Yahoo Forum Archive
This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
2004 | - | - | - | 182 | 1042 | 655 | 89 | 25 | 263 | 362 | 316 | 285 |
2005 | 189 | 56 | 107 | 538 | 347 | 446 | 97 | 276 | 194 | 358 | 565 | 136 |
2006 | 231 | 66 | 27 | 76 | 117 | 139 | 127 | 56 | 67 | 66 | 159 | 79 |
2007 | 20 | 25 | 7 | - | 29 | 72 | 99 | 143 | 3 | 185 | 83 | 103 |
2008 | 56 | 13 | 3 | 54 | 240 | 141 | 274 | 77 | 51 | 60 | 90 | 106 |
2009 | 28 | 3 | - | 39 | 194 | 101 | 72 | 27 | 22 | 15 | 36 | 24 |
2010 | 67 | - | 1 | 4 | 103 | 138 | 129 | 32 | 13 | 16 | 3 | 30 |
2011 | 1 | - | 17 | 2 | 6 | 25 | 90 | 61 | 32 | 7 | 5 | 8 |
2012 | 30 | - | - | - | 8 | 122 | 76 | - | - | - | - | - |
2013 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
2014 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1 | - | 2 |
2015 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
2016 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
2017 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
2018 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
2019 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1 | - | - |
Msg# 10318
ADMIN: 2009 MEFA Final Results Posted by Tanaqui January 03, 2010 - 18:04:11 Topic ID# 10318The 2009 Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards are now over, and here is the
list of final results. If you'd like to read some of these stories or
the reviews that were written about them, please check out the results
at our web page. Just go to , log in (or
click "log in as guest"), and click "2009 Story Results."
Before I list the results, I'd also like to offer CONGRATULATIONS to the
following reviewers who met their reviewing goals set last spring:
Alassante, Cairistiona, Celeritas, Curiouswombat, Dapperscavenger,
Dreamflower, Elena Tiriel, Elleth, Elliska, Erfan Starled, Esteliel,
Faoiltierna, Fiondil, Garnet Took, Harrowcatliz, Imhiriel, Jedi
Sapphire, KyMahalei, Larner, Linaewen, Linda Hoyland, Lissa, Nancy
Brooke, NeumeIndil, Nieriel Raina, Obsidianj, Oshun, Raksha the Demon,
Sevilodorf, Sindarelleth, SurgicalSteel, Tanaqui, Virtuella, Viv and
White Wolf
These are by no means all the reviewers. Everyone who wrote a review,
you deserve a round of applause!
And CONGRATULATIONS to the following authors for their success in this
year's Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards.
Genres: Adventure: General
1: While Hope Lasts by MP Brennan
2: Lake of Fire by Marta
3: Walking the Line - Book One by callerofcrows
Genres: Adventure: Elvish Lands
1: Of Lúthien and Huan by Moreth
2: Interrupted Journeys: Journeys In Mirkwood by elliska
3: Osse's Gift by elfscribe
HM: In the Woods of Ossiriand by Perelleth
Genres: Adventure: Gondor or Rohan
1: Hunting by Thundera Tiger
2: The Horn of the Kine by Dwimordene
3: Gamesmanship by Raksha the Demon
HM: The Hunt by Tanaqui
HM: The Scout and the Rider by MedeaSmyke
HM: Where Was Imrahil When Grond Hit the Gate? by stefaniab
Genres: Alternate Universe: General
1: Judgement by Independence1776 (Crystal113)
2: Mine by Nath
3: The Final Sense by nau_tika
Genres: Alternate Universe: Angst
1: The Last Temptation of Legolas Thranduilion by Jael
2: The Eagles Are Coming by Thundera Tiger
3: Angainor by Larner
Genres: Alternate Universe: Gondor
1: My Sword Trembles - Book Three - 'My Sword' series by agape4gondor
2: Beyond the Measure of Dreams by Skye Rutherford (Skye)
3: The Steward's House by alex_quine
Genres: Alternate Universe: Incomplete
1: The Letter by Antane
2: The Quiet Hobbit by the_arc5
3: McHobbits by Midnight
Genres: Character Study: General
1: The Measure of a Man by Virtuella
2: A Golden Flower by Celeritas
3: Taking Stock by Virtuella
HM: A Mother's Lament by agape4gondor
HM: A Trickle of Green Ribbon by Nieriel Raina
HM: Spoiling Nice Fish by Narya
HM: Standard Bearer by Nancy Brooke
HM: That which remains by Vilwarin
HM: Worth Two in the Hand by Dwimordene
Genres: Character Study: Angst
1: A Song That Was by Nieriel Raina
2: In Defiance of the Dark by Larner
3: What Dawn May Bring by Jedi Sapphire
Genres: Character Study: Aragorn
1: Gifts from the Heart by Silivren Tinu
2: No Longer Merely A King by Larner
3: The Grace Given to Me by Mirach
Genres: Character Study: Dunedain or Rohirrim Drabbles
1: For Arwen by Súlriel
2: Stirrup Cup by Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
3: Touched by Frost by Tanaqui
Genres: Character Study: Elrond and Family
1: The Gift of Iluvatar by Virtuella
2: DECEPTIONS: The Last Council of the Wise by Fiondil
3: Fireflies by Calenlass Greenleaf
HM: Sea Foam, Star Shine by MP Brennan
Genres: Character Study: Final Partings
1: Requiem by KyMahalei
2: Cold Haven by viv
3: Decision Point by Gwynnyd
HM: A Shieldmaiden's Mourning by NeumeIndil
HM: Follow the Sun by Nieriel Raina
HM: The Sun In His Hands by jastaelf
Genres: Character Study: Friendship
1: Hidden Within by Keiliss
2: What's For Dinner? by Nieriel Raina
3: For the King who has Everything by Raksha the Demon
HM: Hard Sailing by Dwimordene/Isabeau of Greenlea CoAuthors
HM: To Wait for Sun's Returning by Dreamflower
Genres: Character Study: General Drabbles
1: No Common Soldier by Linda Hoyland
2: Where Light in Darkness Dwells by Dreamflower
3: Freedom by Aranel Took
HM: The Folly of These Days by Nancy Brooke
Genres: Character Study: Pippin
1: Sparks of Hope by the_arc5
2: Misfit by dancingkatz
3: A Moment of Reflection by Budgielover
Genres: Character Study: Steward's Family
1: Catharsis by Marta
2: Speak All the Words by juno_magic
3: Advice by Dwimordene
HM: Banners by The Little Dwarf
Genres: Character Study: The Silmarillion
1: Nightingales and Starlight by Clodia
2: Storm-tossed by Levade
3: The Thrall by Ithilwen
HM: Field of Flowers by tuxedo_elf
HM: She Who Weeps by Dwimordene
HM: When You Smile by Keiliss
Genres: Crossover: General
1: A Man In Full by Jael
2: Through the Rain Curtain by Eledhwen
3: Apples by 20thcenturyvole
HM: Forsaken Knowledge by Rhapsody
HM: The Blades of Eru by Ilada'Jefiv
Genres: Drama: General
1: The Kindness of Strangers by Aiwendiel
2: Tales of a Dark Continent by Morthoron
3: No Traveler Returns by Ignoble Bard
HM: Among the Lost by NeumeIndil
HM: Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On by SurgicalSteel
Genres: Drama: Aragorn
1: At Hope's Edge by Cairistiona
2: Beating Down the Pain by rhyselle
3: The Temptation of Hope by Raksha the Demon
HM: A Night of Storms by Linda Hoyland
HM: Eating Stones by Marta
HM: Of Orcs, Rangers, and Peach Pie by Silivren Tinu
Genres: Drama: Drabbles
1: The Braided Stream by annmarwalk
2: Late by Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
3: October the Third by Lindelea
Genres: Drama: Elrond and Family
1: Elladaniel by Aeärwen
2: Song For Tomorrow l & ll by Keiliss
3: The Pain of Remembrance by Larner
HM: Glitter by Raksha the Demon
HM: The Silver Queen by MP Brennan
HM: The Token by Dreamflower
Genres: Drama: Eomer or Eowyn
1: At Peace by Starlight
2: Berzerkergang by NeumeIndil
3: Slow Journey out of Doubt by MedeaSmyke
Genres: Drama: Friendship
1: Stranger at the Feast by Raksha the Demon
2: Elven Strength by Legolass
3: This Present Darkness by Lamiel
HM: Dies Irae by Linda Hoyland
Genres: Drama: Gondor
1: Light Fingers by Aeärwen
2: Failure of Duty by Larner
3: No More than an Elf by Jedi Sapphire
HM: Allegiance by Starlight
HM: Examination by SurgicalSteel
HM: The Archivist by dancingkatz
HM: The Guardsman Comes Home by Larner
Genres: Drama: House of Finwë
1: The Burden of Truth by Rhapsody
2: I Hate You by Oshun
3: Breath of Forgiveness by Ignoble Bard
HM: CONTEST: Power Play by Fiondil
HM: Mirror of Lies by Alassante
HM: Shadow-folk by Ellie
Genres: Drama: Incomplete
1: Esquire of the King by Lady Roisin
2: Adventures of an Eored: Sins of the Father by Katzilla
3: Face of the Enemy by Linaewen
Genres: Drama: Later Age Elves
1: In The Dark by Aeärwen
2: You Take My Heart by Aeärwen
3: REBUKE: Animadversions by Fiondil
HM: Like a Bird in the Sky by Silivren Tinu
Genres: Ficlets: General
1: Till Fire Purge All Things New by pandemonium_213
2: Unweaving the Rainbow by pandemonium_213
3: Crows by ErinRua
HM: I Will Take It by agape4gondor
HM: Mr. Frodo's Waiting by Linaewen
Genres: Ficlets: Elven Lands
1: Three Wishes by Noliel
2: And she smiled by Ellynn
3: Footnote to the Akallabêth by Clotho123
Genres: Ficlets: Elven Lands Fixed-Length Ficlets
1: Rites of Spring by Raksha the Demon
2: Forth to War by Dawn Felagund
3: Family Resemblance by Marta
Genres: Ficlets: Family Fixed-Length Ficlet
1: Tethering Fire by viv
2: Sailing Lessons by rhyselle
3: The Sleigh Bed by grey_wonderer
Genres: Ficlets: General Fixed-Length Ficlets
1: Healing Time by Gwynnyd
2: Behold your King by Cairistiona
3: Keeping Watch by Cairistiona
Genres: Ficlets: Gondor or Rohan
1: The Eyes Of The World by Gogol
2: On a Field of Battle by viv
3: The Fortunate Few by elea24
HM: Outlander by Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
HM: Quickbeam by agape4gondor
Genres: Ficlets: Gondor or Rohan Fixed-Length Ficlets
1: Oft Hope is Born, Where All is Forlorn by Jay of Lasgalen
2: Seeds Under Stone by Raksha the Demon
3: Telling Tales by Avon
Genres: Ficlets: Men of the North
1: Memories of battle by Ragnelle
2: More Than Meets the Eye by Linda Hoyland
3: Searching by Marethiel
Genres: Horror: General
1: A Mirkwood Solstice by Thundera Tiger
2: Where the Shadows Lie by Clotho123
3: A Shadow of Things that Might Be by Tanaqui
HM: Death in Darkness by rhyselle
Genres: Humor: General
1: Sporting Woods by Ignoble Bard
2: Sam's Tale by Ignoble Bard
3: Those Singing Silmarils by Alassante
HM: Bring Me That Horizon by annmarwalk
HM: Eau de Olórin by pandemonium_213
HM: Forgiveness by Lady Bluejay
Genres: Humor: Aragorn or Legolas
1: An Unexpected Feast by Cairistiona
2: A Short Tale of a Tiny Elf by KyMahalei
3: A Chapter of Accidents by Jedi Sapphire
Genres: Humor: Children
1: Do you Believe in Ghosts? by Oshun
2: Just Desserts by Larner
3: The Ever-Present Past by grey_wonderer
Genres: Humor: Drabbles
1: Single Godlike Male Seeks Companion by viv
2: The Lady's Gift by Imhiriel
3: Swamp King by MedeaSmyke
Genres: Humor: Elven Legends
1: A Matter of Cultural Differences by Lissa
2: The Scented Pleasure Garden by whitewave
3: Gathering the Heroes by Moreth
Genres: Humor: Family
1: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better by Marta
2: Pink by Lady Roisin
3: A Matter of Perspective by Cathleen
Genres: Humor: Minas Tirith
1: Worse Than The Witch King by Virtuella
2: Hunting the Dragon by Linda Hoyland
3: Where Do Babies Come From? by nau_tika
Genres: Humor: Parody
1: Employee Review by Raksha the Demon
2: The Dark Foe Wears Feanaro by whitewave
3: Monty Python's 'The Hobbit' by Morthoron
Genres: Longer Works: General
1: A Time to Reap by Linda Hoyland
2: Interrupted Journeys Part Four: Journeys of Discovery by elliska
3: By the Light of Roses by Dawn Felagund
Genres: Longer Works: Incomplete
1: Elegy for Númenor by elfscribe
2: The Fire Within by NeumeIndil
3: Ónen i Estel Edain by StarSpray
Genres: Mystery: General
1: A Beggar of Distinction by Alassante
2: Mask of Virtue by Linda Hoyland
3: Rider of Rohan by Beruthiel's Cat
Genres: Non-Fiction: General
1: Twenty-Two Words You Never Thought Tolkien Would Provide by Darth Fingon
2: Elwing the White by Oshun
3: Exile, Wyrd and the Anglo-Saxon Warrior Ideal in The Wanderer and
Tolkien's Quenta Silmarillion by Esteliel
HM: Essay: The Least of My Brothers by Elanor
HM: Fingon The Valiant by Oshun
HM: The Stars that Varda Made by kitt_otter
Genres: Poetry: General
1: I Hate You, Goldberry by viv
2: If I were a wood elf... by Robinka
3: Seven Falls by Dawn Felagund
Genres: Poetry: Hobbits
1: Tidings of Doom and Gloom by Virtuella
2: I am Naked in the Dark, Sam by Baillie From Bree
3: The Gifting by Baillie From Bree
Genres: Romance: General
1: The Huntsman and the Lady by Súlriel
2: The Dance by Larner
3: Strings by Faoiltierna
Genres: Romance: Drabbles
1: A Thief in the Night by annmarwalk
2: Like Calls to Like by annmarwalk
3: Crown of Thorns by Linda Hoyland
Genres: Romance: Gondor or Rohan
1: On the Wings of the Storm by Lialathuveril
2: Liquid Numbers by Isabeau of Greenlea
3: Midsummer in the Year of the Fall of Sauron by Cairistiona
