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Msg# 1654

Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 21, 2004 - 16:19:55 Topic ID# 1654
The Lord of the Rings
Check Ballot #2

Please check Check Ballots over carefully so that we can correct any
mistakes before the official ballot is released.

LCC1: Folk of a Different Race by Lemur
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: After his death, Legolas and Gimli remember Gandalf's words.

LCC2: Horses and Verses by Altariel and Isabeau
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Theoden's funeral feast, Eomer and Faramir have a little chat.

LCC3: Keeping Secrets by Deborah Judge

Rating: PG-13
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Gimli and Eowyn discover that they have something in common. TTT

LCC4: Knife Work by Thundera Tiger
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Vignette set in the middle of Helm's Deep. A quick explanation for
something odd that happens in the middle of the Orc-killing game between
Legolas and Gimli. Aragorn and Eomer appear, too.

LCC6: River of Fallen Stars by Fileg
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Faramir and Pippin see stars in the Anduin as they share some old
ghosts and a bottle of wine

LCC7: Sara-Lisse by Erin's Daughter
Rating: R
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Arwen
Summary: Aragorn and Arwen are married and all they have fought for is
theirs -- but great love often comes at a great price. Contains explicit

LCC8: Those Who Remain by Marnie
Rating: G battle
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: What can Sam Gamgee, and Lord Celeborn of Lorien possibly have in

LCC9: To the Bottle I go by Pervinca
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A group of friends spend an evening at Gondor's finest Inn,
remembering the ladies they fought their battles for.

LD2: "And get my pipe out of my pack, if it isn't broken." by Lindelea

Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A quiet moment in the Houses of Healing.

LD3: *How Quickbeam Got His Name by Teasel
Rating: PG-13
Romance Partners: Quickbeam/Treebeard
Summary: How Quickbeam got his name. Drabble.

LD4: Fireside Chats by Lindelea
Rating: G tiny bit of violence
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Frodo, Fire and the Ring

LD5: Goes A Courting by Chris

Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A dwarf and his pursuits.

LD6: I See the Moon, and the Moon Sees Me by Lindelea
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Pippin sits with Merry in the Houses of Healing

LD7: My Elf by Alexcat
Rating: G
Romance Partners: Legolas/Gimli
Summary: Gimli stakes his claim.

LD8: That Which is Fairest by Elana
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Gimli ponders his gift from Galadriel

LD9: The Moon Sees Somebody I'd Like to See by Lindelea
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Merry sits with Pippin after the Black Gate.

LD10: The Stone Tree by LKK

Rating: G Graphic imagery
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: During that restless third night of The Great Chase, Gimli ponders
his elven companion.

LG1: All of Them Together by Fileg
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Boromir and Thorongil, singing and an honorable surrender

LG2: As Truly as the Arrow Flies by Fileg
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Faramir recalls how his grandfather taught him about the stars

LG3: Breathe by Fileg
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Throughout their lives, Boromir and Faramir meeting at the Anduin

LG4: Failure by Liz
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: As events reach a climax in the War of the Ring, the son of the
Lord of Gondor returns to Minas Tirith, after great deeds. (Written for a
challenge at HASA to explore the impact of the Black Breath on any

LG5: Queen's Gambit by A L Milton

Rating: PG adult implications
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Faramir and Arwen play a game of chess in the summer of 3019 TA.
Politics, the Alekhine Defence by any other name and Faramir taking his
clothes off - a description that is as accurate as it is misleading.

LG6: Sting by TreeHugger
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: The parting of Boromir and Faramir, in which the brothers again
address the question of which of them should go to Imladris.

LI1: *Bagenders by Lady Alyssa and Random Dent
Rating: PG-13 language; innuendo
Romance Partners:
Summary: The Fellowship have been made immortal and are living together in
the house-share from Hell.

LI2: An Aussie in King Aragorn's Court by Lady Coralie
Rating: PG violence, rape, physical and mental torture, healing techniques
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: An Australian woman shows up in full ski gear on the slopes of the

LI3: I Return by Coriel
Rating: G n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: The homeward journey for Legolas. from Gondor to Greenwood and
beyond. Some insight into what the War of the Ring must have meant to the
quietest and oft neglected member of the Fellowship, together with his and
Gimli's subsequent efforts to achieve acceptance in opposing worlds.

LI4: Lie Down in Darkness, Rise Up from the Ash by Dwimordene
Rating: PG13
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: This is a very dark AU for LOTR. The premise: without Gollum, how
does the Quest turn out? Angsty drama ensues as the storyline of the Lord of
the Rings unfolds differently as we attempt to take "the road less traveled

LI5: Moria's Revenge by Kookaburra, Llinos, and Marigold
Rating: R
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: The orcs of Moria capture and torture pippin. When he is finally
rescued he faces a long period of healing, in the hands of the Fellowship
and the elves of Lothlorien. And when Gollum attacks and injures Frodo, who
will then take the Ring to the fire?

LI6: Once More Into the Urple Depths of OFUM by Camilla Sandman
Rating: PG-13
Romance Partners:
Summary: New movie, new students, new lustobjects, new mini-Balrogs and a
whole new curriculum. That's right, children. OFUM is back. But wait. It's
no longer the only University in town. MUSM? What the.? (37?)

LI7: Recaptured! Ch. 93-x by Llinos
TARGET=_new>Recaptured! Ch. 1-92</A>, <A
Rating: R
Romance Partners: none, but Merry and Pippin have a close relationship. The
reader can decide how close.
Summary: An AU LotR story -- The Uruk-hai recapture Merry and Pippin and
because of this the story changes. The hobbits suffer many trials and
tribulations as a consequence and are led in a completely different
direction to the original story.

LI8: The Fellowship of the Mutants by Samus
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: What LOTR might have been like if the characters had the powers of
X-Men characters.

LP1: All Ye Fellowship of Nine by Azalais
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: LoTR retold to a well-known festive Victorian tune

LP2: Finduilas by Fileg
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: This is a love poem that was written too late -- a villanelle for

LP3: Goldberry's Song by Vulgarweed
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: The smitten River-Daughter tries to get a rhyme in edgewise.

LP4: Rescue of the Rowan by Chathol-linn
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A dream. Two mortal children fall to Rivendell, where Elrond tests
their powers.

LP5: Samwise Did See by Moralanqua

Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Sam laments the days of the Fellowship.

LP6: Song Fight at the Swan and Cygnet Saloon by Chathol-Linn
Rating: R
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: The story of how a couple of archers, Bard and Legolas, resolved a
gambling argument, mellowed out some Orcs, and named a new tavern drink in
the process.

LP8: The Lion and the Swan by ErinRua
Rating: G
Romance Partners: Eomer/Lothiriel
Summary: A poem of Eomer of Rohan, from musings by his bride, Lothiriel of
Dol Amroth

LP9: Tickle the Ranger by Alawa
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A child's verse. Come tickle the Ranger... You know you want to!

LP10: War Now Calls Us by War Now Calls Us
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A poem from the midst of the battle of the Pelennor Fields, after
Eomer sees the (assumed) dead Eowyn.

LP11: Wishes of a King by White Gull

Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Aragorn remembers from whence his kingship came.

LV1: A Gift for Pippin by Gwynnyd
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Poor Pippin. He is traumatized from being exposed to the Eye of
Sauron. Everyone thinks he's been really stupid *again* and no one gives him
any sympathy for being tortured by Sauron... except Legolas. Pippin really
didn't do so badly, when you get right down to it.

