Hi Dancingkatz,
You and Rhyselle are sisters? How neat, to have a fellow fanfic writer in
the same house.
Anyway... many moons ago, the different awards given - first place, second
place, and third place - had themed banners, and themed names to go with
them. For instance in the Drama main category, all first place stories
received the "Turin Turambar Award" - and got a banner featuring Turin. All
second place stories received the "Frodo Baggins Award," and all third-place
stories received the "Faramir, Son of Denethor Award." The thinking was that
these were three characters in Tolkien's works whose stories were
particularly dramatic.
We've since moved away from themed banners. This is because most people like
banners that reflect the contents of their story. Someone who wrote a
Legolas-and-Gimli story, that won a prize in the Drama category, could have
received the Frodo Baggins award, and a Frodo-themed banner to go along with
it. That might be a bit inappropriate. So instead we let artists create a
pool of banners featuring as many characters and settings as possible, and
winning authors can select whatever banner they like.
Because of that change we don't often refer to the names of specific awards
any more. "Second place in Genres: Drama: General" is simply easier to
understand than "the Frodo Baggins Award," in many contexts.
Hope that explains the award name. :-)
P.S. - Out of curiosity, where did your sister see that name? I wasn't aware
that the website still displayed it.
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Dancingkatz <dancingkatz@att.net> wrote:
> I was checking out my sister, Rhyselle's, results and wondered what the
> Frodo Baggins Award was. Can anyone tell me? I want to congratulate her but
> I'd like to know what I'm congratulating her for. Thanks!
> BTW, I just realised that I had forgotten to change my email in my profile
> to my new one. I made the change today and wonder if I missed a notification
> of any sort since the announcement of the winners.
> Many thanks,
> Dancingkatz
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