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Msg# 1635

Banner for newly named Hobbits category Posted by Kate June 21, 2004 - 7:39:39 Topic ID# 1635
I only just realised that I hadn't checked to see what the result
was, though I suspected Sam might have won :P

I made a banner for him when I first suggested the change, in the
hope that Master Gamgee might get a chance. Also made new Master and
Thain banners, with Merry and Pippin looking a little more Masterly
and Thainish in their livery.

Is it just me, or are my banners looking a little distorted when they
go up on the site? They always look fine when I save them. Ainae,
would you like me to actually email you the banners? That might help.

- Pervinca

Msg# 1638

Banners and Buttons--a plea (WAS:RE: [MEFAwards] Banner for newly n Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 21, 2004 - 10:33:11 Topic ID# 1635
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kate []
> Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 7:38 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Banner for newly named Hobbits category
> I only just realised that I hadn't checked to see what the
> result was, though I suspected Sam might have won :P

Only 9 people voted, but it was unanimous.

> I made a banner for him when I first suggested the change, in
> the hope that Master Gamgee might get a chance. Also made new
> Master and Thain banners, with Merry and Pippin looking a
> little more Masterly and Thainish in their livery.


> Is it just me, or are my banners looking a little distorted
> when they go up on the site? They always look fine when I
> save them. Ainae, would you like me to actually email you the
> banners? That might help.

If they look a little distorted, it's because I have to shrink them to 85%
of their original size. I keep repeating it over and over and over that the
banners should be banner-sized and the buttons should be small. But people
keep posting huge things. Yours weren't huge,b ut they were big, and 85% is
all I could shrink them before the words got distorted.

--Begin General Plea to all Banner/Button Makers:

Please folks, when you make a banner or button, keep it small! If when you
look at your banner in the Yahoo site, and it says Full Size at the top,
your banner is too big. I will delete the full-sizes when I see them to save
space, but if it was ever there, that means I had to shrink them.

I've noticed mine have been creeping up in size too, so I know it's hard to
keep them small, but think about how this will look on a web site. You're
an author and you have won the 1st place Elves award: The Lothlorien Award.
You have your own site where you publish your own stories. You receive an
awards banner to put on your page, but when you upload, you find that it
takes half the screen. It's larger than your own graphic where you've
illustrated the title.

Now look at one of my stories on my site whree I've got some awards

The two buttons are beigger than the banner but still fairly small. The
banner itself is tiny. I don't mind one bigger than that, but no more than
2-2.5 times the size. (And I'mnot going to do math to try and figure that
out, so don't worry that I'll be draconian about this.

This one has a banner that's a little bigger,b ut still within the right

The easiest way to keep your banners and buttons small is to shrink the
graphics *before* you add the text.

I've said I won't shrink files here on the yahoo site. I still won't. But I
will shrink them for the web site.

--End General Plea to All Banner/Button Makers.--

MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards