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Msg# 1653

Humor Check Ballot #2 Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 21, 2004 - 16:17:09 Topic ID# 1653
Check Ballot #2

Please check Check Ballots over carefully so that we can correct any
mistakes before the official ballot is released.

Alternate Universe
HuA1: Legolas and the Stanley Cup by Bubbles
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: After helping to rid Middle-Earth of evil, Legolas, already
lead-singer of popular band, Elf-Head, decided to try a year in the NHL.
And what a year
it was!

Alternate Universe
HuA2: No Living Man by Elana
Rating: PG mild violence
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: In which the Witch King realizes, that for an inhabitant of Middle
Earth, the knowledge that no living man can harm you is no reason to get

Alternate Universe
HuA3: Slightly Muddled by Lindelea
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Fondly dedicated to all those of us who've included American slang
in our efforts all unwitting...

Alternate Universe
HuA4: The Fanfic Lounge: The Lord of the Rings by CNell
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: The members of the Fellowship (along with two special guest stars)
must find a wau tp leep the world of fanfiction from being overwhelmed by
LoTR stories.

Alternate Universe
HuA5: The Fanfic Lounge: The Two Towers by Cnell
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Mary Sue attacks, Angst!Frodo, gender switching, horse stampedes -
and this is just what happens before lunch.

Alternate Universe
HuA6: The Story of Legolas and Enoreth by Cnell
Rating: PG-13 violence
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Can Legolas get through this twisted fairy tale without losing his
sanity? This story will make heaps more sense if you've first read "The
Fanfic Lounge: The Lord of the Rings." Or you can just read this one and
revel in the confusion.

Alternate Universe
HuA7: T'was the Night Before Helm's Deep by Erin's Daughter
Rating: PG some violence; death scene; language
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: The usual pre-shift meeting at the Barad-Dur Interrogations
division includes a reflection on past successes (and the odd failure!), an
irrational dislike of a certain Ranger and a visit from an important
black-robed personage.... AU. Response to Quickies Qtr 3 Challenge.

HuP1: A Maiden from a Distant World by Cnell
Rating: PG-13
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A modern-day girl is dropped into Middle-earth. How will the
Fellowship react?

HuP2: Boromir: The Owner's Guide and Maintenance Manual by Theresa Green
Rating: PG-13
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Worried about the care and maintenance of your Man of Gondor? Then
look no further! This comprehensive handbook will answer all your questions,
plus a few others that you wouldn't have thought to ask!' (author's summary)

HuP3: Debbie Does the Fellowship by Gypsie Rose
Rating: PG-13 sexual innuendo (lots)
Romance Partners: Debbie/everybody
Summary: An over-the-top Parody Sue story, where Debbie bags *all* the cute

HuP4: If Your Nightly News Covered the Silmarillion by erunyauve
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: In tonight's news: the Havens erupt in violence, Ivrin gets a
superboost, and Eeries move north. The MESI takes a dive, and we'll have
Olórin with sports and Círdan with weather.' (author's summary)

HuP5: Mairisuweniel Does Minas Tirith by Viv
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Mairisuewifieth is driving Aragorn bonkers, so he seeks the help of
the one creature who can resist her lures. Gimli, of course.

HuP6: Nine Men And A Little Lady by Kielle
Rating: PG violence
Romance Partners: Legolas/f (against his will)
Summary: Once upon a time a mysterious girl joined the Fellowship...damn
her! Sick of annoying Mary Sues? Actually READ Tolkien? This may cheer you

HuP7: The Gondolin Guiness by Earonn
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A hilarious parody piece

HuP8: The Return of the King by Cirdan
Rating: PG-13
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: The King who returns is not the King you think.

HuR1: Home for the Holidays by Elladan son of Elrond by Claudi007
Rating: PG-13 adult humor
Romance Partners: Elladan/Erestor, among others
Summary: Having recovered from his summer, Elladan returns to Rivendell just
in time to meet up with the Fellowship of the Ring.

HuR2: How I Spent My Summer Vacation by Claudi007
Rating: PG-13 adult humor
Romance Partners: Elladan/Erestor, among others
Summary: Elladan's Summer in Rivendell. Legolas shows up, Glorfindel and
Erestor get all weird, and zaniness ensues.

HuR3: I'm WHAT? by Ellbee
Rating: PG-13 suggestiveness; references to mpreg
Romance Partners: Legolas/Aragorn
Summary: Nine months in the life of Legolas, Bridget-style. You COULD call
this a sort of homage to all those MPREG stories out there.

HuR4: Mother of the Year by Alexcat
Rating: R sexual situations; mpreg
Romance Partners: Erestor/Glorfindel
Summary: Someone becomes a daddy ... hmmm mommy.

