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Msg# 5380

3 Author Reviews 9/15/2005 Posted by Ainaechoiriel September 16, 2005 - 1:25:48 Topic ID# 5380
Author: Rhapsody . ID: 279 . Races/Places: Rohan (37): General
Reviewer: Isil Elensar . 2005-09-15 17:01:33
I keep telling you, many many times, that I love your stories. You do so
well with emotions that I do keep a stash of kleenexes handy. You are good
with drama/angst, and yet you also write really good "feel good" stories
(like Abrecan, and your hobbits).

But I think the best thing about your writing is the dialogue. I can see any
of your characters (canon or original) arguing, playing, engaging in lover's
talk, and it's almost like watching a movie. :-)

Keep writing, my friend. There is lots more where this came from!
Author: Rhapsody . ID: 279 . Books/Time: The Silmarillion (67): General
Reviewer: Alassante . 2005-09-15 17:08:13
Rhapsody continues to impress me with her writing style. It flows so well
and considering that English is not her first language that is amazing. You
would expect someone new to the language to be more stilted in their style
but I have never seen that with Rhapsody, even her earlier stories. As she
writes more, I see how much she is truly growing and I think by next year
she will be on fire. Her new story that is not nominated is great and I
truly enjoy reading it. She writes so you can picture the events in your
mind without struggling through one thousand descriptive words or a million
metaphors. Some of her stories and drabbles that are supposed to be sad are
truly heart wrenching. She knows how to write angst very well and has a way
with making sure you feel what the characters feel. And she is very
knowledgeable of the Tolkien world, which comes through in her writing as
well. Perhaps the fact I know she likes to work with graphic art as well, I
cannot help but think her talents with art colors her writing so she creates
a complete world for the reader to see.
Author: Ariel . ID: 162 . Races/Places: Hobbits (90): General
Reviewer: SilverMoonLady . 2005-09-15 18:00:46
What good can I not speak of this author, save to wish she would produce
more gems for my greedy consumption?
Ariel is what I would call a sure bet when it comes to fanfiction, and I
make that statement with absolutely no reservations. Whether it is a ficlet
or a multi-chaptered story, whether humorous, dramatic or sensuous, I have
never been disappointed. She writes very cleanly, both technically and
stylistically, with tight plots that ravel out to capture the imagination
and draw the reader to follow her on that gorgeous path her words trace out
with seeming ease. She has a true love for her characters and a deep
comprehension of the changes life's unexpected turns can effect, and both
are well in evidence in all of her work. There is a deep well of
understanding, about the world of Lord of the Rings and about life and
people in general, which forms and suffuses all the works that Ariel
presents to us. Long or short, her stories enfold the reader into a fully
rendered reality that I am always sorry to have to depart at the end.
In particular, she does something I envy with all my love, and that is to
lay out a gorgeously engrossing full-length story, as she has done with
'Fear'. Not a single loose thread, not a character out of balance through
all those chapters! And the chapters themselves are lovely little
masterpieces, whether introspective or highly interactive, that all push and
pull together in unified motion to slowly ramp up the tensions to their
wonderful climax. Several journeys are explored here, and none of them feels
shorted, and they are deftly mingled with a masterful hand!
There are a multitude of beautiful, uplifting, heart-rending reasons she
occupies my recommendation list!

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