFAs, you might want to tell them that a hand count is
> still the only one guaranteed to be accurate.
> The tool is perfectly fine for estimating approximate word counts (like, to
> see if a story qualifies as a novel...), but it is *far* too inaccurate to
> use for FLFs. I will squirrel away a reminder to myself to bring this up at
> the post-mortem... it probably should not be linked to the blurb about FLF
> lengths, where precision is needed.
> - Barbara
> *Note to self: I am not paranoid if word-count tools are really out to get
> me.*

Msg# 8773

Re: MEFA Unsung Heroes Posted by May 07, 2008 - 13:06:44 Topic ID# 8752
I second that. I know you put in a lot of time, Marta, and deserve thanks
for all your hard work.


In a message dated 5/6/2008 6:55:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

You forgot one person Marta. YOU! lol

Thanks to everyone behind the scenes. :)

--- In _MEFAwards@yahoogrouMEFAwa_ ( ,
"melayton@.., <melayton@..m> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Earlier today I was thinking about the MEFAs (not a rare occurrence
> these days!). Specifically, I was thinking about the members who help
> out. See, I know a lot of people associate the MEFAs with my name
> because I am the one whose name is at the bottom of the announcements,
> and I am often the one who answers questions. However, I am far from
> only one who is involved. If anything, the MEFAs are like an iceberg:
> 10% visible, 90% below the surface.
> I talk sometimes about some of these volunteers, but I usually talk
> about the ones I actually have regular contact with. There are lots of
> other people who do jobs just because they need to be done. I can call
> on them and tell them what needs to be done, and then they just run
> it. Usually these people do such a good job that it is easy for me to
> forget they are even there. Which I know I really shouldn't, because
> they are invaluable to the whole process. For me the MEFAs can be a
> juggling act; I try to give my attention to as much as I can, and areas
> that are working well, I tend to forget about because I *can.*
> That's no excuse, though. So I want to take a moment to thank just some
> of the people who don't get NEARLY as much credit as they deserve, and
> without whom these awards would not be happening.
> First and foremost of this list is Elliska. She has been a very
> dependable volunteer since she first got involved (I think in 2005?),
> and has always been willing to pitch a helping hand wherever needed.
> not sure there's been a part of the awards (nominations, categorizing,
> voting, or "clean-up") where she hasn't been doing something behind the
> scene. She is a liaison and has already signed up to be a categorizer.
> More importantly, it is Elliska who looks at everyone who tries to join
> the MEFAwards list, checks out for spammers, and sets up membership
> accounts for the legitimate ones. After the post-mortem I at least get
> to take a few weeks off and recuperate; Elliska does not get a day off.
> She is also one of the most reliable volunteers I've worked with. I
> seriously doubt that these awards would be happening if I didn't have
> her help. Because she does her job so well, it is all too easy for
me to
> forget her effort. But that's only because it doesn't require any
> on my part. Thank you, Elliska. I mean that.
> Tanaqui and Aranel are two names that you probably hear fairly often,
> but you may not realize the full extent of their work. Go and check out
> the FAQ sometime, even if you think you understand the awards. Look at
> all the ways those FAQs link to each other. All the special formatting.
> And realize that someone had to take the Word documents in which I
> the FAQs and convert them into computer files. Now look at the way it
> fits into a complicated website pretty seamlessly. And consider that
> these FAQs are available both when you're logged in and when you're not
>  and that the same computer documents work for both people who can
> access the rest of the website, and who can't. It's complicated,
> sophisticated code, and someone has to write and update it. And that
> takes a lot of tedious work. That someone is Tanaqui. She does this on
> *top* of her other volunteer hours coding this website, which are
> substantial.
> Aranel does a tremendous amount of work as well. One of the biggest
> time-consuming parts of this year's coding was the archive. The list of
> stories itself is very useful, and took a lot of technical work. But
> Aranel also took the 2004 reviews and formatted them by hand. This was
> not a matter of simply pulling data from a website database, because in
> 2004 the votes were posted to the MEFAwards Yahoo group as emails, not
> entered into a website. Aranel also went through all the names and
> grouped stories together where the author was nominated under different
> pseudonyms.
> Most importantly, these two put up with me. The MEFAs are the first
> I have ever tried to coordinate a project of anything like this
> magnitude  which of course means I make mistakes. Vague coding
> requirements. Lots of forgetfulness on my part. (I can't tell you how
> many times I've said "Oh, did I forget to mention..."! many times I've
> my suggestions and those of others, and make them work. Or explain why
> it can't work. They deserve a lot more recognition than I give them for
> that.
> Another person who deserves a lot more recognition than she gets is
> Inkling. If I told you one thing that Inkling has done I'd have to tell
> you a hundred. Suffice it to say that there has never been a time that
> I've come to her with a special project that she has said no to. And,
> like Elliska, she is a perpetual and continuous volunteer: liaison,
> categorizer, and just general jack-of-all- categorizer, and just ge
> season.) Most importantly, Inkling is my release valve. When I need
> someone to kvetch to, she is there to listen, to reassure me, and to
> help me see the problems more clearly. I think I would have quit my
> involvement a half-dozen times in the last few years if not for her
> support, both emotionally and practically. (Elliska has been great
> this as well.)
> Banner makers are another group that don't get nearly enough credit. Go
> and check out _http://www.mefawardhttp://www.meh_
(,) and you will see some
> really nice artwork. What you won't see is the name of the artists who
> created them, unless you click on an image. And when a member selects a
> banner, they just display the banner  not who created it. I
hesitate to
> mention names because I know I'll forget someone, but I know that
> nau_tika and elea24 have both created banners. Rhapsody and Llinos also
> created a lot last year. And I am certain that there are others! But
> of these artists who share their work with us deserve our appreciation.
> As does Fiondil. Fiondil is a new volunteer who has taken on the job of
> making sure we have a good assortment of banners. Think how diverse
> fandom is, how diverse the contributions to the MEFA are every year,
> imagine trying to make sure that every little niche has an appopriate
> banner to select if they win. Now multiply that by three because you
> also need a good selection of banners for nominees and people who reach
> their reviewing goal. Fiondil also has taken on the dreary work of
> uploading peoples' submissions, something I am very glad to delegate.
> Thank you, Fiondil!
> And I don't want to forget AmandaK, Baranduin, and nau_tika, who
> personalized the winners' banners so quickly to display what place was
> won. They all did a really top-notch job, and I don't think they were
> recognized even once. (Rhapsody, AlexCat, Ainaechoiriel, and other
> people did similar jobs in previous years.)
> I see that I've gone on for quite some time already, and the more and
> more I think about the MEFAs, the more "unsung heroes" I think of.
> Annmarwalk posted all of the reviews made last year, to both here and
> the mefas LJ. Imhiriel has read many, many reviews looking for
> formatting errors, like incorrectly- formatting errors, like
helped on
> many, many projects, such as preparing lists of previously-nominate m
> pieces and adding accounts to the MEFA website when people joined
> MEFAwards  another person I can turn to when I need help. I can't even
> begin to name all of the people who have participated in the
> every year  and that's a time commitment of at least an hour a night,
> for over a month in most cases.
> You get the idea. There are so many people to thank, I can't even name
> them all.
> But I do want to recognize three people who, though they don't
> in the same capacities anymore, really helped give the MEFAs their
> start. Those three people are Ainaechoiriel, Anthony, and Rhapsody.
> Rhapsody created the banner website, including the software that allows
> us to vote for banners (when we still did that). She also adminned this
> section of the awards, uploading all of the banners submitted and
> communicating with artists. Anthony actually built the site we saw in
> 2005  all by himself, building on code from H. Weinreich but donating
> so much time I'm kind of scared to know the actual tally. And Ainae
> brought these awards to the Tolkien fandom and got them started.
> them, we wouldn't be here.
> I know full well that there are people I am failing to mention, mostly
> because I have run out of room but also because you do such a damned
> good job that I never have to give your part of the awards a second
> thought. Thank you.
> And thank you, again, to everyone I did mention. I am sorry I don't
> attention to you more often, because you really are invaluable.
> Marta
> (MEFA Admin.)

**************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family
favorites at AOL Food.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8774

Re: MEFA Unsung Heroes Posted by Dawn Felagund May 07, 2008 - 13:57:40 Topic ID# 8752
Thank you to all who make this awards possible. My husband and I both work
in law enforcement, and we often remark on something that I know from
experience applies to running a website as well: When things go right,
people tend not to notice and so tend not to think of how much work it takes
to make it so. But when things go wrong ...

Running a site and an awards of this caliber must take an enormous amount of
work. I am awed by how much is accomplished by so few. Please know how much
I appreciate your efforts, even if I know I do not thank you enough. :)

All the best,


> ~oOo~
> Dawn Felagund

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8775

Re: Word count tool Posted by Elena Tiriel May 07, 2008 - 16:26:55 Topic ID# 8768

And you're right, that one is *far* more accurate... I tested it with all 3
of the drabbles I mentioned, and it agreed with my hand count every time. I
did try to fool it by adding all sorts of extraneous dashes (both en-dashes
and em-dashes), which usually fool MS Word... and it was off, but only by
one character!

Very good tool! I've kept a bookmark so I can use it again on my own.

Thank you, Liz!

- Barbara

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Tanaqui <> wrote:

> Hi Barbara
> I've goggled and found what seems to be a more accurate online word
> count tool at So we'll be changing that link
> to point to this new one shortly (maybe this evening - it depends when I
> do my next upload of bug fixes).
> Tanaqui
> Elena Tiriel wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi Marta,
> >
> > This is just a heads-up, something that the liaisons probably should be
> > aware of:
> >
> > On the Nomination form, in the Length field, there's a link for the
> > question: "Does my wordcount need to be precise?" which leads to a very,
> > very nicely-written blurb saying, basically "Yes, if it's an FLF." Which
> is
> > great, but it also says "You can also calculate your story length by
> copying
> > and pasting your story into the form here."
> >
> > And it links to a word-count tool. Which, unfortunately is even
> > *more*inaccurate than the word counts in MS Word or any other tool
> > I've ever
> > tried, which are frequently off by 1 or 2 percent.
> >
> > I tried counting the words in each of my 3 nominated drabbles by hand
> (not
> > directly: I copy the drabble, break it up into groups of 5 words, and
> then
> > count the groups), and they are all precisely 100, which is not
> surprising,
> > since I tend to be a bit... er... well... *cough* obsessive *cough*
> about
> > that sort of thing....
> >
> > But the MEFA word-count tool gives counts of *98*, *95*, and *92!*
> >
> > *Sigh*
> >
> > So, if an author of a true drabble is confused about whether to trust
> their
> > own count (by hand), or the count with any software, including the tool
> > provided by the MEFAs, you might want to tell them that a hand count is
> > still the only one guaranteed to be accurate.
> >
> > The tool is perfectly fine for estimating approximate word counts (like,
> to
> > see if a story qualifies as a novel...), but it is *far* too inaccurate
> to
> > use for FLFs. I will squirrel away a reminder to myself to bring this up
> at
> > the post-mortem... it probably should not be linked to the blurb about
> > lengths, where precision is needed.
> >
> > - Barbara
> >
> > *Note to self: I am not paranoid if word-count tools are really out to
> get
> > me.*

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8776

Re: MEFA Unsung Heroes Posted by Agape 4Rivendell May 07, 2008 - 17:00:49 Topic ID# 8752
There are others too who definitely need our thanks -

That is all the writers - without whom MEFA would have nothing to offer.

AND readers -

AND nominators.....

Bless you all,

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8777

Updates to site: New Word count tool plus fixes to QuickLinks to bro Posted by Tanaqui May 07, 2008 - 18:16:15 Topic ID# 8768
Two things

1) The FAQ on the nomination form now links to the new Word Count tool

2) Elena Tiriel also let us know about a bug in the way the stories were
displayed on the QuickLinks pages, so that you couldn't get to all the
stories. This has now been fixed.

The pages have been modified so that now when you click on an item, the
site displays all the stories for that item item rather than displaying
them in pages of so many stories at a time.

That means you will also no longer see the navigation bar (with the
Search box, page links, and jump to page and per page dropdowns) on
those pages.

It also does mean that as we add more stories, the QuickLinks pages will
take a little longer to display on your screen - but once you have the
page loaded, clicking on any of the items will bring up the list of
stories instantly.

I've taken this approach to the fix because the navigation bar code and
the QuickLinks code didn't want to play nicely together, and this was
the best way to get something that worked properly in a reasonable
length of time. I may revisit this when I have more time to get a more
"ideal" solution. Meanwhile, if you find the QuickLinks pages slow to
load, you can always use the filter on the main Stories page.


Msg# 8778

Re: Updates to site: New Word count tool plus fixes to QuickLinks to Posted by Elena Tiriel May 07, 2008 - 18:31:09 Topic ID# 8768
Thank you for both fixes, and the clear explanation, Liz!

You are a hero among unsung heroes! *vbg*

- Barbara

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 4:08 PM, Tanaqui <> wrote:

> Two things
> 1) The FAQ on the nomination form now links to the new Word Count tool
> at
> 2) Elena Tiriel also let us know about a bug in the way the stories were
> displayed on the QuickLinks pages, so that you couldn't get to all the
> stories. This has now been fixed.
> The pages have been modified so that now when you click on an item, the
> site displays all the stories for that item item rather than displaying
> them in pages of so many stories at a time.
> That means you will also no longer see the navigation bar (with the
> Search box, page links, and jump to page and per page dropdowns) on
> those pages.
> It also does mean that as we add more stories, the QuickLinks pages will
> take a little longer to display on your screen - but once you have the
> page loaded, clicking on any of the items will bring up the list of
> stories instantly.
> I've taken this approach to the fix because the navigation bar code and
> the QuickLinks code didn't want to play nicely together, and this was
> the best way to get something that worked properly in a reasonable
> length of time. I may revisit this when I have more time to get a more
> "ideal" solution. Meanwhile, if you find the QuickLinks pages slow to
> load, you can always use the filter on the main Stories page.
> Tanaqui

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8779

Re: MEFA Unsung Heroes Posted by May 08, 2008 - 0:28:15 Topic ID# 8752
Thank you, to everyone who has replied to this post. I wanted to let you
know that I am reading all the replies (and smiling!) even though I am
not replying to them all.

*hugs all her MEFA friends*


Msg# 8780

New Reviewing Strategy FAQ and improved(?) appearnace to FAQs Posted by Tanaqui May 08, 2008 - 8:39:28 Topic ID# 8780
Hi All

Imhiriel has kindly submitted some thoughts on how she reviews, which
have been added to the existing suggestions on our FAQ on "Strategies
for Reviewing from Veteran Reviewers" at There's
great advice on this page from everybody who's contributed strategies,
and I really urge you to take a look when you start thinking about

Also, there have been comments in the past that the FAQs are
"confusing". Partly that's a consequence of the awards themselves being
quite complicated, so there's lots to take in. However, this year, we've
tried to reorganised the FAQs so it's easier for newcomers to the awards
to get going and for old hands to find what they want. I've also just
tweaked the appearance of the FAQs with the aim of making them easier to
read, and I hope that helps with making the FAQs less confusing.

Don't forget, you can always ask here or by emailing if you can't find the answer to your question
in the FAQs or Rules.


Msg# 8781

New Feature - Filter by Rating Posted by araneltook May 08, 2008 - 10:10:22 Topic ID# 8781
Hey all,

I've added a filter to the Browse Stories page, so you can filter stories by rating (General,
Teen, Mature).


Msg# 8782

Re: MEFA Unsung Heroes Posted by Súlriel of Menegroth May 08, 2008 - 12:53:00 Topic ID# 8752
Marta, it's very sweet of you to remember me and everyone else who has
helped out with these awards. I'm proud to have been a part and hope
to continue for a long time. I'm sorry I can't be more active this
year and hope to be able to contribute more again in the future.

You, and everyone, has done a tremendous job and the truth is that
it's the community that comes together and makes these awards work as
well as they do, and that's what I find most rewarding. Because to
me, the fandom is as much about friendship and community as it is
about writing and I think the MEFA epitomize that in a lot of ways.


On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 12:27 AM, <> wrote:
> Thank you, to everyone who has replied to this post. I wanted to let you
> know that I am reading all the replies (and smiling!) even though I am
> not replying to them all.
> *hugs all her MEFA friends*
> Marta

Msg# 8783

Reviews & Spoilers Posted by araneltook May 08, 2008 - 17:07:14 Topic ID# 8783
Hey all,

There's been some concern about what checking "spoilers" will do to your review. To clear up
any confusion, here is a screenshot of what a review marked "spoilers" will look like:

All that is different about that review is that it has the red text of "Spoilers!" added to it.
Otherwise, it behaves like any other review, meaning that a Final Review will be viewable
immediately and a Hidden Review will be viewable at the end of the awards. Reviews marked
"spoilers" will not be hidden unless you actually choose "hidden" as the status.

The only purpose of adding this feature was to have a consistent and clear way to mark
reviews as spoilers. It does not in any way change how reviews behave.


Msg# 8784

Re: MEFA Unsung Heroes Posted by nau\_tika May 08, 2008 - 18:42:34 Topic ID# 8752
And I third it!

Thanks for the kind words!


--- In, KAT702H@... wrote:
> I second that. I know you put in a lot of time, Marta, and
deserve thanks
> for all your hard work.
> TariElfLady
> In a message dated 5/6/2008 6:55:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> alassante7@... writes:
> You forgot one person Marta. YOU! lol
> Thanks to everyone behind the scenes. :)
> --- In _MEFAwards@yahoogrouMEFAwa_
( ,
> "melayton@, <melayton@...> wrote:
> >
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > Earlier today I was thinking about the MEFAs (not a rare
> > these days!). Specifically, I was thinking about the members who
> > out. See, I know a lot of people associate the MEFAs with my
> > because I am the one whose name is at the bottom of the
> > and I am often the one who answers questions. However, I am far
> the
> > only one who is involved. If anything, the MEFAs are like an
> > 10% visible, 90% below the surface.
> >
> > I talk sometimes about some of these volunteers, but I usually
> > about the ones I actually have regular contact with. There are
lots of
> > other people who do jobs just because they need to be done. I
can call
> > on them and tell them what needs to be done, and then they just
> with
> > it. Usually these people do such a good job that it is easy for
me to
> > forget they are even there. Which I know I really shouldn't,
> > they are invaluable to the whole process. For me the MEFAs can
be a
> real
> > juggling act; I try to give my attention to as much as I can,
and areas
> > that are working well, I tend to forget about because I *can.*
> >
> > That's no excuse, though. So I want to take a moment to thank
just some
> > of the people who don't get NEARLY as much credit as they
deserve, and
> > without whom these awards would not be happening.
> >
> > First and foremost of this list is Elliska. She has been a very
> > dependable volunteer since she first got involved (I think in
> > and has always been willing to pitch a helping hand wherever
> I'm
> > not sure there's been a part of the awards (nominations,
> > voting, or "clean-up") where she hasn't been doing something
behind the
> > scene. She is a liaison and has already signed up to be a
> > More importantly, it is Elliska who looks at everyone who tries
to join
> > the MEFAwards list, checks out for spammers, and sets up
> > accounts for the legitimate ones. After the post-mortem I at
least get
> > to take a few weeks off and recuperate; Elliska does not get a
day off.
> > She is also one of the most reliable volunteers I've worked
with. I
> > seriously doubt that these awards would be happening if I didn't
> > her help. Because she does her job so well, it is all too easy
> me to
> > forget her effort. But that's only because it doesn't require any
> effort
> > on my part. Thank you, Elliska. I mean that.
> >
> > Tanaqui and Aranel are two names that you probably hear fairly
> > but you may not realize the full extent of their work. Go and
check out
> > the FAQ sometime, even if you think you understand the awards.
Look at
> > all the ways those FAQs link to each other. All the special
> > And realize that someone had to take the Word documents in which
> wrote
> > the FAQs and convert them into computer files. Now look at the
way it
> > fits into a complicated website pretty seamlessly. And consider
> > these FAQs are available both when you're logged in and when
you're not
> > â€" and that the same computer documents work for both people who
> > access the rest of the website, and who can't. It's complicated,
> > sophisticated code, and someone has to write and update it. And
> > takes a lot of tedious work. That someone is Tanaqui. She does
this on
> > *top* of her other volunteer hours coding this website, which
> > substantial.
> >
> > Aranel does a tremendous amount of work as well. One of the
> > time-consuming parts of this year's coding was the archive. The
list of
> > stories itself is very useful, and took a lot of technical work.
> > Aranel also took the 2004 reviews and formatted them by hand.
This was
> > not a matter of simply pulling data from a website database,
because in
> > 2004 the votes were posted to the MEFAwards Yahoo group as
emails, not
> > entered into a website. Aranel also went through all the names
> > grouped stories together where the author was nominated under
> > pseudonyms.
> >
> > Most importantly, these two put up with me. The MEFAs are the
> time
> > I have ever tried to coordinate a project of anything like this
> > magnitude â€" which of course means I make mistakes. Vague coding
> > requirements. Lots of forgetfulness on my part. (I can't tell
you how
> > many times I've said "Oh, did I forget to mention..."! many
times I've
> > my suggestions and those of others, and make them work. Or
explain why
> > it can't work. They deserve a lot more recognition than I give
them for
> > that.
> >
> > Another person who deserves a lot more recognition than she gets
> > Inkling. If I told you one thing that Inkling has done I'd have
to tell
> > you a hundred. Suffice it to say that there has never been a
time that
> > I've come to her with a special project that she has said no to.
> > like Elliska, she is a perpetual and continuous volunteer:
> > categorizer, and just general jack-of-all- categorizer, and just
> > season.) Most importantly, Inkling is my release valve. When I
> > someone to kvetch to, she is there to listen, to reassure me,
and to
> > help me see the problems more clearly. I think I would have quit
> > involvement a half-dozen times in the last few years if not for
> > support, both emotionally and practically. (Elliska has been
> about
> > this as well.)
> >
> > Banner makers are another group that don't get nearly enough
credit. Go
> > and check out _http://www.mefawardhttp://www.meh_
> (,) and you will see some
> > really nice artwork. What you won't see is the name of the
artists who
> > created them, unless you click on an image. And when a member
selects a
> > banner, they just display the banner â€" not who created it. I
> hesitate to
> > mention names because I know I'll forget someone, but I know
> > nau_tika and elea24 have both created banners. Rhapsody and
Llinos also
> > created a lot last year. And I am certain that there are others!
> all
> > of these artists who share their work with us deserve our
> >
> > As does Fiondil. Fiondil is a new volunteer who has taken on the
job of
> > making sure we have a good assortment of banners. Think how
> > fandom is, how diverse the contributions to the MEFA are every
> and
> > imagine trying to make sure that every little niche has an
> > banner to select if they win. Now multiply that by three because
> > also need a good selection of banners for nominees and people
who reach
> > their reviewing goal. Fiondil also has taken on the dreary work
> > uploading peoples' submissions, something I am very glad to
> > Thank you, Fiondil!
> >
> > And I don't want to forget AmandaK, Baranduin, and nau_tika, who
> > personalized the winners' banners so quickly to display what
place was
> > won. They all did a really top-notch job, and I don't think they
> > recognized even once. (Rhapsody, AlexCat, Ainaechoiriel, and
> > people did similar jobs in previous years.)
> >
> > I see that I've gone on for quite some time already, and the
more and
> > more I think about the MEFAs, the more "unsung heroes" I think
> > Annmarwalk posted all of the reviews made last year, to both
here and
> > the mefas LJ. Imhiriel has read many, many reviews looking for
> > formatting errors, like incorrectly- formatting errors, like
> helped on
> > many, many projects, such as preparing lists of previously-
nominate m
> > pieces and adding accounts to the MEFA website when people
> > MEFAwards â€" another person I can turn to when I need help. I
can't even
> > begin to name all of the people who have participated in the
> post-mortem
> > every year â€" and that's a time commitment of at least an hour a
> > for over a month in most cases.
> >
> > You get the idea. There are so many people to thank, I can't
even name
> > them all.
> >
> > But I do want to recognize three people who, though they don't
> volunteer
> > in the same capacities anymore, really helped give the MEFAs
> > start. Those three people are Ainaechoiriel, Anthony, and
> > Rhapsody created the banner website, including the software that
> > us to vote for banners (when we still did that). She also
adminned this
> > section of the awards, uploading all of the banners submitted
> > communicating with artists. Anthony actually built the site we
saw in
> > 2005 â€" all by himself, building on code from H. Weinreich but
> > so much time I'm kind of scared to know the actual tally. And
> > brought these awards to the Tolkien fandom and got them started.
> Without
> > them, we wouldn't be here.
> >
> > I know full well that there are people I am failing to mention,
> > because I have run out of room but also because you do such a
> > good job that I never have to give your part of the awards a
> > thought. Thank you.
> >
> > And thank you, again, to everyone I did mention. I am sorry I
> draw
> > attention to you more often, because you really are invaluable.
> >
> > Marta
> > (MEFA Admin.)
> >
> **************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists
on family
> favorites at AOL Food.
> (
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8785

Admin - Withdrawing Stories Posted by May 08, 2008 - 22:58:44 Topic ID# 8785
Hey guys,

I want to talk about withdrawing nominations. Every year several hundred
stories are nominated for the MEFAs - and it seems like every year at
least a few stories need to be withdrawn. Now, I'm fully aware that life
happens, often in a way no one ever anticipated, and I don't mind
withdrawing stories when the need arises.

However, when you withdraw a story that you had said could compete, you
affect lots of people: your nominator, other authors, voters, and
volunteers. While I want authors to be able to leave the awards if they
need to, I also want them to think carefully beforehand: will you be
happy with their story to stay in the awards until voting finishes,
barring any unforeseen event? Sometimes stuff happens and you have to
change your answer mid-awards; but sometimes, you can anticipate that
you may need to pull out, before you accept your nomination.

Authors have until one week after nominations close (this year: June 21)
to accept their nominations and feel out the story forms. If you need to
withdraw a nomination before then, you can do so without any penalty.
After June 21, you can still withdraw stories, but they'll be ineligible
to compete again just like if they competed the whole year. This means
that if a WIP is withdrawn on June 22, it will only be eligible to
compete again when it's complete. And if a completed story is withdrawn
on June 22, it's never eligible again.

If you are leaving a specific archive but your story will still be
posted elsewhere, we can update the story link given on our site. Just
email me your name, your story title, and the new link, and I'll change
it on our website.

If you would like to withdraw your story, email me and I'll take it down
for you.

In either case, email mefasupport(at)mefawards(dot)net.


(MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 8786

Re: New Feature - Filter by Rating Posted by May 09, 2008 - 1:32:45 Topic ID# 8781
Thank you!!! This will be a wonderful boon to our young fanfic author. (And to me... I'll still be there but I can be working at something else at the same time, rather than staring at the screen the whole time she is reading. Yes, am paranoid. Some years ago, clicked on something that sounded innocent, once when a small child was sitting in my lap, and ended up hurriedly closing a browser window that just would not close quickly enough. Whew.)


