Yahoo Forum Archive

This is an archive of the MEFA Yahoo Group, which was shut down by Yahoo in 2019. The archive can be sorted by month and by topic ID. You can use your browser to search by keyword within the month or topic you have open.


Msg# 5358

New Gmail Address! Posted by Marta Layton September 13, 2005 - 21:17:36 Topic ID# 5358
Hey guys,

The MEFA admins have created a new email address to allow you to better
communicate with us. Exciting, right? ;-)

The cool thing about this is that it is an account that all admins can
log into. And because there are over 2 GB of storage space we don't
have to download messages to one of our computers. The practical upshot
for you guys is that if one of us is away from out of town or is
generally busy, the other can answer emails. And because gmail threads
replies (showing all of the emails that have been sent or received with
the same subject line in one window), it's easy for any of us to get
the gist of a conversation.

Hopefully, this means that we'll be able to serve you better. If you
have a question, of course you can still ask it here. And of course you
can still email me privately at (I love hearing from
people). But if you're a bit shy and want to ask privately , this is a
good place to do that. I try to check it at least once a day, and the
other admins who have the log-in info may also be checking it from time
to time.

Oh, and one other thing -- this is the "official" email. That means if
you get an email from me using this address, you can assume it's an
official statement regarding the MEFAs. I'll try my best to keep my
personal opinion out of such emails. I try to make it clear whenever
I'm speaking when I'm stating my own personal opinion and when I'm
communicating the awards policy , but hopefully this will be even
clearer. For you people familiar with HASA, it will be like receiving
an email from an address starting in HASA -- HASAChallenges,
HASAResources, etc. (And I only use HASA as an example because I have
adminned there in the past. I'm sure other archives and communities
have similar addresses.)

The address:

If you know anyone not a member of this group who needs to know this
address, feel free to spread it around.

I hope we haven't been suffering from lack of an official email, but
it's always a good thing to have. Feel free to use it.
