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Msg# 2368

Re: Humor--Official Voting Ballot (tawmt/Andreth) Posted by Tom and Anna Vandecar October 10, 2004 - 23:49:55 Topic ID# 2368
----- Original Message -----
From: Ainaechoiriel
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 12:21 AM
Subject: [MEFAwards] Humor--Official Voting Ballot


Official Voting Ballot

To Vote, hit Reply. Delete the stories/authors you are not commenting on.
For the stories/authors you want to comment on, make sure to keep the top 2
lines of the header information (ex. subcategory, code: Title by Author) and
then comment beneath them.


HuP5: Mairisuweniel Does Minas Tirith by Viv


Comments: All hail the lady of the ever-changing moniker. Her name is like Richard Lewis's mole in Robin Hood: Men in Tights. The story takes hilariously successful digs at darn near every annoying Mary-sue trait I can think of. Thank goodness for Gimli is all I can say. Viv has a very conversational tone in her humor stories which puts the reader in an appropriately relaxed frame of mind and sets the mood for the zingers which follow. Yet another addition to Viv's long list of excellent humor stories.


HuR1: Home for the Holidays by Elladan son of Elrond by Claudi007


Comments: This gets more hilarious every time I read it. The adventures of the Underoo-wearing, diet Dr. Pepper-drinking, Orc-hunting twins and their avoidance of shin-kicking Dwarves and Elves obsessed with Boromir's pants. cough*Legolas*cough. Really though, this is a very imaginative and enjoyable piece of humor and is the perfect showcase for Claudio's wonderfully snarky and biting wit. I will never look at the twins the same way again.


HuR2: How I Spent My Summer Vacation by Claudi007


Comments: Any story that describes Legolas as a poncy wanker in short-shorts humming the theme song to Scooby Doo rates very high on my list. There are so many funny highlights that I don't even know where to begin. The main thing that stuck with me long after reading the story? Glorfindel drinking whiskey and Gatorade. Eew.

Hu2: Experiment Gone.Right? by Viv


This one had me going all the way through. This is one of the best surprise endings I've seen. That poor girl. I guess true love really is blind after all, isn't it?

AUTHORS (remember to comment on the writer as regards to the category, not
the story, here):

HuA10: Claudi007

Home for the Holidays by Elladan son of Elrond, How I Spent My Summer

Claudio's stories are as funny as they are well written. Every time I reread them I find some new little piece of snarkiness that I didn't notice before. He makes the stories so outrageous that they're almost believable. It's like reading about the Lifestyles of the Shallow and Shameless. He truly has a talent for writing entertaining stories.

HuA30: Viv

Mairisuweniel Does Minas Tirith, Experiment Gone.Right?

I have yet to read a story of Viv's that I don't absolutely love. She is an excellent writer with a remarkable ability for being able to turn any topic into an enjoyable story. Viv's intelligence, talent and wonderfully droll sense of humor comes through in everything she writes and I admire her greatly. Her stories flow seamlessly throughout with no hiccups and bumps and she makes it seem so easy, but I've no doubt of the thought and hard work that's put into each characterization and each facet of the plot. I could ramble on and on and probably still never fully convey what an incredible writer I think Viv is, but I'm sure going to continue repeating myself until she finally believes me.

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