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Msg# 5381

40 Final Reviews Today 9/15/2005 Posted by Ainaechoiriel September 16, 2005 - 1:30:01 Topic ID# 5381
Title: Watch Every Shadow . Author: Anso the Hobbit . Genres: Drama
(includes Angst): War of the Ring . ID: 920
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-15 10:30:43
'a darker shadow in all the blackness'. So much spookier - so much more
creepy than spur-jangling, door-crashing Nazgul. As is Merry's experience of
being interrogated. A horribly eerie feel to the tale.
Title: Rejoin the Dance . Author: Joan Milligan . Books/Time: The
Silmarillion: First Age . ID: 441
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-15 10:41:02
Poor Thingol. Poor Melian. The loss of Luthien must have been about the last
thing they expected. I can see her dancing - as if only in movement can she
pre-empt pain - and because life continues. Tolkien is full of cruel
divisions - but Melian is doing her best to help Thingol rejoin the living.
Shame it didn't last long.
Title: The Last Hour . Author: Citrine . Genres: Drama (includes Angst):
Gapfiller . ID: 465
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-15 10:44:09
Humour to ward off grief. And love shining through all.
Title: With Hope . Author: AfterEver . Genres: Drama (includes Angst):
Incomplete . ID: 501
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-15 11:07:54
This is very good - I find all the characters extremely likeable and the
situations and concerns realistic and three-dimensional. But it is NOT
FINISHED. More please.
Title: Homecoming . Author: Tanaqui . Genres: Romance . ID: 541
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-15 11:17:12
I feel for Eowyn - she has taken on a difficult role - but her relationship
with Faramir is strong enough to sustain her through it. Although she might
want to rethink her very last thought!
Title: Paths for the Dead . Author: James Walkswithwind . Genres: Drama
(includes Angst): Fourth Age . ID: 758
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-15 12:06:37
This is a lovely story - sad - but the reunion and the love it shows make it
all worthwhile. I love the way Pippin regains his memory as he is permitted
to take those steps on the path - and that they all come seeking him.

And the Afterlife as a bureaucracy. One where the lack of the correct
paperwork condemns you to a life on the outside. Isn't that just typical.
Title: Clearing the Heir . Author: Lindelea . Books/Time: The Lord of The
Rings: Incomplete . ID: 1114
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-15 12:22:26
This is a lovely story. Lobelia is so delightfully dense - thrusting Bilbo
into doing the exact opposite of what she wants - and the little Took lasses
are a joy. And I'm glad to agree that Bilbo certainly isn't a cracked pot.
And I'm happy that they offer honey to save him from having to have sugar in
his tea. Paladin is rather outnumbered in that household - he will delight
in the arrival of the next one. At least for a while! I enjoyed every minute
of this.
Title: A Letter Home . Author: Llinos . Races/Places: Hobbits: Pippin . ID:
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-15 12:26:45
What a lovely 'What-I-did-on-my-holidays' sort of letter. Just throwing in
the odd bit of key information while at the same time remaining chatty and
light - and placing exactly the same level of emphasis on tea and crumpets
as on nearly getting killed in battle. Deftly done and very amusing.

