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Msg# 1807

Elves Check Ballot #3 Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 23, 2004 - 22:51:52 Topic ID# 1807
Check Ballot #3

Please check Check Ballots over carefully so that we can correct any
mistakes before the official ballot is released.

ED1: Hannon Le by Lady Aranel
Rating: R Implied sexual situation
Romance Partners: Legolas/f
Summary: Legolas awakes to a very pleasurable surprise. :-)

ED2: I Hear the Stones Lament by Avon
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Legolas' thoughts on what the stones had to say in Hollin.

ED3: Longing by Dwimordene
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Legolas's thoughts based on the quote from the FotR: "But the Elves
of this land were of a race strange to us of the silvan folk, and the trees
and the grass do not now remember them. Only I hear the stones lament them:
deep they delved us, fair they wrought us, high they builded us; but they
are gone. They are gone. They sought the Havens long ago."

ED4: Strange to Us by Elana
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Legolas' thoughts on what the stones had to say in Hollin.

ED5: Strange Vessels by Elvenesse
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Legolas' thoughts on what the stones had to say in Hollin

ED6: Untitled (Mirkwood) by Wild Iris
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A sad scene in Mirkwood, from the eyes of an Elf.

EI1: *Uncommon Tales: Tales of the Jade King by Katharine the Great &
Rating: PG violence
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Legolas, Tavor and Brethil are up to tricks as usual. Meanwhile,
King Thranduil goes out on a hunting trip, but doesn't come home...and
Tanglinna must find him, before it's too late...

EI2: Dawn Twilight by Viv
Rating: PG-13
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: What if some elves never went west, but stayed here instead? Well,
Moira's introduction to elfhood comes via her way-too-hot linguistics
prof... um, one Dr. Birdsong

EI3: Last of the Edhel by CinnamonGrrl
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: The elf had never had any trouble guarding an important secret in
the heart of an ancient forest, but then, he'd never met Hermione Granger

EI4: Oak and Willow by Marnie
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Celeborn of Doriath and Nerwen of the Noldor strive to come to
terms with the differences that divide their peoples during the First Age,
and also with their growing affections for one another.

EI5: Return to Middle-earth by Miriel361
Rating: R Sexual situations
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/f
Summary: Sometimes by doing right, we injure the ones we love and put the
world in danger. A sequel to Elrohir's Tale in which Sinead seeks her

EI6: Unbound by Two-point
Rating: R some sexual situations
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/OFC
Summary: A young Rivendell Elf considers how old is too old, and what age
and death means to an Elf.

EI7: Wayland The Smith by Jilian Baade
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: What if Maeglin hadn't died in the Fall of Gondolin, but survived
as a legend until modern times?

E4-1: *More Than an Archer by Katharine the Great
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: The young mature, and perceptions change, but sometimes we can't
really know a person until they're gone... (refers to the deaths of
Tanglinna and Brethil in a previous story of Treehugger's). An homage-fic
written as a gift for TreeHugger and JastaElf.

E4-2: Elrohir's Tale by Miriel361
Rating: R Sexual situations
Romance Partners: Elrohir/f
Summary: What would happen if an Elf found himself stranded in our world?
Come and find out!

E4-3: Keeper Of The Flame by Larian Elensar
Rating: R Non-graphic Sexual situation
Romance Partners: Celeborn/Galadriel
Summary: Galadriel is crossing the sea after the war of the ring. This is
what she's thinking about on the ship to Valinor.

E4-4: Of Pipes and Poetry by Thevina Finduilas
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: An evening in Fangorn Forest when things hidden come to light.
Legolas tries smoking and unwittingly discovers that he doesn't know as much
about his Dwarvish friend as he thought. That he writes poetry, for

E4-5: The Green Knight by Le Rouret
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: King Elessar and Prince Faramir stage a tournament in Ithilien to
draw knights to Gondor, but in the process they discover trouble

E4-6: War Dust by Nol
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Maglor at the Trojan War finds beauty and terror intermingled in
the being of Achilles, entwined with the memories of a brother.

ER1: By Hook or By Crook by Eresse
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: Elrond/Celebrian and Thranduil/OFC
Summary: Elrond and Thranduil discover there is more to strategy than meets
the eye.

ER2: Handful of Grey Ashes, Handful of Silver Tears by Losseniaiel
Rating: G
Romance Partners: Amarië/Finrod
Summary: He was hers once, and may yet be again, but for now he is only a
child, and does not remember what once was. And reunions are rarely what we
expect them to be.