-----Original Message-----

4. New Feature - Filter by Rating
Posted by: "araneltook" araneltook
Date: Thu May 8, 2008 8:10 am ((PDT))

Hey all,

I've added a filter to the Browse Stories page, so you can filter stories by
rating (General,
Teen, Mature).


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8787

Re: Admin - Withdrawing Stories Posted by Lily Hawker-Yates May 09, 2008 - 3:32:10 Topic ID# 8785
I've withdrawn a story....but only because it had already competed. However, the author wanted the nominator to keep their vote.....but when it was withdrawn there was nothing we could do about that.Can I just check...if the nominator withdraws it do they keep the vote?


"" <> wrote:
Hey guys,

I want to talk about withdrawing nominations. Every year several hundred
stories are nominated for the MEFAs - and it seems like every year at
least a few stories need to be withdrawn. Now, I'm fully aware that life
happens, often in a way no one ever anticipated, and I don't mind
withdrawing stories when the need arises.

However, when you withdraw a story that you had said could compete, you
affect lots of people: your nominator, other authors, voters, and
volunteers. While I want authors to be able to leave the awards if they
need to, I also want them to think carefully beforehand: will you be
happy with their story to stay in the awards until voting finishes,
barring any unforeseen event? Sometimes stuff happens and you have to
change your answer mid-awards; but sometimes, you can anticipate that
you may need to pull out, before you accept your nomination.

Authors have until one week after nominations close (this year: June 21)
to accept their nominations and feel out the story forms. If you need to
withdraw a nomination before then, you can do so without any penalty.
After June 21, you can still withdraw stories, but they'll be ineligible
to compete again just like if they competed the whole year. This means
that if a WIP is withdrawn on June 22, it will only be eligible to
compete again when it's complete. And if a completed story is withdrawn
on June 22, it's never eligible again.

If you are leaving a specific archive but your story will still be
posted elsewhere, we can update the story link given on our site. Just
email me your name, your story title, and the new link, and I'll change
it on our website.

If you would like to withdraw your story, email me and I'll take it down
for you.

In either case, email mefasupport(at)mefawards(dot)net.


(MEFA Admin.)

"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends."

William Butler Yeats

'For every evil that rises, we are given ways to fight it. Or... in the absence of a fight, we are given each other to weather it. We're a bunch of survivors here, that's what we are. Not quite victorious, but then again, there hadn't really been a war. And yet we were fighting something... maybe ourselves, and the alone-ness that permeated each of us before we somehow found each other, ultimately found ourselves.' - Elrohir, For Every Evil

Yahoo! For Good. Give and get cool things for free, reduce waste and help our planet. Plus find hidden Yahoo! treasure

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8788

Re: Admin - Withdrawing Stories Posted by May 09, 2008 - 7:42:18 Topic ID# 8785
Hiya Lily,

Our rules are pretty clear-cut on this. If a story competed in an
earlier year and has to be withdrawn for that reason, the nominator
isn't allowed to replace the nomination. No matter what the author would
prefer. It's true that there are some cases where stories *can* compete
more than once (like stories nominated as WIPs - they're eligible again
once completed). And if you'd like I'm happy to look at the story to
make sure it's not a case like this. But if a story *does* need to be
withdrawn for this reason, the nominator loses that nomination.

So.... in this circumstance, you should withdraw the story with the
reason "duplicate of prior nomination," and you need to check the tick
box on the form under that.

PS - Because this is more or less an admin issue, would you mind if we
either continued this discussion at MEFAStaff, or if you emailed me


Lily Hawker-Yates wrote:
> I've withdrawn a story....but only because it had already competed.
> However, the author wanted the nominator to keep their vote.....but when
> it was withdrawn there was nothing we could do about that.Can I just
> check...if the nominator withdraws it do they keep the vote?
> Lily

Msg# 8789

Question Posted by eldariel\_perdhel May 11, 2008 - 15:18:38 Topic ID# 451
What if I wish to nominate an author whose e-mail is not made known to


Msg# 8790

Re: Question Posted by May 11, 2008 - 16:45:05 Topic ID# 451
Hi Calenlass,

We do need an email address that the author checks regularly in order to
nominate for these awards. If you don't know the author's email address,
maybe you could try leaving a review for them at a place where they post
their stories, saying something like,

Greetings Author,

My name is Calenlass, and I'd like to nominate your story, [title], for
the Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards. In order to nominate you, I need to
give the awards maintainers an email where they can reach you. Would you
mind me doing this? Could you email me at [your email] to discuss this



If they're uncomfortable giving out their normal email, then they could
establish a special email address where we could contact them for these
awards - Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, and many other services provide free
email. As long as they'd check it during the awards, that would be fine.

But, yeah, we really do need an email address for them, so our
volunteers can contact them.


eldariel_perdhel wrote:
> What if I wish to nominate an author whose e-mail is not made known to
> public?
> -Calenlass

Msg# 8791

Re: Question Posted by eldariel\_perdhel May 11, 2008 - 18:36:45 Topic ID# 451
All right. Thanks, and I'll see what I can do.


--- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> Hi Calenlass,
> We do need an email address that the author checks regularly in
order to
> nominate for these awards. If you don't know the author's email
> maybe you could try leaving a review for them at a place where they
> their stories, saying something like,
> *******
> Greetings Author,
> My name is Calenlass, and I'd like to nominate your story, [title], for
> the Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards. In order to nominate you, I need to
> give the awards maintainers an email where they can reach you. Would
> mind me doing this? Could you email me at [your email] to discuss this
> situation?
> Thanks,
> Calenlass
> *******
> If they're uncomfortable giving out their normal email, then they could
> establish a special email address where we could contact them for these
> awards - Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, and many other services provide free
> email. As long as they'd check it during the awards, that would be fine.
> But, yeah, we really do need an email address for them, so our
> volunteers can contact them.
> Marta
> eldariel_perdhel wrote:
> >
> >
> > What if I wish to nominate an author whose e-mail is not made known to
> > public?
> >
> > -Calenlass
> >

Msg# 8792

Hello... new member, and new story posting Posted by cactuskim123 May 13, 2008 - 1:06:14 Topic ID# 8792
Hello everyone,

I'm Cactuskim and I just joined about a week ago and I wanted to
introduce myself.

I had heard people mention MEFA awards occasionally but was not all that
familiar with them and did not understand them until I offered to help a
friend *Waves at Nautika* when she mentioned that they needed more help
with banners.... I'm a bit of a Photoshop junky ;p

I love LOTR and the Silmarillion and have since long before the
movies.... I would tell you how long, but someone would call me old,
and then I would have to lie and claim that I was reading them when I
was only 2 to try and disprove the charges ;p. My favorite LOTR
character is Legolas followed by Aragorn and Faramir. My favorite Sil
character is Finrod.

I do a little fanfic writing and a Lot of LOTR art work. A good friend
of mine (NiRi) who I think is also a member here has been pestering me
and telling me that I should post my stories where people can actually
find them and read them.. So after only procrastinating for another 6
months after she poked me, and 2 years before that, *I do not
procrastinate!.... OK, I do ;p* I have actually posted my first story
to today. :D

Here is a link to the story I just posted if anyone is interested in
reading it, it is a humor based story featuring Aragorn and Legolas
with the rather odd name of "The Weaving Cow".

I look forward to getting to know all of you.


Msg# 8793

Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting Posted by vanimore\_gorthaurion May 13, 2008 - 2:01:41 Topic ID# 8792
Hello Cactuskim, nice to meet you,

I would like to read your story, but have you thought of posting it on
another site, like the Lord of the Rings Fanfiction Community - it is a
smaller site but is such a pit that any good stories tend to be
lost among them.

Welcome to MEFA's, hope you have as good a time nominating as I am

Take care

Msg# 8794

Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting Posted by May 13, 2008 - 8:59:21 Topic ID# 8792
Hi Cactuskim,

Welcome to the MEFAs! I'm glad you took the time to introduce yourself,
and hope you have fun spending time in our little corner of the intarwebs.

I did want to mention one thing, and this is as much for all the other
members that are new this year as it is for you in particular. It's
natural to want to post links to your stories, especially when you first
join a group, to post a link to your story. It's sort of like your bona
fides as a "real" fanfic writer. But, because of the nature of our
group, we don't usually post links to stories here. If your story ends
up being nominated, the fact that you mentioned it can feel a little
like you're asking for votes.

Which I know you're not! It's really the most natural thing in the world
to want to do. Just thought I'd mention it.

Btw, I did want to mention that we *do* allow self-nominations. If you
think your story is good enough that you'd like it to compete, you're
welcome to nominate your own story.


cactuskim123 wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm Cactuskim and I just joined about a week ago and I wanted to
> introduce myself.
> I had heard people mention MEFA awards occasionally but was not all that
> familiar with them and did not understand them until I offered to help a
> friend *Waves at Nautika* when she mentioned that they needed more help
> with banners.... I'm a bit of a Photoshop junky ;p
> I love LOTR and the Silmarillion and have since long before the
> movies.... I would tell you how long, but someone would call me old,
> and then I would have to lie and claim that I was reading them when I
> was only 2 to try and disprove the charges ;p. My favorite LOTR
> character is Legolas followed by Aragorn and Faramir. My favorite Sil
> character is Finrod.
> I do a little fanfic writing and a Lot of LOTR art work. A good friend
> of mine (NiRi) who I think is also a member here has been pestering me
> and telling me that I should post my stories where people can actually
> find them and read them.. So after only procrastinating for another 6
> months after she poked me, and 2 years before that, *I do not
> procrastinate!.... OK, I do ;p* I have actually posted my first story
> to today. :D
> Here is a link to the story I just posted if anyone is interested in
> reading it, it is a humor based story featuring Aragorn and Legolas
> with the rather odd name of "The Weaving Cow".
> <>
> I look forward to getting to know all of you.
> Cactuskim

Msg# 8795

Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting Posted by May 13, 2008 - 8:59:32 Topic ID# 8792
Welcome Cactuskim. I'm so glad you decided to join. I just finished you
tale and loved it to pieces.
A warg cub for a pet is a most amusing thought. Wonder what would have
happened when it grew up. What is a ketral?

I look forward to you posting more. Please let us know when you do.
TariElfLady (and big time fan of Legolas)

In a message dated 5/13/2008 2:06:37 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, kim@fl writes:

Hello everyone,

I'm Cactuskim and I just joined about a week ago and I wanted to
introduce myself.

I had heard people mention MEFA awards occasionally but was not all that
familiar with them and did not understand them until I offered to help a
friend *Waves at Nautika* when she mentioned that they needed more help
with banners.... I'm a bit of a Photoshop junky ;p

I love LOTR and the Silmarillion and have since long before the
movies.... I would tell you how long, but someone would call me old,
and then I would have to lie and claim that I was reading them when I
was only 2 to try and disprove the charges ;p. My favorite LOTR
character is Legolas followed by Aragorn and Faramir. My favorite Sil
character is Finrod.

I do a little fanfic writing and a Lot of LOTR art work. A good friend
of mine (NiRi) who I think is also a member here has been pestering me
and telling me that I should post my stories where people can actually
find them and read them.. So after only procrastinating for another 6
months after she poked me, and 2 years before that, *I do not
procrastinate!procrastinate!<WBR>.... OK, I do ;p* I have actually posted
to today. :D

Here is a link to the story I just posted if anyone is interested in
reading it, it is a humor based story featuring Aragorn and Legolas
with the rather odd name of "The Weaving Cow".


I look forward to getting to know all of you.


**************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family
favorites at AOL Food.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8796

Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting Posted by Viv May 13, 2008 - 9:10:23 Topic ID# 8792
MEFA needs help with banners? I'm there! Who do I

Welcome, Cactuskim. I'm just returning after a long
time away from fandom, but I remember these awards as
being a great way to meet folks and get a sense of the
excellent stuff being written in Tolkien fic.


--- Cactuskim wrote:

> I offered to help a
> friend *Waves at Nautika* when she mentioned that
> they needed more help
> with banners.... I'm a bit of a Photoshop junky ;p

Msg# 8797

Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting Posted by Arthur Boccaccio May 13, 2008 - 9:19:07 Topic ID# 8792
On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 10:10 PM, Viv <> wrote:

*MEFA needs help with banners? I'm there! Who do I contact?*

You would contact me, Fiondil, at this email address:


"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8798

Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting Posted by kimberli leal May 13, 2008 - 14:13:26 Topic ID# 8792
Hi Lethe, thank you for the welcome.

I have never been to the Lord of the Rings Fanfiction Community before, although the name sounds familiar... NiRi may have mentioned it in a post on another group. I just googled it and took a quick peak, and it looks very nice I will check into it.

I know what you mean about I used to read there a lot when I first started reading fan-fic, and I stopped reading there almost completely about 2 years ago because of some things that happened.... long story.... and that is the main reason that I had never posted my writing there until now (one of my biggest problems with has finally been addressed; it is far from perfect still, but better).

I look forward to enjoying the MEFA's and was about to nominate a story today, but found out that it has already been nominated by someone else.... Looks like I will have to be quick with this group ;p


----- Original Message ----
From: vanimore_gorthaurion <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 12:01:40 AM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting

Hello Cactuskim, nice to meet you,

I would like to read your story, but have you thought of posting it on
another site, like the Lord of the Rings Fanfiction Community - it is a
smaller site but is such a pit that any good stories tend to be
lost among them.

Welcome to MEFA's, hope you have as good a time nominating as I am

Take care


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8799

Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting Posted by vanimore\_gorthaurion May 13, 2008 - 14:31:43 Topic ID# 8792
Ahhh, lol, that happened to me, most of the stories I wanted to
nominate were already up!But that pleased me since it proves I have
good taste!

I hope that you do post on the Fanfic Community, it is a nice place to

Take care,


Msg# 8800

Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting Posted by kimberli leal May 13, 2008 - 14:40:35 Topic ID# 8792
Hi Marta,

Thank you for the welcome. I have been delighted when rummaging thru the list of previous years nominees and winners to find active links to stories and authors that I had lost track of.... I replaced a hard drive 2 year ago, and had to reformat my HD last December and I lost all of my bookmarks both times! *Sniff* that really hurts. Some of the archives stories had been on had been closed, and remembering the exact names of fictions, or authors (which some times use different names in different places) to try and search places like (which has a flaky search function) was very difficult at best, and I thought that some of the stories were gone forever.

Sorry about the link, I assumed that since this group is about fan-fiction, that posting story links was OK like in my other groups. I never really thought about the awards focus here, although if I had thought it thru, it actually makes sense. I don't think that my story is even eligible for a nomination anyways, because even though I just posted it at, it was actually written a few years ago and is not a new story written in the last year. BTW, What is the exact cut off dates for when a story is written for it to be eligible for a nomination?

Bye for now, Got to go work on more Banners ;p


----- Original Message ----
From: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 6:58:43 AM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Hello... new member, and new story posting

Hi Cactuskim,

Welcome to the MEFAs! I'm glad you took the time to introduce yourself,
and hope you have fun spending time in our little corner of the intarwebs.

I did want to mention one thing, and this is as much for all the other
members that are new this year as it is for you in particular. It's
natural to want to post links to your stories, especially when you first
join a group, to post a link to your story. It's sort of like your bona
fides as a "real" fanfic writer. But, because of the nature of our
group, we don't usually post links to stories here. If your story ends
up being nominated, the fact that you mentioned it can feel a little
like you're asking for votes.

Which I know you're not! It's really the most natural thing in the world
to want to do. Just thought I'd mention it.

Btw, I did want to mention that we *do* allow self-nominations. If you
think your story is good enough that you'd like it to compete, you're
welcome to nominate your own story.


cactuskim123 wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm Cactuskim and I just joined about a week ago and I wanted to
> introduce myself.
> I had heard people mention MEFA awards occasionally but was not all that
> familiar with them and did not understand them until I offered to help a
> friend *Waves at Nautika* when she mentioned that they needed more help
> with banners.... I'm a bit of a Photoshop junky ;p
> I love LOTR and the Silmarillion and have since long before the
> movies.... I would tell you how long, but someone would call me old,
> and then I would have to lie and claim that I was reading them when I
> was only 2 to try and disprove the charges ;p. My favorite LOTR
> character is Legolas followed by Aragorn and Faramir. My favorite Sil
> character is Finrod.
> I do a little fanfic writing and a Lot of LOTR art work. A good friend
> of mine (NiRi) who I think is also a member here has been pestering me
> and telling me that I should post my stories where people can actually
> find them and read them.. So after only procrastinating for another 6
> months after she poked me, and 2 years before that, *I do not
> procrastinate! .... OK, I do ;p* I have actually posted my first story
> to today. :D
> Here is a link to the story I just posted if anyone is interested in
> reading it, it is a humor based story featuring Aragorn and Legolas
> with the rather odd name of "The Weaving Cow".
> http://www.fanficti 417850/cactuskim
> <http://www.fanficti 417850/cactuskim>
> I look forward to getting to know all of you.
> Cactuskim


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8801

Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting Posted by kimberli leal May 13, 2008 - 14:53:54 Topic ID# 8792
Hi TariElfLady,

Thank you for the warm welcome, and I am so delighted that you loved my story. I had a lot of fun with it. *Grin* I will explain Ketrals when I reply to your other e-mail shortly. ;p

Bye for now.


----- Original Message ----
From: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 6:59:53 AM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Hello... new member, and new story posting

Welcome Cactuskim. I'm so glad you decided to join. I just finished you
tale and loved it to pieces.
A warg cub for a pet is a most amusing thought. Wonder what would have
happened when it grew up. What is a ketral?

I look forward to you posting more. Please let us know when you do.
TariElfLady (and big time fan of Legolas)

In a message dated 5/13/2008 2:06:37 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, kim@fl writes:

Hello everyone,

I'm Cactuskim and I just joined about a week ago and I wanted to
introduce myself.

I had heard people mention MEFA awards occasionally but was not all that
familiar with them and did not understand them until I offered to help a
friend *Waves at Nautika* when she mentioned that they needed more help
with banners.... I'm a bit of a Photoshop junky ;p

I love LOTR and the Silmarillion and have since long before the
movies.... I would tell you how long, but someone would call me old,
and then I would have to lie and claim that I was reading them when I
was only 2 to try and disprove the charges ;p. My favorite LOTR
character is Legolas followed by Aragorn and Faramir. My favorite Sil
character is Finrod.

I do a little fanfic writing and a Lot of LOTR art work. A good friend
of mine (NiRi) who I think is also a member here has been pestering me
and telling me that I should post my stories where people can actually
find them and read them.. So after only procrastinating for another 6
months after she poked me, and 2 years before that, *I do not
procrastinate! procrastinate! <WBR>.... OK, I do ;p* I have actually posted
to today. :D

Here is a link to the story I just posted if anyone is interested in
reading it, it is a humor based story featuring Aragorn and Legolas
with the rather odd name of "The Weaving Cow".

_http://www.fanficti http://wwhttp: //www.fanfi_
(http://www.fanficti 417850/cactuskim)

I look forward to getting to know all of you.


************ **Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family
favorites at AOL Food.
(http://food. tonight?NCID= aolfod0003000000 0001)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8802

Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting Posted by Barbara Rich May 13, 2008 - 15:25:13 Topic ID# 8792
Hello and welcome!

The MEFAs actually do not have a "cut-off" date. *ANY* LotR/The Hobbit/Silm
story is eligible as long as it has never been nominated before as a
completed work. A WIP can be nominated once as incomplete and once as

Of course, the staff has to be able to reach the author, so stories that are
many years old may technically be eligible, but if the author is no longer
active and doesn't respond, then they will end up not competing.

Hope that clears up the confusion!


On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 2:40 PM, kimberli leal <> wrote:

> Hi Marta,
> Thank you for the welcome. I have been delighted when rummaging thru the
> list of previous years nominees and winners to find active links to stories
> and authors that I had lost track of.... I replaced a hard drive 2 year ago,
> and had to reformat my HD last December and I lost all of my bookmarks both
> times! *Sniff* that really hurts. Some of the archives stories had been on
> had been closed, and remembering the exact names of fictions, or authors
> (which some times use different names in different places) to try and search
> places like (which has a flaky search function) was very difficult
> at best, and I thought that some of the stories were gone forever.
> Sorry about the link, I assumed that since this group is about
> fan-fiction, that posting story links was OK like in my other groups. I
> never really thought about the awards focus here, although if I had thought
> it thru, it actually makes sense. I don't think that my story is even
> eligible for a nomination anyways, because even though I just posted it at
>, it was actually written a few years ago and is not a new story
> written in the last year. BTW, What is the exact cut off dates for when a
> story is written for it to be eligible for a nomination?
> Bye for now, Got to go work on more Banners ;p
> Cactuskim
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: " <>" <<>
> >
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 6:58:43 AM
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Hello... new member, and new story posting
> Hi Cactuskim,
> Welcome to the MEFAs! I'm glad you took the time to introduce yourself,
> and hope you have fun spending time in our little corner of the intarwebs.
> I did want to mention one thing, and this is as much for all the other
> members that are new this year as it is for you in particular. It's
> natural to want to post links to your stories, especially when you first
> join a group, to post a link to your story. It's sort of like your bona
> fides as a "real" fanfic writer. But, because of the nature of our
> group, we don't usually post links to stories here. If your story ends
> up being nominated, the fact that you mentioned it can feel a little
> like you're asking for votes.
> Which I know you're not! It's really the most natural thing in the world
> to want to do. Just thought I'd mention it.
> Btw, I did want to mention that we *do* allow self-nominations. If you
> think your story is good enough that you'd like it to compete, you're
> welcome to nominate your own story.
> Marta
> cactuskim123 wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I'm Cactuskim and I just joined about a week ago and I wanted to
> > introduce myself.
> >
> > I had heard people mention MEFA awards occasionally but was not all that
> > familiar with them and did not understand them until I offered to help a
> > friend *Waves at Nautika* when she mentioned that they needed more help
> > with banners.... I'm a bit of a Photoshop junky ;p
> >
> > I love LOTR and the Silmarillion and have since long before the
> > movies.... I would tell you how long, but someone would call me old,
> > and then I would have to lie and claim that I was reading them when I
> > was only 2 to try and disprove the charges ;p. My favorite LOTR
> > character is Legolas followed by Aragorn and Faramir. My favorite Sil
> > character is Finrod.
> >
> > I do a little fanfic writing and a Lot of LOTR art work. A good friend
> > of mine (NiRi) who I think is also a member here has been pestering me
> > and telling me that I should post my stories where people can actually
> > find them and read them.. So after only procrastinating for another 6
> > months after she poked me, and 2 years before that, *I do not
> > procrastinate! .... OK, I do ;p* I have actually posted my first story
> > to today. :D
> >
> > Here is a link to the story I just posted if anyone is interested in
> > reading it, it is a humor based story featuring Aragorn and Legolas
> > with the rather odd name of "The Weaving Cow".
> >
> > http://www.fanficti 417850/cactuskim
> > <http://www.fanficti 417850/cactuskim>
> >
> > I look forward to getting to know all of you.
> >
> > Cactuskim
> >
> >
> <!--
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Msg# 8803

Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting Posted by May 13, 2008 - 15:33:54 Topic ID# 8792
Hi Cactuskim,

> Thank you for the welcome. I have been delighted when rummaging thru the
> list of previous years nominees and winners to find active links to
> stories and authors that I had lost track of.... I replaced a hard drive
> 2 year ago, and had to reformat my HD last December and I lost all of my
> bookmarks both times! *Sniff* that really hurts. Some of the archives
> stories had been on had been closed, and remembering the exact names of
> fictions, or authors (which some times use different names in different
> places) to try and search places like (which has a flaky search
> function) was very difficult at best, and I thought that some of the
> stories were gone forever.

Oy! I remember lopsing a flashdrive where I'd saved my favorite emails -
I feel your pain.

> Sorry about the link, I assumed that since this group is about
> fan-fiction, that posting story links was OK like in my other groups. I
> never really thought about the awards focus here, although if I had
> thought it thru, it actually makes sense.

No problem - all new members are allowed at least one mistake before we
set loose the wargs. *wink*

In all seriousness, it's a common mistake. We're not like every other
fanfic listserv out there, because our purpose is to run a specific set
of awards. Sometimes we let loose and discuss more general stuff, but
for the most part we have a pretty specific focus. So of course that
makes us a bit different from other fanfic listservs. Really, no
worries. :-)

> I don't think that my story is
> even eligible for a nomination anyways, because even though I just
> posted it at, it was actually written a few years ago and is not
> a new story written in the last year. BTW, What is the exact cut off
> dates for when a story is written for it to be eligible for a nomination?

Actually, that's one of my favorite things about the MEFAs - there's no
cut-off date. The main requirement as to date is that it hasn't been
nominated before.

Here are our eligibility requirements.


1. The story cannot already be in this year's competition.
2. The story cannot have competed as a completed story in a previous
year. (Can have competed as a work-in-progress, if it's now finished.)
For a list of stories nominated in previous years, check out

3. The piece has to be somehow connected to Tolkien. Crossovers,
movieverse, and most anything else you can imagine is okay. Practically
the only thing we *don't* allow are "real person" stories - RPH or RPS.
4. The story has to have a link where everyone can read it without
logging in.
5. If it's posted on more than one page, there has to be an easy way to
navigate from one page to the next. (Basically, you can only give one
link; this is an issue for some blogs and personal websites, but not
most archives.)
6. It has to fit into the General, Teen, or Mature ratings described at

Works-in-progress are allowed, too; just change requirement #2, to:

2. The story cannot have competed in a previous year. For a list of
stories nominated in previous years, check out

Put more simply: WIPs can't have been nominated at all; finished stories
are eligible if they've only competed as a WIP, but not if they've
already competed as a finished story in a previous year.

It's a bit complicated, I know. But basically, just because your story
is old, doesn't automatically mean it can't compete.

> Bye for now, Got to go work on more Banners ;p



Msg# 8804

Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting Posted by kimberli leal May 13, 2008 - 16:25:10 Topic ID# 8792
Hi Lethe,

*Grin* good taste indeed, I like that.

I just gave Fanfic Community a try. Hopefully I didn't mess it up too bad and everything will go thru OK. I look forward to getting to know everyone there.


----- Original Message ----
From: vanimore_gorthaurion <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 12:31:39 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting

Ahhh, lol, that happened to me, most of the stories I wanted to
nominate were already up!But that pleased me since it proves I have
good taste!

I hope that you do post on the Fanfic Community, it is a nice place to

Take care,



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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8805

Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting Posted by kimberli leal May 13, 2008 - 18:43:46 Topic ID# 8792
Hi Marta,

It was not until I lost the book mars with the dying hard drive that I realized what a loss that can be. Luckily I was able to save all of my image files. In December I found a piece of spy ware on the computer, and when I removed it (doing just what all the experts said to do) it corrupted the Operating system beyond repair.... apparently that was the intent of the jerk who wrote it: leave it be to spy on you or kill your computer removing it *Gurrrr*. again I got lucky, because I had recently backed up all of my images, but the book marks once again could not be saved. Now I make an HTML copy of them every 2 weeks and store it in my folder with my pictures for regular back up.