Title: A Tale That Grew in the Telling . Author: GamgeeFest . Genres: Drama
(includes Angst): The Shire . ID: 779
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-15 12:28:28
The longest bedtime story going. Daisy must have been kept up for nights!
But a great tale - and a most enjoyable read.
Title: Promises Promises . Author: Llinos . Races/Places: Hobbits: Children
. ID: 786
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-15 12:34:24
Good for Pippin. A loyal friend and a devoted one. Who could not be moved by
Title: Boromir's Gift . Author: SueB . Genres: Movie-verse . ID: 813
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-15 12:41:56
I love the idea that Boromir was gifted with the knowledge that his city
would be saved - his brother happy and the king restored. His devotion to
Gondor was such that he would see that as better than any elven jewels. This
is a most enjoyable story and I am glad to have found it here.
Title: Not So Long a Time . Author: Gravity . Genres: Drama (includes
Angst): Fourth Age . ID: 815
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-15 12:50:08
Such a touching story - about love, and brotherhood, and loss. And eight
minutes can seem a lifetime - and eight generations a blink. It all depends.
But Pippin and Merry were not, I think, divided for long in Aragorn's stone
city. I like the flow from one scene to another - and the repetition of the
key words.
Title: The Dress Code . Author: Auntiemeesh . Genres: Humor: Hobbits . ID:
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-15 12:55:06
Oh, I love this. Poor Sam - being forced into shockingly unsuitable,
gentlehobbit clothing. They should have handed him out a few old flour sacks
to turn into homespun simplicity. Whereas the Dandy and the Popinjay, of
course, would relish dealing with the tailors and seamstresses of outrageous
fortune. I'm glad Sam reconciled himself to the fancy clothing - he might
not have thought he deserved to be ranked among lords, but he was the only
Title: Second Born, Second Best? . Author: Marta . Genres: Non-Fiction: Men
. ID: 957
Reviewer: Tanaqui . 2005-09-15 13:03:17
Marta provides an interesting examination of the differences between the
movie and book versions of the relationship between Denethor and Faramir,
and the light it throws on Denethor's character in particular. She does a
good job of assembling evidence -- especially by referring to the drafts and
notes to be found in the History of Middle-earth -- to support her arguments
and conclusion that Jackson's movies made both their personal relationship
as father and son and "professional" relationship as commander and captain
more dysfunctional than Tolkien' book. This is a thought-provoking response
to the common perception within the fandom of these characters and their
Title: Awakening To Sleep . Author: Piplover (aka Pipfan) . Genres: Humor:
Hobbits . ID: 819
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-15 13:14:03
Well - a high Pippin. Some very interesting revelations, combined with some
remarkable behaviour. I think it might take Legolas a while to get over
being called Leggy and introduced to Pippin's new friend the tree. Not to
mention the confession of love. Merry was very good with Pippin - I should
think the elf will be grateful. One of the high points for me, though, was
when Pippin identified Gimli as Lobelia. Delightful story.
Title: Heartsong . Author: Piplover (aka Pipfan) . Books/Time: Post-Ring
War: Gap-Filler . ID: 825
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-15 13:21:27
What a lovely story. Poor Pippin - sitting their unable to play. The
recollection of the Hall of Fire is beautifully done (not least because of
Pippin's susceptibility to the charms of elf maidens!)

I'm sure the desire to play made him work his foot-fur off - and seeing him
play again at the end was delightful.
Title: So Other Men May Fight . Author: Marta . Races/Places: Gondor:
Drabble . ID: 958
Reviewer: Tanaqui . 2005-09-15 13:24:14
In this drabble, Marta has put together a wonderful gap-filler to show the
story behind Beregond's comment to Pippin that his own son would not leave
Minas Tirith. Marta shows us the wiles of a ten year old boy to persuade his
father to allow him to remain in the City, but those tactics also reveal
Bergil's fierce loyalty -- to father, friends and country -- and courage.
This is a well-drawn scene achieved mostly through sharply written dialogue
and strong interior monologue. A delightful read.
Title: Protecting His Own . Author: Kit5 (aka Pippinswolf) . Genres: Drama
(includes Angst): The Shire . ID: 839
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-15 13:37:08
What a fantastic display from Meriadoc the Magnificent - even though he is
young and not yet come into his full powers, he can put on a terrific show.
I was so pleased to see him squash Otho into the ground without raising as
much as a glow. Masterly from the future master.
Title: Interrupted Journeys: Part Two - Journeys Perforce . Author: elliska
. Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Mirkwood . ID: 1310
Reviewer: Alassante . 2005-09-15 15:02:00
Part Two of this wonderful series was just as great as Part One. Luckily
Ellisk does not suffer 'bad sequel syndrome' like so many movies and books
now adays. This one is focused on the changes between the days before Dol
Guldur and after and how it affected Thranduil's kingdom. Lindomiel is now
queen but once again, her role in the story is at the right level to what
her role would be in real life. His brother takes on a bigger role and I
really like his character a lot.

