Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 1363

Nominations: Earmire/Nol, Jedishampoo, Tanaqui, Avon Posted by elanor of aquitania June 12, 2004 - 16:48:55 Topic ID# 1363
Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania

*Story Title: Light Lingering

*Story Author: Earmire/Nol

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
3rd: LotR F.A.
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble. Otherwise, suggest

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): don't know

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Over swordplay, dreams and academics, Faramir, Prince of Ithilien, makes a
new friend.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania

*Story Title: Gift Horses

*Story Author: Jedishampoo

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Men
2nd: Humor/Drama/Romance
3rd: LotR
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble. Otherwise, suggest

*Rating: General

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: Eowyn/Faramir

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
How is Eowyn to get out of the Houses of Healing or escape an inescapable
future in Rohan?


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania

*Story Title: Sufficient

*Story Author: Tanaqui

*Author's E-mail Address: don't know, but Tanaqui is already in database
with stories approved by staff, thus e-mail address must be known by staff

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Men
2nd: Drama
3rd: LoTR
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble. Otherwise, suggest

*Rating: General

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Faramir, Legolas and a bow of the Galadhrim. The morning after Aragorn's
coronation, two archers find themselves down at the practice grounds. A few
arrows, a lot of words, the start of a friendship, and how Faramir beings to
learn to let go of the things he no longer needs. Mild angst.

Comment by Elanor concerning Avon:
I mailed Avon for approval of these 3 stories,
but have no answer yet.
Maybe you have already a general approval.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania

*Story Title: My dark-haired Love

*Story Author: Avon

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Men
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble. Otherwise, suggest


Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners: Eowyn/Faramir

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
On the night of her wedding to Faramir Eowyn thinks about love and words.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania

*Story Title: I will always be your brother

*Story Author: Avon

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble. Otherwise, suggest

*Rating: Adult (in HASA), PG (in

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):
don't know, may be because death and dying mentioned

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Boromir and Faramir's first meeting when Boromir comes home from his first
campaign. There are so many things you can't promise. Happy birthday,

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania

*Story Title: Ties of Love

*Story Author: Avon

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Men
2nd: Drama
3rd: LoTR
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble. Otherwise, suggest

*Rating: General

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.):

*Romance Partners:

*Summary (not a reccommenddation. Save that for the vote):
Boromir and Faramir and the ties that bind us. Boromir explains a Gondorian
superstition to Pippin.

Msg# 1366

Re: Nominations: Earmire/Nol, Jedishampoo, Tanaqui, Avon Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 12, 2004 - 20:27:59 Topic ID# 1363
> -----Original Message-----
> From: elanor of aquitania []
> Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2004 4:50 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Nominations: Earmire/Nol, Jedishampoo,
> Tanaqui, Avon
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania
> *Story Title: Gift Horses
> *Story Author: Jedishampoo
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> *1st: Men
> 2nd: Humor/Drama/Romance
> 3rd: LotR

Okay, I put Humor as the 2nd choice, Drama as the 3rd choice. Romance and
LOTR went in Subcategory Suggestions. Please only pick one for each choice.

> Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble.
> Otherwise, suggest
> something):
> *Rating: General

And would that be G or PG? Since you've read the story, you can pick one.

> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania
> *Story Title: Sufficient
> *Story Author: Tanaqui
> *Author's E-mail Address: don't know, but Tanaqui is already
> in database with stories approved by staff, thus e-mail
> address must be known by staff

Yep, I was able to get it from elsewhere.

> *Rating: General

But we have the same problem with General. Pick G or PG.

> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Comment by Elanor concerning Avon:
> I mailed Avon for approval of these 3 stories, but have no
> answer yet.

> Maybe you have already a general approval.


> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania
> *Story Title: My dark-haired Love
> *Story Author: Avon
> *Rating:General

Same question

> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania
> *Story Title: I will always be your brother
> *Story Author: Avon

> *Rating: Adult (in HASA), PG (in

Tricky. Can we split the difference and call it PG-13?

> *Story Title: Ties of Love
> *Story Author: Avon
> *Rating: General

G or PG?

MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

Msg# 1367

your story "Gift Horses" nominated for the MEFAs Posted by Marta June 12, 2004 - 22:43:47 Topic ID# 1363
Hi Jedishampoo,

Elanor of Aquitania would like to nominate your story, "Gift Horses", for the Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards. In order to approve that nomination, we need your approval. Do we have your permission to include "Gift Horses" in the awards?

The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards are new this year. It is a comment-based contest which has two purposes: to encouragement of writing and reading through feedback and recommendations and to recognize quality fanfiction in this fandom.

If you'd like more information, please visit

Thank you,

Msg# 1368

Re: your story "Gift Horses" nominated for the MEFAs Posted by Marta June 12, 2004 - 22:44:57 Topic ID# 1363 wrote:

> Hi Jedishampoo,
> Elanor of Aquitania would like to nominate your story, "Gift Horses",
> for the Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards. In order to approve that
> nomination, we need your approval. Do we have your permission to
> include "Gift Horses" in the awards?
> The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards are new this year. It is a
> comment-based contest which has two purposes: to encouragement of
> writing and reading through feedback and recommendations and to
> recognize quality fanfiction in this fandom.
> If you'd like more information, please visit
> Thank you,
> Marta
Sorry, guys, I forgot to change the "to" line and sent this to the
group. I'm fixing it and sending to the author.


Msg# 1370

? Ratings G or PG + Categorization of Jedishampoos 'Gift horses' Posted by elanor of aquitania June 13, 2004 - 6:52:57 Topic ID# 1363
Hi Ainaechoiriel,
have you a suggestion where I find info how to
decide between G and PG ?

Didn't find info on
I just took the ratings by author.

> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania
> >
> > *Story Title: Gift Horses
> >
> > *Story Author: Jedishampoo
> >
> > *Author's E-mail Address:
> >
> > *Story URL:
> >
> > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> > *1st: Men
> > 2nd: Humor/Drama/Romance
> > 3rd: LotR
> Okay, I put Humor as the 2nd choice, Drama as the 3rd choice.
> Romance and
> LOTR went in Subcategory Suggestions. Please only pick one
> for each choice.
> > Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble.
> > Otherwise, suggest
> > something):
> >
> > *Rating: General
> And would that be G or PG? Since you've read the story, you
> can pick one.

Rating for me would be G but I need to read a guidance
about rating if I have to do this myself.

Secondly: Categorization
If still possible I would prefer:
Romance 2nd Choice
Humor 3rd choice
Drama and LoTR Subcategory Suggestion.
But if I understand correctly
the author will decide how the
story will be categorized in the end.

For me this story is a realistic love story
with humorous and angsty allusions.

I made the categorization as described in Part IV D
Probably I misunderstood the rules.

I will decide between G and PG
for all the stories
when I have found a guide.

Best wishes Elanor

Msg# 1371

decided about Ratings of Nominations: Earmire/Nol, Jedishampoo, Ta Posted by elanor of aquitania June 13, 2004 - 7:47:52 Topic ID# 1363
I will use the following guides for rating

> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania
> >
> > *Story Title: Gift Horses
> >
> > *Story Author: Jedishampoo
> >
> > *Author's E-mail Address:
> >
> > *Story URL:
> >
> > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> > *1st: Men
> > 2nd: Humor/Drama/Romance
> > 3rd: LotR
> Okay, I put Humor as the 2nd choice, Drama as the 3rd choice.
> Romance and
> LOTR went in Subcategory Suggestions. Please only pick one
> for each choice.
> > Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble.
> > Otherwise, suggest
> > something):
> >
> > *Rating: General
> And would that be G or PG? Since you've read the story, you
> can pick one.

PG, no profanity, nudity, no violence
but maybe remembrances of battle are accounted
already as violence
As this is a 'love-story' it is not for small children

> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania
> >
> > *Story Title: Sufficient
> >
> > *Story Author: Tanaqui
> >
> > *Author's E-mail Address: don't know, but Tanaqui is already
> > in database with stories approved by staff, thus e-mail
> > address must be known by staff
> Yep, I was able to get it from elsewhere.
> >
> > *Rating: General
> But we have the same problem with General. Pick G or PG.

