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Msg# 2586
Drama Amnesty Ballot Posted by October 31, 2004 - 12:00:50 Topic ID# 2586Drama
Official Voting Ballot
To Vote, hit Reply. Delete the stories/authors you are not commenting on. For the stories/authors you want to comment on, make sure to keep the top 2 lines of the header information (ex. subcategory, code: Title by Author) and then comment beneath them.
DD2: Dernhelm's Ride by Lindelea
Eowyns voice here is so hopeless and fell! It left me feeling that I saw into Eowyns heart and her despair was laid bare.
DD4: Fealty and Service by Marta
Knowing how their relationship changes later makes this proud moment as seen by Denethor very bittersweet to the reader, as I am sure the author intended.
DD9: The Silent Street by Lindelea
This drabble really sums up the evil predicament that Beregond found himself in. Not only does he fight against his friends in an effort to protect Faramir. By having Beregond slay his own nephew though his own heart breaks in the process, Lindelea really shows up the depth of his nobility and sense of duty.
DI11: While We Dwelt in Fear by Pearl Took
Rating: G some violence
What can I say about this story! I love so many things about it the very believable explanation of the Tooks faery blood and the way Esmeralda has always felt a link to Pippin (who also has this gift, and the idea that the reason Pippin knew Strider was following across Rohan was his Took sight is a nice touch), sometimes able to see out of his eyes, and sense his feelings is my favourite aspect of it. This idea might sound fantastical, but it is not it is so well written that I firmly believe it in the context of this story, and like to think that it might be an unspoken reality that Tolkien just failed to mention. I love all of the instances in this story about this bond.
Esmies dreams are wonderful too, foretellings and dreams of current happenings, and I liked her meeting her faery forebear. This description of Merry and Pippins relationship and their relationships with their mothers, by the faery that was ancestor to both hobbit lads, is just perfect: "Hearts bound together. Spirits entwined. Cousins brother-like. Nephews son-like. Love binding all together like the strands of a rope, each strengthens the others." Just wonderful, and just as I see them myself!
I especially liked the scene where Esmie lives through the battle in Moria through Pippin, and the one at Parth Galen, where Pippin acknowledges that she is with him. I dont know if Pearl intended it, but I see this ability of Esmies as a way for her to have her own adventure outside the Shire, as a hobbit lass never would be able to do in reality. Though Esmie is present in Pippins mind at some key times, Pearl does not do what many writers would in this situation, and turn Esmie into a Mary Sue that dictates Pippins actions for him. Esmies presence is a comfort to Pip at times, but he is left free to act on his own, something that I feel is very important.
The way that Lotho takes over the Shire, being sucked in deeper and deeper by Sarumans machinations, thinking that he is being so very clever and just taking his due is also very believable, as are the reactions of the other hobbits, not quite sure what is going on, and so letting it happen. The little hobbits Yule puppet show, depicting some of the Gathering that was going on was well done, as children notice things when we think they are unaware. Paladin and Saradoc react differently to what is happening, but both are valid reactions and are true to their characters. All of the other characters are true as well: the Gamgees (though Marigold seems a bit missing, and there is no real mention of the other children), Eglantine, the Cottons, and all of the other hobbits and the Ruffians too.
One thing that makes this story so enjoyable are small things that touch the reader; that Bell Gamgee is buried in the Baggins family plot as per instructions left by Bilbo, the way food and firewood is smuggled to those who need it by being sewn into clothing, the way that the ill and elderly are smuggled into Brandy Hall. There are just too many excellent touches and nice moments in this story to mention, but without a doubt the exchange between Merry and Pippin on First Yule is my absolute favourite. I dont think I will ever read another story without imagining that Pippin has a corner of Merrys monogrammed handkerchief sewn inside his shirt next to his heart, and that Merry has an unraveled tassel from Pippins scarf sewn in the same spot of his own shirt. This is a perfect touch, and really sums up the depth of their relationship to me.
I cant wait for more of this story!
DL1: Adaptation by Pervinca
Rating: G
Poor Legolas! This story really made me feel sorry for Legolas immortality. I liked how the story was told in his voice, and the thoughts that he has are very true to character.
DL7: LifeWatch by Lindelea
I am a sucker for Cormallen stories and this is no exception. I love all the healing and Merry and Pippin interaction in this story.