Once again, we get a glimpse into what the Thranduil's world is like. It
starts out peaceful then dramatically turns to the situation of the orcs
occupying Dol Guldur and what Thranduil has to do to save his people and his
realm. I love how Ellisk talked about the trees in the forest and how the
destruction of the trees affected the elves. This to me is very much in line
with Tolkien's version of Legolas being in tune with the trees in Fangorn.
Thranduil's people do not even want to destroy trees for goods they can sell
to Gondor and he has to convince them of the need. Thranduil's interaction
with Gandalf and Radagast was very well written. Ellisk has a firm grip on
her character and Thranduil never seems out of character. She includes more
canon characters that are well known such as Galadriel, Celeborn, and Elrond
as well and never seems to lose the proper characterization of them either.
Based on some of the quotes she uses from Unfinished Tales and how they
pertain to her story you can tell she did a lot of research on them. (Gosh
how many times more can I say character in one paragraph - basically her
characterization rocks!)

Her writing truly amazes me. Its full and rich like chocolate and just as
hard to walk away from. I look forward to reading more as she posts it.

Title: Interrupted Journeys: Part One - New Journeys . Author: elliska .
Genres: Drama (includes Angst): Mirkwood . ID: 1309
Reviewer: Alassante . 2005-09-15 15:03:24
Interrupted Journeys is the real deal. It is not a story wanna-be. It is a
full story complete with complex characters and an intriguing story line.
It's not about bedding incredibly hot elves or rewriting the fellowship with
a tenth member. It's more than a story - its an adventure.

Ellisk took an area that was left unexplored to a great degree with Tolkien
- Mirkwood and its Elven King - and made it three-dimensional. In this
story, Thranduil became more than Legolas' dad or the Elven King from the
hobbit. He became an elf with emotions, memories, and thoughts of his own.
His passion was not merely for some elleth, it was for everything in his
life. He wanted his kingdom to be one of happiness and prosperity full of
happy, hard working elves. His love of the world around him - trees, plants,
animals, etc. showed him to be a true wood elf yet he was anything but
'simple'. In the fan fiction world, too often is Thranduil portrayed as an
arrogant jerk or pervert or even worse yet, a child molesting rapist in some
of the slash world. *shivers* I was glad to see Thranduil portrayed in a way
that seemed real. People often forget that Legolas would not have turned out
so well if his father had not been a noble and honorable leader, father, and

The elleth that Thranduil is wooing in part one is so adorable. Lindomiel is
one of the OFCs that you remember and you don't sit there and roll your eyes
thinking 'oh my God how cheesy is that?' You enjoy her but she doesn't
overwhelm the story so its all about her. The curse of Mary Sue EEK!! Her
role in the story has been written perfectly in balance with Thranduil and
the other aspects of the story. This was not merely about the two of them
falling in love, it was also about setting the stage for Mirkwood. But the
pacing on the story and their relationship was perfect.

Ellisk's writing is wonderful and she draws me into her story. Its like
suddenly I look up and realize I just read 10 pages or 20 and it seemed to
fly by. It flows and is beautifully enriched by the other elves that are in
the village with them. Ellisk does not have minor characters. Even a
character with one line has his own personality come across in the few words
and/or actions. Truly good stuff here!

Title: The Machine That Changed the World . Author: Altariel . Genres: Drama
(includes Angst): Fourth Age . ID: 80
Reviewer: Azalais . 2005-09-15 15:19:31
Politics and sociology of Middle-earth in the Fourth Age - it's all here:
the business of artistic creation, the rebirth of Numenorean technology,
Manichaeaian cults, mass production, propaganda and censorship... and that
gloriously Pratchettesque last line from Aragorn, who has clearly been
enjoying the conflict between Amrothos's enthusiasm, Elphir's repressive
tendencies, and Faramir's romanticism enormously. Thought-provoking and
clever, but above all huge fun!
Title: A Destined Reckoning . Author: Gaslight . Genres: Movie-verse . ID:
Reviewer: obsidianj . 2005-09-15 15:23:26
Oh, Boromir, you should have ended it when you could. But maybe he would
have failed and then the whole quest might have been in vane. An interesting
encounter between Lurtz and Boromir. Lurtz gets here some character
development, which fits in with what we saw of the Uruk-Hai in the movies.
Title: Flame of the West . Author: Altariel . Races/Places: Gondor: Vignette
. ID: 1
Reviewer: Azalais . 2005-09-15 15:41:08
All the hallmarks of Altariel's writing of Faramir - courage, integrity,
self-knowledge - are here; and here begins what will clearly be a lifetime
relationship of loyalty and love with Aragorn. The idea of Faramir wanting
and needing to swear his fealty in case Aragorn doesn't come back is
terribly poignant, and of course Aragorn sees it for what it is and embraces
it. Altariel's gift for raw, loaded and accurate one-liners for Faramir -
""I would walk into the fire," he said, "if you commanded it." - here passes
to Aragorn too: "I would not lose all of you" - ouch. It wouldn't be painful
if it weren't so true.
Title: Weapons Against The Enemy . Author: Nancy Brooke . Books/Time: The
Lord of The Rings: Rivendell . ID: 631
Reviewer: Azalais . 2005-09-15 15:51:16
Humour, evocative description and strong character depiction make this a
delightful piece, but it's more than pleasant fluff; the parallels drawn
between the Shire and Gondolin, between the strength and bravery of the
great and the small, are very thought-provoking, and the last line tells.
Title: The Trees Remember . Author: VanatheEverYoung . Books/Time: Post-Ring
War: Incomplete . ID: 525
Reviewer: Alassante . 2005-09-15 16:16:06
I am very impressed with this story. Vana has done such an excellent job so