PG, not for small children IMO, politics, anger, self-doubt

> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > Comment by Elanor concerning Avon:
> > I mailed Avon for approval of these 3 stories, but have no
> > answer yet.
> > Maybe you have already a general approval.
> Yep.
> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania
> >
> > *Story Title: My dark-haired Love
> >
> > *Story Author: Avon
> > *Rating:General
> Same question

PG, some nudity of Faramir

> > Story Nomination Form
> >
> > *Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania
> >
> > *Story Title: I will always be your brother
> >
> > *Story Author: Avon
> > *Rating: Adult (in HASA), PG (in
> Tricky. Can we split the difference and call it PG-13?

You could ;-)
death of horse in battle described

> > *Story Title: Ties of Love
> >
> > *Story Author: Avon
> > *Rating: General
> G or PG?

PG, not for small children as the ties are to
ward off probable death in battle

Best wishes Elanor

Msg# 1383

Re: decided about Ratings of Nominations: Earmire/Nol, Jedishampoo Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 14, 2004 - 10:30:23 Topic ID# 1363
Thanks. I've got them all up-to-date now.

MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

> -----Original Message-----
> From: elanor of aquitania []
> Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 7:50 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] decided about Ratings of Nominations:
> Earmire/Nol, Jedishampoo, Tanaqui, Avon
> I will use the following guides for rating
> geTitle=About%
> 20Ratings%20System&AboutButtons=1
> and
> > > Story Nomination Form
> > >
> > > *Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania
> > >
> > > *Story Title: Gift Horses
> > >
> > > *Story Author: Jedishampoo
> > >
> > > *Author's E-mail Address:
> > >
> > > *Story URL:
> >
> > >
> > > *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
> > > *1st: Men
> > > 2nd: Humor/Drama/Romance
> > > 3rd: LotR
> >
> > Okay, I put Humor as the 2nd choice, Drama as the 3rd choice.
> > Romance and
> > LOTR went in Subcategory Suggestions. Please only pick one
> for each
> > choice.
> >
> > > Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Poetry, and Drabble.
> > > Otherwise, suggest
> > > something):
> > >
> > > *Rating: General
> >
> > And would that be G or PG? Since you've read the story,
> you can pick
> > one.
> PG, no profanity, nudity, no violence
> but maybe remembrances of battle are accounted already as
> violence As this is a 'love-story' it is not for small children
> >
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > > Story Nomination Form
> > >
> > > *Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania
> > >
> > > *Story Title: Sufficient
> > >
> > > *Story Author: Tanaqui
> > >
> > > *Author's E-mail Address: don't know, but Tanaqui is already in
> > > database with stories approved by staff, thus e-mail
> address must be
> > > known by staff
> >
> > Yep, I was able to get it from elsewhere.
> >
> > >
> > > *Rating: General
> >
> > But we have the same problem with General. Pick G or PG.
> PG, not for small children IMO, politics, anger, self-doubt
> >
> >
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > Comment by Elanor concerning Avon:
> > > I mailed Avon for approval of these 3 stories, but have no answer
> > > yet.
> >
> > > Maybe you have already a general approval.
> >
> > Yep.
> >
> >
> > > Story Nomination Form
> > >
> > > *Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania
> > >
> > > *Story Title: My dark-haired Love
> > >
> > > *Story Author: Avon
> > > *Rating:General
> >
> > Same question
> PG, some nudity of Faramir
> >
> >
> > > Story Nomination Form
> > >
> > > *Nominator's name: elanor of aquitania
> > >
> > > *Story Title: I will always be your brother
> > >
> > > *Story Author: Avon
> >
> > > *Rating: Adult (in HASA), PG (in
> >
> > Tricky. Can we split the difference and call it PG-13?
> You could ;-)
> death of horse in battle described
> >
> >
> > > *Story Title: Ties of Love
> > >
> > > *Story Author: Avon
> > > *Rating: General
> >
> > G or PG?
> PG, not for small children as the ties are to ward off
> probable death in battle
> Best wishes Elanor
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