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Msg# 4685

Races/Places: Gondor, Check Ballot #3 Posted by Ainaechoiriel June 09, 2005 - 1:57:16 Topic ID# 4685
Check Ballots for Main Category Races/Places: Gondor

Here sits, in secret, blest Theology (388): annmarwalk
G, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A heritage of stewardship is passed, unknowing, to Faramir.

Finduilas' Dance (431): jen_loves_elves
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Denethor/Finduilas
Soon after Faramir's birth, an ill-at-heart Finduilas returns to visit her
family in Dol Amroth.

The Mantle of Stone (116): just_sphinx
G, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Their mantle is high, and their burden heavy. Who could bear it but a
rightful heir? Featuring Aragorn.

Truth Be Told (852): pearltook1
G, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
We are told by Tolkien that Faramir was not to be told *"the full tale of
the madness of Denethor"* until he was well and had duties to do. We were
never told when or how the tale was finally told; until now.

Written on Cloth (527): shadow975
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
After his coronation, Faramir and Aragorn discuss the significance of

Cup of Bitterness: First Meeting (531): Tanaqui
PG-13, Reason for Rating: adult themes
Romance Partners: Denethor/Finduilas
The events surrounding the birth of Faramir, from Denethor's POV -- Denethor
introduces his new son to his father, and has a first encounter with the

SubCategory: Races/Places: Gondor: Boromir and Faramir

Twilight (1022): Acacea
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
A little conversation at Osgiliath - a much delayed entry for the snapshot
challenge based on Starlight's Brothers.

Language Lessons (190): Celandine Brandybuck
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Denethor/Finduilas
In Minas Tirith, the young Boromir gets two very different lessons in
language from his parents Denethor and Finduilas. Cameo by young Faramir.

The Sky Wept Diamonds (710): Elen Kortirion
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Denethor/Finduilas
The birth of Boromir, as witnessed and reported by a serving-woman of Lady
Finduilas. Birth involves many customs and superstitions; a woman of Gondor
gives a vernacular description of the events and omens that surrounded
Boromir's birth. (Vignette)

On the West Slopes of Mindolluin (576): Gwynnyd
G, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Triple drabble. Boromir and Faramir go hunting.

The Best Gift of All (739): Isabeau of Greenlea
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Fourteen-year-old Faramir spends the holidays with his mother's kin in Dol

Offerings (322): Raksha the Demon
G, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Two visits to the Hallows, offerings and memories, and meditations on the
bonds between fathers and sons.

SubCategory: Races/Places: Gondor: Denethor and Finduilas

A Gift at Year's Turning (186): Celandine Brandybuck
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Denethor/Finduilas
In Minas Tirith, Denethor and Ecthelion prepare for the annual Steward's
Feast to celebrate the end of the year. Boromir hopes for a sword as his
gift, but Finduilas warns him that he may get something else.

Leavetakings (188): Celandine Brandybuck
PG-13, Reason for Rating: adult themes, character death, mild erotic content
Romance Partners: Denethor/Finduilas
How do you say goodbye? Finduilas of Dol Amroth must make some difficult
decisions on what to say to Imrahil and Adrahil while visiting her family,
and later to Denethor, Boromir, and Faramir in Minas Tirith.

Refraction (750): Kielle
PG-13, Reason for Rating: adult themes
Romance Partners: Denethor/Finduilas
History tells us that Boromir and Faramir's mother "pined away for the sea."
History, however, is easily distorted... and Denethor is very good at
keeping ugly secrets.

Repose Earned, Words Unspoken (482): maranya14
PG-13, Reason for Rating: adult themes
Romance Partners: N/A
A glimpse into the mind of Denethor, son of Ecthelion, in the last days of
the War of the Ring, featuring the words of A.E. Housman.