LOL, so I don't have to run from the Wargs this time huh? That is good. I will let you in on a secret though: spiders scare me more than the wargs do. ;p

Oh that is so cool that there is no time limit on when a story was written. That is very different from other awards programs.


----- Original Message ----
From: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 1:33:13 PM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Hello... new member, and new story posting

Hi Cactuskim,

> Thank you for the welcome. I have been delighted when rummaging thru the
> list of previous years nominees and winners to find active links to
> stories and authors that I had lost track of.... I replaced a hard drive
> 2 year ago, and had to reformat my HD last December and I lost all of my
> bookmarks both times! *Sniff* that really hurts. Some of the archives
> stories had been on had been closed, and remembering the exact names of
> fictions, or authors (which some times use different names in different
> places) to try and search places like (which has a flaky search
> function) was very difficult at best, and I thought that some of the
> stories were gone forever.

Oy! I remember lopsing a flashdrive where I'd saved my favorite emails -
I feel your pain.

> Sorry about the link, I assumed that since this group is about
> fan-fiction, that posting story links was OK like in my other groups. I
> never really thought about the awards focus here, although if I had
> thought it thru, it actually makes sense.

No problem - all new members are allowed at least one mistake before we
set loose the wargs. *wink*

In all seriousness, it's a common mistake. We're not like every other
fanfic listserv out there, because our purpose is to run a specific set
of awards. Sometimes we let loose and discuss more general stuff, but
for the most part we have a pretty specific focus. So of course that
makes us a bit different from other fanfic listservs. Really, no
worries. :-)

> I don't think that my story is
> even eligible for a nomination anyways, because even though I just
> posted it at, it was actually written a few years ago and is not
> a new story written in the last year. BTW, What is the exact cut off
> dates for when a story is written for it to be eligible for a nomination?

Actually, that's one of my favorite things about the MEFAs - there's no
cut-off date. The main requirement as to date is that it hasn't been
nominated before.

Here are our eligibility requirements.


1. The story cannot already be in this year's competition.
2. The story cannot have competed as a completed story in a previous
year. (Can have competed as a work-in-progress, if it's now finished.)
For a list of stories nominated in previous years, check out

http://mefawards. net/mefa- archive/

3. The piece has to be somehow connected to Tolkien. Crossovers,
movieverse, and most anything else you can imagine is okay. Practically
the only thing we *don't* allow are "real person" stories - RPH or RPS.
4. The story has to have a link where everyone can read it without
logging in.
5. If it's posted on more than one page, there has to be an easy way to
navigate from one page to the next. (Basically, you can only give one
link; this is an issue for some blogs and personal websites, but not
most archives.)
6. It has to fit into the General, Teen, or Mature ratings described at

http://mefawards. net/MEFA2008/ index.php? page=FAQratingsg uide

Works-in-progress are allowed, too; just change requirement #2, to:

2. The story cannot have competed in a previous year. For a list of
stories nominated in previous years, check out

http://mefawards. net/mefa- archive/

Put more simply: WIPs can't have been nominated at all; finished stories
are eligible if they've only competed as a WIP, but not if they've
already competed as a finished story in a previous year.

It's a bit complicated, I know. But basically, just because your story
is old, doesn't automatically mean it can't compete.

> Bye for now, Got to go work on more Banners ;p




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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8806

Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting Posted by kimberli leal May 13, 2008 - 18:47:34 Topic ID# 8792
Hi Dreamflower,

Thank you for the welcome, and also the information.... MEFA seems to be unique in this. So all I really have to do is make sure someone else has not nominated a story for the current or previous year, which can all be checked out on the MEFA site. :D I like that.


----- Original Message ----
From: Barbara Rich <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 1:25:11 PM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Hello... new member, and new story posting

Hello and welcome!

The MEFAs actually do not have a "cut-off" date. *ANY* LotR/The Hobbit/Silm
story is eligible as long as it has never been nominated before as a
completed work. A WIP can be nominated once as incomplete and once as

Of course, the staff has to be able to reach the author, so stories that are
many years old may technically be eligible, but if the author is no longer
active and doesn't respond, then they will end up not competing.

Hope that clears up the confusion!


On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 2:40 PM, kimberli leal <> wrote:

> Hi Marta,
> Thank you for the welcome. I have been delighted when rummaging thru the
> list of previous years nominees and winners to find active links to stories
> and authors that I had lost track of.... I replaced a hard drive 2 year ago,
> and had to reformat my HD last December and I lost all of my bookmarks both
> times! *Sniff* that really hurts. Some of the archives stories had been on
> had been closed, and remembering the exact names of fictions, or authors
> (which some times use different names in different places) to try and search
> places like (which has a flaky search function) was very difficult
> at best, and I thought that some of the stories were gone forever.
> Sorry about the link, I assumed that since this group is about
> fan-fiction, that posting story links was OK like in my other groups. I
> never really thought about the awards focus here, although if I had thought
> it thru, it actually makes sense. I don't think that my story is even
> eligible for a nomination anyways, because even though I just posted it at
>, it was actually written a few years ago and is not a new story
> written in the last year. BTW, What is the exact cut off dates for when a
> story is written for it to be eligible for a nomination?
> Bye for now, Got to go work on more Banners ;p
> Cactuskim
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: "melayton@gmail. com <melayton%40gmail. com>" <melayton@gmail. com<melayton%40gmail. com>
> >
> To: MEFAwards@yahoogrou <MEFAwards%40yahoog>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 6:58:43 AM
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Hello... new member, and new story posting
> Hi Cactuskim,
> Welcome to the MEFAs! I'm glad you took the time to introduce yourself,
> and hope you have fun spending time in our little corner of the intarwebs.
> I did want to mention one thing, and this is as much for all the other
> members that are new this year as it is for you in particular. It's
> natural to want to post links to your stories, especially when you first
> join a group, to post a link to your story. It's sort of like your bona
> fides as a "real" fanfic writer. But, because of the nature of our
> group, we don't usually post links to stories here. If your story ends
> up being nominated, the fact that you mentioned it can feel a little
> like you're asking for votes.
> Which I know you're not! It's really the most natural thing in the world
> to want to do. Just thought I'd mention it.
> Btw, I did want to mention that we *do* allow self-nominations. If you
> think your story is good enough that you'd like it to compete, you're
> welcome to nominate your own story.
> Marta
> cactuskim123 wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I'm Cactuskim and I just joined about a week ago and I wanted to
> > introduce myself.
> >
> > I had heard people mention MEFA awards occasionally but was not all that
> > familiar with them and did not understand them until I offered to help a
> > friend *Waves at Nautika* when she mentioned that they needed more help
> > with banners.... I'm a bit of a Photoshop junky ;p
> >
> > I love LOTR and the Silmarillion and have since long before the
> > movies.... I would tell you how long, but someone would call me old,
> > and then I would have to lie and claim that I was reading them when I
> > was only 2 to try and disprove the charges ;p. My favorite LOTR
> > character is Legolas followed by Aragorn and Faramir. My favorite Sil
> > character is Finrod.
> >
> > I do a little fanfic writing and a Lot of LOTR art work. A good friend
> > of mine (NiRi) who I think is also a member here has been pestering me
> > and telling me that I should post my stories where people can actually
> > find them and read them.. So after only procrastinating for another 6
> > months after she poked me, and 2 years before that, *I do not
> > procrastinate! .... OK, I do ;p* I have actually posted my first story
> > to today. :D
> >
> > Here is a link to the story I just posted if anyone is interested in
> > reading it, it is a humor based story featuring Aragorn and Legolas
> > with the rather odd name of "The Weaving Cow".
> >
> > http://www.fanficti 417850/cactuskim
> > <http://www.fanficti 417850/cactuskim>
> >
> > I look forward to getting to know all of you.
> >
> > Cactuskim
> >
> >
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8807

Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting Posted by nau\_tika May 13, 2008 - 21:24:17 Topic ID# 8792
*waves back* Hey, Kim! Welcome!


--- In, "cactuskim123" <kim@...> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm Cactuskim and I just joined about a week ago and I wanted to
> introduce myself.
> I had heard people mention MEFA awards occasionally but was not all
> familiar with them and did not understand them until I offered to
help a
> friend *Waves at Nautika* when she mentioned that they needed more
> with banners.... I'm a bit of a Photoshop junky ;p

Msg# 8808

Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting Posted by kimberli leal May 14, 2008 - 9:57:16 Topic ID# 8792
Hi Nautika, Thank you.... this is all your fault you know ;p.


----- Original Message ----
From: nau_tika <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 7:24:13 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Hello... new member, and new story posting

*waves back* Hey, Kim! Welcome!


--- In MEFAwards@yahoogrou, "cactuskim123" <kim@...> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm Cactuskim and I just joined about a week ago and I wanted to
> introduce myself.
> I had heard people mention MEFA awards occasionally but was not all
> familiar with them and did not understand them until I offered to
help a
> friend *Waves at Nautika* when she mentioned that they needed more
> with banners.... I'm a bit of a Photoshop junky ;p

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8809

Admin - Rare Categories and Subcategories Posted by May 17, 2008 - 0:17:33 Topic ID# 8809
Hey guys,

I want to take a minute to talk about categories and subcategories that
are smaller.


Every story that competes in the MEFA is assigned both a main category
and a subcategory. A main category is a broad grouping that stories are
assigned to before they are broken down further into subcategories. Main
categories are organized around a certain genre, race, or time period.
When a piece is nominated, the author selects three possible category
choices, and ranks them as their first-, second-, and third-choice main

Categories are arranged by genres, races, and time periods. The
available categories are:

Genres - Adventure; Alternate Universe; Crossover; Drama; Horror; Humor;
Longer Works; Mystery; Non-Fiction; Romance

Races - Cross-Cultural; Dwarves; Elves; Hobbits; Men; Other Beings; Villains

Times - First Age and Prior; Second Age; Early Third Age (1-2850
TA/1-1250 SR); Mid Third Age (2851-3017 TA/1251-1417 SR); Late Third Age
(3018-3022 TA/1418-1422 SR); Fourth Age and Beyond; Modern Times; Multi-Age

Obviously some categories are more popular than others. Think about the
archive where you post. How many mysteries, as compared to how many
humor? How many dwarf-fics compared to how many about hobbits? Some
categories will naturally attract more entries. So we break
subcategories into groupings of about the same size, and to make big
enough groupings, we may have to move a story out of its first choice
category and into its second or even third choice.

What does this mean for you? Well, some categories are traditionally
smaller than others. There are some categories where we just barely have
enough stories every year, and some categories that we can only offer
some years. Check out

to see how many stories end up competing in each main category each
year. If a category tends to be smaller, then that means it's more
likely that we'll need to use stories that have that category listed as
their second or third choice, to make the category work.

So, if you REALLY, REALLY want your Glorfindel murder mystery to compete
in Races: Elves, by all means do NOT select Genres: Mystery as your
second choice. Mystery tends to be small, and so the volunteers are more
likely to put stories with that category as their second or third choice
in Genres: Mystery, than they would for a typically larger category. If
you really want to be put in a certain category, then try to avoid using
an "endangered" category as your second choice.



I also want to say a word about essays and poetry. Non-fiction pieces
compete in their own main category, if we get enough. Right now, there
are only four essays whose nominations have been finalized, so I really
want to encourage people - if you know of an essay or research article
that you particularly liked, don't forget to nominate it. Essays are
eligible, too.

Poetry is an even more serious case. Poetry is sorted into main
categories just like every other type of entry, but we then go and
create special subcategories within those main categories so that poems
only compete with other poems. Last year we didn't have enough poem
nominations to do this, which meant that humorous poetry had to compete
against dramatic poetry, hobbits against First Age Elves. The more poems
that are nominated, the more appropriate categorization we can do for
poems. Currently there are only two poems whose nominations have been
finalized. If you know of good poems that are eligible, please consider
nominating some of them.

I don't want you all to run out and nominate pieces *just* because
they're poetry or non-fiction. But if you know some good ones, please
include them in your nominations - you'll be helping us run a better
awards by doing so.

(MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 8810

Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by aure\_enteluva May 17, 2008 - 20:19:29 Topic ID# 8810
Hey guys,

Here are some authors who had stories nominated before 5/10/2008, and
who have not contacted their liaisons or otherwise indicated they
would like to compete. If you know any of these authors, please nudge
them so they can compete if they'd like to. You may direct them either
to their individual liaison or to me, at mefasupport(at)mefawards(dot)net

Promoters: Feel free to reproduce this list or post a link to this
post, wherever you normally promote the MEFAs. Or not; I leave it up
to you to decide what's too much posting for your community, and
what's the right amount.

Bodkin (liaison: elliska)
#310: "Long Memories" nominated by: agape4gondor on 10 May 2008

Gentle Hobbit (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
#235: "Frodo's Dremes" nominated by: Claudia on 07 May 2008
#336: ""The Ribbon"" nominated by: SurgicalSteel on 12 May 2008

Illwynd (liaison: elliska)
#31: "Silenced" nominated by: annmarwalk on 04 May 2008

jodancingtree (liaison: Cathleen)
#157: "The Autumn of His Discontent " nominated by: Lindelea on 05 May

Lady Elina (liaison: Cathleen)
#151: "And Whisper You to This Earth" nominated by: Kenaz on 04 May 2008

Lindelea (liaison: elliska)
#301: "Three Songs" nominated by: Larner on 10 May 2008

Lithilien Quicksilver (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
#278: "The Clear Ringing Of Silver Trumpets" nominated by:
agape4gondor on 08 May 2008

Llinos (liaison: elliska)
#65: " The Great Hobbiton Race of 1435" nominated by: grey_wonderer on
04 May 2008

Marigold (liaison: elliska)
#67: "A New Light " nominated by: grey_wonderer on 04 May 2008

pipkinsweetgrass (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
#305: "Turn the Page" nominated by: Cathleen on 10 May 2008
#306: "In Which Pippin Catches a Cold" nominated by: Cathleen on 10
May 2008

Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
#166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
May 2008

Rubynye (liaison: elea24)
#237: "Worlds Within Worlds" nominated by: Claudia on 07 May 2008

Spindle Berry (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
#148: "The Warmth of Morning" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008

Tom Fairbairn (liaison: elea24)
#129: "Girl of the North Country " nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008

Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
#132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008


(MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 8811

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Arthur Boccaccio May 17, 2008 - 20:23:37 Topic ID# 8810
Hi Marta,

Bodkin just posted (after a long hiatus) a new chapter of her story "A
Darkness Lies Behind Us" just last week. I haven't reviewed the new chapter
yet, but I will leave a note for her to contact you if you would like.

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8812

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by May 17, 2008 - 20:29:17 Topic ID# 8810
Hi Bodkin,

Please do - that would be excellent. Please have her email me at



Arthur Boccaccio wrote:
> Hi Marta,
> Bodkin just posted (after a long hiatus) a new chapter of her story "A
> Darkness Lies Behind Us" just last week. I haven't reviewed the new chapter
> yet, but I will leave a note for her to contact you if you would like.
> Fiondil

Msg# 8813

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Arthur Boccaccio May 17, 2008 - 20:33:30 Topic ID# 8810
I've noticed Bodkin's finalized two other nominations. So it's not as if
she's unaware. Perhaps she's on vacation or her internet is down. I'll leave
a note at SoA anyway just to be sure.


On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 9:28 AM, <>

> Hi Bodkin,
> Please do - that would be excellent. Please have her email me at
> mefasupport(at)mefawards(dot)net.
> Thanks,
> Marta
> Arthur Boccaccio wrote:
> > Hi Marta,
> >
> > Bodkin just posted (after a long hiatus) a new chapter of her story "A
> > Darkness Lies Behind Us" just last week. I haven't reviewed the new
> chapter
> > yet, but I will leave a note for her to contact you if you would like.
> >
> > Fiondil

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8814

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Agape 4Rivendell May 18, 2008 - 0:03:30 Topic ID# 8810

I asked Bodkin's permission to nominate and she agreed. I'm sorry she didn't

Just now, I sent her a PM through HASA (she's a member there) - HASA emails
usually get to the people yesterday. Hopefully, we'll get a reply quickly.


On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 9:33 PM, Arthur Boccaccio <>

> I've noticed Bodkin's finalized two other nominations. So it's not as if
> she's unaware. Perhaps she's on vacation or her internet is down. I'll
> leave
> a note at SoA anyway just to be sure.
> Fiondil
> On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 9:28 AM, <>
> wrote:
> > Hi Bodkin,
> >
> > Please do - that would be excellent. Please have her email me at
> > mefasupport(at)mefawards(dot)net.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Marta
> >
> > Arthur Boccaccio wrote:
> > > Hi Marta,
> > >
> > > Bodkin just posted (after a long hiatus) a new chapter of her story "A
> > > Darkness Lies Behind Us" just last week. I haven't reviewed the new
> > chapter
> > > yet, but I will leave a note for her to contact you if you would like.
> > >
> > > Fiondil
> >
> >
> >
> --
> "What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
> Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief
> ****
> Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor
> Nirnaeth
> Arnediad
> Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad
> Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

Life's been good to me so far!!! Praise God!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8815

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Arthur Boccaccio May 18, 2008 - 0:08:32 Topic ID# 8810
Thanks Agape,

Since you've done that I won't bother trying to contact her through SoA.


"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8816

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Agape 4Rivendell May 18, 2008 - 0:15:15 Topic ID# 8810
Very early this morning, I sent a PM to LIth at the boards she frequents...
I'm sending one to the mod at those boards for help contacting her.

On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 9:19 PM, aure_enteluva <> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Here are some authors who had stories nominated before 5/10/2008, and
> who have not contacted their liaisons or otherwise indicated they
> would like to compete. If you know any of these authors, please nudge
> them so they can compete if they'd like to. You may direct them either
> to their individual liaison or to me, at mefasupport(at)mefawards(dot)net
> Promoters: Feel free to reproduce this list or post a link to this
> post, wherever you normally promote the MEFAs. Or not; I leave it up
> to you to decide what's too much posting for your community, and
> what's the right amount.
> Bodkin (liaison: elliska)
> #310: "Long Memories" nominated by: agape4gondor on 10 May 2008
> Gentle Hobbit (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
> #235: "Frodo's Dremes" nominated by: Claudia on 07 May 2008
> #336: ""The Ribbon"" nominated by: SurgicalSteel on 12 May 2008
> Illwynd (liaison: elliska)
> #31: "Silenced" nominated by: annmarwalk on 04 May 2008
> jodancingtree (liaison: Cathleen)
> #157: "The Autumn of His Discontent " nominated by: Lindelea on 05 May
> 2008
> Lady Elina (liaison: Cathleen)
> #151: "And Whisper You to This Earth" nominated by: Kenaz on 04 May 2008
> Lindelea (liaison: elliska)
> #301: "Three Songs" nominated by: Larner on 10 May 2008
> Lithilien Quicksilver (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
> #278: "The Clear Ringing Of Silver Trumpets" nominated by:
> agape4gondor on 08 May 2008
> Llinos (liaison: elliska)
> #65: " The Great Hobbiton Race of 1435" nominated by: grey_wonderer on
> 04 May 2008
> Marigold (liaison: elliska)
> #67: "A New Light " nominated by: grey_wonderer on 04 May 2008
> pipkinsweetgrass (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> #305: "Turn the Page" nominated by: Cathleen on 10 May 2008
> #306: "In Which Pippin Catches a Cold" nominated by: Cathleen on 10
> May 2008
> Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> #166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
> May 2008
> Rubynye (liaison: elea24)
> #237: "Worlds Within Worlds" nominated by: Claudia on 07 May 2008
> Spindle Berry (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> #148: "The Warmth of Morning" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> Tom Fairbairn (liaison: elea24)
> #129: "Girl of the North Country " nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
> #132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> Thanks,
> Marta
> (MEFA Admin.)

Life's been good to me so far!!! Praise God!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8817

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by May 18, 2008 - 0:23:04 Topic ID# 8810
Thanks, Agape - I appreciate your help muchly. :-) (And your offer as
well, Fiondil!)


Agape 4Rivendell wrote:
> Hi,
> I asked Bodkin's permission to nominate and she agreed. I'm sorry she didn't
> respond.
> Just now, I sent her a PM through HASA (she's a member there) - HASA emails
> usually get to the people yesterday. Hopefully, we'll get a reply quickly.
> Blessings,
> Agape

Msg# 8818

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by May 18, 2008 - 0:24:21 Topic ID# 8810
Hi Agape,

Thanks for trying to contact her. I hope we are able to get in touch
with her.



Agape 4Rivendell wrote:
> Very early this morning, I sent a PM to LIth at the boards she frequents...
> I'm sending one to the mod at those boards for help contacting her.
> On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 9:19 PM, aure_enteluva <
> <>> wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > Here are some authors who had stories nominated before 5/10/2008, and
> > who have not contacted their liaisons or otherwise indicated they
> > would like to compete. If you know any of these authors, please nudge
> > them so they can compete if they'd like to. You may direct them either
> > to their individual liaison or to me, at mefasupport(at)mefawards(dot)net
> >
> > Promoters: Feel free to reproduce this list or post a link to this
> > post, wherever you normally promote the MEFAs. Or not; I leave it up
> > to you to decide what's too much posting for your community, and
> > what's the right amount.
> >
> > Bodkin (liaison: elliska)
> > #310: "Long Memories" nominated by: agape4gondor on 10 May 2008
> >
> > Gentle Hobbit (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
> > #235: "Frodo's Dremes" nominated by: Claudia on 07 May 2008
> > #336: ""The Ribbon"" nominated by: SurgicalSteel on 12 May 2008
> >
> > Illwynd (liaison: elliska)
> > #31: "Silenced" nominated by: annmarwalk on 04 May 2008
> >
> > jodancingtree (liaison: Cathleen)
> > #157: "The Autumn of His Discontent " nominated by: Lindelea on 05 May
> > 2008
> >
> > Lady Elina (liaison: Cathleen)
> > #151: "And Whisper You to This Earth" nominated by: Kenaz on 04 May 2008
> >
> > Lindelea (liaison: elliska)
> > #301: "Three Songs" nominated by: Larner on 10 May 2008
> >
> > Lithilien Quicksilver (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
> > #278: "The Clear Ringing Of Silver Trumpets" nominated by:
> > agape4gondor on 08 May 2008
> >
> > Llinos (liaison: elliska)
> > #65: " The Great Hobbiton Race of 1435" nominated by: grey_wonderer on
> > 04 May 2008
> >
> > Marigold (liaison: elliska)
> > #67: "A New Light " nominated by: grey_wonderer on 04 May 2008
> >
> > pipkinsweetgrass (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> > #305: "Turn the Page" nominated by: Cathleen on 10 May 2008
> > #306: "In Which Pippin Catches a Cold" nominated by: Cathleen on 10
> > May 2008
> >
> > Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> > #166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
> > May 2008
> >
> > Rubynye (liaison: elea24)
> > #237: "Worlds Within Worlds" nominated by: Claudia on 07 May 2008
> >
> > Spindle Berry (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> > #148: "The Warmth of Morning" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> >
> > Tom Fairbairn (liaison: elea24)
> > #129: "Girl of the North Country " nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> >
> > Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
> > #132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Marta
> > (MEFA Admin.)
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Life's been good to me so far!!! Praise God!
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8819

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Agape 4Rivendell May 18, 2008 - 7:16:00 Topic ID# 8810
Got a message from Bodkin that she has now contacted her liaison AND one
from LithQ stating she is a little slow and will try to get this done


On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 1:23 AM, <>

> Hi Agape,
> Thanks for trying to contact her. I hope we are able to get in touch
> with her.
> Thanks,
> Marta
> Agape 4Rivendell wrote:
> >
> >
> > Very early this morning, I sent a PM to LIth at the boards she
> frequents...
> > I'm sending one to the mod at those boards for help contacting her.
> >
> > On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 9:19 PM, aure_enteluva <<>
> > < <>>> wrote:
> >
> > > Hey guys,
> > >
> > > Here are some authors who had stories nominated before 5/10/2008, and
> > > who have not contacted their liaisons or otherwise indicated they
> > > would like to compete. If you know any of these authors, please nudge
> > > them so they can compete if they'd like to. You may direct them either
> > > to their individual liaison or to me, at
> mefasupport(at)mefawards(dot)net
> > >
> > > Promoters: Feel free to reproduce this list or post a link to this
> > > post, wherever you normally promote the MEFAs. Or not; I leave it up
> > > to you to decide what's too much posting for your community, and
> > > what's the right amount.
> > >
> > > Bodkin (liaison: elliska)
> > > #310: "Long Memories" nominated by: agape4gondor on 10 May 2008
> > >
> > > Gentle Hobbit (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
> > > #235: "Frodo's Dremes" nominated by: Claudia on 07 May 2008
> > > #336: ""The Ribbon"" nominated by: SurgicalSteel on 12 May 2008
> > >
> > > Illwynd (liaison: elliska)
> > > #31: "Silenced" nominated by: annmarwalk on 04 May 2008
> > >
> > > jodancingtree (liaison: Cathleen)
> > > #157: "The Autumn of His Discontent " nominated by: Lindelea on 05 May
> > > 2008
> > >
> > > Lady Elina (liaison: Cathleen)
> > > #151: "And Whisper You to This Earth" nominated by: Kenaz on 04 May
> 2008
> > >
> > > Lindelea (liaison: elliska)
> > > #301: "Three Songs" nominated by: Larner on 10 May 2008
> > >
> > > Lithilien Quicksilver (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
> > > #278: "The Clear Ringing Of Silver Trumpets" nominated by:
> > > agape4gondor on 08 May 2008
> > >
> > > Llinos (liaison: elliska)
> > > #65: " The Great Hobbiton Race of 1435" nominated by: grey_wonderer on
> > > 04 May 2008
> > >
> > > Marigold (liaison: elliska)
> > > #67: "A New Light " nominated by: grey_wonderer on 04 May 2008
> > >
> > > pipkinsweetgrass (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> > > #305: "Turn the Page" nominated by: Cathleen on 10 May 2008
> > > #306: "In Which Pippin Catches a Cold" nominated by: Cathleen on 10
> > > May 2008
> > >
> > > Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> > > #166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
> > > May 2008
> > >
> > > Rubynye (liaison: elea24)
> > > #237: "Worlds Within Worlds" nominated by: Claudia on 07 May 2008
> > >
> > > Spindle Berry (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> > > #148: "The Warmth of Morning" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> > >
> > > Tom Fairbairn (liaison: elea24)
> > > #129: "Girl of the North Country " nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> > >
> > > Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
> > > #132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > > Marta
> > > (MEFA Admin.)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > --
> > Life's been good to me so far!!! Praise God!
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >

Life's been good to me so far!!! Praise God!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8820

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by surgeon\_ruth May 18, 2008 - 9:43:07 Topic ID# 8810
I just left a message for GentleHobbit on her LJ.

