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Msg# 5305

9/3/05 Final Reviews Posted by Ainaechoiriel September 04, 2005 - 1:00:21 Topic ID# 5305
74 Final Reviews today!

Title: Fairer Than Most · Author: SlightlyTookish · Races/Places: Hobbits:
War of the Ring · ID: 69
Reviewer: Vistula the Dunadan · 2005-09-02 22:27:02
This is great! The banter between the cousins reminds me of the kind of
picking and poking that my cousins and I have done over the years. They are
at once teasing and loving. I also liked the serious turn the conversation
took in the middle, but was glad to see it turn back to humor in the end.

The capper, though for me was Sam's line to Aragorn: "No Sir, sometimes
they're even worse." It gave me a grand little chuckle.
Title: Mae Govannen · Author: Azalais · Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drabble ·
ID: 148
Reviewer: Vistula the Dunadan · 2005-09-02 22:44:47
Very nice view of Glorfindel through the eyes of Aragorn. I suspect he would
have been a very welcome visitor at that point - Aragorn, in spite of his
Dunadan heritage had to be running on empty by then. Hard to imagine how our
favorite ranger would have faired if he'd have been forced to fight the
Wraiths again.
Title: Beyond the Door · Author: ErinRua · Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drabble ·
ID: 283
Reviewer: Vistula the Dunadan · 2005-09-02 22:52:23
Oooh, what eerie foreshadowing on Halbarad's part. I love Aragorn's attempt
at comfort, and Halbarad's confident statement: "I shall fear nothing, lord,
while you lead us." It is great that he sees comfort in the fact that his
possible death will bring about the return of the white tree and all it
stands for.
Title: Ties That Bind · Author: LadyAranel · Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drabble
· ID: 457
Reviewer: Vistula the Dunadan · 2005-09-02 22:59:27
What a heart breaking drabble. Legolas and Aragorn knew Gandalf much longer
than any of the other members of the fellowship and it is so easy to forget,
as they minister to the needs of the others, that they too would feel
intense grief at Gandalf's fall. But unfortunately, at this time of the
quest, they don't have the luxury to indulge that sadness. I like it that
Aragorn acknowledges Legolas's hurting and offers some small comfort.
Title: A Step in The Dark · Author: SilverMoonLady · Books/Time: Gap-Filler:
Drabble · ID: 1221
Reviewer: Vistula the Dunadan · 2005-09-02 23:03:09
Chilling! This made me a shiver. Poor Merry, to be that filled with the
darkness. Despair makes one do crazy things, I'm glad Legolas was there to
call him back to the light.
Title: In Bree · Author: Rabidsamfan · Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drabble · ID:
Reviewer: Vistula the Dunadan · 2005-09-02 23:07:41
Nicely done. The comparison that Frodo makes to their sleeping in the barrow
is very poignant. I love Frodo's tenderness toward Merry at the end. Great
use of 100 words.
Title: Fellowship · Author: Gwynnyd · Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drama · ID:
Reviewer: Vistula the Dunadan · 2005-09-02 23:13:22
This is an interesting take on how Legolas came to join the fellowship -
though bringing an archer along definitely makes sense. I like how you've
portrayed Aragorn's ire at the size of the group and his lacking as an
Title: Links · Author: Forodwaith · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: General
Drabble · ID: 23
Reviewer: Vistula the Dunadan · 2005-09-02 23:19:48
Beautifully sad. It's good to see Frodo pay tribute to Boromir and to
acknowledge that the two of them were indeed bound together by the ring.
Perhaps, as Frodo wonders if Boromir is finally free of the Ring, he is also
wondering if it will take death to free him as well.
Title: Blossoms · Author: ErinRua · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: General
Drabble · ID: 287
Reviewer: Vistula the Dunadan · 2005-09-02 23:25:37
This is beautiful. Who else, but Legolas, would beable to see the joy of
impending fatherhood in Aragorn's eyes. As the queen blooms, so too does the
city...what a lovely analogy.
Title: Aragorn Himself Waits for a Sign · Author: Gwynnyd · Books/Time:
Post-Ring War: General Drabble · ID: 392
Reviewer: Vistula the Dunadan · 2005-09-02 23:28:12
How very sad. It would have been so difficult for Aragorn to wait, not
knowing if Arwen would be his at last. It would have been a hollow victory
to win the kingship and not his heart's desire. I can easily see him using
any means at his disposal to see if she would come.
Title: Guarding the Shire · Author: Shirebound · Books/Time: Post-Ring War:
Gap-Filler · ID: 513
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2005-09-03 04:42:16
I love Merry, the thinking, analytical hobbit. He shines as the hobbit for
his time - when the Shire becomes aware of and has to deal with the outside
world. Good general, too.
Title: Who Will Care? · Author: faramir_boromir · Books/Time: Post-Ring War:
Gondor · ID: 612
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2005-09-03 04:49:01
The chaos in the library is so symbolic of the end of Denethor's reign - and
Faramir's calm order indicative of a new world where different peoples and
customs again have meaning. Faramir is just the kind of man to know that
what he does may never be seen by any - yet do it anyway. Great Faramir.
Title: Servant of Elbereth · Author: Beethoven's 7th · Races/Places:
Villains · ID: 796
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 08:18:42
Servant of Elbereth is a gem of a story. I love Beethoven’s 7th perspective
coming from an orc, who feels very non-essential in the events surrounding
the battle around the One Ring. I like how Beethoven’s 7th takes her time to
unfold the story, very delicately and at the same time gives us a different
perspective on how Sam and Misterfrodo managed to go on during their final
miles to destroy that trinket. It is a short story, but there is so many in
it, that it gives you the idea that it is much longer then it actually is.
As for our main character, Hahrvye, I see a change in him throughout the
tale. Deep down, in my humble opinion, Hahrvye, is still elven enough to
crave for redemption, want to fight for what is good in this world. It is
incredibly touching to read that before he dies, I think, he remembers who
he once was and whom he once loved: Varda, the lady who loved the elves so
much and guided them with her stars. To me Hahrvye, though marred – just
like Arda herself-, becomes an elf again.

