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Msg# 5108

Reviews Final as of 8/17/2005 part 23 Posted by Ainaechoiriel August 17, 2005 - 23:24:52 Topic ID# 5108
Title: Sacrifice
<> Under
Shadow · Author: daw
6> the minstrel · Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Mirkwood · ID: 1319
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 11:16:49 Score: 4
It goes without saying that this is good - yet another excellent development
in the every day story of Mirkwood folk. I love the twofold nature of this
one - past and present - and it is great to see Legolas looking after Eilian
so skilfully. All the characters - and I mean all - have developed so much
life that they work in the absence of any others. I could happily read about
any of them.

Title: A Very Dark,
<> Very Wet, and
Very Miserable Morning · Author: Thundera
> Tiger · Genres: Humor · ID: 592
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 11:23:14 Score: 2
If this is only a RATHER bad day in the life of Barad-dûr's commander, I
wouldn't want to be around for a worse one. This is clever and amusing and
just generally show how talented the author is.

Title: The Scruff
<> Factor · Author:
> · Genres: Humor: Aragorn · ID: 293
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 11:27:21 Score: 3
Brilliant. So cleverly written and just generally so amusing. I love the -
wickedly clever and sneaky Legolas - and the poor unfortunate twins, who
find themselves just out of their league. And unable to understand just how
everything went so wrong. Most enjoyable.

Title: Sneezes and Sword Fights <> ·
Author: Joanna
5> · Genres: Humor: Aragorn · ID: 747
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 11:39:17 Score: 1
Very funny. I enjoyed this enormously.

Title: Dragons or
<> Ribbons ·
Author: Joanna
5> · Genres: Humor: Children · ID: 443
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 11:40:17 Score: 1
I loved seeing the intrepid elven warrior at the beck and call of the little
princess. Very good.

Title: Serious <>
Trouble · Author: Karenator
> · Genres: Humor: Children · ID: 216
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 11:45:39 Score: 5
I love Daeron. I love Daeron excessively much. This elfling has a keen eye,
a sharp tongue and a wicked turn of phrase. I love the family that exists
around him - they make a superb bunch of supporting characters and Legolas
and Thranduil don't often get put in that category. The story is good and
well-sustained, but the greatest gem, I think, apart from the
characterisation, is the use of language. The phrasing is so clever - and
the imagery is original and funny. The more Daeron features in stories, the
better pleased I shall be.

Title: The Travelling
<> Mouse of Númenor
· Author: Berzerker
6> Prime · Genres: Humor: Children · ID: 674
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 11:50:05 Score: 3
This is a gorgeous tale. It's great to see Faramir and Sam together
interacting with the children - and I love the way the children respond to
them. I enjoyed their solution to who should be lieutenant, too. All of them
is a solution only a group of children could come up with. Lovely.

Title: "The
<> Story of
Poor, Unfortunate, Toffin" · Author: grey_wonderer
> · Genres: Humor: Children · ID: 764
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 11:52:55 Score: 3
Now this is one of the few stories that actually had me laughing out loud.
It is, no mistake, absolutely hilarious. And it is built up just perfectly,
with the inevitability of a good joke - all the way through to the
culmination. Pip's face when he is explaining so earnestly - Merry's
reaction - oh, just brilliant.

Title: Silver
<> and Gold ·
Author: Elena
7> Tiriel · Genres: Romance: Drabble · ID: 196
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 12:30:00 Score: 2
Ahh. So few words. So much emotion. So much power - like opposite poles,
they attract. I love these two drabbles - they seem to sum up the effect
Celeborn and Galadriel have on each other.

Title: Life in the
<> Angle · Author:
2> · Genres: Romance: Incomplete · ID: 181
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 12:37:33 Score: 5
Now where do I start? This is just SUCH a good story - and my interest in
this story has impelled me to go back and seek out all the earlier
information about this set of Dunedain brothers. I love it. Tarkil and
Poppi, the arrival of the brothers Elrondionnath, the evil, spiteful woman
who expects to be able to do whatever she wants, the stupidly insensitive
chieftain - it's all brilliant. A story where each chapter is anticipated,
grabbed and devoured. The characters are great, the situations gripping, the
impetus of the story is compelling.

Title: Handmaiden of
<> Lorien · Author:
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 316
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 12:47:45 Score: 3
This is such an interestingly different point of view on the relationship of
Elu and Melian. A sort of King Cophetua and the Beggarmaid - with Melian as
the Beggarmaid. And when you think of it, it makes perfect sense - and makes
Melian's response to Elu's death so much more understandable. I really
enjoyed this.

