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Msg# 3415

a (possibly belated) suggestion Posted by Marta February 01, 2005 - 22:48:39 Topic ID# 3415
Hi Ainae,

When we're contacting authors to see where they want to categorize their story, could we
maybe ask them to verify their summaries? I've lifted a lot from the archives where the
stories are posted, but for shorter pieces collected several-to-one-story (such as
drabbles) there's not always a summary given by the author. And sometimes the
summaries are very brief followed by the challenge the story was written from, and I've
had to change it a bit so it will make sense to readers who don't follow a certain archive.

I think in most cases the author will approve the summary without much thought, but I
think they should have the write to edit it if they don't like it.


PS- Have you decided on what categories will be available next year? If so, can you get me
a list so I can begin working on a category guide?

Msg# 3416

Re: a (possibly belated) suggestion Posted by Ainaechoiriel February 03, 2005 - 14:39:59 Topic ID# 3415
Sorry I've been busy with computers and files that are 450MB in size.

That would be fine to ask them to very the summary. I'll prepare a form
letter, but anyone can always personalize it or add something as well.

As for the categories, you can see them in the Rules already. But here they

1. (Topic) Races & Places
a. Men
b. Elves
c. Hobbits
*d. Dwarves
*e. Villains
*f. Cross-Cultural

2. (Topic) Genres
a. Humor
b. Adventure
c. Drama (includes Angst)
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Mystery
g. Crossovers
*h. Alternate Universe
*i. Movie-verse
*j. Non-Fiction

3. (Topic) Time/Books
a. The Silmarillion
b. The Hobbit
c. The Lord of the Rings
*d. Post-Ring War


MEFA Admin and Founder

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves," Elrond said, "for
it is Windows-compatible, and freeware at that." --H.F. The Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marta []
> Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 10:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MEFAwards] a (possibly belated) suggestion
> Hi Ainae,
> When we're contacting authors to see where they want to
> categorize their story, could we maybe ask them to verify
> their summaries? I've lifted a lot from the archives where
> the stories are posted, but for shorter pieces collected
> several-to-one-story (such as
> drabbles) there's not always a summary given by the author.
> And sometimes the summaries are very brief followed by the
> challenge the story was written from, and I've had to change
> it a bit so it will make sense to readers who don't follow a
> certain archive.
> I think in most cases the author will approve the summary
> without much thought, but I think they should have the write
> to edit it if they don't like it.
> Marta
> PS- Have you decided on what categories will be available
> next year? If so, can you get me a list so I can begin
> working on a category guide?
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Msg# 3417

Re: a (possibly belated) suggestion Posted by Marta February 03, 2005 - 21:54:24 Topic ID# 3415
--- In, "Ainaechoiriel" <mefaadmin@e...>
> Sorry I've been busy with computers and files that are 450MB in

Sorry to hear that you're so busy.

We have a month, so I don't think there's any huge hurry on this
stuff. But I did finish the categorization guide, which I'm including
in this post. I'm also emailing it to you as an attachment, for your

I think I'm ready to start working on FAQs. What would people like to
see explained more clearly? What was confusing last year?



Categorization Guide

Authors whose stories are nominated for the 2005 Middle-earth
Fanfiction Awards must choose their first, second, and third choices
for the categories they want each piece to compete in. They also may
suggest a subcategory. (Some sub-categories are mandatory: drabbles,
poetry, and WIP.)

The first, second, and third prize awards are given out to the works
with the most votes in each category. They do not necessarily have to
be about the theme of the award. For example, a piece about Feanor
could win "The Ainulindale Award" (1st place, Silmarillion), even
though Feanor's story occurs after the events described in the

In many cases the same story will fit in several categories; in this
case authors are asked to choose the category they think is the
<b>best</b> fit.


1. Races & Places

Works in the "Races & Places" category should be noteworthy in their
focus on the characteristics and culture of a certain race (or
multiple race).