LV2: A Way Opens by Thevina Finduilas

Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: "Where will wants not, a way opens," Eowyn says in The Two Towers.
A series of vignettes about Merry and Eowyn, boots, the afterlife, and joy
in unlikely friendships.

LV3: After Such Knowledge by Azalais
Rating: G N/A
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: While the battle rages on the Pelennor Field, the aged Keeper of
Minas Tirith's House of Lore remembers the last time Mithrandir came to the
White City and sought his help.

LV4: For Pity's Sake by Zimraphel
Rating: PG-13
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: The Mirkwood sentries assigned to guard Gollum take pity on him,
with horrific results

LV5: Repairs by Isabeau of Greenleaf
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: After the battle of Helm's Deep, Gimli fixes his axe.

LV6: The Hours by Thevina Finduilas
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A set of vignettes which all take place during one particularly
challenging day during the War of the Ring, March 14, 3019. The vignettes
are based around the monastic services of the hours, seven in all, from 3:15
a.m. to 7:30 p.m; additionally, each vignette focuses on one of the senses-
taste, touch, etc. Some are well-known characters in well-known scenarios,
others are more obscure.

L1: *Don't Panic by boz4PM
Rating: PG-13
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Penny is panicking. Where is she? How did she get here? How will
she get home and whose backside will she kick first when she finally does? A
woman lost in Middle Earth wearing only her pyjamas. This can't be good..

L2: *On Gorgoroth Plain by Teasel
Rating: G Violence
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Other things live in Mordor besides orcs. Frodo and Sam encounter
one such creature on their journey.

L3: A Different Kind of Sacrifice by Suzene Campos
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: This is an entry for the Movie Challenge, specifically for the
"What is Gimli Thinking Each Time He Makes A Joke" idea. Set directly after
the battle for Helm's Deep, this movie-verse story contains spoilers, angst,
and Dwarf-stripping. You have been warned.

L4: A True Dwarf by Powerof theBook
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: Gimli and OFC
Summary: A bride has reservations about her husband-to-be, and he assuages
them in his own inimitable fashion. Written because Gimli needs someone to
come home to as much as any handsome Elf does.

L5: Aglarond by Erin Rua
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A dwarf, a cave and a claustrophobic elf. Wherein Gimli and Legolas
venture into the Crystal Caves of Aglarond at the war's end, and Legolas is
lost for words. NO slash. COMPLETE.

L6: Answering Machines of Middle Earth by Lindelea
Rating: G Some violence, lots of angst, but the rating should really be more
of a PG13
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: If they had answering machines and voice mail in Middle-earth, what
would you hear? (Not as stupid as it sounds, I promise)

L7: Estel by Viv
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A mortal boy living in Rivendell must have overheard things, must
have sensed his uniqueness. And his burden.

L8: For The Road by Alawa
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: While preparing to depart for the Havens, Bilbo receives a final
letter from Aragorn.

L9: Gilraen's Memorial by Alawa
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Before the Fellowship's departure from Rivendell, Aragorn thinks
about Arwen, Elrond and his duty while visiting Gilraen's grave.

L10: Leave Us Not In Darkness by Zimraphel
Rating: PG-13
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: When Gandalf, Aragorn and Legolas enter the Tower of Orthanc for
the first time, they discover Saruman's most vile deed.

L11: Lord of the Rings: Kyshri's Story by Lady Shinigami
Rating: PG-13 sex scenes
Romance Partners: Legolas/f
Summary: This is the battle at Amon Hen where Boromir is killed, and the
Fellowship is split. Part of a 10th Walker story.

L12: Only the Beginning by Cassia
Rating: G language
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Slightly extended and appended version of part of the Coronation
scene near the end of ROTK. Decidedly Aragorn & Legolas centric.

L13: Promises by Viv
Rating: PG N/A
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Legolas never had a wife, but that doesn't mean he never had a
love. A short history of what was and what might have been, had the war not

L14: The Gift of Iluvatar by Ariel
Rating: G vile deeds of Saruman
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: From the hobbits' fall at Mt. Doom to Sam's waking in Ithilien...
the story Tolkien only hinted at. What really happened when all the healing
powers of wizards, elves and men were summoned to insure that this was not
the end of all things for the halflings? Sorrow, hope and healing in a
strictly canon gapfiller that captures the flavour of Tolkien's writing
remarkably well.

L15: To Dream by Iluvien
Rating: G
Romance Partners: Elladan/F
Summary: Oloriel, an Elf maiden from Lothlorien has by some reason unknown
to either of them, been meeting Elladan in her dreams. They have both been
developing feelings for each other, and this is where they finally express
their feelings.

L16: Waiting, Wondering, Wandering, Wishing by Gonzai
Rating: PG Violence
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A series of four missing scenes from RotK.

L17: Whistling Past the Graveyard by Shunt
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Superstitions nuzguling challenge -The Fellowship pass the defiled
dwarven tombs in Moria.

MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1674

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by Larian Elensar June 21, 2004 - 17:12:22 Topic ID# 1654
L15: To Dream by Iluvien
Rating: G
Romance Partners: Elladan/F
Summary: Oloriel, an Elf maiden from Lothlorien has by some reason unknown
to either of them, been meeting Elladan in her dreams. They have both been
developing feelings for each other, and this is where they finally express
their feelings.

While checking links for this, it lead me to chapter 12, not chapter one of
this story. Is the intent to just enter chapter 12? (might want that noted?)
If it's for the whole story, it looks like a WIP so it might need to be moved)

Keeper of the OEAM archive

Msg# 1678

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Link Check Posted by Larian June 21, 2004 - 17:46:19 Topic ID# 1654
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> The Lord of the Rings
> Check Ballot #2
> Please check Check Ballots over carefully so that we can correct
> mistakes before the official ballot is released.

I checked the site and each of the newest check ballots

LD3: *How Quickbeam Got His Name by Teasel
Rating: PG-13
Romance Partners: Quickbeam/Treebeard
Summary: How Quickbeam got his name. Drabble.

more direct link


LD10: The Stone Tree by LKK
Rating: G Graphic imagery
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: During that restless third night of The Great Chase, Gimli
his elven companion.

correct link


LI2: An Aussie in King Aragorn's Court by Lady Coralie
Rating: PG violence, rape, physical and mental torture, healing
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: An Australian woman shows up in full ski gear on the slopes
of the

Above link is not found.
correct link


LP11: Wishes of a King by White Gull
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Aragorn remembers from whence his kingship came.

corrcect link


LV2: A Way Opens by Thevina Finduilas
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: "Where will wants not, a way opens," Eowyn says in The Two
A series of vignettes about Merry and Eowyn, boots, the afterlife,
and joy
in unlikely friendships.

link goes to wrong story
correct link


To Dream by Illuvien
Has this link -
but it leads to chapter 12, not chapter 1

THe link to chapter one is -

(have noted this on the check ballot, this just has the link to
chatper 1)


Msg# 1679

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by Larian June 21, 2004 - 17:47:28 Topic ID# 1654
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> The Lord of the Rings
> Check Ballot #2
> Please check Check Ballots over carefully so that we can correct
> mistakes before the official ballot is released.

LP10: War Now Calls Us by War Now Calls Us
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A poem from the midst of the battle of the Pelennor Fields,
Eomer sees the (assumed) dead Eowyn.

should be by Elvenesse (?)

