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Msg# 5376

11 Author Reviews 9/14/2005 Posted by Ainaechoiriel September 14, 2005 - 23:45:41 Topic ID# 5376
Author: Nilmandra . ID: 444 . Books/Time: The Silmarillion (67): General
Reviewer: lainien . 2005-09-14 14:53:49
In my mind, Nilmandra is the inventor of Elrond, Elrohir, Elladan, Arwen,
Aragorn, Glorfindel and Erestor. Her stories about Elrond's family and
history have made those characters more real for me than Tolkien did and
when I read Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit, it is Nilmandra's characters
that I see. History Lessons were some of the first fanfiction I ever read
and I was amazed by how rich a history Nilmandra created based on detailed
study of canon and great world-building skills. Her stories are true to
canon, true to the characters that Tolkien created but even better because
they allow us to see the details of Elrond's life and personality as Tolkien
did not. I am greatful that the MEFAs gave me an opportunity to de-lurk for
a moment and finally tell Nilmandra how much I have enjoyed her stories and
her world.
Author: SilverMoonLady . ID: 343 . Books/Time: Gap-Filler (58): General
Reviewer: lainien . 2005-09-14 14:54:15
SilverMoonLady is simply one of my favorite authors! For anyone who loves
hobbits, her stories--even her drabbles--are a must read. The first thing
that I love about her stories is the characterization. When I read her
hobbits speak, I can completely picture Pippin or Merry or Sam or Frodo
saying exactly what she has them say--she has perfectly captured their
voices. The second thing I like about her stories is the development of
minor characters that Tolkin only mentioned, like Diamond or othe
inhabitants of the Shire--these characters become so rich in her world. And
thirdly, I love the tale she weaves--her stories are rich and they draw you
in, making you feel the sadness or steamy romance or whatever the characters
are feeling. SilverMoonLady is truly a gifted writer.
Author: SilverMoonLady . ID: 343 . Genres: Romance (72): General
Reviewer: lainien . 2005-09-14 14:54:32
SilverMoonLady is simply one of my favorite authors! For anyone who loves
hobbits, her stories--even her drabbles--are a must read. The first thing
that I love about her stories is the characterization. When I read her
hobbits speak, I can completely picture Pippin or Merry or Sam or Frodo
saying exactly what she has them say--she has perfectly captured their
voices. The second thing I like about her stories is the development of
minor characters that Tolkin only mentioned, like Diamond or othe
inhabitants of the Shire--these characters become so rich in her world. And
thirdly, I love the tale she weaves--her stories are rich and they draw you
in, making you feel the sadness or steamy romance or whatever the characters
are feeling. SilverMoonLady is truly a gifted writer.
Author: elliska . ID: 143 . Genres: Drama (includes Angst) (135): General
Reviewer: lainien . 2005-09-14 14:54:56
Some authors take minor characters and really make them come to life. I
think elliska has definitely done that with the Elvenking from the Hobbit.
She obviously has really studied his character and background from not only
the Hobbit but also the Unfinished Tales and really has a good grasp of who
he is and why he is that way. And she portrays him in a very rich way--his
flaws and his strongpoints. And she has created an entire world around
him--family of OCs that are very believable and that are unique
personalities in themselves. You can see how they could be Thranduil's
family or friends but they are not all cookie-cutter characters or just
names for Thranduil to interact with. And I like how Thranduil interacts
throughout the Interrupted Journeys series to other canon characters,
particularly Elrond and Gandalf and Radagast. Her stories are complex yet
very readable and maintain a mystery that I am very interested in learning
more about.
Author: Budgielover . ID: 241 . Genres: Adventure (13): General
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan . 2005-09-14 16:43:31
Truly strong Fellowship stories, where no character gets lost in the
shuffle, are rare, but Budgielover specializes in them. Each person has a
distinct voice in all her stories, and the characterizations are so strong
that it's easy to forget that the things she writes about are not always "in
the book." And to add to the pleasure, she can come up with plots that pull
you in like the Watcher in the Water...