--- In, "aure_enteluva" <melayton@...>
> Hey guys,
> Here are some authors who had stories nominated before 5/10/2008,
> who have not contacted their liaisons or otherwise indicated they
> would like to compete. If you know any of these authors, please
> them so they can compete if they'd like to. You may direct them
> to their individual liaison or to me, at mefasupport(at)mefawards
> Promoters: Feel free to reproduce this list or post a link to this
> post, wherever you normally promote the MEFAs. Or not; I leave it up
> to you to decide what's too much posting for your community, and
> what's the right amount.
> Bodkin (liaison: elliska)
> #310: "Long Memories" nominated by: agape4gondor on 10 May 2008
> Gentle Hobbit (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
> #235: "Frodo's Dremes" nominated by: Claudia on 07 May 2008
> #336: ""The Ribbon"" nominated by: SurgicalSteel on 12 May 2008
> Illwynd (liaison: elliska)
> #31: "Silenced" nominated by: annmarwalk on 04 May 2008
> jodancingtree (liaison: Cathleen)
> #157: "The Autumn of His Discontent " nominated by: Lindelea on 05
> 2008
> Lady Elina (liaison: Cathleen)
> #151: "And Whisper You to This Earth" nominated by: Kenaz on 04 May
> Lindelea (liaison: elliska)
> #301: "Three Songs" nominated by: Larner on 10 May 2008
> Lithilien Quicksilver (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
> #278: "The Clear Ringing Of Silver Trumpets" nominated by:
> agape4gondor on 08 May 2008
> Llinos (liaison: elliska)
> #65: " The Great Hobbiton Race of 1435" nominated by: grey_wonderer
> 04 May 2008
> Marigold (liaison: elliska)
> #67: "A New Light " nominated by: grey_wonderer on 04 May 2008
> pipkinsweetgrass (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> #305: "Turn the Page" nominated by: Cathleen on 10 May 2008
> #306: "In Which Pippin Catches a Cold" nominated by: Cathleen on 10
> May 2008
> Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> #166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on
> May 2008
> Rubynye (liaison: elea24)
> #237: "Worlds Within Worlds" nominated by: Claudia on 07 May 2008
> Spindle Berry (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> #148: "The Warmth of Morning" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> Tom Fairbairn (liaison: elea24)
> #129: "Girl of the North Country " nominated by: PipMer on 04 May
> Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
> #132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> Thanks,
> Marta
> (MEFA Admin.)

Msg# 8821

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by May 18, 2008 - 10:17:17 Topic ID# 8810
Hi Agape,

Excellent! Thanks for following up with them.


Agape 4Rivendell wrote:
> Got a message from Bodkin that she has now contacted her liaison AND one
> from LithQ stating she is a little slow and will try to get this done
> today....
> Blessings,
> Agape

Msg# 8822

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by May 18, 2008 - 10:20:44 Topic ID# 8810
surgeon_ruth wrote:
> I just left a message for GentleHobbit on her LJ.

Thanks! I appreciate it.


Msg# 8823

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by May 18, 2008 - 10:38:45 Topic ID# 8810
Spindle Berry told me that she got her email, and just had to fill out the form. I left a message on her LJ for her to at least reply and say that she got the email.

-------------- Original message --------------
From: "aure_enteluva" <>
Hey guys,

Here are some authors who had stories nominated before 5/10/2008, and
who have not contacted their liaisons or otherwise indicated they
would like to compete. If you know any of these authors, please nudge
them so they can compete if they'd like to. You may direct them either
to their individual liaison or to me, at mefasupport(at)mefawards(dot)net

Promoters: Feel free to reproduce this list or post a link to this
post, wherever you normally promote the MEFAs. Or not; I leave it up
to you to decide what's too much posting for your community, and
what's the right amount.

Bodkin (liaison: elliska)
#310: "Long Memories" nominated by: agape4gondor on 10 May 2008

Gentle Hobbit (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
#235: "Frodo's Dremes" nominated by: Claudia on 07 May 2008
#336: ""The Ribbon"" nominated by: SurgicalSteel on 12 May 2008

Illwynd (liaison: elliska)
#31: "Silenced" nominated by: annmarwalk on 04 May 2008

jodancingtree (liaison: Cathleen)
#157: "The Autumn of His Discontent " nominated by: Lindelea on 05 May

Lady Elina (liaison: Cathleen)
#151: "And Whisper You to This Earth" nominated by: Kenaz on 04 May 2008

Lindelea (liaison: elliska)
#301: "Three Songs" nominated by: Larner on 10 May 2008

Lithilien Quicksilver (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
#278: "The Clear Ringing Of Silver Trumpets" nominated by:
agape4gondor on 08 May 2008

Llinos (liaison: elliska)
#65: " The Great Hobbiton Race of 1435" nominated by: grey_wonderer on
04 May 2008

Marigold (liaison: elliska)
#67: "A New Light " nominated by: grey_wonderer on 04 May 2008

pipkinsweetgrass (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
#305: "Turn the Page" nominated by: Cathleen on 10 May 2008
#306: "In Which Pippin Catches a Cold" nominated by: Cathleen on 10
May 2008

Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
#166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
May 2008

Rubynye (liaison: elea24)
#237: "Worlds Within Worlds" nominated by: Claudia on 07 May 2008

Spindle Berry (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
#148: "The Warmth of Morning" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008

Tom Fairbairn (liaison: elea24)
#129: "Girl of the North Country " nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008

Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
#132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008


(MEFA Admin.)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8824

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by surgeon\_ruth May 18, 2008 - 11:20:07 Topic ID# 8810
Just heard back from her - she says she e-mailed her liason last night.

--- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> surgeon_ruth wrote:
> >
> >
> > I just left a message for GentleHobbit on her LJ.
> >
> Thanks! I appreciate it.
> Marta

Msg# 8825

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by May 18, 2008 - 13:34:09 Topic ID# 8810
Thanks Debnear, that's good to know. I'll tell her liaison to expect an

Marta wrote:
> Spindle Berry told me that she got her email, and just had to fill out
> the form. I left a message on her LJ for her to at least reply and say
> that she got the email.
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: "aure_enteluva" < <>>
> Hey guys,

Msg# 8826

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by May 18, 2008 - 13:34:39 Topic ID# 8810
Coolness! I'm glad we've made contact.


surgeon_ruth wrote:
> Just heard back from her - she says she e-mailed her liason last night.
> --- In <>,
> "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> >
> > surgeon_ruth wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > I just left a message for GentleHobbit on her LJ.
> > >
> >
> > Thanks! I appreciate it.
> >
> > Marta
> >

Msg# 8827

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Bonnie L. Sherrell May 18, 2008 - 21:20:51 Topic ID# 8810
Lindelea apologized to me for not following through earlier, but
between homeschooling and other commitments and family matters she's
been unable as yet to finalize hers. She hopes to get to it this week.
Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

I mourn for this nation.

Msg# 8828

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by May 18, 2008 - 22:09:24 Topic ID# 8810
Thanks Larner. Now that I know Lindelea knows about her nomination, I'll
try to remember not to include her on future lists.


Bonnie L. Sherrell wrote:
> Lindelea apologized to me for not following through earlier, but
> between homeschooling and other commitments and family matters she's
> been unable as yet to finalize hers. She hopes to get to it this week.
> Bonnie L. Sherrell
> Teacher at Large

Msg# 8829

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Nancy Brooke May 20, 2008 - 15:47:02 Topic ID# 8810
Yes, GentleHobbit and I have been in contact.



--- In, "surgeon_ruth" <surgsteel@...>
> Just heard back from her - she says she e-mailed her liason last
> --- In, "melayton@" <melayton@> wrote:
> >
> > surgeon_ruth wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > I just left a message for GentleHobbit on her LJ.
> > >
> >
> > Thanks! I appreciate it.
> >
> > Marta
> >

Msg# 8830

ADMIN - Wish Lists and Skip Lists Posted by May 22, 2008 - 19:11:24 Topic ID# 8830
Hey guys,

It's Thursday, which means it's time for another educational post from
yours truly. This week I want to talk about wish and skip lists.

Many veteran reviewers have said how helpful wish and skip lists are.
Some people find them overwhelming and prefer not to use them - which is
of course their prerogative - but many people find them very helpful. So
if you think this is a site feature you'd like to learn more about, read on.



If you look at the list of nominated stories, you'll see lots of stories
to choose from. There are 394 nominations at the time I'm writing this
email. That's a lot, and there will probably be more by the time
nominations close on June 15. Of course you can't vote for all of them,
and you shouldn't feel obligated to.

However, such a long list can make it hard to remember which stories
you'd like to review. Maybe you're skimming the list of nominations and
see a novel you'd like to read, but just don't have the time now. Or
maybe you're skimming the website when things are slow at work, and you
see a Mature-rated story that you want to make sure you read - but not
at work, where it could get you in trouble. Or maybe you're just not in
the mood for that particular character right now. For whatever reason,
most people find stories they intend to read, but want to read them later.

The wish list lets you do just that. Think of it as a virtual notepad
where you can jot down the names of stories you want to read later.

The skip list does just the opposite. It's how you tell the website that
you'd rather not see that particular story again. There are lots of
reasons why this might be the case, most of which have to do with
personal tastes rather than whether the story is good or not. If a story
doesn't seem like something you're interested in reading, you can add it
to your skip list, and the next time you see the story list that story
won't be shown to you again.



This is the easiest thing about the wish and skip lists: you can add
stories to it with a single click, when you're looking at the listing of
stories. To find the list of stories, log in to the MEFA2008 website and
click "Browse Nominated Stories." Then browse through the list of
stories until you find one you'd like to add to your wish list or skip

Now look over in the right column. Click "Skip" to add it to the skip
list, and "Wish" to add it to the wish list. And voila, you're done.

Clicking those links will open up a new window (or tab, in some
browsers) telling you the story has been added to your skip or wish
list. Close that window and you'll be back at the story listing, ready
to find another story.



The website displays stories on your wish list like any other story
*not* on either list. But there's also a way to pull up *just* the
stories on your wish list. To do this:

1. Make your way to the stories listing (log in, then click "Browse
Nominated Stories").

2. Click the "Show Filter" link if the filter isn't already showing.

3. Make sure none of the filters already have something displayed for
them. When in doubt click the "Clear All Filters" button to clear out
the filters.

4. Select the "Wish" option from the drop-down menu beside "Review Status".

5. Click the "Display selected nominations" button.

This will bring up all of the stories on your wish list. If you don't
get your whole wish list, this is because you had a choice selected for
one of the other filters. For instance, if you had Faramir selected from
the "Character" list as well as "Wish" from the "Review Status" list,
then the website would only display stories that met both criteria -
i.e., wish list stories that featured Faramir.



By default, the website does not show you the stories on your skip list.
But there is a way to bring up the stories on your skip list. To do this:

1. Make your way to the stories listing (log in, then click "Browse
Nominated Stories").

2. Click the "Show Filter" link if the filter isn't already showing.

3. Make sure none of the filters already have something displayed for
them. When in doubt click the "Clear All Filters" button to clear out
the filters.

4. Select the "Skip" option from the drop-down menu beside "Review Status".

5. Click the "Display selected nominations" button.

This will bring up the stories that are on your skip list, and only
those stories. If you want a story displayed with the main story
listing, you'll need to remove it from your skip list. (Below.)



Let's say there was a story you wanted on your wish or skip list, but
now you want it off. Maybe your wish list has gotten too long and you
only want it to display the stories you really want to get to. Or maybe
you thought you were going to have to skip a story but now have changed
your mind.

In either case, it's easy to remove a story from your wish or skip list.
To do this, find the story you want to remove and look in the right
column. Click the "Remove from Wish/Skip List" link, and the story will
be removed from whatever list it was on.

If you're not sure how to find the story you want to take off one of
your lists, the quickest way is probably to pull up the wish or skip
list, like I described above. Remember, skip-listed stories won't show
up unless you're *just* showing the skip list.



A couple of miscellaneous points about skip and wish list.

--- These lists are for your eyes only, and for the administrators if we
need to look at them. My point is, an author won't know you chose to
skip over their story.

--- Authors: You'll see your own stories listed in the list of stories
to begin with. But many authors choose to add them to their skip lists,
since you can't vote for your own stories.

--- If you enter a vote for a story on your wish or skip list, the story
will be removed from your skip or wish list.


If you have any questions about skip or wish lists, now's a good time to
ask. Or if you have any other questions for that matter. ;-) Next week
I'll talk about how to use the different story filters to find stories
you'd like to read.

Oh, and don't forget - nominations close on June 15, and authors must
finalize their nominations by June 21. Don't leave that until the last


Msg# 8831

Hard-to-Reach Authors through 5/17/2008 Posted by May 24, 2008 - 10:46:04 Topic ID# 8831
Hey guys,

Here's this week's list of hard-to-reach authors. If you know any of
these people please let them know we're looking for them. All the
stories listed here were nominated at least a week ago. Authors marked
with an asterisk have other stories that they have begun the nominations
for - but I am listing the newer stories in case they don't know they've
been nominated.

REMEMBER: Nominations from more than two weeks ago may be withdrawn (if
the nominator wants to nominate something else) if we haven't at least
heard from the author that they want to compete, and if the liaison has
run out of ways to contact them. If someone has a story nominated before
5/10/2008, please have the author contact me ASAP.

Promoters: Feel free to post an announcement at your forums and
listservs directing people to this post if you'd like, or you can repost
it there if you like.



Aria (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
#321: "A Smile" nominated by: Dawn Felagund on 11 May 2008

chaotic_binky (liaison: elliska)
#363: "Summer Heat" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008
#364: "Painting a Golden Light" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008

Elanor Silmarien (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
#392: "Edledhron" nominated by: Antane on 17 May 2008

*Gwynnyd (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
#362: "Feelings of Superiority" nominated by: dkpalaska on 15 May 2008

Lady Elina (liaison: Cathleen)
#151: "And Whisper You to This Earth" nominated by: Kenaz on 04 May 2008

Lady Sunrope (liaison: elea24)
#350: "A Commotion About a Potion" nominated by: Baranduin on 14 May 2008

peredhil lover (liaison: Inkling)
#324: "In Dark Places" nominated by: Calenlass Greenleaf on 11 May 2008

Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
#166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
May 2008

Vana Tuivana (liaison: elliska)
#343: "The Night's Eye" nominated by: Dwimordene on 12 May 2008

Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
#132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008

Msg# 8832

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors through 5/17/2008 Posted by Weeping Naiad May 24, 2008 - 10:53:50 Topic ID# 8831
I'll get in touch with Chaotic_Binky, though she's not usually hard to get
in touch with... but her computer did recently have to be reformatted and
she may have lost the notification.


On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 10:44 AM, <>

> Hey guys,
> Here's this week's list of hard-to-reach authors. If you know any of
> these people please let them know we're looking for them. All the
> stories listed here were nominated at least a week ago. Authors marked
> with an asterisk have other stories that they have begun the nominations
> for - but I am listing the newer stories in case they don't know they've
> been nominated.
> REMEMBER: Nominations from more than two weeks ago may be withdrawn (if
> the nominator wants to nominate something else) if we haven't at least
> heard from the author that they want to compete, and if the liaison has
> run out of ways to contact them. If someone has a story nominated before
> 5/10/2008, please have the author contact me ASAP.
> Promoters: Feel free to post an announcement at your forums and
> listservs directing people to this post if you'd like, or you can repost
> it there if you like.
> Thanks,
> Marta
> Aria (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
> #321: "A Smile" nominated by: Dawn Felagund on 11 May 2008
> chaotic_binky (liaison: elliska)
> #363: "Summer Heat" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008
> #364: "Painting a Golden Light" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008
> Elanor Silmarien (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
> #392: "Ed'ledhron" nominated by: Antane on 17 May 2008
> *Gwynnyd (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
> #362: "Feelings of Superiority" nominated by: dkpalaska on 15 May 2008
> Lady Elina (liaison: Cathleen)
> #151: "And Whisper You to This Earth" nominated by: Kenaz on 04 May 2008
> Lady Sunrope (liaison: elea24)
> #350: "A Commotion About a Potion" nominated by: Baranduin on 14 May 2008
> peredhil lover (liaison: Inkling)
> #324: "In Dark Places" nominated by: Calenlass Greenleaf on 11 May 2008
> Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> #166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
> May 2008
> Vana Tuivana (liaison: elliska)
> #343: "The Night's Eye" nominated by: Dwimordene on 12 May 2008
> Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
> #132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8833

FAQ Additions to MEFA Website Posted by aure\_enteluva May 24, 2008 - 10:58:30 Topic ID# 8833
Hey guys,

We have added a new help document to the MEFA website that I think a
lot of you will like a lot. It's a guide for new members, covering how
to make a nomination, accept a nomination, and vote.

Now, all of these things are covered in the normal FAQ, but this guide
is geared specifically for people new to the awards. That means it
focuses only on the details that are most important to people new to
the awards. The FAQ are great, but we try to cover every aspect of a
question in those documents - and that can be a bit overwhelming for
new members.

Even better, this guide is laid out differently than our FAQs: it is
patterned after the "for Dummies" books, complete with those reminders
and warnings off to the side of the page. Dawn Felagund and Pearl Took
(who wrote this guide) did a really nice job, and Tanaqui made it
display quite nicely on the page, and I hope you all find it useful.
Even if you're not a new member, there are some really good reminders
if you find yourself a little confused on what to do.

To access it, you need to log into the website
( and click the "New Members - Start
Here" link. It's the first thing you see when you log in.

PS - Tanaqui also corrected an inaccuracy in two of the voting FAQs,
"Can I edit a review after I write it?" and "How do I edit a review?"
Elena Tiriel reported there was a problem with the date displayed, and
that should be fixed now. Thanks, ladies!


Msg# 8834

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors through 5/17/2008 Posted by May 24, 2008 - 11:03:27 Topic ID# 8831
In a message dated 5/24/2008 10:54:18 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> chaotic_binky (liaison: elliska)
> #363: "Summer Heat" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008
> #364: "Painting a Golden Light" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008

I just sent Chaotic_binky a note also through her LJ.


**************Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with
Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8835

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors through 5/17/2008 Posted by May 24, 2008 - 11:08:20 Topic ID# 8831
Hi WN,

Thanks, I appreciate that - I hate for authors to lose out if they'd
like to be nominated.

I forgot to mention it in my post, but chaotic_binky can contact me at
mefasupport(at)mefawards(dot)net. Or she can reply here, if she's a
member, but the email may be the easiest way to get in touch.


Weeping Naiad wrote:
> I'll get in touch with Chaotic_Binky, though she's not usually hard to get
> in touch with... but her computer did recently have to be reformatted and
> she may have lost the notification.
> WN
> On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 10:44 AM,
> <> <
> <>>
> wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > Here's this week's list of hard-to-reach authors. If you know any of
> > these people please let them know we're looking for them. All the
> > stories listed here were nominated at least a week ago. Authors marked
> > with an asterisk have other stories that they have begun the nominations
> > for - but I am listing the newer stories in case they don't know they've
> > been nominated.
> >
> > REMEMBER: Nominations from more than two weeks ago may be withdrawn (if
> > the nominator wants to nominate something else) if we haven't at least
> > heard from the author that they want to compete, and if the liaison has
> > run out of ways to contact them. If someone has a story nominated before
> > 5/10/2008, please have the author contact me ASAP.
> >
> > Promoters: Feel free to post an announcement at your forums and
> > listservs directing people to this post if you'd like, or you can repost
> > it there if you like.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Marta
> >
> >
> >
> > Aria (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
> > #321: "A Smile" nominated by: Dawn Felagund on 11 May 2008
> >
> > chaotic_binky (liaison: elliska)
> > #363: "Summer Heat" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008
> > #364: "Painting a Golden Light" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008
> >
> > Elanor Silmarien (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
> > #392: "Ed'ledhron" nominated by: Antane on 17 May 2008
> >
> > *Gwynnyd (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
> > #362: "Feelings of Superiority" nominated by: dkpalaska on 15 May 2008
> >
> > Lady Elina (liaison: Cathleen)
> > #151: "And Whisper You to This Earth" nominated by: Kenaz on 04 May 2008
> >
> > Lady Sunrope (liaison: elea24)
> > #350: "A Commotion About a Potion" nominated by: Baranduin on 14 May 2008
> >
> > peredhil lover (liaison: Inkling)
> > #324: "In Dark Places" nominated by: Calenlass Greenleaf on 11 May 2008
> >
> > Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> > #166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
> > May 2008
> >
> > Vana Tuivana (liaison: elliska)
> > #343: "The Night's Eye" nominated by: Dwimordene on 12 May 2008
> >
> > Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
> > #132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > Visit our website:
> <>! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8836

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors through 5/17/2008 Posted by May 24, 2008 - 11:09:41 Topic ID# 8831 wrote:
> In a message dated 5/24/2008 10:54:18 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> <> writes:
> > chaotic_binky (liaison: elliska)
> > #363: "Summer Heat" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008
> > #364: "Painting a Golden Light" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008
> I just sent Chaotic_binky a note also through her LJ.

Thanks. *g*


Msg# 8837

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors through 5/17/2008 Posted by May 24, 2008 - 11:14:03 Topic ID# 8831

I will contact Aria about being nominated. I know she was very busy with exams until recently, so she may simply have neglected checking her mail or not found time to reply.


-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung-----
Von: <>
Verschickt: Sa., 24. Mai. 2008, 17:44
Thema: [MEFAwards] Hard-to-Reach Authors through 5/17/2008

Hey guys,

Here's this week's list of hard-to-reach authors. If you know any of
these people please let them know we're looking for them. All the
stories listed here were nominated at least a week ago. Authors marked
with an asterisk have other stories that they have begun the nominations
for - but I am listing the newer stories in case they don't know they've
been nominated.

REMEMBER: Nominations from more than two weeks ago may be withdrawn (if
the nominator wants to nominate something else) if we haven't at least
heard from the author that they want to compete, and if the liaison has
run out of ways to contact them. If someone has a story nominated before
5/10/2008, please have the author contact me ASAP.

Promoters: Feel free to post an announcement at your forums and
listservs directing people to this post if you'd like, or you can repost
it there if you like.



Aria (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
#321: "A Smile" nominated by: Dawn Felagund on 11 May 2008

chaotic_binky (liaison: elliska)
#363: "Summer Heat" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008
#364: "Painting a Golden Light" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008

Elanor Silmarien (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
#392: "Ededhron" nominated by: Antane on 17 May 2008

*Gwynnyd (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
#362: "Feelings of Superiority" nominated by: dkpalaska on 15 May 2008

Lady Elina (liaison: Cathleen)
#151: "And Whisper You to This Earth" nominated by: Kenaz on 04 May 2008

Lady Sunrope (liaison: elea24)
#350: "A Commotion About a Potion" nominated by: Baranduin on 14 May 2008

peredhil lover (liaison: Inkling)
#324: "In Dark Places" nominated by: Calenlass Greenleaf on 11 May 2008

Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
#166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
May 2008

Vana Tuivana (liaison: elliska)
#343: "The Night's Eye" nominated by: Dwimordene on 12 May 2008

Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
#132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008


Visit our website:! Groups Links

Bei AOL gibt's jetzt kostenlos eMail für alle. Klicken Sie auf um heraus zu finden, was es sonst noch kostenlos bei AOL gibt.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8838

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors through 5/17/2008 Posted by Tanaqui May 24, 2008 - 11:53:17 Topic ID# 8831
Hi Marta

I know Gwynnyd is away at MediaWestCon this weekend and has been busy
for the past week getting ready for it. I've nominated some of her other
pieces in the past couple of days as well and was going to email her
about those to let her know, so I'll make sure she knows about this one.

Tanaqui wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Here's this week's list of hard-to-reach authors. If you know any of
> these people please let them know we're looking for them. All the
> stories listed here were nominated at least a week ago. Authors marked
> with an asterisk have other stories that they have begun the nominations
> for - but I am listing the newer stories in case they don't know they've
> been nominated.
> REMEMBER: Nominations from more than two weeks ago may be withdrawn (if
> the nominator wants to nominate something else) if we haven't at least
> heard from the author that they want to compete, and if the liaison has
> run out of ways to contact them. If someone has a story nominated before
> 5/10/2008, please have the author contact me ASAP.
> Promoters: Feel free to post an announcement at your forums and
> listservs directing people to this post if you'd like, or you can repost
> it there if you like.
> Thanks,
> Marta
> Aria (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
> #321: "A Smile" nominated by: Dawn Felagund on 11 May 2008
> chaotic_binky (liaison: elliska)
> #363: "Summer Heat" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008
> #364: "Painting a Golden Light" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008
> Elanor Silmarien (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
> #392: "Edledhron" nominated by: Antane on 17 May 2008
> *Gwynnyd (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
> #362: "Feelings of Superiority" nominated by: dkpalaska on 15 May 2008
> Lady Elina (liaison: Cathleen)
> #151: "And Whisper You to This Earth" nominated by: Kenaz on 04 May 2008
> Lady Sunrope (liaison: elea24)
> #350: "A Commotion About a Potion" nominated by: Baranduin on 14 May 2008
> peredhil lover (liaison: Inkling)
> #324: "In Dark Places" nominated by: Calenlass Greenleaf on 11 May 2008
> Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> #166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
> May 2008
> Vana Tuivana (liaison: elliska)
> #343: "The Night's Eye" nominated by: Dwimordene on 12 May 2008
> Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
> #132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG.
> Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 269.24.1/1463 - Release Date: 5/23/2008 3:36 PM

Msg# 8839

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors through 5/17/2008 Posted by May 24, 2008 - 12:16:18 Topic ID# 8831
Thanks, Elleth.

I understand about being busy. If Aria could just send us a quick email
(or email you, and you can forward it along), we can stop worrying about
her. The email can be short and sweet - something like "I want to
compete but am busy right now, will email again once I have more time."

All authors need to finish up their nominations by June 21, and I really
recommend they try to finish a few days before that in case there are
any wrinkles, but thaqt's nearly a month away. If she'll let us know she
wants to compete, we can stop trying to contact her and she can do the
forms whenever she has more time.

PS - I forgot to include it in my original email, but she (or you) can
email me privately at mefasupport(at)mefawards(dot)net.

