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Msg# 5332

55 Author Reviews today 9/9/2005 Posted by Ainaechoiriel September 10, 2005 - 0:35:02 Topic ID# 5332
Author: Forodwaith . ID: 50 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): Drabble
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 02:39:31
In the drabbles "Links" and "Ithilieh, Part II," Forodwaith accesses some
very weighty matters but never weighs down the drabbles themselves. They
don't exactly have a light feel, but they don't feel as though they can't
support their own weight. And I think some of this might come from the
resolution found in the dialogue. There's never room for much dialogue in
drabbles, but Forodwaith makes the most of what's available. Very skillful
writing and nice handling of bittersweet moments. The narrative is weighty,
but there is also light to be found.
Author: Isabeau of Greenlea . ID: 182 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142):
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 02:43:39
Isabeau is a wonder with Imrahil and his family, but in the two drabbles
here, she proves she's also a wonder with humor. You see it in the longer
pieces, but the ability to weave that very wry sense of humor into these
drabbles is nothing short of remarkable. A lot of Isabeau's success has to
do with timing. Each drabble has a steady build to it, and Isabeau times the
moment of her humor to coincide with the moment when the reader begins to
wonder exactly what is happening. Even if the reader has an inkling as to
what is going on, the timing still adds punch to the humor and Isabeau adds
fans to the already lengthy list of admirers.
Author: Dwimordene . ID: 8 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): Drabble
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 02:52:02
Dwim's drabbles "Shield and Standard" and "Afterthoughts" remind me of
shells. Or a writer's outline once the rest of the story is perceived. There
is a lot happening in both drabbles, but Dwimordene pulls out only the
pertinent parts, highlighting the things that matter and leaving the rest to
the reader's imagination. It's a difficult thing to do because the question
arises as to how much is too much and what is unsaid that should be said.
But Dwimordene seems immune to those issues that confound us poor mortals,
and once again, in brilliant fashion, she manages to convey entire worlds in
just a few words. It's nothing short of amazing, and as always, I bow my
head before such amazing talent.
Author: Ijemanja . ID: 285 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): Drabble
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 03:01:52
Ijemanja takes a very novel approach to the question of what Eowyn would
have encouraged her daughters to do. Usually, authors make them shield
maidens just as Eowyn was, but in the space of one short drabble, Ijemanja
declares that such action would have been cruel on Eowyn's part and explains
the reasoning behind it. And this particular reasoning is clearer and more
logical than anything I've seen in extended works about Eowyn's children.
But perhaps most remarkable of all is the fact that Ijemanja packs the
reasoning into one, short sentence: "I will not be so cruel as to bring her
up to a life she can never lead." That sentence references Eowyn's
childhood, her struggle with Wormtongue her frustration with her uncle and
her brothers, her assumption of the name Dernhelm, her falll, and even her
change of heart when she realizes she loves Faramir. There's a note of
bittersweetness in it but also acceptance, and it's the perfect line to cap
the drabble off and bring it to a very thoughtful conclusion. Excellent work
on the part of Ijemanja. I'm still amazed at the power that was crammed into
a single sentence.
Author: Acacea . ID: 196 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): General
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 11:57:29
Introspection is an area that many authors like to attempt and almost as
many authors come up short. Acacea stands out as one of the few for whom
this does not apply. The stories "Restoration," "Dawn," and "Legacy" all
have a fair amount of introspection, but never does that introspection feel
forced or awkward. Acacea always manages to tie the introspection in with
something concrete. Essentially, it's given a realistic trigger, and once it
ensues, it never drowns itself. It finds depths, particularly in the story
"Dawn," but those depths are light enough for the circumstances, a prime
example being the story "Restoration." Such writing reflects a keen
awareness of people and events, so kudos to Acacea, who manages to push
Faramir into meditation but never pushes him too hard.
Author: Aliana . ID: 208 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): General
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 12:03:16
Most good authors find a way to punch the reader in the end. Sometimes
that's through a twist, sometimes through a profound observation, and
sometimes with a final clue that pulls it all together. Aliana's style seems
to resemble the latter, but there's a difference between her and other
authors. Where some drop the clues slowly over time, Aliana drops most of
them in the beginning, but they're scattered amidst other observations and a
reader doesn't put them together until the very end, which is where the
punch comes in. It makes for quite a remarkable read and an even more
remarkable second reading, because on the repeat journey, a reader knows
what to look for and can see just how much was missed. Very effective
writing and a very refreshing way to get that end punch in.