HuR5: My Hairy Prisoner by BittenBuggy
Rating: PG-13 sexual references
Romance Partners: Legolas/f
Summary: Legolas finally discovers his fetish.

HuR6: Sunshine and Ivy by Alexcat
Rating: R sexuality
Romance Partners: Celeborn/Haldir; Celeborn/Galadriel
Summary: Making love outdoors LOOKS like fun.

HuR7: The Conversation by sheraiah
Rating: PG-13 candid conversation about relationships
Romance Partners: Elrond/Celebrian; Thranduil/OFC
Summary: Thranduil and Elrond drink a lot and try to outdo each other in
tales of erotic adventure - unaware that their offspring are listening.

Hu1: Dance With Me by Jenolas
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Legolas is rescued from an unwanted situation by someone he least

Hu2: Experiment Gone…Right? by Viv
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Obsessed fangirl beams canon character to her bedroom... with
interesting results.

Hu3: Fashion Statements by Grey Wonderer
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Sometimes what you wear says quite a bit about you. Frodo and
Pippin both wind up making a big splash at Tuckborough in very unique
outfits. Meanwhile, Pervincia Took tries to avoid a fashion disaster and
Merry meets the new lass in town!

Hu4: Frogs by Lindelea
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Homesick Halflings teach their Big Folk friends a pub-game from the

Hu5: It Was A Dark and Stormy by Pearl Took
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Read this before "To Calm a Storm". Merry, Pippin, and eventually,
Sam go on a holiday and find a new friend.

Hu6: Joy on a Summer Morning by Ellbee
Rating: PG-13 suggestiveness
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Legolas and Aragorn indulge themselves on a lazy summer day.

Hu7: Legolas' No Good Rotten Day by Siobhan with inspiration from Cassia
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Legolas has a very bad morning and drags his friend Aragorn into

Hu8: Of Dwarvish Ale and Battle Scars by Aratlithiel
Rating: PG-13
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: After the Ring War in Minas Tirith - Frodo steals a cask, and
Faramir tastes his first Dwarvish Ale - with unexpected consequences,
including some very... hrm... special limericks…

Hu9: Once in Imladris City by Orophins_Dottir
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Written for the Stories of Arda group's holiday challenge (2003).
Thought I'd get it posted while it's still seasonal. A bit of total nonsense
complete with miruvor eggnog and gilded spiders!

Hu10: Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire by bryn_bnw
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Prior to their journey, the Fellowship remained in Rivendell for
two months. Let them not be accused of "lounging around." Of
misunderstandings, embarrassingly botched scouting missions, and enemies at
home and abroad. Proof that when in doubt, things always can get worse.

Hu11: Secrets We Dare Not Tell by Coriel
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: (A quick bit of off-the-wall humor, a whimsical gapfiller for I
Return. A dreadful "what-if.") Legolas is attending Gimli's personal effects
the evening they both arrived in Lasgalen, when the unthinkable happens...

Hu12: Stop That, You'll Only Hurt Yourselves by AlexCat and Larian Elensar
Rating: R implied sex; slash
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: The elflords find all sorts of trouble when they go in search of
another drink.

Hu13: The Eight Companions: A Battle for an Elf's Sanity by Ellipsis
Rating: PG innuendo (some slashy)
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Legolas and 7 companions: Tuor, Elrond's sons, Elves of
Nargothrond, & a Balrog-slayer - go on a quest against the Feanorians at the
social event of Valinor for the ultimate prize: an escape from bad fanfic.'
(author's summary)

Hu14: The Ents of Wrath by Bryn (aka bryn_bnw)
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Into the depths of Fanghorn we go! Merry and Pippin
meet...Treebeard. In which our favorite Elf, Ranger, Dwarf, and Wizard have
a time sorting THIS one out, and we discover why Ents are trees. A bit of
fun nonsense. (Cameos by Eomer, Theoden, Haldir, Rumil, Galadriel, and

Hu15: The Jewel in the Crown by Alawa
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: The Crown of Earnur receives a final polish on the morning Aragorn
becomes King.

Hu16: The Lady's Gift by Pervinca
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: As a cure for his young cousin's boredom, Meriadoc dares Peregrin
to do something rather foolish. Unfortunately for both of them, Pippin
succeeds, and puts both of them in serious trouble.

Hu17: The One Ring Reforged by Cirdan
Rating: PG-13
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: This is a very mild humor story about the One Ring. Frodo bumps
into Feanor shortly after fleeing from Boromir. Feanor reforges the shoddily
made One Ring. You'll like Sting's origins.

Hu18: The Romance that Never Was by bryn_bnw
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Some love stories are warm and fuzzy. Others are just plain
twisted. Short parody on a familiar theme.

Hu19: The Tale of A King by Arwen Imladviel
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A King we all know reminiscing about a loss of his.

MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1676

Re: Humor Check Ballot #2 Posted by Marta June 21, 2004 - 17:15:53 Topic ID# 1653
> Humor
> Check Ballot #2
> Please check Check Ballots over carefully so that we can correct any
> mistakes before the official ballot is released.
> Alternate Universe
> HuA1: Legolas and the Stanley Cup by Bubbles
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: After helping to rid Middle-Earth of evil, Legolas, already
> lead-singer of popular band, Elf-Head, decided to try a year in the NHL.
> And what a year
> it was!

Delete line brak between "year" and "it"?

> Alternate Universe
> HuA4: The Fanfic Lounge: The Lord of the Rings by CNell
> URL:
> Rating: PG
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: The members of the Fellowship (along with two special guest
> stars)
> must find a wau tp leep the world of fanfiction from being overwhelmed by
> LoTR stories.

"wau tp leep" -- should this be "way to leap"?

> Alternate Universe
> HuA7: T'was the Night Before Helm's Deep by Erin's Daughter
> URL:
> Rating: PG some violence; death scene; language
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: The usual pre-shift meeting at the Barad-Dur Interrogations
> division includes a reflection on past successes (and the odd
> failure!), an
> irrational dislike of a certain Ranger and a visit from an important
> black-robed personage.... AU. Response to Quickies Qtr 3 Challenge.

Should Barad-Dur be Barad-dur? And "Quickies Qtr 3 Challenge" might be
slightly confusing on its own. Either delete that sentence, or else add
"at" or something like that?

> Parody
> HuP4: If Your Nightly News Covered the Silmarillion by erunyauve
> URL:
> Rating: PG
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: In tonight's news: the Havens erupt in violence, Ivrin gets a
> superboost, and Eeries move north. The MESI takes a dive, and we'll have
> Ol¾rin with sports and CÝrdan with weather.' (author's summary)

In my email program the second o in 'Olorin' is 3/4 (with the three
superscripted and the 4 subscripted). Do you want to remove the diacritical?

> Parody
> HuP7: The Gondolin Guiness by Earonn
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: A hilarious parody piece

This reads like a recommendation rather than a summary. Are we supposed
to be avoiding that? I haven't read it, though, so I can't suggest an
alternate summary. Also, according to, the title is "Guinness",
not "Guiness", and the piece is co-authored by Earonn and Bladorthin.

> Hu5: It Was A Dark and Stormy by Pearl Took
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Read this before "To Calm a Storm". Merry, Pippin, and
> eventually,
> Sam go on a holiday and find a new friend.

Are you following British or American punctuation? If you're following
American (which you seem to be in your other posts) the period after
"storm" should be inside the quotes mark, I think.

> Hu6: Joy on a Summer Morning by Ellbee
> URL:
> Rating: PG-13 suggestiveness
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Legolas and Aragorn indulge themselves on a lazy summer day.

This might be obvious to some people, but if by suggestiveness we mean
sexual suggestiveness, should Legolas and Aragorn be listed as romance


Msg# 1708

Re: Humor Check Ballot #2 Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 21, 2004 - 21:27:16 Topic ID# 1653
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 5:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Humor Check Ballot #2

> > Alternate Universe
> > HuA1: Legolas and the Stanley Cup by Bubbles
> > URL:
> > Rating: G
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: After helping to rid Middle-Earth of evil,
> Legolas, already
> > lead-singer of popular band, Elf-Head, decided to try a
> year in the NHL.
> > And what a year
> > it was!
> Delete line brak between "year" and "it"?


> > Alternate Universe
> > HuA4: The Fanfic Lounge: The Lord of the Rings by CNell
> > URL:
> > Rating: PG
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: The members of the Fellowship (along with two special guest
> > stars)
> > must find a wau tp leep the world of fanfiction from being
> overwhelmed
> > by LoTR stories.
> "wau tp leep" -- should this be "way to leap"?

That has got to be one of the strangest typos I've seen in a while. I think
it's "way to keep".

> > Alternate Universe
> > HuA7: T'was the Night Before Helm's Deep by Erin's Daughter
> > URL:
> > Rating: PG some violence; death scene; language Romance
> Partners: n/a
> > Summary: The usual pre-shift meeting at the Barad-Dur
> Interrogations
> > division includes a reflection on past successes (and the odd
> > failure!), an irrational dislike of a certain Ranger and a
> visit from
> > an important black-robed personage.... AU. Response to
> Quickies Qtr 3
> > Challenge.
> Should Barad-Dur be Barad-dur? And "Quickies Qtr 3 Challenge"
> might be slightly confusing on its own. Either delete that
> sentence, or else add "at" or
> something like that?

We'll delete the reference to the challenge.