Vana has chosen a wonderful topic to write on. Since the thought of elves
coming to earth during the WWII is horrifying, the story is dramatic and
angsty. I have often wondered if any other being (other than humans) came to
our world, how we would explain some of the crimes humanity has committed,
much like the kinslaying. She makes comments that make you realize how much
damage humans have done to the world both each other and nature. The elves
are like the tree-huggers of our world and cannot understand why we have
done this to our planet. Add that to the horrible things we have done to
mankind, its sad. I remember one comment made about the rain being corrupted
which puts it into perspective.
Title: Echo . Author: Nancy Brooke . Races/Places: Gondor: Drabble . ID: 684
Reviewer: Alassante . 2005-09-15 16:22:37
Nancy does great with drabbles. She manages to convey a great deal in 100
words. This one was touching because it was about Pippin's thoughts on
Boromir. Considering that Boromir died defending him and Merry, I imagine
Pippin would feel a sense of guilt for his death. But Echo focuses on his
sadness that the room seemed so normal that he half expected Boromir to
enter and yell at him. And the heartwrenching part is that he never would.
Very sad and haunting.
Title: Devil of Kindness . Author: Nancy Brooke . Books/Time: Gap-Filler:
Drabble . ID: 685
Reviewer: Alassante . 2005-09-15 16:31:01
This drabble is different because it feels almost like a poem. It has rhythm
and it flows beautifully. The subject is good too considering the challenge
was regret. Gandalf was a Maia and he was deceived by his mentor, which in
turn allowed Sauron to continue to fester in Dol Guldur gaining strength.
Nancy portrayed all of the wonders of Middle Earth with her elegant words
than compares them to the darkness of evil. And in fact Gandalf was in
darkness as well for he was misguided. This is an eloquently written and
very stylistic drabble.

Title: The World Within . Author: Minuialeth . Genres: Drama (includes
Angst): Incomplete . ID: 978
Reviewer: Isil Elensar . 2005-09-15 16:31:23
I adore this story for three reasons.

One, because it is so heart-wrenching and moving that you feel it with every
word written. You write so dramatic/angsty romance so well, Min.
Two, because even though the mood is rather dark, in my opinion, there is
also the faint glimmer of hope. One can see, it, reach for it, and though it
might still be just out of reach, it's there for the taking.
Three, it is still a WiP, which means there is more to come. I, for one,
vote for a happy ending for both characters. :-)

