Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 183

Story Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 0:00:43 Topic ID# 183

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Immortal

*Story Author: Ainaechoiriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Lord of the Rings
3rd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something): 4th Age, Friendship, short story

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): (Rating for dying characters.
No actual death portrayed.)

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):Merry and Pippin,
approaching the end of their lives, have a request to make of Legolas.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Myth and Memory

*Story Author: Ainaechoiriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Rohan
2nd: Drama
3rd: Adventure
Subcategory (suggest something): War of the Ring, 1st Person narrative,
movie-verse, short story

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A (this is mainly for R's)

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A young door warden
of Rohan and his friend observe a certain Elf on the way to Helm's Deep.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Namesake

*Story Author: Ainaechoiriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Rohan
2nd: Drama
3rd: LOTR
Subcategory (suggest something): First Person narrative, vignette

*Rating: G

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A companion piece
to author's other story, Myth and Memory. An old man speaks to his
grandchild, remembers a fallen friend.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: The Lure of the Darkness

*Story Author: Ainaechoiriel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Horror
2nd: Drama
3rd: Elves
Subcategory (suggest something): Mirkwood, pre-WoTR

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Mirkwood Spiders

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Pre-WoTR: In the
time of the Necromancer, an Elf child goes missing. Legolas and a patrol go
looking for her.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 186

Story Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 1:46:08 Topic ID# 183

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: The Hamster

*Story Author: Dwimordene

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Humor
2nd: Men
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Poetry

*Rating: G(?)

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Poe pastiche
Obsession and the care and dealing with hamsters collide-welcome to
Denethor's world.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Roots

*Story Author: Dwimordene

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Elves
2nd: Adventure
3rd: Horror
Subcategory (suggest something): Pre-WoTR, friendship, gap-filler

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
So when did Legolas meet Aragorn anyhow, and under what circumstances? Goes
from light to heavy and back again. Gap-filler set between Gollum's arrival
in Mirkwood and his interrogation; violent in places, plenty of fake elven
metaphysics, traces the beginnings of the friendship between Aragorn and
Legolas. Original characters, Gandalf, Gollum, and Thranduil also figure in
this fic.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Father and Sons

*Story Author: Dwimordene

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Men
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): gap-filler, Denethor and sons, Gondor

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):

Insight into LOTR's most famous dysfunctional family that covers a span of
years, from Faramir's adolescence through Sam and Frodo's journey through
Ithilien. The personal is political when you're the Steward and his family.
Starring: Boromir, Faramir, Denethor, and (to a lesser extent) Imrahil.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Waiting, Wondering, Wandering, Wishing

*Story Author: Gonzai

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Lord of the Rings
2nd: Drama
3rd: Hobbits
Subcategory (suggest something): missing scenes, friendship

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
A series of four missing scenes from Return of the King. Waiting - Faramir
and Merry await news of distant friends. Wondering - Pippin contemplates
being crushed under a troll while Gimli & Legolas search the Pelennor Fields
for survivors Wandering - Merry searches the camps for Pippin, while Aragorn
searches for Merry Wishing - Merry waits for the three injured hobbits to
recover. Much angst.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel

*Story Title: Closing the Book

*Story Author: Gonzai

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Hobbits
3rd: Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (suggest something): Friendship, Good-byes

*Rating: PG

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A

*Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
After Sam departs for the Grey Havens, Merry and Pippin set out on their
final journey to Edoras and Gondor. Based on the timeline in Appendix B.
Angst and sadness.



"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 189

Re: Story Nominations Posted by ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 1:51:00 Topic ID# 183
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>

This one is the real thing. I had it set to send at 12:01, while I
had the Nomination Season is Open! e-mail just sitting open. I was
going to send it at 12am. But I ended up talking to my housemate
until 12:30 and just remembered. Thus, the Season did start at

> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> *Story Title: The Hamster
> *Story Author: Dwimordene
> *Author's E-mail Address: dwimmer_laik@y...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

> *1st: Humor
> 2nd: Men
> 3rd: The Lord of the Rings
> Subcategory (suggest something): Poetry
> *Rating: G(?)
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Poe
> silliness.
> Obsession and the care and dealing with hamsters collide-welcome to
> Denethor's world.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> *Story Title: Roots
> *Story Author: Dwimordene
> *Author's E-mail Address: dwimmer_laik@y...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