Pride and Despair (579): Marta
PG-13, Reason for Rating: violent imagery, suicide
Romance Partners: N/A
"'Pride and despair! Didst thou think that the eyes of the White Tower were
blind? Nay, I have seen more than thou knowest, Grey Fool. [...]All the East
is moving. And even now the wind of thy hope cheats thee and wafts up Anduin
a fleet with black sails. The West has failed. It is time for all to depart
who would not be slaves.'" ["The Pyre of Denethor", The Return of the King]
So said Denethor shortly before he killed himself in the Battle for Minas
Tirith. Even at the very end, he did not simply submit to Mordor but took
the only other action he thought he could. Here is a look at his last
moments, as Denethor thinks back on the memories and relationships that have
defined him. A rather book-based look at a most enigmatic steward.

A Mantle of Silver Stars (214): Nrink
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Denethor, Finduilas
How did Finduilas come by her starry mantle? Based loosely on the
movie-verse. Here you'll find a vignette of the Steward's family -
Finduilas, Denethor and a very youthful and (for once) non-angsty Faramir.

In the Forest, Singing Sorrowless (318): Nrink
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Denethor/Finduilas
The meeting and betrothal of Denethor and Finduilas of Dol Amroth

SubCategory: Races/Places: Gondor: Drabble

Beyond Imagination (103): annmarwalk
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Denethor, Finduilas
A drabble, in which Denethor receives an unimagined gift.

Herbs of Healing (656): Branwyn
G, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Faramir finds his own way to cope with grief

Not Remembered (992): Cadiliniel
G, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A drabble about the return of Aragorn.

Steward and the Brother, The (224): Cheryl
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
A pair of AU drabbles: Boromir lives and pledges fealty to Aragorn after the
Ring War.

Duty (240): Dwimordene
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Boromir's thoughts on seeing the Argonath.

A Father’s Choice (298): Elana
G, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Bergil pleads to be allowed to stay in Minas Tirith.

Promises (574): Gwynnyd
G, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Faramir plans for a future when Ithilien will be free of the Enemy.

Voices of the Forgotten (435): jen_loves_elves
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: m/f (various)
Thirty-one kings of Gondor in the Third Age, from Meneldil to Eärnur. And
thirty-one queens to match them, but only two are ever named. Who are these
women, these queens and mothers of Kings?

The Naming (518): just_sphinx
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Aragorn picks a name that history will remember him by.

Death Awakening (647): Luna
PG, Reason for Rating: Mild romantic content, death.
Romance Partners: Aragorn/Boromir
Death is only the beginning.

Echo (684): Nancy Brooke
G, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
If you were Pippin in Boromir's house, wouldn't you take a look around? a
drabble ...

Elements of Ithilien (536): Tanaqui
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Faramir/Éowyn
Five drabbles about Faramir based on the five elements of classical
philosophy (earth, air, fire, water, and spirit).

SubCategory: Races/Places: Gondor: Historical

Seeing Stone, The (346): Finch
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
A tale about the ways of the world and the follies of Man, told by a

Cat's Cradle (452): Kielle
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
A future king meets a former queen, and the true royal bloodline of Númenor
is kept secret. Set in the last year of the reign of Tarannon Falastur.

Inheritance (1087): Kielle
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Sometimes the king's son is not the best man for the throne... A tale of
ancient Gondor -- specifically of Hyarmendacil and his young great-grandson
Minalcar, with guest appearances by Narmacil & Calmacil. Who weren't very
good kings in their (brief) day, and it shows.

Weregild (1091): Kielle
PG, Reason for Rating: adult themes
Romance Partners: n/a
Seduced by a sparkly piece of jewelry? Hardly. Isildur son of Elendil has
his own reasons for keeping the One Ring...

The Men Who Would Be Steward (1137): Michael Martinez
G, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Essay on the Ruling Stewards including a comparision with European families
who gained the throne from a line of kings. How earlier choices made by the
Dunedain forefathers bind the generations to come. And how Aragorn's claim
was worded to converge with the earlier Stewards' rulings.