ER3: Meldir: At First Sight by Eresse
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: Elrohir/Legolas
Summary: The twins and Legolas's first encounter in Greenwood the Great
leads to a close and lasting friendship.

ER4: Of Leaves of Gold and Petals Red: A Faery Tale by Ithilwen
Rating: PG-13 Some sexual references
Romance Partners: Feanor/OFC
Summary: A modern retelling of an old Scottish tale.

ER5: The Kiss by Larien Elengasse
Rating: R implied sexual content, m/m slash.
Romance Partners:
Summary: Glorfindel and Ecthelion share a kiss

ER6: With Friends Like These by Eresse
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: Elrohir/Legolas
Summary: Legolas's first visit to Rivendell proves educational in more ways
than one when he learns of the choice of the Peredhil then stumbles upon a
tryst with an unexpected twist.

The Silmarillion
ES1: Brothers by Tinni
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Feanor discover little Finarfin is not such a terrible brother to
have, in fact he's a nice little boy.

The Silmarillion
ES2: Child of Dawn by Cirdan
Rating: R implied domestic violence and a character death
Romance Partners:
Summary: Maedhros hears that Aredhel is being held against her will by Eol
and goes to rescue her. Maeglin watches as Maedhros and Eol fight it out. My
one and only Maeglin fic.

The Silmarillion
ES3: Coming of Age by Jilian Baade
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Maedhros comes of age, and the familiy celebrates!

The Silmarillion
ES4: Comrades In Arms by Levade
Rating: PG-13 bit of violence
Romance Partners:
Summary: During the Last Alliance Cirdan gets a chance to show off his
talent with floss and a needle. Glorfindel is not amused.

The Silmarillion
ES5: Fearless and Full of Joy by Levade
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Before Imladris, before Gondolin and her white towers, even before
the dawn of the sun and moon, he was but an elfling.

The Silmarillion
ES6: Hênen by Larien Elengasse
Rating: PG-13 character death, mild violence
Romance Partners:
Summary: Oropher thinks about his son.

The Silmarillion
ES7: Hide and Seek by Ithilwen
Rating: R Some violence, and sex scenes, not graphic
Romance Partners:
Summary: Young Amrod and Amras run away from home, why?

The Silmarillion
ES8: Keystone by Wild Iris
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Thranduil has his caves built in Mirkwood.

The Silmarillion
ES9: Malaise by Levade
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A rather grumpy Elrond, Glorfindel, a tent, large puddle and a High
King with a quirky sense of humour

The Silmarillion
ES10: Singing Silence by Losseniaiel
Rating: G
Romance Partners: Elu Thingol/Melian
Summary: Elu Thingol reflects on his wife.

The Silmarillion
ES11: Speak, Friend, and Enter by Thevina Finduilas
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A tale of Dwarves and Elves, of artisans, the creation of the great
West-Gate at Khazad-dum, and unlikely authors. Legolas and Gimli, and Narvi
and Celebrimbor. Humor, but with a serious nod to Elvish/Dwarvish relations
during their heyday as well as musings on Dwarvish culture in general.

The Silmarillion
ES12: Tale of Twin Stars by Cirdan
Rating: PG-13 Adult themes
Romance Partners: Elrond/Elros/f
Summary: Elros and Elrond fall in love and must cope with the Laws and
Customs of the Eldar.

The Silmarillion
ES13: The Continuing Leaf by WatcherChild
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Glorfindel sets foot upon Middle-earth again and tries to adjust to
a changed world.

The Silmarillion
ES14: The Wisdom of Isildur by Marnie
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: After Gil-galad's death, Elrond asks if Celeborn will support him
in a bid to assume the crown of the High King.

The Silmarillion
ES15: Too Late by Jillian Baade
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Finarfin reflects on his life.

EV1: *Dancing Within Walls by Sphinx
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: An imminent parting looms, and they realize that words are not
enough. Featuring Elrond, Arwen. Vignette.

EV2: *Dulinraug by Galahan
Rating: PG character death
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Silmarillion fic about the fall of Glorfindel.

EV3: A Fool's Hope by Thundera Tiger
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Vignette set in Rivendell after the Fellowship's departure. Focuses
on a conversation between Glorfindel and Elrond as they debate the wisdom in
both the Fellowship's mission as well as the individuals comprising the
unlikely group. A fool's hope? You decide.

