Yahoo Forum Archive

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Msg# 5310

E-mail Troubles, this time: Reason for my slowness Posted by Ainaechoiriel September 05, 2005 - 10:42:42 Topic ID# 5310
When an Outlook PST gets to be too big, say nearing 1G, problems happen. Outlook becomes terribly slow, the PST may break altogether and become corrupt. And your computer can slow to a crawl. Especially if that PST is also maxing out your hard drive partition.

And that's what happening to me. You see I have a spambait address. An address that exists for the purpose of buying things and signing up for things online, knowing that I'll get spammed as a result. Thus, that address gets a LOT of e-mail. More than ainae@... and the Henneth_Annun group. And that's saying something.

Anyway, on Friday, I took Outlook offline so I could delete a lot of the 13000 e-mails I had for that address, stretching back over 2 years. I took it back online Saturday night. And kept working. Hey, I've got it down to 11000! But Outlook is still hanging up. I'm going to try and get more of those gone soon, or at least moved elsewhere so my main PST can have some room to move around in.

So patience, please. I'm still dealing with a boyfriend-nearly-fiance (which surprising takes up a lot of time without you noticing it), a house that needs cleaning, a sister that needs loving and comforting, and one of 6 of my computers that is maxed out at 100% CPU processes--the one that handles my lotr-related e-mail among other things.

Thanks, and I'll keep you all posted on the boyfriend-nearly-fiance part. If/when the time comes, anyone here who wants to come to the wedding, can!
