Yahoo Forum Archive

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Msg# 10203

(ADMIN) Story Focus - Humor and Romance Posted by Marta September 19, 2009 - 15:13:29 Topic ID# 10203
Hey guys,

It seems I'm a bit late again. :-) Thanks for bearing with me as I adjust to
the school semester starting again.

This week's admin post will spotlight the humor and romance pieces that
competed in this year's MEFAs. Those of you who have had pieces compete in
the awards, know that authors can select three main categories to describe
the piece. (Main categories cover genres as well as races and time periods.)
What follows are stories that selected Humor or Romance as one of those main



To find all the pieces of a certain genre competing in this year's awards.

--- Log in to
--- Click on the "stories" link at the top of the page.
--- Click on the "Show Filter" link.
--- Click the "Clear All Filters" button.
--- From the "Genre, Race, Time" filter, select the appropriate genre.

This will bring up all those stories that selected that genre as *any* of
their three main category choices, except for the ones you've told the
website to skip. You can find those stories actually competing in a
particular main category using the Main category filter. As is the case with
all genres (or races or time periods), pieces can be a certain genre without
necessarily *competing* in that genre's main category.



There are 97 humor pieces entered in this year's MEFAs. To learn more about
these stories:

--- Log in to
--- Click on the "stories" link at the top of the page.
--- Do a search for the ID number, followed by .

Provided you haven't told the website to "skip" this story, this should
bring you right to that story, and you can read it, vote for it, or do any
of the things you normally do from the MEFA website.

Here are this year's humor pieces.

--- AINU LAIRE: 412. Tinkling Bells

--- ALASSANTE: 345. Those Singing Silmarils

--- ANNMARWALK: 271. Hair; 272. Bring Me That Horizon; 559. Fifteenth; 773.
Stag and Star; 774. Unmasked ; 776. A Heart as Wide as the World

--- ARANEL LAERIEN: 515. Together

--- ARDUINNA: 643. CSI Goes Deep (a.k.a. the Inappropriate CSI Crossover)

--- BERUTHIEL'S CAT: 324. Kill It Before It Multiplies

--- BRANWYN (LADY BRANWYN: 34. The Long Race

--- CAIRISTIONA: 389. An Unexpected Feast

--- CATHLEEN: 398. Splish Splash; 404. Of Bread and Butter; 653. A Matter of
Perspective; 812. All in a Day's Work; 813. Partners in Crime; 815. This
Little Piggy Went to Market

--- CELERITAS: 113. His Wealth Shall Flow in Fountains

--- DANCINGKATZ: 777. A Bad Habit; 778. Staying

--- DAPPERSCAVENGER: 554. Take My Advice

--- DARTH FINGON: 503. Elrohir's Elf Book - Part One; 636. Twenty-Two Words
You Never Thought Tolkien Would Provide

--- DREAMFLOWER: 742. The Family Way

--- EIRANAE: 157. Batty Does Barad-dır

--- ELFSCRIBE: 606. To Light the Solstice Fire

--- EVERGREEN: 410. Embers

--- FILEG: 472. Boquet

--- GAMGEEFEST: 784. Sam's Hat; 511. Sums with Sam

--- GREY_WONDERER: 20. The Ernil i Pheriannath Takes a Bath; 346. Jams and
Punishment; 523. Odd Tales with Questionable
Outcomes - Pulling Up Stakes; 037. The Ever-Present Past; 105. The Sleigh
Bed; 422. Chicks and Ducks and Sheep better scurry...

--- HAARAJOT: 443. Elven-Queen

--- HAREATIC (AKA HARE): 508. There Once Was

--- IGNOBLE BARD: 252. Sam's Tale; 9. Sporting Woods

--- IMHIRIEL: 629. Midsummer Fair; 712. The Lady's Gift

--- ISIL ELENSAR: 487. Little Monkey

--- JAIDEN_S: 446. Let Them Eat Cake

--- JAY OF LASGALEN: 259. Winter in Imladris

--- JEDI SAPPHIRE: 458. An Elf Lord in Peril; 620. A Chapter of Accidents

--- KHYLEA: 384. Always Welcome

--- KYMAHALEI: 522. A Short Tale of a Tiny Elf

--- LADY BLUEJAY: 449. Forgiveness; 75. First Time

--- LADY ROISIN: 452. Pink

--- LADYMSM: 512. Wicked Smart

--- LARNER: 429. Just Desserts

--- LILY: 495. Of Pranks and Experiments

--- LINDA HOYLAND: 55. Healing the Healer; 74. Hunting the Dragon

--- LINDELEA: 758. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

--- LISSA: 65. A Matter of Cultural Differences

--- MARTA: 676. Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better

--- MEDEASMYKE: 446. House of Imrahil; 366. Bull's Eye; 82. Swamp King

--- MIDNIGHT: 53. McHobbits

--- MORETH: 31. Of Lıthien and Huan; 416. Gathering the Heroes

--- MORTHORON: 231. Monty Python's 'The Hobbit'

--- NAU_TIKA: 86. Where Do Babies Come From?