EV4: Dinner Guests by Salsify
Rating: PG-13 Black humour
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: The first official meeting of Elves and Dwarves, or, the importance
of a well-planned menu in diplomacy. Some black humor from the days when the
Elves were still just thinking about becoming wise.

EV5: Rose Riddle by Stultiloquentia
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: In which Meriadoc and his apprentice combine politics and
horticulture, and Celeborn solves an important question. A Fourth Age
vignette set in Rivendell.

E1: *A Midspring Morning's Dream by Katharine the Great
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Set in TreeHugger's universe. Wedding bells are ringing in
Mirkwood...because everybody's faaaavorite little tricksy chatterbox is
getting married!

E2: *The Elvish Way With All Good Beasts by Teanna
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: What if "the elvish way" is something a young elf must learn the
hard way...

E3: A Case of Mistaken Identity by Coriel
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: The True Colors of Thranduil as Shown and Proven in Canon: a short

E4: A Leaf on a Stream by Marnie
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Little Elladan and Elrohir get a history lesson from their
grandfather, Celeborn, resulting in burnt fingers and no appetite for lunch

E5: Across Dark Waters by Zimraphel
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: An AU look at the passage to Mandos, as Maeglin gets what's coming
to him.

E6: Battle of the Golden Wood by Marnie
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: The War of the Ring in Lothlorien

E7: Cursed Love by Jilian Baade
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: From the bushes, a hidden watcher sees Tuor propose to Idril

E8: Dissection of the Common WoodElf, Telerius Galadh by bryn_bnw
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Observation and Dissection of the Common Wood-Elf (Telerius
galadh). Why do Elves glow? How does an Elf walk on snow? Methods of
reproduction? It's Legolas as you've never seen him before.

E9: Fated Twins by Cirdan
Rating: R Violence, implied character death
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Amrod and Amras go to the Havens of Sirion. Morgoth attacks. They
help fight against Morgoth and save Elros and Elrond. Cast includes
Egalmoth, Galdor, Oropher, Thranduil, Celeborn, Elemmakil, and Hendor.

E10: Firimar by Ithilwen
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A elf looks at earth from Valinor

E11: Gofi and the Balrog by Levade
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Elrond's twin sons have some questions about that Balrog, and know
just whom to ask.

E12: Legolas and the Olórë Mallë by Chathol-linn
Rating: PG some battle scenes
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: An early adventure of Legolas in which he explores Elvish memory,
prophecy, and dreams. Scenes include "Strange Paths," "Ale by the Fireside,"
and "I Will Drink Your Blood from the Chalice of Your Heart."

E13: Lord of the House of the Golden Flower by Jilian Baade
Rating: PG-13 Mild reference to sexual activities
Romance Partners: Glorfindel/OFC
Summary: The story of Glorfindel and his Sindarin Wife, and how they are
reunited in the second age.

E14: Noldolante by Ithilwen
Rating: R Violence
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Maeglin during the Fall of Gondolin, his thoughts and actions

E15: Notes From the Field by bryn_bnw
Rating: PG
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Alas, there are no fairy tale endings in Nature... Tolkien never
wrote of Thranduil's fate. Unfortunately, the task falls to bumbling
researchers of the SRDM. Of hair braiding, migratory patterns, and a plea to
Save the Common Wood-Elf

E16: Roots by Dwimordene
Rating: R Violence
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: So how did Legolas meet Aragorn anyhow, and under what
circumstances? Goes from light to heavy and back again. Gap-filler set
between Gollum's arrival in Mirkwood and his interrogation; violent in
parts, plenty of fake elven metaphysics, traces the beginnings of a
friendship between Aragorn and Legolas. Original characters, Gandalf,
Gollum, and Thranduil also figure in this fic.

E17: Sickness by Siobhan with Cassia
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: Aragorn gets sick and Legolas, coming from a race that does not
know illness, tries to understand what that must be like.

E18: The Smith by Jilian Baade
Rating: G
Romance Partners: n/a
Summary: A smith reforges Narsil and remembers the one who last bore this
blade in battle

MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1820

Re: Elves Check Ballot #3 Posted by Marta June 23, 2004 - 23:53:44 Topic ID# 1807
> Incomplete
> EI6: Unbound by Two-point
> URL:
> Rating: R some sexual situations
> Romance Partners: Glorfindel/OFC
> Summary: A young Rivendell Elf considers how old is too old, and what age
> and death means to an Elf.