HM: Drummer by Lady Bluejay
Genres: Romance: Imladris Elves
1: Fox in Winter by Erfan Starled
2: Elven Light by Ainu Laire
3: Take My Advice by dapperscavenger
Genres: Romance: Incomplete
1: Opiate by Robinka
2: Ancestress by Dreamflower
3: Golden Days by Lyra
Races: Cross-Cultural: General
1: Eight Elven Cloaks by Virtuella
2: Flights of Fancy by Ithilwen
3: His Wealth Shall Flow in Fountains by Celeritas
HM: Silver Circlets by permilea
Races: Cross-Cultural: Drabbles
1: Antikythera by annmarwalk
2: In Search of History by annmarwalk
3: It Comes In Pints by Jay of Lasgalen
HM: A Feast of Lemons by Linda Hoyland
HM: Far From Home by Raksha the Demon
Races: Cross-Cultural: Elves and Mortals
1: Of Rowan and Ruin by Thundera Tiger
2: The Good Broideress by pandemonium_213
3: The Gift-giving of Celeborn by Dwimordene
HM: First Time by Lady Bluejay
HM: Immortal Tears by Epilachna
HM: Landfall by Keiliss
HM: The Man in the Moon by shirebound
HM: The People of the Stars by shirebound
Races: Cross-Cultural: Eriador
1: Trotter by Dreamflower
2: High Hearts and Folly by Raksha the Demon
3: Good King of Cats by Linda Hoyland
HM: A Matter of Cultural Differences by Vilwarin
HM: Hark! How Blithe the Throstle Sings! by Dreamflower
HM: Lord of Misrule by Tanaqui
Races: Cross-Cultural: Gondorians
1: A Sign of Hope by Linda Hoyland
2: Trees, Nothing More by Linaewen
3: Fighting Orcs by Linaewen
Races: Cross-Cultural: Incomplete
1: Holding Back the Flood by shirebound
2: In Empty Lands by Larner
3: Five Voices by Rhapsody
Races: Elves: General
1: Children of Lindórinand by Darth Fingon
2: Will Overruled By Fate by Oshun
3: Wildfire by j_dav (JDE)
Races: Elves: Drabbles
1: Reunion by Robinka
2: Bridal Bouquet by Linda Hoyland
3: Red, Red Wine by Jay of Lasgalen
HM: The Clouds Burst by Jay of Lasgalen
Races: Elves: Elrond and Family
1: Tree Song by Isabeau of Greenlea
2: Shelter From The Storm by Jay of Lasgalen
3: En Route by Aeärwen
HM: Celebrian's Journal by Beruthiel's Cat
HM: Memories by Red Lasbelin
Races: Elves: Featuring Glorfindel or Erestor
1: A Little More Conversation by Keiliss
2: Moving On by Bodkin
3: By Strength of Hounds by Adaneth
Races: Elves: Featuring Mirkwood Elves
1: To Wrap an Elven Princeling by Jael
2: Beyond the Clouded Hills by Bodkin
3: Der Erlkönig by San Antonio Rose
HM: SPRING: Meeting of Minds by Fiondil
Races: Elves: House of Finwë
1: The Good, the Bad, and the Queen by Robinka
2: Victim of the Unlight by Alassante
3: Silence So Loud by vladazhael
Races: Elves: Incomplete
1: Mereth Aderthad by Oshun
2: Passing by Lissa
3: Illuminations by Dawn Felagund
HM: Elrohir's Elf Book - Part One by Darth Fingon
Races: Hobbits: General
1: Mrs. Maggot Gives Directions by Virtuella
2: House-Hunting by Marta
3: Heart's Cord by Súlriel
Races: Hobbits: Bilbo Baggins
1: Elf-root by Soledad
2: Mathoms by Marta
3: A Boon Companion by j_dav (JDE)
Races: Hobbits: Buckland or Tookland
1: Gifts by Pearl Took
2: Interlude in Buckland by Dreamflower
3: Rude Awakening by Lindelea
Races: Hobbits: Childhood
1: Chicks and Ducks and Sheep better scurry... by grey_wonderer
2: O the Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night by Lindelea
3: JAM AND PUNISHMENT by grey_wonderer
Races: Hobbits: Drabbles
1: The Battle of Bywater by Lindelea
2: The Toymaster of Buckland by annmarwalk
3: Battle of Bywater, afterwords by Lindelea
Races: Hobbits: Frodo or Sam
1: The Gaffer's Farewell by Larner
2: The Master of Bag End by GamgeeFest
3: One Wish by White Gull
Races: Men: General
1: In Memorium by Lindelea
2: A Man Alone by Marta
3: B Like a Bathing Boromir by Isabeau of Greenlea
Races: Men: General Drabbles
1: Dutiful Daughter by Tanaqui
2: Surpassing All Rumour by Elena Tiriel
3: Empty Handed by Linda Hoyland
Races: Men: Gondor Drabbles
1: Pastures Green by curiouswombat
2: In the Gift Of by Tanaqui
3: Tomorrows by Marta
Races: Men: Northern Dunedain
1: Aspects of Aragorn by Inzilbeth
2: No Longer Dream by Dwimordene
3: On a Spring Morn by Cairistiona
Races: Other Beings: General
1: Chosen by pandemonium_213
2: Bird in God's Garden by Nancy Brooke
3: Ulmo's Wife by pandemonium_213
Races: Villains: General
1: Downfallen by pandemonium_213
2: Bedtime Tales For Little Orcs by Tanaqui
3: My Blood, Your Blood by Robinka
HM: No Going Back by Larner
HM: The Good Soldier by Nancy Brooke
Times: First Age and Prior: General
1: The Ice in the North by Moreth
2: Bright Are the Stars Upon the Margin of the World by Kenaz
3: Wanderlust by Clodia
HM: The Coat of Eärendil by Lothithil
Times: First Age and Prior: Drabbles
1: Happiness by Angelica
2: Treasure by Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
3: To My Father by Oshun
Times: First Age and Prior: Featuring Maedhros or Maglor
1: Blood as Warm as A Bird by Darth Fingon
2: Do Not Go Gentle by Elleth
3: A Ponderous Tome by Oshun
HM: Arkenstone by Clotho123
HM: Learning to make a fire by Lyra
Times: First Age and Prior: House of Finwe
1: Changing Lights by Elleth
2: The New World by Lyra
3: The Coveted by Dawn Felagund
HM: Two by mir_noldoris
Times: Modern Times: General
1: A Time of Harvest, September 22nd, 1915 by Elen Kortirion
2: The Well by Independence1776 (Crystal113)
3: Chance's Strange Arithmetic by Ithilwen
HM: As The Night The Day by Jael
HM: Walking Down Narrow Streets by Marta
Times: Post-Ring War and Beyond: General
1: Loss of the Light by Larner
2: Fire and Ice by Marta
3: Solving Old Mysteries by Aeärwen
Times: Post-Ring War and Beyond: Aragorn
1: From the Ashes by Larner
2: Helpless by Firefly-Maj
3: The Days of Wine and Roses by aranelgoldenflower
Times: Post-Ring War and Beyond: Drabbles
1: Where the Heart is by Imhiriel
2: Tomb by Fileg
3: Morning-After Bliss by Haarajot
Times: Post-Ring War and Beyond: Gondor
1: And So It Ends by Bodkin
2: The Ernil i Pheriannath Takes a Bath by grey_wonderer
3: By the River by Linda Hoyland
HM: A Bird in the Hand by Marta
HM: Wallowing by Isabeau of Greenlea
Times: Post-Ring War and Beyond: The Shire
1: Amends by Dwimordene
2: Reading Between the Lines by Marta
3: Chrysalids by Raksha the Demon
HM: Keep Alive the Memory by Celeritas