I've told you many times that I am very enthralled in this story, and that
I'm very greedy. More, please? ;-)
Title: Nimloth's Grace . Author: Rhapsody . Books/Time: The Silmarillion:
Second Age . ID: 434
Reviewer: Alassante . 2005-09-15 16:50:22
Rhapsody's writing shows consistent growth, which is a wonderful thing. This
story really caught my attention because it was about something I do not
normally see and/or read about. Most people do not write about Isildur prior
to the last alliance and receiving the ring. I really enjoyed seeing that
side of him as well as a peak into the world of Numenor. I do not know the
whole story about the days prior to the sinking so I am not sure which
characters are considered canon as far as Lady Tinwe and Baragund but I
liked the two of them a lot. She is descriptive without being boring and her
story moved along nicely. Very enjoyable as well as being well written,
Rhapsody is definitely putting her own stylish touches on the Lord of the
Rings fan fiction world.
Title: Runes in the leaves . Author: Rhapsody . Genres: Mystery . ID: 768
Reviewer: Alassante . 2005-09-15 17:00:39
Rhapsody has written an adorable story with this one. I thought this story
was mysterious at first and very intriguing yet the ending was sweet and
touching. I am not a hobbit fiction reader on a normal basis but this one
was very nice. Pippin was very much Tolkien's Pippin yet older. You could
sense the maturity on him which is a testament to how well Rhapsody "got"
that character. She was able to write him with some maturity on him without
changing the character. The elf/ranger,Elfaron, was a nice original
character and the villagers, Diamond, and Pippin's children added to the
overall effect. Jasmine was simply adorable in the end. While it was a
mystery it was not a heavy read which would have felt somehow wrong since it
was about Hobbits. It had the right amount of simplicity to it to make it
realistic to the halflings who enjoy the simple things in life. It was nice
to see Pippin as an "adult" as he was so childlike in the Lord of the Rings.
Title: Price of Delay . Author: viv . Genres: Drama (includes Angst):
Drabble . ID: 782
Reviewer: Alassante . 2005-09-15 17:24:19
This drabble is a typical a Viv creation. As always her writing humbles me
and makes me think, "Thats who I want to be like when I grow up and become a
real writer." Around Open Scrolls Archive, our little Viv is a very high
standard that we all strive to even come close to reaching. Her true
personality comes out in her writing all of the time and you see a part of
her heart in this one.

This drabble is beautiful, elegant, sad, touching, moving - all the things a
drabble about Elu Thingol's death should be. Since the drabble challenge was
to write one on regret, it makes her subject a well chosen one. The line
about him feeling Melian's hot tears on his hand was very touching and
angst-filled. Her knowledge of her characters and the event was obvious and
she really stuck you in the scene with her descriptive and flowing writing
with her always perfect pacing. And she does this all within one hundred

She is really a truly amazing writer. One day she will realize how great a
writer she is and leave the fan fiction world to write a best seller.
Hopefully she will still stay and play in our world for a while though. Due
to her love of dwarves, elves, and scruffy rangers, its likely she might
play in Tolkien's world for some time now!
Title: Moving Mountains . Author: SilverMoonLady . Races/Places: Hobbits .
ID: 627
Reviewer: Alassante . 2005-09-15 17:40:43
Moving Mountains was a real surprise. In addition to the fact I do not read
hobbit fictions normally and, therefore, do not know any of the hobbits
except the main five, I also have never expected to see a story about a
topic such as postpartum depression. There are stories of the elves that
talk about elves fading due to grief and the stories of men that talk about
mental health issues like insanity such as Denathor or being "possessed" as
Theoden was. In fact I do believe I have read about both Denathor wife and
Theoden's sister suffering from depression but I am not sure if that is
canon or fanon. But to talk about something wrong with a (normally seen as
happy) hobbit that only now in modern times do we realize how serious it can
be (postpartum depression) is truly a mark of a daring writer.
SilverMoonLady tackled the subject from various angles, the anger at her
brother that the sister in law felt as well as the helplessness of the
oldest daughter who tried to keep it from her father how bad it was. It was
good to see how it did affect the various people involved. Even though Merry
and Pippin were both in the story, neither was the main character, which is
another departure from the normal, a mark of a brave writer. But as usual,
SilverMoonLady does not disappoint and has valid reasons to be a brave
writer - she has incredible writing skills that allow her to write whatever
she wants and excel at it. She could probably write an Algebra book and make
the subject seem beautiful and elegant as well as interesting.
Title: The Mark of a... Warrior? . Author: Ariel . Races/Places:
Cross-Cultural: Humor . ID: 133
Reviewer: SilverMoonLady . 2005-09-15 18:09:05
This is a wonderful piece of humor, so very very based in the realities we
all know, and yet still in the spirit of the setting. There is little doubt
in anyone's mind, certainly after reading this, that something very like
this !had! to have happened somewhere along the way! I particularly loved
how much personality Ariel managed to express in very few words, by the
simple, often short interactions of the Fellowship. And to have so called
'potty humor' in fanfic and it not be crass, gross or just plain icky is a
testament to this lady's ability to make words dance as she wills! Needless
to say, being, a woman, a mother, a sister and an avowed tomboy, I laughed
my little rear end off throughout the piece, and I keep close at hand when I
need to remember to humor the lads in my life: their all just lads after
Title: Boromir's Gift . Author: SueB . Genres: Movie-verse . ID: 813
Reviewer: obsidianj . 2005-09-15 20:01:47
This is a beautifully written, heartwarming story about Boromir's last
moments. I never noticed that Boromir didn't receive a gift in the movie
version until the umpteenth run through. This explanation of the missing
gift is very uplifting and touching. I like it even better than the gift he
gets in the books. Although I can't imagine Tolkien would ever have written
it this way, I like it very much.