This story seemed complete when I read it a month ago, and is listed as
complete at HASA
Also, should OFC be changed to f?

> Post-WOTR
> E4-6: War Dust by Nol
> URL:
> Rating: PG
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Maglor at the Trojan War finds beauty and terror intermingled in
> the being of Achilles, entwined with the memories of a brother.

On the website the author is listed as Earmire. I know these are the
same person, but might it confuse some people? Should we consider
changing it to "War Dust by Earmire"?

> Romance
> ER2: Handful of Grey Ashes, Handful of Silver Tears by Losseniaiel
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: AmariÙ/Finrod
> Summary: He was hers once, and may yet be again, but for now he is only a
> child, and does not remember what once was. And reunions are rarely
> what we
> expect them to be.

Should you remove the diacritical from the 'e' in Amarie?

> Romance
> ER3: Meldir: At First Sight by Eresse
> URL:
> .htm
> Rating: PG
> Romance Partners: Elrohir/Legolas
> Summary: The twins and Legolas's first encounter in Greenwood the Great
> leads to a close and lasting friendship.

Should "twins" perhaps be "twins'" (with an apostrophe)?

> Romance
> ER4: Of Leaves of Gold and Petals Red: A Faery Tale by Ithilwen
> URL:
> Rating: PG-13 Some sexual references
> Romance Partners: Feanor/OFC
> Summary: A modern retelling of an old Scottish tale.

Should "Feanor/OFC" be"Feanor/f"?

> Romance
> ER5: The Kiss by Larien Elengasse
> URL:
> Rating: R implied sexual content, m/m slash.
> Romance Partners:
> Summary: Glorfindel and Ecthelion share a kiss

Should Glorfindel and Ecthelion be listed as romantic partners?

> The Silmarillion
> ES1: Brothers by Tinni
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Feanor discover little Finarfin is not such a terrible brother to
> have, in fact he's a nice little boy.

I'm not sure if we're correcting grammar on summaries (I know there was
some debate on that), but if we are, should this be: "brother to have;
in fact, he's"?

> The Silmarillion
> ES6: HÛnen by Larien Elengasse
> URL:
> Rating: PG-13 character death, mild violence
> Romance Partners:
> Summary: Oropher thinks about his son.

Remove the diacritical on the "e" in Henen?

> The Silmarillion
> ES7: Hide and Seek by Ithilwen
> URL:
> Rating: R Some violence, and sex scenes, not graphic
> Romance Partners:
> Summary: Young Amrod and Amras run away from home, why?

If we're correcting grammar, should we change the comma after "home" to
a period and capitalize "why"?

> The Silmarillion
> ES12: Tale of Twin Stars by Cirdan
> URL:
> Rating: PG-13 Adult themes
> Romance Partners: Elrond/Elros/f
> Summary: Elros and Elrond fall in love and must cope with the Laws and
> Customs of the Eldar.

I think there's a typo in this title: the website has "The Tale of Twin

> The Silmarillion
> ES15: Too Late by Jillian Baade
> URL:
> Rating: PG
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Finarfin reflects on his life.

I think there's a typo in the author's name. It only has one L (Jilian).

> E2: *The Elvish Way With All Good Beasts by Teanna
> URL:
> <>
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: What if "the elvish way" is something a young elf must learn the
> hard way...

Most of the HASA urls point to the chapter overview, while this one
points to the first chapter. If you like, the following link points to
this story's first chapter:

> E6: Battle of the Golden Wood by Marnie
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: The War of the Ring in Lothlorien

If we're being consistent, should this summary perhaps have a period?

> E7: Cursed Love by Jilian Baade
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: From the bushes, a hidden watcher sees Tuor propose to Idril

I think this summary should also have a period at the end.

> E10: Firimar by Ithilwen
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: A elf looks at earth from Valinor

I think this is also a typo: there should be a period at the end?

> E13: Lord of the House of the Golden Flower by Jilian Baade
> URL:
> Rating: PG-13 Mild reference to sexual activities
> Romance Partners: Glorfindel/OFC
> Summary: The story of Glorfindel and his Sindarin Wife, and how they are
> reunited in the second age.

Should Second Age perhaps be capitalised?

