Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 10695

ADMIN - archive downtime Posted by telperion1 July 24, 2010 - 15:00:49 Topic ID# 10695
Hey guys,

Two major archives have experienced "downtime" over the past few days.
Downtime is when the archive is not accessible, either because of
scheduled repairs or unexpected technical problems. This happens to all
websites from time to time, and archives are especially vulnerable
because they are maintained by volunteers, usually working in small
groups. (This is why commercial websites often have downtime at times
when the website is less likely to be used.)

The two sites affected this time are and HASA is back up, though I've been told it
may run a little slower the first few times you access it. SOA is still
down (for me, as of 3:49 PM US East Coast), though I know their
volunteers are working very hard to get it fixed as soon as possible.

In the meantime, I am going to work on getting functioning URLs for
stories hosted at SOA. For those who gave alternate URLs, I will use
those; for other authors I will email you and ask if you would like to
give an alternate URL in the meantime. Voters, this may take a few
hours, so if you come across a non-functioning link in the meantime
please put it on your wish list.

I am of course not expressing judgment against SOA. It's a fine archive,
and I am very sympathetic toward their technical problems! When their
problems are fixed, authors are more than welcome to email me at
mefasupportATgmailDOTcom, and ask that I change their URL back. If you
provide me the ID#, the story title, and the new URL, it is rather easy
to do.

I *would* appreciate it if members would keep from recommending new
archives here. This fandom has several good archives, and for those
members without alternate URLs, I will suggest several options
privately. But a public recommendation can look like we are saying one
archive is bad and the other is better. (Unintentionally, I'm sure, but
it can still seem like that.)

Speaking generally - archives go down all the time. If you ever see a
notice about your favorite archive having downtime, feel free to email
it to me at mefasupportATgmailDOTcom. I will announce it to the group if
it affects the MEFAs.


Msg# 10696

Re: ADMIN - archive downtime Posted by Ellin Ithilwen July 24, 2010 - 16:06:33 Topic ID# 10695
Right now (11 p.m. CET) not even MEFA site is available; when I click on it, there is error message. More technical problems? *worried*

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Msg# 10697

Re: ADMIN - archive downtime Posted by Tanaqui July 24, 2010 - 16:21:44 Topic ID# 10695
Hi Ellynn

I've just checked and I can get to the MEFA site, but it looks from the
server status messages I can see like our hosting company has just
rebooted the server, so you may have just caught it as they were doing
that. Perhaps you could try again?

MEFA Tech Support

Ellin Ithilwen wrote:
> Right now (11 p.m. CET) not even MEFA site is available; when I click
> on it, there is error message. More technical problems? *worried*
> Ellynn
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 10698

Re: ADMIN - archive downtime Posted by Voirrey July 24, 2010 - 16:23:55 Topic ID# 10695
MEFA site is fine for me. It's now, 22.20 BST, so a few minutes since Ellynn posted.


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Msg# 10699

Re: ADMIN - archive downtime Posted by Ellin Ithilwen July 24, 2010 - 16:24:33 Topic ID# 10695
Yep, everything is ok now. ;)

--- On Sat, 7/24/10, Tanaqui <> wrote:

From: Tanaqui <>
Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] ADMIN - archive downtime
Date: Saturday, July 24, 2010, 2:15 PM

Hi Ellynn

I've just checked and I can get to the MEFA site, but it looks from the
server status messages I can see like our hosting company has just
rebooted the server, so you may have just caught it as they were doing
that. Perhaps you could try again?

MEFA Tech Support

Ellin Ithilwen wrote:
> Right now (11 p.m. CET) not even MEFA site is available; when I click
> on it, there is error message. More technical problems? *worried*
> Ellynn
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Msg# 10700

Re: ADMIN - archive downtime Posted by telperion1 July 24, 2010 - 16:27:35 Topic ID# 10695
On 7/24/2010 4:59 PM, Ellin Ithilwen wrote:
> Right now (11 p.m. CET) not even MEFA site is available; when I click on
> it, there is error message. More technical problems? *worried*
> Ellynn

Hi Ellynn,

By MEFA website do you mean ? The
site you usually log in to in order to read stories and vote? Or
something else?

If you mean, that's working for me. If you
can't access that site, can you please email
techsupportATmefawardsDOTnet, with the browser you are using and the
exact error message, if any? Hopefully they can help you sort it out.


Msg# 10701

Re: ADMIN - archive downtime Posted by telperion1 July 24, 2010 - 16:30:59 Topic ID# 10695
On 7/24/2010 5:24 PM, Ellin Ithilwen wrote:
> Yep, everything is ok now. ;)
> Ellynn

*phew* Glad to hear it!