Marta wrote:
> Hi,
> I will contact Aria about being nominated. I know she was very busy with
> exams until recently, so she may simply have neglected checking her mail
> or not found time to reply.
> Cheers,
> Elleth
> -----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung-----
> Von: <>
> < <>>
> An: <>
> Verschickt: Sa., 24. Mai. 2008, 17:44
> Thema: [MEFAwards] Hard-to-Reach Authors through 5/17/2008
> Hey guys,
> Here's this week's list of hard-to-reach authors. If you know any of
> these people please let them know we're looking for them. All the
> stories listed here were nominated at least a week ago. Authors marked
> with an asterisk have other stories that they have begun the nominations
> for - but I am listing the newer stories in case they don't know they've
> been nominated.
> REMEMBER: Nominations from more than two weeks ago may be withdrawn (if
> the nominator wants to nominate something else) if we haven't at least
> heard from the author that they want to compete, and if the liaison has
> run out of ways to contact them. If someone has a story nominated before
> 5/10/2008, please have the author contact me ASAP.
> Promoters: Feel free to post an announcement at your forums and
> listservs directing people to this post if you'd like, or you can repost
> it there if you like.
> Thanks,
> Marta
> Aria (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
> #321: "A Smile" nominated by: Dawn Felagund on 11 May 2008
> chaotic_binky (liaison: elliska)
> #363: "Summer Heat" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008
> #364: "Painting a Golden Light" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008
> Elanor Silmarien (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
> #392: "Ededhron" nominated by: Antane on 17 May 2008
> *Gwynnyd (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
> #362: "Feelings of Superiority" nominated by: dkpalaska on 15 May 2008
> Lady Elina (liaison: Cathleen)
> #151: "And Whisper You to This Earth" nominated by: Kenaz on 04 May 2008
> Lady Sunrope (liaison: elea24)
> #350: "A Commotion About a Potion" nominated by: Baranduin on 14 May 2008
> peredhil lover (liaison: Inkling)
> #324: "In Dark Places" nominated by: Calenlass Greenleaf on 11 May 2008
> Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> #166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
> May 2008
> Vana Tuivana (liaison: elliska)
> #343: "The Night's Eye" nominated by: Dwimordene on 12 May 2008
> Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
> #132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:
> <>! Groups Links
> __________________________________________________________
> Bei AOL gibt's jetzt kostenlos eMail für alle. Klicken Sie auf um
> heraus zu finden, was es sonst noch kostenlos bei AOL gibt.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8840

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors through 5/17/2008 Posted by Dawn Felagund May 24, 2008 - 14:30:19 Topic ID# 8831
Hi, Marta,

Vana Tuivana recently left me a comment on my LJ. I just replied to the
comment asking her to contact you if she's interested in competing. If she
replies directly to me, I'll forward it to you.


Dawn Felagund

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8841

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors through 5/17/2008 Posted by May 24, 2008 - 14:38:20 Topic ID# 8831
Hi Tanaqui,

I forgot that she was there. Thanks for the reminder. I did notice that
she had completed other nominations, but thought it was worth noting her
because it has been over a week since she was nominated.

Do mention it to her, but I'm not too worried about her. Thanks! :-)


Tanaqui wrote:
> Hi Marta
> I know Gwynnyd is away at MediaWestCon this weekend and has been busy
> for the past week getting ready for it. I've nominated some of her other
> pieces in the past couple of days as well and was going to email her
> about those to let her know, so I'll make sure she knows about this one.
> Tanaqui
> wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> Here's this week's list of hard-to-reach authors. If you know any of
>> these people please let them know we're looking for them. All the
>> stories listed here were nominated at least a week ago. Authors marked
>> with an asterisk have other stories that they have begun the nominations
>> for - but I am listing the newer stories in case they don't know they've
>> been nominated.
>> REMEMBER: Nominations from more than two weeks ago may be withdrawn (if
>> the nominator wants to nominate something else) if we haven't at least
>> heard from the author that they want to compete, and if the liaison has
>> run out of ways to contact them. If someone has a story nominated before
>> 5/10/2008, please have the author contact me ASAP.
>> Promoters: Feel free to post an announcement at your forums and
>> listservs directing people to this post if you'd like, or you can repost
>> it there if you like.
>> Thanks,
>> Marta
>> Aria (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
>> #321: "A Smile" nominated by: Dawn Felagund on 11 May 2008
>> chaotic_binky (liaison: elliska)
>> #363: "Summer Heat" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008
>> #364: "Painting a Golden Light" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008
>> Elanor Silmarien (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
>> #392: "Edledhron" nominated by: Antane on 17 May 2008
>> *Gwynnyd (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
>> #362: "Feelings of Superiority" nominated by: dkpalaska on 15 May 2008
>> Lady Elina (liaison: Cathleen)
>> #151: "And Whisper You to This Earth" nominated by: Kenaz on 04 May 2008
>> Lady Sunrope (liaison: elea24)
>> #350: "A Commotion About a Potion" nominated by: Baranduin on 14 May 2008
>> peredhil lover (liaison: Inkling)
>> #324: "In Dark Places" nominated by: Calenlass Greenleaf on 11 May 2008
>> Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
>> #166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
>> May 2008
>> Vana Tuivana (liaison: elliska)
>> #343: "The Night's Eye" nominated by: Dwimordene on 12 May 2008
>> Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
>> #132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
>> ------------------------------------
>> Visit our website:! Groups Links
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG.
>> Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 269.24.1/1463 - Release Date: 5/23/2008 3:36 PM
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

Msg# 8842

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors through 5/17/2008 Posted by May 24, 2008 - 14:39:02 Topic ID# 8831
Hi Dawn,

Thanks! - appreciate it.


Dawn Felagund wrote:
> Hi, Marta,
> Vana Tuivana recently left me a comment on my LJ. I just replied to the
> comment asking her to contact you if she's interested in competing. If she
> replies directly to me, I'll forward it to you.
> Dawn
> --
> ~oOo~
> Dawn Felagund
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8843

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by elliska67 May 24, 2008 - 16:25:35 Topic ID# 8810
I have no idea how Bodkin got on the hard to contact list--she has
contacted me within hours of each of her nominations. And almost all
of them were finalized within 24 hours of nomination... I have a
response from her on all nominations though.

--- In, "Agape 4Rivendell"
<agape4rivendell@...> wrote:
> Got a message from Bodkin that she has now contacted her liaison AND one
> from LithQ stating she is a little slow and will try to get this done
> today....
> Blessings,
> Agape
> On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 1:23 AM, melayton@... <melayton@...>
> wrote:
> > Hi Agape,
> >
> > Thanks for trying to contact her. I hope we are able to get in touch
> > with her.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Marta
> >
> > Agape 4Rivendell wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Very early this morning, I sent a PM to LIth at the boards she
> > frequents...
> > > I'm sending one to the mod at those boards for help contacting her.
> > >
> > > On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 9:19 PM, aure_enteluva
> > > < <>>> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hey guys,
> > > >
> > > > Here are some authors who had stories nominated before
5/10/2008, and
> > > > who have not contacted their liaisons or otherwise indicated they
> > > > would like to compete. If you know any of these authors,
please nudge
> > > > them so they can compete if they'd like to. You may direct
them either
> > > > to their individual liaison or to me, at
> > mefasupport(at)mefawards(dot)net
> > > >
> > > > Promoters: Feel free to reproduce this list or post a link to this
> > > > post, wherever you normally promote the MEFAs. Or not; I leave
it up
> > > > to you to decide what's too much posting for your community, and
> > > > what's the right amount.
> > > >
> > > > Bodkin (liaison: elliska)
> > > > #310: "Long Memories" nominated by: agape4gondor on 10 May 2008
> > > >
> > > > Gentle Hobbit (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
> > > > #235: "Frodo's Dremes" nominated by: Claudia on 07 May 2008
> > > > #336: ""The Ribbon"" nominated by: SurgicalSteel on 12 May 2008
> > > >
> > > > Illwynd (liaison: elliska)
> > > > #31: "Silenced" nominated by: annmarwalk on 04 May 2008
> > > >
> > > > jodancingtree (liaison: Cathleen)
> > > > #157: "The Autumn of His Discontent " nominated by: Lindelea
on 05 May
> > > > 2008
> > > >
> > > > Lady Elina (liaison: Cathleen)
> > > > #151: "And Whisper You to This Earth" nominated by: Kenaz on
04 May
> > 2008
> > > >
> > > > Lindelea (liaison: elliska)
> > > > #301: "Three Songs" nominated by: Larner on 10 May 2008
> > > >
> > > > Lithilien Quicksilver (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
> > > > #278: "The Clear Ringing Of Silver Trumpets" nominated by:
> > > > agape4gondor on 08 May 2008
> > > >
> > > > Llinos (liaison: elliska)
> > > > #65: " The Great Hobbiton Race of 1435" nominated by:
grey_wonderer on
> > > > 04 May 2008
> > > >
> > > > Marigold (liaison: elliska)
> > > > #67: "A New Light " nominated by: grey_wonderer on 04 May 2008
> > > >
> > > > pipkinsweetgrass (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> > > > #305: "Turn the Page" nominated by: Cathleen on 10 May 2008
> > > > #306: "In Which Pippin Catches a Cold" nominated by: Cathleen
on 10
> > > > May 2008
> > > >
> > > > Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> > > > #166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by:
aranelgoldenflower on 05
> > > > May 2008
> > > >
> > > > Rubynye (liaison: elea24)
> > > > #237: "Worlds Within Worlds" nominated by: Claudia on 07 May 2008
> > > >
> > > > Spindle Berry (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> > > > #148: "The Warmth of Morning" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> > > >
> > > > Tom Fairbairn (liaison: elea24)
> > > > #129: "Girl of the North Country " nominated by: PipMer on 04
May 2008
> > > >
> > > > Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
> > > > #132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> > > >
> > > > Thanks,
> > > >
> > > > Marta
> > > > (MEFA Admin.)
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Life's been good to me so far!!! Praise God!
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Life's been good to me so far!!! Praise God!
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8844

Re: FAQ Additions to MEFA Website Posted by nau\_tika May 24, 2008 - 20:23:15 Topic ID# 8833
This is very impressive! Great work!


--- In, "aure_enteluva" <melayton@...>
> Hey guys,
> We have added a new help document to the MEFA website that I think a
> lot of you will like a lot. It's a guide for new members, covering
> to make a nomination, accept a nomination, and vote.
> Now, all of these things are covered in the normal FAQ, but this
> is geared specifically for people new to the awards. That means it
> focuses only on the details that are most important to people new to
> the awards. The FAQ are great, but we try to cover every aspect of a
> question in those documents - and that can be a bit overwhelming for
> new members.
> Even better, this guide is laid out differently than our FAQs: it is
> patterned after the "for Dummies" books, complete with those
> and warnings off to the side of the page.

Msg# 8845

Banners/Icons Posted by alassante7 May 24, 2008 - 23:38:55 Topic ID# 8845
Am I the only one having problems downloading the banners and icons
for 2008? The download option doesn't appear to be available.

Msg# 8846

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by May 25, 2008 - 0:14:53 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Alassante,

The reason you can't download it is because you need to be logged in to
the banner website. (And it requires a special log in - not what you use
for the rest of the MEFA website.) I have set up a username/password for
all of the MEFA nominees, which I have encouraged liaisons to give their
authors on request.

I'll email you the password privately. (We password-protect it so not
just anyone can download banners - only the people who are actually
nominated.) If any other nominated author would like to download
banners, let me know.


alassante7 wrote:
> Am I the only one having problems downloading the banners and icons
> for 2008? The download option doesn't appear to be available.

Msg# 8847

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by May 25, 2008 - 0:18:21 Topic ID# 8845
I think I had a banner password last year, but I have no idea what it is or
where to find it.


**************Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with
Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8848

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Lily Hawker-Yates May 25, 2008 - 3:34:28 Topic ID# 8845
You know, there are several things today I've been really stupid about (I think I may be turning blonde.....) but....we can download banners????? *hehe* what fun! can I.......
p.s didn't Eurovision *suck* :-(


--- On Sun, 25/5/08, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
Date: Sunday, 25 May, 2008, 6:13 AM

Hi Alassante,

The reason you can't download it is because you need to be logged in to
the banner website. (And it requires a special log in - not what you use
for the rest of the MEFA website.) I have set up a username/password for
all of the MEFA nominees, which I have encouraged liaisons to give their
authors on request.

I'll email you the password privately. (We password-protect it so not
just anyone can download banners - only the people who are actually
nominated.) If any other nominated author would like to download
banners, let me know.


alassante7 wrote:
> Am I the only one having problems downloading the banners and icons
> for 2008? The download option doesn't appear to be available.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8849

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Eleanor (Elea) May 25, 2008 - 3:50:37 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Lily

Yeah, you can download banners if you are a nominee from

Marta sent me details of the password and login to pass on to my
liaisons, as this is what you need to download them.

You should check it out. Nautika, Marta and Cactuskim have made some
really lovely banners.


P.S. I stayed well away from Eurovision last night. It just makes me
cringe every year.

Msg# 8850

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Lily Hawker-Yates May 25, 2008 - 4:01:45 Topic ID# 8845
Thanks Elea...they are nice banners aren't they......gazes dreamily
thanks for the link!
p.s re came joint last...thing is the song was good this year...oh well, don't think I'll be watching again!

"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends."
             William Butler Yeats
'For every evil that rises, we are given ways to fight it. Or... in the absence of a fight, we are given each other to weather it. We're a bunch of survivors here, that's what we are. Not quite victorious, but then again, there hadn't really been a war. And yet we were fighting something... maybe ourselves, and the alone-ness that permeated each of us before we somehow found each other, ultimately found ourselves.' - Elrohir, For Every Evil

--- On Sun, 25/5/08, Eleanor (Elea) <> wrote:

From: Eleanor (Elea) <>
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Banners/Icons
Date: Sunday, 25 May, 2008, 9:50 AM

Hi Lily

Yeah, you can download banners if you are a nominee from

Marta sent me details of the password and login to pass on to my
liaisons, as this is what you need to download them.

You should check it out. Nautika, Marta and Cactuskim have made some
really lovely banners.


P.S. I stayed well away from Eurovision last night. It just makes me
cringe every year.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8851

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by surgeon\_ruth May 25, 2008 - 9:08:23 Topic ID# 8845
I'd like to, please - they really have some gorgeous work up on the
banner site!

--- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> Hi Alassante,
> The reason you can't download it is because you need to be logged
in to
> the banner website. (And it requires a special log in - not what
you use
> for the rest of the MEFA website.) I have set up a
username/password for
> all of the MEFA nominees, which I have encouraged liaisons to give
> authors on request.
> I'll email you the password privately. (We password-protect it so
> just anyone can download banners - only the people who are actually
> nominated.) If any other nominated author would like to download
> banners, let me know.
> Marta
> alassante7 wrote:
> >
> >
> > Am I the only one having problems downloading the banners and
> > for 2008? The download option doesn't appear to be available.
> >

Msg# 8852

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Cathleen May 25, 2008 - 9:21:51 Topic ID# 8845
Marta, I must have missed that posting. Can you send me a password? Also, how do I go about giving the appropriate info to my authors?


"" <> wrote:
Hi Alassante,

The reason you can't download it is because you need to be logged in to
the banner website. (And it requires a special log in - not what you use
for the rest of the MEFA website.) I have set up a username/password for
all of the MEFA nominees, which I have encouraged liaisons to give their
authors on request.

I'll email you the password privately. (We password-protect it so not
just anyone can download banners - only the people who are actually
nominated.) If any other nominated author would like to download
banners, let me know.


alassante7 wrote:
> Am I the only one having problems downloading the banners and icons
> for 2008? The download option doesn't appear to be available.

"Beautiful, glorious Scotland, has spoilt me for every other country!"

Mary Todd Lincoln

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8853

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Eleanor (Elea) May 25, 2008 - 9:29:56 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Cathleen

I email my authors about banners and the information about passwords
once their nominations have been finalised. At forst it was a bit
tricky remembering who I had emailed about it and who I hadn't -but now
I have a list written down which helps.


Msg# 8855

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Cathleen May 25, 2008 - 10:14:58 Topic ID# 8845
Thanks Eleanor!


"Eleanor (Elea)" <> wrote:
Hi Cathleen

I email my authors about banners and the information about passwords
once their nominations have been finalised. At forst it was a bit
tricky remembering who I had emailed about it and who I hadn't -but now
I have a list written down which helps.


"Beautiful, glorious Scotland, has spoilt me for every other country!"

Mary Todd Lincoln

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8856

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Lily Hawker-Yates May 25, 2008 - 10:19:31 Topic ID# 8845
Marta! yoohoo!
Please can I have the info (passwords etc) for the bannar site, so I can pass it on to my authors? thanks.

"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends."
             William Butler Yeats
'For every evil that rises, we are given ways to fight it. Or... in the absence of a fight, we are given each other to weather it. We're a bunch of survivors here, that's what we are. Not quite victorious, but then again, there hadn't really been a war. And yet we were fighting something... maybe ourselves, and the alone-ness that permeated each of us before we somehow found each other, ultimately found ourselves.' - Elrohir, For Every Evil

--- On Sun, 25/5/08, Eleanor (Elea) <> wrote:

From: Eleanor (Elea) <>
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Banners/Icons
Date: Sunday, 25 May, 2008, 9:50 AM

Hi Lily

Yeah, you can download banners if you are a nominee from

Marta sent me details of the password and login to pass on to my
liaisons, as this is what you need to download them.

You should check it out. Nautika, Marta and Cactuskim have made some
really lovely banners.


P.S. I stayed well away from Eurovision last night. It just makes me
cringe every year.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8857

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Agape 4Rivendell May 25, 2008 - 10:45:35 Topic ID# 8845
Same here, please, Marta????


On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 11:19 AM, Lily Hawker-Yates <> wrote:

> Right......Ok....
> Marta! yoohoo!
> Please can I have the info (passwords etc) for the bannar site, so I can
> pass it on to my authors? thanks.
> Lily
> "Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had
> such friends."
> William Butler Yeats
> 'For every evil that rises, we are given ways to fight it. Or... in the
> absence of a fight, we are given each other to weather it. We're a bunch of
> survivors here, that's what we are. Not quite victorious, but then again,
> there hadn't really been a war. And yet we were fighting something... maybe
> ourselves, and the alone-ness that permeated each of us before we somehow
> found each other, ultimately found ourselves.' - Elrohir, For Every Evil
> --- On Sun, 25/5/08, Eleanor (Elea) <<>>
> wrote:
> From: Eleanor (Elea) <<>
> >
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Banners/Icons
> To: <>
> Date: Sunday, 25 May, 2008, 9:50 AM
> Hi Lily
> Yeah, you can download banners if you are a nominee from
> http://www.mefaward
> Marta sent me details of the password and login to pass on to my
> liaisons, as this is what you need to download them.
> You should check it out. Nautika, Marta and Cactuskim have made some
> really lovely banners.
> Elea
> P.S. I stayed well away from Eurovision last night. It just makes me
> cringe every year.
> __________________________________________________________
> Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
> A Smarter Email
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Life's been good to me so far!!! Praise God!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8858

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors through 5/17/2008 Posted by May 25, 2008 - 11:33:52 Topic ID# 8831
I contacted someone I know is friends with Willow Wode, asking if they could contact them. Unfortunately, they won't be talking to Willow until next Monday. I will continue to try from this end at least until then....

-------------- Original message --------------
From: "" <>

> Hey guys,
> Here's this week's list of hard-to-reach authors. If you know any of
> these people please let them know we're looking for them. All the
> stories listed here were nominated at least a week ago. Authors marked
> with an asterisk have other stories that they have begun the nominations
> for - but I am listing the newer stories in case they don't know they've
> been nominated.
> REMEMBER: Nominations from more than two weeks ago may be withdrawn (if
> the nominator wants to nominate something else) if we haven't at least
> heard from the author that they want to compete, and if the liaison has
> run out of ways to contact them. If someone has a story nominated before
> 5/10/2008, please have the author contact me ASAP.
> Promoters: Feel free to post an announcement at your forums and
> listservs directing people to this post if you'd like, or you can repost
> it there if you like.
> Thanks,
> Marta
> Aria (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
> #321: "A Smile" nominated by: Dawn Felagund on 11 May 2008
> chaotic_binky (liaison: elliska)
> #363: "Summer Heat" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008
> #364: "Painting a Golden Light" nominated by: weepingnaiad on 15 May 2008
> Elanor Silmarien (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8))
> #392: "Edýledhron" nominated by: Antane on 17 May 2008
> *Gwynnyd (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
> #362: "Feelings of Superiority" nominated by: dkpalaska on 15 May 2008
> Lady Elina (liaison: Cathleen)
> #151: "And Whisper You to This Earth" nominated by: Kenaz on 04 May 2008
> Lady Sunrope (liaison: elea24)
> #350: "A Commotion About a Potion" nominated by: Baranduin on 14 May 2008
> peredhil lover (liaison: Inkling)
> #324: "In Dark Places" nominated by: Calenlass Greenleaf on 11 May 2008
> Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> #166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
> May 2008
> Vana Tuivana (liaison: elliska)
> #343: "The Night's Eye" nominated by: Dwimordene on 12 May 2008
> Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
> #132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8859

Cathleen - my liaison! (I think...) Posted by Jo Dancingtree May 25, 2008 - 12:03:57 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Cathleen -

I haven't known how to reach you - I'm so glad a saw one of your posts with your addy!

I tried to get on the site today to fill out the form for my nominated story, but my password won't work (I'd forgotten it, so had it sent to me).  Now I'm stumped what to do next - can you help me, please?


He who limps is still walking. -Stanislaw Lec

--- On Sun, 5/25/08, Cathleen <> wrote:
From: Cathleen <>
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
Date: Sunday, May 25, 2008, 10:21 AM

Marta, I must have missed that posting. Can you send me a password? Also, how do I go about giving the appropriate info to my authors?



"melayton@gmail. com" <melayton@gmail. com> wrote:

Hi Alassante,

The reason you can't download it is because you need to be logged in to

the banner website. (And it requires a special log in - not what you use

for the rest of the MEFA website.) I have set up a username/password for

all of the MEFA nominees, which I have encouraged liaisons to give their

authors on request.

I'll email you the password privately. (We password-protect it so not

just anyone can download banners - only the people who are actually

nominated.) If any other nominated author would like to download

banners, let me know.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8860

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by May 25, 2008 - 13:06:37 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Lily,

Yep, any nominated author can download the banners made for nominees.
Later in the awards session, you'll be given information to download
banners for reviewers who meet their reviewing goal, and people whose
stories win an award.

To download a banner:

1. Go to and login. (I'll email you the
password privately.)
2. Click on the link for 2008 Nominees.
3. Find the banner you would like to use and click on the image.
4. Click the download button.

This will download the image to your computer. You can then use it like
any other image.

Will send you that password privately right now.


Lily Hawker-Yates wrote:
> You know, there are several things today I've been really stupid about
> (I think I may be turning blonde.....) but....we can download
> banners????? *hehe* what fun! can I.......
> Lily
> p.s didn't Eurovision *suck* :-(
> --- On Sun, 25/5/08, <>
> < <>> wrote:
> From: <>
> < <>>
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
> To: <>
> Date: Sunday, 25 May, 2008, 6:13 AM
> Hi Alassante,
> The reason you can't download it is because you need to be logged in to
> the banner website. (And it requires a special log in - not what you use
> for the rest of the MEFA website.) I have set up a username/password for
> all of the MEFA nominees, which I have encouraged liaisons to give their
> authors on request.
> I'll email you the password privately. (We password-protect it so not
> just anyone can download banners - only the people who are actually
> nominated.) If any other nominated author would like to download
> banners, let me know.
> Marta
> alassante7 wrote:
> >
> >
> > Am I the only one having problems downloading the banners and icons
> > for 2008? The download option doesn't appear to be available.
> >
> __________________________________________________________
> Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
> A Smarter Email
> <>
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8861

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by May 25, 2008 - 14:40:46 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Cathleen,

I've sent you a private email with the password. You can also pass the
password along to your authors if you like.


Cathleen wrote:
> Marta, I must have missed that posting. Can you send me a password?
> Also, how do I go about giving the appropriate info to my authors?
> Thanks!
> Cathleen
> " <>" <
> <>> wrote:
> Hi Alassante,
> The reason you can't download it is because you need to be logged in to
> the banner website. (And it requires a special log in - not what you use
> for the rest of the MEFA website.) I have set up a username/password for
> all of the MEFA nominees, which I have encouraged liaisons to give their
> authors on request.
> I'll email you the password privately. (We password-protect it so not
> just anyone can download banners - only the people who are actually
> nominated.) If any other nominated author would like to download
> banners, let me know.
> Marta
> alassante7 wrote:
> >
> >
> > Am I the only one having problems downloading the banners and icons
> > for 2008? The download option doesn't appear to be available.
> >
> "Beautiful, glorious Scotland, has spoilt me for every other country!"
> Mary Todd Lincoln
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8862

Re: Cathleen - my liaison! (I think...) Posted by May 25, 2008 - 14:54:21 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Jo,

I'm sorry you're having such trouble! We'll get you straightened out. I
checked and Cathleen is indeed your liaison, but I can help you at least
get logged in to the site.

I sent you your password via private email to
from Please let me know if it doesn't come through.

Once you receive it, you should be able to log in to with that account. And once you do
*that*, you should click on the link to "View Your Nominated Stories."
From there, you should see a link to "Edit Data"; that takes you to the
form to fill out about the story.

If you have any questions, you should email them to Cathleen. (I copied
her on the password email, so you should have her email address.) Also,
once you complete the form and are satisfied with it, you should email
her to let her know that you are satisfied with the form.

If I can be of help, let me know. And thanks again for your persistence!


Jo Dancingtree wrote:
> Hi Cathleen -
> I haven't known how to reach you - I'm so glad a saw one of your posts
> with your addy!
> I tried to get on the site today to fill out the form for my nominated
> story, but my password won't work (I'd forgotten it, so had it sent to
> me).  Now I'm stumped what to do next - can you help me, please?
> jo
> He who limps is still walking. -Stanislaw Lec
> --- On Sun, 5/25/08, Cathleen <
> <>> wrote:
> From: Cathleen <
> <>>
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
> To: <>
> Date: Sunday, May 25, 2008, 10:21 AM
> Marta, I must have missed that posting. Can you send me a password?
> Also, how do I go about giving the appropriate info to my authors?
> Thanks!
> Cathleen
> "melayton@gmail. com" <melayton@gmail. com> wrote:
> Hi Alassante,
> The reason you can't download it is because you need to be logged in to
> the banner website. (And it requires a special log in - not what you use
> for the rest of the MEFA website.) I have set up a username/password for
> all of the MEFA nominees, which I have encouraged liaisons to give their
> authors on request.
> I'll email you the password privately. (We password-protect it so not
> just anyone can download banners - only the people who are actually
> nominated.) If any other nominated author would like to download
> banners, let me know.
> Marta
> _._,___
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8863

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors through 5/17/2008 Posted by May 25, 2008 - 15:29:51 Topic ID# 8831
Thanks, PipMer, I appreciate it. I've passed this message along to
Willow's liaison so she knows not to do anything before next week.