DL8: Pippin's Crucible by Pearl Took
This is an incredibly powerful story, and is well told in the first person, something that not everyone can write well. The imagery is just amazing, especially Pippins run through the streets of Minas Tirith in search of Gandalf. The thought of innocent Pippin running through blood, past dead, hacked bodies, and body parts, being forced to ignore the screams and pleas of the dying because of his self assigned mission, the stench of burned flesh, his feeling of smallness as he fights through the retreating soldiers well, Tolkien toned down Pippins search for Gandalf because I think that it had to have actually happened just this way. Then he must do it again, when he goes to search for Merry. The thought that he has at the end, that his feet will never feel clean again, was the perfect ending.
DPoW3: As the Gentle Rain by Lindelea
Wow, just when we thought the hobbits were safe and snug! I particularly liked the bits with Merry and Pippin of course, in Rohan, and Lins descriptions of their relationship. This was a very exciting and emotional section of the story. This is another story that fits well into the universe that the author has created, and its amazing how she keeps track of all the little details of her other stories that she is able to fit into each subsequent story. It was really interesting to read that a small colony of hobbits had relocated to Gondor, an example of how what happened in the Shire changed some hobbits, or affected their long-term health. Most authors usually write all of the hobbits in the Shire bouncing back right away, but some had to have suffered some long-term emotional or physical damage.
DPoW9: Little Ones of Their Own by Pearl Took
This is a lovely story. I like stories about Merry and Estella and Pippin and Diamond living together for a time at Crickhollow. Pippins ability to *talk* with young Theodoc is a nice touch, and knowing that in Pearls universe that Pippin has the Took sight, I can really see this happening here. Pippin has a really nice relationship with baby Theo in this story. Merry, Estella, and Pippin are all well written here, and Diamond too, for the most part, though I did feel that she was a bit too naïve at times. I enjoyed all of the interaction between the four of them. I especially liked the bits about Pippin being able to knit, and when Theo became too old to *converse* with Pippin, saying his name instead, Pap-pap. I like the way Pearl makes all of her characters with so many layers. We know their thoughts, habits, and motivations.
DPoW21: Where the Merlin Cries by Lindelea
Brrr! One of the darker of Lindeleas stories, but as always, completely true to her universe. There is violence yes, and it made me cringe, but that is what violence should do, and so Lin has certainly succeeded here! There are some very clever ideas in this story, and also some wonderful original characters. And I enjoyed Bergil, Legolas, and Gimli very much, as well as the familiar characters! It was especially enjoyable seeing the portrayal of Sam and Rosies older children.
D1: A Flood, A Fall, A Finale, A Fever by Pearl Took
Rating: PG-13
This is another example of Pearls wonderful imagination. This story is written in a really interesting style, and the content works well within the framework.
D11: The Dragon's Egg by Shireling
What a good story! I loved the story within the story, and all of the detail.
D13: Thinking of You by Grey Wonderer
I felt so badly for Merry in this story! The author wrote Pippins injury very realistically. I also liked the length it was perfect for the content.
AUTHORS (remember to comment on the writer as regards to the category, not the story, here):
DDA2: Lindelea
The Silent Street, Dernhelm's Ride
Such a lot of meaningful content in 100 words! Nicely done!
DA35: Lindelea
Where the Merlin Cries, As the Gentle Rain
When Lindelea wants to write angst, she writes angst! She doesn't hesitate to be grim and graphic if the story calls for it, but she balances the darkness with light moments.
DA44: Pearl Took
The Sacrifice of Soldiers; While We Dwelt in Fear; Pippin's Crucible; Little Ones of Their Own; A Flood, A Fall, A Finale, A Fever
Drama is one of Pearls strong points, and she builds up some wonderful anticipation within her scenes. She also comes up with some wonderfully interesting story lines and plot points, and can always be depended upon to include some very clever details. There are always some unforgettable moments to look forward to in Pearls stories. She writes all of her characters with great care to keep them *in character* - all of her dialogue is appropriate and she doesnt overwrite. Her descriptions are good and all parts of the stories are well thought out. Her chapters are also pretty much long enough, satisfying but leaving readers, including me, eager for more.
This category ends October 15th at 11:59pm Central US time.
Marigold's Red Book
Marigold's Recommendations Page
Marigold's Live Journal
Tales of The Red Book
There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for awhile. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.