Times: Pre-Ring War: General
1: The Maegd Feorran by Nancy Brooke
2: Birthright by Marta
3: Pride of Place by Linda Hoyland/Raksha the Demon CoAuthors
HM: A Lesson in the Library by Pearl Took
Times: Pre-Ring War: Drabbles
1: Think Of A World Without Any Harvest by Jay of Lasgalen
2: Son of Durin by Elena Tiriel
3: The Hardest Month by curiouswombat
Times: Ring War: General
1: West of the Moon, East of the Sun by Kenaz
2: Et omnia vanitas by Robinka
3: Hands of a Warrior by MP Brennan
HM: Between Shadow and Sun by Raksha the Demon
HM: The Unforgotten by Rianiel
HM: Will the Light Return? by Larner
Times: Ring War: Drabbles
1: The Power Behind the Throne by Altariel
2: Not all the birds are to be trusted by Altariel
3: Legolas shall be for the Elves by Imhiriel
Times: Ring War: Quest of the Ring
1: Beyond the Mountain Passes by Thundera Tiger
2: Bill's Journey by StarLight9
3: The River by Indigo Bunting
HM: Darkness by Claudia
HM: The Fading Flower by Silivren Tinu
HM: The Weather Outside is Frightful by Radbooks
Times: Second and Early Third Age: General
1: The Far Side of the World by SurgicalSteel
2: To Sing Of... by Darth Fingon
3: Fell and Fair by Elena Tiriel
HM: Rumors by agape4gondor
Times: Second and Early Third Age: Akallabeth
1: Survivors of the Downfall by SurgicalSteel
2: Forbidden Fruit by Raksha the Demon
3: Shards of Courage by Alassante
HM: Alliance by SurgicalSteel
HM: This Distant Shore by Raksha the Demon
Again, this by no means represents all of the good stories. Some
sub-categories involved intense competition, and there are some very
worthwhile entries not listed here. If you have the time, I encourage
everyone to continue looking at any of this year's nominations that you
didn't get to. You can still leave the author a review wherever the
story is postedI'm sure they'll appreciate it.
And thank you again to everyone for your participation this year - I
think the 2009 awards were a great success, and it wouldn't have been
without everyone contributing so much in so many different ways!
Here's to 2010!
The MEFA Admin Team
list of final results. If you'd like to read some of these stories or
the reviews that were written about them, please check out the results
at our web page. Just go to , log in (or
click "log in as guest"), and click "2009 Story Results."
Before I list the results, I'd also like to offer CONGRATULATIONS to the
following reviewers who met their reviewing goals set last spring:
Alassante, Cairistiona, Celeritas, Curiouswombat, Dapperscavenger,
Dreamflower, Elena Tiriel, Elleth, Elliska, Erfan Starled, Esteliel,
Faoiltierna, Fiondil, Garnet Took, Harrowcatliz, Imhiriel, Jedi
Sapphire, KyMahalei, Larner, Linaewen, Linda Hoyland, Lissa, Nancy
Brooke, NeumeIndil, Nieriel Raina, Obsidianj, Oshun, Raksha the Demon,
Sevilodorf, Sindarelleth, SurgicalSteel, Tanaqui, Virtuella, Viv and
White Wolf
These are by no means all the reviewers. Everyone who wrote a review,
you deserve a round of applause!
And CONGRATULATIONS to the following authors for their success in this
year's Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards.
Genres: Adventure: General
1: While Hope Lasts by MP Brennan
2: Lake of Fire by Marta
3: Walking the Line - Book One by callerofcrows
Genres: Adventure: Elvish Lands
1: Of Lúthien and Huan by Moreth
2: Interrupted Journeys: Journeys In Mirkwood by elliska
3: Osse's Gift by elfscribe
HM: In the Woods of Ossiriand by Perelleth
Genres: Adventure: Gondor or Rohan
1: Hunting by Thundera Tiger
2: The Horn of the Kine by Dwimordene
3: Gamesmanship by Raksha the Demon
HM: The Hunt by Tanaqui
HM: The Scout and the Rider by MedeaSmyke
HM: Where Was Imrahil When Grond Hit the Gate? by stefaniab
Genres: Alternate Universe: General
1: Judgement by Independence1776 (Crystal113)
2: Mine by Nath
3: The Final Sense by nau_tika
Genres: Alternate Universe: Angst
1: The Last Temptation of Legolas Thranduilion by Jael
2: The Eagles Are Coming by Thundera Tiger
3: Angainor by Larner
Genres: Alternate Universe: Gondor
1: My Sword Trembles - Book Three - 'My Sword' series by agape4gondor
2: Beyond the Measure of Dreams by Skye Rutherford (Skye)
3: The Steward's House by alex_quine
Genres: Alternate Universe: Incomplete
1: The Letter by Antane
2: The Quiet Hobbit by the_arc5
3: McHobbits by Midnight
Genres: Character Study: General
1: The Measure of a Man by Virtuella
2: A Golden Flower by Celeritas
3: Taking Stock by Virtuella
HM: A Mother's Lament by agape4gondor
HM: A Trickle of Green Ribbon by Nieriel Raina
HM: Spoiling Nice Fish by Narya
HM: Standard Bearer by Nancy Brooke
HM: That which remains by Vilwarin
HM: Worth Two in the Hand by Dwimordene
Genres: Character Study: Angst
1: A Song That Was by Nieriel Raina
2: In Defiance of the Dark by Larner
3: What Dawn May Bring by Jedi Sapphire
Genres: Character Study: Aragorn
1: Gifts from the Heart by Silivren Tinu
2: No Longer Merely A King by Larner
3: The Grace Given to Me by Mirach
Genres: Character Study: Dunedain or Rohirrim Drabbles
1: For Arwen by Súlriel
2: Stirrup Cup by Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
3: Touched by Frost by Tanaqui
Genres: Character Study: Elrond and Family
1: The Gift of Iluvatar by Virtuella
2: DECEPTIONS: The Last Council of the Wise by Fiondil
3: Fireflies by Calenlass Greenleaf
HM: Sea Foam, Star Shine by MP Brennan
Genres: Character Study: Final Partings
1: Requiem by KyMahalei
2: Cold Haven by viv
3: Decision Point by Gwynnyd
HM: A Shieldmaiden's Mourning by NeumeIndil
HM: Follow the Sun by Nieriel Raina
HM: The Sun In His Hands by jastaelf
Genres: Character Study: Friendship
1: Hidden Within by Keiliss
2: What's For Dinner? by Nieriel Raina
3: For the King who has Everything by Raksha the Demon
HM: Hard Sailing by Dwimordene/Isabeau of Greenlea CoAuthors
HM: To Wait for Sun's Returning by Dreamflower
Genres: Character Study: General Drabbles
1: No Common Soldier by Linda Hoyland
2: Where Light in Darkness Dwells by Dreamflower
3: Freedom by Aranel Took
HM: The Folly of These Days by Nancy Brooke
Genres: Character Study: Pippin
1: Sparks of Hope by the_arc5
2: Misfit by dancingkatz
3: A Moment of Reflection by Budgielover
