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Msg# 5391

8 Final Reviews 9/18/2005 Posted by Ainaechoiriel September 19, 2005 - 1:13:11 Topic ID# 5391
Title: Legolas of Mirkwood, Prince Among Equals . Author: Ellen Brundige .
Genres: Non-Fiction: Elves . ID: 620
Reviewer: Tanaqui . 2005-09-18 07:34:21
This essay provides a very good guide to what Tolkien actually wrote about
Legolas for those who have come to Tolkien's works through the movies and
who are not familiar with Tolkien's posthumously published writings -- and
therefore may be labouring under certain misconceptions about Legolas. The
relatively informal style is well suited to this audience, although I found
the overall structure somewhat unclear. However, this piece does a good job
of assembling the available evidence about Legolas and initiating a
discussion about its meaning.
Title: Haudh-en-Elleth . Author: Ellisande . Books/Time: The Silmarillion:
Poetry . ID: 712
Reviewer: Tanaqui . 2005-09-18 07:35:17
This poem, which uses an unusual metre, includes some very striking imagery
to convey the impact of Turin's grief and guilt over the death of Finduilas.
Title: Learning To Walk . Author: Nickey . Books/Time: The Lord of The
Rings: Hobbits . ID: 760
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-18 14:20:30
Pippin certainly seems the restless hobbit, even for a tweenager. That's
most obvious in the movies but even in bookverse we see hints of it: the
throwing of the pebble down the well in Moria, the way he tells his full
name and story to Treebeard, the picking up of the palantir at Isengard, the
pledging of his service to Denethor. I can see that it would be hard for him
to take anything seriously, even when he wanted to. Not that he's fickle,
but he's so exuberant. If he's like the friends of this sort I know he would
act just like you did. Through several sketches throughout Pip's life you
have given us an endearing but also enlightening picture of the Took, and
also given us a glimpse of the struggle he faced by his mere decision to
join the Quest.
Title: Refuge . Author: Tanaqui . Races/Places: Elves: Drabble . ID: 1375
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-18 14:37:53
You know, I've read this piece before, but one thing that caught me this
time was how Elrond sought safety in the north. Of course that makes sense
given the immediate threat, but I wonder whether Elrond would have thought
about his childhood and Angband. Not that Rivendell is anywhere near Angband
(as I understand it we're talking different sides of the Lune Mountains),
but the general geographic direction is there. He has effectively lived long
enough that his whole world has flip-flopped.

But what I really loved with this drabble is what you've done with Elrond's
character. If anything, this is the Elrond of "The Hobbit" -- not yet weary
of Middle-earth, not dealing with the loss of his daughter, but simply
someone who wishes to help those in similar positions to his own. A kindly
prince (though he's not officially a prince), a good guardian, a giver of
great gifts (most importantly knowledge and simple comfort). The fact that
one of his first thoughts is to help others is truly telling. I like it!

And then there's that white star. For some reason I immediately thought,
"elen sila lumenn omentielvo". Probably not what you intended, but it seemed
to create an almost fate-blessed connection between lord and land. This is
particularly true given the connection the ring gives him with Rivendell's
water. Of course, probably closer to the mark is that you have his father
blessing the peace he finds, at least for the moment. Either way, it's a
beautiful reference.

Was that really only a hundred words? I'm impressed.

Title: Marred Stars . Author: Bejai . Races/Places: Elves: First Age . ID:
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-18 14:38:17
Nice job on this one. It seems that for Elmo at least, the destination is
not as important as the journey -- and just ecause he's reached the "end of
the road", it doesn't mean he has to stop journeying; he can find new areas
to explore. Also I really liked what this piece did with Galadriel's
statement that Celeborn gives gifts beyond the power of king. Sometimes a
child is more powerful.
Title: The Wings of the Shadow . Author: Aprilkat . Genres: Romance . ID:
Reviewer: obsidianj . 2005-09-18 20:06:39
A nice romance between Faramir and Frodo.I like it that it is not overly
sappy. Frodo still sounds like Frodo, Faramir like Faramir and Sam is Sam.

My favorite character in this fic is Ioreth. Her rambling and no-nonsense
attitude is refreshing.
Title: The Dark Places . Author: Citrine . Books/Time: The Lord of The
Rings: Hobbits . ID: 1152
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-18 23:28:24
Oh, nice job characterising the four hobbits! Especially Pippin. It must
have been frustrating: as a tweenager he was just at the age when he wanted
to stretch his legs and he's away from family and home, but he's probably
under tighter watch than ever in his whole life, especially after the
incident at the Prancing Pony. You portrayed his physical terror and his
eventual acceptance that trhe fellowship was all interconnected very well.
Title: The Weaving is the Easy Part . Author: Gwynnyd . Races/Places: Elves:
Drabble . ID: 1305
Reviewer: Marta . 2005-09-18 23:37:24
Nice look into Arwedn's thoughts as she weaves Aragorn's banner, and the
parallel that her task had to a more stereotypically heroic act. And the
drabble itself was nicely done; you animate her craft like only someone who
has spent some time around a loom could.

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