Yahoo Forum Archive

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Msg# 10749

ADMIN - How Reviews Are Scored Posted by Marta August 11, 2010 - 23:08:15 Topic ID# 10749
Hey guys,

Here is your weekly admin post, which this week is going to talk about
how your reviews are scored and how that decides which pieces win
which awards.

-- The first step is that each story is awarded points based on the
number of characters in your review. You can find a table showing the
number of characters needed for each points score at the "How are
votes scored?" FAQ at
Only certain characters count towards the total - you can find a list
of which ones count in the same FAQ.

You'll see the actual number of characters that count (according to
the site), and the points that will be awarded, near the top of the
page when you preview your review.

-- The second step involves adding together all the points awarded to
each story. The story in each subcategory that earns the most points
gets first place, second highest gets second place, and third highest
gets third place.

-- If two pieces have the same number of points, the story which has
the greater number of reviews  meaning more people voted for it  is
placed above the story with fewer reviews. If each story received the
same number of reviews, we add together the number of counted
characters in all the reviews for each story, and the story which has
received the most number of characters overall is placed higher. If
there's still no way to break the tie, they will receive the same
award. You can find out more about how ties are broken in the FAQ at

-- As well as first, second or third places in a subcategory, stories
may also be awarded an "Honorable Mention". This recognizes that some
categories are larger or more competitive than others. Honorable
mentions will be awarded to each of the next highest scoring stories
until such time as half the stories in the subcategory have received
an award (either first, second, or third place or honorable mention).
Additionally, any story with the same number of points as the
third-place story in that subcategory will get an honorable mention.
There's more about how Honorable Mentions are awarded in the FAQ at


Remember that stories only receive points for FINAL or HIDDEN reviews.
Draft reviews will not be counted. Make sure you CONVERT ALL DRAFT
REVIEWS to FINAL or HIDDEN by the end of Voting if you want them to


Also, a couple of quick reminders:

1. If you intend to set a reviewing goal you need to do this by 11:59
PM GMT, on 15-August. That's fast approaching. Don't let this deadline
pass you by.

2. Annmarwalk is continuing to post reviews to the [mefa-reviews]
Yahoo group and the [mefas] LJ comm. If you want to get reviews by
email or on your friends' list, feel free to join one of those groups.

MEFA Admin.