Author: Altariel . ID: 181 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): General
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 12:09:38
When someone mentions Altariel, I usually think of Gondor and the Steward's
family. But now I have to amend that because the story "Moss and Stone" is
about as far from Minas Tirith as you can get. Altariel deserves kudos upon
kudos for making me like Tom Bombadil. I usually tolerate him as a
character, but never has anyone made me look closely at him and understand
just how remarkable his priorities are. Or how much they probably reflect
Tolkien's own values. Insightful as always, Altariel puts everything into a
greater perspective using Gandalf's eyes, and the result is incredible.
Fantastic writing, but considering it's Altariel, it's hard to expect
anything less.
Author: Arandil . ID: 229 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): General
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 12:16:06
Arandil does something a bit daring in the story "The Shadow Within."
Daring, at least, to the eyes of much of the fandom, because Arandil stays
with Thranduil's perspective for the bulk of the story and gives him reasons
(LOGICAL reasons) for his position. It creates a very balanced and very
thought-provoking read, and it marks Arandil as one of the few authors
capable of taking the other side of the story and sticking to it.
Author: Bejai . ID: 236 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): General
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 12:23:46
Bejai's writing is difficult to describe. Part of the problem is that I'm
always so blown away by it that I'm rendered speechless, but another reason
might be the fact that Bejai manages to touch on nameless things. Things
that we can't really understand or feel because they don't belong to our
world. Bejai writes elves the way elves ought to be written. They're beyond
our grasp, and Bejai keeps them that way but also makes them accessible
enough that we as readers realize just how different they are. It's a
fantastic balance blended with brilliant metaphor and events, and I would
dearly love to know how Bejai pulls it off. Simply put, it's poetry, but
it's poetry on an ageless, timeless scale that brushes eternity and gives us
a glimpse of what it means to be elven.
Author: ErinRua . ID: 267 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): General
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 12:29:12
One of the hardest things for an author to portray is believable character
growth, and even harder than that is the end result of character growth
while skipping all the in-between steps. And of course ErinRua is able to
make something like that look easy, which makes me not a little jealous. The
story "Turning the Page" is a look at a very old Eomer who both is and is
not the Eomer from LotR. He's changed. He's matured. And yet he's still
Eomer. The seeds of his youth have grown into something else, but it's still
recognizeable. ErinRua takes what he is, pushes it forward into old age, and
creates something both new and familiar that presents itself as the only
logical characterization of an older Eomer. As always, I bow before her
skill. Thank you, ErinRua.
Author: faramir_boromir . ID: 340 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): General
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 12:35:23
Faramir_Boromir writes a very good Faramir-in-transition. Both stories in
this category are of Faramir during a major turning point (namely, the end
of Sauron, the return of the King, and the loss of his immediate family).
But faramir_boromir is tricky and while this is definitely a turning point,
Faramir's musings come in the quiet hours when one might expect thoughts to
be calmer. It's a brilliant characterization of Faramir, who is all duty
when the great changes are taking place, but afterwards, when left to his
own thoughts, he goes back over all that's happened. And faramir_boromir
makes certain that all aspects of Faramir's personality are accounted for,
both his love of books and his training to be a second son. Very full and
complete stories, both of them, and very deft touch on the part of the
Author: Gwynnyd . ID: 186 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): General
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 12:40:48
Gwynnyd's strength in both "Bare Feet and Beer" and "In Thranduil's Halls"
seems to be an ability to capture times of change. And also the people who
change with them. There's an awkwardness about such situation, like trying
to stick a square peg in a round hole, and that awkwardness comes primarily
from perceptions of what is expected. But once those perceptions change, the
resolution feels very nice and very comfortable. Strong writing on Gwynnyd's
part, and excellent treatment of difficult subjects.
Author: Isabeau of Greenlea . ID: 182 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142):
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 12:46:35
I've been impressed with Isabeau's ability to write humor, but in most
cases, that humor was ironic, wry, or subtle. The kind of blatant, almost
parody humor in "The Old Dwarf and the Sea" is a fantastic change of pace,
and Isabeau shows that she can write long, dramatic epics as well as bold
satires. Isabeau has always been good with timing, originality, and
ingenuity, but all three are taken to new heights in this story. I dearly
hope it is continued soon, because such talent is desperately needed. Thank
you for sharing as much as you have, and I urge you continue to share more!