Msg# 1705

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 21, 2004 - 20:57:16 Topic ID# 1654
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian Elensar []
> Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 5:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2
> L15: To Dream by Iluvien
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: Elladan/F
> Summary: Oloriel, an Elf maiden from Lothlorien has by some
> reason unknown to either of them, been meeting Elladan in her
> dreams. They have both been developing feelings for each
> other, and this is where they finally express their feelings.
> While checking links for this, it lead me to chapter 12, not
> chapter one of this story. Is the intent to just enter
> chapter 12? (might want that noted?) If it's for the whole
> story, it looks like a WIP so it might need to be moved)
Okay, no offense to anyone here, but I'm beginning to hate Tolkien Online as
a fanfiction archive. There are 1400 stories there and I could't find any
way to search them properly.

Is anyone familiar with this story? Can you provide us with a link to the
first chapter and tell us if it is done?

I'll try and find the nominator and see if that person knows.

MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

Msg# 1710

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Link Check Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 21, 2004 - 21:44:32 Topic ID# 1654
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian []
> Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 5:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Link Check
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> >
> > The Lord of the Rings
> > Check Ballot #2
> >
> > Please check Check Ballots over carefully so that we can correct
> any
> > mistakes before the official ballot is released.
> I checked the site and each of the newest check ballots
> Drabble
> LD3: *How Quickbeam Got His Name by Teasel
> URL:
> Rating: PG-13
> Romance Partners: Quickbeam/Treebeard
> Summary: How Quickbeam got his name. Drabble.
> more direct link


> Drabble
> LD10: The Stone Tree by LKK
> URL:
> Rating: G Graphic imagery
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: During that restless third night of The Great Chase,
> Gimli ponders his elven companion.
> correct link


> Incomplete
> LI2: An Aussie in King Aragorn's Court by Lady Coralie
> URL:
> Rating: PG violence, rape, physical and mental torture,
> healing techniques Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: An Australian woman shows up in full ski gear on the
> slopes of the Caradhas
> Above link is not found.
> correct link

You found something on Tolkien Online? I have yet to be able to do that.
Fanfic-wise anyway.

> Poetry
> LP11: Wishes of a King by White Gull
> URL:
> >id=287&sort=date&sto
> ryview=toc&chapter=1&cat=7
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Aragorn remembers from whence his kingship came.
> corrcect link
> id=287&sort=date&storyview=toc&chapter=1&cat=7

Got it. Thanks.

> LV2: A Way Opens by Thevina Finduilas
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: "Where will wants not, a way opens," Eowyn says in
> The Two Towers.
> A series of vignettes about Merry and Eowyn, boots, the
> afterlife, and joy in unlikely friendships.
> link goes to wrong story
> correct link
> ---
> To Dream by Illuvien
> Has this link -
> but it leads to chapter 12, not chapter 1
> THe link to chapter one is -

> (have noted this on the check ballot, this just has the link
> to chatper 1)

Ah! Thank you!

MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

Msg# 1711

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 21, 2004 - 21:45:24 Topic ID# 1654
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian []
> Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 5:47 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> >
> > The Lord of the Rings
> > Check Ballot #2
> >
> > Please check Check Ballots over carefully so that we can correct
> any
> > mistakes before the official ballot is released.
> Poetry
> LP10: War Now Calls Us by War Now Calls Us
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: A poem from the midst of the battle of the Pelennor
> Fields, after Eomer sees the (assumed) dead Eowyn.
> should be by Elvenesse (?)

Now that one's funny. :-) Thanks.

MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

Msg# 1713

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Link Check Posted by Larian Elensar June 21, 2004 - 21:51:14 Topic ID# 1654
--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:

> > Incomplete
> > LI2: An Aussie in King Aragorn's Court by Lady Coralie
> > URL:
> > Rating: PG violence, rape, physical and mental torture,
> > healing techniques Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: An Australian woman shows up in full ski gear on the
> > slopes of the Caradhas
> >
> > Above link is not found.
> > correct link
> >
> You found something on Tolkien Online? I have yet to be able to do that.
> Fanfic-wise anyway.

That's the first time I have...I don't know, I was in the zone, I guess!

Msg# 1742

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by Marta June 22, 2004 - 0:20:41 Topic ID# 1654
> Cross-cultural
> LCC2: Horses and Verses by Altariel and Isabeau
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Theoden's funeral feast, Eomer and Faramir have a little chat.

This doesn't feel quite right. Maybe "At Theoden's funeral feast"?

> Cross-cultural
> LCC8: Those Who Remain by Marnie
> URL:
> Rating: G battle
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: What can Sam Gamgee, and Lord Celeborn of Lorien possibly have in
> common?

Delete comma after "Gamgee"?

> Cross-cultural
> LCC9: To the Bottle I go by Pervinca
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: A group of friends spend an evening at Gondor's finest Inn,
> remembering the ladies they fought their battles for.

Should "inn" becapitalised?

> Drabble
> LD3: *How Quickbeam Got His Name by Teasel
> URL:

This link points to the top of her drabble page. The direct link to this
drabble is:

> Drabble
> LD4: Fireside Chats by Lindelea
> URL:
> <>
> Rating: G tiny bit of violence
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Frodo, Fire and the Ring

Insert period?

> Drabble
> LD5: Goes A Courting by Chris
> URL:
> <>
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: A dwarf and his pursuits.

Umm... this is awfully long. According to word, 312 words. Should we
maybe take it out of drabble?

> Drabble
> LD6: I See the Moon, and the Moon Sees Me by Lindelea
> URL:
> <>
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Pippin sits with Merry in the Houses of Healing

Insert period?

> Drabble
> LD8: That Which is Fairest by Elana
> URL:
> <>
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Gimli ponders his gift from Galadriel

Insert period?

> Drabble
> LD10: The Stone Tree by LKK
> URL:
> <>

That link didn't work for some reason. The correct one is:

> Gondor
> LG1: All of Them Together by Fileg
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Boromir and Thorongil, singing and an honorable surrender

Insert period?

> Gondor
> LG2: As Truly as the Arrow Flies by Fileg
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Faramir recalls how his grandfather taught him about the stars

Insert period?

> Gondor
> LG3: Breathe by Fileg
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Throughout their lives, Boromir and Faramir meeting at the Anduin

Insert period?

> Gondor
> LG5: Queen's Gambit by A L Milton
> URL:
> STID=2768

This URL splits into two lines, while other HASA ones don't. Is there a
space in the URL, or is Yahoo just being funky?

> Rating: PG adult implications
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Faramir and Arwen play a game of chess in the summer of 3019 TA.
> Politics, the Alekhine Defence by any other name and Faramir taking his
> clothes off - a description that is as accurate as it is misleading.

Should there be a comma after "name"?

> Incomplete
> LI2: An Aussie in King Aragorn's Court by Lady Coralie
> URL:

This link doesn't work for some reason. I did a quick web search and found:

I'm not sure if this is the most up-to-date link. If others know of a
better one, feel free to suggest it.

> Rating: PG violence, rape, physical and mental torture, healing techniques
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: An Australian woman shows up in full ski gear on the slopes
> of the
> Caradhas

Insert period? Also, I think it's Caradhras.

> Incomplete
> LI3: I Return by Coriel
> URL:
> Rating: G n/a
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: The homeward journey for Legolas. from Gondor to Greenwood and
> beyond. Some insight into what the War of the Ring must have meant to the
> quietest and oft neglected member of the Fellowship, together with his and
> Gimli's subsequent efforts to achieve acceptance in opposing worlds.

Change period after "Legolas" to comma?

