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Msg# 2620

Dwim's Amnesty Romance Ballot Posted by dwimmer\_laik October 31, 2004 - 23:41:35 Topic ID# 2620
RmG3: Simple Gifts by Thevina Finduilas

Femslash is rare in Tolkien fandom, it seems, but some of the most
successful uses OFCs, like this fic does, so as to hit upon a
plausible setting. Finduilas' youth, her trust and affection for her
friend, and curiosity combine to make a little exploration seem not
unlikely. Intimate and a lot more peaceful than many slashfics
featuring male characters, this has a qualitatively different feel
from many slash stories.

RmI5: Mock My Innocence by Virvatuli

Take very seriously the author's description: this is a *seriously*
demented fic, and I mean that in the best possible way. Delightfully
so. This could've been in the humor category: I nearly died laughing
over the first ten chapters or so. Orcs who can't stand the sight of
blood; Elves who deliberately get themselves captured by Orcs because
there's nothing to beat a little bondage; the slash clichés get
skewered; so does Tolkienesque language. It is a thing of beauty, if
'beauty' is allowed a certain leeway in the eye of the beholder...

RmI9: Ultimatums by Isabeau of Greenlea

I have greatly enjoyed watching Imrahil take on a life and logic of
his own in Isabeau's hand. It stands to reason that he would fall for
the one woman who won't have him unless he applies himself to the
difficult task of finally growing up and into the wisdom that we later
see hinted at in ROTK. Nimrien holds her own in this story, as a
character and as the object of Imrahil's affection; it was good to
see, too, her strengths as a behind-the-scenes scholar who plays a
pivotal role in her suitor's diplomatic success. That we get to see
Andrahar's and Imrahil's relationship developed as well is just icing
on the cake. I won't even stoop to mention in this forum that it'd be
great to see another chapter soon...

RmP1: A Hole Possessed by Marta

*snork* You know, I suspect Lobelia of having a Denethor moment here.
Love of Gondor, love of Bag End...

RmP2: Courtship of the Evenstar by White Gull

I liked the use of the star and moon imagery to substitute for Arwen
and Aragorn. Lovely rhythm!

RmP5: Love me, Urgren by Werecat

Although I couldn't quite find the rhythm, this is definitely orcish
in sentiment. If an orc were to write love poetry, surely it would be
something like this!

Rm3: Jealous by Oakenshield

Ok, I had to laugh just for that last line. Stiff necks of Dwarves
apparently give way under pressure after all.

Rm5: Quickening by Tyellas

This is just a delightful story. Irreverent, yet entirely too
plausible, here we have "the older woman" scenario played out with wit
and levity in this tale of horsey courtship. The interfering
busibodies' (i.e., the Twins) priceless reaction is a fitting captstone.

Rm6: Ring of Water by Altariel

Four Ages, four paragraphs, one timeless love. This is a dense, highly
polished work that finds a place not only for female friendship but
femslash. The prose is lyrical and very tight. Do not expect a
full-blown narrative—these are snapshots that reflect on each other,
spiralling in on each other. Galadriel and Aredhel go full circle,
through love, anger, loss, and forgiveness that is the test of a true
love. I highly recommend it.