Author: maranya14 . ID: 120 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): General
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 12:52:21
Maranya's gift in "Requiem for Boromir" and "A Merry Meeting at Bree" is her
ability to remember the characters and the scope of the writing. This is
clearly a very strong character author who is very well aware of the time
period in which the story takes place and the "feel" of each character. The
cast's contributions are appropriate for each character, and the perspective
of the story is very much in the hold of whoever is manning the narration.
Very solid writing with a nice, tight feel to it.
Author: Mariposa . ID: 270 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): General
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 12:59:36
One of Mariposa's greatest gifts is restraint. Which might not seem like
that big of a talent, but considering the very delicate subject matters
she's chosen to share, I don't think there could be a skill more suited to
this kind of writing. Mariposa avoids directly telling her readers what the
characters are thinking or feeling. She does that through their actions,
their words, and the way they interpret one another. The result is a much
richer and more vivid picture of the emotional landscape, and this creates a
complex tone within even the shortest story. The readers are allowed to draw
their own conclusions regarding the exact state of a character's mind, and
because the emotions aren't cheapened by mere words but rather encompassed
by broad actions, the story takes on a larger, layered feel. Fantastic
writing all around.
Author: Marnie . ID: 245 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): General
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 13:08:57
The thing that has always amazed me in Marnie's writing is her scope. She
covers everything, and I do mean everything. On the surface, "All Hallows'
Day" seems to be a story of homecoming for Elmo, but it encompasses more
than that and has underpinnings from the Silmarillion that alude to much
bigger events. And the story "Seeds of Old Trees" presents itself as a
reunion tale for Celeborn and Galadriel, but though that might be a major
focus, it's certainly not the only aspect of this. Marnie never fails to
forget the circumstances and situations that the characters face, and they
always weave themselves in to the personal conflicts, making these stories
both epic and focused. And of course I can't leave a review for Marnie
without remarking on the characterization, which is consistently full,
complete, and brilliant. Whether it's creating new characters to tell
another's story or getting deep into Celeborn's head as he adjusts to the
Undying Lands, Marnie manages to bring something new to the table each and
every time without ever straying from the original conception of the
character. Easily one of the strongest writers I've ever had the privelege
of knowing.
Author: Nrink . ID: 194 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): General
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 13:12:32
Kudos to Nrink for giving the characters in "Reconciliation" their due. Many
events have led up to the moment Nrink describes, and none of them are
forgotten. The characters are as complex as they were in Tolkien's own
writings, and Nrink takes the entertwining threads of their lives and brings
them to light in a very delicately crafted piece that has made me appreciate
Faramir even more than I already did. Which is impressive. Well done, and
thank you for a very insightful characterization of Denethor.
Author: quirky_orthodox . ID: 273 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): General
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 13:16:44
It's a rare author who can take two enemies from two very different worlds
and put them on even-footing. But that's what quirky_orthodox does with
Celeborn and Maglor. I think most of that comes from the give and take in
their conversation. Maglor seems to be in control for a while, but Celeborn
surprises him in the end. It's a very good method of achieving balance, but
it can be very difficult, as well. Excellent writing, and my heartfelt
thanks for giving both characters their due.
Author: SilverMoonLady . ID: 343 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): General
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 13:23:28
One of the things I like best about SilverMoon Lady is the fact that she
realizes ALL of the hobbits (not just Frodo) are complex characters with
feelings and motivations that, while hobbity on the surface, can often have
deep underpinnings. Her stories are not as light and cheerful as the stories
of other hobbit authors, but she backs up this difference with substance and
flawless characterization. Even the Shire went through its share of rough
spots, and SilverMoon Lady ensures that we never forget this. She gives her
hobbits depth, and she pulls these depths into the light with fantastic
plots that fit seamlessly into Tolkien's world. A very talented author, she
has made the hobbits accessible for me.
Author: SoundOfHorns . ID: 414 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): Incomplete
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger . 2005-09-09 13:31:53
SoundOfHorns has two very difference pieces in the Post-Ring War category.