Title: The Thrush Who Saved Laketown . Author: jen_loves_elves . Books/Time:
The Hobbit: Vignette . ID: 432
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-15 20:53:04
*snork* Now, this was a fun read! Nice less-than-savory glimpse into a
less-than-savory people.
Title: Shadows of the Past . Author: Celandine Brandybuck . Races/Places:
Elves: Lothlorien . ID: 1058
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-15 20:55:56
How odd to think of Gimli and Haldir having any sort of connection or
likeness. But you manage it here, and tell us a little more about both of
us. There was also some nice musing on being separated from ones you love in
dangerous times. Well done, Cel.
Title: The Sky Wept Diamonds . Author: Elen Kortirion . Races/Places:
Gondor: Boromir and Faramir . ID: 710
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-15 20:56:17
I must admit, I don't have the first clue what a lot of the symbolism meant,
but I could tell that the people who were supposed to know did. What I could
understand seemed consistent with what we know of canon, but also vague
enough that it could be encouraging and discouraging at the same time --
which is the way with such things, often enough. The voice of the narrator
also worked well. And I don't think I've ever thought of Denethor as being
an indulgent one, but if anyone could make him that way it would be
Finduilas. Well told.
Title: Leavetakings . Author: Celandine Brandybuck . Races/Places: Gondor:
Denethor and Finduilas . ID: 188
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-15 20:57:36
I think my favourite thing about all of Celandine's stories is how well she
handles interactions, especially family dynamics. And the Steward's family
is not an easy family to capture, but Cel does it with her usual flair.
Which is good, because thiss story about Finduilas saying good-bye to those
she loves as she prepares to die has to be about relationships by its very
nature. There is angst of course, but light-hearted moments and just
generally good story-telling.
Title: High Flight . Author: Jay of Lasgalen . Books/Time: The Hobbit:
Vignette . ID: 419
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-15 21:00:15
So many of the stories that came out of this challenge focus on the War of
the Ring. Fitting, of course, as most Tolkien fanfic centres on that time,
too. But it was really nice to see a story that centred on "The Hobbit". And
what an unusual perspective! You have captured the eagles so well, both
their distance and the daringness of youth, but also the honour that I
believe you would see in the race that were the servants of Manwe. The old
eagle's statement that he has never listened to the advice of healers (and
that breath-catching description of his flight!) was so well done, as was
the bit of foreshadowing there toward the end. All in all a very nice read.
Title: Pitfalls of the Palantir . Author: Haleth . Races/Places:
Cross-Cultural: Humor . ID: 1296
Reviewer: Bodkin . 2005-09-16 00:55:23
I had been reading this at SoA - so I was really excited to find here that
there was a finished version with lots more chapters. I love this. I didn't
think I would, so I was a slow starter on it, but it is a fantastic romp.
Haleth is a great character - full of contradictions and appearing to be
absolutely unaware how she managed to get in this predicament - but there
are hints and suggestions about her that are fascinating and I find that I
want to know about her as much as Inglor does. Equally, I want to know about
Inglor. What is he doing going around in her company? What does he know that
he isn't letting on about? The ring was a fascinating touch - and I found
myself hoping that I could search out a sequel somewhere that would tell me
more about these characters. As for secondary characters - Daisy is a
delight, as is Lily. The thought of this beautiful gilded elf being pursued
by all females with their tongues hanging out in burning lust. And, too, of
Haleth's certainty that those in Rivendell are desperated to protect Inglor
from the pollution of her company. And so many hints! I just wish I could
sneak a look at your backstory - it's all so tantalising. Thank you for
writing this - I thoroughly enjoyed the amount of time it took to read it
and will probably read it again so I can mull over the details. Good story.

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