> Incomplete
> LI5: Moria's Revenge by Kookaburra, Llinos, and Marigold
> URL:
> Rating: R
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: The orcs of Moria capture and torture pippin. When he is finally
> rescued he faces a long period of healing, in the hands of the Fellowship
> and the elves of Lothlorien. And when Gollum attacks and injures
> Frodo, who
> will then take the Ring to the fire?

Capitalise "pippin".

> Incomplete
> LI6: Once More Into the Urple Depths of OFUM by Camilla Sandman
> URL:
> Rating: PG-13
> Romance Partners:
> Summary: New movie, new students, new lustobjects, new mini-Balrogs and a
> whole new curriculum. That's right, children. OFUM is back. But wait. It's
> no longer the only University in town. MUSM? What the.? (37?)

Should "romance partners" have "n/a"? Should "lustobjects" be "lust
objects"? And should the period between "What the" and "?" be an
elipsis, or perhaps be deleted?

> Incomplete
> LI7: Recaptured! Ch. 93-x by Llinos
> URL:"
> TARGET=_new>Recaptured! Ch. 1-92</A>, <A
> HREF="

Not sure what's up with what's up with the URL. It looks like someone's
trying to put in HTML, but part of each HTML code string was cut off. I
suggest something like
" (chapters 1-92), (chapters 93-128)"

> Poetry
> LP1: All Ye Fellowship of Nine by Azalais
> URL:
> <>
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: LoTR retold to a well-known festive Victorian tune

Insert period?

> Poetry
> LP8: The Lion and the Swan by ErinRua
> URL:
> <>
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: Eomer/Lothiriel
> Summary: A poem of Eomer of Rohan, from musings by his bride, Lothiriel of
> Dol Amroth

Insert period?

> Poetry
> LP11: Wishes of a King by White Gull
> URL:
> ryview=toc&chapter=1&cat=7

This link didn't work. Try it without the >:

> Vignette
> LV2: A Way Opens by Thevina Finduilas
> URL:

This points to a different one of her stories. Try:

> Vignette
> LV4: For Pity's Sake by Zimraphel
> URL:
> Rating: PG-13
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: The Mirkwood sentries assigned to guard Gollum take pity on him,
> with horrific results

Insert period?

> L1: *Don't Panic by boz4PM
> URL:
> Rating: PG-13
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Penny is panicking. Where is she? How did she get here? How will
> she get home and whose backside will she kick first when she finally
> does? A
> woman lost in Middle Earth wearing only her pyjamas. This can't be good..

Change Middle Earth to "Middle-earth"? And insert additional period at
the end to make an ellipsis?

> L3: A Different Kind of Sacrifice by Suzene Campos
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: This is an entry for the Movie Challenge, specifically for the
> "What is Gimli Thinking Each Time He Makes A Joke" idea. Set directly
> after
> the battle for Helm's Deep, this movie-verse story contains spoilers,
> angst,
> and Dwarf-stripping. You have been warned.

Maybe delete the first sentence of the summary, as this points to a
specific challenge at HASA?

> L4: A True Dwarf by Powerof theBook
> URL:
> Rating: PG
> Romance Partners: Gimli and OFC
> Summary: A bride has reservations about her husband-to-be, and he assuages
> them in his own inimitable fashion. Written because Gimli needs
> someone to
> come home to as much as any handsome Elf does.

The author's name is one word: "Powerofthebook".

> L5: Aglarond by Erin Rua
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: A dwarf, a cave and a claustrophobic elf. Wherein Gimli and
> Legolas
> venture into the Crystal Caves of Aglarond at the war's end, and
> Legolas is
> lost for words. NO slash. COMPLETE.

The author's name is one word: ErinRua.

> L11: Lord of the Rings: Kyshri's Story by Lady Shinigami
> URL:
> Rating: PG-13 sex scenes
> Romance Partners: Legolas/f
> Summary: This is the battle at Amon Hen where Boromir is killed, and the
> Fellowship is split. Part of a 10th Walker story.

This link only points to the last part (part 13 of 13). I could look up
the other URLs for you, and you could make a page on your site providing
a link to each part, but I can't find it online elsewhere. Sorry.

> L14: The Gift of Iluvatar by Ariel
> URL:
> Rating: G vile deeds of Saruman
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: From the hobbits' fall at Mt. Doom to Sam's waking in Ithilien...
> the story Tolkien only hinted at. What really happened when all the
> healing
> powers of wizards, elves and men were summoned to insure that this was not
> the end of all things for the halflings? Sorrow, hope and healing in a
> strictly canon gapfiller that captures the flavour of Tolkien's writing
> remarkably well.

The very end of this strays into recommendation. Do you want to cut it
off at "strictly canon gapfiller"?

> L15: To Dream by Iluvien
> URL:

This only points to chapter twelve. Try:

> L17: Whistling Past the Graveyard by Shunt
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Superstitions nuzguling challenge -The Fellowship pass the
> defiled
> dwarven tombs in Moria.

Delete "Superstitious nuzguling challenge -"? This refers to a specific
HASA challenge.


Msg# 1752

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by Larian Elensar June 22, 2004 - 1:13:00 Topic ID# 1654
--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Larian Elensar []
> > Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 5:12 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2
> >
> > L15: To Dream by Iluvien
> > URL:
> > Rating: G
> > Romance Partners: Elladan/F
> > Summary: Oloriel, an Elf maiden from Lothlorien has by some
> > reason unknown to either of them, been meeting Elladan in her
> > dreams. They have both been developing feelings for each
> > other, and this is where they finally express their feelings.
> >
> >
> > While checking links for this, it lead me to chapter 12, not
> > chapter one of this story. Is the intent to just enter
> > chapter 12? (might want that noted?) If it's for the whole
> > story, it looks like a WIP so it might need to be moved)
> Okay, no offense to anyone here, but I'm beginning to hate Tolkien Online as
> a fanfiction archive. There are 1400 stories there and I could't find any
> way to search them properly.
> Is anyone familiar with this story? Can you provide us with a link to the
> first chapter and tell us if it is done?

I did send the first chapter link with the LOTR links check mail...(don't ask
me why I didn't do it here, brain freeze? )

> I'll try and find the nominator and see if that person knows.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> MEFA Admin and Founder

Msg# 1755

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 22, 2004 - 1:31:00 Topic ID# 1654
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 12:20 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2
> > Cross-cultural
> > LCC2: Horses and Verses by Altariel and Isabeau
> > URL:
> > Rating: G
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: Theoden's funeral feast, Eomer and Faramir have a
> little chat.
> This doesn't feel quite right. Maybe "At Theoden's funeral feast"?

Something really strange is happening with these links. I clicked that link
and it went to Dark Forge by Ithilwen. Not Horses and Verses. But when I
did a search for Horses and Verses, I found the exact same URL and now it
brings up the right story. What *is* going on?

And actually, it's "After Theoden's funeral feast."

> > Cross-cultural
> > LCC8: Those Who Remain by Marnie
> > URL:
> > Rating: G battle
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: What can Sam Gamgee, and Lord Celeborn of Lorien possibly
> > have in common?
> Delete comma after "Gamgee"?


> > Cross-cultural
> > LCC9: To the Bottle I go by Pervinca
> > URL:
> > Rating: G
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: A group of friends spend an evening at Gondor's
> finest Inn,
> > remembering the ladies they fought their battles for.
> Should "inn" becapitalised?

Not in this case.

