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Msg# 5119

Reviews Final as of 8/17/2005 part 34 Posted by Ainaechoiriel August 17, 2005 - 23:33:01 Topic ID# 5119
Title: Like a <>
Woman . Author: Salsify
4> . Races/Places: Rohan . ID: 509
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-07-15 15:25:10 Score: 10
I am not sure I entirely agree with Salsify's last line, that "The rules are
not made for women, nor, I [the vignette's narrator] think, are women for
the rules." Or else, if it is true, it is a very unsavoury truth. It reminds
me of the "Law and Order" episode where a homeless man is tried for
murdering another homeless man over an orange, and the defendant's lawyer
argues that the homeless should not be held to the same rules, because they
live in a different world than most of society. (In that episode, Jack McCoy
argues that the homeless must be held to the laws of the rest of the
society, or we make them sub-human. Salsify's narrator seems to be making a
parallel argument, and I am inclined to believe that McCoy's argument still

It seems like Salsify's narrator is arguing that women have a different set
of rules that they play by, and that would almost make them a second-class
citizen, or at least the "other". And if Eowyn has no place in a man's
world, then her decission to leave Dunharrow was not motivated by what her
comitatus-like bond with Eomer and Theoden demanded. If the bonds of honour
don't apply to her, she was just acting selfishly, or out of a suicide-like

But in the end I don't suppose this piece is trying to excuse Eowyn's
actions. (It seems that Salsify's narrator and I largely disagree that they
need to be excused.) If, insead, this piece is viewed as trying to make
Eowyn's actions *understandable*, and to explain the situation that allowed
her to reach this point, then we're dealing with an entirely different
beast. In this view "Like a Woman" is (to put it plainly) bloody brilliant.
She gives us just enough of Eowyn's background to make sense of her later
actions. How would Eomer, who plainly loved her so much, ever not notice her
despair? Because he treated her like a man but expected her to act like a
woman? How could Theoden, who Tolkien presents as a good king, handle her so
badly? For the same reason.

Eowyn is caught in a hard place, torn between worlds in much the same way
that Samwise is torn between his love of Frodo and his love of Rosie, and
how Legolas is torn between Middle-earth and the call of the sea. When
caught in such a mammoth struggle, it is not at all surprising that Eowyn
acted the way she did. It does not make her actions value-neutral, but it
does shed some light into why she acted the way she does.

It also makes me wonder, too, whether the "forces for good" that Gandalf
refers to in Bag End are orchestrating things here, just as it's Gollum who
is compelled to seize (and therefore destroy) the Ring. It's an interesting
idea, and one I clearly need to think more on. (If you can't tell, all of my
disagreeing aside, this was a fantastic vignette, and it made me think about
the heroine/deserter question like I haven't in ages.)

Title: Marked <>
. Author: simbelmyne
5> . Races/Places: Rohan . ID: 904
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-07-15 16:18:12 Score: 3
This is another nice peak into the relat9ionship of Boromir and Theodred.
Reading this, I couldn't help thinking of your similar piece when Hama
observes the two of them; I liked how these two pieces differed. As much as
this tells us of the love of the mrchwarden and the captain-general, I think
it tells us even more of Eowyn's character. Well done.

Title: Whispers <>
. Author: Ellisande
1> . Races/Places: Men: Poetry . ID: 273
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-07-16 07:10:11 Score: 3
This poem was certainly moving. There were a few places where I could
suggest slight tweaks to improve it technically, but the content is
definitely powerful. The author does a good job with a difficult topic. And
even the form was well done -- in many ways more scannable than Tolkien's

Title: Song of the
<> Faithful .
Author: Ninquelosse
0> . Races/Places: Men: Poetry . ID: 498
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-07-16 07:29:43 Score: 6
This hymn made some theological points that I'm not sure fit that well
within Middle-earth. Particularly, it had a salvationistic air to it (that
Iluvatar must save us from our sinful tendencies); it seems, from my reading
of the Silmarillion that men and elves in Middle-earth are created basically
good and it is up to them to struggle against and subdue their temptations;
they don't need a god to do that.

That point aside, though, this poem had a very nice feel; it was almost
Victorian. It scanned well and (excepting the few theological points I
mentioned above) you worked in mentions of life on Numenor that moved the
hymn from Christianity into Tolkien's world.

Title: Swords <>
Returned . Author: Leaward
2> . Races/Places: Men: Eriador . ID: 172
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-07-16 10:19:32 Score: 4
This was very sad. Children in the Angle probably would learn about life and
death early on, since it was a part of their life. Tarkil was a cute kid,
but I can see the makings of a great man. Interesting OCs all around, and I
like the custom of watching to see if a ranger carries two swords. (My only
qualm is I think that Beleg would have been more confused about what Tarkil
was asking about at the beginning.)

