Short respite from Real Life:
Official Voting Ballot
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Hor3: Iadel by Tinni
Iadel as Rumpelstiltskin fits into Tolkien's world. But why is this horror ?
Hor4: The Complexities of Power by Watcherchild
First part: interesting story about the seduction of Sauron. Second part:
for me it was sarcastic. Where is the horror ? I saw some superficial
Hor6: The Lure of the Darkness by Ainaechoiriel
Aye, that is a horror story as I think a horror story has to be: suspense,
hope fanned and quenched. Good speech, good story line. The horrific
thoughts of the spider. I think my horror would have been even more intense
if I could have heard also some angst thoughts of the child. I am missing a
bit a philosophical background, but really only a little. Well crafted
Hor9: The Truth of Ugliness by Watcherchild
A good story. I have the feeling the story should be extended. (Unbelievable
to me is that Nellin does not realize that Amle died.) The essence of the
story that truth is beauty and that pain could be experienced as truth is
believable to me. Yet I think Nellin should put up a longer struggle with
his conscience. IMO Melkor succeeds too fast. It is a very dark
psychological story IMO, better categorized as Silmarillion than as horror.
Yet, I always thought that Orcs are misshapen because Melkor did not succeed
in creating his own creatures but had to transform already existing living
beings and this transformation was influenced by his rebellious and evil
mind. Here the creation of Orcs feels more like a sado-masochistic
relationship. "The next step" is the companion to this piece IMO.
AUTHORS (remember to comment on the writer as regards to the category, not
the story, here):
HorA1: Ainaechoiriel
The Lure of the Darkness
Good writer who develops a well crafted story line. This was the only story
so far in this category were I experienced horror.
HorA6: Tinni
Nicely written story. But where is the horror ?
HorA7: Watcherchild
The Complexities of Power, The Truth of Ugliness
Thoughtful stories both. But "The Truth of Ugliness" for me is the better
crafted. One should read "The next step" as a companion to this piece. Yet I
would not have categorized these stories as horror.