> > Drabble
> > LD3: *How Quickbeam Got His Name by Teasel
> > URL:
> This link points to the top of her drabble page. The direct
> link to this drabble is:

I think that one's been fixed already.

> > Drabble
> > LD4: Fireside Chats by Lindelea
> > URL:
> > <>
> > Rating: G tiny bit of violence
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: Frodo, Fire and the Ring
> Insert period?

Technically, it's not a sentece. ;-) But we are being consistant, aren't we?

> > Drabble
> > LD5: Goes A Courting by Chris
> > URL:
> > <>
> >
> > Rating: G
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: A dwarf and his pursuits.
> Umm... this is awfully long. According to word, 312 words. Should we
> maybe take it out of drabble?

Yes. I'll move it to LOTR/Vignette.

> > Drabble
> > LD10: The Stone Tree by LKK
> > URL:
> > <>
> That link didn't work for some reason. The correct one is:

That one must already be fixed too.
> > Gondor
> > LG5: Queen's Gambit by A L Milton
> > URL:
> > STID=2768
> This URL splits into two lines, while other HASA ones don't.
> Is there a
> space in the URL, or is Yahoo just being funky?

It was funked up in the spreadsheet, too. Fixed now.

> > Rating: PG adult implications
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: Faramir and Arwen play a game of chess in the
> summer of 3019 TA.
> > Politics, the Alekhine Defence by any other name and
> Faramir taking his
> > clothes off - a description that is as accurate as it is misleading.
> Should there be a comma after "name"?

Hard for me to say at 1:15am. The first clause isn't a full sentence on
it's own so it's not a compound sentence. More of a complex. I think there
should be a comma, but I'm not sure. Where are our grammar fiends?

> > Incomplete
> > LI2: An Aussie in King Aragorn's Court by Lady Coralie
> > URL:

Somebody else needs to provide a better one. Tolkien Online and I don't get
along fanfic-wise.

> This link doesn't work for some reason. I did a quick web
> search and found:

Ah, thank you.

> I'm not sure if this is the most up-to-date link. If others know of a
> better one, feel free to suggest it.

Me, neither.

> > Rating: PG violence, rape, physical and mental torture,
> healing techniques
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: An Australian woman shows up in full ski gear on
> the slopes
> > of the
> > Caradhas
> Insert period? Also, I think it's Caradhras.

It is.

> > Incomplete
> > LI3: I Return by Coriel
> > URL:
> > Rating: G n/a
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: The homeward journey for Legolas. from Gondor to
> Greenwood and
> > beyond. Some insight into what the War of the Ring must
> have meant to the
> > quietest and oft neglected member of the Fellowship,
> together with his and
> > Gimli's subsequent efforts to achieve acceptance in opposing worlds.
> Change period after "Legolas" to comma?

Does it even need a comma?

> > Incomplete
> > LI6: Once More Into the Urple Depths of OFUM by Camilla Sandman
> > URL:
> > Rating: PG-13
> > Romance Partners:
> > Summary: New movie, new students, new lustobjects, new
> mini-Balrogs and a
> > whole new curriculum. That's right, children. OFUM is back.
> But wait. It's
> > no longer the only University in town. MUSM? What the.? (37?)
> Should "romance partners" have "n/a"? Should "lustobjects" be "lust
> objects"? And should the period between "What the" and "?" be an
> elipsis, or perhaps be deleted?

Well, this just sounds like Toey getting in the way. And so far, yes
Romance Partners should be n/a. The students may be wanting, but they ain't

I think I'll change the end punctuation to a question mark. That seems to
fit. Nope, looking in the spreadsheet, it is an ellipsis followed by a
question mark. I wonder why that doesn't come out in e-mail. How does it
look on the web site?

> > Incomplete
> > LI7: Recaptured! Ch. 93-x by Llinos
> > URL:"
> > TARGET=_new>Recaptured! Ch. 1-92</A>, <A
> > HREF="
> Not sure what's up with what's up with the URL. It looks like
> someone's
> trying to put in HTML, but part of each HTML code string was
> cut off. I
> suggest something like
> " (chapters 1-92),
> (chapters 93-128)"

The URL for that one is going to look really strange in the check ballots.
That's because the story is in two places. The URL is like that for the web
site mail merge to work. I had to build some of the HTML code into the data
field. If the links work, leave it be.

> > Poetry
> > LP11: Wishes of a King by White Gull
> > URL:
> >
> &sort=date&sto
> > ryview=toc&chapter=1&cat=7
> This link didn't work. Try it without the >:

Already got that one.

> > L1: *Don't Panic by boz4PM
> > URL:
> > Rating: PG-13
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: Penny is panicking. Where is she? How did she get
> here? How will
> > she get home and whose backside will she kick first when
> she finally
> > does? A
> > woman lost in Middle Earth wearing only her pyjamas. This
> can't be good..
> Change Middle Earth to "Middle-earth"? And insert additional
> period at
> the end to make an ellipsis?

There are already four periods. Not sure why the ellipsis don't work right
in the check ballots. Are they on the web site?

> > L3: A Different Kind of Sacrifice by Suzene Campos
> > URL:
> > Rating: G
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: This is an entry for the Movie Challenge,
> specifically for the
> > "What is Gimli Thinking Each Time He Makes A Joke" idea.
> Set directly
> > after
> > the battle for Helm's Deep, this movie-verse story contains
> spoilers,
> > angst,
> > and Dwarf-stripping. You have been warned.
> Maybe delete the first sentence of the summary, as this points to a
> specific challenge at HASA?

Yep. But I'm leaving in the question, properly punctuated as a question.

> > L4: A True Dwarf by Powerof theBook
> > URL:
> > Rating: PG
> > Romance Partners: Gimli and OFC
> > Summary: A bride has reservations about her husband-to-be,
> and he assuages
> > them in his own inimitable fashion. Written because Gimli needs
> > someone to
> > come home to as much as any handsome Elf does.
> The author's name is one word: "Powerofthebook".


> > L5: Aglarond by Erin Rua
> > URL:
> > Rating: G
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: A dwarf, a cave and a claustrophobic elf. Wherein
> Gimli and
> > Legolas
> > venture into the Crystal Caves of Aglarond at the war's end, and
> > Legolas is
> > lost for words. NO slash. COMPLETE.
> The author's name is one word: ErinRua.

Okay. Just call it a typo. Otherwise, when I read these, it feels like
you're telling me that I don't know the author's name. Remembering that I
didn't necessarily write these....

> > L11: Lord of the Rings: Kyshri's Story by Lady Shinigami
> > URL:
> > Rating: PG-13 sex scenes
> > Romance Partners: Legolas/f
> > Summary: This is the battle at Amon Hen where Boromir is
> killed, and the
> > Fellowship is split. Part of a 10th Walker story.
> This link only points to the last part (part 13 of 13). I
> could look up
> the other URLs for you, and you could make a page on your
> site providing
> a link to each part, but I can't find it online elsewhere. Sorry.

You know how I feel about Tolkien Online's archive, right?

Somebody find us a better link?

> > L14: The Gift of Iluvatar by Ariel
> > URL:
> > Rating: G vile deeds of Saruman
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: From the hobbits' fall at Mt. Doom to Sam's waking
> in Ithilien...
> > the story Tolkien only hinted at. What really happened when all the
> > healing
> > powers of wizards, elves and men were summoned to insure
> that this was not
> > the end of all things for the halflings? Sorrow, hope and
> healing in a
> > strictly canon gapfiller that captures the flavour of
> Tolkien's writing
> > remarkably well.
> The very end of this strays into recommendation. Do you want
> to cut it
> off at "strictly canon gapfiller"?

