I'm going into hospital for surgery tomorrow and will only have
computer access again after the nomination season ends. As such,
these will be my only nominations. Thankfully, all the works by
other authors I'd like to nominate have already been nominated, so
hopefully no-one will think I'm an utter ego-maniac. ;)
Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Anna Milton
*Story Title: Queen's Gambit
*Story Author: A L Milton
*Author's E-mail Address: white.tower[at]gmail[dot]com
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: LotR
2nd: Men
3rd: N/A
Subcategory (suggest something): Gap-filler
*Rating: PG
Reason for rating: it can be read by all, but there's mention of
events/themes that are not wholly appropriate for young children
*Romance Partners: N/A
*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Faramir and
Arwen play a game of chess in the summer of 3019 TA. Politics, the
Alekhine Defence by any other name and Faramir taking his clothes
off - a description that is as accurate as it is misleading.
* * *
Story Nomination Form
*Nominator's name: Anna Milton
*Story Title: Queen's Gambit
*Story Author: A L Milton
*Author's E-mail Address: white.tower[at]gmail[dot]com
*Story URL:
*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: LotR
Subcategory (suggest something): Vignette
*Rating: PG-13
Reason for rating: some mature themes
*Romance Partners: N/A
*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A short
vignette taking place soon before the pyre of Denethor and
attempting to explain the Steward's choice.
* * *