Genres: Character Study: Steward's Family
1: Catharsis by Marta
2: Speak All the Words by juno_magic
3: Advice by Dwimordene
HM: Banners by The Little Dwarf
Genres: Character Study: The Silmarillion
1: Nightingales and Starlight by Clodia
2: Storm-tossed by Levade
3: The Thrall by Ithilwen
HM: Field of Flowers by tuxedo_elf
HM: She Who Weeps by Dwimordene
HM: When You Smile by Keiliss
Genres: Crossover: General
1: A Man In Full by Jael
2: Through the Rain Curtain by Eledhwen
3: Apples by 20thcenturyvole
HM: Forsaken Knowledge by Rhapsody
HM: The Blades of Eru by Ilada'Jefiv
Genres: Drama: General
1: The Kindness of Strangers by Aiwendiel
2: Tales of a Dark Continent by Morthoron
3: No Traveler Returns by Ignoble Bard
HM: Among the Lost by NeumeIndil
HM: Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On by SurgicalSteel
Genres: Drama: Aragorn
1: At Hope's Edge by Cairistiona
2: Beating Down the Pain by rhyselle
3: The Temptation of Hope by Raksha the Demon
HM: A Night of Storms by Linda Hoyland
HM: Eating Stones by Marta
HM: Of Orcs, Rangers, and Peach Pie by Silivren Tinu
Genres: Drama: Drabbles
1: The Braided Stream by annmarwalk
2: Late by Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
3: October the Third by Lindelea
Genres: Drama: Elrond and Family
1: Elladaniel by Aeärwen
2: Song For Tomorrow l & ll by Keiliss
3: The Pain of Remembrance by Larner
HM: Glitter by Raksha the Demon
HM: The Silver Queen by MP Brennan
HM: The Token by Dreamflower
Genres: Drama: Eomer or Eowyn
1: At Peace by Starlight
2: Berzerkergang by NeumeIndil
3: Slow Journey out of Doubt by MedeaSmyke
Genres: Drama: Friendship
1: Stranger at the Feast by Raksha the Demon
2: Elven Strength by Legolass
3: This Present Darkness by Lamiel
HM: Dies Irae by Linda Hoyland
Genres: Drama: Gondor
1: Light Fingers by Aeärwen
2: Failure of Duty by Larner
3: No More than an Elf by Jedi Sapphire
HM: Allegiance by Starlight
HM: Examination by SurgicalSteel
HM: The Archivist by dancingkatz
HM: The Guardsman Comes Home by Larner
Genres: Drama: House of Finwë
1: The Burden of Truth by Rhapsody
2: I Hate You by Oshun
3: Breath of Forgiveness by Ignoble Bard
HM: CONTEST: Power Play by Fiondil
HM: Mirror of Lies by Alassante
HM: Shadow-folk by Ellie
Genres: Drama: Incomplete
1: Esquire of the King by Lady Roisin
2: Adventures of an Eored: Sins of the Father by Katzilla
3: Face of the Enemy by Linaewen
Genres: Drama: Later Age Elves
1: In The Dark by Aeärwen
2: You Take My Heart by Aeärwen
3: REBUKE: Animadversions by Fiondil
HM: Like a Bird in the Sky by Silivren Tinu
Genres: Ficlets: General
1: Till Fire Purge All Things New by pandemonium_213
2: Unweaving the Rainbow by pandemonium_213
3: Crows by ErinRua
HM: I Will Take It by agape4gondor
HM: Mr. Frodo's Waiting by Linaewen
Genres: Ficlets: Elven Lands
1: Three Wishes by Noliel
2: And she smiled by Ellynn
3: Footnote to the Akallabêth by Clotho123
Genres: Ficlets: Elven Lands Fixed-Length Ficlets
1: Rites of Spring by Raksha the Demon
2: Forth to War by Dawn Felagund
3: Family Resemblance by Marta
Genres: Ficlets: Family Fixed-Length Ficlet
1: Tethering Fire by viv
2: Sailing Lessons by rhyselle
3: The Sleigh Bed by grey_wonderer
Genres: Ficlets: General Fixed-Length Ficlets
1: Healing Time by Gwynnyd
2: Behold your King by Cairistiona
3: Keeping Watch by Cairistiona
Genres: Ficlets: Gondor or Rohan
1: The Eyes Of The World by Gogol
2: On a Field of Battle by viv
3: The Fortunate Few by elea24
HM: Outlander by Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
HM: Quickbeam by agape4gondor
Genres: Ficlets: Gondor or Rohan Fixed-Length Ficlets
1: Oft Hope is Born, Where All is Forlorn by Jay of Lasgalen
2: Seeds Under Stone by Raksha the Demon
3: Telling Tales by Avon
Genres: Ficlets: Men of the North
1: Memories of battle by Ragnelle
2: More Than Meets the Eye by Linda Hoyland
3: Searching by Marethiel
Genres: Horror: General
1: A Mirkwood Solstice by Thundera Tiger
2: Where the Shadows Lie by Clotho123
3: A Shadow of Things that Might Be by Tanaqui
HM: Death in Darkness by rhyselle
Genres: Humor: General
1: Sporting Woods by Ignoble Bard
2: Sam's Tale by Ignoble Bard
3: Those Singing Silmarils by Alassante
HM: Bring Me That Horizon by annmarwalk
HM: Eau de Olórin by pandemonium_213
HM: Forgiveness by Lady Bluejay
Genres: Humor: Aragorn or Legolas
1: An Unexpected Feast by Cairistiona
2: A Short Tale of a Tiny Elf by KyMahalei
3: A Chapter of Accidents by Jedi Sapphire
Genres: Humor: Children
1: Do you Believe in Ghosts? by Oshun
2: Just Desserts by Larner
3: The Ever-Present Past by grey_wonderer
Genres: Humor: Drabbles
1: Single Godlike Male Seeks Companion by viv
2: The Lady's Gift by Imhiriel
3: Swamp King by MedeaSmyke
Genres: Humor: Elven Legends
1: A Matter of Cultural Differences by Lissa
2: The Scented Pleasure Garden by whitewave
3: Gathering the Heroes by Moreth
Genres: Humor: Family
1: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better by Marta
2: Pink by Lady Roisin
3: A Matter of Perspective by Cathleen
Genres: Humor: Minas Tirith
1: Worse Than The Witch King by Virtuella
2: Hunting the Dragon by Linda Hoyland
3: Where Do Babies Come From? by nau_tika
Genres: Humor: Parody
1: Employee Review by Raksha the Demon
2: The Dark Foe Wears Feanaro by whitewave
3: Monty Python's 'The Hobbit' by Morthoron
Genres: Longer Works: General
1: A Time to Reap by Linda Hoyland
2: Interrupted Journeys Part Four: Journeys of Discovery by elliska
3: By the Light of Roses by Dawn Felagund
Genres: Longer Works: Incomplete
1: Elegy for Númenor by elfscribe
2: The Fire Within by NeumeIndil
3: Ónen i Estel Edain by StarSpray
Genres: Mystery: General
1: A Beggar of Distinction by Alassante
2: Mask of Virtue by Linda Hoyland
3: Rider of Rohan by Beruthiel's Cat
Genres: Non-Fiction: General
1: Twenty-Two Words You Never Thought Tolkien Would Provide by Darth Fingon
2: Elwing the White by Oshun
3: Exile, Wyrd and the Anglo-Saxon Warrior Ideal in The Wanderer and
Tolkien's Quenta Silmarillion by Esteliel
HM: Essay: The Least of My Brothers by Elanor
HM: Fingon The Valiant by Oshun
HM: The Stars that Varda Made by kitt_otter