> > Parody
> > HuP4: If Your Nightly News Covered the Silmarillion by erunyauve
> > URL:
> > Rating: PG
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: In tonight's news: the Havens erupt in violence,
> Ivrin gets a
> > superboost, and Eeries move north. The MESI takes a dive, and we'll
> > have Ol¾rin with sports and CÝrdan with weather.' (author's summary)
> In my email program the second o in 'Olorin' is 3/4 (with the
> three superscripted and the 4 subscripted). Do you want to
> remove the diacritical?

Always. Some show up okay in the HTML but most definitely don't in plain

> > Parody
> > HuP7: The Gondolin Guiness by Earonn
> > URL:
> > Rating: G
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: A hilarious parody piece
> This reads like a recommendation rather than a summary. Are
> we supposed to be avoiding that? I haven't read it, though,
> so I can't suggest an alternate summary. Also, according to
>, the title is "Guinness", not "Guiness", and the piece
> is co-authored by Earonn and Bladorthin.

Do we have an e-mail for Bladorthin? We're going to have to get his/her
permission then for this story. If nothing else, let's e-mail Earonn and
ask him/her to get in touch with Bladorthin. (I just did that.) And you are
right about the summary. I'll go get the one from

> > Hu5: It Was A Dark and Stormy by Pearl Took
> > URL:
> > Rating: G
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: Read this before "To Calm a Storm". Merry, Pippin, and
> > eventually, Sam go on a holiday and find a new friend.
> Are you following British or American punctuation? If you're
> following American (which you seem to be in your other posts)
> the period after "storm" should be inside the quotes mark, I think.

Well, just remember that I did't write these (unless I nominated them and
unless they didn't have their own ready-made summaries somewhere). Heck, I
haven't even read most of them yet. But yes, I'm American, and many
Americans struggle with that one. ;-)

I'm actually wondering if we shouldn't remove the reference to that other
story, especially as this one comes before it. And I don't believe "To Calm
a Storm" was nominated.

What do you all think?

> > Hu6: Joy on a Summer Morning by Ellbee
> > URL:
> > Rating: PG-13 suggestiveness
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: Legolas and Aragorn indulge themselves on a lazy
> summer day.
> This might be obvious to some people, but if by
> suggestiveness we mean
> sexual suggestiveness, should Legolas and Aragorn be listed
> as romance
> partners?

Yes, from the sound of it, but I'm not familiar with the story. Who here

MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

Msg# 1740

Re: Humor Check Ballot #2 Posted by Marta June 21, 2004 - 23:33:57 Topic ID# 1653
> <snip>
> > > Alternate Universe
> > > HuA4: The Fanfic Lounge: The Lord of the Rings by CNell
> > > URL:
> > > Rating: PG
> > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > Summary: The members of the Fellowship (along with two special guest
> > > stars)
> > > must find a wau tp leep the world of fanfiction from being
> > overwhelmed
> > > by LoTR stories.
> >
> >
> > "wau tp leep" -- should this be "way to leap"?
> That has got to be one of the strangest typos I've seen in a while. I
> think
> it's "way to keep".

It is. It looks like their right hand was shifted one letter to the
right, but then they got the 'p' right at the end. Weirdness.

And I agree. It probably is "way to keep".

> > > Parody
> > > HuP7: The Gondolin Guiness by Earonn
> > > URL:
> > > Rating: G
> > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > Summary: A hilarious parody piece
> >
> >
> > This reads like a recommendation rather than a summary. Are
> > we supposed to be avoiding that? I haven't read it, though,
> > so I can't suggest an alternate summary. Also, according to
> >, the title is "Guinness", not "Guiness", and the piece
> > is co-authored by Earonn and Bladorthin.
> Do we have an e-mail for Bladorthin? We're going to have to get his/her
> permission then for this story. If nothing else, let's e-mail Earonn and
> ask him/her to get in touch with Bladorthin. (I just did that.) And
> you are
> right about the summary. I'll go get the one from

Bladorthin's email address isn't up at I'm not sure where else
to look.

Good luck!

> > > Summary: Read this before "To Calm a Storm". Merry, Pippin, and
> > > eventually, Sam go on a holiday and find a new friend.
> >
> >
> > Are you following British or American punctuation? If you're
> > following American (which you seem to be in your other posts)
> > the period after "storm" should be inside the quotes mark, I think.
> Well, just remember that I did't write these (unless I nominated them and
> unless they didn't have their own ready-made summaries somewhere). Heck, I
> haven't even read most of them yet. But yes, I'm American, and many
> Americans struggle with that one. ;-)

Duh, yes. I keep forgetting that so much of this came from different
sources. I do think it's good to be consistent for the final ballot.

> I'm actually wondering if we shouldn't remove the reference to that other
> story, especially as this one comes before it. And I don't believe
> "To Calm
> a Storm" was nominated.

I haven't seen it mentioned. You're probably right, I think we can
delete that sentence.