Now, once you finished reading the story, you really have to read it again
and you will read it from a different perspective. It makes you wonder if
instead of his own inner drive, Varda has guided him all along to follow the
halflings and shows him the way to return to the light. This detail alone
makes this story outstanding, this besides a good command of the language, a
good story writing technique. A incredible story Beethoven’s 7th, I can only
hope to see more if this incredibly well written work coming from you!

Title: And Now to Bed · Author: Marigold · Races/Places: Hobbits: Drabble ·
ID: 783
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 08:31:57
This is so incredibly... cute. A great drabble series from Marigold, in
these four drabbles she reflects the changes all of our four hobbits have
gone through during the war of the Ring. Especially Sam's drabble was very
touching. Great work Marigold!!
Title: Bedazzled · Author: Beethoven's 7th · Races/Places: Hobbits: Drabble
· ID: 976
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 08:32:40
I am going to be honest here: I love fireworks, so forgive my ramblings.
What I like about this little drabble is how Beethoven’s 7th describes in
just 100 words the magical effect fireworks can have over you. And not just
standard fireworks, no the very best: Gandalf’s fireworks! No wonder every
hobbit there is in awe, no matter which age. The author writes almost
poetry, words carefully chosen and balanced, she conveys this special moment
on the evening of Bilbo’s birthday. A lovely drabble! Thank you Beethoven's
7th for drabbling this!
Title: Marigold · Author: Marigold · Races/Places: Hobbits: Drabble · ID:
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 08:39:17
What a great drabble series! Marigold gives us readers a great insight on
Tolkien's Marigold so down to earth, always taking care of others and very
hobbity. A youthfull hobbitlass, yet so incredibly productive. What I also
liked about this drabble series is the way the author gave it form and I am
very curious how Marigold's song actually goes. Yet again, great work
Marigold! There is so much in there in less then 400 words.
Title: Elements of the Resistance · Author: Marta · Races/Places: Hobbits:
Drabble · ID: 939
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 08:47:17
A nice drabble series, although it isn't very clear that it is about Fatty.
But I assume that was the intent of the author in the first place. The
elements are nicely woven into the words and add a pinch of the grimmness
regarding the war to it, it almost kills the hobbity feeling. A good thing
the lads came back.
Title: Second Watch · Author: Gwynnyd · Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drabble ·
ID: 410
Reviewer: Tanaqui · 2005-09-03 08:50:36
Gwynnyd has captured well the commonality of experience between Pippin and
Boromir in this short moment. We really feel Pippin’s discomfort and
homesickness in the descriptive details she has managed to cram into this
piece. We are also able to deduce so much about Boromir’s mood and feelings
from not only his heartfelt agreement at the end but from the way Gwynnyd
describes how he keeps watch. This is a very well constructed piece.
Title: Aragorn Himself Waits for a Sign · Author: Gwynnyd · Books/Time:
Post-Ring War: General Drabble · ID: 392
Reviewer: Tanaqui · 2005-09-03 08:50:49
I like several things about this drabble. One is the way Gwynnyd conveys
that technology -- and power itself -- is intrinsically neither good nor
bad. It is only the uses we put it to. Another is how Aragorn still has a
care for politics and duty, even though he has personal concerns. But mostly
I like the way Gwynnyd subtly shows us Aragorn’s real fear: not that Elrond
will not bestow his daughter now that Aragorn has achieved his goal, but
that, while “all is well in Gondor”, all may not be well elsewhere in the
world, and that there may be loss and sorrow in Rivendell as well as in the
Title: Morgul Vale · Author: Gwynnyd · Races/Places: Men: Drabble · ID: 1306
Reviewer: Tanaqui · 2005-09-03 08:50:52
This drabble is a good gap-filler for a throwaway line from Aragorn: it does
a fine job of explaining his motivations and feelings for “treading the
flowers of Morgul Vale”. However, what I most like here is Gwynnyd’s use of
language: words such as “miasma” are perfectly chosen, while the combination
of adjectives Aragorn uses to describe the qualities he will need lend
greater power to each other through their union. A well-executed piece.
Title: Spoons · Author: LKK · Races/Places: Hobbits: Drabble · ID: 644
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 08:51:14
Fantastic LKK!! This one made me laugh. A very striking characterisation of
Lobelia and that last line regarding the umbrella... Excellent! Very daring
of Frodo to ask her what is in there the first place, it shows also a bit of
character growth of Frodo. I hope you one day will write a follow up on what
will happen next. A great drabble that makes the reader want to read more.
Title: The Taint of Guilt Lingering · Author: Vistula the Dunadan ·
Races/Places: Hobbits: Drabble · ID: 635
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 08:56:37
What an eerie drabble... wow. Vistula gives the reader in just 100 words how
Sam tries to resist the One Ring. It lures you, tempt you where ever it sees
the opportunity to do so and even our brave Sam finds it hard to resist. A
great portrayal of the One Ring Vistula! In this drabble you let the reader
feel the immense power of it and write it as the second character in this
excellent drabble. Great work!
Title: A Gift · Author: Forodwaith · Races/Places: Hobbits: Drabble · ID:
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 09:01:39
An incredibly cute drabble featuring little Pippin. And just not a gift, but
an incredibly gift coming from Bilbo Baggin's, who still remembers what a
wee!Pippin needs. Very cute and very hobbity! Well done Forodwaith, I really
love this one!
Title: A Step in The Dark · Author: SilverMoonLady · Books/Time: Gap-Filler:
Drabble · ID: 1221
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 09:11:19
A dark and most dangerous part of Lord of the Rings this most certainly is!
What an awesome drabble. In just hundred words, Silvermoonlady write a very
chilling moment that keeps me on the edge of my seat. Again, I mutter
silently: more..