Sam, in Mordor, RoTK
Official Voting Ballot
To Vote, hit Reply. Delete the stories/authors you are not commenting on. For the stories/authors you want to comment on, make sure to keep the top 2 lines of the header information (ex. subcategory, code: Title by Author) and then comment beneath them.
DD2: Dernhelm's Ride by Lindelea
Eowyns voice here is so hopeless and fell! It left me feeling that I saw into Eowyns heart and her despair was laid bare.
DD4: Fealty and Service by Marta
Knowing how their relationship changes later makes this proud moment as seen by Denethor very bittersweet to the reader, as I am sure the author intended.
DD9: The Silent Street by Lindelea
This drabble really sums up the evil predicament that Beregond found himself in. Not only does he fight against his friends in an effort to protect Faramir. By having Beregond slay his own nephew though his own heart breaks in the process, Lindelea really shows up the depth of his nobility and sense of duty.
DI11: While We Dwelt in Fear by Pearl Took
Rating: G some violence
What can I say about this story! I love so many things about it the very believable explanation of the Tooks faery blood and the way Esmeralda has always felt a link to Pippin (who also has this gift, and the idea that the reason Pippin knew Strider was following across Rohan was his Took sight is a nice touch), sometimes able to see out of his eyes, and sense his feelings is my favourite aspect of it. This idea might sound fantastical, but it is not it is so well written that I firmly believe it in the context of this story, and like to think that it might be an unspoken reality that Tolkien just failed to mention. I love all of the instances in this story about this bond.
Esmies dreams are wonderful too, foretellings and dreams of current happenings, and I liked her meeting her faery forebear. This description of Merry and Pippins relationship and their relationships with their mothers, by the faery that was ancestor to both hobbit lads, is just perfect: "Hearts bound together. Spirits entwined. Cousins brother-like. Nephews son-like. Love binding all together like the strands of a rope, each strengthens the others." Just wonderful, and just as I see them myself!
I especially liked the scene where Esmie lives through the battle in Moria through Pippin, and the one at Parth Galen, where Pippin acknowledges that she is with him. I dont know if Pearl intended it, but I see this ability of Esmies as a way for her to have her own adventure outside the Shire, as a hobbit lass never would be able to do in reality. Though Esmie is present in Pippins mind at some key times, Pearl does not do what many writers would in this situation, and turn Esmie into a Mary Sue that dictates Pippins actions for him. Esmies presence is a comfort to Pip at times, but he is left free to act on his own, something that I feel is very important.
The way that Lotho takes over the Shire, being sucked in deeper and deeper by Sarumans machinations, thinking that he is being so very clever and just taking his due is also very believable, as are the reactions of the other hobbits, not quite sure what is going on, and so letting it happen. The little hobbits Yule puppet show, depicting some of the Gathering that was going on was well done, as children notice things when we think they are unaware. Paladin and Saradoc react differently to what is happening, but both are valid reactions and are true to their characters. All of the other characters are true as well: the Gamgees (though Marigold seems a bit missing, and there is no real mention of the other children), Eglantine, the Cottons, and all of the other hobbits and the Ruffians too.
One thing that makes this story so enjoyable are small things that touch the reader; that Bell Gamgee is buried in the Baggins family plot as per instructions left by Bilbo, the way food and firewood is smuggled to those who need it by being sewn into clothing, the way that the ill and elderly are smuggled into Brandy Hall. There are just too many excellent touches and nice moments in this story to mention, but without a doubt the exchange between Merry and Pippin on First Yule is my absolute favourite. I dont think I will ever read another story without imagining that Pippin has a corner of Merrys monogrammed handkerchief sewn inside his shirt next to his heart, and that Merry has an unraveled tassel from Pippins scarf sewn in the same spot of his own shirt. This is a perfect touch, and really sums up the depth of their relationship to me.
I cant wait for more of this story!
DL1: Adaptation by Pervinca
Rating: G
Poor Legolas! This story really made me feel sorry for Legolas immortality. I liked how the story was told in his voice, and the thoughts that he has are very true to character.
DL7: LifeWatch by Lindelea
I am a sucker for Cormallen stories and this is no exception. I love all the healing and Merry and Pippin interaction in this story.