> *1st: Elves
> 2nd: Adventure
> 3rd: Horror
> Subcategory (suggest something): Pre-WoTR, friendship, gap-filler
> *Rating: R
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): violence
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> So when did Legolas meet Aragorn anyhow, and under what
circumstances? Goes
> from light to heavy and back again. Gap-filler set between Gollum's
> in Mirkwood and his interrogation; violent in places, plenty of
fake elven
> metaphysics, traces the beginnings of the friendship between
Aragorn and
> Legolas. Original characters, Gandalf, Gollum, and Thranduil also
figure in
> this fic.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> *Story Title: Father and Sons
> *Story Author: Dwimordene
> *Author's E-mail Address: dwimmer_laik@y...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

> *1st: Drama
> 2nd: Men
> 3rd: Lord of the Rings
> Subcategory (suggest something): gap-filler, Denethor and sons,
> *Rating: PG
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> Insight into LOTR's most famous dysfunctional family that covers a
span of
> years, from Faramir's adolescence through Sam and Frodo's journey
> Ithilien. The personal is political when you're the Steward and his
> Starring: Boromir, Faramir, Denethor, and (to a lesser extent)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> *Story Title: Waiting, Wondering, Wandering, Wishing
> *Story Author: Gonzai
> *Author's E-mail Address: LCSTrish@a...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

> *1st: Lord of the Rings
> 2nd: Drama
> 3rd: Hobbits
> Subcategory (suggest something): missing scenes, friendship
> *Rating: PG
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> A series of four missing scenes from Return of the King. Waiting -
> and Merry await news of distant friends. Wondering - Pippin
> being crushed under a troll while Gimli & Legolas search the
Pelennor Fields
> for survivors Wandering - Merry searches the camps for Pippin,
while Aragorn
> searches for Merry Wishing - Merry waits for the three injured
hobbits to
> recover. Much angst.
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Ainaechoiriel
> *Story Title: Closing the Book
> *Story Author: Gonzai
> *Author's E-mail Address: LCSTrish@a...
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices (see Categories File or FAQ for choices)

> *1st: Drama
> 2nd: Hobbits
> 3rd: Lord of the Rings
> Subcategory (suggest something): Friendship, Good-byes
> *Rating: PG
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): N/A
> *Romance Parners (for Romances Only): N/A
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> After Sam departs for the Grey Havens, Merry and Pippin set out on
> final journey to Edoras and Gondor. Based on the timeline in
Appendix B.
> Angst and sadness.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:

Msg# 198

Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here? Posted by Jo Dancingtree May 01, 2004 - 7:31:28 Topic ID# 183
I was just looking through the nominations & decided to read "Waiting, Wondering, Wandering, Wishing" - but when I clicked th link, it brought up a whole page of stories on HASA (first page out of 1000+ stories!). I guess I could do a search for the title, but I'm guessing that the link is intended to take readers directly to the story nominated?

Just wanted to let you know - how exciting to have the nominations open!


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 202

Re: Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 10:25:27 Topic ID# 183
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jo Dancingtree []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 7:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here?
> I was just looking through the nominations & decided to read
> "Waiting, Wondering, Wandering, Wishing" - but when I clicked
> th link, it brought up a whole page of stories on HASA (first
> page out of 1000+ stories!). I guess I could do a search for
> the title, but I'm guessing that the link is intended to take
> readers directly to the story nominated?

I'll check it out. I think we can go back to the nominator for such
things. Yes, the reader needs to know where to find the story to read it.

> Just wanted to let you know - how exciting to have the
> nominations open!


Who is going to have a lot of little To Do flags in her e-mail today. :-)

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 210

Re: Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 11:26:01 Topic ID# 183
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jo Dancingtree []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 7:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here?
> I was just looking through the nominations & decided to read
> "Waiting, Wondering, Wandering, Wishing" - but when I clicked
> th link, it brought up a whole page of stories on HASA (first
> page out of 1000+ stories!). I guess I could do a search for
> the title, but I'm guessing that the link is intended to take
> readers directly to the story nominated?

I think there may be something wrong with HASA today. Only the main page
will come up on one of my computers, and nothing on the other. I can't look
up an author or a genre or anything.

It may not be my link. I'll check later.