"The Last Time" and "All For Her" are as about as far from one another in
mood and tone as they can get, which shows a talent for variety on the part
of the author. But something that does tie these stories together is the
complexity of the emotions. SoundOfHorns builds characters with conflicting
thoughts and drives, which results in layered emotions and extremely
realistic portrayals of the characters involved. It doesn't hurt that
SoundOfHorns' plots are as realistic and compelling as the characters
Author: Cuthalion . ID: 407 . Books/Time: Gap-Filler (58): General
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 17:56:47
I consider Cuthalion to be one of those hidden gems as I had not read any of
her work previous to this year's MEFAs. I was delighted with the balanced
blend of detail and imagery that brought the stories to life without being
overwhelming. I look forward to reading more of your work.
Author: Cuthalion . ID: 407 . Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings (111):
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 17:56:59
I consider Cuthalion to be one of those hidden gems as I had not read any of
her work previous to this year's MEFAs. I was delighted with the balanced
blend of detail and imagery that brought the stories to life without being
overwhelming. I look forward to reading more of your work.
Author: jastaelf . ID: 38 . Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings (111): General
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 17:57:00
Jasta is one of my staples in the Tolkien fandom. I chanced on her Dark Leaf
saga early in my reading and have followed that and her other works since, a
faithful reader if a somewhat lax reviewer. It's too easy to let the
favorites slide by, assuming they know how much everyone loves their work.
Hopefully this heartfelt note will make up for some of that. - ...and please
give Aikalerion my love, I'm always hoping to see more of him.
Author: jastaelf . ID: 38 . Genres: Humor (85): General
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 17:57:04
Jasta is one of my staples in the Tolkien fandom. I chanced on her Dark Leaf
saga early in my reading and have followed that and her other works since, a
faithful reader if a somewhat lax reviewer. It's too easy to let the
favorites slide by, assuming they know how much everyone loves their work.
Hopefully this heartfelt note will make up for some of that. - ...and please
give Aikalerion my love, I'm always hoping to see more of him.
Author: Rabidsamfan . ID: 380 . Genres: Drama (includes Angst) (135):
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 17:58:48
Rabidsamfan is another one of those delightful, although I can't say
'hidden', gems that I discovered through the MEFAs this year. I don't
generally read many Hobbits fics and so am not as familiar with those
authors as I should be. What a loss, I'm finding out. Rabidsamfan's work is
delightful, insightful and intriguing. Well-written with a careful blend of
drama and just a touch of humor. This is definitely an author I'll take note
of in the future.
Author: Rabidsamfan . ID: 380 . Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings (111):
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 17:59:03
Rabidsamfan is another one of those delightful, although I can't say
'hidden', gems that I discovered through the MEFAs this year. I don't
generally read many Hobbits fics and so am not as familiar with those
authors as I should be. What a loss, I'm finding out. Rabidsamfan's work is
delightful, insightful and intriguing. Well-written with a careful blend of
drama and just a touch of humor. This is definitely an author I'll take note
of in the future.
Author: Rabidsamfan . ID: 380 . Books/Time: Gap-Filler (58): Drabble
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 17:59:17
Rabidsamfan is another one of those delightful, although I can't say
'hidden', gems that I discovered through the MEFAs this year. I don't
generally read many Hobbits fics and so am not as familiar with those
authors as I should be. What a loss, I'm finding out. Rabidsamfan's work is
delightful, insightful and intriguing. Well-written with a careful blend of
drama and just a touch of humor. This is definitely an author I'll take note
of in the future.
Author: Havetoist . ID: 323 . Books/Time: The Silmarillion (67): Poem
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 17:59:20
I don't read much poetry at all, but you completely captured my attention
and emotion with this tragic and bittersweet tale. You have a unique style
in blending the horror and pain, and the longing, with the strength of their
Author: Dwimordene . ID: 8 . Books/Time: The Silmarillion (67): Drabble
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 17:59:21
Dwimordene is a prolific author. I have always liked turning things upside
down and seeing the other perspectives and I especially enjoy her talent for
looking at things from the other side.
Author: Ainaechoiriel . ID: 2 . Books/Time: The Silmarillion (67): Drabble
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 17:59:51
Ainaechoiriel shows special talent in her Silmarillion drabble series. I
enjoy most of her work, but her talent especially shows through in tying
these brief glimpses together, using only a touch of the darkness I've seen
in some of her other works adds the perfect flavor to this troubled time
Author: Lindelea . ID: 27 . Races/Places: Hobbits (90): Poem
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 17:59:52
Lindelea is a caring and dedicated author, whose love of Hobbits and her
love of her work shines through in her fascinating details and carefully
woven plots and twisting subplots. Working within Tolkien's Middle-earth,
she's crafted an elaborate world within a world with her extended hobbit
families - both their pasts and their futures in the Shire she's built, so
carefully crafted alongside Tolkien's. Keep up the good work Lindelea - I'll
try to be a better fan in the future and be more consistent with my reading
and reviews.
Author: Lindelea . ID: 27 . Races/Places: Gondor (79): Poem
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 17:59:54
Lindelea is a caring and dedicated author, whose love of Hobbits and her
love of her work shines through in her fascinating details and carefully
woven plots and twisting subplots. Working within Tolkien's Middle-earth,
she's crafted an elaborate world within a world with her extended hobbit
families - both their pasts and their futures in the Shire she's built, so
carefully crafted alongside Tolkien's. Keep up the good work Lindelea - I'll
try to be a better fan in the future and be more consistent with my reading
and reviews.
Author: Lindelea . ID: 27 . Genres: Drama (includes Angst) (135): Incomplete
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 17:59:55
Lindelea is a caring and dedicated author, whose love of Hobbits and her
love of her work shines through in her fascinating details and carefully
woven plots and twisting subplots. Working within Tolkien's Middle-earth,
she's crafted an elaborate world within a world with her extended hobbit
families - both their pasts and their futures in the Shire she's built, so
carefully crafted alongside Tolkien's. Keep up the good work Lindelea - I'll
try to be a better fan in the future and be more consistent with my reading
and reviews.
Author: Lindelea . ID: 27 . Genres: Adventure (13): General
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 17:59:57
Lindelea is a caring and dedicated author, whose love of Hobbits and her
love of her work shines through in her fascinating details and carefully
woven plots and twisting subplots. Working within Tolkien's Middle-earth,
she's crafted an elaborate world within a world with her extended hobbit
families - both their pasts and their futures in the Shire she's built, so
carefully crafted alongside Tolkien's. Keep up the good work Lindelea - I'll
try to be a better fan in the future and be more consistent with my reading
and reviews.
Author: Lindelea . ID: 27 . Genres: Drama (includes Angst) (135): General
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 17:59:58
Lindelea is a caring and dedicated author, whose love of Hobbits and her
love of her work shines through in her fascinating details and carefully
woven plots and twisting subplots. Working within Tolkien's Middle-earth,
she's crafted an elaborate world within a world with her extended hobbit
families - both their pasts and their futures in the Shire she's built, so
carefully crafted alongside Tolkien's. Keep up the good work Lindelea - I'll
try to be a better fan in the future and be more consistent with my reading
and reviews.
Author: Lindelea . ID: 27 . Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings (111):
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 18:00:24
Lindelea is a caring and dedicated author, whose love of Hobbits and her
love of her work shines through in her fascinating details and carefully
woven plots and twisting subplots. Working within Tolkien's Middle-earth,
she's crafted an elaborate world within a world with her extended hobbit
families - both their pasts and their futures in the Shire she's built, so
carefully crafted alongside Tolkien's. Keep up the good work Lindelea - I'll
try to be a better fan in the future and be more consistent with my reading
and reviews.
Author: Lindelea . ID: 27 . Books/Time: Gap-Filler (58): Drabble
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 18:01:07
Lindelea is a caring and dedicated author, whose love of Hobbits and her
love of her work shines through in her fascinating details and carefully
woven plots and twisting subplots. Working within Tolkien's Middle-earth,
she's crafted an elaborate world within a world with her extended hobbit
families - both their pasts and their futures in the Shire she's built, so
carefully crafted alongside Tolkien's. Keep up the good work Lindelea - I'll
try to be a better fan in the future and be more consistent with my reading
and reviews.
Author: jastaelf . ID: 38 . Races/Places: Elves (66): General
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 18:01:08
Jasta is one of my staples in the Tolkien fandom. I chanced on her Dark Leaf
saga early in my reading and have followed that and her other works since, a
faithful reader if a somewhat lax reviewer. It's too easy to let the
favorites slide by, assuming they know how much everyone loves their work.