DL8: Pippin's Crucible by Pearl Took
This is an incredibly powerful story, and is well told in the first person, something that not everyone can write well. The imagery is just amazing, especially Pippins run through the streets of Minas Tirith in search of Gandalf. The thought of innocent Pippin running through blood, past dead, hacked bodies, and body parts, being forced to ignore the screams and pleas of the dying because of his self assigned mission, the stench of burned flesh, his feeling of smallness as he fights through the retreating soldiers well, Tolkien toned down Pippins search for Gandalf because I think that it had to have actually happened just this way. Then he must do it again, when he goes to search for Merry. The thought that he has at the end, that his feet will never feel clean again, was the perfect ending.
DPoW3: As the Gentle Rain by Lindelea
Wow, just when we thought the hobbits were safe and snug! I particularly liked the bits with Merry and Pippin of course, in Rohan, and Lins descriptions of their relationship. This was a very exciting and emotional section of the story. This is another story that fits well into the universe that the author has created, and its amazing how she keeps track of all the little details of her other stories that she is able to fit into each subsequent story. It was really interesting to read that a small colony of hobbits had relocated to Gondor, an example of how what happened in the Shire changed some hobbits, or affected their long-term health. Most authors usually write all of the hobbits in the Shire bouncing back right away, but some had to have suffered some long-term emotional or physical damage.
DPoW9: Little Ones of Their Own by Pearl Took
This is a lovely story. I like stories about Merry and Estella and Pippin and Diamond living together for a time at Crickhollow. Pippins ability to *talk* with young Theodoc is a nice touch, and knowing that in Pearls universe that Pippin has the Took sight, I can really see this happening here. Pippin has a really nice relationship with baby Theo in this story. Merry, Estella, and Pippin are all well written here, and Diamond too, for the most part, though I did feel that she was a bit too naïve at times. I enjoyed all of the interaction between the four of them. I especially liked the bits about Pippin being able to knit, and when Theo became too old to *converse* with Pippin, saying his name instead, Pap-pap. I like the way Pearl makes all of her characters with so many layers. We know their thoughts, habits, and motivations.
DPoW21: Where the Merlin Cries by Lindelea
Brrr! One of the darker of Lindeleas stories, but as always, completely true to her universe. There is violence yes, and it made me cringe, but that is what violence should do, and so Lin has certainly succeeded here! There are some very clever ideas in this story, and also some wonderful original characters. And I enjoyed Bergil, Legolas, and Gimli very much, as well as the familiar characters! It was especially enjoyable seeing the portrayal of Sam and Rosies older children.
D1: A Flood, A Fall, A Finale, A Fever by Pearl Took
Rating: PG-13
This is another example of Pearls wonderful imagination. This story is written in a really interesting style, and the content works well within the framework.
D11: The Dragon's Egg by Shireling
What a good story! I loved the story within the story, and all of the detail.
D13: Thinking of You by Grey Wonderer
I felt so badly for Merry in this story! The author wrote Pippins injury very realistically. I also liked the length it was perfect for the content.
AUTHORS (remember to comment on the writer as regards to the category, not the story, here):
DDA2: Lindelea
The Silent Street, Dernhelm's Ride
Such a lot of meaningful content in 100 words! Nicely done!
DA35: Lindelea
Where the Merlin Cries, As the Gentle Rain
When Lindelea wants to write angst, she writes angst! She doesn't hesitate to be grim and graphic if the story calls for it, but she balances the darkness with light moments.
DA44: Pearl Took
The Sacrifice of Soldiers; While We Dwelt in Fear; Pippin's Crucible; Little Ones of Their Own; A Flood, A Fall, A Finale, A Fever
Drama is one of Pearls strong points, and she builds up some wonderful anticipation within her scenes. She also comes up with some wonderfully interesting story lines and plot points, and can always be depended upon to include some very clever details. There are always some unforgettable moments to look forward to in Pearls stories. She writes all of her characters with great care to keep them *in character* - all of her dialogue is appropriate and she doesnt overwrite. Her descriptions are good and all parts of the stories are well thought out. Her chapters are also pretty much long enough, satisfying but leaving readers, including me, eager for more.
This category ends October 15th at 11:59pm Central US time.
Marigold's Red Book
Marigold's Recommendations Page
Marigold's Live Journal
Tales of The Red Book
There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for awhile. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.
Sam, in Mordor, RoTK
If you have any questions about the archive, or would like to report a technical problem, please contact Aranel (former MEFA Tech Support and current Keeper of the Archive) at or at the MEFA Archive group..