Marta wrote:
> I contacted someone I know is friends with Willow Wode, asking if they could contact them. Unfortunately, they won't be talking to Willow until next Monday. I will continue to try from this end at least until then....
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: "" <>
>> Hey guys,
>> Here's this week's list of hard-to-reach authors. If you know any of
>> these people please let them know we're looking for them. All the
>> stories listed here were nominated at least a week ago. Authors marked
>> with an asterisk have other stories that they have begun the nominations
>> for - but I am listing the newer stories in case they don't know they've
>> been nominated.

Msg# 8864

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by kimberli leal May 25, 2008 - 15:46:18 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Marta,

Fiondil had told us (the banner makers ;p) to hold off on sending him more banners until after June first when he would have time to go thru them and load them... he has been coordinating winner banners so that we will have good variety. In addition to winner banners, I have also made some nominee banners, but I have not sent them out to him yet. Since people are starting to download nominee banners, do you want me to send those to you or someone else before June first?


----- Original Message ----
From: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 11:05:27 AM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons

Hi Lily,

Yep, any nominated author can download the banners made for nominees.
Later in the awards session, you'll be given information to download
banners for reviewers who meet their reviewing goal, and people whose
stories win an award.

To download a banner:

1. Go to http://www.mefaward and login. (I'll email you the
password privately.)
2. Click on the link for 2008 Nominees.
3. Find the banner you would like to use and click on the image.
4. Click the download button.

This will download the image to your computer. You can then use it like
any other image.

Will send you that password privately right now.


Lily Hawker-Yates wrote:
> You know, there are several things today I've been really stupid about
> (I think I may be turning blonde.....) but....we can download
> banners????? *hehe* what fun! can I.......
> Lily
> p.s didn't Eurovision *suck* :-(
> --- On Sun, 25/5/08, melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton%>
> <melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton%> > wrote:
> From: melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton%>
> <melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton%> >
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
> To: MEFAwards@yahoogrou <mailto:MEFAwards% 40yahoogroups. com>
> Date: Sunday, 25 May, 2008, 6:13 AM
> Hi Alassante,
> The reason you can't download it is because you need to be logged in to
> the banner website. (And it requires a special log in - not what you use
> for the rest of the MEFA website.) I have set up a username/password for
> all of the MEFA nominees, which I have encouraged liaisons to give their
> authors on request.
> I'll email you the password privately. (We password-protect it so not
> just anyone can download banners - only the people who are actually
> nominated.) If any other nominated author would like to download
> banners, let me know.
> Marta
> alassante7 wrote:
> >
> >
> > Am I the only one having problems downloading the banners and icons
> > for 2008? The download option doesn't appear to be available.
> >
> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
> Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
> A Smarter Email nowyoucan. html
> < nowyoucan. html>
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8865

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Cathleen May 25, 2008 - 16:30:11 Topic ID# 8845
I have emailed Jo to make sure everything is ok, but haven't heard
back yet.

--- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> Hi Cathleen,
> I've sent you a private email with the password. You can also pass
> password along to your authors if you like.
> Marta
> Cathleen wrote:
> >
> >
> > Marta, I must have missed that posting. Can you send me a
> > Also, how do I go about giving the appropriate info to my authors?
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Cathleen
> >
> > "melayton@... <>" <melayton@...
> > <>> wrote:
> > Hi Alassante,
> >
> > The reason you can't download it is because you need to be logged
in to
> > the banner website. (And it requires a special log in - not what
you use
> > for the rest of the MEFA website.) I have set up a
username/password for
> > all of the MEFA nominees, which I have encouraged liaisons to
give their
> > authors on request.
> >
> > I'll email you the password privately. (We password-protect it so
> > just anyone can download banners - only the people who are
> > nominated.) If any other nominated author would like to download
> > banners, let me know.
> >
> > Marta
> >
> > alassante7 wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Am I the only one having problems downloading the banners and
> > > for 2008? The download option doesn't appear to be available.
> > >
> >
> > "Beautiful, glorious Scotland, has spoilt me for every other
> >
> > Mary Todd Lincoln
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >

Msg# 8866

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by May 25, 2008 - 16:30:44 Topic ID# 8845
Lily Hawker-Yates wrote:
> Right......Ok....
> Marta! yoohoo!
> Please can I have the info (passwords etc) for the bannar site, so I can
> pass it on to my authors? thanks.
> Lily

Hi Lily,

I've sent you the password. HTH!


Msg# 8867

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by May 25, 2008 - 16:31:24 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Sharon,

I've sent you the password privately.


Agape 4Rivendell wrote:
> Same here, please, Marta????
> Agape

Msg# 8868

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Cathleen May 25, 2008 - 16:35:06 Topic ID# 8845
I've just taken a look and see there are some lovely ones so far!
Question though - I didn't see much of Merry and Pippin, or pictures
that featured the 4 hobbits together. I did see quite a few of Sam and
Frodo. Of course, since most of my stories are hobbit-centric, and
Merry and Pip in particular, I wonder if there will be more made??

Msg# 8869

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors through 5/17/2008 Posted by May 25, 2008 - 17:08:05 Topic ID# 8831
Hi Nancy,

> I heard from Gwynnyd this morning, somewhat miffed that she had been
> put on the "hard to reach" list. She was deliberating about how to
> fill out the form for one of her nominations, and now has gone ahead
> and filled out the form for three more nominations I had not yet
> vetted ...
> But all will be taken care of.

Good. I'm glad to know she's making progress on that. Sorry she was a
little miffed, though. :-S I'll try to pull her off any future lists
before I post them, since I know she's good at filling out forms in a
timely manner.

> I have other authors that were early nominated, have responded, but
> not yet begun their forms. Should I be nudging them?

It depends on the author. If they're old-timers familiar with the
awards, you may want to give them another week or two. If you think they
may be having troubles, it may not be a bad idea to shoot them an email.
If you do, keep it short, and emphasize that they still have time but
you wanted to be sure they had help if they needed it.


Msg# 8870

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Kathy May 25, 2008 - 17:08:10 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Marta,

I need the password too, please. But sounds like it might be good to
hold off on sending it to our authors just yet, as there are some
nominee banners not yet on the site?


--- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> Hi Sharon,
> I've sent you the password privately.
> Marta
> Agape 4Rivendell wrote:
> >
> >
> > Same here, please, Marta????
> >
> > Agape
> >

Msg# 8871

Re: FAQ Additions to MEFA Website Posted by Kathy May 25, 2008 - 17:10:30 Topic ID# 8833
This guide looks *fabulous*...great work, Dawn and Pearl!


--- In, "aure_enteluva" <melayton@...> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> We have added a new help document to the MEFA website that I think a
> lot of you will like a lot. It's a guide for new members, covering how
> to make a nomination, accept a nomination, and vote.
> Now, all of these things are covered in the normal FAQ, but this guide
> is geared specifically for people new to the awards. That means it
> focuses only on the details that are most important to people new to
> the awards. The FAQ are great, but we try to cover every aspect of a
> question in those documents - and that can be a bit overwhelming for
> new members.
> Even better, this guide is laid out differently than our FAQs: it is
> patterned after the "for Dummies" books, complete with those reminders
> and warnings off to the side of the page. Dawn Felagund and Pearl Took
> (who wrote this guide) did a really nice job, and Tanaqui made it
> display quite nicely on the page, and I hope you all find it useful.
> Even if you're not a new member, there are some really good reminders
> if you find yourself a little confused on what to do.
> To access it, you need to log into the website
> ( and click the "New Members - Start
> Here" link. It's the first thing you see when you log in.
> PS - Tanaqui also corrected an inaccuracy in two of the voting FAQs,
> "Can I edit a review after I write it?" and "How do I edit a review?"
> Elena Tiriel reported there was a problem with the date displayed, and
> that should be fixed now. Thanks, ladies!
> Marta

Msg# 8872

Re: FAQ Additions to MEFA Website Posted by Barbara Rich May 25, 2008 - 17:15:56 Topic ID# 8833
I too, think they did a wonderful job! I've been taking part in the MEFAs
since they started, and I still was able to learn some things from it that I
should have known already, since they are explained so well.

One suggestion though, is that you might want to include a link to the
"Review Strategy" FAQ.


On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 5:10 PM, Kathy <> wrote:

> This guide looks *fabulous*...great work, Dawn and Pearl!
> Kathy/Inkling
> --- In <>,
> "aure_enteluva" <melayton@...> wrote:
> >
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > We have added a new help document to the MEFA website that I think a
> > lot of you will like a lot. It's a guide for new members, covering how
> > to make a nomination, accept a nomination, and vote.
> >
> > Now, all of these things are covered in the normal FAQ, but this guide
> > is geared specifically for people new to the awards. That means it
> > focuses only on the details that are most important to people new to
> > the awards. The FAQ are great, but we try to cover every aspect of a
> > question in those documents - and that can be a bit overwhelming for
> > new members.
> >
> > Even better, this guide is laid out differently than our FAQs: it is
> > patterned after the "for Dummies" books, complete with those reminders
> > and warnings off to the side of the page. Dawn Felagund and Pearl Took
> > (who wrote this guide) did a really nice job, and Tanaqui made it
> > display quite nicely on the page, and I hope you all find it useful.
> > Even if you're not a new member, there are some really good reminders
> > if you find yourself a little confused on what to do.
> >
> > To access it, you need to log into the website
> > ( and click the "New Members - Start
> > Here" link. It's the first thing you see when you log in.
> >
> > PS - Tanaqui also corrected an inaccuracy in two of the voting FAQs,
> > "Can I edit a review after I write it?" and "How do I edit a review?"
> > Elena Tiriel reported there was a problem with the date displayed, and
> > that should be fixed now. Thanks, ladies!
> >
> > Marta
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8873

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by kimberli leal May 25, 2008 - 18:19:21 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Cathleen,

I have a Pippin nomination already made up using some of my own art work but it is not posted yet. I can also make up a Merry, and one of them together if you need for nominations (I also have winner versions of most of the nominations ones I have done). As for winner banners Fiondil is organizing the Winner banners and many of them are not up right now but will be soon.... others may have done some Merry and Pippen for winner banners also since that was discussed, but I don't know everything that others have done.

Cactuskim.... off to do a few more banners. ;p

----- Original Message ----
From: Cathleen <>
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 2:35:03 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Banners/Icons

I've just taken a look and see there are some lovely ones so far!
Question though - I didn't see much of Merry and Pippin, or pictures
that featured the 4 hobbits together. I did see quite a few of Sam and
Frodo. Of course, since most of my stories are hobbit-centric, and
Merry and Pip in particular, I wonder if there will be more made??

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8874

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Cathleen May 25, 2008 - 19:15:28 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Cactuskim! Thanks so much for letting me know that! I would personally love to see plenty of the 4 hobbits together for a good selection of choices, plus some nice individual ones and Merry and Pippin together. I recall that last year I had a bit of a difficult time finding some of just those hobbits that I really liked. Thanks again!

kimberli leal <> wrote:
Hi Cathleen,

I have a Pippin nomination already made up using some of my own art work but it is not posted yet. I can also make up a Merry, and one of them together if you need for nominations (I also have winner versions of most of the nominations ones I have done). As for winner banners Fiondil is organizing the Winner banners and many of them are not up right now but will be soon.... others may have done some Merry and Pippen for winner banners also since that was discussed, but I don't know everything that others have done.

Cactuskim.... off to do a few more banners. ;p

----- Original Message ----
From: Cathleen <>
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 2:35:03 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Banners/Icons

I've just taken a look and see there are some lovely ones so far!
Question though - I didn't see much of Merry and Pippin, or pictures
that featured the 4 hobbits together. I did see quite a few of Sam and
Frodo. Of course, since most of my stories are hobbit-centric, and
Merry and Pip in particular, I wonder if there will be more made??

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

"Beautiful, glorious Scotland, has spoilt me for every other country!"

Mary Todd Lincoln

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8875

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by nau\_tika May 25, 2008 - 19:32:29 Topic ID# 8845
I believe Fiondil said Lora was doing Hobbit banners.


--- In, Cathleen <virginia_lee_redcat@...>
> Hi Cactuskim! Thanks so much for letting me know that! I would
personally love to see plenty of the 4 hobbits together for a good
selection of choices, plus some nice individual ones and Merry and
Pippin together. I recall that last year I had a bit of a difficult
time finding some of just those hobbits that I really liked. Thanks
> Cathleen

Msg# 8876

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by May 25, 2008 - 22:35:03 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Cactuskim,

I think it makes the most sense to handle this through the liaisons.
I've just told the liaison team to tell authors (if they give out the
password) that several more banners will be added at the beginning of
June and throughout the nomination season - so they can hold off if they
like for better selection, or can go ahead and choose if they prefer.
Does that sound okay?

Btw, in the interest of full disclosure - I have created several banners
myself, but because there were so many I've uploaded them myself.
(Fiondil and I discussed this, and it made more sense than me emailing
them to him.) I didn't do this to rush ahead of you guys who are waiting
until June 1, though. :-)


kimberli leal wrote:
> Hi Marta,
> Fiondil had told us (the banner makers ;p) to hold off on sending him
> more banners until after June first when he would have time to go thru
> them and load them... he has been coordinating winner banners so that we
> will have good variety. In addition to winner banners, I have also made
> some nominee banners, but I have not sent them out to him yet. Since
> people are starting to download nominee banners, do you want me to send
> those to you or someone else before June first?
> Cactuskim
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: " <>"
> < <>>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 11:05:27 AM
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
> Hi Lily,
> Yep, any nominated author can download the banners made for nominees.
> Later in the awards session, you'll be given information to download
> banners for reviewers who meet their reviewing goal, and people whose
> stories win an award.
> To download a banner:
> 1. Go to http://www.mefaward and login. (I'll email you the
> password privately.)
> 2. Click on the link for 2008 Nominees.
> 3. Find the banner you would like to use and click on the image.
> 4. Click the download button.
> This will download the image to your computer. You can then use it like
> any other image.
> Will send you that password privately right now.
> Marta
> Lily Hawker-Yates wrote:
> >
> >
> > You know, there are several things today I've been really stupid about
> > (I think I may be turning blonde.....) but....we can download
> > banners????? *hehe* what fun! can I.......
> >  
> > Lily
> >  
> > p.s didn't Eurovision *suck* :-(
> >
> >  
> >
> > --- On Sun, 25/5/08, melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton%>
> > <melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton%> > wrote:
> >
> > From: melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton%>
> > <melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton%> >
> > Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
> > To: MEFAwards@yahoogrou <mailto:MEFAwards% 40yahoogroups. com>
> > Date: Sunday, 25 May, 2008, 6:13 AM
> >
> > Hi Alassante,
> >
> > The reason you can't download it is because you need to be logged in to
> > the banner website. (And it requires a special log in - not what you use
> > for the rest of the MEFA website.) I have set up a username/password for
> > all of the MEFA nominees, which I have encouraged liaisons to give their
> > authors on request.
> >
> > I'll email you the password privately. (We password-protect it so not
> > just anyone can download banners - only the people who are actually
> > nominated.) If any other nominated author would like to download
> > banners, let me know.
> >
> > Marta
> >
> > alassante7 wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Am I the only one having problems downloading the banners and icons
> > > for 2008? The download option doesn't appear to be available.
> > >
> >
> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
> > Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
> > A Smarter Email nowyoucan. html
> > < nowyoucan. html>
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8877

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by May 25, 2008 - 22:46:33 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Cathleen,

You're right, there aren't that manny - though there are more than last
year, I think. That really depends on the people who make banners on
whether there will be more. I've uploaded a few myself that you might
find interesting, and have a few more I'll probably be uploading. And
there's the chance that the other banner-creators will make some as well.

Do you know anyone who makes hobbit-centric fanart? We'd be glad to have
some new submissions.

Here are some that might interest you:

All four hobbits together:

Merry and Pippin:

And one good all-purpose Shire shot:

PS - If you have any movie screencaps or other graphics you'd like to
see made into banners? I find it pretty soothing, and would be glad to
give it a try, or I'm sure some of the other banner-makers might take it
under advisement.


Cathleen wrote:
> I've just taken a look and see there are some lovely ones so far!
> Question though - I didn't see much of Merry and Pippin, or pictures
> that featured the 4 hobbits together. I did see quite a few of Sam and
> Frodo. Of course, since most of my stories are hobbit-centric, and
> Merry and Pip in particular, I wonder if there will be more made??
> Cathleen

Msg# 8878

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by May 25, 2008 - 22:48:57 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Kathy,

I've sent you the password privately. But yeah, you're free to wait a
bit if you'd like.


Kathy wrote:
> Hi Marta,
> I need the password too, please. But sounds like it might be good to
> hold off on sending it to our authors just yet, as there are some
> nominee banners not yet on the site?
> Kathy/Inkling

Msg# 8879

Re: FAQ Additions to MEFA Website Posted by May 25, 2008 - 22:53:07 Topic ID# 8833
Hi Barbara,

Thanks for the suggestion. I've passed it on to see if we can do
something about it. I'm glad you like what we have now, too. :-)

PS - I sometimes find myself confused as well. :-)


Barbara Rich wrote:
> I too, think they did a wonderful job! I've been taking part in the MEFAs
> since they started, and I still was able to learn some things from it that I
> should have known already, since they are explained so well.
> One suggestion though, is that you might want to include a link to the
> "Review Strategy" FAQ.
> Dreamflower

Msg# 8880

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by kimberli leal May 25, 2008 - 23:15:42 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Nautika,

She offered to tackle the Hobbits ... *Snicker* that creates an 'interesting' mental image ;p... so I was not planing on doing very much with Hobbits. The only thing I was going to do was to make a handful using some of my original art work which only I can use, and maybe a couple using some rare images I have acquired over the years..... I'm not the type to go on a Hobbit Binge ;p


----- Original Message ----
From: nau_tika <>
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 5:32:27 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Banners/Icons

I believe Fiondil said Lora was doing Hobbit banners.


--- In MEFAwards@yahoogrou, Cathleen <virginia_lee_ redcat@.. .>
> Hi Cactuskim! Thanks so much for letting me know that! I would
personally love to see plenty of the 4 hobbits together for a good
selection of choices, plus some nice individual ones and Merry and
Pippin together. I recall that last year I had a bit of a difficult
time finding some of just those hobbits that I really liked. Thanks
> Cathleen

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8881

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Arthur Boccaccio May 25, 2008 - 23:53:50 Topic ID# 8845
Hey all,

Your friendly banner coordinator here. If you are looking through the
banners and don't see what you're looking for please contact either me ( or Marta and tell us. I have been keeping track of the
kinds of banners we have and those that we lack. More banners with the
hobbits is one of them. There are also too few Legolas and Gimli banners as
well. Hopefully, we will have more before the end of the voting period.

Banner makers (You know who you are): if you have any *NOMINEE* banners
ready, go ahead and send them to me. Keep the Reviewers and Winners banners
until after June 1. I hope to have all the banners in place before I leave
China at the end of July, as I'll be out of computer range for a couple of
weeks as I make my way across Asia via the Trans-Mongolian Railway to Moscow
and then eventually into Europe. *grin*

Again, if anyone would like to see a particular subject matter for the
banners (whether nominee, reviewer or winners) please let us know so we can
assign them to one of the banner makers.

Thank you.


On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 11:33 AM, <>

> Hi Cactuskim,
> I think it makes the most sense to handle this through the liaisons.
> I've just told the liaison team to tell authors (if they give out the
> password) that several more banners will be added at the beginning of
> June and throughout the nomination season - so they can hold off if they
> like for better selection, or can go ahead and choose if they prefer.
> Does that sound okay?
> Btw, in the interest of full disclosure - I have created several banners
> myself, but because there were so many I've uploaded them myself.
> (Fiondil and I discussed this, and it made more sense than me emailing
> them to him.) I didn't do this to rush ahead of you guys who are waiting
> until June 1, though. :-)
> Marta
> kimberli leal wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi Marta,
> >
> > Fiondil had told us (the banner makers ;p) to hold off on sending him
> > more banners until after June first when he would have time to go thru
> > them and load them... he has been coordinating winner banners so that we
> > will have good variety. In addition to winner banners, I have also made
> > some nominee banners, but I have not sent them out to him yet. Since
> > people are starting to download nominee banners, do you want me to send
> > those to you or someone else before June first?
> >
> > Cactuskim
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----
> > From: " <> <mailto:
> <>>"
> > < <> <<>
> >>
> > To: <> <mailto:
> <>>
> > Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 11:05:27 AM
> > Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
> >
> > Hi Lily,
> >
> > Yep, any nominated author can download the banners made for nominees.
> > Later in the awards session, you'll be given information to download
> > banners for reviewers who meet their reviewing goal, and people whose
> > stories win an award.
> >
> > To download a banner:
> >
> > 1. Go to http://www.mefaward and login. (I'll email you
> the
> > password privately.)
> > 2. Click on the link for 2008 Nominees.
> > 3. Find the banner you would like to use and click on the image.
> > 4. Click the download button.
> >
> > This will download the image to your computer. You can then use it like
> > any other image.
> >
> > Will send you that password privately right now.
> >
> > Marta
> >
> > Lily Hawker-Yates wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > You know, there are several things today I've been really stupid about
> > > (I think I may be turning blonde.....) but....we can download
> > > banners????? *hehe* what fun! can I.......
> > >  
> > > Lily
> > >  
> > > p.s didn't Eurovision *suck* :-(
> > >
> > >  
> > >
> > > --- On Sun, 25/5/08, melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton%<melayton%25>
> > > <melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton% <melayton%25>>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > From: melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton% <melayton%25>>
> > > <melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton% <melayton%25>>
> >
> > > Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
> > > To: MEFAwards@yahoogrou <mailto:MEFAwards% <MEFAwards%25>40yahoogroups. com>
> > > Date: Sunday, 25 May, 2008, 6:13 AM
> > >
> > > Hi Alassante,
> > >
> > > The reason you can't download it is because you need to be logged in to
> > > the banner website. (And it requires a special log in - not what you
> use
> > > for the rest of the MEFA website.) I have set up a username/password
> for
> > > all of the MEFA nominees, which I have encouraged liaisons to give
> their
> > > authors on request.
> > >
> > > I'll email you the password privately. (We password-protect it so not
> > > just anyone can download banners - only the people who are actually
> > > nominated.) If any other nominated author would like to download
> > > banners, let me know.
> > >
> > > Marta
> > >
> > > alassante7 wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Am I the only one having problems downloading the banners and
> icons
> > > > for 2008? The download option doesn't appear to be available.
> > > >
> > >
> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
> > > Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
> > > A Smarter Email nowyoucan. html
> > > < nowyoucan. html>
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> > >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8882

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by May 25, 2008 - 23:55:51 Topic ID# 8845
Last time I checked there didn't seem to me much in the area of Silmarillion
banners. I picked one that was a ship on the sea.

**************Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with
Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8883

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Arthur Boccaccio May 26, 2008 - 0:50:46 Topic ID# 8845
Silmarillion banners (for winners) we have, but I haven't had a chance to
upload them. They will be up by the weekend if you want to wait. If you're
looking for Silm banners for nominees, we can adapt one of the winners
banners for that if you let your liaison know which one you want.

Really, I think it is best if people wait until the nomination period is
over with before choosing an appropriate banner if they want. We're doing
the best we can to get things up but I'm in the middle of revision and
testing here at my school, so time is a premium. Please be patient. You
still have nearly three weeks before the nomination period ends.


On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 12:55 PM, <> wrote:

> Last time I checked there didn't seem to me much in the area of
> Silmarillion
> banners. I picked one that was a ship on the sea.
> **************Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with
> Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.
> (
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8884

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Eleanor (Elea) May 26, 2008 - 0:52:14 Topic ID# 8845
I've made about 40 winner banners that are based around the
Silmarillion. They haven't been uploaded yet because Fiondil is very
busy at work at the moment and there are a lot of them.
Some of them are on the site already though. I haven't made any into
nominee benners yet, but I let Fiondil know that I would be happy to
cross any over if anyone wants one.

So, basically if anyone see a winner banner (under the name Eleanor)
that they would like as a nominee banner then just let us know and
I'lll make you one.


Msg# 8885

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by May 26, 2008 - 1:14:52 Topic ID# 8845
I wasn't thinking of winners banners. That's a long way off. I was only
thinking of the nominee banners.

**************Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with
Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8886

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by kimberli leal May 26, 2008 - 2:02:23 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Marta,

Sounds good to me, I will just coordinate with Fiondil on what he wants to do.


----- Original Message ----
From: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 8:33:50 PM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons

Hi Cactuskim,

I think it makes the most sense to handle this through the liaisons.
I've just told the liaison team to tell authors (if they give out the
password) that several more banners will be added at the beginning of
June and throughout the nomination season - so they can hold off if they
like for better selection, or can go ahead and choose if they prefer.
Does that sound okay?

Btw, in the interest of full disclosure - I have created several banners
myself, but because there were so many I've uploaded them myself.
(Fiondil and I discussed this, and it made more sense than me emailing
them to him.) I didn't do this to rush ahead of you guys who are waiting
until June 1, though. :-)


kimberli leal wrote:
> Hi Marta,
> Fiondil had told us (the banner makers ;p) to hold off on sending him
> more banners until after June first when he would have time to go thru
> them and load them... he has been coordinating winner banners so that we
> will have good variety. In addition to winner banners, I have also made
> some nominee banners, but I have not sent them out to him yet. Since
> people are starting to download nominee banners, do you want me to send
> those to you or someone else before June first?
> Cactuskim
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: "melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton%> "
> <melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton%> >
> To: MEFAwards@yahoogrou <mailto:MEFAwards% 40yahoogroups. com>
> Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 11:05:27 AM
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
> Hi Lily,
> Yep, any nominated author can download the banners made for nominees.
> Later in the awards session, you'll be given information to download
> banners for reviewers who meet their reviewing goal, and people whose
> stories win an award.
> To download a banner:
> 1. Go to http://www.mefaward and login. (I'll email you the
> password privately.)
> 2. Click on the link for 2008 Nominees.
> 3. Find the banner you would like to use and click on the image.
> 4. Click the download button.
> This will download the image to your computer. You can then use it like
> any other image.
> Will send you that password privately right now.
> Marta
> Lily Hawker-Yates wrote:
> >
> >
> > You know, there are several things today I've been really stupid about
> > (I think I may be turning blonde.....) but....we can download
> > banners????? *hehe* what fun! can I.......
> >  
> > Lily
> >  
> > p.s didn't Eurovision *suck* :-(
> >
> >  
> >
> > --- On Sun, 25/5/08, melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton%>
> > <melayton@ gmail. com <mailto:melayton%> > wrote:
> >
> > From: melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton%>
> > <melayton@ gmail. com <mailto:melayton%> >
> > Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
> > To: MEFAwards@yahoogrou <mailto:MEFAwards% 40yahoogroups. com>
> > Date: Sunday, 25 May, 2008, 6:13 AM
> >
> > Hi Alassante,
> >
> > The reason you can't download it is because you need to be logged in to
> > the banner website. (And it requires a special log in - not what you use
> > for the rest of the MEFA website.) I have set up a username/password for
> > all of the MEFA nominees, which I have encouraged liaisons to give their
> > authors on request.
> >
> > I'll email you the password privately. (We password-protect it so not
> > just anyone can download banners - only the people who are actually
> > nominated.) If any other nominated author would like to download
> > banners, let me know.
> >
> > Marta
> >
> > alassante7 wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Am I the only one having problems downloading the banners and icons
> > > for 2008? The download option doesn't appear to be available.
> > >
> >
> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
> > Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
> > A Smarter Email nowyoucan. html
> > < nowyoucan. html>
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8887

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by kimberli leal May 26, 2008 - 2:26:27 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Fiondil,

I will send out the nominee ones I have already made to you on Tuesday, and hold the rest back. I have already done a few Gimili's and also Legolas ones, but am planing on doing more. I also have some Weapons, and Banner Banners... *Grin* that sounds like bad English, but you know what I mean; Banner pics on Banners (and buttons/icons) ;p. Also several ME type scenery from my own photos.