Author: SilverMoonLady . ID: 343 . Books/Time: Gap-Filler (58): Drabble
Reviewer: Lindelea . 2005-09-14 20:21:54
SilverMoonLady writes stories that are as rich, dark, and chewy as the best
fudge--interspersed with crunchy bits of humour and a flavouring of
sensuality. I love the way her characters interact! Her hobbits are mature
adults, not childish or cliched. She has developed a style of her own, with
a subtle sophistication, and is high on my "reading" list.
Author: Larner . ID: 242 . Races/Places: Cross-Cultural (80): General
Reviewer: Lindelea . 2005-09-14 20:22:40
Larner writes multi-layered stories rich in character development,
description, and history. Her characters have a weight and depth to them;
her OCs spring fully-formed from the page, and seeing canon characters
through their eyes lends new insights to a familiar story. This author does
not shy from difficult issues, yet these are never introduced gratuitously,
for "shock value", but there is often a moral or message, without overt
moralising. Long chapters, for the most part, but eminently readable.
Author: Dreamflower . ID: 115 . Races/Places: Cross-Cultural (80): General
Reviewer: Lindelea . 2005-09-14 20:23:25
Dreamflower writes detail-rich scenes and three-dimensional characters who
read like "real people" and not cliches or cardboard cutouts. I get the
feeling that even the minor "background" people have histories of their own,
stories waiting to be told, family and friends, hopes and dreams, all those
things that make us "real people" what we are. I don't get to read as much
of her work as I'd like, because her stories do not lend themselves well to
interruption (story of my life right now) and being pulled out of one of her
chapters is a rude awakening! I especially appreciate the wealth of research
that has gone into her stories.
Author: Eruanna . ID: 207 . Books/Time: Gap-Filler (58): General
Reviewer: Ghettoelleth . 2005-09-14 21:50:08
Eruanna is one of those delightful authors who can take a story from the
books and enhance it until what had only been a brief moment in relation to
the entire trilogy comes to life with sharp focus. She has a talent for
subtle manipulation of one single, seemingly unimportant aspect of a
character and building andentire, web around it that is just one of those
moments when you have to stand back and admire her wit. The specific example
I speak of is the story where she simply changed Haldir from an anonymous
warden to one of 'lesser refinement' compared to the white lady of Rohan and
from this premise has built a truly lovely story.
Her Hobbit short story is simply delightful and at the same time, so
touching. I really enjoy her writing style as well, very in keeping with the
spirit of Tolkien, yet never pretentious.
Author: Rhapsody . ID: 279 . Books/Time: The Silmarillion (67): General
Reviewer: Ghettoelleth . 2005-09-14 22:20:55
What can I say about Rhapsody that I haven't already said to her personally?
She is, without doubt, one of the most tenacious writers I have met in the
wonderful world of fan fic. She never ceases to amaze me with how, despite
her status as an english as a second language author, she always manages to
convey such depth in her canon characters and without ever wasting a single
syllable. I have had the luck to help her out on developing an a/u character
recently and I was quite taken with her ability to tough through some pretty
stiff concrit, go down a list issue by issue, take it away and come back
with an amazingly drawn and very true to canon character. I admire her so
much for not giving up and never losing faith in her ability to overcome
obstacles to get where she wants to be. In the end, it makes for some very
enjoyable stuff as well.
Author: Rhapsody . ID: 279 . Races/Places: Hobbits (90): General
Reviewer: Ghettoelleth . 2005-09-14 22:25:25
What can I say about Rhapsody that I haven't already said to her personally?
She is, without doubt, one of the most tenacious writers I have met in the
wonderful world of fan fic. She never ceases to amaze me with how, despite
her status as an english as a second language author, she always manages to
convey such depth in her canon characters and without ever wasting a single
syllable. I have had the luck to help her out on developing an a/u character
recently and I was quite taken with her ability to tough through some pretty
stiff concrit, go down a list issue by issue, take it away and come back
with an amazingly drawn and very true to canon character. I admire her so
much for not giving up and never losing faith in her ability to overcome
obstacles to get where she wants to be. In the end, it makes for some very
enjoyable stuff as well.

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