--- NIERIEL RAINA: 367. What's for Dinner?; 709. Morndel

--- OSHUN: 270. Do You Believe in Ghosts?; 118. A Letter to Fingon;

--- PANDEMONIUM_213: 49. Eau de Olırin

--- PEREDHIL LOVER: 280. Sacrifice of Friendship

--- PHYNCKE: 309. Pass the Peas, Please?

--- RAKSHA THE DEMON: 394. High Hearts and Folly; 101. Employee Review

--- RIBBY: 477. Yellow, Sweet, Ensnaring

--- ROSETHORN59: 762. The Wisdom and Folly of Chaos and Confusion; 288. In
the King's Shoes; 600. He Is Mine Now

--- SHIREBOUND: 322. Valinor Virus

--- SIVAN SHEMESH: 782. His Special Child; 355. Ellesar & Eldarion: I want
to be an Elf!

--- SOLEDAD: 351. Elf-root

--- TANAQUI: 673. Like Father, Like Sons; 700. Sure Thing

--- VIRTUELLA: 713. Worse than the Witch King; 539. Tidings of Doom and

--- VIV: 146. I Hate You, Goldberry; 420. Single Godlike Male Seeks
Companion; 123. Never Met a Fore Before

--- WHITEWAVE: 125. The Scented Pleasure Garden; 402. The Dark Foe Wears

(Please note, these stories stretch the gamut of length, content, and
rating. Please check out the website for more information on each.)

Humor pieces are found in a variety of categories and subcategories: both in
the "Humor" category, but also across the awards. You can find these humor
pieces in:

Genres: Adventure --- Elven Lands
Genres: Alternate Universe --- General; Incomplete; Gondor
Genres: Character Study --- Friendship
Genres: Crossover --- General
Genres: Drama --- Eomer or Eowyn
Genres: Ficlets --- General; Elven Lands; Family Fixed-Length Ficlet; Gondor
or Rohan; Men of the North
Genres: Humor --- (all subcategories)
Genres: Non-Fiction --- General
Genres: Poetry --- General; Hobbits
Genres: Romance --- Drabbles; Imladris Elves
Races: Cross-Cultural --- General; Drabbles; Elves and Mortals; Eriador;
Races: Elves --- Incomplete
Races: Hobbits --- General; Bilbo Baggins; Buckland or Tookland; Childhood;
Drabbles; Frodo or Sam
Races: Men --- General; General Drabbles; Gondor Drabbles
Times: First Age and Prior --- General; House of Finwe
Times: Post Ring War and Beyond --- Aragorn; Gondor



There are 85 romance pieces entered in this year's MEFAs. To learn more
about these stories:

--- Log in to
--- Click on the "stories" link at the top of the page.
--- Do a search for the ID number, followed by .

Provided you haven't told the website to "skip" this story, this should
bring you right to that story, and you can read it, vote for it, or do any
of the things you normally do from the MEFA website.

Here are this year's romance pieces.

--- AGLARIEN: 385. Seeing with the Heart; 564. Erestor's Secret

--- AINU LAIRE: 399. Elven Light

--- ANNMARWALK: 685. Like Calls to Like; 273. The Treasure Hunter; 558. A
Thief in the Night

--- BRANWYN (LADY BRANWYN): 50. Bedazzled

--- CAIRISTIONA: 253. Midsummer in the Year of the Fall of Sauron

--- DANA: 740. A Wedding and More

--- DAPPERSCAVENGER: 536. On the Inside; 554. Take My Advice

--- DARTH FINGON: 64. To Sing Of.