Genres: Poetry: General
1: I Hate You, Goldberry by viv
2: If I were a wood elf... by Robinka
3: Seven Falls by Dawn Felagund
Genres: Poetry: Hobbits
1: Tidings of Doom and Gloom by Virtuella
2: I am Naked in the Dark, Sam by Baillie From Bree
3: The Gifting by Baillie From Bree
Genres: Romance: General
1: The Huntsman and the Lady by Súlriel
2: The Dance by Larner
3: Strings by Faoiltierna
Genres: Romance: Drabbles
1: A Thief in the Night by annmarwalk
2: Like Calls to Like by annmarwalk
3: Crown of Thorns by Linda Hoyland
Genres: Romance: Gondor or Rohan
1: On the Wings of the Storm by Lialathuveril
2: Liquid Numbers by Isabeau of Greenlea
3: Midsummer in the Year of the Fall of Sauron by Cairistiona
HM: Drummer by Lady Bluejay
Genres: Romance: Imladris Elves
1: Fox in Winter by Erfan Starled
2: Elven Light by Ainu Laire
3: Take My Advice by dapperscavenger
Genres: Romance: Incomplete
1: Opiate by Robinka
2: Ancestress by Dreamflower
3: Golden Days by Lyra
Races: Cross-Cultural: General
1: Eight Elven Cloaks by Virtuella
2: Flights of Fancy by Ithilwen
3: His Wealth Shall Flow in Fountains by Celeritas
HM: Silver Circlets by permilea
Races: Cross-Cultural: Drabbles
1: Antikythera by annmarwalk
2: In Search of History by annmarwalk
3: It Comes In Pints by Jay of Lasgalen
HM: A Feast of Lemons by Linda Hoyland
HM: Far From Home by Raksha the Demon
Races: Cross-Cultural: Elves and Mortals
1: Of Rowan and Ruin by Thundera Tiger
2: The Good Broideress by pandemonium_213
3: The Gift-giving of Celeborn by Dwimordene
HM: First Time by Lady Bluejay
HM: Immortal Tears by Epilachna
HM: Landfall by Keiliss
HM: The Man in the Moon by shirebound
HM: The People of the Stars by shirebound
Races: Cross-Cultural: Eriador
1: Trotter by Dreamflower
2: High Hearts and Folly by Raksha the Demon
3: Good King of Cats by Linda Hoyland
HM: A Matter of Cultural Differences by Vilwarin
HM: Hark! How Blithe the Throstle Sings! by Dreamflower
HM: Lord of Misrule by Tanaqui
Races: Cross-Cultural: Gondorians
1: A Sign of Hope by Linda Hoyland
2: Trees, Nothing More by Linaewen
3: Fighting Orcs by Linaewen
Races: Cross-Cultural: Incomplete
1: Holding Back the Flood by shirebound
2: In Empty Lands by Larner
3: Five Voices by Rhapsody
Races: Elves: General
1: Children of Lindórinand by Darth Fingon
2: Will Overruled By Fate by Oshun
3: Wildfire by j_dav (JDE)
Races: Elves: Drabbles
1: Reunion by Robinka
2: Bridal Bouquet by Linda Hoyland
3: Red, Red Wine by Jay of Lasgalen
HM: The Clouds Burst by Jay of Lasgalen
Races: Elves: Elrond and Family
1: Tree Song by Isabeau of Greenlea
2: Shelter From The Storm by Jay of Lasgalen
3: En Route by Aeärwen
HM: Celebrian's Journal by Beruthiel's Cat
HM: Memories by Red Lasbelin
Races: Elves: Featuring Glorfindel or Erestor
1: A Little More Conversation by Keiliss
2: Moving On by Bodkin
3: By Strength of Hounds by Adaneth
Races: Elves: Featuring Mirkwood Elves
1: To Wrap an Elven Princeling by Jael
2: Beyond the Clouded Hills by Bodkin
3: Der Erlkönig by San Antonio Rose
HM: SPRING: Meeting of Minds by Fiondil
Races: Elves: House of Finwë
1: The Good, the Bad, and the Queen by Robinka
2: Victim of the Unlight by Alassante
3: Silence So Loud by vladazhael
Races: Elves: Incomplete
1: Mereth Aderthad by Oshun
2: Passing by Lissa
3: Illuminations by Dawn Felagund
HM: Elrohir's Elf Book - Part One by Darth Fingon
Races: Hobbits: General
1: Mrs. Maggot Gives Directions by Virtuella
2: House-Hunting by Marta
3: Heart's Cord by Súlriel
Races: Hobbits: Bilbo Baggins
1: Elf-root by Soledad
2: Mathoms by Marta
3: A Boon Companion by j_dav (JDE)
Races: Hobbits: Buckland or Tookland
1: Gifts by Pearl Took
2: Interlude in Buckland by Dreamflower
3: Rude Awakening by Lindelea
Races: Hobbits: Childhood
1: Chicks and Ducks and Sheep better scurry... by grey_wonderer
2: O the Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night by Lindelea
3: JAM AND PUNISHMENT by grey_wonderer
Races: Hobbits: Drabbles
1: The Battle of Bywater by Lindelea
2: The Toymaster of Buckland by annmarwalk
3: Battle of Bywater, afterwords by Lindelea
Races: Hobbits: Frodo or Sam
1: The Gaffer's Farewell by Larner
2: The Master of Bag End by GamgeeFest
3: One Wish by White Gull
Races: Men: General
1: In Memorium by Lindelea
2: A Man Alone by Marta
3: B Like a Bathing Boromir by Isabeau of Greenlea
Races: Men: General Drabbles
1: Dutiful Daughter by Tanaqui
2: Surpassing All Rumour by Elena Tiriel
3: Empty Handed by Linda Hoyland
Races: Men: Gondor Drabbles
1: Pastures Green by curiouswombat
2: In the Gift Of by Tanaqui
3: Tomorrows by Marta
Races: Men: Northern Dunedain
1: Aspects of Aragorn by Inzilbeth
2: No Longer Dream by Dwimordene
3: On a Spring Morn by Cairistiona
Races: Other Beings: General
1: Chosen by pandemonium_213
2: Bird in God's Garden by Nancy Brooke
3: Ulmo's Wife by pandemonium_213
Races: Villains: General
1: Downfallen by pandemonium_213
2: Bedtime Tales For Little Orcs by Tanaqui
3: My Blood, Your Blood by Robinka
HM: No Going Back by Larner
HM: The Good Soldier by Nancy Brooke
Times: First Age and Prior: General
1: The Ice in the North by Moreth
2: Bright Are the Stars Upon the Margin of the World by Kenaz
3: Wanderlust by Clodia
HM: The Coat of Eärendil by Lothithil
Times: First Age and Prior: Drabbles
1: Happiness by Angelica
2: Treasure by Branwyn (Lady Branwyn)
3: To My Father by Oshun
Times: First Age and Prior: Featuring Maedhros or Maglor
1: Blood as Warm as A Bird by Darth Fingon
2: Do Not Go Gentle by Elleth
3: A Ponderous Tome by Oshun
HM: Arkenstone by Clotho123
HM: Learning to make a fire by Lyra
Times: First Age and Prior: House of Finwe
1: Changing Lights by Elleth
2: The New World by Lyra
3: The Coveted by Dawn Felagund
HM: Two by mir_noldoris
Times: Modern Times: General
1: A Time of Harvest, September 22nd, 1915 by Elen Kortirion
2: The Well by Independence1776 (Crystal113)
3: Chance's Strange Arithmetic by Ithilwen
HM: As The Night The Day by Jael
HM: Walking Down Narrow Streets by Marta
Times: Post-Ring War and Beyond: General
1: Loss of the Light by Larner
2: Fire and Ice by Marta
3: Solving Old Mysteries by Aeärwen
