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Msg# 2143

Elves and Men - Votes Posted by beleg1cuthalion September 25, 2004 - 12:32:18 Topic ID# 2143
MeG6: Death by Water by Altariel

This is part 1 of an astonishing trilogy, describing Faramir's
experiences during the Ring War. Told with an elegant use of
words, this tale (and the following two) helped me to understand
the Captain of Gondor, his relationship to his brother and to the
frightening figure of his father. It is (and will always be) one of the
best Faramir-tales I've ever seen.

MeG13: Lady of Silences by Altariel

This is the very first story by Altariel I ever read; I mailed her at
once and asked for her permission to translate it into german,
and my excitement about this tale is as great today as it was
then. Finduilas POV and her painful experience in an unfortunate
marriage, being abused and violated in a dreadfully silent way,
and her first experience of Faramir's physical mistreatment by
his father – this is the strong, haunting portrait of a desperate
woman, short, bitter and poignant, and one of my
All-Time-Favourites by Altariel.

EV2: Cold Comfort by Lady Aranel

Strong and surprising... a love story, never fulfilled and never
really begun. Just the bitterweet and moving attempt to comfort a
woman that loves another, a man that will never marry her, and
Legolas keeps his anticipation and his love for the beautiful
shieldmaiden deep in his heart. Wonderfully written, with strong
images, very impressive.

MeI4: The Queen's Orc by jodancingtree

Perhaps this is the most „surprising" story by jodancingtree... the
sequel to „Following the other wizard" has a rather unusual hero.
Her orc Canohando is fully able to „bear" the plot, the reader
eagerly follows his adventures from chapter to chapter (including
the most moving farewell to Aragorn the King after his passing
I've ever read). So far I have witnessed the orc's development
from a murderer by nature to a peace-seeker by heart and love,
friend and „shadow" of Arwen, Bloodbrother to Frodo and in the
last finished chapters even a lover... and every part of that
astonishing tale is moving, flawlessly written, heartbreaking
beautiful and absolutely convincing.