Yeah, sounds about right.

> > L15: To Dream by Iluvien
> > URL:
> This only points to chapter twelve. Try:

I could have sworn we'd already fixed that one.

> > L17: Whistling Past the Graveyard by Shunt
> > URL:
> > Rating: G
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: Superstitions nuzguling challenge -The Fellowship pass the
> > defiled
> > dwarven tombs in Moria.
> Delete "Superstitious nuzguling challenge -"? This refers to
> a specific
> HASA challenge.


Thanks. And to keep myself from staying up any longer, I am not going to
read another piece of e-mail tonight. It was after 1am when I started this
one. I was supposed to be in bed by 1. Darn me. Now it's 1:30. I tend to
be late to work when I stay up after 1.

I knew better...

I won't reupload the LOTR page tonight either.

Tomorrow all.


MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

Msg# 1757

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by dwimmer\_laik June 22, 2004 - 1:39:11 Topic ID# 1654
> > This URL splits into two lines, while other HASA ones don't.
> > Is there a
> > space in the URL, or is Yahoo just being funky?
> It was funked up in the spreadsheet, too. Fixed now.
> > > Rating: PG adult implications
> > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > Summary: Faramir and Arwen play a game of chess in the
> > summer of 3019 TA.
> > > Politics, the Alekhine Defence by any other name and
> > Faramir taking his
> > > clothes off - a description that is as accurate as it is misleading.
> >
> >
> > Should there be a comma after "name"?
> Hard for me to say at 1:15am. The first clause isn't a full sentence on
> it's own so it's not a compound sentence. More of a complex. I
think there
> should be a comma, but I'm not sure. Where are our grammar fiends?

It's a list. Therefore, the second comma is optional. Strunk and White
advise against the addition of that last comma; others hold that it
doesn't hurt anything and helps insure the clear separation of items.

So either way, it's fine.

> >
> > > Incomplete
> > > LI3: I Return by Coriel
> > > URL:
> > > Rating: G n/a
> > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > Summary: The homeward journey for Legolas. from Gondor to
> > Greenwood and
> > > beyond. Some insight into what the War of the Ring must
> > have meant to the
> > > quietest and oft neglected member of the Fellowship,
> > together with his and
> > > Gimli's subsequent efforts to achieve acceptance in opposing worlds.
> >
> >
> > Change period after "Legolas" to comma?
> Does it even need a comma?

Technically, yes. The second "sentence" is a fragment. It looks like
someone's finger slipped from comma to period when entering the summary.

> >
> > Should "romance partners" have "n/a"? Should "lustobjects" be "lust
> > objects"? And should the period between "What the" and "?" be an
> > elipsis, or perhaps be deleted?
> Well, this just sounds like Toey getting in the way. And so far, yes
> Romance Partners should be n/a. The students may be wanting, but
they ain't
> getting....

Although Gimli is hooked up with Lina, Faramir and Éowyn are always at
it, and Celeborn comes out in his skivvies looking for whipped cream,
iirc. Still, most of those are tangential to the plot and I don't
think we get anything beyond verbal innuendo.


Msg# 1759

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by dwimmer\_laik June 22, 2004 - 1:46:04 Topic ID# 1654
> >
> > > > Rating: PG adult implications
> > > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > > Summary: Faramir and Arwen play a game of chess in the
> > > summer of 3019 TA.
> > > > Politics, the Alekhine Defence by any other name and
> > > Faramir taking his
> > > > clothes off - a description that is as accurate as it is
> > >
> > >
> > > Should there be a comma after "name"?
> >
> > Hard for me to say at 1:15am. The first clause isn't a full
sentence on
> > it's own so it's not a compound sentence. More of a complex. I
> think there
> > should be a comma, but I'm not sure. Where are our grammar fiends?
> It's a list. Therefore, the second comma is optional. Strunk and White
> advise against the addition of that last comma;

Try again for coherence. If you have a list, some grammarians hold
that you may leave out the final comma (which would happen to be the
second one in the present case). Others do not.

There is no real consensus, so whatever makes the list clearest seems
the best way to deal with it.


Msg# 1765

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by Marta June 22, 2004 - 14:00:27 Topic ID# 1654
Before I jump into this, I realise this may be coming across much more
personal than I intended it to. If I say "Wrong link" or something like
that that seems like I'm criticising you personally, I don't mean it
that way. Sorry it comes across that way. (I think I was less careful in
how I worded things last night than I should have been.)

> > > Drabble
> > > LD4: Fireside Chats by Lindelea
> > > URL:
> <>
> > > <
> <>>
> > > Rating: G tiny bit of violence
> > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > Summary: Frodo, Fire and the Ring
> >
> >
> > Insert period?
> Technically, it's not a sentece. ;-) But we are being consistant,
> aren't we?

Yeah, you're right; it isn't a sentence. But if we're being consistent,
you might want to add it. It could go either way; feel free to add it or

> > > Rating: PG adult implications
> > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > Summary: Faramir and Arwen play a game of chess in the
> > summer of 3019 TA.
> > > Politics, the Alekhine Defence by any other name and
> > Faramir taking his
> > > clothes off - a description that is as accurate as it is misleading.
> >
> >
> > Should there be a comma after "name"?
> Hard for me to say at 1:15am. The first clause isn't a full sentence on
> it's own so it's not a compound sentence. More of a complex. I think
> there
> should be a comma, but I'm not sure. Where are our grammar fiends?

Dwim has already addressed this. "Politics", "the Alekhine Defence by
any other name", and "Faramir taking his clothes off" are items in a
list. I was always taught to put a comma after the second item in a
list. But I pulled out Strunk & White this morning and saw that Dwim was
right. There seems to be some disagreement on this point. It's not
particularly important, and I think it can go either way.

> > This link doesn't work for some reason. I did a quick web
> > search and found:
> >
> >
> Ah, thank you.

No problem.

> >
> > > Incomplete
> > > LI3: I Return by Coriel
> > > URL:
> > > Rating: G n/a
> > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > Summary: The homeward journey for Legolas. from Gondor to
> > Greenwood and
> > > beyond. Some insight into what the War of the Ring must
> > have meant to the
> > > quietest and oft neglected member of the Fellowship,
> > together with his and
> > > Gimli's subsequent efforts to achieve acceptance in opposing worlds.
> >
> >
> > Change period after "Legolas" to comma?
> Does it even need a comma?

Now that I look at it, I don't think it does. Thanks.

> > > Incomplete
> > > LI6: Once More Into the Urple Depths of OFUM by Camilla Sandman
> <snip>
> I think I'll change the end punctuation to a question mark. That seems to
> fit. Nope, looking in the spreadsheet, it is an ellipsis followed by a
> question mark. I wonder why that doesn't come out in e-mail. How does it
> look on the web site?

I haven't checked at the website.

Weird about the ellipsis. I'll try not to comment on those any more, and
if I do, feel free to disregard the comment.

> > > Incomplete
> > > LI7: Recaptured! Ch. 93-x by Llinos
> > > URL:"
> > > TARGET=_new>Recaptured! Ch. 1-92</A>, <A
> > > HREF="
> >
> >
> > Not sure what's up with what's up with the URL. It looks like
> > someone's
> > trying to put in HTML, but part of each HTML code string was
> > cut off. I
> > suggest something like
> > " (chapters 1-92),
> > (chapters 93-128)"
> The URL for that one is going to look really strange in the check ballots.
> That's because the story is in two places. The URL is like that for
> the web
> site mail merge to work. I had to build some of the HTML code into the
> data
> field. If the links work, leave it be.