> E14: Noldolante by Ithilwen
> URL:
> Rating: R Violence
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Maeglin during the Fall of Gondolin, his thoughts and actions
> E15: Notes From the Field by bryn_bnw
> URL:
> Rating: PG
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: Alas, there are no fairy tale endings in Nature... Tolkien never
> wrote of Thranduil's fate. Unfortunately, the task falls to bumbling
> researchers of the SRDM. Of hair braiding, migratory patterns, and a
> plea to
> Save the Common Wood-Elf
> E18: The Smith by Jilian Baade
> URL:
> Rating: G
> Romance Partners: n/a
> Summary: A smith reforges Narsil and remembers the one who last bore this
> blade in battle

I think these nominators all made typos: should these both have periods
on the last sentence of the summary?


Msg# 1823

Re: Elves Check Ballot #3 Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 24, 2004 - 1:00:21 Topic ID# 1807
Ah, I knew it was too good to be true.... ;-)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 11:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Elves Check Ballot #3
> > Incomplete
> > EI6: Unbound by Two-point
> > URL:
> > Rating: R some sexual situations
> > Romance Partners: Glorfindel/OFC
> > Summary: A young Rivendell Elf considers how old is too
> old, and what
> > age and death means to an Elf.
> This story seemed complete when I read it a month ago, and is
> listed as complete at HASA
> (
> D=777&CSCharID=0&STCategoryID=0&STGenreID=0).
> Also, should OFC be changed to f?

Ah, perhaps it was completed after it was nominated. You're familiar with
it. What subcategory should it be in?

> > Post-WOTR
> > E4-6: War Dust by Nol
> > URL:
> > Rating: PG
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: Maglor at the Trojan War finds beauty and terror
> intermingled
> > in the being of Achilles, entwined with the memories of a brother.
> On the website the author is listed as Earmire. I know these
> are the same person, but might it confuse some people? Should
> we consider changing it to "War Dust by Earmire"?

I think it was nominated under both Nol and Earmire. But yeah, I'll change
it. Oh, wait. No....Never mind. I didn't want to see Nol and Earmire in the
same subcategory. An author can only be eligible (for an Author Award) once
per subcategory...or category....We haven't determined how we'll do that
just yet.

> > Romance
> > ER2: Handful of Grey Ashes, Handful of Silver Tears by Losseniaiel
> > URL:
> > Rating: G
> > Romance Partners: AmariÙ/Finrod
> > Summary: He was hers once, and may yet be again, but for now he is
> > only a child, and does not remember what once was. And reunions are
> > rarely what we expect them to be.
> Should you remove the diacritical from the 'e' in Amarie?

Ah, one got by us, eh?

> > Romance
> > ER3: Meldir: At First Sight by Eresse
> > URL:
> >
> ight/Meldir1-2
> > .htm
> > Rating: PG
> > Romance Partners: Elrohir/Legolas
> > Summary: The twins and Legolas's first encounter in
> Greenwood the Great
> > leads to a close and lasting friendship.
> Should "twins" perhaps be "twins'" (with an apostrophe)?

Yes, it should. And since we started with the trend of fixing mistakes in
summaries, we'll continue with it.

> > Romance
> > ER5: The Kiss by Larien Elengasse
> > URL:
> > Rating: R implied sexual content, m/m slash.
> > Romance Partners:
> > Summary: Glorfindel and Ecthelion share a kiss
> Should Glorfindel and Ecthelion be listed as romantic partners?

Yes, I suppose they should. According to That Which Needs to Be
Identified...and the summary which tells me the relationship is central to
the story.

> > The Silmarillion
> > ES1: Brothers by Tinni
> > URL:
> > Rating: G
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: Feanor discover little Finarfin is not such a
> terrible brother to
> > have, in fact he's a nice little boy.
> I'm not sure if we're correcting grammar on summaries (I know
> there was
> some debate on that), but if we are, should this be: "brother
> to have;
> in fact, he's"?

Well, we started doing it so to stop now would be unfair to those that still
need correction. Though I don't think we should be judging stories based
too much on summary grammar. Story grammar is a fair enough point though.

> > The Silmarillion
> > ES6: HÛnen by Larien Elengasse
> > URL:
> > Rating: PG-13 character death, mild violence
> > Romance Partners:
> > Summary: Oropher thinks about his son.
> Remove the diacritical on the "e" in Henen?

Darn. It shows up in HTML just fine. I thought we might get away with
leaving it there. But it doesn't here, so yes, it goes away. Sorry, Larien.

