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Msg# 5122

Reviews Final as of 8/17/2005 part 38 Posted by Ainaechoiriel August 17, 2005 - 23:35:01 Topic ID# 5122
Title: Heirlooms
<> . Author:
6> . Genres: Humor: Drabble . ID: 402
Reviewer: Werecat
> . 2005-07-31 11:11:24 Score: 1
Cute. The last line was priceless.

Title: Triumph
<> Incarnate
. Author: Elena
7> Tiriel . Races/Places: Villains: Drabble . ID: 198
Reviewer: Werecat
> . 2005-07-31 11:14:50 Score: 1
Probably one of the most powerful drabbles I've read. Good work.

Title: Alas,
<> Poor
Ufthak! . Author: Elena
7> Tiriel . Races/Places: Villains: Drabble . ID: 200
Reviewer: Werecat
> . 2005-07-31 11:16:40 Score: 1
Deliciously morbid. Loved it.

Title: Orc's
<> Best
Friend . Author: Forodwaith
> . Races/Places: Villains: Drabble . ID: 384
Reviewer: Werecat
> . 2005-07-31 11:26:21 Score: 1
Awww... Loved the warg's POV.

Title: Sea <>
Longing . Author: EdorasLass
9> . Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Gondor . ID: 699
Reviewer: annmarwalk
7> . 2005-08-01 10:28:54 Score: 6
A brief, lovely vision of two small boys and the woman who lavishes all her
love and care upon them. EdorasLass's details are perfect - it's very clear
she is a woman who knows and loves small children, and she brings Boromir
and Faramir to mischievous, irrepressible life as no other author does.
Other details - Finduilas's elfish blood contributing to her decline; the
contrast of sea-kissed Dol Amroth to the impervious Minas Tirith("The White
City is stone -- hard, cold, unyielding. It seems to have no scent of its
own.") are imaginatively and expressively written, with great affection for
each character and feature. The original character of the Governess is well
drawn, realistic, and very engaging - as far from a Mary-Sue as can be
imagined. Very well done!

Title: To the Sea <> .
Author: SilverMoonLady
3> . Genres: Adventure . ID: 770
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-08-01 16:44:33 Score: 5
This is a very nicely-told story. As original fiction it is a compelling
tale of love found, love lost, and the complications that arise from that.
And it has a nice symmetry, how Isengar eventually returned to the Sea.

My only complaint is that it almost doesn't feel like fanfic. I know, there
isn't much canon at this time, and you did incorporate some bits (such as
the unaging old man being Gandalf). However, for many of the canonical
characters there just wasn't much to connect them with the books except
their names. Besides that, though, this was a very enjoyable read.

Title: A Bitter
<> Gift . Author:
> . Races/Places: Cross-Cultural . ID: 47
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-08-02 14:28:45 Score: 6
This piece has a simple majesty to it that is truly captivating. It is easy
to write humour or cute fluff involving Elrond and young Estel, but much
harder to write serious drama. Here you capture the heart of a child just on
the cusp of adolescence, when childish games will have to be put aside bit
by bit, and more adult matters will intrude onto the child's conscience. The
way you tie in bits form the Silm, both Elrond's history with his brother
and the Downfall of Numenor. Before I read this I imagined Elrond must have
had this conversation many times with his brother's heirs, but somehow this
seems fresh; Elrond has to really think about the answers. It seems there's
something truly unique about Estel -- but then we already knew that. ;-)

Title: Intertwined <> . Author: Karri
7> . Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings . ID: 105
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-08-02 15:18:17 Score: 3
This was a fun story. As much as I liked the explanation of "elven magic"
(and a different kind than Galadriel's), I really loved how Sam compared
Legolas to the other Elves he had met in Rivendell. Having Sam describe it
really drove home the distinction between High Elves and Wood Elves.
Though... poor Sam, having to march all night with no sleep!

Title: The Other Day <> .
Author: Space
5> Weavil . Books/Time: Post-Ring War . ID: 159
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-08-02 15:43:42 Score: 4
This piece had a light humour to it, not slapstick but just gentle mirth. I
have to admit I laughed at the comment about men fighting over roses (I'm
still smiling, thinking about that -- great line), and the way you showed
the years passing... I am truly impressed. But at the end the sadness was
joined by a quiet sorrow that gave it balance. In retrospect I can see the
sadness there all along.

Title: Sing of <>
Eowyn . Author: elanor_of_aquitania
> . Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Poetry . ID: 259
Reviewer: Chathol-linn
> . 2005-08-03 19:40:42 Score: 6
I liked so many features of this poem. First, it praises Eowyn, whom I view
as a heroine of the ages. I love works that show her in a positive light.
The structure of the poem follows the alliterative style closely enough to
seem authentically Rohirric, and the content sounds just like something a
court bard would sing. I enjoyed the device of presenting this as a
documented work of literature, as if the piece were taken from a textbook on
literature or history. I found my self curious about the life and times of
the poet. Last but not least, I loved the names. The author took some
trouble to find unique and appropriate names. Probably she knows Old English
very well. Good job!

