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Msg# 1633

Math update--SOLVED!!! Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 21, 2004 - 1:40:41 Topic ID# 1633
6 behind. Hated and Despised was duplicated. This story is not approved by
the author.

But I'm doing something that should provide the 6 stories that are missing.
I've lined up all the titles from the spreadsheet alphabetically, and then I
downloaded the table from the DB and pasted the titles from there, sorted
alphabetically, right next to the spreadsheet's titles.

That's how I found Hated and Despised. That's how I found that "Cry of the
Gull" was misnamed "The Cry of the Gull" on the DB, and "A Change of
Seasons" was misnamed "A Season of Change" on the spreadsheet.

Missing story #1: Every Good and Perfect Gift by Nessime. A Numenor story.

Missing story #2: In the Hall of the Wood Elf King by TreeHugger, a The
Hobbit story.

Missing story #3: Lady Love an Outlaw by Chathol-linn, a Romance story.

Missing story #4, Perchance to Dream, by M. N. Theis, a Drama/Post-WOTR

Found another duplicate: Rescue of the Rowan in LOTR/Poetry and Adventure.
Since Adventure/Poetry isn't viable, this story will stay in LOTR/Poetry.
Should still have us 3 off

Missing story #5, Small Soldiers, by Cori Lannam, a Drama/Pre-WOTR story.

Missing story, #6, The Cursed Queen of Angmar by KhazarKhum, a
Drama/Incomplete story

Missing story #7, A Rift in the Continuum by Aralanthiriel, Crossover story.

That's it! 577-4 declined is 573 non-declined stories in the DB. 573
stories in the spreadsheet!

I'll post the updated web pages tomorrow from work. And I guess I'll put out
the 2nd round of Check Ballots a bit earlier than I had planned.

MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1636

Re: Math update--SOLVED!!! Posted by Viv June 21, 2004 - 9:28:14 Topic ID# 1633
Khazar had asked onlist for that story to compete in
the Romance/WIP category. I have the info on my master
list still, just in case the Romance categorizer
needed it.


--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> Missing story, #6, The Cursed Queen of Angmar by
> KhazarKhum, a
> Drama/Incomplete story

Spacellama Palace:

Msg# 1637

Re: Math update--SOLVED!!! Posted by dwimmer\_laik June 21, 2004 - 10:29:00 Topic ID# 1633
Yay! Thank God for computer technology, eh?


Msg# 1639

Re: Math update--SOLVED!!! Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 21, 2004 - 10:35:31 Topic ID# 1633
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Viv []
> Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 9:28 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Math update--SOLVED!!!
> Khazar had asked onlist for that story to compete in the
> Romance/WIP category. I have the info on my master list
> still, just in case the Romance categorizer needed it.
> viv

Oh, I pulled up the original nomiantions for each of the missing stories and
put their information in. They'll be up on the web sites today.

Thanks though.

MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

Msg# 1640

Re: Math update--SOLVED!!! Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 21, 2004 - 10:37:07 Topic ID# 1633
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dwimmer_laik []
> Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 10:28 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Math update--SOLVED!!!
> Yay! Thank God for computer technology, eh?
> Dwim

Yep, just had to start looking at it from the right angle to make the
technology work for me.

MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards