Yahoo Forum Archive

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Msg# 4011

Reload Language File Posted by Anthony Holder April 22, 2005 - 0:06:26 Topic ID# 4011
Have you noticed that 'Reload Language File' link at the top of every
page in MEFA2005, and wondered what it meant?

The way the code works, almost everything you see is in a special
'language file', and referenced in the code. The language file is
really big, and it was slowing the site down to read it every time a
page was loaded, so Harald, the guy that originally developed the code,
started storing it in memory.

If I add a new string to the code and to the language file, the site
reads the code, but doesn't re-read the language file. Thus, if you
suddenly start seeing very strange things on the site that start with
S_, and are all in capital letters, you need to reload the language
file. Just click on that link, and all will be well.

I'm sending this now, because I just added some new strings, and you
may be seeing those
showing up.

By the way, the language file concept is used to internationalize the
site , so if anybody wants to translate it into Spanish, German,
French, or Swahili, just let me know, and we can do that. There's code
that I commented out to swap language files.

Translating involves going through the language file and translating
each item in there, then the site just reads the german.lang file,
rather than english.lang.


Msg# 4014

Re: Reload Language File Posted by April 22, 2005 - 3:04:15 Topic ID# 4011
In a message dated 4/21/2005 10:08:21 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Okay, I'm among the putertarded of the world so I'm going to assume that if
I hit the reload language link I'm actually doing some sort of reset that
will fix the problem as opposed to activating a sleeper cell of the Al-Qaeda
somewhere in Yonkers.

The way the code works, almost everything you see is in a special
'language file', and referenced in the code. The language file is
really big, and it was slowing the site down to read it every time a
page was loaded, so Harald, the guy that originally developed the code,
started storing it in memory.

If I add a new string to the code and to the language file, the site
reads the code, but doesn't re-read the language file. Thus, if you
suddenly start seeing very strange things on the site that start with
S_, and are all in capital letters, you need to reload the language
file. Just click on that link, and all will be well.

Feanor: No no no no boys. It's like this. If you're Noldo and you know it,
Slay Your Kin!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]