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Msg# 2512

Silm Ballot Posted by christine October 25, 2004 - 12:43:40 Topic ID# 2512
first Age

S1-1: A Brush with Destiny by Coriel

This was a very nice and very well written moment in the life of
Elrond. I enjoyed reading the author' story because the writing was
fluid and imaginative and this kept my attention focused on the

First Age

S1-3: Brucia la terra mia by Moralanqua

What I like about this author is her ability to make the story "come
alive". Her skills in creating a vivid and emotive scene are
intriguing. Not only does she take her reader through the oncoming
battle, but she individualizes how the characters respond to the
situation at hand. Throughout the fiction she has weaved lyrics that
echo what is befalling the characters. I felt the tension and the
suspense at their waiting for battle. I could see the shadow
encroaching on the land. In my opinion, this author allows her
readers to go on the journey with her characters and that keeps them
intrigued and wanting more. As the climax occurs the reader has
become so invested in the characters that it is hard to read what is
going to and eventually what does happen to them I highly recommend
this story.

First Age

S1-4: Dark Forge by Ithilwen
I have just recently become interested in Maeglin and so I read this
fiction with enthusiasm. It outlined some of the facts in his life
and weaved them into a very well written story. I was very impressed
on the author's interpretation of this elf.

First Age

S1-5: Driven By Fire by Starlight10

I think this author has great talent for allowing the readers
to "feel" this situation. I was quite saddened by the parting of the
elves like she portrays. She used the word "sundered", such a strong
and final word to match that of the separation between the kin of
the elves. Well done.

First Age

S1-6: Finrod's Oath by Jmac

Oh my goodness! This story captured my attention and I was
enthralled. I felt like I was sitting there in that dungeon. I could
see him pulling against his bonds, and I could feel his pain both
emotionally and physically. I wanted to tell him his choice to
fulfill his oath worked. I wanted to say "it will work out, Beren
may lose a hand eventually, but it will work out". I wanted to say
to him that "his ring will be worn by many more and that finally
evil will be overcome." But I was a silent witness to his angst.
Wow, I will be looking out for more writing from this author.

First Age

S1-8: Pause by Sphinx

An interesting take on Tuor and Idril. Since I am just beginning to
research these two, I read this fiction with interest. It was
written very well.

First Age

S1-9: Red Dawn, Golden Flower by Viv

Wow! Can I say that again? Wow! I felt like I was reading one of
those suspenseful, thriller novels. I was absolutely taken with this
story. What fantastic writing. I sat on the edge of my chair and
could not pull myself away from this fiction. I have now been
introduced to the most complete and awesome depiction of Glorfindel
and I am thoroughly impressed. I love him in this story. Viv writes
the fiction with incredible sense of detail. It is woven together
like a tapestry or art work, each piece fitting in just the right
place. I was sad when it was over, not only because Glorfindel met
his fate but because I was so enthralled I wanted more, more of
Idril and Tuor and their little boy.

First Age

S1-10: Slouching Toward Gondolin by Fileg
I think that is one of the best depictions of an orc I have ever
read. One who is both evil and brainwashed into the purpose of his
master. An incredible and frightening story. Those elves don't know
what they are going to wake up to.

First Age

S1-13: White Wing by Cirdan
How adorable. I have never read a "Tuor as a child" fiction and this
one was so cute. I love how the author added little things from our
modern time but it was so appropriate in the story it was a great
way to induce a smile from me.


SI-1: A Veiled Light by Andreth

I don't know where to start. I first had to choose which version I
wanted to review and then stick with that. But I could not. At first
though, I have to say that either version is unique, well written,
painstakingly thought-out by the author and absolutely incredible.
What else is there to say? Well aside from the fact that the new
edition is going to take the reader to the main plot more rapidly
then in the original, the reader is treated with an amazing array of
characters, plot devices, scenery and emotions. Either version is
intriguing and captures the reader's attention. I like the romance
and tension between Ilmare and her male friends in the first version
and I love the sharp and much more defined plot the author is
writing in the second version. This fiction is a definite must read
for those who want to be treated to fantastic writing and a
wonderful plot.


SI-4: The Silmarillion in Thirty Pages or Less by Bitten Buggy

What a great reference story. I think this author had a fantastic
idea in writing a brief version of the Silmarillion. It is nice to
be able to refer to the compressed story, or to check back and see
when and where something took place. The writing is fluid and well
done. I would recommend this story to anyone who wants a quick run
down of the events in the Silmarillion.

Second Age

S2-4: Oath Renewed by Inglor
This author writes with vivid imagery and I was captivated by this
story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the interaction between Finrod
and Gildor and was impressed with the overall language and emotions
weaved through this story. It was a great read and highly