I love the author’s take on Merry’s experience when they walk the dangerous
path through Moria and I am very relieved when that certain elf hand stops
Merry in time before he falls down. A missing moment in Tolkien’s story
itself, but a astounding gap filler. A drabble is just hundred words, but
Silvermoonlady gives you an experience that feels like it is ten times more.
As a reader, I wonder how you managed to do that. A great piece of writing
Silvermoonlady, your drabble has been an experience in itself!

Title: No Rival · Author: Tanaqui · Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drabble · ID:
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 09:13:46
A very nice drabble Tanaqui. I love the way how you approach this from both
perspectives and feelings. You capture much in so less words: a great job!
Title: Before the Call to Muster · Author: Lindelea · Books/Time:
Gap-Filler: Drabble · ID: 461
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 09:17:16
A breathtaking drabble with so many in it. Lindelea touches upon the
relationship between our favourite halflings with so much care and love:
that clearly shows through the eyes of Pippin. Both periannath have grown up
so fast and that is another detail Lindelea captures in this very refined
Title: Second Watch · Author: Gwynnyd · Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drabble ·
ID: 410
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 09:19:03
Very touching Gwynnyd, I love the comparison between Pippin and Boromir
regarding what they have wanted to hear from both their fathers. Well done!
Title: Master of the House · Author: Vistula the Dunadan · Books/Time:
Gap-Filler: Drabble · ID: 639
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 09:21:19
Sam goes where he wants to be, even when it means he has to disobey Elrond,
who in his wisdom, surely understand why Sam feels this need.

A nice drabble Vistula!
Title: Ties That Bind · Author: LadyAranel · Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drabble
· ID: 457
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 09:28:26
What a very beautiful drabble that says so much in so many words. I can only
assume that every reader is deeply moved between this little conversation
between Aragorn and Legolas. Lady Aranel gives both characters so much depth
in the dialogue she writes, in this she also tells us so much what just
happened, connecting her drabble to the greater story Tolkien wrote.

Lady Aranel’s drabble gives me the feeling that this comes from the
professor himself, the way she chooses her words to reflect on Gandalf’s
fall. A gap filling moment that needed to be written. Just stunning Lady
Aranel, I enjoyed this drabble a lot!

Title: Devil of Kindness · Author: Nancy Brooke · Books/Time: Gap-Filler:
Drabble · ID: 685
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 09:33:57
Nancy! What an amazing drabble, it leaves me wonder how much feelings you
can pour in just hundred words. Gandalf's regret is incredibly tangible and
in this drabble you give your reader the chills. In this drabble (I read it
more then once and I am still amazed that it is just hundred words, it feels
so much more) you give the author insight in Gandalf's motive to bring down
Sauron once and for all! Well done!
Title: In Bree · Author: Rabidsamfan · Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drabble · ID:
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 09:37:01
A very insightful drabble into Frodo's world, a bit of foreshadowing of what
is to come... it makes you wonder how much Frodo already knew. It is
peaceful and yet angsty. A great piece of prose Rabidsamfan!
Title: Steel and Flame · Author: Flick · Genres: Romance: Poetry · ID: 736
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2005-09-03 09:37:20
I read this vilanelle just before going to bed last night; the words "fire
and steel" haunted my dreams. How I wish I could remember the dreams
themselves, in addition to the words!

Your words "When first your lover I became/ your heat the temper of my soul
did try" perfectly illustrate the contrast between cool, taciturn Strider
and the fiery Boromir, Of course Boromir would be a sore trial to Strider in
so many ways: potential rival for leadership of the Fellowship; potential
rival for rule of Gondor, even potential rival for the friendship and
affection of the hobbits. That the two were able to transfigure the heat of
rivalry to the heat of passion is very elegantly expressed here.