Oh! your trip home sounds fascinating!

----- Original Message ----
From: Arthur Boccaccio <>
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 9:53:48 PM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons

Hey all,

Your friendly banner coordinator here. If you are looking through the
banners and don't see what you're looking for please contact either me ( or Marta and tell us. I have been keeping track of the
kinds of banners we have and those that we lack. More banners with the
hobbits is one of them. There are also too few Legolas and Gimli banners as
well. Hopefully, we will have more before the end of the voting period.

Banner makers (You know who you are): if you have any *NOMINEE* banners
ready, go ahead and send them to me. Keep the Reviewers and Winners banners
until after June 1. I hope to have all the banners in place before I leave
China at the end of July, as I'll be out of computer range for a couple of
weeks as I make my way across Asia via the Trans-Mongolian Railway to Moscow
and then eventually into Europe. *grin*

Again, if anyone would like to see a particular subject matter for the
banners (whether nominee, reviewer or winners) please let us know so we can
assign them to one of the banner makers.

Thank you.


On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 11:33 AM, <>

> Hi Cactuskim,
> I think it makes the most sense to handle this through the liaisons.
> I've just told the liaison team to tell authors (if they give out the
> password) that several more banners will be added at the beginning of
> June and throughout the nomination season - so they can hold off if they
> like for better selection, or can go ahead and choose if they prefer.
> Does that sound okay?
> Btw, in the interest of full disclosure - I have created several banners
> myself, but because there were so many I've uploaded them myself.
> (Fiondil and I discussed this, and it made more sense than me emailing
> them to him.) I didn't do this to rush ahead of you guys who are waiting
> until June 1, though. :-)
> Marta
> kimberli leal wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi Marta,
> >
> > Fiondil had told us (the banner makers ;p) to hold off on sending him
> > more banners until after June first when he would have time to go thru
> > them and load them... he has been coordinating winner banners so that we
> > will have good variety. In addition to winner banners, I have also made
> > some nominee banners, but I have not sent them out to him yet. Since
> > people are starting to download nominee banners, do you want me to send
> > those to you or someone else before June first?
> >
> > Cactuskim
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----
> > From: " <> <mailto:
> <>>"
> > < <> <<>
> >>
> > To: <> <mailto:
> <>>
> > Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 11:05:27 AM
> > Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
> >
> > Hi Lily,
> >
> > Yep, any nominated author can download the banners made for nominees.
> > Later in the awards session, you'll be given information to download
> > banners for reviewers who meet their reviewing goal, and people whose
> > stories win an award.
> >
> > To download a banner:
> >
> > 1. Go to http://www.mefaward and login. (I'll email you
> the
> > password privately.)
> > 2. Click on the link for 2008 Nominees.
> > 3. Find the banner you would like to use and click on the image.
> > 4. Click the download button.
> >
> > This will download the image to your computer. You can then use it like
> > any other image.
> >
> > Will send you that password privately right now.
> >
> > Marta
> >
> > Lily Hawker-Yates wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > You know, there are several things today I've been really stupid about
> > > (I think I may be turning blonde.....) but....we can download
> > > banners????? *hehe* what fun! can I.......
> > >  
> > > Lily
> > >  
> > > p.s didn't Eurovision *suck* :-(
> > >
> > >  
> > >
> > > --- On Sun, 25/5/08, melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton%<melayton%25>
> > > <melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton% <melayton%25>>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > From: melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton% <melayton%25>>
> > > <melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton% <melayton%25>>
> >
> > > Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
> > > To: MEFAwards@yahoogrou <mailto:MEFAwards% <MEFAwards%25>40yahoogroups. com>
> > > Date: Sunday, 25 May, 2008, 6:13 AM
> > >
> > > Hi Alassante,
> > >
> > > The reason you can't download it is because you need to be logged in to
> > > the banner website. (And it requires a special log in - not what you
> use
> > > for the rest of the MEFA website.) I have set up a username/password
> for
> > > all of the MEFA nominees, which I have encouraged liaisons to give
> their
> > > authors on request.
> > >
> > > I'll email you the password privately. (We password-protect it so not
> > > just anyone can download banners - only the people who are actually
> > > nominated.) If any other nominated author would like to download
> > > banners, let me know.
> > >
> > > Marta
> > >
> > > alassante7 wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Am I the only one having problems downloading the banners and
> icons
> > > > for 2008? The download option doesn't appear to be available.
> > > >
> > >
> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
> > > Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
> > > A Smarter Email nowyoucan. html
> > > < nowyoucan. html>
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> > >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Visit our website:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8888

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by kimberli leal May 26, 2008 - 2:34:21 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Cathleen,

I have added a couple Merry's and a couple Merry-Pippin's and one with all 4 which wioll show up in June. Hopefully that added to the many that Lora is working on (thank you Lora, and thank you Nautika for reminding me lara is working on them) should give you good variety this year.


----- Original Message ----
From: Cathleen <>
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 5:15:26 PM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Re: Banners/Icons

Hi Cactuskim! Thanks so much for letting me know that! I would personally love to see plenty of the 4 hobbits together for a good selection of choices, plus some nice individual ones and Merry and Pippin together. I recall that last year I had a bit of a difficult time finding some of just those hobbits that I really liked. Thanks again!

kimberli leal <> wrote:
Hi Cathleen,

I have a Pippin nomination already made up using some of my own art work but it is not posted yet. I can also make up a Merry, and one of them together if you need for nominations (I also have winner versions of most of the nominations ones I have done). As for winner banners Fiondil is organizing the Winner banners and many of them are not up right now but will be soon.... others may have done some Merry and Pippen for winner banners also since that was discussed, but I don't know everything that others have done.

Cactuskim... . off to do a few more banners. ;p

----- Original Message ----
From: Cathleen <virginia_lee_ redcat@yahoo. com>
To: MEFAwards@yahoogrou
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 2:35:03 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Banners/Icons

I've just taken a look and see there are some lovely ones so far!
Question though - I didn't see much of Merry and Pippin, or pictures
that featured the 4 hobbits together. I did see quite a few of Sam and
Frodo. Of course, since most of my stories are hobbit-centric, and
Merry and Pip in particular, I wonder if there will be more made??

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

"Beautiful, glorious Scotland, has spoilt me for every other country!"

Mary Todd Lincoln

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8889

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Cathleen May 26, 2008 - 6:22:58 Topic ID# 8845
Hey, sorry, I didn't know there was a specific person I needed to mention this to! I was only making the comment and I didn't know about anyone's plans for more of anything, or who does what with icons and banners.

kimberli leal <> wrote:
Hi Fiondil,

I will send out the nominee ones I have already made to you on Tuesday, and hold the rest back. I have already done a few Gimili's and also Legolas ones, but am planing on doing more. I also have some Weapons, and Banner Banners... *Grin* that sounds like bad English, but you know what I mean; Banner pics on Banners (and buttons/icons) ;p. Also several ME type scenery from my own photos.

Oh! your trip home sounds fascinating!

----- Original Message ----
From: Arthur Boccaccio
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 9:53:48 PM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons

Hey all,

Your friendly banner coordinator here. If you are looking through the
banners and don't see what you're looking for please contact either me ( or Marta and tell us. I have been keeping track of the
kinds of banners we have and those that we lack. More banners with the
hobbits is one of them. There are also too few Legolas and Gimli banners as
well. Hopefully, we will have more before the end of the voting period.

Banner makers (You know who you are): if you have any *NOMINEE* banners
ready, go ahead and send them to me. Keep the Reviewers and Winners banners
until after June 1. I hope to have all the banners in place before I leave
China at the end of July, as I'll be out of computer range for a couple of
weeks as I make my way across Asia via the Trans-Mongolian Railway to Moscow
and then eventually into Europe. *grin*

Again, if anyone would like to see a particular subject matter for the
banners (whether nominee, reviewer or winners) please let us know so we can
assign them to one of the banner makers.

Thank you.


On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 11:33 AM,

> Hi Cactuskim,
> I think it makes the most sense to handle this through the liaisons.
> I've just told the liaison team to tell authors (if they give out the
> password) that several more banners will be added at the beginning of
> June and throughout the nomination season - so they can hold off if they
> like for better selection, or can go ahead and choose if they prefer.
> Does that sound okay?
> Btw, in the interest of full disclosure - I have created several banners
> myself, but because there were so many I've uploaded them myself.
> (Fiondil and I discussed this, and it made more sense than me emailing
> them to him.) I didn't do this to rush ahead of you guys who are waiting
> until June 1, though. :-)
> Marta
> kimberli leal wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi Marta,
> >
> > Fiondil had told us (the banner makers ;p) to hold off on sending him
> > more banners until after June first when he would have time to go thru
> > them and load them... he has been coordinating winner banners so that we
> > will have good variety. In addition to winner banners, I have also made
> > some nominee banners, but I have not sent them out to him yet. Since
> > people are starting to download nominee banners, do you want me to send
> > those to you or someone else before June first?
> >
> > Cactuskim
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----
> > From: " > >"
> >
> >>
> > To: > >
> > Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 11:05:27 AM
> > Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
> >
> > Hi Lily,
> >
> > Yep, any nominated author can download the banners made for nominees.
> > Later in the awards session, you'll be given information to download
> > banners for reviewers who meet their reviewing goal, and people whose
> > stories win an award.
> >
> > To download a banner:
> >
> > 1. Go to http://www.mefaward and login. (I'll email you
> the
> > password privately.)
> > 2. Click on the link for 2008 Nominees.
> > 3. Find the banner you would like to use and click on the image.
> > 4. Click the download button.
> >
> > This will download the image to your computer. You can then use it like
> > any other image.
> >
> > Will send you that password privately right now.
> >
> > Marta
> >
> > Lily Hawker-Yates wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > You know, there are several things today I've been really stupid about
> > > (I think I may be turning blonde.....) but....we can download
> > > banners????? *hehe* what fun! can I.......
> > >
> > > Lily
> > >
> > > p.s didn't Eurovision *suck* :-(
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- On Sun, 25/5/08, melayton@gmail. com
> > > <melayton@gmail. com>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > From: melayton@gmail. com>
> > > <melayton@gmail. com>
> >
> > > Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
> > > To: MEFAwards@yahoogrou 40yahoogroups. com>
> > > Date: Sunday, 25 May, 2008, 6:13 AM
> > >
> > > Hi Alassante,
> > >
> > > The reason you can't download it is because you need to be logged in to
> > > the banner website. (And it requires a special log in - not what you
> use
> > > for the rest of the MEFA website.) I have set up a username/password
> for
> > > all of the MEFA nominees, which I have encouraged liaisons to give
> their
> > > authors on request.
> > >
> > > I'll email you the password privately. (We password-protect it so not
> > > just anyone can download banners - only the people who are actually
> > > nominated.) If any other nominated author would like to download
> > > banners, let me know.
> > >
> > > Marta
> > >
> > > alassante7 wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Am I the only one having problems downloading the banners and
> icons
> > > > for 2008? The download option doesn't appear to be available.
> > > >
> > >
> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
> > > Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
> > > A Smarter Email nowyoucan. html
> > >
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> > >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Námo to an
Unidentified Elven Fëa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lómë! Utúlie'n aurë! — Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurë entuluva! — Battle Cry of Húrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utúlie'n Estel — Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Visit our website:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Visit our website:! Groups Links

"Beautiful, glorious Scotland, has spoilt me for every other country!"

Mary Todd Lincoln

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8890

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Cathleen May 26, 2008 - 6:24:38 Topic ID# 8845
Hey, thanks. Having not ever worked on your end of the awards I didn't know who to say something to, and I appreciate your reply, as well as the work of all the others here who are doing this!

kimberli leal <> wrote:
Hi Cathleen,

I have added a couple Merry's and a couple Merry-Pippin's and one with all 4 which wioll show up in June. Hopefully that added to the many that Lora is working on (thank you Lora, and thank you Nautika for reminding me lara is working on them) should give you good variety this year.


----- Original Message ----
From: Cathleen <>
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 5:15:26 PM
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Re: Banners/Icons

Hi Cactuskim! Thanks so much for letting me know that! I would personally love to see plenty of the 4 hobbits together for a good selection of choices, plus some nice individual ones and Merry and Pippin together. I recall that last year I had a bit of a difficult time finding some of just those hobbits that I really liked. Thanks again!

kimberli leal <> wrote:
Hi Cathleen,

I have a Pippin nomination already made up using some of my own art work but it is not posted yet. I can also make up a Merry, and one of them together if you need for nominations (I also have winner versions of most of the nominations ones I have done). As for winner banners Fiondil is organizing the Winner banners and many of them are not up right now but will be soon.... others may have done some Merry and Pippen for winner banners also since that was discussed, but I don't know everything that others have done.

Cactuskim... . off to do a few more banners. ;p

----- Original Message ----
From: Cathleen <virginia_lee_ redcat@yahoo. com>
To: MEFAwards@yahoogrou
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 2:35:03 PM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Banners/Icons

I've just taken a look and see there are some lovely ones so far!
Question though - I didn't see much of Merry and Pippin, or pictures
that featured the 4 hobbits together. I did see quite a few of Sam and
Frodo. Of course, since most of my stories are hobbit-centric, and
Merry and Pip in particular, I wonder if there will be more made??

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

"Beautiful, glorious Scotland, has spoilt me for every other country!"

Mary Todd Lincoln

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

"Beautiful, glorious Scotland, has spoilt me for every other country!"

Mary Todd Lincoln

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8891

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Eleanor (Elea) May 26, 2008 - 6:38:44 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Cathleen

Don't worry. We all (myself, Nautika, Marta, Cactuskim, Baranduin) do a
bit of everything and between us we are doing our very best to get as
wide and varied a range of banners as possible.
Suggestions are always helpful though and hopefully if someone would
like something specific they will ask their liaison to contact Fiondil
about it.


--- In, Cathleen <virginia_lee_redcat@...>
> Hey, sorry, I didn't know there was a specific person I needed to
mention this to! I was only making the comment and I didn't know about
anyone's plans for more of anything, or who does what with icons and
> Cathleen

Msg# 8892

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by nau\_tika May 26, 2008 - 6:49:28 Topic ID# 8845
LOL, Kim. I was trying to say that there are Hobbit banners waiting out
here. I expect most of us have lots of banners just waiting for as soon
as Fiondil's real life gives him a free minute.


--- In, kimberli leal <kim@...> wrote:
> Hi Nautika,
> She offered to tackle the Hobbits ... *Snicker* that creates
an 'interesting' mental image ;p... so I was not planing on doing very
much with Hobbits. The only thing I was going to do was to make a
handful using some of my original art work which only I can use, and
maybe a couple using some rare images I have acquired over the
years..... I'm not the type to go on a Hobbit Binge ;p
> Cactuskim

Msg# 8893

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by nau\_tika May 26, 2008 - 6:52:58 Topic ID# 8845
No problem, Cathleen. *repeats what Elea said* Grin!


--- In, "Eleanor (Elea)" <eleabella@...>
> Hi Cathleen
> Don't worry. We all (myself, Nautika, Marta, Cactuskim, Baranduin)
do a
> bit of everything and between us we are doing our very best to get
> wide and varied a range of banners as possible.
> Suggestions are always helpful though and hopefully if someone
> like something specific they will ask their liaison to contact
> about it.
> Elea

Msg# 8894

Re: Banners/Icons Posted by Arthur Boccaccio May 26, 2008 - 7:02:53 Topic ID# 8845
Hi Kim,

That will be fine. I look forward to seeing them.

Yes, the trip is both fascinating and expensive but I think I deserve a
little R&R and I love traveling by train. *grin*


On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 3:26 PM, kimberli leal <> wrote:

> Hi Fiondil,
> I will send out the nominee ones I have already made to you on Tuesday,
> and hold the rest back. I have already done a few Gimili's and also
> Legolas ones, but am planing on doing more. I also have some Weapons, and
> Banner Banners... *Grin* that sounds like bad English, but you know what I
> mean; Banner pics on Banners (and buttons/icons) ;p. Also several ME type
> scenery from my own photos.
> Oh! your trip home sounds fascinating!
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Arthur Boccaccio <>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 9:53:48 PM
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
> Hey all,
> Your friendly banner coordinator here. If you are looking through the
> banners and don't see what you're looking for please contact either me (
> or Marta and tell us. I have been keeping track of the
> kinds of banners we have and those that we lack. More banners with the
> hobbits is one of them. There are also too few Legolas and Gimli banners as
> well. Hopefully, we will have more before the end of the voting period.
> Banner makers (You know who you are): if you have any *NOMINEE* banners
> ready, go ahead and send them to me. Keep the Reviewers and Winners banners
> until after June 1. I hope to have all the banners in place before I leave
> China at the end of July, as I'll be out of computer range for a couple of
> weeks as I make my way across Asia via the Trans-Mongolian Railway to
> Moscow
> and then eventually into Europe. *grin*
> Again, if anyone would like to see a particular subject matter for the
> banners (whether nominee, reviewer or winners) please let us know so we can
> assign them to one of the banner makers.
> Thank you.
> Fiondil
> On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 11:33 AM, <>
> wrote:
> > Hi Cactuskim,
> >
> > I think it makes the most sense to handle this through the liaisons.
> > I've just told the liaison team to tell authors (if they give out the
> > password) that several more banners will be added at the beginning of
> > June and throughout the nomination season - so they can hold off if they
> > like for better selection, or can go ahead and choose if they prefer.
> > Does that sound okay?
> >
> > Btw, in the interest of full disclosure - I have created several banners
> > myself, but because there were so many I've uploaded them myself.
> > (Fiondil and I discussed this, and it made more sense than me emailing
> > them to him.) I didn't do this to rush ahead of you guys who are waiting
> > until June 1, though. :-)
> >
> > Marta
> >
> > kimberli leal wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi Marta,
> > >
> > > Fiondil had told us (the banner makers ;p) to hold off on sending him
> > > more banners until after June first when he would have time to go thru
> > > them and load them... he has been coordinating winner banners so that
> we
> > > will have good variety. In addition to winner banners, I have also made
> > > some nominee banners, but I have not sent them out to him yet. Since
> > > people are starting to download nominee banners, do you want me to send
> > > those to you or someone else before June first?
> > >
> > > Cactuskim
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message ----
> > > From: " <> <mailto:
> > <>>"
> > > < <> <mailto:
> <><>
> > >>
> > > To: <> <mailto:
> > <>>
> > > Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 11:05:27 AM
> > > Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
> > >
> > > Hi Lily,
> > >
> > > Yep, any nominated author can download the banners made for nominees.
> > > Later in the awards session, you'll be given information to download
> > > banners for reviewers who meet their reviewing goal, and people whose
> > > stories win an award.
> > >
> > > To download a banner:
> > >
> > > 1. Go to http://www.mefaward and login. (I'll email you
> > the
> > > password privately.)
> > > 2. Click on the link for 2008 Nominees.
> > > 3. Find the banner you would like to use and click on the image.
> > > 4. Click the download button.
> > >
> > > This will download the image to your computer. You can then use it like
> > > any other image.
> > >
> > > Will send you that password privately right now.
> > >
> > > Marta
> > >
> > > Lily Hawker-Yates wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > You know, there are several things today I've been really stupid
> about
> > > > (I think I may be turning blonde.....) but....we can download
> > > > banners????? *hehe* what fun! can I.......
> > > >  
> > > > Lily
> > > >  
> > > > p.s didn't Eurovision *suck* :-(
> > > >
> > > >  
> > > >
> > > > --- On Sun, 25/5/08, melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton%<melayton%25>
> <melayton%25>
> >>
> > > > <melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton% <melayton%25><melayton%25>
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > From: melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton% <melayton%25><melayton%25>
> > > > <melayton@gmail. com <mailto:melayton% <melayton%25><melayton%25>
> > >
> > > > Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Banners/Icons
> > > > To: MEFAwards@yahoogrou <mailto:MEFAwards% <MEFAwards%25><MEFAwards%25>40yahoogroups. com>
> > > > Date: Sunday, 25 May, 2008, 6:13 AM
> > > >
> > > > Hi Alassante,
> > > >
> > > > The reason you can't download it is because you need to be logged in
> to
> > > > the banner website. (And it requires a special log in - not what you
> > use
> > > > for the rest of the MEFA website.) I have set up a username/password
> > for
> > > > all of the MEFA nominees, which I have encouraged liaisons to give
> > their
> > > > authors on request.
> > > >
> > > > I'll email you the password privately. (We password-protect it so not
> > > > just anyone can download banners - only the people who are actually
> > > > nominated.) If any other nominated author would like to download
> > > > banners, let me know.
> > > >
> > > > Marta
> > > >
> > > > alassante7 wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Am I the only one having problems downloading the banners and
> > icons
> > > > > for 2008? The download option doesn't appear to be available.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
> > > > Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
> > > > A Smarter Email nowyoucan. html
> > > > < nowyoucan. html>
> > > >
> > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> "What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
> Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief
> ****
> Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor
> Nirnaeth
> Arnediad
> Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad
> Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Visit our website:! Groups Links

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8895

Re: FAQ Additions to MEFA Website Posted by Dawn Felagund May 26, 2008 - 8:23:13 Topic ID# 8833
Thanks, nautika, Kathy, and Dreamflower! I'm glad that you like the new
guide ... and I am extra-pleased that some who have been around the MEFAs
for some time have nonetheless learned something from it! :)


Dawn Felagund

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8896

Multiple Memberships and Misc. Site Updates Posted by May 27, 2008 - 12:52:21 Topic ID# 8896
Hey guys,

This year the awards volunteers (esp. Elliska and myself) have noticed
that there are several authors who have ended up with more than one
account. There are lots of ways this can happen, through no fault of the
member's - for instance, if an author's penname and Yahoo ID are
different; or if the author publishes under more than one penname.

If you have more than one membership at the voting website (or know of
someone you suspect does), *please* let us know so we can address the
problem. This is important because you can vote through each membership,
so in theory people with more than one account could vote more than once
for the same story. I'm not suggesting anyone has done this, but even
the possibility can throw doubts on the award's results - and I want
those results to be bulletproof. :-)

For the last few weeks, new members joining the MEFAwards group have
been asked whether they have any other pennames and whether they've ever
participated in the awards before. Liaisons are also starting to ask
those same questions to new authors. So hopefully we'll cut down on this
problem in the future.

To help address this issue, I have written two new FAQs, and Tanaqui has
uploaded them to the website:
"Can the same author be nominated under different names" in the
Nominations FAQ
"Can I have more than one account?" in the Voting FAQ

If you think you might have more than one account, please email
mefasupport(.at)mefawards(.dot.)net so we can investigate the situation,
and correct it if need be. You won't be criticized or punished in any
way - in fact, I'll likely be very happy to be aware of the problem.


Also, Tanaqui has made a few minor site additions and corrections:

--- There was an error in the way the email address of an author's
liaison was displaying at some places on the site: the site was adding a
period to the beginning of the email address. This has now been fixed.
If you've had a hard time reaching your liaison, please check to see if
this might have corrected the problem.

--- Per Dreamflower's suggestion [at MEFAwards], Tanaqui edited the New
Members Guide. The guide now contains a link to the review strategies
from veteran reviewers.

--- There was a small error in how super-long author names were
displayed on the website - they were being shortened, but not quite in
the right way. That's now been fixed.

Thank you, Tanaqui and Aranel, for all your hard work making the site
work so well! If anyone else notices the site behaving oddly, please let
us know.


Msg# 8897

ADMIN - Searching for Stories to Read Posted by May 29, 2008 - 15:41:23 Topic ID# 8897
Hey guys,

It's Thursday, so time for another educational email from me about the
awards. This week I'm going to talk about finding the story you'd like
to review. Because there are currently 477 stories nominated, so it's
easy to miss a story you'd like to read in all that.

First, let me repeat advice that I've heard from many people involved in
these awards: VOTE EARLY and VOTE OFTEN. As I said there's 477 stories
nominated already, and that number is likely to grow because people
still have more than two weeks to nominate stories. You're not expected
to read every story or vote for every story you read - but you can get
to a lot more if you start reading now and continue plugging away at it
throughout the awards. You'll also have the time to read longer stories
if you choose to do so.

Now on to the ways to find those stories to read. Because our web
developers have given you some pretty powerful tools to use.



If you know a certain story you would like to vote for and you know the
ID # it has on the MEFA website you can find it easily. While logged to
the MEFA2008 website, click on the "Stories" link at the top of any
page. Once the "List of Nominations" page loads, enter the ID number
followed by the # sign into the search bar and click search.

If you know the title but not the ID number, you can search for that
using the search bar. This will return any stories with those words in
the title, author's name, or summary, so you will need to pick the right



Now, maybe you want to find stories about your favorite character, or
set around a certain event, etc. - in other words, you want to find
*new* stories you've never heard of. This is where the filters come in.
The filters are a set of drop-down menus that allow you to find certain
types of stories.

To find the filters, log in to the MEFA2008 website and click the
"Stories" link at the top of the page. Now click the "Show Filter" link,
and you'll see a series of dropdown lists that you can use. For a
rundown of what the various filters do, see

But basically, if there is a question for it on the nomination form, you
can probably use the filters to bring up all the stories whose authors
selected that nomination.

The filters also provide an easy way to find the stories that you've
already reviewed. Select the appropriate status off the "Review Status"
filter, and this will bring up all the stories where you've entered that
type of review. So if you know you entered a draft review that you'd
like to edit, but can't remember the exact title of the story, use this
filter to display all of the stories for which you've entered draft reviews.

The "Genre, Race, Time Choice" is another very powerful filter. When an
author is selecting what category they want their story in, they select
three category choices. Obviously it can only compete in one. But maybe
you want to find all the stories that involve hobbits, or are Alternate
Universe stories, even if the story didn't end up in that category. The
GRT filter is a good way to find all the pieces that selected a certain
main category as one of their choices. You won't find *all* the stories
involving hobbits this way (some authors might have selected two genres
and one time category, and skipped over races entirely, for example).
But you will find most of them.