Title: Heirs of <>
Isildur . Author: Dwimordene
. Races/Places: Men: Eriador . ID: 243
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-07-16 10:47:05 Score: 6
This piece is hilarious, very enjoyable -- at least at the beginning and at
the end. But that light-hearted humour bookmarks a very serious discussion
of the troubles Aragorn would have faced as the (how did Dwim put it?
something like) "the uncrowned and very much in the way of danger
chieftain). And that discussion was well carried out, very insightful both
to the situation and to Halbarad's and Aragorn's character.

I wonder, though... Halbarad says that he too loves someone other than
Thiriel. Having read Dwim's other pieces (specifically "Not In Our Stars"),
is Halbarad speaking of Aragorn himself here? If so, it's wonderfully angsty
and daring for Halbarad to say it to his beloved's face. I'm not sure I
could have pulled it off without giving myself away.

Title: Not
In Our Stars . Author: Dwimordene
. Races/Places: Men: Eriador . ID: 245
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-07-16 12:03:36 Score: 10
This piece does a fine job of getting to the heart of the guilt that a
homosexual Dunedain Ranger, especially if that Ranger happens to Halbarad,
might have faced. The motto of "Do not bring it home" seems like a
reasonable rule of thumb; I have heard about homosexual relationships having
some prevalence and acceptability in male-only institutions like the
military or boarding schools or even among monks, so it makes sense that the
Rangers would have similar "problems". It brings to mind an interesting
question: would homosexuality be more acceptable with races that have an
excess of men, such as dwarves or ents? (I think a shortage of men would
translate more often into polygamy than lesbianism, but that's a completely
separate issue.)

Modig is a first-rate original character, and by the end of NIOS I was
weeping (and raging) right along with Halbarad at his mistreatment. It's so
sad that his society would do this to him, though I can certainly see this
happening. Now I want to know what happened to him -- whether he was only
trying to earn a living and prefers women even though he can tolerate men,
and so was able to evventually marry, or whether he eventually becomes a
Ranger and finds fulfillment that way, or whether he is doomed to a lonely
life in a culture that will make no room for him. As nice as the
relationship between Halbarad and Modig was, though, I think my favourite
part was Halbarad's angsting over Aragorn near the beginning, before he left
the tavern. Very well done, Dwim.

Title: Tales of the Hunter <>
. Author: ErinRua
7> . Races/Places: Men: Eriador . ID: 722
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-07-16 12:56:53 Score: 5
This story had a nice feel to it. I liked the portrayal of a family of the
Northern Dunedain, the somewhat distant love that influenced so much, and
the story-telling (which I think would be a major way to pass the hours).
The way you used the story to create parallels between the years reminded me
very strongly of "Fried Green Tomatoes", where Itchy tells Rose the story
about the ducks carrying the lake with them to Mississippi. That's a good
association, and your story lives up to it. ;-) Well done, Erin.

Title: Arnor
<> Ascendant .
Author: Dwimordene
. Races/Places: Men: Drabble . ID: 232
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-07-16 13:19:44 Score: 6
I had never thought what the Dunedain of Arnor in Isildur's day would have
thought of the fact that Valandil was the last of the line. But of course it
would seem like dark times. First Elendil's and Anarion's death in the Last
Alliance, and then Isildur's own death in such a seemingly meaningless way
(not a great battle or anything). You captured that worry quite well.

Also, I liked how you kept the identities of the three speakers hidden until
the very end. That made the piece work so much the better, because these
were men who had known Isildur and had every reason to be critical of the
new king. Very nice work, Dwim.

Title: Another
<> Name .
Author: Elana
> . Races/Places: Men: Drabble . ID: 296
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-07-16 14:28:24 Score: 7
This drabble deals with the age-old question of whether the ends justifies
the mean (though perhaps the author would not frame the question that way),
but with a twist. Usually an ends vs. means debate circles around whether it
is right to hurt others to serve some greater end; here the question is
whether it is worthwhile to harm yourself. And I think Strider (Aragorn,
Estel, Thorongil, whomever ;-P) has the right end of the stick: if he told
Barliman and the rest of the Breelanders what he did in the Wild, that
sacrifice would be less worthy. Perhaps the Breelanders would preserve their
safety, but not their innocence. It's wonderful to think that the decision
to take the surname "Telcontar" -- which would be his offspring's identity,
perhaps the one thing he could give them -- came from the fact that he was
willing to give up his own pride for the innocence of those he served. An
interesting point.

