All stories from Ainae's digest this morning are now in the database.
Here's today's viability report; the numbers after each category
represent [stories/authors]. The following categories have four stories
- The Hobbit/drabble
- Crossovers
- Humor/drabble
- Marta
1. BT: Post-Ring War [34/29]
2. BT: Post-Ring War/drabble [16/12]
*** 3. BT: Post-Ring War/poetry [1/1]
*** 4. BT: Post-Ring War/WIP [3/3]
5. The Hobbit [9/7]
*** 6. The Hobbit/drabble [4/3]
*** 7. The Hobbit/poetry [1/1]
8. The Lord of the Rings [58/43]
9. The Lord of the Rings/drabble [24/15]
10. The Lord of the Rings/poetry [6/3]
*** 11. The Lord of the Rings/WIP [1/1]
12. The Silmarillion [12/11]
13. The Silmarillion/drabble [5/5]
14. The Silmarillion/poetry [6/4]
15. Adventure [6/5]
*** 16. Adventure/WIP [1/1]
17. Alternative Universe [7/6]
*** 18. Alternative Universe/drabble [2/2]
*** 19. Alternative Universe/WIP [1/1]
*** 20. Crossovers [4/4]
*** 21. Crossovers/poetry [3/3]
22. Drama [31/29]
23. Drama/drabble [16/12]
*** 24. Drama/poetry [1/1]
*** 25. Drama/WIP [1/1]
*** 26. Horror [2/2]
27. Humor [27/22]
*** 28. Humor/drabble [4/4]
29. Humor/poetry [7/7]
30. Movieverse [6/6]
*** 31. Movieverse/poetry [1/1]
*** 31. Mystery [2/2]
32. Non-fiction [10/8]
33. Romance [11/10]
34. Romance/poetry [5/4]
*** 35. Romance/WIP [3/3]
36. Cross-cultural [28/20]
37. Cross-cultural/drabble [8/6]
*** 38. Cross-cultural/poetry [2/2]
*** 39. Cross-cultural/WIP [2/2]
40. Dwarves [6/6]
*** 41. Dwarves/drabble [3/3]
*** 42. Dwarves/poetry [2/2]
43. Elves [15/13]
*** 44. Elves/drabble [3/3]
*** 45. Elves/WIP [1/1]
46. Hobbits [24/19]
47. Hobbits/drabbles [6/4]
*** 48. Hobbits/poetry [2/2]
*** 49. Hobbits/WIP [1/1]
50. Men [37/23]
51. Men/drabble [17/10]
52. Men/poetry [10/4]
53. Villains [10/8]
54. Villains/drabble [5/4]
*** Villains/poetry [2/2]