A. Men - Stories in this category should be about one or more Men
(either male or female), or give some insight to one or more of the
Mannish cultures.

1st: The Faithful of Numenor Award
2nd: The Kings of Gondor and Arnor Award
3rd: The Ruling Stewards Award

B. Elves - Stories in this category should be about one or more Elves
or Half-elves, or give some insight to one or more of the Elvish

1st: The Lothlorien Awards
2nd: The Imladris Awards
3rd: The Grey Havens Awards

C. Hobbits - Stories in this category should be about one or more
Hobbits, or give some insight to one or more of the Elvish cultures.

1st: The Ring-bearer of Bag End Award
2nd: The Master of Buckland Award
3rd: The Thain of the Great Smials Award

D. Dwarves - Stories in this category should be about one or more
Dwarves, or give some insight into one or more of the Dwarvish

[prizes to be determined]

E. Villains - Stories in this category should be about one or more of
the various traitors to the Valar, or the people allied to these
traitors. This would include Morgoth, Sauron, the Nazgul, Orcs,
balrogs, wargs, trolls, evil men (such as Haradrim and the Corsairs),
and traitors within the other races (such as Saruman or Grima
Wormtongue). Pieces that give some insight into the peoples allied to
Morgoth or Sauron also fit well in this category.

[prizes to be determined]

F. Cross-cultural - Stories in this category should feature equally
characters from various races - for example, about the relationship
between Legolas and Gimli or about the fellowship as a whole. Pieces
about a member of one race reflecting on another race also might do
well here -- for example, Elrond trying to explain about death to one
of Isildur's heirs.

[prizes to be determined]

2. Genres

Works in the Genres division are noteworthy because of their dramatic
conflicts, or use of mystery, or some other such genre-specific

A. Humour - Stories in this category should have humour as a primary
ingredient. They may either portray a humorous situation native to
Middle-earth, or may be a parody.

1st: The Tom Bombadil Award
2nd: The Bilbo Baggins Award
3rd: The Barliman Butterbur Award

B. Adventure - Stories in this category should feature action as a
primary ingredient - for example, an adventure or a battle sequence.

1st: The Battle of the Black Gate Award
2nd: The Battle of the Pelennor Fields Award
3rd: The Battle of Helm's Deep Award

C. Drama - Stories in this category should feature a dramatic conflict
as a primary ingredient. Stories about conversations or interactions
between two characters (of any race), or about political or social
ceremonies usually fit well in this category.

1st: The Turin Turambar Award
2nd: The Frodo Baggins Award
3rd: The Nimrodel and Amroth Award

D. Romance - Stories in this category should feature at least one
romantic relationship, either same-sex (slash or femslash) or
different-sex (het), as a key ingredient.

1st: The Beren and Luthien Award
2nd: The Tuor and Idril Award
3rd: The Nimrodel and Amroth Award

E. Horror - Stories in this category should feature horror as a key

1st: The Morgoth Bauglir Award
2nd: The Eye of Sauron Award
3rd: The Witch-king of Angmar Award

F. Mystery - Stories in this category should feature mystery or
suspense as a key ingredient. Pieces where the plot involves the
discovery of some previously unknown fact might fit in this category.

1st: The Shadows of Cuivienen Award
2nd: The Barrow-wights Award
3rd: The Pukel-men Award

G. Crossover - Stories in this category should draw both from
Tolkien's books (or Jackson's movies) and some other fandom.

1st: The Pirates of the Caribbean Award
2nd: The Hidalgo Award
3rd: The Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Award

H. Alternative Universe - For the purpose of the Middle-earth
Fanfiction Awards, an alternative universe piece is one that deviates
from its source material (whether the books or movies in some
important respect.) For example, a story where Boromir survives the
Ring War, or where Frodo does not sail West, might compete in this
category. AUs are also eligible in other categories if an author
believes they fit them better.