Title: Morgul
<> Vale .
Author: Gwynnyd
6> . Races/Places: Men: Drabble . ID: 1306
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-07-16 14:53:40 Score: 2
Interesting. I like the fact that Aragorn is willing to brave Mordor for
friendship of Gandalf; that seems fitting somehow. Your descriptions,
especially in the secend paragraph, were particularly engaging.

Title: A net
<> of warring
duties . Author: Tanaqui
> . Races/Places: Men: Drabble . ID: 1361
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-07-16 15:55:33 Score: 5
"The palantir shows your treachery. I will be the tool of none." (Except of
course, Denethor, of your own paranoia and fear brought on by the palantir.

Liz, you did a fine job of showing just how scared Denethor was of Gandalf,
and how unfounded (and ultimately costly) that fear was. You chose good
events to show what Denethor saw as a loss, and through them did a good job
of explaining what he might have been thinking about the weeks before
Gandalf showed up with Pippin. A most interesting slice of his mind.

Title: Pride
<> . Author:
> . Races/Places: Men: Drabble . ID: 1366
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-07-16 17:36:11 Score: 7
What first caught my attention about this drabble was the perspective of the
first paragraph. Tanaqui could have told us that Eomer rubbed his knee where
the colt had kicked him. That would have been (technically) following the
"show-don't-tell" maxim, but what she does here is so much stronger. She
doesn't even tell us that Firefoot has hurt Eomer. It's all "show" and not a
bit of "tell" mixed in.

Moving on from that, we have several details that all combine beautifully.
Not only is Theodred teasing Eomer about his choice in horses, but Eomer
ignores him -- both of which actions seem personally in character. And
Firefoot's scamperings... beautifully told. I am not a horse person, but I
imagine this is very accurate. At least it seemed very accurate to me. All
told, this was one very nice drabble. Well told.

Title: Downfall
<> . Author:
> . Races/Places: Men . ID: 354
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-07-17 07:59:47 Score: 5
This story reminds me somehow of the Biblical story of the Flood. Of course
there's the obvious parallel of a deluge, but what really caught my
attention is that the people in this double drabble were too proud to flee
earlier, but now that they want to it's too late. (In terms of the Biblical
story, the door ot the boat is closed.) It was a strong parallel for me,
whether Forodwaith meant it or not, and makes for an interesting add-on to
the Akallabeth. I'm sure that there were couples like this one here, and it
is sad that they had to perish -- but in the end it makes for a good story.

Title: Fairer Than
<> Most . Author:
5> . Races/Places: Hobbits: War of the Ring . ID: 69
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-07-17 17:26:51 Score: 4
Interesting extrapolating of how the hobbits would react to Gandalf's
description of Frodo. Merry and Pippin were written as too soft for my taste
toward the end; I mean, I'm not sure they would have been that open, and
that they would have gotten to the point quite that quickly. But the
beginning was well told, and the big of interaction between Sam and Aragorn
at the very end was priceless!

Title: And the Halfling
<> Forth Shall Stand
. Author: Shirebound
5> . Races/Places: Hobbits: War of the Ring . ID: 511
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-07-17 17:48:25 Score: 3
This piece had lots of good insights, both into the characters of Merry,
Sam, and Pippin, and into the reason why they would take up the Ring. I also
like the idea that the "halfling" who stood forth didn't necessarily mean
Frodo -- very humble of him.

Title: While the Ring
<> Went South... .
Author: Thundera
> Tiger . Books/Time: Gap-Filler . ID: 33
Reviewer: daw
6> the minstrel . 2005-07-17 19:35:03 Score: 9
This was one of the first fanfics I ever read. I was impressed then, and I
am impressed now on rereading. You do such a fine job using dialogue to lay
out the relationships and action. Each character has a distinctive voice.
And they are characterized in ways that make sense given their backgrounds.
Boromir, for instance, is a warrior, a guy who's used to action and to being
in charge. He doesn't know these people, and he's wary and restless, and who
can blame him when Gandalf, Aragorn, and Legolas know about the wargs, for
instance, and don't tell him. The hobbits fantasize about food. Legolas is
very elfy in his talents and his way of speaking about things like the
mountains having no love for elves or dwarves.

Another thing I like is that you let the hobbits be adults, even though
they're still hobbits. For instance, when Pippin talks to Frodo about his
difficulty sleeping, Pippin comes across as caring and insightful.

I admire your pacing. You don't hurry but the story doesn't drag either. I
think with this large cast of characters, that's important. You take your
time to show us all of them, how they are in themselves, and how they relate
to one another.

This is just an all around excellent story.