Times: Post-Ring War and Beyond: Aragorn
1: From the Ashes by Larner
2: Helpless by Firefly-Maj
3: The Days of Wine and Roses by aranelgoldenflower
Times: Post-Ring War and Beyond: Drabbles
1: Where the Heart is by Imhiriel
2: Tomb by Fileg
3: Morning-After Bliss by Haarajot
Times: Post-Ring War and Beyond: Gondor
1: And So It Ends by Bodkin
2: The Ernil i Pheriannath Takes a Bath by grey_wonderer
3: By the River by Linda Hoyland
HM: A Bird in the Hand by Marta
HM: Wallowing by Isabeau of Greenlea
Times: Post-Ring War and Beyond: The Shire
1: Amends by Dwimordene
2: Reading Between the Lines by Marta
3: Chrysalids by Raksha the Demon
HM: Keep Alive the Memory by Celeritas
Times: Pre-Ring War: General
1: The Maegd Feorran by Nancy Brooke
2: Birthright by Marta
3: Pride of Place by Linda Hoyland/Raksha the Demon CoAuthors
HM: A Lesson in the Library by Pearl Took
Times: Pre-Ring War: Drabbles
1: Think Of A World Without Any Harvest by Jay of Lasgalen
2: Son of Durin by Elena Tiriel
3: The Hardest Month by curiouswombat
Times: Ring War: General
1: West of the Moon, East of the Sun by Kenaz
2: Et omnia vanitas by Robinka
3: Hands of a Warrior by MP Brennan
HM: Between Shadow and Sun by Raksha the Demon
HM: The Unforgotten by Rianiel
HM: Will the Light Return? by Larner
Times: Ring War: Drabbles
1: The Power Behind the Throne by Altariel
2: Not all the birds are to be trusted by Altariel
3: Legolas shall be for the Elves by Imhiriel
Times: Ring War: Quest of the Ring
1: Beyond the Mountain Passes by Thundera Tiger
2: Bill's Journey by StarLight9
3: The River by Indigo Bunting
HM: Darkness by Claudia
HM: The Fading Flower by Silivren Tinu
HM: The Weather Outside is Frightful by Radbooks
Times: Second and Early Third Age: General
1: The Far Side of the World by SurgicalSteel
2: To Sing Of... by Darth Fingon
3: Fell and Fair by Elena Tiriel
HM: Rumors by agape4gondor
Times: Second and Early Third Age: Akallabeth
1: Survivors of the Downfall by SurgicalSteel
2: Forbidden Fruit by Raksha the Demon
3: Shards of Courage by Alassante
HM: Alliance by SurgicalSteel
HM: This Distant Shore by Raksha the Demon
Again, this by no means represents all of the good stories. Some
sub-categories involved intense competition, and there are some very
worthwhile entries not listed here. If you have the time, I encourage
everyone to continue looking at any of this year's nominations that you
didn't get to. You can still leave the author a review wherever the
story is postedI'm sure they'll appreciate it.
And thank you again to everyone for your participation this year - I
think the 2009 awards were a great success, and it wouldn't have been
without everyone contributing so much in so many different ways!
Here's to 2010!
The MEFA Admin Team
Msg# 10320
Re: ADMIN: 2009 MEFA Final Results Posted by Ellie January 03, 2010 - 18:36:33 Topic ID# 10318Tanaqui,
I noticed that one of my stories did get an honorable mention but I never received an email about it. Are emails only sent out if a story is first, second, or third? My email addy hasn't changed. Just curious.
I noticed that one of my stories did get an honorable mention but I never received an email about it. Are emails only sent out if a story is first, second, or third? My email addy hasn't changed. Just curious.
Msg# 10321
Re: ADMIN: 2009 MEFA Final Results Posted by elliska67 January 03, 2010 - 19:31:49 Topic ID# 10318No honourable mentions are sent an email too. I was one of the volunteers that helped send the emails and yours was one that I sent. I checked to make sure I really sent it and to the same email as you have in the voting site (i.e. the correct email without typos etc). I did. I sent it to an email at Check that one and check the spam filter. The subject line MEFA 2009 Award results. elliska
--- In, "Ellie" <glenceol@...> wrote:
> Tanaqui,
> I noticed that one of my stories did get an honorable mention but I never received an email about it. Are emails only sent out if a story is first, second, or third? My email addy hasn't changed. Just curious.
> Ellie
Msg# 10322
Re: ADMIN: 2009 MEFA Final Results Posted by Tanaqui January 04, 2010 - 5:47:29 Topic ID# 10318Hi Ellie
As Elliska has confirmed, we did send out an email to the address you
have listed at the voting website (which I notice is the same one you
use to subscribe to MEFAwards).
It may be that your email provider is one of those that deletes some
emails as spam even before they reach your spam folder. (We've had this
problem a few times in the past!)
If you still can't find the email in your spam folder, and you have
another email address, please could you send it to us at mefasupport at
mefawards dot net, and I'll send your email again to the new address to
see if that's more successful.
The MEFA Admin Team
elliska67 wrote:
As Elliska has confirmed, we did send out an email to the address you
have listed at the voting website (which I notice is the same one you
use to subscribe to MEFAwards).
It may be that your email provider is one of those that deletes some
emails as spam even before they reach your spam folder. (We've had this
problem a few times in the past!)
If you still can't find the email in your spam folder, and you have
another email address, please could you send it to us at mefasupport at
mefawards dot net, and I'll send your email again to the new address to
see if that's more successful.
The MEFA Admin Team
elliska67 wrote:
> No honourable mentions are sent an email too. I was one of the
> volunteers that helped send the emails and yours was one that I sent. I
> checked to make sure I really sent it and to the same email as you have
> in the voting site (i.e. the correct email without typos etc). I did. I
> sent it to an email at Check that one and check the spam
> filter. The subject line MEFA 2009 Award results. elliska
> --- In <>,
> "Ellie" <glenceol@...> wrote:
> >
> > Tanaqui,
> >
> > I noticed that one of my stories did get an honorable mention but I
> never received an email about it. Are emails only sent out if a story is
> first, second, or third? My email addy hasn't changed. Just curious.
