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Msg# 4646

FAQs and wish list items and other assundry things Posted by Marta Layton June 08, 2005 - 15:06:24 Topic ID# 4646
Hey guys,

I have added the suggestions made by Dreamdeer and RabidSamFan to the
wishlist database. Go to , and it's the last
one in the list. Anyone can add changes they'd like to consider for
next year.

Dreamdeer and RabidSamFan, thanks for your suggestions. If I forgot one
or didn't represent it fairly, feel free to add it yourself. Anyone
should be able to.

I also added a few ideas of my own. Many of these are policy decisions
and I don't want to really discuss them until the post-mortem. Please
reserve judgement, as I've just put up enough to remind me when the
time comes. And Anthony and Ainae, please don't take the fact that I
have suggestions as a criticism of the awards. I think you're both
doing a fabulous job, but that only inspires me to want to make it even
better. Anyway, I'll talk more about these things in October. I mainly
wanted to get them down in an organised format so I remember them.

A more pressing concern, though still not urgent: Ainae has given me
permission to restructure the FAQs, and I'm happy to do this. I answer
many of the questions anyway, so it's in my best interest to have those
as accessible as possible.

I think I'm going to divide the FAQ into several "handbooks". So when
you click on the FAQ link you would see something like:

* I want to nominate a story.
* My story was just nominated. What now?
* I want to vote for stories.
* I want to help out behind-the-scenes.

Then you click on one of those statements, and it takes you to a set of
FAQ. I do want to have it broken down more into sections.

So here's where I need help: what kind of "handbooks" do you want? (Are
there any in particular besides the ones I mentioned above?) What's not
in the FAQ that should be? Where is the FAQ confusing?

Since we're busy right now with check ballot season, I don't want to
deluge the list. But if anyone has suggestions please email me
privately at melayton at gmail dot com. I probably won't get to this
immediately. I may get it started during reading season, but it may
have to wait until this winter. I did want to get people's thoughts,
though, as I want to structure this so it's clearer.

Also, what parts of the process could be made simpler? I suspect we'll
talk about this a lot in the post mortem in October, but maybe in some
areas a little bit of information will go a long way. In which case I
want to help provide that information. :-)

Thanks in advance for everyone's help and input. I really appreciate
all the work that everyone does.

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