(There are so many gorgeous, gorgeous lines and imagery; and I know I'm not
supposed to quote them all, but each time I reread I am left breathless. The
very last :"I did not think that you could die" is heartrending, a perfect
expression of Aragorn's, and our, shock and desolation. Oh, my.)
Title: Boys to Men · Author: ErinRua · Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drabble · ID:
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 09:38:49
A very touching father-son moment of two minor characters. Beautifully
drabbled Erinrua!
Title: Mae Govannen · Author: Azalais · Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drabble ·
ID: 148
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 09:41:10
A great drabble about a great Noldo lord! Thumbs up Azalais, this was very
Title: Beyond the Door · Author: ErinRua · Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drabble ·
ID: 283
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 09:43:51
A very touching drabble between two of my favourite rangers. I love the way
Erinrua pictures Halbarad here, his determination to follow his chieftain to
whatever end. A great drabble Erinrua!
Title: The Test · Author: Forodwaith · Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drabble · ID:
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 09:46:47
What a great exploration of what might have happened to Arwen if she indeed
would have taken the ring. This is a very thoughtprovoking material, I can
imagine how a fellow author can be inspired by your amazing drabble. A great
job Forodwaith!
Title: Going to Rohan · Author: Gwynnyd · Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drabble ·
ID: 401
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 09:50:32
Oh what a wonderful drabble! Gwynnyd writes a desperate dunadan ranger who
tries to understand a stubborn stallion. I guess the young ranger mustn't
have been that experienced with horses if Roheryn teases him so much. I love
the desperation of your OC Gwynnyd and your very spirited picture of the
stallion. Thank you for writing this, I thoroughly enjoyed it (and I think
every other horseperson as well)!
Title: Bed Time, Part 2 · Author: Blackbirdsong · Books/Time: Gap-Filler:
Drabble · ID: 1248
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 09:54:43
I like this drabble series a lot. Blackbirdsong writes the four drabbles in
such a clever manner, that they really belong together and yet can be read
seperately. I like the author's characterisation, they are very strong,
Tolkienlike and on top of all: very hobbity! The author has a gift of
writing very compelling dialogue that is very enjoyable to read. A great
series of Drabbles Blackbirdsong, thank you for sharing them with us!
Title: At the Witch King's Feet · Author: Lindelea · Books/Time: Gap-Filler:
Drabble · ID: 459
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 09:57:42
A very chilling drabble written by Lindelea. The way how she portray's
Merry's despair and courage to do what must be done... I love the way how
the author captures the budding friendship between Éowyn and Merry. Great
drabbling Lindelea!
Title: Charity · Author: Dwimordene · Books/Time: Gap-Filler: Drabble · ID:
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 09:59:41
Very well drabbled, I liked the comparisons between two great men who met
their fate too soon. Great job Dwimordene.
Title: What Thou Lovest Well · Author: LadyAranel · Books/Time: Post-Ring
War: Incomplete · ID: 458
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2005-09-03 10:35:07
This is beautifully written and the characterisation is a delight. Write
more. Please.
Title: A Lesson on Hobbits · Author: Budgielover · Books/Time: The Lord of
The Rings: Incomplete · ID: 177
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2005-09-03 10:57:54
I loved the way Gimli became a hot water bottle for Merry and Pippin - and
his bemusement about becoming an honorary hobbit. He seemed to find it
rather easier to understand than Legolas did. The battle and the bath were
beautifully done and I'm sure Boromir and Legolas have developed a much
better grasp of life with hobbits. I look forward to more.
Title: The Party Next Door · Author: Acacea · Books/Time: The Hobbit · ID:
Reviewer: annmarwalk · 2005-09-03 11:04:22
How on earth did I miss this? Must be because it's hobbit-centric, of
course; not a Man anywhere in sight! And full of dwarves, too! I'm not much
for dwarves, generally, though Gimli is a nice enough sort...

...but this is just too funny! You've got the voice of the nosy, snooty
neighbor down just perfectly, with her (or maybe his? males can be nosy,
too!) constant harping on the respectability, and wealth, of the Baggins
family, and the shadiness of the Tooks. We've probably all had neighbors
who've taken a bit too much interest in our goings-on (or, by my point in
life, actually been one of those neighbors, myself.) But this is just
wonderfully,perfectly realistic with all the color and detail of the
visitors, and the aromas wafting over the fence, and the many many excuses
to be outside...very enjoyable! even without any Men.
Title: Cormallen · Author: Mariposa · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings:
Incomplete · ID: 807
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2005-09-03 11:31:12
This is a delightful rendition of those dreadful days while Pippin was
struggling to recover from injury. I like the healer - and Legolas and
Gimli. There is a very realistic, yet caring feel to the way this is
expressed and I like the style. What it needs now is to be finished!
Title: During a journey in the dark... · Author: Thundera Tiger ·
Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings: Incomplete · ID: 1254
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2005-09-03 11:42:50
I just love the interpretation that you put on events. And the
characterisation. And just generally the whole thing. You succeed in make
the story so exciting! I think you have a particular talent for describing
battle, too. There's only one problem with the story - it really needs to be
Title: Greenery · Author: Forodwaith · Books/Time: Post-Ring War: Gondor ·
ID: 14
Reviewer: quirky_orthodox · 2005-09-03 11:44:24
I just want you to know how much I enjoyed this story. You must have put in
a lot of research to get all those plant names and technical terms straight.
I really appreciate it when a writer makes a real effort. I also liked how
you addressed quite a few very deep issues without breaking the rhythm or
mood of the story. Thanks!
Title: Campdóm and Lufian · Author: Drake/Eokat CoAuthors · Genres: Romance:
Rohan · ID: 1039
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 11:44:53
Campdóm and Lufian is a captivating story that covers the romance between
two married original characters written from both the male and female
perspective. You can feel that, as a reader, in every word, gesture, and
touch written. You can feel the difference between them and also, in some
way, how separate both worlds are because of something that the Rohirrim had
to deal with for so many centuries: orcs and warfare. This story is
refreshing in such a way, that it doesn’t deal with the standard Rohan
characters and yet both authors give you that genuine Rohirrim feel.