--- DAWN FELAGUND: 318. Love by Moonlight

--- DREAMDEER: 719. He Clasped Her Fast, Both Flesh and Bone

--- DREAMFLOWER: 323. Taking the Cake; 742. The Family Way; 224. Ancestress

--- EDORASLASS: 52. Five Memories

--- ELFSCRIBE: 827. Osse's Gift

--- ELLIE: 396. The Return of Joy

--- ERFAN STARLED: 374. Fox in Winter; 388. Harper's Call

--- ERIN'S DAUGHTER: 518. The Journey Back

--- ERVINIAE: 359. Early to Bed

--- FAOILTIERNA: 211. Strings

--- FIMBRETHIL: 605. The Truth of the Heart; 375. One Big Love

--- GEALE: 798. Tea and Other Pleasures; 800. Of Pain and Sweetness; 303.
Mithrin I: I See You; 304. Now

--- HAARAJOT: 443. Elven-Queen; 444. Morning-After Bliss

--- HAREATIC (AKA HARE): 335. The Last Message

--- IMHIRIEL: 771. Desire Granted

--- ISABEAU OF GREENLEA: 158. Wallowing; 4. Liquid Numbers

--- ISIL ELENSAR: 421. Last Alliance

--- JAEL: 278. As the Night the Day

--- JAIDEN_S: 428. Whispers on the Wind

--- J_DAV (JDE): 707. Lowering the Shield; 337. The Truth Behind the Stars;
128. Of Pride and Penalty; 207. Forbearance; 598. The Outcast

--- LADY BLUEJAY: 363. My Anchor; 98. Drummer; 449. Forgiveness

--- LADY ROISIN: 201. Hands of Evil, Fingers of Life

--- LARNER: 24. The Dance

--- LIALATHUVERIL: 159. On the Wings of the Storm

--- LINDA HOYLAND: 779. Crown of Thorns; 483. Bridal Bouquet; 21. The Storm

--- LINTALOME (AMARANTH): 333. The Calling of the Soul by Lintalome

--- LYRA: 329. Golden Days

--- MARTA: 678. First Sight; 525. Love Letters

--- MINUIAL NUWING: 610. The Prince & the Gypsy; 612. Fit for a King; 615. A
Singular Occasion

--- NEUMEINDIL: 497. Tucked Away; 499. Red Striped Roses; 326. Wild Roses

--- NORTHERNTRASH-X: 754. Home

--- OSHUN: 40. Will Overruled by Fate; 118. A letter to Fingon; 120. I Hate

--- PHYNCKE: 310. The Swan of Dol Amroth; 309. Pass the Peas, Please

--- RAKSHA THE DEMON: 51. The Temptation of Hope; 54. Rites of Spring

--- RED LASBELIN: 162. The Look of Love; 192. The First Time

--- ROBINKA: 246. Opiate

--- SıLRIEL: 285. The Huntsman and the Lady

--- TALULLAH: 823. The Ice is Getting Thin

--- TANAQUI: 748. Love in a Cold Climate

--- THE_ARC5: 110. The Quiet Hobbit

--- VIRTUELLA: 023. The Measure of a Man

--- WEEPINGNAIAD: 415. The Swamp on the Edge of Forever; 245. Scourged

--- WENDWRITER: 732. The Love of a Lord

--- WHITE GULL: 145. One Wish

--- WINDSURFBABE: 88. The Flower King

(Please note, these stories stretch the gamut of length, content, and
rating. They also involve a variety of romantic pairings. Please check out
the website for more information on each.)

Romance pieces are found in a variety of categories and subcategories: both
in the "Romance" category, but also across the awards. You can find these
romance pieces in:

Genres: Adventure --- Elvish Lands
Genres: Alternate Universe --- Incomplete
Genres: Character Study --- General
Genres: Drama --- Drama; Later Age Elves
Genres: Ficlets --- Elven Lands; Elven Lands Fixed-Length Ficlets; Gondor or
Rohan Fixed-Length Ficlets
Genres: Humor --- General; Elven Lands
Genres: Longer Works --- General
Genres: Mystery --- General
Genres: Poetry --- General
Genres: Romance --- (all subcategories)
Races: Elves --- General; Drabbles; House of Finwe; Featuring Glorfindel or
Races: Hobbits --- General; Frodo or Sam
Races: Men --- Gondor Drabbles
Times: Second and Early Third Age --- General; Akallabeth
Times: Ring War --- General
Times: Post-Ring War and Beyond --- General; Drabbles; Gondor; The Shire
Times: Modern Times --- General


For more information:

--- How do I find a story to vote for?
--- How do I vote?
--- Strategies for Reviewing from Veteran Reviewers



(MEFA Admin.)