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

Msg# 211

Re: Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here? Posted by sulriel May 01, 2004 - 11:33:20 Topic ID# 183
I think HASA is down. I haven't been able to get in in several hours.

as for links, I tried to follow a saved link (not here, from
somewhere else) and got the list of all stories rather than the title
page. I guessing that it has something to do with the upgrade and
that the saved links need to be checked and updated.

Congrats! on the 16.5lbs! Love that pic!!

--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jo Dancingtree [mailto:jodancingtree@y...]
> > Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 7:31 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [MEFAwards] Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here?
> >
> > I was just looking through the nominations & decided to read
> > "Waiting, Wondering, Wandering, Wishing" - but when I clicked
> > th link, it brought up a whole page of stories on HASA (first
> > page out of 1000+ stories!). I guess I could do a search for
> > the title, but I'm guessing that the link is intended to take
> > readers directly to the story nominated?
> >
> I think there may be something wrong with HASA today. Only the
main page
> will come up on one of my computers, and nothing on the other. I
can't look
> up an author or a genre or anything.
> It may not be my link. I'll check later.
> --Ainaechoiriel
> "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
said, "for
> it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> Land of Myth and Memory
> Blog:

Msg# 213

Yes, HASA down (Re: Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here? Posted by dwimmer\_laik May 01, 2004 - 11:37:12 Topic ID# 183
--- In, "sulriel" <Sulriel@h...> wrote:
> I think HASA is down. I haven't been able to get in in several hours.
> > It may not be my link. I'll check later.

Just talked with Ang. She's on it.


Msg# 214

Yes, HASA down (Re: Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here? Posted by sulriel May 01, 2004 - 11:41:51 Topic ID# 183
--- In, "dwimmer_laik" <dwimmer_laik@y...>
wrote:> --- In, "sulriel" <Sulriel@h...>
> >
> > I think HASA is down. I haven't been able to get in in several
hours.> > > It may not be my link. I'll check later.>
> Just talked with Ang. She's on it.
> Dwim

I guessed that she was on it pretty quickly, but it is good to hear.

Msg# 226

Re: Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here? Posted by Ainaechoiriel May 01, 2004 - 19:03:40 Topic ID# 183
HASA seems to be back up now. And here is the link to Gonzai's story:


"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. Land of Myth and Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: sulriel []
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 11:32 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Re: Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here?
> I think HASA is down. I haven't been able to get in in several hours.
> as for links, I tried to follow a saved link (not here, from
> somewhere else) and got the list of all stories rather than the title
> page. I guessing that it has something to do with the upgrade and
> that the saved links need to be checked and updated.
> Congrats! on the 16.5lbs! Love that pic!!
> --- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Jo Dancingtree [mailto:jodancingtree@y...]
> > > Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 7:31 AM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [MEFAwards] Ainaechoiriel - is there a broken link here?
> > >
> > > I was just looking through the nominations & decided to read
> > > "Waiting, Wondering, Wandering, Wishing" - but when I clicked th
> > > link, it brought up a whole page of stories on HASA
> (first page out
> > > of 1000+ stories!). I guess I could do a search for the
> title, but
> > > I'm guessing that the link is intended to take readers
> directly to
> > > the story nominated?
> > >
> >
> > I think there may be something wrong with HASA today. Only the
> main page
> > will come up on one of my computers, and nothing on the other. I
> can't look
> > up an author or a genre or anything.
> >
> > It may not be my link. I'll check later.
> >
> > --Ainaechoiriel
> >
> > "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond
> said, "for
> > it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F.
> >
> > Land of Myth and Memory
> > Blog:
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> ---------------------~--> Buy Ink Cartridges or Refill Kits
> for your HP, Epson, Canon or Lexmark Printer at
> Free s/h on orders $50 or more to the US & Canada.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -------~->
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Msg# 1339

Story Nominations Posted by arielphf June 11, 2004 - 5:25:06 Topic ID# 183
Just a few more of my own that I thought might be nice to get in.
Hope there's a little bit of room left?