> > The Silmarillion
> > ES7: Hide and Seek by Ithilwen
> > URL:
> > Rating: R Some violence, and sex scenes, not graphic
> > Romance Partners:
> > Summary: Young Amrod and Amras run away from home, why?
> If we're correcting grammar, should we change the comma after
> "home" to
> a period and capitalize "why"?


> > The Silmarillion
> > ES12: Tale of Twin Stars by Cirdan
> > URL:
> > Rating: PG-13 Adult themes
> > Romance Partners: Elrond/Elros/f
> > Summary: Elros and Elrond fall in love and must cope with
> the Laws and
> > Customs of the Eldar.
> I think there's a typo in this title: the website has "The
> Tale of Twin
> Stars".

Oh, I think the "The" skipped town and landed on "Shards of Time". I had to
remove it from the latter, so it's free now to back to The Tale of Twin

> > The Silmarillion
> > ES15: Too Late by Jillian Baade
> > URL:
> > Rating: PG
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: Finarfin reflects on his life.
> I think there's a typo in the author's name. It only has one
> L (Jilian).

Yeah, I remember seeing that in the nominations. I wasn't sure which way it
was. Fixed.

> > E2: *The Elvish Way With All Good Beasts by Teanna
> > URL:
> >
> 9&SPOrdinal=1
> >
> <
> 49&SPOrdinal=1>
> > Rating: G
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: What if "the elvish way" is something a young elf
> must learn the
> > hard way...
> Most of the HASA urls point to the chapter overview, while this one
> points to the first chapter. If you like, the following link
> points to
> this story's first chapter:

Thanks. Sadly this story may get dropped from the awards if we don't hear
back from the author in a week. And it's not the only one.

> > E10: Firimar by Ithilwen
> > URL:
> > Rating: G
> > Romance Partners: n/a
> > Summary: A elf looks at earth from Valinor
> I think this is also a typo: there should be a period at the end?

Which part is the typo? The period? Or the fact that Elf isn't capitalized,
which I think it should by, according to Tolkien.

> > E14: Noldolante by Ithilwen

> >
> > E15: Notes From the Field by bryn_bnw
> >
> > E18: The Smith by Jilian Baade
> I think these nominators all made typos: should these both
> have periods
> on the last sentence of the summary?

I just saved you some trouble. I went down every summary and made sure they
had the right punctuation. So they are all fixed.

MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

Msg# 1826

Re: Elves Check Ballot #3 Posted by Marta June 24, 2004 - 2:02:41 Topic ID# 1807
This is quick. I'll be on an airplane tomorrow, but will be back checkin
email by Friday or Staurday.

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Marta []
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 11:55 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Elves Check Ballot #3
> >
> >
> > > Incomplete
> > > EI6: Unbound by Two-point
> > > URL:
> > > Rating: R some sexual situations
> > > Romance Partners: Glorfindel/OFC
> > > Summary: A young Rivendell Elf considers how old is too
> > old, and what
> > > age and death means to an Elf.
> >
> > This story seemed complete when I read it a month ago, and is
> > listed as complete at HASA
> > (
> > D=777&CSCharID=0&STCategoryID=0&STGenreID=0).
> > Also, should OFC be changed to f?
> Ah, perhaps it was completed after it was nominated. You're familiar with
> it. What subcategory should it be in?

It's a romance. Do we have Elf/Romance? If so, I'd suggest there.
Otherwise, just in general Elf.

> > > Romance
> > > ER2: Handful of Grey Ashes, Handful of Silver Tears by Losseniaiel
> > > URL:
> > > Rating: G
> > > Romance Partners: Amari/Finrod
> > > Summary: He was hers once, and may yet be again, but for now he is
> > > only a child, and does not remember what once was. And reunions are
> > > rarely what we expect them to be.
> >
> >
> > Should you remove the diacritical from the 'e' in Amarie?
> Ah, one got by us, eh?

Well, it *is* a rare name.

By the way, I'm always amused bh which weird characters my email decides
to show me each time through (it changes). This time it's a backwards L,
superscripted, or something like that. Last time it was a plus sign on
top of a minus sign. *Weird.*

> > > The Silmarillion
> > > ES15: Too Late by Jillian Baade
> > > URL:
> > > Rating: PG
> > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > Summary: Finarfin reflects on his life.
> >
> >
> > I think there's a typo in the author's name. It only has one
> > L (Jilian).
> Yeah, I remember seeing that in the nominations. I wasn't sure which
> way it
> was. Fixed.

