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Msg# 1909

OT: Kitten report Posted by Ainaechoiriel July 01, 2004 - 23:29:56 Topic ID# 1909
Lina is now a big sister! Yes, I've done it. I've gone and adopted another
kitten! And she's adorable! She's 11 weeks old or so, which puts her
approximate birthday at April 7th! Which is my birthday. So she's really a
belated birthday present, right?

I saw her o a poster at Petsmart, free to good home, the usual. But not
only was she cute, but she has extra toes! 7 on each front paw! It looks
like she has big thumbs (the other extra toe is a tiny one between the
normal toes and her big thumbs). Now, my mother had once seen a cat with
opposable thumbs and I just feel in love with the idea. So when I read that
she had extra toes.we'll that's almost as good as opposable thumbs!

So her name is, you may have guessed it, Thumbellina. Now that may not be
the way it was spelled in the fairy tale, but this is how it has to be for
her. Why? Because I already have a cat I call Lina (for Zmrzlina). Can't
have two with the same name. Thus, this one I will call Belle.

She is getting along fairly well with the other cats, I'd say. This is only
the first time they've met but she and Lina have gotten to within a foot of
each other without hissing. And even Rigby has been within 4 feet of her.
Poodie, sadly, was attacked by LeStat earlier, so he was a bit touchy about
the whole thing. (LeStat is Lina's brother but he hasn't been with us since
my sister moved out. She couldn't take care of him, so he came back here two
days ago.)

That also means that LeStat cannot stay with us. Poodie is quite a mellow
cat at 9 years of age. He wasn't looking for a fight. LeStat ran right up
on him from behind and pounced. Not playfully either. Tomorrow he'll go to
a no-kill shelter here in town. I think he'll be fine in a family where he's
the only cat.

Kittens are much easier to integrate into a cat family, as they know well
enough to be submissive and not try to take over the territory.


That was Belle. She's not a very good typist. ;-) Maybe I'll post a picture

Well, Lina is crying at the door to the office, which is Belle's safe-zone
until everyone is integrated well. I need to go spend some more time with

Bye for now! And happy reading!

MEFA Admin and Founder

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