Halig is a very sturdy warrior that tries to do his utmost best, the authors
do capture his doubt between home, and duty very well and I sincerely hope
that once the War of the Ring is over, Halig can enjoy his family more.
Rowen’s worries about the future mirror’s the feeling the Rohirrim woman
must have felt: when does this end, when can we serve our proud men the food
they deserve and when can we enjoy our husband more then the short reprieves
they are granted. It most certainly is the same fate every soldier’s wife
face every day. It must be incredibly hard for Rowen to face hardships
alone, but the role in the community has in this story makes sure she never
will feel alone. I loved the banter between the women a lot. I hope both
author’s will continue to write more about this lovely couple: this short
story most certainly leaves you wanting for more!

A job well done Eokat and Drake!

Title: By the Light of Earendil's Star · Author: Branwyn · Genres: Drama
(includes Angst): Incomplete · ID: 173
Reviewer: Bodkin · 2005-09-03 11:45:35
Beautifully plotted, written and characterised. Your additional characters
are delightful, too - and deserve more page time. I liked seeing a less
manic Denethor, who was able to be multi-dimensional. All in all, this is a
very good story and I'm looking forward to more of your work.
Title: Guilt · Author: Eokat · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) · ID: 1046
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 12:04:03
Guilt is a story that touched me deeply. Eokat takes me as a reader with her
words, description’s into Éomer’s world that in this short story is clouded
by worry, fear and a huge guilt regarding the love of his life: Lothiriel.
You can see how Éomer slowly grows into the role of his life: that of a
father. I like the moments of which Eokat chose to write the flashbacks:
those are most certainly the key moments of every single mother and father
to be.

There are so many fabulous lines, words or moments that made the story very
special: from the moment where Éomer swells from pride himself when
Lothiriel starts to show, or the flashback where he worries if he indeed
doesn’t hurt his beautiful life when they make love, or the moment where
Lothiriel muses that another child would be great as well. The thought only
makes Éomer wonder if he ever is able to go through this guilt trail again.
In that respect, Eokat shows her extraordinary writing talent: she brings
the story to full circle in the most natural way, without forcing the
characters or plot over all. I do have to admit that I hope for a sequel
where Eokat writes about Lothiriel’s experience of becoming a mother. But,
let’s be honest: this is about the birth of a newborn father who has gone
through an ordeal most fathers has faced. In that respect: this is a
excellent story Eokat and thank you for writing it.

Title: Ugly Beautiful · Author: MagicalRachel · Genres: Drama (includes
Angst) · ID: 1343
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 12:12:34
What a beautiful vignette on how Éowyn sees herself before all the good in
the world enters her life. I love the way how Magical Rachel gets into
Éowyn's head and brings out everything that Éowyn deeply fears: that golden
cage. I know Magical Rachel doesn't use that word, but she shows the reader
exactly how it feels. In this respect, I bow to Magical Rachel not to use
those words Tolkien used, but tells us what that would mean to Éowyn, even
before she falls for Aragorn. After I read this dramatic prose, I felt very
happy that I know Éowyn will find her true love and will be admired for her
beauty and heroic deeds. This gap-filling vignette is a perfect portrayal on
how Éowyn was before she went through all the ordeals to come. The author
apologises for making it to short, but her piece proves that you don’t need
long-winded sentences to get down to the bottom of the story.

Magical Rachel: I truly hope to see more of these vignettes or stories
coming from you, this one is truly a gem.

Title: To Live Another Day · Author: Kasmi Kassim · Genres: Drama (includes
Angst) · ID: 1052
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 12:21:34
Kasmi Kassim writes this vignette in such beautiful style, the dialogue
between Legolas and Aragorn is deeply moving. Friends help you to see your
path, friends stand by you in the hour of need. Legolas is such an elf, who
is gentle but direct at the same moment. Legolas gives Aragorn that purpose,
that answer and such a key moment.

Kasmi Kassim: what an incredibly thought provoking vignette is this. Thank
you for writing and sharing it with us!

Title: Gríma Goldentongue · Author: Lackwit · Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
· ID: 625
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 12:46:33
Gríma Goldentongue is a great story written by Lackwit, the author writes a
very lively picture how Gríma once was before Saruman influenced him. I like
how Lackwit explores Gríma's background, which gives us as a reader a great
insight on his character. I love Éowyn as well in this story, it is so great
to see her so carefree and full of joy here. I cannot help to think what
would have happened if his father listened more to his Gondorian woman and
how more balanced, Gríma might have turned out instead.

Lackwit's story telling reads as poetry, the manner how the author puts her
excellent narrative style in full use in this story is stunning. Especially
the comparison between Éowyn's beauty and the Golden Hall was very poetic
written. What I also appreciate about this story is how Lackwit touches upon
Rohirrim culture and how exceptional a Rohirrim princess is. What makes me
wonder though, and the author gives you plenty of room to make that decision
for yourself, is how much Theodred might have realised how easy Gríma can be
persuaded. Will there be a sequel written where Gríma Goldentongue changes
into Gríma Wormtongue? It would make it more complete.

A great short story Lackwit, with plenty of foreshadowing and drama!

Title: Beast of Burden · Author: Werecat · Genres: Drama (includes Angst) ·
ID: 118
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 12:57:50
What an incredibly sad story and such a brave horse. Written from an unusual
perspective, but very enjoyable.
Title: Long Leagues for Little Legs · Author: Fadagaski · Books/Time:
Gap-Filler · ID: 628
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 13:10:13
What a delightful little tale where Samwise gets to the root of everything
so quickly, leaving Boromir very surprised. I love how Fadagaski writes both
characters from such different backgrounds, with genuine dialogue of which
Tolkien most certainly would have approved off. And I love the title for
this short story a lot, it covers so much what it is actually about. Besides
this all, Fadagaski gives Boromir somewhat more humanity and makes me wish
that this part was included in the book itself.