I think I've actually seen it with two L's somewhere, but I say we go
with the way it is at this particular website. Especially since you've
already fixed it. :-)

> > > E2: *The Elvish Way With All Good Beasts by Teanna
> > > URL:
> > >
> >
> > 9&SPOrdinal=1
> > >
> > <
> > 49&SPOrdinal=1>
> > > Rating: G
> > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > Summary: What if "the elvish way" is something a young elf
> > must learn the
> > > hard way...
> >
> >
> > Most of the HASA urls point to the chapter overview, while this one
> > points to the first chapter. If you like, the following link
> > points to
> > this story's first chapter:
> >
> >
> Thanks. Sadly this story may get dropped from the awards if we don't hear
> back from the author in a week. And it's not the only one.

I know. Do we want to do another round of emails? Do you need my help?

> > > E10: Firimar by Ithilwen
> > > URL:
> > > Rating: G
> > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > Summary: A elf looks at earth from Valinor
> >
> >
> > I think this is also a typo: there should be a period at the end?
> Which part is the typo? The period? Or the fact that Elf isn't
> capitalized,
> which I think it should by, according to Tolkien.

Or the 'a' before a word beginning with a vowel (regardless of how it's
capitalized)? Sorry, didn't catch that before.

Marta... the obsessive.

Msg# 1831

Re: Elves Check Ballot #3 Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 24, 2004 - 10:38:05 Topic ID# 1807
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 2:01 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Elves Check Ballot #3
> This is quick. I'll be on an airplane tomorrow, but will be
> back checkin email by Friday or Staurday.

Have fun!

> > > > Incomplete
> > > > EI6: Unbound by Two-point

> > Ah, perhaps it was completed after it was nominated.
> You're familiar with
> > it. What subcategory should it be in?
> It's a romance. Do we have Elf/Romance? If so, I'd suggest there.
> Otherwise, just in general Elf.

Okay, it is now in Elf/Romance. Thanks.

> Well, it *is* a rare name.
> By the way, I'm always amused bh which weird characters my
> email decides
> to show me each time through (it changes). This time it's a
> backwards L,
> superscripted, or something like that. Last time it was a
> plus sign on
> top of a minus sign. *Weird.*

I thihnk I've seen it as a superscripted U.

> >
> >
> > Thanks. Sadly this story may get dropped from the awards if
> we don't hear
> > back from the author in a week. And it's not the only one.
> I know. Do we want to do another round of emails? Do you need my help?

There aren't that many, I can do it. Thanks.

> > > > E10: Firimar by Ithilwen
> > > > URL:
> > > > Rating: G
> > > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > > Summary: A elf looks at earth from Valinor

> Or the 'a' before a word beginning with a vowel (regardless
> of how it's
> capitalized)? Sorry, didn't catch that before.

Ah, and I looked right past that one, too. Thanks.


MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

Msg# 1836

Re: Elves Check Ballot #3 Posted by Marta June 25, 2004 - 5:37:01 Topic ID# 1807
Ainaechoiriel wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Marta []
> > Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 2:01 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [MEFAwards] Elves Check Ballot #3
> >
> > This is quick. I'll be on an airplane tomorrow, but will be
> > back checkin email by Friday or Staurday.
> Have fun!

I'm in. I'll be workingat a youth camp in Tampa, FL, teaching English to
internationals in the morning and doing administrative-type things in
the afternoon. So I'll be around, but not quite as much.

> > > > > Incomplete
> > > > > EI6: Unbound by Two-point
> > > Ah, perhaps it was completed after it was nominated.
> > You're familiar with
> > > it. What subcategory should it be in?
> >
> >
> > It's a romance. Do we have Elf/Romance? If so, I'd suggest there.
> > Otherwise, just in general Elf.
> Okay, it is now in Elf/Romance. Thanks.

Works for me. :-)

> <snip>
> > > > > E10: Firimar by Ithilwen
> > > > > URL:
> > > > > Rating: G
> > > > > Romance Partners: n/a
> > > > > Summary: A elf looks at earth from Valinor
> >
> > Or the 'a' before a word beginning with a vowel (regardless
> > of how it's
> > capitalized)? Sorry, didn't catch that before.
> Ah, and I looked right past that one, too. Thanks.

It's easy to miss. I'm just glad it's fixed now.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]