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Msg# 4880

Filter Bug, filtering out Author's stories Posted by Anthony Holder June 12, 2005 - 23:11:55 Topic ID# 4880
Hey all,

I've skimmed through the past 10,000 messages <g>, and noticed that
there was a bug in the filters. I've fixed this and sent the update to

While I was at it, if you filter the stories by any sort of review, an
author's own stories will disappear from the list.

I fixed an error in the author filter. It was only showing the authors
in the main category, when a full main category and all its
subcategories should have been shown.

I checked the point calculation, and I use 501, 651, 801, and 951 as
the dividing points. The FAQ should read:
651 to 800 words: 7 points.
801 to 950 words: 8 points.

Hopefully, I didn't miss anything in the digests that I should be
fixing. If there's something I missed, be sure to let me know.

I'll skim through the wish list database sometime in the next few days.

Good Reading, and Happy Reviewing,


Msg# 4881

Re: Filter Bug, filtering out Author's stories Posted by Marta Layton June 12, 2005 - 23:29:48 Topic ID# 4880
On 13 Jun 2005, at 00:11, Anthony Holder wrote:

> Hey all,
> I've skimmed through the past 10,000 messages <g>, and noticed that
> there was a bug in the filters. I've fixed this and sent the update to
> Ainae.
> While I was at it, if you filter the stories by any sort of review, an
> author's own stories will disappear from the list.
> I fixed an error in the author filter. It was only showing the authors
> in the main category, when a full main category and all its
> subcategories should have been shown.
> I checked the point calculation, and I use 501, 651, 801, and 951 as
> the dividing points. The FAQ should read:
> 651 to 800 words: 7 points.
> 801 to 950 words: 8 points.
> Hopefully, I didn't miss anything in the digests that I should be
> fixing. If there's something I missed, be sure to let me know.
> I'll skim through the wish list database sometime in the next few
> days.
> Good Reading, and Happy Reviewing,
> Anthony

Hi Anthony,

Thanks for checking in. I think that's all the tech support-type
requests that have come through in the last few days.

One issue I have noticed but not reported -- and this is not really an
issue as much as a personal preference thing -- is the order in which
nominations display when you sort by the category. I suppose I was
expecting to see them displayed by subcategory. That is, you would list
all the stories of the first subcategory, then all the stories of the
second sub-category, etc. You know, like what happened in the "Assign
Final Sub-category" view when we were categorising stories.

The other thing I've noticed is that when you sort by one option the
page automatically refreshes and you have to wait for it to reload
before you can select a second option. So say I wanted to display all
the stories that I have not reviewed entered in the "Gondor" category.
To do this I would have to select "Gondor" category, wait for the page
to reload, and then select "have not reviewed" from the review status
menu. It would be quicker if I could select "Gondor", select "have not
reviewed", and click the "display selected nominations" button (with no
reload between "Gondor" and "have not reviewed").

I'm not sure how much work this will take. If you would prefer to wait
until after this year's awards are over, I will gladly put it in the
suggestions database.

Quibbles aside, though, the site is great. It makes reading and
reviewing much easier. Thanks so much for all your hard work.

Home is where you hang your @.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]