Hopefully this heartfelt note will make up for some of that. - ...and please
give Aikalerion my love, I'm always hoping to see more of him.
Author: Dwimordene . ID: 8 . Books/Time: Gap-Filler (58): Drabble
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 20:35:15
Dwimordene is a prolific author. I have always liked turning things upside
down and seeing the other perspectives and I especially enjoy her talent for
looking at things from the other side.
Author: Lindelea . ID: 27 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): General
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 20:36:08
Lindelea is a caring and dedicated author, whose love of Hobbits and her
love of her work shines through in her fascinating details and carefully
woven plots and twisting subplots. Working within Tolkien's Middle-earth,
she's crafted an elaborate world within a world with her extended hobbit
families - both their pasts and their futures in the Shire she's built, so
carefully crafted alongside Tolkien's. Keep up the good work Lindelea - I'll
try to be a better fan in the future and be more consistent with my reading
and reviews.
Author: Lindelea . ID: 27 . Genres: Crossovers (16): Poem
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 20:36:20
Lindelea is a caring and dedicated author, whose love of Hobbits and her
love of her work shines through in her fascinating details and carefully
woven plots and twisting subplots. Working within Tolkien's Middle-earth,
she's crafted an elaborate world within a world with her extended hobbit
families - both their pasts and their futures in the Shire she's built, so
carefully crafted alongside Tolkien's. Keep up the good work Lindelea - I'll
try to be a better fan in the future and be more consistent with my reading
and reviews.
Author: Lindelea . ID: 27 . Races/Places: Hobbits (90): General
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 20:36:21
Lindelea is a caring and dedicated author, whose love of Hobbits and her
love of her work shines through in her fascinating details and carefully
woven plots and twisting subplots. Working within Tolkien's Middle-earth,
she's crafted an elaborate world within a world with her extended hobbit
families - both their pasts and their futures in the Shire she's built, so
carefully crafted alongside Tolkien's. Keep up the good work Lindelea - I'll
try to be a better fan in the future and be more consistent with my reading
and reviews.
Author: Dwimordene . ID: 8 . Races/Places: Villains (31): General
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 20:36:33
Dwimordene is a prolific author. I hae always liked turning things upside
down and seeing the other perspectives and I especially enjoy her talent for
looking at things from the other side.
Author: Rabidsamfan . ID: 380 . Books/Time: Post-Ring War (142): General
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 20:36:44
Rabidsamfan is another one of those delightful, although I can't say
'hidden', gems that I discovered through the MEFAs this year. I don't
generally read many Hobbits fics and so am not as familiar with those
authors as I should be. What a loss, I'm finding out. Rabidsamfan's work is
delightful, insightful and intriguing. Well-written with a careful blend of
drama and just a touch of humor. This is definitely an author I'll take note
of in the future.
Author: Thundera Tiger . ID: 86 . Races/Places: Men (31): General
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 20:37:14
Thundera Tiger has a gift with words and characterizations. I especially
enjoy the keen wit and insightful conversations that thread through all her
stories. Her talent seems to transcend genre and her tales are as compelling
regardless of if they are about Hobbits, Elfs, Men or Orcs. Thank you for
these enjoyable tales.
Author: Rabidsamfan . ID: 380 . Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings (111):
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 20:39:15
Rabidsamfan is another one of those delightful, although I can't say
'hidden', gems that I discovered through the MEFAs this year. I don't
generally read many Hobbits fics and so am not as familiar with those
authors as I should be. What a loss, I'm finding out. Rabidsamfan's work is
delightful, insightful and intriguing. Well-written with a careful blend of
drama and just a touch of humor. This is definitely an author I'll take note
of in the future.
Author: Rabidsamfan . ID: 380 . Races/Places: Villains (31): Drabble
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 20:39:21
Rabidsamfan is another one of those delightful, although I can't say
'hidden', gems that I discovered through the MEFAs this year. I don't
generally read many Hobbits fics and so am not as familiar with those
authors as I should be. What a loss, I'm finding out. Rabidsamfan's work is
delightful, insightful and intriguing. Well-written with a careful blend of
drama and just a touch of humor. This is definitely an author I'll take note
of in the future.