> >
> > Ellie
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 9.0.725 / Virus Database: 270.14.124/2598 - Release Date: 01/03/10 09:41:00
Msg# 10330
Re: ADMIN: 2009 MEFA Final Results Posted by Ellie January 05, 2010 - 19:38:10 Topic ID# 10318I still have not received the email though all other email from MEFA arrived before. It's weird. Could you please resend to the email addy you have and if that doesn't work then I'll send you an alternate email addy?
--- In, Tanaqui <tanaqui@...> wrote:
> Hi Ellie
> As Elliska has confirmed, we did send out an email to the address you
> have listed at the voting website (which I notice is the same one you
> use to subscribe to MEFAwards).
> It may be that your email provider is one of those that deletes some
> emails as spam even before they reach your spam folder. (We've had this
> problem a few times in the past!)
> If you still can't find the email in your spam folder, and you have
> another email address, please could you send it to us at mefasupport at
> mefawards dot net, and I'll send your email again to the new address to
> see if that's more successful.
> Tanaqui
> The MEFA Admin Team
> elliska67 wrote:
> >
> >
> > No honourable mentions are sent an email too. I was one of the
> > volunteers that helped send the emails and yours was one that I sent. I
> > checked to make sure I really sent it and to the same email as you have
> > in the voting site (i.e. the correct email without typos etc). I did. I
> > sent it to an email at Check that one and check the spam
> > filter. The subject line MEFA 2009 Award results. elliska
> >
> > --- In <>,
> > "Ellie" <glenceol@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Tanaqui,
> > >
> > > I noticed that one of my stories did get an honorable mention but I
> > never received an email about it. Are emails only sent out if a story is
> > first, second, or third? My email addy hasn't changed. Just curious.
> > >
> > > Ellie
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG -
> > Version: 9.0.725 / Virus Database: 270.14.124/2598 - Release Date: 01/03/10 09:41:00
> >
Msg# 10331
Re: ADMIN: 2009 MEFA Final Results Posted by Tanaqui January 06, 2010 - 7:37:05 Topic ID# 10318Hi Ellie
I've just sent another copy of the email to the same address.
The MEFA Admin Team
Ellie wrote:
I've just sent another copy of the email to the same address.
The MEFA Admin Team
Ellie wrote:
> I still have not received the email though all other email from MEFA
> arrived before. It's weird. Could you please resend to the email addy
> you have and if that doesn't work then I'll send you an alternate email
> addy?
> Thanks!
> Ellie
> --- In <>,
> Tanaqui <tanaqui@...> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Ellie
> >
> > As Elliska has confirmed, we did send out an email to the address you
> > have listed at the voting website (which I notice is the same one you
> > use to subscribe to MEFAwards).
> >
> > It may be that your email provider is one of those that deletes some
> > emails as spam even before they reach your spam folder. (We've had this
> > problem a few times in the past!)
> >
> > If you still can't find the email in your spam folder, and you have
> > another email address, please could you send it to us at mefasupport at
> > mefawards dot net, and I'll send your email again to the new address to
> > see if that's more successful.
> >
> > Tanaqui
> > The MEFA Admin Team
> >
> > elliska67 wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > No honourable mentions are sent an email too. I was one of the
> > > volunteers that helped send the emails and yours was one that I
> sent. I
> > > checked to make sure I really sent it and to the same email as you
> have
> > > in the voting site (i.e. the correct email without typos etc). I
> did. I
> > > sent it to an email at Check that one and check the
> spam
> > > filter. The subject line MEFA 2009 Award results. elliska
> > >
> > > --- In
> <> <>,
> > > "Ellie" <glenceol@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Tanaqui,
> > > >
> > > > I noticed that one of my stories did get an honorable mention but I
> > > never received an email about it. Are emails only sent out if a
> story is
> > > first, second, or third? My email addy hasn't changed. Just curious.
> > > >
> > > > Ellie
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > >
> > > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > > Checked by AVG -
> > > Version: 9.0.725 / Virus Database: 270.14.124/2598 - Release Date:
> 01/03/10 09:41:00
> > >
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 9.0.725 / Virus Database: 270.14.126/2601 - Release Date: 01/05/10 07:35:00
Msg# 10332
Re: ADMIN: 2009 MEFA Final Results Posted by January 06, 2010 - 11:26:04 Topic ID# 10318Congratulations to all who participated, both authors and reviewers, as well as heartfelt thanks and congratulations to the behind-the-scenes folks who made the awards happen, for making them happen!
I'm very thankful for the encouragement, myself, as it has been an incredibly busy year and I've had very little time for writing. We are a homeschooling family, and this was our first year to tackle high school subjects. Whew. It's a whole new ballgame.
I wish I'd had some time to read and review for this year (I didn't even set a goal, but I was hoping...), but I'm glad the stories are still up. I had a wishlist started, of stories that caught my eye, but am not sure if it's still accessible, or how to access it, if it is? Is it still possible to review stories at the MEFA site, or do we write reviews at the sites where stories are posted? (Assuming that I get some reading time, sometime...)
I intend to go through and answer each review I got, but until then, please know that I am grateful and much encouraged.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I'm very thankful for the encouragement, myself, as it has been an incredibly busy year and I've had very little time for writing. We are a homeschooling family, and this was our first year to tackle high school subjects. Whew. It's a whole new ballgame.
I wish I'd had some time to read and review for this year (I didn't even set a goal, but I was hoping...), but I'm glad the stories are still up. I had a wishlist started, of stories that caught my eye, but am not sure if it's still accessible, or how to access it, if it is? Is it still possible to review stories at the MEFA site, or do we write reviews at the sites where stories are posted? (Assuming that I get some reading time, sometime...)
I intend to go through and answer each review I got, but until then, please know that I am grateful and much encouraged.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Msg# 10333
Re: ADMIN: 2009 MEFA Final Results Posted by Tanaqui January 06, 2010 - 13:06:40 Topic ID# 10318Hi Lindelea
Glad you enjoyed the awards this year and thanks for the congratulations! wrote:
voting website is available, which should be for the next three months
or so. (We'll take the 2009 site offline when we put up the 2010 site
just before nominations for 2010.)
You can access it by going to the Browse Stories page, clicking on the
"Show filter" link, selecting "Wish" from the "Review Status" dropdown,
and clicking on the "Display selected nominations" button.
It's no longer possible to enter reviews at the voting website -- but of
course you can leave reviews at the sites where the stories are posted,
if the sites allow that.
Hope that helps
The MEFA Admin Team
Glad you enjoyed the awards this year and thanks for the congratulations! wrote:
> I had a wishlist started, of stories that caught my eye, but am not sureYour wishlist should still be available to you as long as the 2009
> if it's still accessible, or how to access it, if it is? Is it still
> possible to review stories at the MEFA site, or do we write reviews at
> the sites where stories are posted? (Assuming that I get some reading
> time, sometime...)
voting website is available, which should be for the next three months
or so. (We'll take the 2009 site offline when we put up the 2010 site
just before nominations for 2010.)
You can access it by going to the Browse Stories page, clicking on the
"Show filter" link, selecting "Wish" from the "Review Status" dropdown,
and clicking on the "Display selected nominations" button.
It's no longer possible to enter reviews at the voting website -- but of
course you can leave reviews at the sites where the stories are posted,
if the sites allow that.
Hope that helps
The MEFA Admin Team
If you have any questions about the archive, or would like to report a technical problem, please contact Aranel (former MEFA Tech Support and current Keeper of the Archive) at or at the MEFA Archive group..