Title: Sirion <>
. Author: Wild
7> Iris . Books/Time: The Silmarillion: Poetry . ID: 607
Reviewer: Chathol-linn
> . 2005-08-03 19:54:43 Score: 3
Only very good poetry can be both ominous and poignant at once. I liked the
economy of words used to evoke powerful emotions. I would like to have read
more that tied in specifically with the canon of Tolkien, as this poem could
apply to any sea-battle. I can easily imagine this being part of a longer
lament. Is it? In any case, nice job.

Title: Prayer
<> .
Author: illyria-pffyffin
3> . Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Hobbits . ID: 887
Reviewer: Chathol-linn
> . 2005-08-04 09:35:33 Score: 1
A sweet if predictable comment on the power of prayer.

Title: A Long-expected
<> Visitor . Author:
> . Genres: Horror . ID: 951
Reviewer: Thundera
> Tiger . 2005-08-04 13:26:47 Score: 4
This story had some great build-up to the horror at the end. I like the fact
that Fatty's day starts out as a relatively normal day, and then it seems to
get worse even though nothing unusual really happens. It's just a sense that
things aren't right, which is a creepy feeling. I also liked the comparison
between a Nazgul's presence and the air in a graveyard. That made for some
very good imagery.

Title: In the <>
Wild . Author: Forodwaith
> . Genres: Horror . ID: 304
Reviewer: Thundera
> Tiger . 2005-08-04 13:29:40 Score: 4
Good story with good pacing. The action is quick and brutal, and the moments
in between are just long enough to drive up a fair amount of suspense. It
helped that Mallor's death caught me by surprise and made me a bit twitchy
for the rest of the story. I would have liked to see more from the Nazgul,
but given the circumstances, it's probably for the best that the dark night
became a dark and stormy night.

Title: Something Wicked
<> This Way Comes .
Author: Werecat
> . Genres: Horror . ID: 130
Reviewer: Thundera
> Tiger . 2005-08-04 13:34:49 Score: 5
Deliciously creepy. What I love most about this story is that you're never
sure if it's real or if it's a trick of the mind, and that's unnerving
enough in its own right. The Mouth of Sauron (a dark figure any day) feels
like he could still work some mischie, but what makes him especially
frightening is that he's insane enough to be dangerous and sane enough to be
deadly. I loved the poem he keeps repeating, too. The idea of something
pretty being mixed with mud and torture and pain makes for a very nice
juxtaposition. Creepy, creepy, creepy.

Title: Namesake
> . Author: Ruby
2> Nye . Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Post-Ring War . ID: 271
Reviewer: Marta
> . 2005-08-04 13:40:20 Score: 3
This is an endearing tale of the first meeting of Faramir Took and Faramir
son of Denethor. I think you did a very nice job of getting at Faramir's
softer side, what he would be like when he was completely free of stress.
Whatever pressures he might be carrying, he checked them at the door. You
did a fine job at getting at the heart of hobbit culture, too.

Title: Freak
<> Show .
Author: Nickey
4> . Genres: Horror . ID: 862
Reviewer: Thundera
> Tiger . 2005-08-04 13:40:40 Score: 7
I'm not sure what I was expecting when I read this story, but it took me by
surprise and completely pulled me in. I think the juxtaposition is what
really grabbed my attention. Initially, the scene is portrayed as bright and
sunny. But the dark and grim italicized portions hint that something is
terribly wrong. Then the sunnier portions also become dark as the hobbits
enter the freak show, and eventually, both portions become darker still
until they meet up in the end and become one. It's like watching two very
different paths join at the final destination and discovering that the roads
are more similar than you'd like them to be. The fact that such a sunny road
could lead to such a dark place makes it that much more unnerving, and in
the end, I think even the reader is left wondering about past, present, and
future. Very well written!

Title: The Last
<> Fight . Author:
4> . Genres: Horror . ID: 1006
Reviewer: Thundera
> Tiger . 2005-08-04 13:50:34 Score: 8
Quite possibly the most chilling thing I've read recently. I love the way
that Merry's few lines about his experience at the Barrow-downs were used to
create an entire backstory for the wraith that took him. And that backstory
is dark. Very dark. In fact, it's so dark at the beginning that it almost
seems impossible to get darker, but it does and it does so quickly. The
sequence where things are both there and not there is filled with wonderful
imagery that really pulls a reader into the thick of things, but I think
what struck me hardest were the last few lines. The idea that Merry has just
become part of something much bigger and much darker than was ever realized
or appreciated during the course of the books is a terrifying notion. And
the idea that the last fight has become his is it's a brilliant tie to the
defeat of the witch-king and almost everything else Merry does. Somehow this
story manages to embrace all of LotR while never leaving the terrifying
grounds of the Barrow-downs.