An excellent gap filler Fadagaski!

Title: First Meeting · Author: Forodwaith · Books/Time: The Lord of The
Rings: Drabble · ID: 364
Reviewer: Tanaqui · 2005-09-03 13:10:51
Ah, this is magnificent drabble. Celeborn and Galadriel cannot have been
happy about the possibility of Arwen making Luthien’s choice and I’m sure
would have questioned Aragorn’s intentions and resolve, to make sure he was
very clear what he was asking -- and that he was not doing so lightly. I
like the strength Forodwaith gives to Aragorn, to respond to the challenge
of the concerned grandparents. The final line -- “I would hold it [her life]
close as my own.”-- is a wonderful expression of Aragorn’s devotion and
understanding of the precious nature of a mortal life.
Title: Just in Case · Author: Marnie · Books/Time: Gap-Filler · ID: 477
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 13:37:48
Celeborn being tempted by the One Ring, what an intriguing plot bunny
Marnie! I love the way how you explore the elven racial difference between
Galadriel and Celeborn, especially how the deceiving Annatar spins it (I
admit it, that alone makes it great to let a bodily shaped Sauron play a
role in your story alone). Oh how hard it must have been to see a Sinda
being ruled over a Noldo (in this case both Galadriel ánd Celebrimbor and
depending on what you do follow as a canon fact, Celeborn can either be a
Noldo or a Vanyar as well), no wonder this is one Celeborn’s weakest spots.
What I also like is the alluring effect of the Silmarils on Thingol and how
the One ring might blind sight Galadriel or him. Sauron still manages to sow
seeds of lies and mistrust, as his master Morgoth did before and even years
later, it is still so visible in Celeborn’s thoughts. In a way I am glad
that nature keeps his feet firm on the ground, but yet, as Galadriel said in
the prologue of the movies: you can be so easily deceived and betrayed by
that treacherous jewel (like the Master himself).

A beautiful story Marnie, it has so many layers, so many little plot bunnies
that might be worth exploring further. You leave so much up to the reader’s
imagination and yet you establish a very humanlike elf named Celeborn who
can be just as easily corrupted by the Dark Lord himself.

Title: All Else Fades · Author: Claudia · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings:
Hobbits · ID: 1263
Reviewer: Tanaqui · 2005-09-03 13:53:49
This is an insightful movie!verse AU in which Claudia explores Sam’s
thoughts as he treks across Mordor, believing Frodo has perished and he must
complete the quest. I like the way Claudia has shown Sam’s understanding of
Frodo’s torment and why Frodo empathised with Gollum. Sam’s fear that, with
the Ring destroyed, Frodo would have become as empty and driven as “Stinker”
is strongly conveyed. And the “attack” sequence is well conceived. There
were some very minor stylistic issues that troubled me, but they didn’t
detract from an excellent story.
Title: The Arial Object · Author: Beethoven's 7th · Races/Places: Hobbits:
Children · ID: 972
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 14:28:16
A very wee and lovable story on how Pippin views the toy he loves so much. I
am captivated by the way, how Beethoven's 7th manages to describe a toy as a
yo-yo in such detail and activity... truly amazing. Once you can spare the
time you have to tell me how you pull this off. Besides the incredibly
narrative, I loved the ending as well. It is so incredibly hobbity and so
wee!Pippin: stopping immediately when mom tells elevensies is ready. Now how
more hobbity can it get like that? *grin* I like the way how you write
Pippin as a child, so incredibly carefree.

Another great story Beethoven's 7th, you always leave me wondering how much
more beautiful stories you have hidden ;)

Title: Of Snowhobbits and Cold Chills · Author: Garnet Took · Races/Places:
Hobbits: Children · ID: 1190
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 14:35:33
Oh my! This is such a great story! I know how Pippin must have felt like in
the snow. Poor Pip and the ordeal he has to face with that bully. I really
loved Merry and Saradoc! Little Pippin might be young, but is so much more a
grown up as that bully. I like the way how you write the character
development here for all characters involved. Merry learns that he can’t
protect Pip forever, but will always try, Pippin who learns to bark and hey:
it does get him somewhere and that Berilac learns that bullying little ones
will fire back at him sooner or later. A great and insightful story on
Hobbit children Garnet! Even after reading it again, I am yet again amazed
by this story.
Title: A Falcon for the Nightingale · Author: Enismirdal · Books/Time: The
Silmarillion: First Age · ID: 63
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 15:58:43
I am always on the look out for great Maglor stories, when I discovered
Enismirdal’s ‘A Falcon for the Nightingale’ I was swept away immediately by
her amazing writing style. I admit I never actively read stories that
features the other elven minstrel, but after a few lines I knew I had to
keep on reading.

I especially loved this line: ‘It was then that Maglor began to realise that
his fate was not to flee this life, but to remain.’ This is such an
insightful line ... so is truly heartbreaking. Another part that is so
incredibly impressive is the moment when Daeron finds Maglor at the spot
where the Noldo cast the Silmaril into the sea. What follows after that in
ways of dialogue and narrative style makes my heart almost skip a few beats.
How will Maglor react, does Daeron know what he’s doing? Enismirdal builds
up to some great tension here.