Ah, ok. Thanks for explaining.

> > > L5: Aglarond by Erin Rua
> > > URL:
> > > Rating: G
> > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > Summary: A dwarf, a cave and a claustrophobic elf. Wherein
> > Gimli and
> > > Legolas
> > > venture into the Crystal Caves of Aglarond at the war's end, and
> > > Legolas is
> > > lost for words. NO slash. COMPLETE.
> >
> >
> > The author's name is one word: ErinRua.
> Okay. Just call it a typo. Otherwise, when I read these, it feels like
> you're telling me that I don't know the author's name. Remembering that I
> didn't necessarily write these....

Sorry about that. I didn't intend that at all.

> > > L11: Lord of the Rings: Kyshri's Story by Lady Shinigami
> > > URL:
> > > Rating: PG-13 sex scenes
> > > Romance Partners: Legolas/f
> > > Summary: This is the battle at Amon Hen where Boromir is
> > killed, and the
> > > Fellowship is split. Part of a 10th Walker story.
> >
> >
> > This link only points to the last part (part 13 of 13). I
> > could look up
> > the other URLs for you, and you could make a page on your
> > site providing
> > a link to each part, but I can't find it online elsewhere. Sorry.
> You know how I feel about Tolkien Online's archive, right?
> Somebody find us a better link?

I looked but couldn't find one. Sorry.


Msg# 1767

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by Viv June 22, 2004 - 14:10:16 Topic ID# 1654
Grammar fiend right here! I haven't been proofreading
the summaries because I don't think it's fair to fix
them up. In most cases, the nominator cut-and-pasted
the summary that the author originally wrote. And if
the author's original summary contained grammar,
punctuation, or usage mistakes, that will factor into
whether I decide to read (and vote on) the story.

But I understand how tempting it can be to just slip
in a needed comma here and there. ;)


--- Marta <> wrote:
> Where are
> our grammar fiends?

Spacellama Palace:

Msg# 1773

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 22, 2004 - 15:17:01 Topic ID# 1654
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larian Elensar []
> Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 9:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [MEFAwards] Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2
> --- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:

> > > L15: To Dream by Iluvien
> > > URL:
> > > Rating: G
> > > Romance Partners: Elladan/F
> > > Summary: Oloriel, an Elf maiden from Lothlorien has by
> some reason
> > > unknown to either of them, been meeting Elladan in her
> dreams. They
> > > have both been developing feelings for each other, and
> this is where
> > > they finally express their feelings.

> >
> > Is anyone familiar with this story? Can you provide us
> with a link to
> > the first chapter and tell us if it is done?
> I did send the first chapter link with the LOTR links check
> mail...(don't ask me why I didn't do it here, brain freeze? )

Okay, thanks. Remember that I answer these as I read them (and giving how
fast you aall are at fihnding errors, I'm usually behind. There are over 20
unread messages in this folder (my MEFA folder) right now as it is.

MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

Msg# 1775

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 22, 2004 - 15:47:16 Topic ID# 1654
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dwimmer_laik []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 1:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2
> > > > Rating: PG adult implications
> > > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > > Summary: Faramir and Arwen play a game of chess in the
> > > summer of 3019 TA.
> > > > Politics, the Alekhine Defence by any other name and
> > > Faramir taking his
> > > > clothes off - a description that is as accurate as it
> is misleading.
> > >
> > >
> > > Should there be a comma after "name"?
> >
> > Hard for me to say at 1:15am. The first clause isn't a
> full sentence
> > on it's own so it's not a compound sentence. More of a complex. I
> think there
> > should be a comma, but I'm not sure. Where are our grammar fiends?
> It's a list. Therefore, the second comma is optional. Strunk
> and White advise against the addition of that last comma;
> others hold that it doesn't hurt anything and helps insure
> the clear separation of items.

> So either way, it's fine.

Okay, we'll just let it go then.

> > > > Incomplete
> > > > LI3: I Return by Coriel
> > > > URL:
> > > > Rating: G n/a
> > > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > > Summary: The homeward journey for Legolas. from Gondor to
> > > Greenwood and
> > > > beyond. Some insight into what the War of the Ring must
> > > have meant to the
> > > > quietest and oft neglected member of the Fellowship,
> > > together with his and
> > > > Gimli's subsequent efforts to achieve acceptance in
> opposing worlds.
> > >
> > >
> > > Change period after "Legolas" to comma?
> >
> > Does it even need a comma?
> Technically, yes. The second "sentence" is a fragment. It
> looks like someone's finger slipped from comma to period when
> entering the summary.


> > > Should "romance partners" have "n/a"? Should
> "lustobjects" be "lust
> > > objects"? And should the period between "What the" and "?" be an
> > > elipsis, or perhaps be deleted?
> >
> > Well, this just sounds like Toey getting in the way. And
> so far, yes
> > Romance Partners should be n/a. The students may be wanting, but
> they ain't
> > getting....
> Although Gimli is hooked up with Lina, Faramir and Éowyn are
> always at it, and Celeborn comes out in his skivvies looking
> for whipped cream, iirc. Still, most of those are tangential
> to the plot and I don't think we get anything beyond verbal innuendo.

Right, and since this one is not in Lina's POV (at least not much). The main
characters are now the sisters. And they aren't getting any...

Oh,a nd the thing about Toey...It makes me reluctant to fix the typos. I
once sent the author a note about the typos and she said they were
intentional. And caused by Toey, the evil toe ring.

MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

Msg# 1782

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 22, 2004 - 16:17:04 Topic ID# 1654
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 1:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2
> Before I jump into this, I realise this may be coming across
> much more personal than I intended it to. If I say "Wrong
> link" or something like that that seems like I'm criticising
> you personally, I don't mean it that way. Sorry it comes
> across that way. (I think I was less careful in how I worded
> things last night than I should have been.)

Don't worry about it. Sometimes it did come off that way, but I didn't take
it too hard as I figured you likely didn't mean it that way. Just, after
reading several hundred of these things..........

> > > > Drabble
> > > > LD4: Fireside Chats by Lindelea
> > > > Rating: G tiny bit of violence
> > > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > > Summary: Frodo, Fire and the Ring

> Yeah, you're right; it isn't a sentence. But if we're being
> consistent, you might want to add it. It could go either way;
> feel free to add it or not.

Oh, I added it. I was just trying to be a little witty.

> > > > Rating: PG adult implications
> > > > Romance Partners: n/a

> Dwim has already addressed this. "Politics", "the Alekhine
> Defence by any other name", and "Faramir taking his clothes
> off" are items in a list. I was always taught to put a comma
> after the second item in a list. But I pulled out Strunk &
> White this morning and saw that Dwim was right. There seems
> to be some disagreement on this point. It's not particularly
> important, and I think it can go either way.

Personally, I'm a grammar traditionalist and I use the comma when I think
about it. But I've found myself not thinking about it from time to time and
going without.

> > > > Incomplete
> > > > LI3: I Return by Coriel
> > > > URL:
> > > > Rating: G n/a
> > > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > > Summary: The homeward journey for Legolas. from Gondor to
> > > Greenwood and
> > > > beyond. Some insight into what the War of the Ring must
> > > have meant to the
> > > > quietest and oft neglected member of the Fellowship,
> > > together with his and
> > > > Gimli's subsequent efforts to achieve acceptance in
> opposing worlds.