[awards to be determined]

I. Movieverse - Stories based on Peter Jackson's movies in addition to
or instead of Tolkien's books are eligible for any other appropriate
category. However, some pieces are more about the movies' version of
events or explain some difference between movieverse and bookverse.
Pieces in this category should be based primarily on the movies'
version of events (though they may draw some inspiration from the
books), and they should offer some new insight into the movies.

[prizes to be determined]

J. Nonfiction - Pieces in this category should be non-fiction of
fictions. Argumentative or speculative essays, research articles,
reviews on the books might be placed here. Analyses of fandom trends
or essays on likely historical models for fanfic might compete here as

[prizes to be determined]


Works in the Time/Books division give some new insight to the events
described in canon (books or movies) -- perhaps a gapfiller or a new
perspective on an event portrayed in canon, or a story about the lives
of the characters before or after the canonical events.

A. Silmarillion - Pieces in this category should be about events
described in <i>The Silmarillion</i> and tolkien's other posthumous
events -- set in the Age of the Trees, the First Age, the Second Age,
and the earlier parts of the Third Age.

1st: The Ainulindale Award
2nd: The Valaquenta Award
3rd: The Akallabeth Award

B. <i>The Hobbit Award</i> - Pieces in this category should be about
the events of <i>The Hobbit</i>, or in "The Quest for Erebor" (in
<i>Unfinished Tales</i>). Stories about the White Council and the
driving of Sauron from Dol Guldur also fit well here, as do stories
about the lives of <i>The Hobbit</i>'s principle characters before or
after the Quest for Erebor.

1st: The Shire Award
2nd: The Mirkwood Award
3rd: The Lonely Mountain Award

C. <i>The Lord of the Rings</i> - Pieces in this category should be
about the events of <i>The Lord of the Rings</i>, or about events
happening in other regions of Middle-earth during the same time (such
as the assaults on Lothlorien or the death of Dain). Events in the
lands mentioned in LotR before the Ring War (i.e., Grima's rise to
power) or about the characters of LotR before the events in the books
might also fit well here.

1st: The Fellowship of the Ring
2nd: The Two Towers
3rd: The Return of the King

D. The Post-Ring War Awards - Pieces in this category should focus on
events after <i>The Lord of the Rings</i>, through the present day.

[awards to be determined]



There are three <b>mandatory</b> subcategories: drabble, poetry, and
work-in-progress. If your work is one of these three types, then you
<b>must</b> mention this as a subcategory.

Some reminders:

* A drabble is exactly one hundred words (not counting the title,
which is allowed up to seven additional words. Variations of this form
(double drabbles, triple drabbles, and drabble series, for instance)
should run in the drabble subcategory.

* All verse, even if it does not fit one of the classic poetic forms,
should be entered under the poetry subcategory. This includes filks
and free verse.

* Works-in-progress must have been updated within twelve months of the
end of nomination season (April 1, 2005). Furthermore, any piece can
only run once as a WIP. If a WIP was nominated in 2004, it is
ineligible to compete in 2005.

Beyond that... you may suggest any subcategory you like. Some

* Length - If your prose piece is a vignette (a single scene usually
less than 5,000 words) or a novella (a longer piece, usually longer
than 50,000 words) and you would like it to compete against other
similar works, feel free to suggest this as a subcategory.
* Location - If your piece is set in a certain region or kingdom, you
can suggest this as a subcategory.
* Time Frame - Last year, many of the "Races & Places" categories had
"pre-Quest" or "post-Quest" subcategories. Silmarillion also had
"First Age" and "Second Age" subcategories. If you're interested in
your piece competing in such a subcategory, please note it.
* Sub-genre - For example, if your drama piece is also an angst piece
and you would be interested in in running against other angst pieces,
note it.
* Key character or pairing - if your piece focuses on a certain
character, feel free to note that as a possible subcategory.

Basically, you can suggest any subcategory you like, and you can
suggest as many as you like per story. Not all subcategories will be
viable, and each piece can only compete in one subcategory. But the
categorizers will decide which subcategories to actually use and which
stories will compete in them.