Title: Together
<> In One
Breath . Author: Pipspebble
4> . Races/Places: Hobbits: War of the Ring . ID: 816
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-07-17 19:47:55 Score: 3
This piece does something I have never seen done effectively before: it
captures that feeling of being so tired that you feel so lost. It's
prevalent especially with fevers, but I can see it with Pippin's kind of
injury as well. You did a good job of capturing that, and that he clung to
Merry even at this desperate pass.

Title: Sapphire
<> Aurae . Author:
6> . Races/Places: Elves: Imladris . ID: 164
Reviewer: LOTR_lover
4> . 2005-07-18 10:58:29 Score: 9
What a great story this is! I appreciate how concise your writing is--you
used clear, tight prose and made every word count in this story. I love the
relationship you gave Elrond and Celebrian, and the same for the
relationship between Galadriel and Celeborn.

Elrond is one of my very favorite Elves, and the way you wrote him thrilled
me. He was majestic and approachable at the same time. And Celebrian was
every bit as wonderful as the elleth he loved. She was strong and feminine
as he was strong and masculine. Fine characterizations. The same again for
Galadriel and Celeborn. Celeborn has a difficult time of it as the husband
of a powerful female--he's simply a cipher in too much fanfiction. You're
one of the few writers who write him as strong as he surely must be to hold
Galadriel's love.

Your Glorfindel is also very well written. His anguish when Elrond asks him
to kill him if Sauron wins stands out, as does his sinking to the floor with
his head in his hands when Elrond pulls Vilya from his finger and throws it
on the nightstand. This whole scene, with its various reactions from the
others in the room, is one of the best examples of showing characters'
emotions from their actions that I've seen.

All in all, this story is one of my all-time favorite pieces of fanfiction.

Title: Marred <>
Stars . Author: Bejai
6> . Races/Places: Elves: First Age . ID: 673
Reviewer: LOTR_lover
4> . 2005-07-18 11:12:09 Score: 3
This is a lovely story, full of hope. I don't know if I would want to go to
Aman either, at this time in the history of the Elves. I loved the way Elmo
listed the denigrating names the other elves had for his people and rebutted
them. Seeing Celeborn as a carefree youngster was refreshing. And I
recognized the sand dollars right away.

Title: Winter
<> Encounters
. Author: jastaelf
> . Races/Places: Elves: Mirkwood . ID: 294
Reviewer: LOTR_lover
4> . 2005-07-18 11:14:05 Score: 6
Wonderful story, wonderful Thranduil. Your descriptions of Elf and Dwarf
customs and the interaction between Thranduil and Gloin are spot on--while
reading this story, I get the feeling that "of course, they lived like
this," even though we are writing and reading fanfiction. I guess what I'm
trying to say is that it "feels real"; that is, that even JRRT would read it
and say "Yes, that's just how it was."

I loved the descriptions of the many moods of Thranduil, too. Puckish,
loving, terrified for his son, diplomatic, imposing, and downright scary at
times, and all in the course of a short story! Not to say that you overdid
it--that's not what I mean. He's mercurial, and you write him that way. Good

Title: Afterthoughts
<> . Author:
. Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Gondor Drabble . ID: 230
Reviewer: Nancy
5> Brooke . 2005-07-19 16:19:20 Score: 3
I liked this drabble a lot, and not just because I'm a Boromir fan. It
handled changes in feeling, reactions, and interplay very nicely and
subtely, and I liked that Elrond was interested, that Faramir's first
reaction was to laugh, and that Boromir here was a little superstitious like
any other soldier.

Title: The <>
Men of the South . Author: Dwimordene
. Races/Places: Villains: Drabble . ID: 233
Reviewer: Nancy
5> Brooke . 2005-07-19 16:21:43 Score: 2
This is a remarkable drabble. Within the brevity of 100 words it creates an
entire world of servitude to Sauron, taxes, human trafficking, the pride
even such a society can engender, and memorable characters.

Title: East Wind
<> . Author:
1> . Races/Places: Gondor: Poetry . ID: 264
Reviewer: Nancy
5> Brooke . 2005-07-19 16:39:52 Score: 2
This was nicely done and a different take than I've seen before, to have the
East wind be so appropriately sinister. Very fresh and enjoyable.

Title: Intertwined <> . Author: Karri
7> . Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings . ID: 105
Reviewer: jillian
baade . 2005-07-19 21:22:36 Score: 3
That was very sweet, not sugery, but cute. Somehow it is appropriate Legolas
gave the three hobbits charms. And each charm suited for each hobbit!

A nice story, um, but the bit I liked best was Legolas was prepared to
sacrifice some of his gorgeous hair to make the charms. Oh, and now I know
why all elves have long hair, LOL.

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