SubCategory: Races/Places: Gondor: Houses of Healing

To Labor and To Wait (79): Aliana
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: N/A
"Prepare, they tell us. Settle your accounts and your affairs: It would seem
we go to war as if going to our graves." Five snapshots from the
perspectives of various workers in the Houses of Healing, just prior to the
Siege of Minas Tirith. A sidebar to a longer work in progress, but stands on
its own.

Making of Boys (237): Dwimordene
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
The men and women of the Houses of Healing prepare themselves and their
young charges for war as best they can. Ioreth, Bergil, and the boys of
Minas Tirith.

Fever Dreams (397): Gwynnyd
PG, Reason for Rating: adult themes, character death
Romance Partners: n/a
Faramir wakes up in the Houses of Healing for the second time. What does he
actually remember?

Strange Meeting (743): JeannieMac
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
One possible interpretation of what happened between Aragorn and Faramir
while Faramir lay unconscious in the Houses of Healing.

Below the Balcony (496): Ninamazing
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Faramir/Éowyn
Several citizens of Minas Tirith pause in their rejoicing when they catch
sight of two figures high on the walls; this is a connected series of
vignettes exploring those perceptions.

Before the Doors of the Houses of Healing (529): Tanaqui
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Imrahil confronts Gandalf outside the Houses of Healing: when the wizard
sent him off to the Pelennor, why didn't Gandalf tell the prince how much
danger Faramir was in?

SubCategory: Races/Places: Gondor: Original Characters

On the Flood (284): Acacea
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
"The shards came severally to shore[...] The other was found spinning on the
flood by one who had an errand on the water." A cloven half of Boromir's
horn is found in the Anduin by one of his men.

Sight (374): Aeneid
R, Reason for Rating: erotic content
Romance Partners: Boromir/OFC (Gil)
Inspired by plasticChevy's wonderful epic, "The Captain and the King" this
is an unofficial "missing scene": Boromir and Gil's first night together.

The Laughing Oliphaunt (998): Aeneid
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
On the twenty-ninth of Nárië in 2885, the Haradrim forces were defeated at
the Crossing of Poros and a legendary tavern acquired its name. On the
twenty-ninth of Nárië in 3018, the eastern shore of Osgiliath fell to the
Enemy as the Ring War loomed, and a group of weary soldiers returned to this
same tavern on the night of its anniversary. Experimental writing style.
Slightly AU.

Watcher on the Height (1015): Chris
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
If the call to arms never comes, what need to have borne them? A brief story
of despair and redemption.

Ad Sum (693): Dwimordene
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
The aftermath of the fields of Pelennor, from a very humble perspective: a
"charwoman" of Minas Tirith.

Discretion (416): Isabeau of Greenlea
R, Reason for Rating: erotic content, adult themes
Romance Partners: Boromir/OMC (Andrahar)
Boromir travels to Dol Amroth one Yule to seek tutoring in a very important
subject from his former Armsmaster Andrahar.

Noble Jewel (741): Isabeau of Greenlea
PG, Reason for Rating: adult themes
Romance Partners: n/a
A stable-boy and the Commander of the Swan Knights of Dol Amroth find that
they have something in common...

Well Favored (417): Isabeau of Greenlea
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
While fleeing Minas Tirith, a young girl encounters a special soldier.

When the King Returned (497): Ninquelosse
PG, Reason for Rating: adult themes
Romance Partners: n/a
Everyone was happy when King Elessar returned. Or were they? This is the
opinion of one common Gondorian. For open-minded people only.

Call of the Druedain (565): thevina_finduilas
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Short, somewhat angsty story of an OMC drum maker escaping from a bad family
situation in Pelargir.

Old Wives' Tales (350): Werecat
PG, Reason for Rating: disturbing images
Romance Partners: n/a
A very pregnant and rather emotional Eowyn goes in search of a childhood
relic and finds something unexpected. Through the words of a tale, the
Shieldmaiden meets a Queen of old.

The Healing Touch (1312): Werecat
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
A moment in the Houses of Healing, involving OCs and, of course, a cat.