Title: In the Deep
<> Places ·
Author: Lamiel
8> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 751
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 12:49:28 Score: 2
Beautifully written, well constructed - and just generally darned good. I
really enjoyed reading this - and loved the way that the relationship
between Legolas and Gimli developed. Excellent.

Title: Lost <>
· Author: FirstMate
6> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural · ID: 1318
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 12:52:15 Score: 3
I found this late and was able to read almost the whole thing on one go -
and it was breath-taking. I loved it. The whole story was gripping and an
emotional journey from the start. And, every time I thought 'it's all right
now', it started again! Great piece of work.

Title: A Prince's <>
Question · Author: Tathrin
6> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Humor · ID: 113
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 13:06:22 Score: 2
I loved this. Poor Eldarion - the only sane person in a city of madpeople -
and he can't get a straight answer from anyone. It's no wonder he counts on
Eowyn to give him a sensible explanation.

Title: Of Elves and
<> Dwarves and Late
Night Philosophy · Author: Thundera
> Tiger · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Humor · ID: 199
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 13:08:30 Score: 2
You can't help but feel sorry for Aragorn. This is one of those situations
where the only comment is the wrong comment - and as soon as you appear to
turn on one of the 'brothers', they are both at your throat. Very funny.

Title: Mushroom <>
Lore · Author: Werecat
> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Humor · ID: 365
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 13:21:03 Score: 2
I do like this. It's good to see them overcoming their differences to come
to a better understanding - and I enjoy seeing hobbits as providers.

Title: The Day <>
After · Author: Thundera
> Tiger · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Post-War of the Ring · ID: 197
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 13:44:29 Score: 2
Gimli is a very philosophical dwarf. And what he says here - with the aid of
the author - is so true. I love to see stories where the friendship between
elf and dwarf has so many layers of affection and understanding.

Title: Out of Stone <> ·
Author: LadyAranel
1> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Post-War of the Ring · ID: 315
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 13:50:17 Score: 3
It is good to see old prejudices being worn away at last. I can see
Thranduil and Gloin sitting and shaking their heads in very similar ways
over the vagaries of the young. The pool and garden is a great place for the
dwarves and elves to be together.

Title: Reflections in
<> the Dark ·
Author: Thundera
> Tiger · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Post-War of the Ring · ID: 1315
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 13:54:21 Score: 2
Gimli's musings in the dark are so typical of him - as is Legolas's ability
to forget his dislike of caves when he needs to retrieve his friend. A good

Title: Musings by
<> Torchlight ·
Author: Thundera
> Tiger · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Post-War of the Ring · ID: 1316
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 14:00:44 Score: 3
It is great to see the same event from Legolas's point of view. He is very
single-minded in his determination to get his friend out - I love it when he
threatens to pulverise him if he is able to reply but just remaining silent
- it's just such a typical carer/cared for response. Move heaven and earth
to save them and then bite their head off. Lovely follow up.

Title: The Life of a
<> Bard · Author:
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Pre-War of the Ring · ID: 464
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 14:02:31 Score: 2
Such an enjoyable tale - Pippin is so delightfully young and irresponsible.
Thank goodness Frodo sorted it out when he did. Menelcar is an interesting
addition to the usual suspects.

Title: Dancing in the
<> Darkness ·
Author: Marnie
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Pre-War of the Ring · ID: 476
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 14:05:47 Score: 4
I don't think there is a single word of this that seems out of place - it
just leaves me speechless. The whole piece has the rhythm of a dance and it
is beautiful to see Celeborn's wilder more dangerous side - and I'll bet he
impressed his grandsons. I loved the way they were accepted and were able to
learn about a less familiar part of their ancestry. The whole thing is just
- well - beautiful.

Title: Stars and
<> Sniffles ·
Author: SlightlyTookish
5> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Pre-War of the Ring · ID: 817
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 14:07:34 Score: 1
Such a gift! I love eager little Pippin and his reaction to the stars. What
a sweet story.

Title: Toy Story
<> · Author:
6> · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Vignette · ID: 411
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 14:20:59 Score: 3
The picture of Estel arriving with a laundry basket full of wooden soldiers
is a wonderful one - as is Elrohir talking him through the information that
must be too much for him to take in. And Aragorn might be doubtful about
Elrond as Adar - but Elrohir is still his brother. I like the light this
shines on their relationship.

Title: Back to the
<> Valley ·
Author: Thundera
> Tiger · Races/Places: Elves · ID: 590
Reviewer: Bodkin
1> · 2005-06-27 14:30:39 Score: 2
Poor elf. This is just such a horrific story - both the torment and the
escape into the silly song. I hope the elf finds his release when Barad-dur
collapses. Powerful.

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