Yahoo Forum Archive

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Msg# 8734

Age limit? Posted by May 04, 2008 - 20:31:56 Topic ID# 8734
DD (pen name Dinossiel) is interested in joining MEFAs and reviewing. Is there a lower age limit for members? Also, DD uses my email address. Will that be a problem? (We can get her a yahoo address, I think, if we have to. It's not hard to get a yahoo address, is it?)

Please advise, and thanks.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8736

Re: Age limit? Posted by May 04, 2008 - 20:50:20 Topic ID# 8734
Hi Lin,

We do not have a formal age limit, so Dinossiel can participate if she'd
like to. However, we would need a unique email address for her,
something not used by any other MEFAwards member.

The one thing that gives me pause is that we do not provide a way of
filtering the site so it only shows stories of a certain rating. Our
stories are rated General, Teen, or Mature, and as you can see at our
ratings guide*, the general stories usually don't contain any
objectionable content - but it would be up to you to make sure that she
only read general-rated stories, or whatever you think is
age-appropriate. The site just isn't set up to do that.

But I guess that's a parenting thing rather than a site policy thing. If
you trust Dinossiel to use the site, then I have no objections.


*Note- The ratings guideline is available at: wrote:
> DD (pen name Dinossiel) is interested in joining MEFAs and reviewing. Is
> there a lower age limit for members? Also, DD uses my email address.
> Will that be a problem? (We can get her a yahoo address, I think, if we
> have to. It's not hard to get a yahoo address, is it?)
> Please advise, and thanks.
> Lin
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 8737

Re: Age limit? Posted by shippingindustry May 04, 2008 - 20:57:27 Topic ID# 8734
Dinossiel reads only G-rated stories, so hopefully we can filter for
that, eventually? In any event, I am always there reading over her
shoulder when she is on the Internet.

Msg# 8741

Re: Age limit? Posted by May 04, 2008 - 22:26:12 Topic ID# 8734
Hi Lin,

You're a good mum. :-) I trust you to do that, but wanted to mention it
because I didn't want to expose your daughter to adult material for lack
of warning you.

Anyway - as soon as she gets an email address, subscribe that email
address to this group, and our volunteers will set her up at the voting


shippingindustry wrote:
> Dinossiel reads only G-rated stories, so hopefully we can filter for
> that, eventually? In any event, I am always there reading over her
> shoulder when she is on the Internet.

Msg# 8744

Re: Age limit? Posted by Kathy May 05, 2008 - 2:56:50 Topic ID# 8734
Hi Lin,

--- In, BLJean@... wrote:
> DD (pen name Dinossiel) is interested in joining MEFAs and reviewing.
Is there a lower age limit for members? Also, DD uses my email address.
Will that be a problem? (We can get her a yahoo address, I think, if we
have to. It's not hard to get a yahoo address, is it?)
> Please advise, and thanks.

If you have a Yahoo email account, it's easy to set one up for your
child...I just did this for my own two kids. The only requirement is
that they be subaccounts under your main account, so that you are
responsible for them.

Drop me a line if you need more info about this.
