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Msg# 4058

duplicate nomination: In the Hands of the King Posted by Marta Layton April 26, 2005 - 20:31:34 Topic ID# 4058
Hey guys,

I noticed tonight that I had approved too nominations of the same
story: Gwynnyd's drabble "In the Hands of the King":

022. "In the Hands of the King" by Gwynnyd -- nom. by Dwimordene
403. "In the Hands of the King" by Gwynnyd -- nom. by me

I think the best solution is for me to delete the later nomination
(#403). I've already emailed Gwynnyd to let her know I'm doing this.
The problem is, when I delete the nomination I think it will also
delete any votes that have been cast for #403. So if you've voted for
#403, you need to repost that nomination to #022. Here's what you do.

1. Log in to
2. Click on "Browse stories".
3. Type "in the hands of the king" into the search field and click
4. Click the "edit review" link besides nomination #403.
5. Copy your review (control-a and then control-c on a Windows mahcine,
or apple-a and then apple-c on a mac).
6. Hit "save reivew".
7. Click on "browse stories".
8. Type "in the hands of the king" into the search field and click
9. Select "enter new review" beside nomination #022.
10. Select draft, tentative, or final status, whatever you want.
11. Click in the "story review" field and paste your review from #403
(control-v on a windows machine or apple-v on a mac).
12. Click "save review".

Now your old review has been cast with #022. When I delete nomination
#403, your old review will automatically be deleted.

I'll delete nomination #403 some point tomorrow night (probably around
this same time, 9:30 PM US East Coast time). If anyone needs more time
to move their review, let me know. If I delete the nomination before
you have a chance to move your vote you can still vote for the other
nomination (#022), but you'll have to vote again; your old review won't
be available for you to copy-and-paste from.

On the other hand, you have different fingers.