Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 5230

Community Spirit / Support ~ w/your MEFA reviews/votes Posted by sulriel August 24, 2005 - 13:48:03 Topic ID# 5230
You've signed up for these awards - if you've reading, reviewing and
vote - THANK YOU!

... if you're uncertain or unsure, think about these things ...

This is your chance to reward those authors you know and the stories
you love, and a wonderful opportunity to find new stories, including
those hidden gems that everyone talks about that are so seldom seen.

There are over 1200 stories nominated for the MEFA's and already
nearly 2500 reviews. That sounds like a lot of reviewing, but
considering the number of stories available, that's a low average - a
lot of stories don't even have one or two reviews yet.

Consider that most sub-categories have between 5 and 15 entries, so
competition is very fierce in some categories.

This is your chance to make a real difference to someone in the
fandom. Just think about how excited you are to hear from a new
reader, this is the perfect time to pass that along, to pay it
forward. Even a single line of praise is worth at least a point,
maybe two. YOUR VOTE MATTERS. Even if you only read and review a
few stories, you've been a part of these awards.

Remember that fanfiction is about community as much as it is about
the craft. Be a part of that community. We need you to participate
to make these awards work. In most contests, the winners are
decided by a handful of judges. In this contest, ANYONE, EVERYONE,
contributes to the judging pool. But you have to sign up, log in and
do some reviewing. The more reviewers we have, the more even the
results will be. *Every single individual counts.* The more you
review, the more you count. It's entirely up to YOU.

In most organizations, any kind of local or national club, you have a
few activists who do most of the work. The MEFAs are the same way -
and we greatly appreciate those who have the time and energy to
devote to managing and especially those who are putting in high
numbers of reviews, but unless you take a proactive role in this
community, those few are deciding for you who'll win these awards.

Do you feel that your work is overlooked for the more popular names?
This is your chance to read/review and publicly recognize other
authors like yourself who may be new to the community or have only a
few stories to their name.

If you care about seeing authors and stories recognized for their
work, sign up, log in, read and review. If you can only do one or
two - you've made a difference. If you can do a couple a week,
you've made a lot more difference and that's what this community is
all about. Sharing our work and supporting each other.

Voting season ends Sept 30th, so don't think for too long, go ahead
and get some votes in.


Msg# 5231

Community Spirit / Support ~ w/your MEFA reviews/votes Posted by sulriel August 24, 2005 - 14:03:15 Topic ID# 5230
You've signed up for these awards - if you've reading, reviewing and
vote - THANK YOU!

... if you're uncertain or unsure, think about these things ...

This is your chance to reward those authors you know and the stories
you love, and a wonderful opportunity to find new stories, including
those hidden gems that everyone talks about that are so seldom seen.

There are over 1200 stories nominated for the MEFA's and already
nearly 2500 reviews. That sounds like a lot of reviewing, but
considering the number of stories available, that's a low average - a
lot of stories don't even have one or two reviews yet.

Consider that most sub-categories have between 5 and 15 entries, so
competition is very fierce in some categories.

This is your chance to make a real difference to someone in the
fandom. Just think about how excited you are to hear from a new
reader, this is the perfect time to pass that along, to pay it
forward. Even a single line of praise is worth at least a point,
maybe two. YOUR VOTE MATTERS. Even if you only read and review a
few stories, you've been a part of these awards.

Remember that fanfiction is about community as much as it is about
the craft. Be a part of that community. We need you to participate
to make these awards work. In most contests, the winners are
decided by a handful of judges. In this contest, ANYONE, EVERYONE,
contributes to the judging pool. But you have to sign up, log in and
do some reviewing. The more reviewers we have, the more even the
results will be. *Every single individual counts.* The more you
review, the more you count. It's entirely up to YOU.

In most organizations, any kind of local or national club, you have a
few activists who do most of the work. The MEFAs are the same way -
and we greatly appreciate those who have the time and energy to
devote to managing and especially those who are putting in high
numbers of reviews, but unless you take a proactive role in this
community, those few are deciding for you who'll win these awards.

Do you feel that your work is overlooked for the more popular names?
This is your chance to read/review and publicly recognize other
authors like yourself who may be new to the community or have only a
few stories to their name.

If you care about seeing authors and stories recognized for their
work, sign up, log in, read and review. If you can only do one or
two - you've made a difference. If you can do a couple a week,
you've made a lot more difference and that's what this community is
all about. Sharing our work and supporting each other.

Voting season ends Sept 30th, so don't think for too long, go ahead
and get some votes in.