> > > Change period after "Legolas" to comma?
> >
> > Does it even need a comma?

> Now that I look at it, I don't think it does. Thanks.

Though now I agree with Dwim and it does. Actually, I think it could go
either way, but it does seem the author was intending one, so I put one in.

> > > > Incomplete
> > > > LI6: Once More Into the Urple Depths of OFUM by Camilla Sandman
> > <snip>
> > I think I'll change the end punctuation to a question mark.
> That seems
> > to fit. Nope, looking in the spreadsheet, it is an
> ellipsis followed
> > by a question mark. I wonder why that doesn't come out in
> e-mail. How
> > does it look on the web site?
> I haven't checked at the website.

Neither have I. Been too busy with edits. ;-)

> Weird about the ellipsis. I'll try not to comment on those
> any more, and if I do, feel free to disregard the comment.

Well, some of them, it turned out, did need a comment. Like the one that
really only did have two dots.

> > > > Incomplete
> > > > LI7: Recaptured! Ch. 93-x by Llinos
> > > > URL:"
> > > > TARGET=_new>Recaptured! Ch. 1-92</A>, <A
> > > > HREF="
> > >
> > >
> > > Not sure what's up with what's up with the URL. It looks like
> > > someone's trying to put in HTML, but part of each HTML
> code string
> > > was cut off. I suggest something like
> > > "
> (chapters 1-92),
> > >
> (chapters 93-128)"
> >
> > The URL for that one is going to look really strange in the
> check ballots.
> > That's because the story is in two places. The URL is like
> that for
> > the web site mail merge to work. I had to build some of the
> HTML code
> > into the data field. If the links work, leave it be.
> Ah, ok. Thanks for explaining.

Not a problem. I hadn't thought about how strange that would look when I
mergeded for the plain text check ballots. But I would rather let it go in
the check ballots and change it only once for the final ballot than have to
add that HTML every time I reuploaded the web page.

> > > > L5: Aglarond by Erin Rua

> > > The author's name is one word: ErinRua.
> >
> > Okay. Just call it a typo. Otherwise, when I read these, it
> feels like
> > you're telling me that I don't know the author's name. Remembering
> > that I didn't necessarily write these....
> Sorry about that. I didn't intend that at all.

I know. It's just in wording. Syntax getting in the way of things.

> > > > L11: Lord of the Rings: Kyshri's Story by Lady Shinigami
> > > > URL:
> > > > Rating: PG-13 sex scenes
> > > > Romance Partners: Legolas/f
> > > > Summary: This is the battle at Amon Hen where Boromir is
> > > killed, and the
> > > > Fellowship is split. Part of a 10th Walker story.
> > >
> > >
> > > This link only points to the last part (part 13 of 13). I
> could look
> > > up the other URLs for you, and you could make a page on your site
> > > providing a link to each part, but I can't find it online
> elsewhere.
> > > Sorry.
> >
> > You know how I feel about Tolkien Online's archive, right?
> >
> > Somebody find us a better link?
> I looked but couldn't find one. Sorry.

I found a bazillion shinigami's in, so that wasn't much help either.

MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

Msg# 1783

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 22, 2004 - 16:21:31 Topic ID# 1654
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Viv []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 2:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2
> Grammar fiend right here! I haven't been proofreading the
> summaries because I don't think it's fair to fix them up. In
> most cases, the nominator cut-and-pasted the summary that the
> author originally wrote. And if the author's original summary
> contained grammar, punctuation, or usage mistakes, that will
> factor into whether I decide to read (and vote on) the story.
> But I understand how tempting it can be to just slip in a
> needed comma here and there. ;)
> viv

Hadn't thought about that, but it's too late now.


MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

Msg# 1784

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by Marta June 22, 2004 - 17:07:44 Topic ID# 1654
> > Before I jump into this, I realise this may be coming across
> > much more personal than I intended it to. If I say "Wrong
> > link" or something like that that seems like I'm criticising
> > you personally, I don't mean it that way. Sorry it comes
> > across that way. (I think I was less careful in how I worded
> > things last night than I should have been.)
> Don't worry about it. Sometimes it did come off that way, but I
> didn't take
> it too hard as I figured you likely didn't mean it that way. Just, after
> reading several hundred of these things..........

And after about the hundredth comment (I did do a *lot* of them last
night) I tend to forget how they can come across. I shall try to do
better in the future.

You're doing great, Ainae, both at keeping up with a very high-volume
list and at keeping an even temper. Well done. *passes Dorwinion and
chocolate lembas in Ainae's direction*

> > > > > Rating: PG adult implications
> > > > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Dwim has already addressed this. "Politics", "the Alekhine
> > Defence by any other name", and "Faramir taking his clothes
> > off" are items in a list. I was always taught to put a comma
> > after the second item in a list. But I pulled out Strunk &
> > White this morning and saw that Dwim was right. There seems
> > to be some disagreement on this point. It's not particularly
> > important, and I think it can go either way.
> Personally, I'm a grammar traditionalist and I use the comma when I think
> about it. But I've found myself not thinking about it from time to
> time and
> going without.

That's completely understandable. I also find that I have to force
myself to stop and think about this stuff to get it right.

> > > > > Incomplete
> > > > > LI3: I Return by Coriel
> > > > > URL:
> > > > > Rating: G n/a
> > > > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > > > Summary: The homeward journey for Legolas. from Gondor to
> > > > Greenwood and
> > > > > beyond. Some insight into what the War of the Ring must
> > > > have meant to the
> > > > > quietest and oft neglected member of the Fellowship,
> > > > together with his and
> > > > > Gimli's subsequent efforts to achieve acceptance in
> > opposing worlds.
> > > > Change period after "Legolas" to comma?
> > >
> > > Does it even need a comma?
> > Now that I look at it, I don't think it does. Thanks.
> Though now I agree with Dwim and it does. Actually, I think it could go
> either way, but it does seem the author was intending one, so I put
> one in.

Sounds like a plan to me.

> > Weird about the ellipsis. I'll try not to comment on those
> > any more, and if I do, feel free to disregard the comment.
> Well, some of them, it turned out, did need a comment. Like the one that
> really only did have two dots.

OK. It seems my email is just weird. (I use Netscape mail.) If it's all
the same to you, I'll point out any oddities I see. If they look okay in
your spreadsheet, just ignore them. You don't have to comment back. But
I think I should probably mention them in case they are wrong in the

> > Ah, ok. Thanks for explaining.
> Not a problem. I hadn't thought about how strange that would look when I
> mergeded for the plain text check ballots. But I would rather let it
> go in
> the check ballots and change it only once for the final ballot than
> have to
> add that HTML every time I reuploaded the web page.

Oh, absolutely. I can try to ignore that, and if I forget, just pass it
off to me being overworked right now. (Nothing compared to you, of course.)


Msg# 1787

Re: Lord of the Rings Check Ballot #2 Posted by Larian Elensar June 22, 2004 - 22:36:50 Topic ID# 1654
--- Ainaechoiriel <> wrote:

> Something really strange is happening with these links. I clicked that link
> and it went to Dark Forge by Ithilwen. Not Horses and Verses. But when I
> did a search for Horses and Verses, I found the exact same URL and now it
> brings up the right story. What *is* going on?

I wonder if everyone needs a good cache/history/temp files clearing out,
especially if we've done a lot of link clicking

Keeper of the OEAM archive