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Msg# 1009

FW: Ten nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 20, 2004 - 23:04:08 Topic ID# 1009
Thanks for nominating, but these need to go to the group. So I've forwarded
them for you.

In the future, please send them to


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

-----Original Message-----
From: lindorien2000 []
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 8:02 PM
Subject: Ten nominations

To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into your
e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are required.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: the Rebel

*Story Author: Lindelea

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Adventure
2nd: Drama
3rd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):The day after the
battle Frodo rode to Michel Delving and released the prisoners from the
Lockholes. One of the first that they found was poor Fredegar Bolger, Fatty
no longer. He had been taken when the ruffians smoked out a band of rebels
that he led from their hidings up in the Brockenbores by the hills of
Scary.--"The Grey Havens"


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings

To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into your
e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are required.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Lindorien

*Story Title: For Gondor

*Story Author: Avon

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
Subcategory (suggest something):


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Faramir's charge - a
sound picture. Movie-verse. Marta discussed the idea of people writing a
scene using one sense only and this is where that idea took me. Rather
experimental and beta - all feedback welcome.


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings


To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into your
e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are required.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: The Ents of Wrath

*Story Author: Bryn

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Humor
2nd: LOTR
3rd: Ents??
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Into the depths of
Fanghorn we go! Merry and Pippin meet...Treebeard. In which our favorite
Elf, Ranger, Dwarf, and Wizard have a time sorting THIS one out, and we
discover why Ents are trees. A bit of fun nonsense.
(Cameos by Eomer, Theoden, Haldir, Rumil, Galadriel, and Celeborn.)

To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into your
e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are required.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: Once in Imladris City

*Story Author: Orophins_Dottir

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Humor
2nd: Elves
3rd: Humor
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Written for the
Stories of Arda group's holiday challenge (2003). Thought I'd get it posted
while it's still seasonal. A bit of total nonsense complete with miruvor
eggnog and gilded spiders!


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings

To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into your
e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are required.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: Seashell

*Story Author: Nol

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Silmarillion
2nd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Elros, on the eve of
his departure to Numenor, seeks out his foster father on the eastern shore.
Of the madness of Maglor. Gapfiller, possibly AU

a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings

To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into your
e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are required.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: Sam's Garden

*Story Author: Shirling

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
Love expressed through the creation and nurturing of a garden


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings

To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into your
e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are required.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: The Dragon's Egg

*Story Author: Shirling

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
Love expressed through the creation and nurturing of a garden


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: Dancing Withing Walls

*Story Author: Sphinx

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Drama
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
An imminent parting looms, and they realize that words are not enough.
Featuring Elrond, Arwen. Vignette.


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: A Little Night Music

*Story Author: Ariel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Hobbits
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
This This fic is not my usual fare. It was written as the response to a
challenge a few friends and I made to write the romances of married couples
in M-e - something most people avoid like the plague. As I was the only
hobbit writer in the group, I naturally (and kicking and screaming a little
bit) took the hobbits Sam and Rosie. I don't usually respond well to
challenges, but I sort of liked the way this came out. It's not got the same
kind of heat as my Frodo stuff, but I hope you will enjoy it anyway.


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: lindorien

*Story Title: Magpies and Rhymes

*Story Author: Acacea

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something):

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
Noisy birds in Minas Tirith trigger memories and raise hope for a brief
moment - Faramir, Denethor and a long forgotten rhyme


a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
d. Orcs
e. Rohan
r. Numenor

a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers

a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings

Msg# 1023

Re: FW: Ten nominations Posted by lindorien2000 May 21, 2004 - 12:34:31 Topic ID# 1009
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...> wrote:
> Thanks for nominating, but these need to go to the group. So I've
> them for you.
> In the future, please send them to

Okay. Lots of cut and paste though. I was out of school that day in
kindergarten. Cut and Paste is DEFINITELY not one of my strong points.

I messed up Shireling's nomination for The Dragon's Egg. Her name is
spelled wrong in both of her nominations. It should be SHIRELING with
an 'E'. The description SHOULD read:

A Fairytale of Gondor, starring Faramir, Boromir, Eowyn, a Wizard and
a prophesy. Written for the 'Happy Faramir' challenge at HASA.


HI EVERYBODY!! big wave. hope all are doing well. Back to my corner.

So the corrected form is below:

> To nominate a story, please copy the form below and paste it into your
> e-mail or post. Then fill it out. All fields with * are required.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: lindorien
> *Story Title: The Dragon's Egg
> *Story Author: Shireling
> *Author's E-mail Address: shirelinghpc@h...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see below)
> *1st: Drama
> 2nd: Men
> 3rd: LOTR
> Subcategory (suggest something):
> *Rating: G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
> *Romance Partners:
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> A Fairytale of Gondor, starring Faramir, Boromir, Eowyn, a Wizard
and a prophesy. Written for the 'Happy Faramir' challenge at HASA
> ---------------------------------------------------------------