Author: Thundera Tiger . ID: 86 . Books/Time: Gap-Filler (58): General
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 20:39:56
Thundera Tiger has a gift with words and characterizations. I especially
enjoy the keen wit and insightful conversations that thread through all her
stories. Her talent seems to transcend genre and her tales are as compelling
regardless of if they are about Hobbits, Elfs, Men or Orcs. Thank you for
these enjoyable tales.
Author: Thundera Tiger . ID: 86 . Genres: Humor (85): General
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 20:39:58
Thundera Tiger has a gift with words and characterizations. I especially
enjoy the keen wit and insightful conversations that thread through all her
stories. Her talent seems to transcend genre and her tales are as compelling
regardless of if they are about Hobbits, Elfs, Men or Orcs. Thank you for
these enjoyable tales.
Author: Thundera Tiger . ID: 86 . Genres: Movie-verse (21): General
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 20:40:03
Thundera Tiger has a gift with words and characterizations. I especially
enjoy the keen wit and insightful conversations that thread through all her
stories. Her talent seems to transcend genre and her tales are as compelling
regardless of if they are about Hobbits, Elfs, Men or Orcs. Thank you for
these enjoyable tales.
Author: Thundera Tiger . ID: 86 . Races/Places: Cross-Cultural (80): General
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 20:40:04
Thundera Tiger has a gift with words and characterizations. I especially
enjoy the keen wit and insightful conversations that thread through all her
stories. Her talent seems to transcend genre and her tales are as compelling
regardless of if they are about Hobbits, Elfs, Men or Orcs. Thank you for
these enjoyable tales.
Author: Thundera Tiger . ID: 86 . Races/Places: Elves (66): General
Reviewer: sulriel . 2005-09-09 20:40:09
Thundera Tiger has a gift with words and characterizations. I especially
enjoy the keen wit and insightful conversations that thread through all her
stories. Her talent seems to transcend genre and her tales are as compelling
regardless of if they are about Hobbits, Elfs, Men or Orcs. Thank you for
these enjoyable tales.
Author: Azalais . ID: 187 . Genres: Crossovers (16): General
Reviewer: Dwimordene . 2005-09-09 22:33:20
In my review of "An Unexpected Party", I waffled on whether I thought this
was really a crossover, but I suppose in hindsight, that if it isn't one,
I'd be unable to give it any other generic description. That out of the way,
it's very difficult to mix two canons, where the rules and boundaries are
different, without doing a disservice to one of them at least. Azalais is
able to maintain a convincing English, modern day pub setting while
simultaneously presenting the Fellowship as recognizably themselves (minus
their self-knowledge, which is the major thing that made me waffle on the
cross-over question). That takes a great deal of skill and attention, and
Azalais comes through for us with a heart-warming tale. Thanks, Az!
Author: Amarie . ID: 211 . Genres: Crossovers (16): General
Reviewer: Dwimordene . 2005-09-09 22:35:11
Handling a Biblical crossover with a fictional world takes guts I don't
have-some things are just too precious to too many for me to take the risk
of playing with it, particularly when a fictional god is merged with God.
The ontology... the theology... the politics... my head, it hurts thinking
about it. But anyhow, I'm not an expert in ancient Judea's land or people,
nor am I a terribly Biblically savvy lapsed Catholic, but the Christ who is
presented was recognizable to me, as was the Elf inserted into the Biblical
narrative. Amarie does well to deal tastefully with the assimilation of
Middle-earth's theology to (one of) our own.
Author: EdorasLass . ID: 299 . Genres: Alternate Universe (20): General
Reviewer: Dwimordene . 2005-09-09 22:36:22
One of the difficult things about writing an AU is trying to find the right
starting place. You can't just decree that X shall no longer be the case,
and Y shall; arbitrariness is the bane of a good AU because that just
unmoors it from its necessary roots in the story as it is given. EdorasLass
finds the right moment where the story could have gone otherwise and
exploits it; she finds the proper moment and crafts an alternate persona for
each affected Fellowship member (among others) that is plausible given their
different personalities and desires and weaknesses that responds to the
altered situation she's put them in. In so doing, she gives a lesson (in a
brief vignette) about how to write a good AU. Keep up the fine work,

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