One last thing about filters: you are allowed to select from more than
one filter at a time - for instance, you could select "Pippin" from the
characters and "Gondor" from the settings. But be careful about doing
this. If you select more than one filter at a time, it will only display
pieces that selected *both* those options. Also, the filters are
"sticky," meaning that when you reload the page it remembers what
filters you selected. So you always want to make sure you clear out your
previous filter choices before selecting new ones. You can do this by
clicking the "Clear All Filters" button at the bottom of the list of



Quick links are new this year. You can see them below the filters but
above the first story listing. There are clickable links to "Places,"
"Characters," "Events," "Subgenre", "Story Length," or "Source." Click
on one, and it will show you a list of all the options of that type.

For instance, click "Characters." This will show you a list of all the
characters that authors could choose from when filling out their story
form. There's also a number to show how many stories have selected that
option. Click on the character name, and it will bring up all the
stories featuring that character, just like you'd see on the main story
list. You can even enter reviews from this page and add stories to your
skip or wish list.

If you change your mind and decide you'd like to look at a different
character, you can hide these stories by clicking on the character name
again, then clicking on the new character name you'd like to display.
(You can display more than one character at a time if you like, but some
people prefer to only display one character's story at a time.)

The other quick-links work the same way. If you'd prefer to look at,
say, all the stories with a certain setting, or of a certain length,
then click the "Stories" link at the top of the page and then choose the
quick-link you'd like.

I'm really excited about quick links because they show you very simply
how many stories are available with a certain character, or setting, or
whatever. They're less powerful than the filter list, but I think for
some members it will provide a very nice tool for narrowing down the
list of stories.



Another new feature this year is the randomly-selected story. Every time
you visit the Home Page, a new story will be displayed, selected
randomly from the stories you haven't reviewed yet. So if you're not
sure what exactly you'd like to read, this might be a good place to
start. See if that randomly-selected story sparks your interest.



Also, don't forget that you don't *have* to use any of these tools. If
you prefer, you can just look at the full list of nominated stories, and
start reading every story that interests you from the top of the list.
The stories are displayed in a different order to each member, so you
won't be unfairly benefiting some authors more than others.


I think that's it. If you have trouble

Msg# 8898

Re: ADMIN - Searching for Stories to Read Posted by aure\_enteluva May 29, 2008 - 15:54:52 Topic ID# 8897
Hey guys,

Oops! I hit send too soon.


> I think that's it. If you have trouble

I meant to say:

"I think that's it. If you have trouble please feel free to ask for
help here.




Msg# 8899

Nominations and "At-Risk" Groups Posted by May 29, 2008 - 17:46:23 Topic ID# 8899
Hey guys,

I was looking at the stories that have been nominated and wanted to give
you guys an update on some "at-risk" categories and subcategories.

I mentioned Non-Fiction stories before, and there are now 7 essays
nominated, so we'll probably be able to have a category there. It will
be on the small side, though, so if you know good essays that haven't
already been nominated, please feel free to nominate them. For the
record, the following nonfiction works have been nominated:

--- "A Woman in Few Words: The Character of Nerdanel and Her Treatment
in Canon and Fandom" by Dawn Felagund
--- "Arvedui v. Pelendur" by Roh Wyn
--- "Galdor: An Elf By Any Other Name..." by Marta
--- "Name Calling: Group Identity and the Other among First Age Elves"
by Angelica
--- "On Canon and Fanfic" by Marta
--- "One Step More  The Heroism of Frodo Baggins" by ConnieMarie
--- "Tolkien's Parish: The Canonical Middle-earth" by Steuard Jensen

Poetry worries me more. There are currently 11 poems nominated. Usually
we like to place poems in a special poetry subcategory within one of
their selected main categories. This meant that poems would not only be
competing against other poems, but also against other poems involving
the same time period or race, or about the same genre. In other words,
humorous limericks probably wouldn't go head-to-head with dramatic odes
or romantic sonnets. (Or at least if they did, they'd have something
else in common.)

But with only 11 poems, we probably won't be able to split them up like
this. Instead, we'll probably have one category for all the poems, and
split it up as best as we can into subcategories. We did this last year,
and it was better than not having *any* poetry groupings, but definitely
not an ideal situation - we did it because we didn't have enough poems
to divide them up any other way. So if you know of any noteworthy poems
that haven't been nominated, please put them forward. The more poems
nominated, the better we can categorize them so that they only compete
against similar poems.

For your record, the following poems have been nominated:

--- "Answers" by Armariel
--- "Bearer of the Ring" by ConnieMarie
--- "Elrond's Farewell" by Armariel
--- "Maglor's Song" by Robinka
--- "Philosophia to Philomythus and Misomythus" by Pandemonium_213
--- "Rebirth" by Aranel Took
--- "Shire" by Aranel Took
--- "Temptation" by Princess Artemis
--- "The Bridge" by Armariel
--- "The Gardener Speaks" by Armariel
--- "Three Songs" by Lindelea

Finally, here are some groupings that are danger of not having a viable

For finished stories:

--- only four have selected "Genres: Crossover"
--- only four have selected "Genres: Longer Works"
--- only six have selected "Genres: Mystery"
--- only four have selected "Races: Dwarves"
--- only seven have selected "Races: Other Beings"
--- only six have selected "Races: Villains"
--- only six have selected "Times: Early Third Age (1-2850 TA/pre-1250 SR)"
--- only six have selected "Times: Modern Times"
--- only seven have selected "Times: Multi-Age"

--- only twenty-one works-in-progress have been nominated, in any category.

(Fixed-length ficlets are a bit harder to judge what's really in danger;
I'll try to look at them for next week.)

Some of these categories have just enough to be viable, but only if we
pull a bunch of stories into their third choice. Which we usually try
not to do. Others, we won't be able to have a place for those stories in
the mentioned main category as things now stand; the stories will be put
in one of their other category choices.

Now, I'm not saying go out and nominate a bunch of stories just because
they would fit in any of these groupings. But if you are looking over
these lists and thinking "Gee, I know a spectacular Crossover that's
never been nominated!" (or a piece set in the Early Third Age, or about
Dwarves... you get the picture), you might want to consider nominating
it. Don't do this *just* to fill up a category  we always make things
work, and I'd rather have good stories all around than full categories
all around  but maybe have a think on which of your favorite stories
might fit well in these categories. And if anything jumps to mind, feel
free to go ahead and nominate it.


--- nominators have until June 15 to nominate stories
--- authors have until June 21 to finalize their nominations

Both days end at 11:59:59 PM GMT. The current official site time when
you loaded the webpage is displayed at the bottom of every page of the
MEFA2008 website, in the bottom left corner.



Msg# 8900

Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by May 31, 2008 - 10:11:37 Topic ID# 8810
Hey guys,

Here is a list of hard-to-reach authors. All of these authors were
nominated before May 24, and all of them do not have other stories
they've begun work on.


Lady Sunrope (liaison: elea24)
#350: "A Commotion About a Potion" nominated by: Baranduin on 14 May 2008

PeppyPower (liaison: brindlemom2)
#326: "Not Speak or Whisper" nominated by: Calenlass Greenleaf on 11 May

Queen Galadriel (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
#402: "Call of the Dream" nominated by: Dreamflower on 18 May 2008

Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
#166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
May 2008

Vana Tuivana (liaison: elliska)
#343: "The Night's Eye" nominated by: Dwimordene on 12 May 2008

Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
#132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008


I hope that we can reach these authors so they can compete. However, it
has to be said - you guys have done a really awesome job tracking down
hard-to-reach authors.


--- you may nominate a piece until 11:59 PM GMT on June 15.
--- authors must finalize a nomination by 11:59 PM GMT on June 21, or it
will not be able to compete.

(For the official time go to any MEFA2008 website. The time that page
was loaded at will be displayed in the lower left corner, beside "Page
Served At: ".)


Msg# 8901

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Arthur Boccaccio May 31, 2008 - 10:20:18 Topic ID# 8810
Hey Marta,

I know for a fact that PeppyPower has been having some internet problems
lately (she lives in Germany). I will try to reach her via a friend. I was
going to email her friend this weekend anyway and will give her the
necessary information.


On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 8:10 AM, <>

> Hey guys,
> Here is a list of hard-to-reach authors. All of these authors were
> nominated before May 24, and all of them do not have other stories
> they've begun work on.
> ***************************
> Lady Sunrope (liaison: elea24)
> #350: "A Commotion About a Potion" nominated by: Baranduin on 14 May 2008
> PeppyPower (liaison: brindlemom2)
> #326: "Not Speak or Whisper" nominated by: Calenlass Greenleaf on 11 May
> 2008
> Queen Galadriel (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
> #402: "Call of the Dream" nominated by: Dreamflower on 18 May 2008
> Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> #166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
> May 2008
> Vana Tuivana (liaison: elliska)
> #343: "The Night's Eye" nominated by: Dwimordene on 12 May 2008
> Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
> #132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> ***************************
> I hope that we can reach these authors so they can compete. However, it
> has to be said - you guys have done a really awesome job tracking down
> hard-to-reach authors.
> --- you may nominate a piece until 11:59 PM GMT on June 15.
> --- authors must finalize a nomination by 11:59 PM GMT on June 21, or it
> will not be able to compete.
> (For the official time go to any MEFA2008 website. The time that page
> was loaded at will be displayed in the lower left corner, beside "Page
> Served At: ".)
> Marta

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8902

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by May 31, 2008 - 10:24:59 Topic ID# 8810
Hi Fiondil,

Thanks - I'll tell PeppyPower's liaison to hold off doing anything on
these nominations for a while.


Arthur Boccaccio wrote:
> Hey Marta,
> I know for a fact that PeppyPower has been having some internet problems
> lately (she lives in Germany). I will try to reach her via a friend. I was
> going to email her friend this weekend anyway and will give her the
> necessary information.
> Fiondil

Msg# 8903

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Arthur Boccaccio May 31, 2008 - 10:28:54 Topic ID# 8810
It might help if I have her liasion's email addy to give her and then she
can contact her directly assuming I can get through myself.


On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 8:23 AM, <>

> Hi Fiondil,
> Thanks - I'll tell PeppyPower's liaison to hold off doing anything on
> these nominations for a while.
> Marta
> Arthur Boccaccio wrote:
> > Hey Marta,
> >
> > I know for a fact that PeppyPower has been having some internet problems
> > lately (she lives in Germany). I will try to reach her via a friend. I
> was
> > going to email her friend this weekend anyway and will give her the
> > necessary information.
> >
> > Fiondil
> >

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8904

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Beverly Pagani May 31, 2008 - 10:35:32 Topic ID# 8810
I am Peppypower's liaison.

Arthur Boccaccio <> wrote: It might help if I have her liasion's email addy to give her and then she
can contact her directly assuming I can get through myself.


On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 8:23 AM,

> Hi Fiondil,
> Thanks - I'll tell PeppyPower's liaison to hold off doing anything on
> these nominations for a while.
> Marta
> Arthur Boccaccio wrote:
> > Hey Marta,
> >
> > I know for a fact that PeppyPower has been having some internet problems
> > lately (she lives in Germany). I will try to reach her via a friend. I
> was
> > going to email her friend this weekend anyway and will give her the
> > necessary information.
> >
> > Fiondil
> >

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Námo to an
Unidentified Elven Fëa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lómë! Utúlie'n aurë! — Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurë entuluva! — Battle Cry of Húrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utúlie'n Estel — Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Visit our website:! Groups Links

Elrond, Lord of Imladris

Stories Archived as Brindlemom2 at

Also Archived as Gilnaur at

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8905

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by May 31, 2008 - 10:36:21 Topic ID# 8810
Hi Fiondil,

I have replied to you privately on this one. Since it's someone else's
website, I don't want to post it on a publicly-accessible group like this.


Arthur Boccaccio wrote:
> It might help if I have her liasion's email addy to give her and then she
> can contact her directly assuming I can get through myself.
> Fiondil

Msg# 8906

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Arthur Boccaccio May 31, 2008 - 10:38:09 Topic ID# 8810
Hi Marta,

Thanks. I'll relay the information to PeppyPower and hopefully she will
contact her liason. I hope so because it's a lovely story and deserves to be


On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 8:34 AM, <>

> Hi Fiondil,
> I have replied to you privately on this one. Since it's someone else's
> website, I don't want to post it on a publicly-accessible group like this.
> Marta
> Arthur Boccaccio wrote:
> > It might help if I have her liasion's email addy to give her and then she
> > can contact her directly assuming I can get through myself.
> >
> > Fiondil

"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8907

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Barbara Rich May 31, 2008 - 10:38:53 Topic ID# 8810

In regards to this, is there anywhere the date and time of nomination is
recorded, that we liaisons can see? I didn't notice such a thing, but I
might be looking in the wrong place.

I'm thinking that way if we wish, we liaisons can give our nominees a nudge
a day or so before they make the list.


On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 10:10 AM, <>

> Hey guys,
> Here is a list of hard-to-reach authors. All of these authors were
> nominated before May 24, and all of them do not have other stories
> they've begun work on.
> ***************************
> Lady Sunrope (liaison: elea24)
> #350: "A Commotion About a Potion" nominated by: Baranduin on 14 May 2008
> PeppyPower (liaison: brindlemom2)
> #326: "Not Speak or Whisper" nominated by: Calenlass Greenleaf on 11 May
> 2008
> Queen Galadriel (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
> #402: "Call of the Dream" nominated by: Dreamflower on 18 May 2008
> Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> #166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
> May 2008
> Vana Tuivana (liaison: elliska)
> #343: "The Night's Eye" nominated by: Dwimordene on 12 May 2008
> Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
> #132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> ***************************
> I hope that we can reach these authors so they can compete. However, it
> has to be said - you guys have done a really awesome job tracking down
> hard-to-reach authors.
> --- you may nominate a piece until 11:59 PM GMT on June 15.
> --- authors must finalize a nomination by 11:59 PM GMT on June 21, or it
> will not be able to compete.
> (For the official time go to any MEFA2008 website. The time that page
> was loaded at will be displayed in the lower left corner, beside "Page
> Served At: ".)
> Marta

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8908

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Arthur Boccaccio May 31, 2008 - 10:40:13 Topic ID# 8810
Hi Beverly,

I will try to get a hold of PeppyPower tomorrow (for me as I live in China
and it's nearly midnight here). Hopefully I will be able to get through to


"What part of 'You're dead' don't you understand?" -- Nýmo to an
Unidentified Elven Fýa giving the Lord of Mandos grief

Auta i lýmý! Utýlie'n aurý! ý Battle Cry of the Noldor at the Dagor Nirnaeth

Aurý entuluva! ý Battle Cry of Hýrin at the Dagor Nirnath Arnediad

Utýlie'n Estel ý Hope hath come

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8909

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by May 31, 2008 - 10:43:59 Topic ID# 8810
In a message dated 5/31/2008 10:39:23 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I'm thinking that way if we wish, we liaisons can give our nominees a nudge
a day or so before they make the list.

I think this is a great way to get in touch with those people (and it
certainly gets attention--spams my email all day when it is posted!). I don't see
any shame in using the list to reach them if they don't respond in a timely
way to notification of a nomination. As it seems to be very effective in
reaching them and, if anything, should have the liaisons work.

**************Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with
Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8910

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by May 31, 2008 - 10:46:07 Topic ID# 8810
In a message dated 5/31/2008 10:44:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

if anything, should have the liaisons work.

"save the liaisons" work! I'm for anything that relieves any stress on the

**************Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with
Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8911

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Barbara Rich May 31, 2008 - 10:46:32 Topic ID# 8810
Oh, I think the list is very effective--but if we have an author whom we
think *might* show up on it, and can get in touch before they make the list,
then the list will be shorter, anyway.


On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 10:43 AM, <> wrote:

> In a message dated 5/31/2008 10:39:23 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> <> writes:
> I'm thinking that way if we wish, we liaisons can give our nominees a nudge
> a day or so before they make the list.
> I think this is a great way to get in touch with those people (and it
> certainly gets attention--spams my email all day when it is posted!). I
> don't see
> any shame in using the list to reach them if they don't respond in a timely
> way to notification of a nomination. As it seems to be very effective in
> reaching them and, if anything, should have the liaisons work.
> **************Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with
> Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.
> (
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8912

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Beverly Pagani May 31, 2008 - 10:48:11 Topic ID# 8810
I have been contacting each uncompleted nominee about every 10 days and it does help!
Brindlemom wrote:
In a message dated 5/31/2008 10:39:23 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I'm thinking that way if we wish, we liaisons can give our nominees a nudge
a day or so before they make the list.

I think this is a great way to get in touch with those people (and it
certainly gets attention--spams my email all day when it is posted!). I don't see
any shame in using the list to reach them if they don't respond in a timely
way to notification of a nomination. As it seems to be very effective in
reaching them and, if anything, should have the liaisons work.

**************Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with
Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.

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Elrond, Lord of Imladris

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Msg# 8913

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by May 31, 2008 - 10:54:23 Topic ID# 8810
Hi Barbara,

I don't know how to do it from within the liaison section of the
website, but the nomination date *is* accessible to all members. Just go
to the listing of nominations (click "Stories" at the top of the
website, or "Browse Nominated Stories" from the home page). In the right
column, just below the nomination status there will be a line that looks

Nom. Date: 2008-05-04 12:03:31

That's the official site time. Btw, the format is

Nom. Date: [year]-[month]-[day] [hour]:[minute]:[second]

It seems that the time stamp is in AM/PM notation, but doesn't show
whether it's AM or PM. Still, that will get you the day.

You can sort the list by "author" (so you can look at just your
authors), or you can sort the list by ID # to get the nominations in the
order they were nominated. Just click on the blue "ID" or "Author" above
the columns at the top of the nominations list.

Btw, if it helps, I will always send out the nomination list on Saturday.



Barbara Rich wrote:
> Marta--
> In regards to this, is there anywhere the date and time of nomination is
> recorded, that we liaisons can see? I didn't notice such a thing, but I
> might be looking in the wrong place.
> I'm thinking that way if we wish, we liaisons can give our nominees a nudge
> a day or so before they make the list.
> Barbara

Msg# 8914

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by May 31, 2008 - 10:58:16 Topic ID# 8810
Hi Oshun,

The liaisons do work very hard to get in touch with nominees, and I'm
all for anything that makes their life easier. I've been impressed this
year, both with their work and everyone else's who has contacted authors
that show up on this list.

But the real problem is that in many cases the liaisons have just run
out of options. They may not know where an author hangs out if it isn't
mentioned to them, so people who see the name of someone they know and
help us make first contact are doing work that we (the awards
volunteers) *can't* do. So thanks!

Marta wrote:
> In a message dated 5/31/2008 10:44:33 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> <> writes:
> if anything, should have the liaisons work.
> "save the liaisons" work! I'm for anything that relieves any stress on the
> admin.

Msg# 8915

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by May 31, 2008 - 10:59:11 Topic ID# 8810
Hi Barbara,


I agree - the list is a very useful tool, and I'm very glad we use it
where necessary - but if it isn't necessary, I'm also all for anything
that will keep the list as short as possible.


Barbara Rich wrote:
> Oh, I think the list is very effective--but if we have an author whom we
> think *might* show up on it, and can get in touch before they make the list,
> then the list will be shorter, anyway.
> B.

Msg# 8916

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Barbara Rich May 31, 2008 - 11:01:50 Topic ID# 8810
Ah! That explains it--I was only looking on the liaison page! Thanks!


On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 10:52 AM, <>

> Hi Barbara,
> I don't know how to do it from within the liaison section of the
> website, but the nomination date *is* accessible to all members. Just go
> to the listing of nominations (click "Stories" at the top of the
> website, or "Browse Nominated Stories" from the home page). In the right
> column, just below the nomination status there will be a line that looks
> like:
> Nom. Date: 2008-05-04 12:03:31
> That's the official site time. Btw, the format is
> Nom. Date: [year]-[month]-[day] [hour]:[minute]:[second]
> It seems that the time stamp is in AM/PM notation, but doesn't show
> whether it's AM or PM. Still, that will get you the day.
> You can sort the list by "author" (so you can look at just your
> authors), or you can sort the list by ID # to get the nominations in the
> order they were nominated. Just click on the blue "ID" or "Author" above
> the columns at the top of the nominations list.
> Btw, if it helps, I will always send out the nomination list on Saturday.
> HTH,
> Marta
> Barbara Rich wrote:
> >
> >
> > Marta--
> >
> > In regards to this, is there anywhere the date and time of nomination is
> > recorded, that we liaisons can see? I didn't notice such a thing, but I
> > might be looking in the wrong place.
> >
> > I'm thinking that way if we wish, we liaisons can give our nominees a
> nudge
> > a day or so before they make the list.
> >
> > Barbara
> >

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Msg# 8917

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Lily Hawker-Yates May 31, 2008 - 12:38:29 Topic ID# 8810
Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
#166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
May 2008 - I've tried emailing twice now, and I've had no answer, so unless I get a reply by tonight, I'm going to withdraw the nomination.

"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends."
             William Butler Yeats
'For every evil that rises, we are given ways to fight it. Or... in the absence of a fight, we are given each other to weather it. We're a bunch of survivors here, that's what we are. Not quite victorious, but then again, there hadn't really been a war. And yet we were fighting something... maybe ourselves, and the alone-ness that permeated each of us before we somehow found each other, ultimately found ourselves.' - Elrohir, For Every Evil

--- On Sat, 31/5/08, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: [MEFAwards] Hard-to-Reach Authors
Date: Saturday, 31 May, 2008, 4:10 PM

Hey guys,

Here is a list of hard-to-reach authors. All of these authors were
nominated before May 24, and all of them do not have other stories
they've begun work on.

************ ********* ******

Lady Sunrope (liaison: elea24)
#350: "A Commotion About a Potion" nominated by: Baranduin on 14 May 2008

PeppyPower (liaison: brindlemom2)
#326: "Not Speak or Whisper" nominated by: Calenlass Greenleaf on 11 May

Queen Galadriel (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
#402: "Call of the Dream" nominated by: Dreamflower on 18 May 2008

Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
#166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
May 2008

Vana Tuivana (liaison: elliska)
#343: "The Night's Eye" nominated by: Dwimordene on 12 May 2008

Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
#132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008

************ ********* ******

I hope that we can reach these authors so they can compete. However, it
has to be said - you guys have done a really awesome job tracking down
hard-to-reach authors.


--- you may nominate a piece until 11:59 PM GMT on June 15.
--- authors must finalize a nomination by 11:59 PM GMT on June 21, or it
will not be able to compete.

(For the official time go to any MEFA2008 website. The time that page
was loaded at will be displayed in the lower left corner, beside "Page
Served At: ".)


Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8918

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Nancy Brooke May 31, 2008 - 16:40:10 Topic ID# 8810
Have now heard from Queen Galadriel!

--- In, "melayton@..." <melayton@...> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Here is a list of hard-to-reach authors. All of these authors were
> nominated before May 24, and all of them do not have other stories
> they've begun work on.
> ***************************
> Lady Sunrope (liaison: elea24)
> #350: "A Commotion About a Potion" nominated by: Baranduin on 14
May 2008
> PeppyPower (liaison: brindlemom2)
> #326: "Not Speak or Whisper" nominated by: Calenlass Greenleaf on
11 May
> 2008
> Queen Galadriel (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
> #402: "Call of the Dream" nominated by: Dreamflower on 18 May 2008
> Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> #166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on
> May 2008
> Vana Tuivana (liaison: elliska)
> #343: "The Night's Eye" nominated by: Dwimordene on 12 May 2008
> Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
> #132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> ***************************
> I hope that we can reach these authors so they can compete.
However, it
> has to be said - you guys have done a really awesome job tracking
> hard-to-reach authors.
> --- you may nominate a piece until 11:59 PM GMT on June 15.
> --- authors must finalize a nomination by 11:59 PM GMT on June 21,
or it
> will not be able to compete.
> (For the official time go to any MEFA2008 website. The time that
> was loaded at will be displayed in the lower left corner,
beside "Page
> Served At: ".)
> Marta

Msg# 8919

Re: Hard-to-Reach Authors Posted by Agape 4Rivendell May 31, 2008 - 22:38:24 Topic ID# 8810

I'm not sure where you're trying to contact her, but she is a member of HASA
so I took the liberty of sending her a PM asking her to contact us at

She has been active at HASA as late as December 27, 2007. Hopefully, she'll
respond one way or the other. I really hate to lose a tale! I'm anal, sorry!
Hope I haven't stepped on your toes.


On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 1:38 PM, Lily Hawker-Yates <> wrote:

> Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> #166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
> May 2008 - I've tried emailing twice now, and I've had no answer, so unless
> I get a reply by tonight, I'm going to withdraw the nomination.
> Lily
> "Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had
> such friends."
> William Butler Yeats
> 'For every evil that rises, we are given ways to fight it. Or... in the
> absence of a fight, we are given each other to weather it. We're a bunch of
> survivors here, that's what we are. Not quite victorious, but then again,
> there hadn't really been a war. And yet we were fighting something... maybe
> ourselves, and the alone-ness that permeated each of us before we somehow
> found each other, ultimately found ourselves.' - Elrohir, For Every Evil
> --- On Sat, 31/5/08, <> <
> <>> wrote:
> From: <> <<>
> >
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Hard-to-Reach Authors
> To: <>
> Date: Saturday, 31 May, 2008, 4:10 PM
> Hey guys,
> Here is a list of hard-to-reach authors. All of these authors were
> nominated before May 24, and all of them do not have other stories
> they've begun work on.
> ************ ********* ******
> Lady Sunrope (liaison: elea24)
> #350: "A Commotion About a Potion" nominated by: Baranduin on 14 May 2008
> PeppyPower (liaison: brindlemom2)
> #326: "Not Speak or Whisper" nominated by: Calenlass Greenleaf on 11 May
> 2008
> Queen Galadriel (liaison: Nancy Brooke)
> #402: "Call of the Dream" nominated by: Dreamflower on 18 May 2008
> Regina (liaison: aranelgoldenflower)
> #166: "The finest of Vintages" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 05
> May 2008
> Vana Tuivana (liaison: elliska)
> #343: "The Night's Eye" nominated by: Dwimordene on 12 May 2008
> Willow-wode (liaison: brindlemom2)
> #132: "Rites of Passage" nominated by: PipMer on 04 May 2008
> ************ ********* ******
> I hope that we can reach these authors so they can compete. However, it
> has to be said - you guys have done a really awesome job tracking down
> hard-to-reach authors.
> --- you may nominate a piece until 11:59 PM GMT on June 15.
> --- authors must finalize a nomination by 11:59 PM GMT on June 21, or it
> will not be able to compete.
> (For the official time go to any MEFA2008 website. The time that page
> was loaded at will be displayed in the lower left corner, beside "Page
> Served At: ".)
> Marta
> __________________________________________________________
> Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
> A Smarter Email
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Life's been good to me so far!!! Praise God!

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