Enismirdal writes so diligently and passionate about these two great
minstrels, that they are unique by themselves, not only in their histories
and life experiences, but also in their own unique talents. I am so happy to
see that both can offer each other comfort through friendship and redemption
offered to the one that needs it so badly. The tie in with Daeron’s personal
experience and to see it back into his efforts to reach out to Maglor is so
incredibly written that a happy sigh escapes me when Daeron finally
convinces Maglor to return home, into the West.

What a great story, such great story writing, so many emotions, feelings
poured in these words. I am glad that I discovered this story. Thank you for
writing this Enismirda!

Title: Shadow · Author: Celebsul · Books/Time: The Silmarillion: First Age ·
ID: 775
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 16:05:16
What an amazing story from an orginal perspective. I can only guess that it
is either a Vanyar or Noldo fighting here, that never has set foot on the
shores of Beleriand. I like the way you pour so much meaning into your
words, which makes it an incredibly read. A great story Celebsul!
Title: Growing · Author: Anso the Hobbit · Races/Places: Hobbits: Children ·
ID: 1178
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 16:15:41
What a delightfull, fuzzy wee!Merry story. I am amazed by the way how you
crawl into wee!Merry's head, portraying his fears so incredibly well.
Esmeralda surely has a hand full there. I love Frodo gives Merry the
encouragement and support he needs at that age. I love how you touch upon
Merry's resolve to be there for Pippin as well. Thank you for writing this
incredibly well written story Anso!

Title: One of The Lads · Author: Dreamflower · Races/Places: Cross-Cultural:
Vignette · ID: 980
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 16:28:32
What an incredible observation by Aragorn. It makes me smile that even after
so many of keeping watch over the Halflings by his very own rangers, the
four hobbits can surprise the chieftain himself. I personally think tireless
forages is merely an understatement of Merry's and Pip's role, immediately I
had to think of how they have seated themselves on Orthanc stones, welcoming
the rest of the fellowship after they fought so hard at Helms Deep! But I
disgress, forgive me.

Dreamflower, you have written an amazing story in which you write the
cultural differences between the varied races within the Fellowship and you
show us, through the eyes of Aragorn, how important the four hobbits were to
the the others and the important role they have played in the War of the

And these two lines Dreamflower: ‘They simply treated them all like large
hobbits. And it was rather nice, if sometimes disconcerting.’' Excellent!!
Title: A Chance Conversation · Author: Songspinner · Races/Places:
Cross-Cultural: Vignette · ID: 804
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 16:36:30
What a great story from Songspinner! I love the talk between Meriadoc and
Landroval and I had to chuckle when Merry started to talk to the great eagle
about Pippin and how he was named. It pains me to see Merry so restless, but
it gives me a good feeling that this little chat with an impressive eagle
gives Merry an idea what to do next and how important Merry is to the

Songspinner writes a beautiful vignette, with captivating dialogue,
excellent characterisation: it surely keeps the reader enthralled from the
first word to the last!
Title: The trouble with Jam · Author: grey_wonderer · Genres: Humor:
Children · ID: 882
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 16:54:42
Oh my goodness, what a great story featuring a very determined and
resourceful little Pippin. I especially admire the way Grey Wonderer writes
so incredibly well from a 6 year old Hobbit lad. Every thought, every action
reminds the reader how he/she was around that age. I also like the two
Bagginses in this beautiful tale, so very much in character, especially the
final part made me burst into laughter. All the trouble an danger Pippin has
put him through himself, just to be stopped by not being able to open the
jar himself. It might take him some years before he can do it himself, but
his Tummy must have roared immensly.

A wonderful wee!Pippin tale Grey Wonder, thank you for writing this!
Title: Triumph Incarnate · Author: Elena Tiriel · Races/Places: Villains:
Drabble · ID: 198
Reviewer: quirky_orthodox · 2005-09-03 17:05:58
Wow, for a drabble that certainly packed a punch. I don't normally read
pieces this short but I went wandering out of my category and found a gem. I
loved the use of repetition and the cold calculation, the pace felt slow
enough to immerse you even though it was such a brief scene and I adored the
climax - great stuff!
Title: "The Story of Poor, Unfortunate, Toffin" · Author: grey_wonderer ·
Genres: Humor: Children · ID: 764
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 17:20:10
Oh, what an incredibly humorous story told by Grey Wonderer. There is so
much to say about this little tale. First, I love the way how Grey Wonderer
writes about family dynamics between the four (yes I know that Sam isn’t
family, but well, he can be regarded as one after the ordeal they’ve gone
through), between every hobbit there is a special bond with the other and
Grey Wonderer does an amazing job with it. Isn’t it amazing to read
(accompanied with many chuckles) how Merry’s prank slowly starts to work
against him, but even wee!Pippin can’t see the harm of it? I can imagine
that Saradoc was livid!

Second: I like the story build-up, hopping back and forth at key moments are
cleverly chosen and most certainly add to the humorous take of Grey Wonderer
on ‘killer chickens.’ It makes the reader wanting to know what happens next,
especially when Pippin decides to tell what happened to Merry when his
father found out.

Third: yet again, I am simply in awe how Grey Wonderer writes accordingly to
the age of the hobbits. Little Pippin sounds and acts like a child in a
flash back and Merry also remains very true to his age in the way Grey
Wonderer writes him.