SubCategory: Races/Places: Gondor: Poetry

On His Stewardship (73): Alawa
G, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
A sonnet written as part of the ancient and honourable convention of the
"Loyal Steward" poetry. Denethor may even have intended it to be circulated,
to a limited extent, among the more courtly circles in Minas Tirith. He may
even have convinced himself that he believed it.

On the Death of His Wife (74): Alawa
G, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Denethor/Finduilas
A sonnet: on the death of his wife, Denethor contemplates his warring

Beregond's Prayer standing on watch (258): elanor_of_aquitania
PG, Reason for Rating: adult themes
Romance Partners: n/a
Poem on Beregond, Bergil, and "Courage under fire". This poem was written
after an HA discussion with Dwimordene about "Courage under Fire" with
respect to Aristotle's notion of a "fine death in war".

Wait for me - Eowyn (127): elanor_of_aquitania
G, Reason for Rating: NA
Romance Partners: Faramir/Eowyn
Faramir tries to cope with Eowyn's death.

Forlorn Hope (210): Elen Kortirion
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Faramir's charge

East Wind (264): Ellisande
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Based on Tolkien's "Lament for Boromir". The author's take on the "missing"
East Wind.

The Ballad of Isildur and Elendil (460): Lindelea
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
A lullaby of Gondor, sung over the centuries: Training those who lived in
Gondor started as early as the singing of cradle songs.

Denethor Limericks (787): Llinos
G, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Four irreverent limericks about Denethor, Steward of Gondor. (A separate
work on the same page as "Fathers' Day Card from Faramir ")

The Girl I Kissed at the Rammas (942): Marta
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
A drinking song popular in Gondor, about the various types of women the
Rangers and other soldiers leave behind.

SubCategory: Races/Places: Gondor: Pre-Quest Drabbles

Marriage Counseling (111): annmarwalk
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Denethor/Finduilas
Imrahil asks Finduilas if she is happy in her marriage.

Patrimony (247): Dwimordene
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Denethor and a young Faramir look at a map of Gondor.

A Long Tradition of Ancient Lore (206): Elena Tiriel
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
"We in the house of Denethor know much ancient lore by long tradition..."
(The Two Towers, "Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit")

Interment (379): Forodwaith
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Denethor/Finduilas
Denethor buries Finduilas in Dol Amroth.

Dragon of the North (395): Gwynnyd
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Denethor watches his father Ecthelion accept Thorongil's service.

Goldfinch and Nightingale (504): Nrink
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
A drabble featuring a very young Finduilas and her sister Ivriniel on
beholding the White City for the first time. (Slightly AU; departs from
HOME12 in minor details.)

Sand-castles when the tide is flowing (549): Tanaqui
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Young Boromir and Faramir build sand-castles on the beach.

Warrior's Skills, A (551): Tanaqui
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Faramir sings for the Rangers of Ithilien.

Hide and Seek (637): Vistula the Dunadan
G, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: N/A
Faramir plays a game of hide and seek with his father.

SubCategory: Races/Places: Gondor: Vignette

Flame of the West (1): Altariel
G, Reason for Rating: none
Romance Partners: N/A
In the Houses of Healing, a steward and a king.

Cold Memories (82): AmandaK
G, Reason for Rating: N/A
Romance Partners: Denethor/Finduilas
Young Boromir and Faramir build a snowman, and the steward bonds with his

Finduilas' Song (265): Ellisande
PG, Reason for Rating: adult themes
Romance Partners: Denethor/Finduilas
The shadow growing in her heart, Finduilas makes a promise she will fail to

Blackberries in Lossarnach (1276): jen_loves_elves
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Everyone was young once. An young apprentice healer by the name of Ioreth
meets some unusual travellers.

Green Seas (453): Kielle
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: Théoden/Finduilas
When Thengel was forced to return to Rohan to take the throne, perhaps his
son was not willing either... a tale of Théoden, Imrahil, and Finduilas of
Dol Amroth.

A mother's duty (1384): Tanaqui
G, Reason for Rating: n/a
Romance Partners: n/a
Finduilas seeks aid from Ioreth in the Houses of Healing...

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