Title: Time and Times
<> and Half a Time
. Author: Honesty
4> . Genres: Horror . ID: 1024
Reviewer: Thundera
> Tiger . 2005-08-04 13:57:46 Score: 10
This story is gut-wrenching, terrifying, brutal, and absolutely brilliant. I
love it for all those reasons, but what I think I love most about it is just
how many levels of meaning the title has in relation to the story. There are
so many things that are unfinished in this story. Even the story itself is
has an unfinished feel to it, though it's certainly a complete tale. But at
the end, there are still questions without answers, and I love that because
it allows the reader's mind wander and dwell on all sorts of horrible
possibilities as well as hope for redemption of some kind for poor Legolas.
Another reason I love this story so much, though, is the fact that Gimli is
such a strong presence throughout it. The dwarf is only mentioned by name in
the first chapter, but he's definitely essential to what happens. Gimli gets
so little quality time these days, and he's in rare form here. He's what
makes the process unfinished, and he's also part of what makes the tale
unfinished. Which of course goes back to the title, which goes back to what
happens to Legolas, which goes back to what happens to Gimli, and so on.
Beyond all that, I loved the present tense moment-to-moment feel that this
story creates, and I loved the very visceral imagery. And finally, I loved
the final few paragraphs that carry enough resolution to close the story but
not quite enough to completely end it. Powerfully written.

Title: And Empty Holes
<> It Fills .
Author: Lindelea
> . Genres: Horror . ID: 1183
Reviewer: Thundera
> Tiger . 2005-08-04 14:08:29 Score: 6
Brilliant little piece that builds well on both what has happened and what
is happening. I like the idea that Merry is afraid of the dark, and I like
even more the idea that he used duty as a way of shielding himself. It feels
like the sort of thing that Merry would do. But now it's come full circle,
and the gleam of hope at the end of this little vignette is almost painful
to hear because of how dark the end has become. It reminds me of how light
can temporarily blind those just waking from a long sleep, and I wonder if
that's how it felt to Merry, even though he clung to Pippin's words. Great
imagery, and great build to the end.

Title: A Bitter
<> Gift . Author:
> . Races/Places: Cross-Cultural . ID: 47
Reviewer: Thundera
> Tiger . 2005-08-04 14:19:40 Score: 5
Deep questions for a nine-year-old to be pondering. I like the way these
questions came about, too, through the death of a horse. It was probably
something of a shock for Estel, and I love the fact that he immediately
begins thinking of his mother. Elrond's words to Estel are perfect both
characters. They're couched in a language that a boy can understand, but
there's more to them in case Estel wants to look further. I liked the
comparison with the trees, too. That's a good visual image for both Estel
and the readers.

Title: Last Hope
<> . Author:
2> . Races/Places: Cross-Cultural . ID: 64
Reviewer: Thundera
> Tiger . 2005-08-04 14:24:51 Score: 5
There really ought to be more Gilraen stories, particularly stories with
such great characterizations on all involved. Elrohir, in particular,
intrigued me. I enjoyed his patience with Aragorn, and I loved the little
things that were added to his personality, such as when he accompanied the
gift of an apple with a fantastic tale as to why that apple was enchanted. I
think it was all the little things like this that added together in order to
make the story feel so complete. Very satisfying tale.

Title: He
<> Stands
Not Alone . Author: Azalais
7> . Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Drabble . ID: 147
Reviewer: Thundera
> Tiger . 2005-08-04 14:26:45 Score: 4
I love that moment in Moria, when Legolas drags Gimli from Balin's tomb. And
I like how the title references another moment when Legolas stepped in when
Gimli looked as though he might need assistance. But perhaps I like best the
fact that in this story, Legolas acted without thought. It was just
something he did, and that says a lot about him. What says almost as much is
the fact that Gimli thanked him at the end. Good characterization.

Title: "They
<> are
courteous, if they break their silence." . Author: Gwynnyd
6> . Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Humor . ID: 575
Reviewer: Thundera
> Tiger . 2005-08-04 14:30:19 Score: 5
This was a wonderful little vignette. I loved the complete confusion on the
part of Elladan and Elrohir. I don't think Gimli realizes there's been a
miscommunication, but that just makes it all the more enjoyable. How many
dwarves have to be involved in a fight against orcs to count as a battle?
Priceless. I also loved the miscommunication over "dagor" and "dagger." A
lot might have been explained if Elladan had stuck with Westron, but then,
this story would have never happened. It would be interesting to see how
Legolas explains this. I don't suppose there's a follow-up?

Title: Night and Day <> .
Author: Marta
> . Races/Places: Cross-Cultural: Post-War of the Ring . ID: 953
Reviewer: Thundera
> Tiger . 2005-08-04 14:31:52 Score: 3
I love stories that show just how wise Gimli can be, and this is definitely
one of them. His realization that he and Eomer are not so different -
despite the fact that the difference is night and day - is rather profound.
Good expansion on a great scene from the books.

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