The dialogue is sharp and witty written, the pacing is excellent and very
active: it keeps on drawing the attention of the reader to the story. Even
that the Hobbits are so far away in Gondor, the re-telling of this tale to
Sam gives the characters a feeling of being home again.

Grey Wonderer: you are an amazing writer and every story I read coming from
your hand truly amaze me! Thank you for writing them.

Title: The Eavesdropper · Author: MysteriousWays · Genres: Humor: Children ·
ID: 867
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 17:24:56
Oh it's so incredible to read this story again. I love the way how
Mysterious Ways gives us insight in Frodo's childhood with such loving
parents. It is so incredibly caring and loving how the three interact with
each other, it really makes you feel sorry if you know that Frodo's parents
will be taken away from him. To me it feels that Mysterious Ways wanted to
give this family this tender moment and writes it with so much love and
care: an amazing story Mysterious Ways and a great read!

Title: The Best Brew in Buckland · Author: Marta · Books/Time: The Lord of
The Rings: Incomplete · ID: 934
Reviewer: Tanaqui · 2005-09-03 17:38:30
I know that Marta has plans to rework this story, but there’s much to admire
here already. She handles scenes with half a dozen characters with aplomb,
making sure the reader never loses sight of where everyone is and what
they’re doing, even if they’re not the principal actors at that moment. Much
of the interplay and dialogue between the characters is well drawn and very
entertaining. Minor characters, such as Faramir’s cousins, are nicely
handled. The use of many songs gives the piece a strong “Tolkienesque” feel.
And I admire the shift of mood from frivolous to serious and moving in the
last posted chapter. Pippin shines strongly here, and Faramir “letting his
hair down” and loosening up as he gets more drunk is well done.
Title: Hobbits · Author: Marta · Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings:
Incomplete · ID: 944
Reviewer: Tanaqui · 2005-09-03 17:38:53
As a “research geek” myself, I am delighted to see Marta is making the canon
information about Hobbits more easily accessible to both fanfic writers and
interested readers. I know how much hard work goes into working through the
texts and organising information into thematic sections. I applaud Marta’s
efforts in producing such a useful resource, and look forward to seeing
further additions to the work and its eventual completion.
Title: Playtime · Author: Naresha · Genres: Humor: Children · ID: 651
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 17:39:07
Oh Elfling fuzziness! We absolutely can't have enough of that. Naresha write
a very humorous and loving vignette in which Erestor tries to baby sit a
very active set of twins, while Glorfindel tries not to end up with them.
The famous Balrog slayer being floored by an elfling. Priceless Naresha! I
had to pick myself up from the floor … from laughter.

Uncle Fin and Wes or unky Findel??? How on earth .... lovely nicks Naresha.
*grin* If the little peredhel are already such an handful as elflings... try
to imagine them as grown up elves.. oh, perish that thought. The same goes
for a tied up Glorfindel. *ahem*

Oh this is such an enjoyable read, I love the way how Naresha plays with
words, especially regarding the elflings and gives us a pretty good idea
what Glorfindels true nightmare might look like. A great read Naresha, you
have a flair of writing elflings, maybe you can write a manual how to baby
sit a twin of them? *winks*

Title: Seedlings · Author: Beethoven's 7th · Genres: Humor: Hobbits · ID:
Reviewer: Rhapsody · 2005-09-03 18:15:23
Seedlings is a story I love a lot. In this beautiful story, Beethoven’s 7th
tells us how special the relationship between Samwise and Frodo is. I cannot
help to think that Samwise doesn’t want to stop Frodo from causing such a
disastrous trail through his precious garden en yet he feels so honoured
that Frodo shows such interest in his very love and life. The image of Sam
hovering around his little babies … beautiful. With the right words
Beethoven’s 7th show the reader how much Sam loves everything that grows:
especially in the Shire. Of course, we already knew that, but to read it
this way… very touching. And Frodo who still very much lives in his own
world. I could imagine how Sam wanted to be careful around his fragile
friend. The story also shows the research and knowledge the author herself
has of gardening and it feels like she had to rescue her precious flowers on
many occasions from a very enthusiastic helper. Beethoven’s 7th remains very
true to Tolkien’s characterisation of Samwise and Frodo in this story, the
way she writes the dialogue is truly fitting for a lazy afternoon in the

Now before other readers think this fits better in drama: it actually really
belongs in this category. The manner of writing is light and very hobbity.
Beethoven’s 7th writes a very attractive and active story (story technique
wise), that keeps the reader enthralled with an excellent pacing. Your
command of the language is excellent, as always Beethoven’s 7th!

Title: Reflections from the Paradise of Elves · Author: Bodkin · Genres:
Drama (includes Angst): Incomplete · ID: 1329
Reviewer: Jay of Lasgalen · 2005-09-03 18:49:51
Late as usual - sorry, Bodkin! My favourite fanfic characters are Elladan
and Elrohir, but so very few people write them well. I count you among the
few, and love the banter between the twins and Legolas that always shines in
these tales. Scattered through the humour are glimpses of the closeness
between E2, the pain of their past, and the memories they all have of those
they have lost.

Great stories, and I hope there will be many more.
Title: Goldfinch and Nightingale · Author: Nrink · Races/Places: Gondor:
Pre-Quest Drabbles · ID: 504
Reviewer: Marta · 2005-09-03 22:33:14
How sad! You have captured childish delight at a new sitewell here in the
character of Ivriniel -- but Finduilas's fondness and preference for the sea
is heart-breaking, given how we know later events turn out.


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