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ariel

*Story Title: Heed No Nightly Noises

*Story Author: Ariel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Romance
2nd: Hobbits
3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise,
suggest something):

*Rating: R

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Sexual situations

*Romance Partners: F/G

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): Not all of
the dremes Frodo had in the house of Tom Bombadil were recorded in
the Red Book.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Ariel

*Story Title: Fear

*Story Author: Ariel

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices (see below)
*1st: Drama
2nd: Hobbits
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise,
suggest something): WIP

*Rating: PG13

Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Some violence, some
uncomfortable concepts (injury, child abuse)

*Romance Partners: N/A

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote): A life
threatening fall endangers young Frodo Baggins and his brooding
Brandybuck cousin knows he was to blame for it. Guilt can drive you
to many things, even the contemplation of murder.

Msg# 1415

Story Nominations Posted by June 14, 2004 - 19:45:28 Topic ID# 183
Hope I've got these right - I already have author consent.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Llinos

*Story Title: Then and Now

*Story Author: Marigold

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices    (see below)   
    *1st: Hobbits
    2nd: Drama
    3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise, suggest
something): A group of themed drabbles

*Rating: G
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Some angst

*Romance Partners: None, but feature Pippin and Merrys friendship

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):

A group of themed drabbles, the first drabble in each set takes place in
Pippins childhood, the second in the set is about a similar theme to the first,
but takes place during the Quest.

Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Llinos

*Story Title: Resting Places

*Story Author: Marigold

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices    (see below)   
    *1st: Hobbits
    2nd: Drama
    3rd: The Lord of the Rings
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise, suggest
something): A group of themed drabbles

*Rating: G
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Discussion of death

*Romance Partners: None

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):

A group of four themed drabbles, on the final resting places of Frodo's
parents, Merry's sisters, and Sam's mother, Bell.


Story Nomination Form

*Nominator's name: Llinos

*Story Title: Mother Gamgee

*Story Author: Marigold

*Author's E-mail Address:

*Story URL:

*Category Choices    (see below)   
    *1st: Hobbits
    2nd: Drama
    3rd: The Lord of the Rings    
Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry. Otherwise, suggest
something): Drabble set

*Rating: G
Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Discussion of death
*Romance Partners: None

*Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):

A set of four drabbles from Frodo's pov in which Bell Gamgee touches his life

"Which reminds me: what's become of my ring, Frodo, that you took away?"
"I have lost it, Bilbo dear," said Frodo "I got rid of it, you know."

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Msg# 1422

Re: Story Nominations Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 14, 2004 - 22:55:26 Topic ID# 183
If you have author consent, forward it to me for documentation purposes.


MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 7:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] Story Nominations
> Hope I've got these right - I already have author consent.
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Llinos
> *Story Title: Then and Now
> *Story Author: Marigold
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices    (see below)
>     *1st: Hobbits
>     2nd: Drama
>     3rd: The Lord of the Rings
> Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry.
> Otherwise, suggest
> something): A group of themed drabbles
> *Rating: G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Some angst
> *Romance Partners: None, but feature Pippin and Merry’s friendship
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> A group of themed drabbles, the first drabble in each set
> takes place in Pippin’s childhood, the second in the set is
> about a similar theme to the first, but takes place during the Quest.
> ***
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Llinos
> *Story Title: Resting Places
> *Story Author: Marigold
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices    (see below)
>     *1st: Hobbits
>     2nd: Drama
>     3rd: The Lord of the Rings
> Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry.
> Otherwise, suggest
> something): A group of themed drabbles
> *Rating: G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Discussion of death
> *Romance Partners: None
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> A group of four themed drabbles, on the final resting places
> of Frodo's parents, Merry's sisters, and Sam's mother, Bell.
> ***
> Story Nomination Form
> *Nominator's name: Llinos
> *Story Title: Mother Gamgee
> *Story Author: Marigold
> *Author's E-mail Address:
> *Story URL:
> *Category Choices    (see below)
>     *1st: Hobbits
>     2nd: Drama
>     3rd: The Lord of the Rings
> Subcategory (Mandatory for WIP, Drabble, and Poetry.
> Otherwise, suggest
> something): Drabble set
> *Rating: G
> Reason for rating (violence, graphic, etc.): Discussion of
> death *Romance Partners: None
> *Summary (not a recommendation. Save that for the vote):
> A set of four drabbles from Frodo's pov in which Bell Gamgee
> touches his life
> *****************************************************************
> "Which reminds me: what's become of my ring, Frodo, that you
> took away?"
> "I have lost it, Bilbo dear," said Frodo "I got rid of it, you know."
> ******************************************************************
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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